01-10-05 v~~
JANUARY 10, 2005
Mayor John Meserve City Manager Jim Hanson
Mayor Pro Tem Richard Beaver City Clerk Donna L. Bussey
Commissioner Paul B. Parsons City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons
Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters III
Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation
given by Mayor Meserve was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
December 13, 2004
Motion• Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
December 13, 2004 as presented.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 5-Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
Courtesy of the Floor 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors
Valerie Britt of 378 Tilefish Court and on behalf of Pablo Point
Civic Association at 71 San Pablo Road North commented on two
items: (1) She spoke in favor of keeping the Kennedy naval ship at the base
in Mayport. Ms. Britt recognized that the Pablo Point Civic Association has
a history of military officers in the neighborhood and mentioned the
importance of the naval base to local economy. (2) Ms. Britt expressed
concern that city money used to retain outside Counsel was spent by
Counsel questioning legitimacy of the address of Pablo Point Civic
Association. She discussed the history of the establishment of the PPCA
address and stated that it is correct and will be kept. Ms. Britt also
discussed a lack of compliancy of postal regulations regarding mail sent to
their address by the Board's Counsel.
John Moreland of 1707 2"d Street South, Jacksonville Beach identified
himself as the Chairperson of the Beaches Resource Center (BRC) and
discussed the services they provide to the Beaches Community. He
identified Atlantic Beach students as being among the recipients of these
services and explained the Center's request for funds from all three local
beach communities. Mr. Moreland provided the board with a handout
~,,,,,, describing the goals and services of the Beaches Resource Center. A copy
of Mr. Moreland's handout is attached hereto as Attachment A.
Gale Leas of 1915 Oak Circle expressed her support of the
Beaches Resource Center and spoke in favor of the Commission providing
the funding requested by the Beaches Resource Center. Ms. Leas urged the
board to approve the original requested amount of $2000 and to create a
line-item in the city budget for these funds.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings
A. City Manager's Follow-up Report
City Manager Hanson reported on the following three items:
1. He informed the board that the Parliamentary Procedures Workshop,
originally scheduled for January 19, 2005, was rescheduled due to a conflict
in the presenter's schedule. The new date for this workshop is Wednesday,
January 26, 2005, 6:OOpm-8:OOpm in the Commission Chambers. He
invited all City board and committee appointments to attend and stated that
the workshop is open to the public.
.., 2. The City Manager gave afollow-up report on a subdivision waiver
requested by the Frosios at the last Commission meeting. At the meeting
held on December 13, 2004, the Commission did not approve the Frosios'
request to subdivide a lot on Club Drive. The Frosios have since negotiated
with their neighbors in order to buy the additional property needed to create
two standard size lots.
3. City Manager Hanson reported on a Hazardous Waste Collection that
took place Saturday, January 8, 2005 at the City Hall parking lot. He stated
that records were broken for attendance, with a 37% increase compared to
last January 2004. Commissioner Beaver commended the City Staff on its
organization of the event.
4. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Waters requested that Item C be removed from the Consent
Agenda for discussion.
A. Acknowledge receipt of Public Works and Utility Department
Monthly Report for December, Financial Report for November,
and Report of New Occupational Licenses issued in December
(City Manager)
B. Blower Replacement at Wastewater Plant #2 (City Manager)
~^ Motion• To approve Consent Agenda Items A-B as presented.
There was no discussion.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
C. Approve Request from the Cultural Arts and Recreation
Committee to donate $1,200 to the Beaches Resource Center
Foundation for the purpose of literacy (City Manager)
Commissioner Waters questioned the reason for reducing the original
donation amount from $2000 to $1200. He stated that he concurred with
citizens' comments regarding the importance of the services provided by
the Beaches Resource Center. He noted that Jacksonville Beach created a
line item in their budget for funding the BRC. Commissioner Waters
recommended that the City of Atlantic Beach move the appropriation to
$2000 and make the funding aline-item. Commissioner Parsons seconded
the motion.
Motion• To approve a $2,000 donation to the Beaches Resource Center
and put it as a line-item in the City budget.
... Moved by Waters, seconded by Parsons
Commissioner Parsons echoed Commissioner Waters' sentiments. He
stated that the BRC is a good cause and agreed that the City should make it
aline-item in the budget, should give at least $2000 now and should revisit
it in the Budget again in the future.
