August 14, 2006
Mayor Donald Wolfson City Manager Jim Hanson
Mayor Pro Tem J. Dezmond Waters III City Clerk Donna L. Bussey
Commissioner Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons
Commissioner Jamie Fletcher
Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Wolfson called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag followed the Invocation, given by Commissioner Borno.
Approval of Minutes 1. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of July 24, 2006 and
two Special Called meetings of August 2, 2006.
Motion• To aaarove the minutes of the Regular Commission Meetins on July 24,
2006 and two Special Called meetings of August 2, 2006 as presented.
Moved by Commissioner Borno, seconded by Commissioner Simmons
Aye: 5 -Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0
Courtesy of the Floor 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors
The Mayor opened the floor to Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Sam Van Leer, President of Beaches Area Historical Society,
Bill Hillegass, Member of the Board of Directors for Beaches Area Historical
Society, and Holly Beasley, Executive Director for Beaches Area Historical
Society, announced that the new museum opened in March and won awards during a
Builder's and Contractor's Conference in the category of zero to two million dollaz
projects for the construction and the overall awazd for all projects for the yeaz. They
thanked the City for continuing to support them and the Mayor returned thanks for
their efforts.
Judy Saylor, Big Brothers and Big Sister of Northeast Florida, explained they
have a partnership with the Beaches Resource Center to increase the awazeness and
need for mentors for children and schools. She reported they offer programs that
target children from low income families and children who aze at academic risk for
failure. This program is called Beaches Mentoring Initiative and to launch the
program, they will hold a breakfast at the Casa Marina on August 24~' at 7:30 am. She
asked for support from the Commission and invited them to the Breakfast.
Alan Potter, 374 2°d Street, addressed the problems that resulted in flooding due to a
metal gate placed in the Aquatic Garden area by the City and reported that since the
gate was removed, no flooding has occurred. He expressed concerns with the plan to
purchase two acres from Sunrise Community church for the purpose of a retention
pond. He urged the Commission not to pay top dollaz for the church property.
Mary Updike, 42 Third Street, favors increased property regulations and the
residential development standard and suggested the FAR be no greater than a point 54
(.54). She thanked the Commission for their work.
Mayor read an announcement from Former Mayor Lyman Fletcher, who could not
make it to the meeting. He announced that there would be a meeting on Thursday,
August 17~' at Adele Grage Cultural Center starting at 7:00 pm regazding the purchase
and preservation of the Mazsh /Wetlands and that the meeting is open to the public.
Unfinished Business 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting
from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow-up Report
City Manager Jim Hanson explained that information came in after written reports
were submitted for the agenda packet dealing with the Walmart traffic studies. He
reported Neptune Beach provided him with two different studies and distributed a
copy of the main documents of both to them for their review. He offered to make
copies of the appendix if interested. He reported the conclusions of both traffic
studies. The first rated at a grade of "C" with little impact on traffic, but the second
rated at a grade of "F" for "Failing" which indicated Walmart would add traffic to
roads that were already failing. He explained the azguments from both studies
regazding their conflicting results.
Consent Agenda 4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of Monthly Public Works and Utilities Department
Report, Utility Sales and List of New Occupational Licenses for July 2006
(City Manager)
B. Waive the $10,000 bid limit and accept the lowest quote from Guardian
Fueling Technologies in the amount of $12,093.92 for Upgrading the
City's Fuel Management System (City Manager)
C. Extend the annual contracts for environmental laboratory services (RFP
#05-6) for one additional year to Advanced Environmental Services, Inc.
and to Columbia Analytical Services at the current contract prices, and
authorize staff to use Water Laboratories for bacteriological testing (City
D. Authorize the City Manager to sign contracts with the top two firms,
& L.D. Bradley Land Surveyors, for one year, with options to eztend the
contracts for two 1-year periods (RFP # 06-2)(City Manager)
E. Extend the janitorial contract (Bid No. 0405-10) with Coverall Cleaning
Services for one (1) year to expire on August 31, 2007 (City Manager)
Motion: To approve Consent Agenda as presented.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Borno
Aye: S - Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0
Committee Reports 5. Committee Reports
Action on Resolutions 6. Action on Resolutions
Action on Ordinances 7. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 90-06-194, Final Reading and Public Hearing
Mayor Wolfson read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor to a public
Susie Snead, 261 Beach Avenue, expressed the importance of the 35 ft. height limit
but is concerned that the lack of understanding by the citizens in regards to the
exception for the Sea Turtle Inn could cause the Referendum to fail.
