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01-13-03 v
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • COMMISSION MEETING January 13, 2003 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of December 9, 2002 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM. LISTED 'BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF ;RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON 'THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports: New Occupational Licenses, Public Works and Utility Departments, Recreation Department, and Utility Sales for November and December 2002 (City Manager) B. Award contract to Miranda Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $296,741.50 for water line replacement on Ocean Boulevard pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0203-3 (City Manager) C. Approve Proclamation declaring March 21, 2003 as Arbor Day in Atlantic Beach and authorize the Mayor to sign the application for re-certification as a Tree City USA for 2003 (City Manager) D. Reject all bids received for Church Road water and road improvements (Bid No. 0203-4), and authorize staff to solicit further bids from the six prequalified firms (City Manager) !, 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions A. Approve Resolution No. 03-01 which is an agreement identified as the State ' Highway System Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Atlantic Beach, and authorize ', the Mayor to sign the agreement (City Manager) C~ 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 20-03-57 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 (City Manager) B. Ordinance No. 80-02-66 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22, UTILITIES, ARTICLE II, , WATERWORKS SYSTEM, SECTION 22-20, FEES TO ESTABLISH SERVICE OR RE-ESTABLISH SERVICE AFTER CUT-OFF 'OR TRANSFER TO INCREASE THE TURN-ON FEE, TO PROVIDE FOR A ' RE-CONNECT FEE, TO PROVIDE FOR A RE-CONNECT FEE FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS, TO INCREASE THE TRANSFER FEE, TO PROVIDE FOR AN AFTER-HOURS FEE, TO AMEND SECTION 22-22, FEE ESTABLISHED FOR RE-READ OF METERS TO INCREASE THE RE-READ FEE, AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) C. Ordinance No. 95-03-82 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, BEACHES AND PARKS, ARTICLE III, PUBLIC PARKS, ADDING A NEW SECTION 5-32 TO ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF PARKS AND RECREATION FEES, AND PROVIDING ', D. AN EFFECTIVE DATE Ordinance No. 90-03-178 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-01- ; 172, CHAPTER 24, ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, TO ADD NEW SECTION 24-171, COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ', DATE (City Manager) E. Ordinance No. 65-03-31 Introduction and First Reading : AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RENAMING CHURCH ROAD TO DUTTON ISLAND ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) F. Ordinance No. 95-03-83 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, BEACHES AND PARKS, ARTICLE I, IN ', GENERAL, ARTICLE II, BEACH SAFETY ZONE, ARTICLE III, PUBLIC PARKS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) ' 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Action on a request from Wilson and Wilson Optical, 615 Atlantic Boulevard, to allow anon-conforming sign to be fully removed and reinstalled in the same general location at the existing height of twenty-five feet (City Manager) -2- C~ • • B. Board/Committee Appointments Tree Conservation Board (1) Code Enforcement Board (1) C. Approve final plat for afour-lot subdivision known as Cornell One in accordance with staff recommendations (City Manager) 9. City Manager ~, A. Report and recommendations regarding Decorative crosswalks ', B. Report regarding traffic control on Sherry Drive C. Report and recommendations regarding sight distance requirements at intersections 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure ,that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. ~In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with Iisabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 ~, PM, Friday, January 10, 2003. -3- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE . ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2003 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney ABSENT: Commissioner Mike Borno Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation given by Mayor Meserve, was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of December 9, 2002 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of December 9, 2002 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive read excerpts from a letter dated Janauary 13, 2003, he had written to the Commissioners in response to Public Safety Director Thompson's report concerning traffic control on Sherry Drive (Item 9B). The letter is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Bob Totter of 275 llt~' Street referenced the report concerning decorative crosswalks (Item 9A) and inquired as to why they were being recommended only for the core city area. He felt that if the crosswalks were an effective mechanism for traffic calming, as stated in the report, they should be used everywhere in the city. Mr. Totter was opposed to the installation of stop signs on Sherry Drive (Item 9B). He agreed with • the recommendation in Item 9C to provide reasonable limitations on placing objects, structures and plants on city rights-of--way. v v 0 0 T T E E s s M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S p COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- January 13, 2003 Sally Clemens of 1638 Park Terrace West complimented the Commissioners on the city's new Christmas decorations. • . Speaking on behalf of the Marsh Oaks Neighborhood Association, Mrs. Clemens requested the Commission consider naming the new park in Marsh Oaks after Estelle Shelley, the on-site manager of Singleton's Trailer Park for the past thirty-four years. It was reported that Mrs. Shelley was instrumental in providing safe, decent and affordable housing for people of modest means, and had always hoped a recreational area would be built for the children who lived in the trailer park. