10-24-05 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2005 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on October 10,2005. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow-up report 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED,THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of Monthly Building Department Report for September 2005 (City Manager) B. Accept Ring Power's proposal to provide and install the two generators at Water Plant #3 and the generator at Lift Station B in the total amount of$87,361 using the pricing per JEA's contract and authorize Brooks Limbaugh Electric Co., Inc., the City's existing annual contractor for Electrical Troubleshooting, Repair and Installation,to perform the electrical installation at their bid hourly rates in an amount not to exceed$10,000 (City Manager) C. Approve an increase of $6,418.00 for an annual CPI cost adjustment to the First Vehicle Services contract for the period 12/1/05 through 11/30/06 (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports A. Appointment of an alternate member to the Code Enforcement Board(Commissioner Simmons) 6. Action on Resolutions 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No.90-05-187,Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, REZONING LANDS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) TO RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY (RS-1); PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING A 1 SAVINGS CLAUSE; REQUIRING RECORDATION; AND PROVIDING AN 110 EFFECTIVE DATE 8. Miscellaneous Business A. 5 Points Intersection—Clock, Irrigation & Lighting (City Manager) B. Resurfacing Program for FY 2006 (City Manager) C. Court action for approval by Ferrellgas of abandoned underground natural gas tanks in City rights-of-way in the Royal Palms subdivision(City Attorney) D. Discussion and related action on the City Manager's Compensation(Mayor) 9. City Manager A. City Manager's report 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 9 Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, October 21, 2005. • 2 r MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 24, 2005 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD Attendance IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor John Meserve City Manager Jim Hanson Mayor Pro Tem Richard Beaver City Clerk Donna L. Bussey Commissioner Paul B. Parsons City Attorney Alan C. Jensen Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters III Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation, given by Mayor Meserve, was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Approval of Minutes 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on October 10, 2005. Commissioner Waters asked that the names of the new officers of the Friends of Atlantic Beach Elementary, introduced at the previous meeting, be provided to the Commission. Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on October 10, 2005 as written. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Courtesy of the Floor 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Mayor Meserve noted that there would be a public hearing for Item 7A and that anyone wishing to speak on that issue could wait until then to make their comments. Pat Pillmore, 995 Camelia Street, stated that she would address the Tideviews rezoning issue (Item 7A) during its public hearing. She discussed the issue of reducing the speed limit on Mayport Road and indicated that she received a positive response from Councilman Art Graham's office regarding this issue. She discussed the size of the proposed median cuts on Mayport Road and expressed concern that they October 24.2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 would be too small for a large car or for more than one car waiting to turn in them. Pouran Ashourian, introduced herself as the owner of American Storage Inc. at 1770 Mayport Road. She stated that she has been located in Atlantic Beach for 26 years and has over 600 customers. She spoke against the proposed Mayport Road median project and indicated it would have a negative impact on her business. She expressed concern with the difficulties it would create for her customers making left-hand turns into or out from her business. She suggested that the Commission give due consideration to the substantial impact of this project on her business and asked that they consider some minor revisions to the project that could greatly reduce this negative impact. Ms. Ashourian noted that engineer, Wayne Oehlman, was present at the meeting to discuss a recommended alternative design for the improvements. Wayne Oehlman, introduced himself as a professional engineer with Transportation Planners-Engineers Inc., 6620 Southpoint Drive South, Jacksonville. He stated that he was asked by Ms. Ashourian to speak on her behalf. He referred the Commission to the handouts he gave them regarding the proposed Mayport Road median project. He discussed an aerial photo showing the location of American Storage within the project area and a photo of Lem Turner Road. He expressed concern that the proposal for the medians along Mayport Road would prohibit traffic from turning left anywhere except at intersections. He discussed the negative and unsafe impacts of the proposed plan and suggested a design similar to the one illustrated at Lem Turner Road. Mr. Oehlman asked the