Jack Robbins, 1435 Linkside Drive, expressed that the Sea Turtle Inn should be able
to expand if necessary to stay open. He believed that an expansion would not hurt the
city, but could help it.
There being no further comments from the audience, the mayor closed the public
Motion: To approve Ordinance No. 90-06-194 on the first reading.
Moved by Borno, seconded by Waters
Commissioner Borno reiterated he believed the language is micromanaging in its
phraseology but he could live with it. He wanted to remind everyone even though the
Sea Turtle Inn would be exempted from the 35 ft. limit, they would have to come
before the Commission for any plans to change or expand on the property in the
Commissioner Fletcher indicated the referendum is a critical step forward for the City
to protect the it's character.
Aye: 5 -Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0
Miscellaneous Business 8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Expansion of Jordan Community Center to Accommodate After School
Tutoring Program (City Manager)
City Manager Hanson reported that the Beaches Habitat has made a proposal to the
City to expand the Jordan Park Community Center in order to build a better facility to
conduct after school homework programs and they want to provide some
management to the program as well. He explained how the Center is currently being
utilized and the plans for the future.
Ralph Marcello, Executive Director of Beaches Habitat, introduced his staff
and explained their roles in the project. He explained that Herb Schiedel is
responsible for starting the education program and has agreed to donate up to
$75,000 to build the addition. He thanked the Commission for their support.
Commissioner Waters, Commissioner Fletcher and Mayor Wolfson thanked Mr.
Marcello and his staff for their program and Mr. Schiedel for his generous
Commissioner Borno asked for the expected date of completion. Mr. Paul Finley
indicated this project has been placed at a high priority and that once permits are
issued, completion is expected within four months..
Motion: To approve the request by Beaches Habitat to allow for the
construction of an addition to the Jordan Park Community Center and to
allow the use of that center for the after school tutoring proSram.
Moved by Borno, Seconded by Waters
Aye: 5 -Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0-
B. Request from the 15th Street Beach Access Committee for matching funds
for improvements at 15th Street Beach Access (City Manager)
Parks and Recreation Director Johnson introduced Ross Bremer, President of 15"'
Street Access Committee. Mr. Bremer introduced the Committee members who were
in the audience. Mr. Johnson explained the Committee's request.
Motion: Approval of a request from the Committee for one grant to the 15th
Moved by Borno„ seconded by Fletcher
Commissioner Borno questioned several aspects of the plans and Mr. Bremer
addressed Commissioner Borno's concerns. Commissioner Waters thanked the
committee and reminded Mr. Bremer to go through the city for purchases to avoid
paying sales tax.
Commissioner Simmons asked for clarification that the motion would approve funds
for landscaping but not for the pavers. Mayor Wolfson indicated that the matching
funds of $4,000 is the maximum amount allowed and can be used for any of the
improvements. Commissioner Simmons expressed concern that the pavers east of the
entry could be mistaken as a private driveway. She inquired how the parking spaces
would be mazked. Mr. Bremer explained both sides would have pazking signs.
Commissioner Borno asked if the access was handicap designated. Mr. Bremer
answered that it is not. Commissioner Waters questioned the number of pazking
spaces and whether help was needed to beautify the azea. Mr. Bremer advised there
are eighteen pazking spaces and that any help the city could offer would be
Mayor Wolfson expressed safety concerns and noted emergency vehicles may need to
access the beach. He suggested using the appropriate paving to accommodate the
weight of the vehicles.