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings City Manager Hanson commented on each item of his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Aquatic Gardens Retention Pond Commissioner Waters inquired if anyone had spoken to the owner of the Aquatic Gardens retention pond concerning the city purchasing the pond. Discussion ensued concerning the function of the pond and its maintenance. By consensus the Commission agreed that City Manager Hanson should begin the process to acquire the property. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports: New Occupational Licenses, Public Works and Utility Departments, Recreation Department and Utility Sales for November and December 2002 B. Award contract to Miranda Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $296,741.50 for water line replacement on Ocean Boulevard pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0203-03 (City Manager} C. Approve Proclamation declaring March 21, 2003 as Arbor Day in Atlantic Beach and authorize the Mayor to sign the application for re-certification as a Tree City USA for 2003 (City Manager) D. Reject all bids received for Church Road water and road improvements (Bid No. 0203-4), and authorize staff to solicit further bids from the six pre-qualified firms (City • Manager) Motion: A rove Consent A enda Items A -D as PP g presented. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -3- January 13, 2003 The motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee Reports. 6: Action on Resolutions: A. Approve Resolution No. 03-O1, which is an agreement ', identified as the State Highway System Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation Agreement bet•veen the Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Atlantic Beach, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement (City Manager) Motion: Approve Resolution No. 03-01. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 20-03-57 Introduction and First Reading • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 (City Manager) Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and stated the public hearing for all of the ordinances would be held January 27, 2002. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20-03-57 on first reading. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 80-02-66 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22, UTILITIES, ARTICLE II, WATERWORKS SYSTEM, SECTION 22-20, FEES TO ESTABLISH SERVICE OR RE-ESTABLISH SERVICE AFTER CUT-OFF OR TRANSFER TO INCREASE THE TURN-ON FEE, TO PROVIDE FOR A RE-CONNECT FEE, TO PROVIDE • FOR A RE-CONNECT FEE FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS, TO INCRESE THE TRANSFER FEE, TO PROVIDE FOR AN AFTER-HOURS FEE, TO AMEND OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X PARSONS X X WATERS X iviESERVE X Minutes Page -4- January 13, 2003 SECTION 22-22, FEE ESTABLISHED FOR RE-READ OF METERS TO INCREASE THE RE-READ FEE, ~, AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 80-02-66 on first reading. Commissioner Waters inquired concerning how the dollar amounts for the fees were established and why the proposed re-read fee was more than the proposed reconnect fee. He felt that the proposed fees found in items c, d and e of Section 22-20 of the ordinance affected those who could least afford to pay them and should be deleted from the ordinance. Finance Director Van Liere explained that new fees were added and existing fees adjusted to recover costs. He explained that two trips were required when service was turned off because of delinquency of payment, and the thirty dollar reconnect fee covered costs. City Manager Hanson explained that item a was based on cost and no - city provided free turn-on service before or after normal business hours or on weekends. There was no further discussion and the motion carried by a three to one vote with Commissioners Parsons and Beaver and Mayor Meserve voting aye and Commissioner Waters voting nay. C. Ordinance No. 95-03-82 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5,' BEACHES AND PARKS, ARTICLE III, PUBLIC PARKS, ADDING A NEW SECTION 5-32 TO ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF PARKS AND RECREATION FEES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 95-03-82 on first reading. Commissioner Waters felt the fee charged for luminaries should not be included in the ordinance. • Amendment to the motion: Delete the $2.00 er kit P charge for luminaries from the ordinance. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- January 13, 2003 • There was no further discussion and the amendment to the motion and motion carried unanimously. D. Ordinance No. 90-03-178 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLFORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.90-01-172, CHAPTER 24, ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, TO ADD NEW '' SECTION 24-171, COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and briefly explained that the creation of the commercial corridor standards for Mayport Road would be good for the development of the area. He felt the city should encourage the City of Jacksonville to develop similar regulations for the portion of Mayport Road that is within their boundaries. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 90-03-178 on first .reading. Commissioner Water inquired as to what would happen if the 100' depth of the corridor encroached into residential zoning. Community Development Director Doerr explained that commercial corridor development standards only applied to commercial zoning districts. Commissioner Waters felt open bay doors in Section 24-171 (c) (2) should not be allowed to face adjoining residential properties. He also inquired as to how owners ofpre-existing chain link fencing will be notified at the end of the four year extension they will be given to bring the fence into compliance with the new regulations. Ms. Doerr explained that they would be notified in the same manner as when the sign ordinance regulations were implemented. Following brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. E. Ordinance No. 65-03-31 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RENAMING CHURCH ROAD TO '~, DUTTON ISLAND ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- January 13, 2003 • Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 90-03-178 on first reading. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Ordinance No. 95-03-83 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC ', BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, BEACHES AND PARKS, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, ARTICLE II, BEACH SAFETY ZONE, ARTICLE III, PUBLIC PARKS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, ', AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 95-03-83 on first reading. Commissioner Parsons suggested that a dollar amount for application and deposit fees be included in the ordinance. • After discussion of the fees, it was the consensus of the Commission to include those fees in the ordinance Following brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Action on a request from Wilson and Wilson Optical, 615 !, Atlantic Boulevard, to allow anon-conforming sign to be fully removed and reinstalled in the same general i location at the existing height of t•venty-five feet (City Manager) Motion: Allow anon-conforming sign to be fully removed and reinstalled in the same general location at the existing height of twenty-five feet. Mayor Meserve stated that he had previously voted against the 8' height limitation of the revised sign ordinance and he would like to find some way to allow the Wilsons to rebuild their sign. He felt an 8' sign would not be visible over a car if it was parked next to the sign and would cause a traffic hazard on this particular site, since • parking was limited. Mayor Meserve felt the Wilsons should be able to rebuild the sign to the current height with proper engineering and wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code. He felt OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X WATERS X Minutes Page -7- January 13, 2003 the 8' height limitation should be site specific and this site would not safely accommodate an 8' sign. • Mrs. Wilson indicated that they would like to be able to remove the "Wilson and Wilson" part of the existing sign, which overhangs the right-of--way, and reinstall a new sign on the existing pole. Commissioner Beaver felt Mr. and Mrs. Wilson should try to work within the 8' height requirement of the new sign ordinance. He felt that if a variance from the height requirement was granted to the Wilsons, it would set a precedent for future requests. Discussion of the problems related to the current non-conforming sign and its placement on the property ensued. Mrs. Wilson provided background information and stated they could not effectively place an 8' monument sign on the property. Commissioner Waters concurred. (Community Development Director Doerr and Code Enforcement Officer Sherrer's Staff Report providing background information related to the request is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C). Discussion ensued and the motion and second were withdrawn. • Motion: Defer action on the request to the January 27, 2003 meeting. The Commission directed the Wilsons to bring a new sign plan to the City Commission for their review and approval at the January 27`" meeting. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Board/Committee Appointments !, Tree Conservation Board (1) Code Enforcement Board (1) Mayor Meserve nominated David Owens for appointment to the Tree Conservation Board and Chris Shea for appointment to the Code Enforcement Board. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that there would be a vacancy on the Community Development Board and Mr. Shea might better serve on that board. . Motion: Appoint David Owens to fill the unexpired term of Joan McCloud on the Tree Conservation Board and defer an appointment to fill the unexpired term of James Pelkey on the OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X X Minutes Page -8- January 13, 2003 Code Enforcement Board to the January 27, 2003 Commission Meeting. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Approve final plat for afour-lot subdivision known as Cornell One in accordance with staff recommendations (City Manager) Motion: Approve final plat of Cornell One Subdivision as recommended by staff. Commissioner Waters inquired concerning the easements included on the plat. Community Development Director Doerr indicated that the easements would be recorded on the plat and would remain in effect unless changed by some future Commission. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager A. Report and recommendations regarding decorative crosswalks City Manager Hanson explained the recommended locations for the decorative crosswalks as listed in Director Thompson's staff report dated December 20, 2002. The report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D. City Manager Hanson explained that the crosswalks would be experimental to see how effective they would be for traffic calming. Discussion ensued and the Commission concurred with the recommendation in the Staff Report to install crosswalks at the following locations: Sherry Drive at the school crossing just south of Third Street, at the north side of the 7`" Street and East Coast Drive intersection and at the Third Street and East Coast Drive intersection. It was agreed that the crosswalks should have a rough surface that would cause a rumbling effect when driven on to slow traffic. It was also agreed that installation of the crosswalks would be coordinated with paving of the streets during the core city project. Commissioner Waters suggested that in the meantime, the Commissioners look at crosswalks in other cities to see which type • worked the best. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -9- January 13, 2003 B. Report regarding traffic control on Sherry Drive • In response to a petition presented to the Commission on November 25, 2002, for additional stop signs to be placed on Sherry Dnve, Director Thompson reported that after evaluating all of the data, there was no public safety reason for the stop signs requested in the petition. His report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment E. Commissioner Parsons reported that he had received numerous calls and letters opposing any additional stop signs for Sherry Drive. C. Report and recommendations regarding sight distance requirements at intersections Director Thompson presented a written report and pictures of obstructions such as rocks, shrubs, trees, landscaping timbers and walls that had been placed or constructed on city rights-of--way causing hazardous conditions and visibility problems at intersections. During the presentation, sight distance requirements and safety zones were explained. Proposed language to amend the existing code to place reasonable limitations on items that could be placed on city rights-of--way was also presented. It was pointed out that the limitations would not apply to signalized intersections or those with multiple stop signs. After discussion, Director Thompson was directed to draft an ordinance to incorporate the proposed language into the city code. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver • Requested that the south gate at the Cloisters Condominium be closed. Public Works Director Kosoy indicated that the gate would be closed when a construction project in that area was complete. Commissioner Parsons • Reported the City of Neptune Beach was considering adopting a sign ordinance similar to the City of Atlantic Beach's new ordinance and he had learned they were considering giving businesses an incentive to remove non- , conforming signs in five years and requiring that all non- OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -10- January 13, 2003 conforming signs be removed or replaced in ten years. He suggested that the City of Atlantic Beach adopt similar requirements. • Reported that the Police Department had required patrons of the recent ABET event to move their parked cars from Seventh Street. Following brief discussion, Chief Thompson said he would provide a map illustrating parking spaces in the vicinity. Commissioner Waters • • • Reported that the January Northeast Florida League of Cities meeting would be held at the St. Augustine Rod and Gun Club and urged the other Commissioners to attend. Mayor Meserve • Noted that there were several strategic planning challenges facing the Commission this year and suggested that the Commissioners begin thinking about them for the planning sessions to be held in March and April. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Attest: Maureen King Certified Municipal C erk OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N 0 ATTACHMENT A JANUARY 13, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING 414 Sherry Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 j, January 13, 2003 ', Mayor John Meserve, City Manager, Commissioners & Staff 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Reference: Traffic Control Sherry Drive Gentlemen; Thank you, very much, for your cover letter of January 8, 2003; and, the accompanying report by Director of Public Safety, David Thompson. Reference the first sentence of your cover letter, there are no stop signs on Sherry Drive accepting at the South end at Atlantic Boulevard; and, at the North end, where it ends at Plaza and Seminole Road. Reference the second paragraph of the Traffic Report, you are correct about the most ', current vehicle count. At a Monday Night commission I asked Capt. Campbell what the vehicle count was. He told me "Sixteen Thousand vehicles." He may have meant per . week; or, he was joking. I used the info anyway. I knew that it was not for one day. Reference fourth paragraph, page one of the Staff Report, first page, the 1 to 2% speeders that exceeded the allowable. Thirty-one vehicles at 1% and, sixty-two vehicles at 2%. It only takes one speeding vehicle to injure or kill a child or adult. Last paragraph: What is "Special "about Sherry Drive, is that it is a "residential" street. Numerous times, at commission meetings, I hear how you endeavor to maintain that feature. "Maintaining the quality and character of our residential community." People live on this street. Children pass up and down it on the way to school. Families cross it East and Then West going to and from the beach. Numerous individuals and couples walk and run the area...to exercise and for fresh air. Last paragraph, Page two: Your report states that Seminole Road, East Coast Drive, Ocean Drive have large volumes of traffic. You did not support this statement with a traffic count for these areas. NOR! Do you mention the problem that the crossing guard is having to control speeders and careless drivers endangering children at the crossing in front of the Atlantic Beach Elementary school. *Just in case, as a reminder, I have attached a copy of her letter with this letter. • First Paragraph, page three: You are correct, the tividth of Sherry Drive is adequate to • handle the existing Twenty-five Mile per Hour speed limit. LET'S ENFORCE IT! '~, Paragraph Two, page three, Staff Report: You are very incorrect that there are sidewalk's" running the entire length of Sherry Drive. There is only one sidewalk, running j the entire length of Sherry Drive on the East Side. It has been detoured due to several ', years of utility work and again recently, during either, repair or replacement of the same sidewalk. ', Fifth paragraph, page three, Staff Report: According to your listing of DOT requirements for stop signs: Royal Palm Stop Signs are illegal; East Coast four way stop signs are illegal; Ocean Drive four way stop sign are illegal; and, "all" the stop signs on Beach Avenue, one at every street it crosses, are illegal. From Ahern to 20th. In fact, most of the stop signs in the Core City area are illegal, in that case. Very Sincerely Yours, ___~ ~~C~1%Z~iLL~G . arc) Marchioli, PPP, CCPS i Enc: Letter from crossing guard P. S. In retrospect, stop signs on Sherry Drive would reduce the volume of traffic, and accidents at Atlantic Boulevard. This would shift traffic to Seminole and Royal Palm Drive intersections which have traffic lights. A accurate comparison of the foregoing three intersections would be better substantiated with current traffic counts. Too, residents on Sherry Drive have a hard time vetting into and backing out of their driveway because of the volume of traffic and excessive speeding. • 11/20/2002 • My name is Mardie LeBouton. I am the crossing guard for Atlantic Beach Elementary on Sherry Dr. This is my third school year at this p©sition. A resident of Sherry Dr., as well as a mother of a student there came to me today and told me of the impending petition that she and other residents have signed to present to the city on Monday to plead to have something done about the excessive speeding on their road. As the crossing guard Ivan attest to the problem of the cars on that road. I have to say that I was sorry to see the road work completed as it certainly whale under construction was a sure way to keep the majority of vehicles traveling at usually a much slower speed than what I witness every day upon its completion. Even while under construction and down to barely one lane many of the cars using the roast did not adhere to the school zone limit, let alone a construction limit. The school zone distance is rather long, but it is welt indicated with the clashing lights as well as signs. Most of the people traveling that road do not slow down until they see the orange cones I place in the road andlor see me standing there. Some of those people fly by doing way over the posted 15 MPH as well as the posted 25 MPH. My children au~d I usually walk home in the afternoons once I am finished. Many of the cars tra~weling on Sherry after the lights have stopped flashing are going at rates of more than 3S MPH. Speeding is a problem every where, but since the road has been ', repaired it is now a speedway. The residents on the street as well as myself, since I step o~r~t, into it daily are at a risk and they have a justifiable-concern-to have this addressed. Thank you. Mardie LeBouton. .