Mayor Meserve offered a different perspective and discussed the following
concerns: (1) Several other organizations had similar budget requests for
operational funds; (2) There were conflicts with the city ordinance which
says the City does not give money to charities; and (3) The City would have
to chose from a large number of good causes deserving of donations. The
Mayor stated that he did not believe it is part of what the board is formed to
do as a small city government. Mayor Meserve expressed his strong
support of the Beaches Resource Center, however he had concerns for the
direction the line-item precedent would establish for the City.
Commissioner Waters stated the City had experience in drawing boundaries
between charities and services for citizens and this issue was not without
Upon further discussion, Commissioner Waters withdrew his motion to
approve the $2,000 donation to the Beaches Resource Center and put it
""" as a line-item in the City budget and Commissioner Parsons withdrew
his second.
Commissioner Waters recommended adding the budget issue to the Cultural
Arts and Recreation Committee agenda. Commissioner Parsons agreed.
Commissioner Simmons indicated that if the Commission was to pursue
charitable giving, then there was a need to workshop in order to create a set
of standards to follow. She believed that the issue had been given to the
Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee to consider within their budget and
did not feel comfortable overriding their decision.
Commissioner Beaver echoed Commissioner Simmons' statements to
adhere to the budgetary decision made by the Cultural Arts and Recreation
Commissioner Parsons received confirmation from the Mayor that the
money would come out of the Cultural Arts budget. He then agreed that the
Board should not override the decision made by the Cultural Arts
Motion• To approve a $2,000 one-time donation to the Beaches
Resource Center as part of the City's charitable giving.
Moved by Waters, seconded by Parsons
Aye: 2 -Parsons, Waters
Nay: 3 -Beaver, Simmons, Meserve
The Mayor asked for any alternative motion from the prevailing side.
Motion• To support the recommendation from the Cultural Arts and
Recreation Committee to donate $1,200 to the Beaches Resource
Center Foundation for the purpose of literacy
Moved by Beaver, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
Committee Reports 5. Committee Reports
A. Committee Report on the Community Development Board
members (Commissioner Simmons)
'' Commissioner Simmons reported that the Chair for the Community
Development Board was out of town and not able to attend the committee
meeting. She reported that the Chair met with the two board members
whose first terms were expiring and were eligible for a second term and that
the Chair was comfortable with the two members returning. The
Community Development Director agreed and the committee decided to
recommend to the Commission that the terms for the two members be
renewed. Commissioner Simmons identified the two board members
referenced as Lynn Drysdale and David Maclrmes.
Motion• To reappoint Lynn Drysdale and Daavid MacInnes to serve
on the Community Development Board for a second term.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
Action on Resolutions 6. Action on Resolutions
Action on Ordinances 7. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 60-04-15, Public Hearing and Final Reading
60-03-13; TO ADD NEW SECTION 17-29 (a) (3) v.; PROVIDING
The Mayor read the ordinance by title and commented that the ordinance
referred to authorizing small bracket signs in the Town Center area.
The Mayor opened the floor to public discussion on the ordinance. Mr.
Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive stated that he had concerns with the
maximum allowable size being set at 10'X6'. After the Commission
clarified that the correct maximum allowable size was 2' X 3', Mr. Kuti
stated that he had no problem with the ordinance.
There were no further public comments. The Mayor closed the public
hearing and asked the Commission for discussion. There was no further
~, Motion: To approve Ordinance No. 60-04-15 on final reading.
Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
Miscellaneous Business 8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Request from George Bull, Jr., on behalf of Tom Petway, seeking
a waiver from the 25-foot height limit within the Central Business
District to allow exterior elements to extend to a height of 31-feet
as part of renovations to an existing commercial building at 375
Atlantic Boulevard (former Famous Amos restaurant location)
(City Manager)
Motion: To approve request from George Bull, Jr., on behalf of Tom
Petway, for a waiver from the 25-foot height limit within the Central
Business District to allow exterior elements to extend to a height of 31-
feet as part of renovations to an existing commercial building at 375
Atlantic Boulevard.
Sonya Doerr, Community Development Director, provided background
information on the property and the owner's request. Ms. Doerr discussed
the provisions in the Comprehensive Plan amendments which allow for such
waivers based on the Commission's approval. Ms. Doerr displayed
photographs of surrounding areas that included structures which where also
two-storied and/or exceed the maximum 25-foot height limit.