Aye: 5 - Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0-
C. Bid Award (Bid No. 0506-14) for the Computer Network Fiber Optic
Cabling project (City Manager)
Public Safety Director Thompson explained the background and the necessity of the
project as indicated in his staffreport. He explained the bid results and his
Motion• To award the bid for the Fiber Optic Cabling project to Truevance
Management, Inc. in the amount of $62,209.90.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Borno
Discussion ensued regazding the conduit, the time frame on the project and the
placement of the lines.
Aye: 5 - Borno, Fletcher, Simmons, Waters, Wolfson
Nay: 0-
D. Proposed Changes to Chapter 23 Vegetation, Article II. Tree Protection
(City Manager)
Public Works Director Rick Carper explained the background on the Tree Board's
efforts and believed the proposed "administrative" changes to be non-controversial
and ready for implementation.
Commissioner Waters initiated a discussion on the language pertaining to the
replacement of protected oaks. He made suggestions on new language. Mayor
Wolfson explained the intent and disagreed with Commissioner Waters' suggestion.
Mr. Carper explained his understanding of the intent of the Tree Board. Commissioner
Fletcher expressed his concerns and offered suggestions on new language. City
Attorney advised the Commission that this would come back in the form of an
ordinance and could be reviewed and discussed again at that time. Commissioner
Fletcher requested that the language regarding punishment be clear.
City Manager Hanson explained the authority and options for punishment for a
violation of the Tree Ordinance. Commissioner Simmons questioned the fines and
mitigation associated with removing trees without a tree permit. Rick Carper advised
that the city would make them get a permit and mitigate the trees that were removed.
City Manager Hanson added that the permit fee would be doubled. Further discussion
The consensus was to send the ordinance back to staff for coordinating with the
City Attorney to prepare the ordinance for first reading.
E. Reclassification of the Secretary position in the City Clerk's Office (City
City Clerk Bussey thanked the Commission for considering her request and presented
a brief summary of the background regarding her request and the recommendation as
stated in the staff report. Commissioner Simmons questioned why the request was
being made and whether additional duties have been assigned to the Clerk's Office or
that position that would make it necessary to increase the salary. Ms. Bussey
explained the current job description is very generic and does not reflect what that
person does. She believed her Secretary's duties are at least equivalent to or more
than that of an Administrative Assistant and explained some of the differences
required by her Secretary that the others do not have. She emphasized her Secretary is
second in command and assumes the City Clerk duties when the City Clerk is absent
which is not the case with current Administrative Assistants.
Commissioner Waters expressed his support in moving towards a Deputy City Clerk
and pointed out the demands on the City Clerk's Office is higher than ever before.
He expressed the need to recruit higher quality candidates than the job description
City Manager Hanson explained he and the City Clerk have a professional difference
of opinion on the issue and understands that, like all department heads, she wants the
best for her department. He explained the pay plan and how it was put together by a
professional consultant with input from the employees. He reported the job was rated
then at a Secretary position and that he cazmot see a significant amount of change. He
indicated he could azgue leaving the position at the current pay grade or raising it one
pay grade but does not agree with reclassifying to a Grade 17. He expressed concerns
if the position is at a higher grade than other employees, they might leave their
departments to take the higher paying job. Mr. Hanson complimented the City Clerk
and was bothered by having a difference of opinion with her.
Mayor Wolfson complimented the City Manager, City Clerk and their staff for their
excellent job and explained that having differences of opinion is normal, that it is part
of the process, and does not change their respect for each other.
Commissioner Borno explained the lack of latitude with the current pay system and
pointed out areas of the grade scale that may need to be evaluated.
Commissioner Waters expressed concerns with having jobs vacant for long periods of
time. He explained training temporary employees is not an efficient use of staff and
especially during the busiest time of the yeaz. He expressed a request for an
Administrative Assistant is reasonable and that he does not oppose to a Deputy City
Clerk either. He explained his observation of the increased demands on City Staff and
the importance of paying attention to details and deadlines.