Commission to consider the businesses and their customers when providing guidance for the project's design. Stephen Kuti, 1132 Linkside Drive, discussed the lack of information provided to the public regarding Item 8D on the agenda and asked that its discussion be deferred until the next Commission meeting. Dorothy Kerber, 365 First Street, Atlantic Beach, discussed the clock being proposed for the Five Points intersection. She believed that it was a waste of money and would rather have the money put towards better and safer lighting to assist pedestrians in the evening. She also discussed the location of the mailbox. Ms. Kerber indicated that neither the proposed location by the tennis courts, nor the current location on Plaza Road, are good placements for the mailbox. She suggested placing the mailbox on the grassy area in the parking lot behind City Hall. She asked the Commission to consider the safety issues involved with both of the items she addressed. Mayor Meserve acknowledged that the clock was his original suggestion and discussed the functional and aesthetic reasons for installing the clock. Kevin McLaughlin, 272 Camelia Street, thanked the City for responding to his suggestion at the previous Commission meeting to increase police October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 3 patrols in the Tideviews area. He indicated that he and his wife have noticed more of a police presence in their neighborhood since the last meeting. Sally Clemens, 1638 Park Terrace West, discussed the resolution for the City Attorney's contract approved at the last Commission meeting. She believed that there were some good points made regarding the position and she acknowledged that Alan Jensen is performing well as City Attorney. She assumed the City Commission received Mr. Jensen's evaluation performance record from Human Resources prior to making their decision. She questioned the reasons behind the City hiring outside counsel for the administration hearing for Johnston Island. She advised that the citizens should be kept informed so that they can address concerns to their elected officials. Before proceeding to the next agenda item, Mayor Meserve addressed the issue of the Mayport Road median project. He indicated that its proposal originated from the need to resolve public safety issues involving pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles in that area. He clarified the discussion regarding FDOT recommendations on the speed limit of Mayport Road and explained that the issue could be readdressed once the current traffic issues have been examined and improved. Unfinished Business 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow-up Report City Manager Jim Hanson reviewed his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. His report addressed the following topics: a memorial plaque for the sculpture at Five Points Intersection; the retention basin at the Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant; pedestrian crossing at the Mayport/Plaza Intersection; the Jasmine Street retention pond; the kayak launch at Tideviews Preserve; mosquitoes on Jordan Street; and cellular phone calls to 911. Commissioner Parsons commented that mosquitoes have been bad all over the City and that he often responds to citizens' complaints by suggesting they call the City of Jacksonville in order to request more spraying in the area. Mayor Meserve commented that the Tideviews Preserve is surrounded by beautiful filtering marshlands that contribute to maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the area. He also believed that, rather than spending more money on another plaque, one plaque per artwork is probably sufficient. Commissioner Waters spoke in favor of placing a memorial plaque at the sculpture and noted that it is not often that an artist dies so young. He discussed his concerns with sandspurs in the Jasmine retention pond area October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 4 and suggested using a weed and feed method to resolve the problem before applying Round-up chemicals. Commissioner Simmons addressed the sandspur situation and suggested trying a different method rather than what has been discussed. She also advised that children should not be playing around or in retention ponds and believed the City should not be encouraging people to recreate in those areas. Commissioner Simmons spoke against placing a memorial plaque on apiece of artwork. Consent Agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Acknowledge receipt of Monthly Building Department Report for September 2005 (City Manager) B. Accept Ring Power's proposal to provide and install the two generators at Water Plant #3 and the generator at Lift Station B in the total amount of $87,361 using the pricing per JEA's contract and authorize Brooks Limbaugh Electric Co., Inc., the City's existing annual contractor for Electrical Troubleshooting, Repair and Installation, to perform the electrical installation at their bid hourly rates in an amount not to exceed $10,000 (City Manager) C. Approve an increase of $6,418.00 for an annual CPI cost adjustment to the First Vehicle Services contract for the period 12/1/05 through 11/30/06 (City Manager) Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A through C as presented. Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Committee Reports 5. Committee Reports A. Appointment of an alternate member to the Code Enforcement Board (Commissioner Simmons) Commissioner Simmons stated that the Board Member Review Committee recommended to first appoint Richard Ouellette to the alternate position on the Code Enforcement Board. Motion: To appoint Richard Ouellette to the position of alternate member on the Code Enforcement Board. October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pa e 5 Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Action on Resolutions 6. Action on Resolutions None. Action on Ordinances 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-05-187, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, REZONING LANDS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) TO RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE- FAMILY (RS-1); PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REQUIRING RECORDATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor to a public hearing. There were no comments made. The Mayor closed the public hearing and brought the item before the Commission for discussion. There was no discussion. Motion: To approve Ordinance No. 90-05-187 on final reading. Moved by Parsons, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Miscellaneous Business 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Five Points Intersection -Clock, Irrigation & Lighting (City Manager) Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, displayed and discussed the options being considered for the lighting and for a clock at the Five Points Intersection. He reported that JEA has now stated that they can support the use of alternate fixtures with Night Sky lighting on their poles. Mr. Carper noted that JEA's option would be the cheapest and they would be able to maintain the specific type of light fixtures as requested by the Commission. October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pa e 6 Mr. Carper reported that he and Commissioner Parsons have looked into different clock options for the intersection. He discussed the details, costs and prices involved with each clock and company presented. He added that, after the staff report was submitted, the Fancy Street Light Company offered the City an additional 10°Io discount if the clock is ordered by mid- November. Mr. Carper explained that the irrigation was not awarded with the original bid due to insufficient funds in the budget at that time. He stated that sufficient funds have since been added and that staff recommends having the irrigation system installed by the same contractor who was awarded the bid and is currently working on the Five Points project. Commissioner Waters supported the recommendation for JEA to install and maintain the lights. However, he expressed concerns about the clock and discussed its visual appearance to drivers and the possible effects it might have on the flow of traffic at the intersection. Rick Carper responded by explaining the scale and functionality of the clock's size. Motion: To accept the recommendations for authorizing the City Manager to sign a change order to the contract with Callaway Contracting, Inc. for installation of the irrigation system, to select .TEA to install and maintain the lighting system with the alternate Dark Skv fixtures, and to select the Classic clock style from the Fancy Street Light Company. Moved by Parsons, seconded by Waters Commissioner Parsons presented the details of the amount of research given to selecting the clock style and spoke strongly in favor of adding a clock to the intersection. Commissioner Beaver spoke against the proposal for a clock in the area and did not believe it would be appropriate for the intersection. He asked that the clock issue be separated from the motion on the floor and put to a separate vote. Commissioner Parsons withdrew his motion. Motion:. To accept the recommendations for authorizing the Cit Manager to sign a change order to the contract with Callaway Contracting, Inc. for installation of the irrigation system, and to select JEA to install and maintain the lighting system with the alternate Dark Skv fixtures. Moved by Parsons, seconded by Beaver October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 7 Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Simmons thanked the City staff for their hard work and efforts to find an energy efficient lighting system that would not create more light pollution in the sky. Motion: To install a Classic style clock at the Five Points Intersection. Commissioner Waters asked for the location of another similar clock so that he could look at it as an example of the style being proposed. Commissioner Parsons referred him to the clock on the Selva Marina Golf Course and noted that it has weathered very well. Rick Carper and Commissioner Simmons provided information regarding the proposed efficient lighting fixtures. They discussed the direction and amount of light or glare that will be produced by these fixtures. Due to safety concerns, Commissioner Simmons spoke against the idea of having a clock at the Five Points intersection. She commented that the nature of the intersection already requires drivers to be alert and communicate with each other effectively and believed that the clock would be an added distraction. Commissioner Waters requested the item be deferred until the next meeting in order to enable him time to look at the