Discussion from the Commission ensued. Commissioner Waters questioned
reasons for the proposed second story height of 12 feet. George Bull, Jr, on
behalf of 375 Atlantic Boulevard, explained the considerations involved in
that decision. Commissioner Waters questioned if the waiver fell within the
Comprehensive Plan's intention for architectural design elements. Ms.
Doerr responded and indicated that the purpose of the requested height was
part of the design element of the building.
Commissioner Waters inquired whether Mr. Bull intended to have his
sidewalk continue the brick pavers of Town Center. Mr. Bull responded that
he would certainly consider continuation of the brick pavers.
Further discussion ensued regarding the structures on the surrounding
properties and the process for continuing the brick pavers. Commissioner
Simmons inquired about Mr. Bull's intentions for landscaping the property.
She expressed concerns regarding paved surfaces and recommended
consideration of continuing the palm tree colonnade onto Mr. Bull's
property. Mr. Bull responded that all those landscaping items would be
taken into consideration.
., Commissioner Beaver inquired if the vestibule of the building still existed.
Mr. Bull responded that the vestibule was removed and his building would
remain within the required setback. Commissioner Beaver expressed his
support for continuing the same Town Center style as the commercial
district expands westerly. No further discussion.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
B. Approve agreement with the Beaches Area Historical Society
and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement on
behalf of the City (City Manager)
City Manager Hanson provided background information on the item and
reported that the Beaches Area Historical Society provided a copy of a
similar agreement they had with Jacksonville Beach. City Attorney Jensen
drafted the agreement presented to match needs of Atlantic Beach. The
City Manager recommended authorization of the agreement.
Commissioner Waters proposed the amending Item lb of the agreement to
state the following: "Provide equal access to all citizens as well as provide
open access to all records of the Historical Society to the public and allow
the public to obtain copies of archival material at the applicant's expense."
Commissioner Simmons recommended that the amendment be listed as a
stand-alone item in the agreement.
Motion: To approve the amendment to the agreement with the Beaches
Area Historical Society.
Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
Motion: To approve the agreement with the Beaches Area Historical
Society, as amended.
Moved by Waters, seconded by Parsons
"~ Votes:
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
.. C. Authorize staff to negotiate with the top-ranked firm(s) for
architectural services relative to an expansion of the Public
Safety Building (City Manager)
Motion: To authorize staff to negotiate with the top-ranked firm(s) for
architectural services relative to an expansion of the Public Safety
City Manager Hanson stated that the design would primarily be an
expansion of the dispatch area of the Public Safety building which is
currently a very cramped space for employees working within it. Chief
Thompson and Don Ford, Building Official, reviewed and ranked the
architectural firms who responded to the proposal. The City Manager asked
for permission to negotiate with the top-ranked firm.
Commission Parsons expressed favor to move forward with plans for
expanding the Public Safety dispatch area.
Commission Beaver inquired how much square footage was being planned.
Chief Thompson replied he was currently unsure until further
communication with the architects ensued. Chief Thompson indicated that
most of the added area would be used for office space.
Commissioner Waters asked who the top-ranked firm was. Chief
Thompson responded that it was Fleet & Associates.
Commissioner Parsons asked if the parking lot area had could be considered
for the needed extra space. Chief Thompson responded that it could not be
used since extra parking space would also be a necessary component of the
expansion plans.
Moved by Waters, seconded by Parsons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
D. Authorize staff to negotiate with the top-ranked firm(s) for
engineering services for the Five Points Intersection
Improvements Project (City Manager)
Motion: To authorize staff to negotiate with the top-ranked firm(s) for
engineering services for the Five Points Intersection Improvements
Mayor Meserve asked for the meaning of HDR. A member of the audience
replied that it referred to a connection the engineering company had with
Omaha, Nebraska. No further discussion ensued.
.. Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
E. Authorize staff to negotiate with the top-ranked firm(s) for
engineering services for the Ocean Blvd -13th Street Drainage
Improvements Project (City Manager)
~rvices for the Ocean Blvd -
Improvements Prolect
Commissioner Parsons asked what exactly was involved in the project.
Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, addressed the questions of the
Commission regarding the scope of the project and the specific areas
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Beaver
,., Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
F. Request for aUse-by-Exception to allow for the sale of used
automobiles and also Heavy Automotive Repair services for
property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District
located at 1800 Mayport Road (City Manager)
Motion: To approve request for aUse-bv-Exception to allow for the
sale of used automobiles and also Heavy Automotive Repair services
for commercial property located at 1800 Mayport Road
Community Development Director Doerr presented the background and
information regarding the Use by Exception request. She stated that the
Community Development Board recommended approval of such request.
Mayor Meserve opened the item to public discussion. There was no
discussion. Mayor Meserve closed the public hearing and brought the item
before Commissioners for discussion.
Commissioner Parsons requested clarification of the term, "Heavy
Automotive Repair". Applicant, Eduardo A. Medina of 272 Beech Brook
Street, Jacksonville FL, introduced himself and responded to the question.
Commissioner Beaver expressed similar concerns regarding major repairs.
•. Sonya Doerr responded and distinguished the difference between Minor
Automotive Repair and Heavy Automotive Repair.
Commissioner Beaver expressed concerns regarding the necessity for
improving Mayport Road and for enforcing the Use-by-Exceptions
authorized by the Commission. Commissioner Waters expressed similar
concerns regarding granting Use-by-Exceptions and the number of used car
lots on Mayport Road. Commissioner Simmons shared similar concerns
but commented that the business already exists and the applicant is before
the Commission only because the property had changed ownership.
Mayor Meserve further commented on the status of Mayport Road as a light
industrial area and stated he believed that Mayport Road is going in the
right direction of redevelopment. Mayor Meserve requested that the
applicant make all efforts possible to create an attractive facade at his
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Beaver
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
G. Authorize staff to draft an ordinance amending Chapter 22 on
utilities to allow billing adjustments for excess water
consumption resulting from leaks (City Manager)
Motion: To authorize staff to draft an ordinance amending Chapter 22
on utilities to allow billing adjustments for excess water consumption
resulting from leaks
Mayor Meserve provided background information on the billing process and
rates for high water consumption. He stated that currently residents who
have a water leak get charged a higher rate even though the water was not
used. City Manager Hanson reported that staff's recommendation is to be
authorized to prepare an ordinance for the Commission's consideration that
would allow the customers with leaks to be charged the standard rate rather
than the higher rate for increased water usage. He also recommended that
the lower rate be used for one-time situations such as filling up pools. City
Manager Hanson stated that the higher rate was intended as a deterrent to
wasting water through practices such as over-watering landscape. He
believed it was a good recommendation from the Finance Department.
Commissioner Parsons questioned allowable time frame for water leak to
continue. City Manager Hanson explained that they do not consider the
situation until the citizen has proven that the leak is fixed.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve
Nay: 0
City Manager 9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report
City Manager Hanson reported on each item of his written report. The
report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B.
Parking Lease for 10`h Street Condominiums
Commissioner Beaver commented that the signage involved with this
project needs to be consistent with the City's signage and inquired who
creates the signage. Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, responded to
the Commissioner's questions. Commissioner Beaver was satisfied with
the City's involvement in that process.
Septic Tank Conversions
City Manager Hanson asked for any input for further adjustment to the
City's policy regarding incentives and enforcement of this issue.
Commissioner Waters spoke in favor of offering additional incentives
again. Commissioner Beaver asked if the City could send reminder notices
to the remaining 57 septic tank owners. City Manager Hanson replied that
the City had sent notices and recommended that the City personally contact
each owner again if there are any changes in the policy. Commissioner
Beaver commented that the owners who took advantage of the original
incentives should not feel penalized for doing so in a timely fashion.
Mayor Meserve proposed a policy change that would offer a loan program
at a competitive rate. He also recommended that the City not charge the
owners through their utility bill, but rather make it a lien against the house.
Commissioner Simmons believed there should be a cap placed on the lien
amount. Commissioner Waters felt comfortable with the lien idea. City
Manager Hanson stated he would prepare a report for the next meeting.
City Manager Hanson then reported on the following items which were
brought to his attention after he prepared the report.