Mayor Wolfson read the recommendation from the Human Resource Manager George
Foster recommending the position be reclassified to a Grade 17 and asked the City
Manager to clarify the recommendation. Mr. Hanson indicated that he did not
recommend changing the grade from a 15 but could support either leaving it or raising
it one grade. He did not want to comment on Mr. Foster's recommendation but
expressed that he looked at the other jobs closer than Mr. Foster.
Commissioner Simmons expressed that she needs more time to look over the
information provided and receive additional information in order to get a better
understanding of the issues. She requested comparisons to other cities be part of the
research and information.
Motion: To defer indefinitely.
Moved by Simmon.
MOTION DIED (Due to lack of a second)
Motion: To defer until the next meeting.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Borno
Commission Fletcher expressed support for Ms. Bussey's recommendation. He
pointed out that an examination was done at the appropriate time and that Mr. Foster
recommended raising the Grade to 17. He believed that recruitment will be impacted
but budget impacts are fairly minimal. He explained that the demands on staff in the
City Clerk's Office have increased and that the Commission needs help from that
office in order to keep up. He believed that delaying will put further burden on the
City Clerk's Office and will impact the Commission unnecessarily.
Commissioner Borno reiterated the need for further study of the cities pay structure in
conjunction with this. Mayor Wolfson asked if delaying two more weeks would
significantly impact the office. Ms. Bussey explained that every day the job is vacant
impacts the office. Commissioner Fletcher asked for the timeline on when the
vacancy could be filled. Ms. Bussey explained that delaying the decision would mean
nine more weeks before a person could start.
Ms. Bussey believed that clarification was necessary regarding the proposed job
description. She indicated that the need to revise the job description was mainly
because the duties were not properly incorporated in the originaUcurrent job
description at the time of the pay study and therefore, does not properly reflect the
duties nor the proper pay for that position. Ms. Bussey answered questions from the
Commission regarding the proposed job description. She explained the highlighted
text, the underlined text and the strikeouts. She referred to the other attachments in the
packet as questions were asked.
Mayor Wolfson explained that a motion was on the floor to defer action until the next
meeting in two weeks to allow time for each Commissioner to review the information
and ask questions prior to the meeting.
Commissioner Waters requested a Roll Call Vote.
Roll Call Votes:
Borno -aye
Fletcher -nay
Simmons -aye
Waters -nay
Wolfson -aye
Aye 3; Nay 2
City Manager 9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report
City Manager Jim Hanson referred the Commission to his written report, which is
attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. His report discussed
the Grant Offered from Water Management District for Wastewater Reuse Project.
He explained that more information will be discussed on this item during the Budget
Workshop on Wednesday, August 16, 2006.
Reports/Requests 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
City Commissioners A. Opinion on the Proposed Ordinance (City Attorney)
City Attorney
Reported the proposed ordinance has been reviewed by City Attorney Jensen and
Attorney Tjoflat and that both have expressed concerns with certain provisions of the
ordinance as drafted. Ordinance may be subject to consistency challenge relative to
the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Doerr was not at the meeting to address this. Further
input from City Attorney was requested. Attorney Jensen noted a contradiction
between provisions # 5 and #6, and also that #6 may be problematical related to
existing platted lots. Mayor has discussed with City Manager, noting that this is not
an easy subject, but that this needs to be moved forward because of moratorium.
Mayor suggested that this matter needs to be brought back to forefront so that the City
can come up with a resolution as to how to address these lot subdivisions. Attorney
Jensen advised the Commission to go back and consider the original intent of the
change to the ordinance, which was to change administrative approval of two-lot
divisions to the Community Development Board and that this is accomplished within
the proposed ordinance and also to set forth additional criteria, including that there be
no further division of platted lots. Attorney Jensen stated his concern that this may not
be defensible in court, noting that Attorney Tjoflat agrees with his opinion.