clock at Selva Marina's golf course. Rick Carper noted that if the decision was not made before the next meeting, the discount offered by the First Street Light company would not be valid. Mayor Meserve recommended that the Commission proceed with voting on the issue unless there was a motion to defer it. Moved by Parsons, seconded by Meserve Votes: Aye: 3 -Parsons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 2 -Beaver, Simmons MOTION CARRIED Pat Pillmore, 995 Camelia Street, asserted that she had indicated that she wished to address the Tideviews Preserve zoning issue and that she missed the opportunity to speak on the ordinance in Item 7A. Mayor Meserve explained that the public hearing had been opened and closed already. However, he granted her five minutes to address the issue. Ms. Pillmore stated that she was still opposed to building a house on the rezoned property due to concerns for public safety. She believed that the buyer of the property would be placed in an unsafe situation. She asked if October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 8 the City could put a small cabin or house, rather than a trailer, on the park grounds without breaking the city rules. She asked if the City was looking for an Atlantic Beach police officer to reside on the property. B. Resurfacing Program for FY 2006 (City Manager) In response to a complaint at the last meeting regarding the need to resurface one of the City streets, City Manager Hanson believed it would be good to review the system for choosing streets for resurfacing. Rick Carper, Director of Public Safety, gave a quick overview of the process for selecting which roads need maintenance. He distributed to the Commission and discussed a map that showed which streets were evaluated. The map is attached and made part of this official document as Attachment B. He reported that the company, Eisman & Russo Consulting Engineers, was asked to provide an analysis of the streets and to give a recommendation and cost estimate for treatment of resurfacing. He discussed the cost and budget for the proposed project. Mr. Carper suggested bidding all the streets individually in order to determine which can be done within the budgeted amount. Commissioner Waters supported the system and suggested looking at some other streets for the list next year. He asked for clarification of the Royal Palms area. Mr. Carper responded and discussion ensued regarding the various streets involved. C. Court action for approval by Ferrellgas of abandoned underground natural gas tanks in City rights-of-way in the Royal Palms subdivision (City Attorney) Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, presented the background and history of the issue and displayed a map depicting where the buried tanks are located. He noted that there were thirty-seven 1000-gallon tanks buried in the Royal Palms subdivision. He indicated that City communications with Ferrellgas requesting them to remove the tanks have thus far yielded no results. The City found an acceptable alternate solution for two of the tanks on Plaza Road in order to proceed with constructing the bike path. Mr. Carper advised that the City's preference for the remaining 35 tanks is to have them removed, however there has been no progress made from the City's contact with Ferrellgas or its attorney. The City Manager noted that if Ferrellgas does not get rid of the tanks, it would cost the City a lot of money to either engineer around them or remove them. City Attorney Alan Jensen stated that the franchise agreement under which Ferrellgas is operating obligates and binds them to comply with the City's request to remove the tanks for the safety and well-being of the public. He indicated that there has been no response received from the company. The October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pa e 9 City Attorney advised that, in order to avoid any delay with the land improvements scheduled for that area, the City should file a lawsuit to order them to remove the tanks at their expense. Commissioner Parsons suggested that the City ensure that Ferrellgas is responsible for the removal of any more tanks that might be found in the future. Motion: To authorize filing a lawsuit against Ferrellgas seeking a court order reauiring the removal of their abandoned underground tanks at their expense. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED D. Discussion and related action on the City Manager's Compensation (Mayor) Mayor Meserve noted that there was no informational material to be handed out or given to the public regarding this item. He stated that public notice was given at previous meetings that the Commission would be meeting with the City Manager on an individual basis in order to discuss and evaluate his performance with the City. Mayor Meserve indicated that he has found Mr. Hanson to be responsive and knowledgeable about his job. Motion: To authorize giving the City Manager a 4% pav increase this year. Mayor Meserve congratulated the City Manager on a job well done and noted that the raise is consistent with what is given to the rest of the City. Commissioner Parsons commended the City Manager for doing an excellent and admirable job for the City and for speaking well on behalf of the City. Moved by Meserve, seconded by Beaver Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED City Manager 