City Manager Hanson reported that city contractors will be replacing the
Aztec grass around palm trees in Town Center with Asparagus fern. He
stated that they believe the Asparagus fern would survive better than the
Aztec grass. He reported that the City of Atlantic Beach and Neptune
Beach will split the cost.
City Manager reported on the status of beach renourishment. He stated that
the Corps of Engineers received new information used to calculate the
amount of sand needed for the project. He reported that the additional sand
cost would be paid 100% by Federal funds because all of the expense is a
result of hurricane damage. The City Manager reported that Dune
Reconstruction is being discussed between the Corps of Engineers and the
City. City Manager Hanson stated that this project would be 100% local
cost with some State help. He stated that they expect the project to bid in
mid-February and hope to have it completed between May 15th and
September 15th. City Manager Hanson passed around a letter from Kevin
Bodge, the City's consultant for the project, which gives a summary of the
renourishment. A copy of his letter is attached and made part of this official
record as Attachment C. The City Manager quoted Mr. Bodge in the letter
as stating that "... the project is presently on solid ground -physically,
fiscally, and schedule-wise".
No further discussion.
Reports/Requests 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City
City Commissioners Attorney
City Attorney
City Attorney Alan Jensen
• Reported that he hopes to have the deed to Aquatic Garden Pond
this month.
Commissioner Beaver
• Asked if the City Police automatically get dispatched when the Fire
Department receives a call. Chief Thompson replied and explained
the procedure involved with 911 calls received by dispatch.
• Commented on the increase in Comcast Cable rates and inquired
about the history of their rates. City Manager Hanson noted that the
Federal government passed an Act in 1996 which removed cities
from having any control over the cable service. Commissioner
Beaver stated he would pursue the issue due to the fact that Comcast
is the only cable provider for the City.
• Announced that he would be absent for the next Commission
meeting in two weeks. He will be attending a meeting in
Washington DC as a representative for a commercial property
owners organization to which he belongs.
Commissioner Simmons
• Inquired about the regulations governing towing signs. Chief
Thompson responded and explained the statutes regarding the signs
and policies involved. Commissioner Simmons expressed concerns
that the towing signs are counterproductive to the parking problems
at the beaches.
Commissioner Parsons
• Inquired about the Little League organization using the City's
marquee for advertising.
• Reported that he had received comments that the trees in the
medians look great and congratulated Timmy Johnson, Director of
Parks and Recreation, on a job well done.
• Recommended to Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, the need
to keep everyone informed on 13th and 15th Street drainage project in
order to answer questions and phone calls.
• Commented on a newspaper article he read regarding Jacksonville
Beach and Neptune Beach intending to repair some of their drains
and dump them into Hopkins Creek.
Commissioner Waters
• Reported a comment from a friend who thought the cigarette butt
receptacles placed in Town Center are effective and appreciated the
City staff efforts with that.
• Commented to Chief Thompson that the new design for the Five
Points Intersection may impede fire trucks needing to turn west onto
Plaza. Chief Thompson replied he would look into this issue.
• Recommended attending Northeast Florida League of Cities' dinner
meeting this month in St. Augustine.
• Discussed issue of reducing amount of city signage. Asked about
possibility of changing or removing crosswalk signs. Chief
Thompson replied that crosswalk signs need to remain visible.
• Recommended cutting the asparagus fern in Town Center less and
letting it grow more.
Mayor Meserve
• Reported that he attended meetings with Congressman Crenshaw and
Councilman Lad Daniels supporting Kennedy naval ship. Stated there
are other options available if the Kennedy gets de-commissioned.
Adjournment There being no further
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
declared the meeting
Donna L. Bussey
City Clerk
Atlantic Beach City Council Presentation
January 10, 2005
Full Service Schools:
Project Horizon The Beaches Resource Center, the Full Service School at the Beaches, is dedicated to
Andrew Jackson Senior Highimproving student achievement, attendance and behavior by strengthening families and
3816 Main St.
Jacksonville, Florida 32206
neighborhoods. The BRC aims to remove or ameliorate non-school based stresses that may
359-6250 interfere with student achievement.
Project RAMS
Englewood Senior High
Students from Atlantic Beach attend Atlantic Beach Elementary School, Neptune Beach
4412 Barnes Road Elementary School, Jacksonville Beach Elementary School, Mayport Middle School and
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Fletcher High School. The BRC services are also available to students from Atlantic Beach
who attends various magnet schools not in the BRC feeder pattern.