Concerns include consistency Comprehensive Plan and more serious potential for Bert
Harris Act claims, and no data and analysis to determine how many properties might
be affected or to support the need for this may be seen as arbitrary and capricious. Mr.
Jensen stated that #5 (resultant lot may not be smaller the an original platted lots) is
okay, but that #6 (no further subdivision of lots) may present legal problems. Mayor
commented regarding the history of dividing property within the city using his
property as an example. Attorney Jensen explained that this is not consistent with how
city has developed over the years. Commissioner Waters asked what is the point of
approving an original subdivision if it can later be changed. Attorney Jensen
addressed the question, stating that areas change over time. Commissioner Waters
stated that he believes most of the divisions have been illegal divisions, and that the
City should not approve changes to neighborhoods once the City has approved these,
and there should be a mechanism for the City to stop this; that rules should not be used
to allow changes to neighborhoods, but that raw land should be treated differently.
Mr. Waters continued that built-out neighborhoods should not be allowed to change.
Mr. Jensen commented that the City needs to move forward with this draft or some
version so that the moratorium can be lifted. Attorney Jensen and Attorney Tjoflat
have both advised that passing the ordinance with #6 included would not be legally
Mr. Waters wanted to protect platted lots. Attorney Jensen noted that many lots have
been chopped-up already. Mayor noted that many platted lots as they were created
have already been changed and divided up for many years.
Discussion of Bert Harris and legal implications continued. Commissioner Fletcher
asked Attorney Jensen to expand on the Bert Harris issue, stating that he wants to find
a way around that issue. Mayor addressed the reasons for not allowing further
divisions, and Commissioner Borno stated that the zoning regulations and LDR's
requirements already address this. Discussion continued. Mr. Waters stated that he
believes this would just create additional protection to enforce what is already in place
and that he wants absolute protection of residential subdivisions so that subdivisions
of raw land would be allowed, and land that has already been divided and developed
with lots could not be divided. Discussion about combining lots followed. Mayor asks
Commissioner Waters if he believes an azea like Royal Palms is an example, and
noted that the current ordinance would also prohibit combining three lots to then
divide into two lots. Borno asked Commissioner Water to further explain his intent.
The Mayor commented that they need to move towards action so that the moratorium
can be lifted. Attorney Jensen noted that there is a subdivision process in place now.
Commissioner Fletcher stated he has not seen this draft and wants to look at this issue
and ask for a review by Attorneys Jensen and Tjoflat and also to provide options.
Commissioner Borno stated his opposition to the proposed change and opposes to
taking this away from administrative approval and putting this before an appointed
boazd. City should stay with the existing ordinance and get rid of moratorium.
Commissioner Simmons agreed with Commissioner Borno, and does not think Board
volunteers should be put in this position. Mr. Jensen asked to provide further review
of the current draft and alternatives and bring back for next meeting.
Commissioner Borno
- Stated that he enjoyed the Florida League of Cities Conference and plans to
distribute information he received during the Conference to the other
Commissioners and to staff.
- Indicated that the Post Office is lacking signage and marks that could help
drivers understand the flow of traffic. Asked is the Post Office is responsible
for putting in arrows or if the city should step in and see if help is needed. Mr.
Hanson advised that similaz comments have been made to him already and
planned to take it up with Rick Cazper. Mr. Carper indicated that we might
offer painting the marks or arrows. Mayor Wolfson suggested letter be sent to
the Post Office with our concerns and request.
Commissioner Simmons
- Attended a Neighborhood Chat and reported on items which would require a
budget to be thinking about for the Workshop: 1) Increasing the lights in the
Marsh Oaks azea at night- suggested that staff drive it to see what is needed
and emphasized that there aze high crime azeas that need attention; 2)
Proposed sidewalks- reported that the plan for a sidewalk on West 1St Street
may not be warranted due to lack of traffic, and suggested considering a
sidewalk instead of a Ped Path on Main Street since the residents seem content
with riding bikes on the street; 3) Installing a three way stop at Rose Street and
Plaza intersection.