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pa a 10 City Manager Jim Hanson summarized his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. The issues addressed in his report were Hazardous Waste Collection Day and boats anchored in the Intracoastal waterway. He reported that a Hazardous Waste Collection Day has been scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 2006. City Manager Hanson noted that the beaches area holds the record for the largest number of people attending the event. The City Manager was pleased to report that, after working with the representatives of the Buckman estate, the boats anchored in the marsh area within City limits were finally moved. He believed it would be advisable tc strengthen the City Code regarding this issue and indicated that the City Attorney is working on some related language to bring back to the Commission at a future meeting. City Manager Hanson discussed the fuel surcharge that was approved for the City's waste hauler by the Commission a couple months ago. He noted that the approval required that the City Manager report when the fuel charge exceeds 5°Io of the contract price. He reported that the fuel charge has exceeded this limit in both August and September, and possibly will also exceed the limit in October. He noted that the City hopes that the price of fuel begins to decrease in the next month. The City Manager stated he will provide information at the next Commission meeting regarding either a renewal or a rebidding of the contract. Reports/Requests 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City City Commissioners Attorney City Attorney City Attorney • Reported that the City has received a request to add a Menorah lighting to the Tree Lighting ceremony in Town Center. He made reference to a United States Supreme Court decision from 1989 that decided that the courts recognize the menorah as a secular symbol, similar to the Christmas tree. He and the City Attorney for Neptune Beach have discussed the matter and they both advised that the cities should agree to this request. • Expressed that he has enjoyed working with all three of the outgoing commissioners and commended them on the good service they have provided for the City. Commissioner Waters • Discussed the issue of derelict boats in the waterway and how they are handled by the Florida Wildlife Commission. He asked that the October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pase 11 City determine the public and private boundaries of the Buckman Trust area. • Indicated that the sexual predator law in Jacksonville is under attack and the City may need to review the law, depending on the outcome of the situation. • Noted that there was a free environmental workshop at the Adele Grage Community Center that evening. • Mentioned that the recreation center at Lake Butler is very impressive and discussed its recent renovations. He suggested that the City consider building a large recreation facility in the future for the two areas in Atlantic Beach that currently lack this amenity. • Addressed the issue of Publix moving to Neptune Beach and advised the City to become involved in ensuring that its current location not be allowed to sit vacant for a year after Publix moves. • Believed that it was not very feasible to notify and receive permission from the Parks and Recreation department when wanting to launch a canoe or kayak at the Tideviews Preserve. He suggested that the City find a better way to allow people access to this facility. • Inquired if the free flu shots for city employees applied to the Commissioners as well. Mayor Meserve • Stated that it has been a pleasure serving with everyone. • Discussed the payday loan business and encouraged the new Commission to consider passing legislation similar to the bill passed by the City of Jacksonville which limits the effective rates allowed for these loans to not exceed 36°Io. Commissioner Simmons • Thanked the outgoing Commission for being good team players. • Announced that the Community Character workshop is Thursday November 3, 6:OOpm-8:OOpm in the Commission Chambers. • Commented on a front page Times Union newspaper article regarding the fifty dirtiest waterways in northeast Florida. Explained how this relates to concerns with stormwater runoff and how it contributes to pollution in the streams and the St. Johns River. • Suggested that the City Clerk provide Elected Official handbooks to the new mayor and commissioners. ,!~` Commissioner Beaver • Stated it has been a privilege to serve the City and thanked his family for allowing him the time to do so. He believed that the last October 24, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pa a 12 six years have been the most productive for the City and was proud to be able to work with City Manager Hanson and Mayor Meserve. He spoke highly of the accomplishments made together by the Commission. Commissioner Parsons • Recognized and commended each individual department head by name and commended each of them on the specific work they do for the City. He thanked Jim Hanson for all his guidance and hard work. He also thanked his family, the citizens of Atlantic Beach, and his fellow commissioners. Adjournment There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. ~,~~ Joh ese e, Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: ~~~ ~ti Donna L. Bussey City Clerk ATTACHMENT A OCTOBER 