Project Open Door
Terry Parker Senior High
7301 Parker School Road Relying on funds from United Way and the Jacksonville Children's Commission
the BRC
Jacksonville, Florida 32211 ,
1. Intake and evaluation services
Project WINGS 2. Case mans ement services
Paxon Senior High
3239 W. 5th St. 3. Individual and family counseling
Jacksonville, Florida 32205 4. Crisis intervention services
5 5. Relationship abuse prevention classes
,EACH 6. Anti-bullying programs and other interventions to reduce violence in schools
Ribaul[ Senior High
3701 Winton Drive
7, Drug screenings
jacksonville, Florida 32208 8. Drug and alcohol counseling
924-1680 g. Drug and alcohol prevention programs
Beaches Resource Center 10. Learning disability evaluations
Fle[cher Senior High 11. Psychiatric assessment and psychotropic medication management
700 Seagate Avenue
Neptune Beach, Florida 32266 12. Student mentoring
' 13. Tutoring
s Office
PO. Box 41428 14. Parent education and anent skills trainin
p g
Jacksonville, Florida 15. Reading enhancement programs for children reading below grade level
390-3247 ~ 16. Ps cho-education rou s hel In children co a with loss
Y 9 p P~ g P
17. Economic counseling for parents, and
18. Referrals to other community agencies
The need for our services exceeds the amount of money provided by our major funders. In
2003 we established the BRC Foundation as a fund raising arm of the BRC so that we could
expand our offering of services to the families at the beaches, including Atlantic Beach.
Last year each of the three Beaches City Councils helped support the BRC through generous
donations. We are coming before you again this year asking for your help in our efforts to
provide services to the students and families of Atlantic Beach
Full Service Schools ~~~ °'°'®''°""R111f0'
f~'~ ~~*. CHILDREN
are brought to you by: ® ~~ ~/~, ~ma L FAMILIES J1?~-~e M ~~~
January 3, 2005
TO: The Honorable Mayor
and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jim Hans
SUBJECT: City M er's Report
Parking Lease For lOt" Street Condominiums. Several Commissioners have asked the status
of signing the parking lease for parking spaces adjacent to the condominiums on 10th Street.
Authorization to execute this lease was approved by the City Commission several weeks ago on
the condition that the owners form an association and various other conditions. Since that
approval was given, the homeowners have created an association called "Island Club
Homeowner's, Inc" and filed the proper paperwork with the Sate of Florida. Our City Attorney
has reviewed the paperwork and approved it as to form. The lease has been revised to reflect the
new organization's name and the City is ready to sign that agreement as soon as the homeowners
have the first payment ready which is expected within the next few weeks. The Public Works
,, Department has already been in contact with the homeowners to discuss the necessary signage to
designate the leased parking spaces.
Septic Tank Conversions. In May of 2000 the City Commission adopted an ordinance delaying
the city's enforcement of the state law requiring septic tank owners to connect to public sewer
systems. A timetable was provided to give ample time for the septic tank owners to convert. The
first group required to connect are those that do not have any water/sewer assessments. They are
to be connected within five years of the adoption of the ordinance: by May 2005. The ordinance
also provides loans to encourage the septic tank owners to make those conversions.
Community Development Block Grant Funds were also used for several homeowners who fell
within the income requirements.
This program has been very successful in the first four and half years. The initial count of septic
tanks in Atlantic Beach where sewer service was available was 279. The number of remaining
septic tanks yet to be converted is 169; a 40% reduction. Most of these have a considerable
amount of time before the expiration of their enforcement timetable, which will be one year after
the pay out of their outstanding water and sewer assessments. However, the first group without
assessments is to be completed by May 2005 and there are 57 of those remaining. Originally,
this group comprised almost half of all the septic tanks.
This report is being made to give the Mayor and Commission notice that the timetable delaying
enforcement for this first group of septic tank owners will expire soon and to consider if any
further adjustments to the City's policies for septic tank conversion should be made.
To: Jim Hanson
Jim Jarboe
George Forbes
Olsen associates, inc.