~i ~~~ac `~? ~~b~. ~~~ r~ U ATTACHMENT B JANUARY 13, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING January 7, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hanso ', SUBJECT: Follow-up port Maintenance Cost Estimate for Aquatic Drive Pond; A staffreport was sent to the City Commission at the end of December, 2002 recommending that the City obtain ownership of the Aquatic Drive Pond so that maintenance in the future could be assured. Staff had been unable to get an estimate of the maintenance cost for the pond at the time the report was submitted. Since then, cost estimates have been obtained. The City now estimates that the cost to maintain the I, pond would be $3,000 for initial cleanup and $300 per month or $3,600 per year. As a reminder, the City's storm water consultants will make a special presentation to the Commission on the Hopkins Creek drainage related issues including the Aquatic Drive Pond at a work session i scheduled for S:OOpm on January 27"'. ,Unpaid Animal Control Citations; At the last City Commission work session on December 9, 2002; a question was asked about how many outstanding animal control citations were on our books. As of December 11 `t', there were a total of 46 unpaid animal control citations that had I been issued in 2002. However, most of those were written during November and December with payment of many expected within the next couple of weeks. City staff sent out letters to request subpoenas to the Clerk of Court for those who had not paid the animal citations, and copies were ', sent to the defendants. If they pay within 30 days, they can avoid going to court. Our experience ~, has been that most people will pay the fine when they receive the letters. Lease of Lots for Parking on City Property between Atlantic Boulevard and West ls` Street; ', The City Commission approved offering leases to two businesses~whose employee's are parking on ,City owned property running between West 1~` Street and Atlantic Boulevard. The amount of $500 per month was calculated as being a fair rental for the total property. Staffproposed to each of the two owners that the lease amount would be $250 per month. Both of the property owners involved ', have declined to lease the property from the City; but indicated a willingness to purchase the property if the City were willing to sell it. Both have been asked to .fmd alternate sites for their employees to park. j F,limination of "Bump" on West Playa; The long awaited project to cut down the "bump" on the west side of the Plaza/Mayport Road intersection is about to begin. The JTA agreed to fund the project in exchange for some property to be transferred as part of the Flyover Project. While cutting down the road is relatively simple, the bigger problem is in lowering the water line so that there will • ' be adequate cover between the road surface and the line. JTA had intended to complete this project AGENDA ITEM #3A JANUARY 13, 2003 many months ago, but the cost for the project exceeded their initial expectation. Funding has now ', been obtained and construction is expected to begin in the next several weeks. The western most lane ;I of Mayport Road will be closed on several occasions during this project. Because of the high volume of traffic going down Mayport Road, the contractor will be limited to lane closings only between the hours of 7:OOam and 12:00 noon. • • ATTACHMENT C JANUARY 13, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ', AGENDA ITEM: Request from Wilson and Wilson Optical, located at 615 Atlantic Boulevard, to allow anon-conforming sign to be fully removed and re- installed in the same general location and at the existing height of hventy- ', five feet. ' SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP ' Community Development Director Alexander Shcrrer Code Enforcement Officer DATE: January 06, 2003 BACKGROUND: The owners of Wilson and Wilson Optical have requested a waiver from the sign regulations to allow a new nonconforming sign to replace an' existing nonconforming sign. The sign has been the subject of Code Enforcement action since August of 2001, and was a nonconforming sign prior to the most recent revisions to the sign regulations, in that a portion of the sign cabinet extends into the right-of--way. The owners were advised that, in accordance with provisions addressing Nonconforming Signs, they ~, would be permitted to keep the existing sign, provided that all portions of the sign extending into the right-of-way were removed, and further, that the existing sign complied with the engineering and wind ', load requirements of the Florida Building Code. The owners indicated that they intended to remove the portion of the sign that extends into the right-of--way, but they have. been unable to provide evidence that the sign complies with the Florida Building Code. Section 17-14 (3) viii. of the City Code requires ~ signs to be brought into' compliance with the current sign regulations for: any change necessary for ', compliance with Florida Building Code requirements. With the adoption of the amended sign regulations in September of 2002, the subject sign is now non- conforming with respect to height, placement within the required five-foot setback, encroachment into the right-of--way, and the sign also exceeds the maximum allowable Sign Face Area of eighty square feet. The sign is also presumed not to comply with engineering and wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code. The Applicant has not provided information related to the size of sign they wish to reconstruct, but it is Staff's understanding that they wish to maintain the 25-foot height, and place the new sign in the same genera] location with no encroachment into the right-of--way. '~ BUDGET: No budget issues; however, as of this time, $2500 in fines have been accessed by the Code Enforcement Board. (The Applicant has previously paid $495.83 in administrative charges related to Code Enforcements