24, 2005 COMMISSION MTG October 17, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hanso rty anage SUBJECT: Follow- Report Memorial Plaaue for "Elements" Sculature at Five Points; A request was made at the last .commission meeting to look into the possibility of installing a memorial plaque on the "Elements" sculpture at the five points intersection. One plaque has recently been installed on that sculpture listing the artists name, the Mayor and Commissioners, and a description of the artwork. A picture of that plaque is attached for your review. The cost to add a second plaque in memory for the recently deceased sculptor would be approximately $550.00. We could expect delivery in six weeks after it was ordered. The Mayor ""° and Commission should decide if a second plaque should be ordered. Retention Basin at Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant; At the last meeting, a concern was raised about possible dangers to children playing in the retention basin at the Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant from debris in the bottom. Since that meeting, staff has inspected the azea and found a few limbs from adjoining trees that had fallen in. They will be removed. This azea does not appeaz to pose any substantial threat to people. The slope on the side is such that people could easily walk out when there is water in the bottom and the total depth of the water could not get above approximately 3 feet before running across the adjacent road. Pedestrian Crossing at the Mayport/Plaza Intersection; A citizen came to the last commission meeting requesting improvements be made to allow citizens to more easily cross Mayport Road at the Plaza Road intersection. A specific complaint was that the "walk" light was so short as to make it difficult for many people to get across. The light timing is very short for pedestrians. A signalization project on the Mayport Road corridor is to be constructed at about the same time as the medians aze installed beginning in FY 2007. Engineers aze already considering the possibility of adding pedestrian actuated crossing lights, which would extend the time available for pedestrians when used. Jasmine Street Retention Pond; Two complaints were received about the Jasmine Street retention pond at the last commission meeting; that the slopes on the pond and the concrete rip- rap make the pond banks dangerous and unattractive and second that sand spurs were growing azound the grassy bank of the pond. AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 24, 2005 City forces placed the concrete rip-rap around the pond side slopes in 1997 because of ongoing erosion problems. Improvements can be made if the pond is dredged. The city recently obtained a topographic survey of the bottom of the pond to determine if it should be dredged. That survey shows that the pond has filled in significantly in the 14 years since construction. The original design depth was -6.75 feet and the average depth now is -4.0 feet. While the pond's treatment and attenuation volumes are not significantly impacted, dredging will be needed to restore the pond to its original permitted depth. It is anticipated that this project will be budgeted in FY 2007. As part of this dredging, some of the dredge materials can be placed along the sides of the pond to restore the original slope and cover up the unsightly rip-rap. Sand spurs aze covering some of the grass area azound the pond. The best estimate of a way to get rid of the sand spurs is to use a chemical for a total kill off of the vegetation (like Round-up) followed by re-sodding of the affected area. The area azound the pond is not presently irrigated and the estimated cost to install and water the grass until it is established is $15,000. This is not considered to be a public recreation. area, although some of the adjoining neighbors occasionally fish in the pond. The City Commission should consider whether or not the re-sodding of the azea should be included in an upcoming budget amendment. No funds aze available in the current budget for this project. Kayak Launch at Tide views; The City also received a complaint about the poor design of the kayak launch at the Tideviews Park and about the difficulty in getting kayaks out to the launch. "" The complaints aze correct; the facilities for launching a kayak are almost impossible to use and it is a considerable distance from the Tideviews parking lot to the kayak launching area. Funds have already been included in the current budget for the addition of a floating dock at Tideviews, which will make the current launch azea far more usable. It would not be advisable to add roads in Tideviews Pazk because they would take away from the ambiance of being in a natural preserve. However, it is possible, with prior authorization from the city's recreation staff, to drive from the Tideviews parking lot around the FDOT retention pond to a point that is much closer to the kayak launch thereby reducing the distance people would need to carry their boats and equipment. One problem will remain for kayakers using Tideviews; it is impassable to kayaks due to low tide for several hours each day. While it may be an acceptable stopping place for kayaks during.certain times, it will never be as functional as the facilities at Dutton Island. Mosauitoes on Jordan Street; Last, a complaint was received about the number of