4438 Herschel Street
Jacksonville, FL. 32210
(904) 387-6114
(904) 384-7368 fax
Cc: Ron Schumaker
Steve Ross
Phil Sanders (FDEP)
From: Kevin Bodge, PhD PE
Date: 6 January 2004
Re: Duval County Shore Protection Project (SPP); Meeting with Corps on 6 Jan 2005
Ron Schumaker and I attended a meeting at the Corps of Engineers' offices to
discuss technical issues and schedules for the Duval County SPP. There was, in my
opinion, good news on all project fronts, and I believe that the project is presently on
solid ground -- physically, fiscally, and schedule-wise. Brief synopsis of my minutes, per
1. Checks. Ron hand-delivered a check to Corps today, which I assume was for some
significant portion ofnon-federal project shaze.
2. Volume & Costs. Corps confirmed that project fill volume, presented in Project
Information Report (PIR) for final approval, shall be increased from about 505,000
cubic yazds to approximately 710,000 cubic yards. The estimated federal shaze of ..,~
costs will increase from about $6.1M to $8.SM. The estimated non-federal cost-
share will decrease from abut $1.SM to $1.4M.
The revised sand volume is a significant increase (40%). The additional sand is
valued at about $2.2M -basically all of which is 100% federally funded. The higher
volume also makes the project more physically constructible (about 23 cubic yards
per ft alongshore), and will slightly increase the length of shoreline to be nourished.
These revisions azose from our identification to the Corps of adata-source error just
before the Christmas break, which the District acted upon quickly to correct. Note -
FINAL Corps approval of these values is still pending and is expected within about 2
A further decrease in the non-federal cost share might be expected by the end of the
project (i.e., audit). The Corps has preliminarily re-computed the cost share
percentage for the Shore Protection Project (based upon latest pazking data, land
development, etc.), and foresees an increase in the federal share. The present federal
share, for the non-storm reparations, is 61.6%. Such increase would be reflected in a
document that the Corps will prepaze in the coming weeks; i.e., once approvals for
.the scope of the pending storm-restoration project aze complete.
Page 1 of 2
Olsen associates, inc.
'' 3. Sand Quality Corps will use new standard specification by which sand fill is sampled
on the beach every 2000 cy (about 4 to 8 times per day), sieved for coazse shell and
fine silt, etc., and compazed to native beach and allowable standazds. (Prior to the
project, the Corps will also sample the native beach as basis for comparison.*) In
brief: Failure of 3 concurrent sand tests to meet State sand requirements forces
contractor to move dredge locations. In my opinion, this is a strict and suitable QA
I also requested the complete geotechnical report, for our examination.
4 Dune, Vegetation & Sand Fencing. Sand fence repair/installation would be deleted
from project. Sand pushed up to form the landward dike, during the filling
operation, would be left in place (i.e., to `face' or `replace' the eroded dune). This
would be done by field direction from the Corps' Contracting Officer, and would be
a topic for the pre-construction conference.
We spoke of deleting vegetation from the Corps work; however, on later thought, I
am recommending that vegetation of the `re-faced' or `replaced' dune be included in
the Corps contract as a sepazate line item. This item would be 100% non-federal
cost, except for those portions of the vegetation (if any) that can be approved by the
Corps as storm damage repair. Keeping dune vegetation in the Corps' construction
contract (albeit at non-federal cost) would do two important things:
(1) take advantage of the Corps' contracting mechanisms and construction review - in
order to get the work done with minimum effort on City's and Beaches' part, and
(2) emphasize importance to the field operations crew of "re-facing" the dune with
sand -- in order to complete the vegetation planting.
5 Permits & Av rp ovals. Moving along well. Critical path may be FDEP permit;
however, this is not anticipated to impact/delay project schedule.
6 Anticipated Schedule (from Corps):
Final PIR Complete -January 14
Final PIR Approval -January 21
Complete Plans & Specifications -end January
Receive Bids -mid February.
I'm predicting construction between, say, May 15 and September 15, 2005. I would
expect total construction to take about 2 to 2-1/2 months, plus vegetation thereafter.
7. Action Required (besides City/Corps signatures on various documents):
• Need to inform Corps as to whether dune vegetation should be included in
construction contract. I'd suggest Yes.
• Ron and I were thinking that next Beaches/City meeting might be best held in eazly
• * We should ensure that pre-construction beach sand samples are not taken from the
`cleaned-shell' area of the 2003 project.
Please call if questions. Thank you.
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