Commissioner Waters
- Stated his opinion on lot subdivision.
- Stated that he also enjoyed attending the Florida League of Cities Conference.
Mayor Wolfson
- 'Thanked Commissioner Waters for encouraging staff and Commissioners to
attend FLC conferences over the years and believed it to be an incredible
opportunity for the Commissioners to have exposure that they normally would
not have. Also thanked the Commissioners for attending.
- Reported that he attended the first Florida League of Mayors "get together"
and reported that half of the Mayors from the 404 cities in Florida attended and
valuable feedback was given.
- Thanked Commissioner Borno for giving him information regarding Wi-Fi.
He believes that it is coming to municipalities of our size and explained it is an
opportunity, if deemed warranted, to make the entire city wireless. He
indicated that he would follow up with a report for long range planning.
- Reported that San Jose, California has been identified as the city in United
States having the most successful methodology for approaching affordable
housing. Reported that there are plans to gather information from San Jose to
see if that is something helpful to us.
- Grateful for the opportunity to network with the other mayors to gain valuable
information on issues that are similar to ours.
- Thanked the Commissioners for attending the Beachside Chats and explained
that full reports will be given. He believed that attendance can be increased
with changes to the method of informing the neighborhoods and intends to
meet with the City Clerk to discuss ideas.
- Referenced the traffic study received by Neptune Beach. He expressed
concern and believed that it is time to take a position. He indicated his desire
to have the City Manager and City Attorney look over the study and prepare a
resolution expressing the Commissions position on the traffic failure at the
intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Seminole Road.
Adjournment There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:57 pm.
aQ ~ ~ V~J
Donald M. Wolfson, Mayor/Presid Officer
Donna L. Bussey
City Clerk
Commission Mtg. 8/14/06
August 7, 2006
TO: The Honorable Mayor
and Members of the Commission
FROM: Jim Hanso
City anager
SUBJECT: City Mana er's Report
Grant Offered from Water Management District for Wastewater Reuse Project; Mayor
John Peyton, in cooperation with the St. Johns Water Management District, has announced that
state grants will be made for several projects that will improve the quality of the water in the
lower St. Johns River. One of these is a $1.5 million dollar grant to the City of Atlantic Beach to
install filters at the Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plant and piping so that approximately
210,000 gallons per day of wastewater could be used for irrigation at the Selva Marina Country
Many cities and counties in Florida operate reclaimed water facilities making wastewater
available for irrigation. The City of Jacksonville Beach does this for their city golf course.
Every five years, municipalities are required to renew their permit for operation of their
wastewater treatment plants and must prepare a reuse feasibility study to determine if diverting
some or all of the wastewater for irrigation purposes is economically feasible. Atlantic Beach
prepared estimates in 2001 to construct a reuse system to provide irrigation for the Selva Marina
Country Club, which was the largest single user of irrigation in the area and thought to be the
most feasible option. The conclusion of that study was that the project was not financially
feasible. This reuse study was updated earlier this year and the current Pstimate of the cost is just
over two million dollars. Just under half of that is for piping modifications to get the wastewater
to and across the golf course property. Comparing the capital and operating costs for a reuse
system with the city's current cost for wastewater treatment, it was again determined that this
project was unfeasible. The information was submitted to the state DEP and Water Management
Atlantic Beach has not applied for this grant to the state. However, the Water Management
District is making reuse a priority and has indicated that they will support making this money
available if it will make the project feasible. Representatives from the country club have
indicated a willingness to pay some of the cost for the project which may include either part of
the capital construction cost and/or a monthly fee for use of the wastewater. The next steps in
this project will include learning more from the Water Management District about the parameters
of the proposed grant and meeting with the country club representatives to fmd how much they
are willing to contribute to the project. A report will be made to the Mayor and Commission
when more information is available.