mosquitoes in the Jordan Street area. The city's Public Works Department records all citizens' complaints about mosquitoes and relays them to the City of Jacksonville so that a flyover spraying can be arranged. This was the first complaint received by the city about mosquitoes in the Jordan Street area recently. Mosquitoes have been quite numerous in other parts of the city in recent weeks and the Jacksonville Mosquito Control Division conducted a flyover spraying on Saturday morning, October 15a'. Cellular Calls to 911; A complaint was received at the last meeting about the handling of a call to 911 from a cellular phone in Atlantic Beach. See the attached report from David Thompson on the differences between technologies for land lines and cell phones and how they relate to the E " 911 system. AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 24, 2005 Information on E911 and Cellular Phone Calls At the October 10, 2005 City Commission Meeting, a citizen expressed concern relative to a cellular telephone call, and the delays that she encountered when trying to report a medical emergency to Jacksonville Fire and Rescue. The Atlantic Beach Police Department has contacted that citizen, and the Police Department asked Jacksonville to investigate this matter relative to the performance of their staff. This investigation has not been completed at this time. However, the following information is being provided to explain some of the facets of the E911 system as it relates to cellular phones. The E911 system is based on the location of the telephone call. When an incoming call is received, the E911 system searches the database and displays the name of the person registered at that address, the address itself. the telephone number, and the agencies responsible for primary police, fire, and EMS responses. This system is based on the physical location from which the call originates. Based on the location of the address, the 911 call is channeled to Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, or Neptune Beach where the 911 call is answered. Cellular phones are portable, and they obviously do not have physical addresses. The technology for cellular phones is also much different from "land" lines." As a result, calls from cellular '" phones are handled differently from 911 calls on "land" lines. All cellular telephone calls are directed to the City of Jacksonville where they are answered by a 911 operator. The 911 operator attempts to determine the nature of the emergency and which agency has jurisdiction. Then, the call is forwarded to the appropriate agency for response. If the 911 operator is not provided with accurate information, or the 911 operator misinterprets the information or makes a mistake relative to which agency has the jurisdiction to respond, then the call may be channeled in the wrong direction, and a delay occurs. Currently, there is a nationwide effort to implement technology that can triangulate the signal between cell towers. It will be able to provide a close approximation of the cellular telephone location. When someone calls in on a cellular telephone, the system will help to pinpoint the location of the user, which will help establish the agency responsible for emergency services. This is not available in Jacksonville today. AGENDA ITEM #3A OCTOBER 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT B OCTOBER 24, 2005 COMMISSION MTG /,~~f!/ ~~-~) UNDERGROUND GAS TANKS 2005 ~ ,, ,, N ~~ Legend ~ Gas-Tank J ~ \ Feet 0 190 380 760 1,140 1, 520 ATTACHMENT C OCTOBER 24, 2005 COMMISSION MTG October 17, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Commission FROM: Jim Hanso ~i 1 anager SUBJECT: City Mana er's Report Hazardous Waste Collection Day; It was previously reported that some conversations with City of Jacksonville Sanitation staff had led us to believe that the budget cuts recently adopted by Jacksonville would end future hazardous waste collection days at the beaches. This has since been resolved. While there will be fewer events scheduled, they will continue at the beaches in the future and staff from both cities are working on a mutually agreeable date in March of 2006. Boats in the Intercoastal Waterway; Stories have been run in local newspapers recently about several boats parked in the marsh in Atlantic Beach's city limits and our attempts to get them moved. Atlantic Beach staff have been working on this issue for over a year and the boats have been moved several times to avoid city enforcement actions. We have been unable to get either the Coast Guard or the Marine Patrol to take enforcement actions and have had several discussions with our City Attorney on how to proceed. The boats have been anchored in the marsh without the consent or knowledge of the property owners until they recently received a citation from the city. The city has had several discussions since that time with the owner who has reported that the boats will be moved within the next couple of weeks. It may be advisable to strengthen the city codes relating to the parking of boats in the marsh. The City Attorney is working on a draft for presentation to the City Commission in coming weeks. Aside from being an eyesore, the boats can pose an environmental hazard to the sensitive marshlands. This can be particularly problematic when people live aboard these boats without access to adequate water and sewer facilities.