actions.) RECOMMENDATION: Staff cannot find that the applicant has demonstrated a need for the requested waiver, and can find no justification to allow a Nonconforming Sign to be fully removed and reconstructed as a Nonconforming Sign. • ' ATTACIiMENTS: Documentation from the Code Enforcement Board, Staff and the Applicant REVIEV~'ED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 • • Ruth and Kelly Wilson C/o Wilson & Wilson Qptical 1,10 Solana Road Ponte Vedra, FL -32082 December 12, 2002 City of Atlantic Beach City Commission 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-5445 To Whom It May Concern: We respectfully request we be allowed to address the Atlantic Beach City Commission at the upcoming meeting Monday, January 13, 2003 regarding the issuance of a variance that would allow Wilson & Wilson Clpticai to remove an old sign and build a new sign in its piece. Please. notify us at the above address of the board's decision regarding this request. -, :f~ • Sincerely, /_ ~ L:C~-'~.~~R..~ Ruth Wilson RECEi.VED OFFICE; yr THE CITY CL2;RK AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 1~ u December 10, 2002 Ruth Wilson Wilson & Wilson Optical 615 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 CITY OFAT~TC BEACH ATLANTI BC ~SEMINOLE ROAD TELEPHONE ~-ORIDA 32233.5445 FAX: (904) 247)58055800 S17NCOM: 852.5800 http://ci.atlandc-beach.fl.us Re: Replacement of nonconforming pole sign at 615 Atlantic Boulevard Dear Ms. Wilson: I write in response to your phone call of yesterda . the subject of code enforcement action, must be fully removedland~ siT~~ which continues to be structural and engineering requirements of the Florida Buildin eplaced in order to meet the must comply with currently effective si g Code, then the replacement sign regulations that were i~ regulations. 'This is not a new provision of the sign amended in November of this ear• regulations required that nonconforming signs be brought into compliance v, ly effective sign changes to the structural supports of the si hen there were any removed, the new sign must com 1 ~' Accordingly, if the existing pole si Code, or alternativel P y v'1~ all aPPlicable provisions of Chapter 17 of the City Y, you have the right to seek a waiver from the City Commission of certain provision of Chapter 17. Please be advised, however, that any such waiver c sign from full compliance with the Florida Buildin ould not exempt the by e-mail at sdoerr ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us with an g Code. You may contact me at 247-5817 or y questions. Sincerely, - ~~a~ Sonya 'D err, AICP Community Development Director Don Ford, CBO, Building Official Alexander Sherrer, Code Enforcement Officer ('Q'TY OF ATLAN'T'IC BEACT'' .~ C.B. Date: September 3, 2002 Defendants: MR. KELLY E. WILSON MRS. RUTH WILSON Case # 651-01 Violation: • AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 ~C~~'Y Location: 615 ATLANTIC BLVD A!K!A 10-8 20-25-29E USD3 SALTAIR SEC 1 LOTS 767, 768, 769, 770 RE# 170665-000-9 CHAPTER 17,'SEC 17-9 BUSINESS SIGN EXTENDING ABOVE CITY RIGHT OF WAY Owner Occupied: X Rental: Homestead: Yes No X . Code Enforcement Board Members: 1. Inspection of the property revealed that a violation of the Code of the City of Atlantic Beach is present. Ownership of the property was determined through: Tax Records x Title Search Other 2. The code #(s) and nature of the violation(s) discovered are: CHAPTER 17, SEC 17-9 BUSINESS 51GN EXTENDING ABOVE CITY RIGHT OF WAY 3. The inspection was prompted as a result of a: Complaint X Routine Inspection ^ Other 4. A violation notice was issued to the owner/occupant on: AUGUST 6, 2001 AND AUGUST 8, 2002 5. Notice to the owner-occupant was achieved by: j Certified Mail X Delivery Posting of Property. The method of service meets with requirements of Florida Statutes 162-12. 7: Brief description: 6. I did X did not ~ speak with the owner X someone in charge of the property concerning the violations. In July of 2001 the City's Code Enforcement Office began to investigate all business signs within the jurisdiction of the City of Atlantic Beach for compliance with City Code. This investigation was prompted because of complaints received involving the condition and placement of business signs throughout the City. The business sign located at 615 Atlantic Blvd was one such sign and was found to be in violation of Chapter 17, Sec 17-12; Sign placed within the 5 ft setback and Chapter 17, Sec 17-9; Sign extending above the City's Right of Way.. A certified letter was mailed to Mr. Kelly Wilson on August 7, 2001 allowing 30 days for compliance. On December 12, 2002 the City Commission Grand-fathered all existing business signs with the exception of those that were found to be of a safety risk, were over 25% deteriorated, within 5 ft of power fines, and signs protruding or overhanging into the City Right of Ways. All businesses signs that were Grand fathered were notified in writing. Those that were not Grandfather received either a phone call or a personal visit. Wilson and Wilson received a personal visit in January Of 2002 at which time Mr. Kelly Wilson said that his wife was handling everything concerning the sign issue. I received a call the next day from a Mr. Taylor of Taylor Signs, who said he was working with the Wilsons. In May of 2002, I contacted Taylor Signs concerning the Wilson Sign, and was told that everything was pending. I contacted the Wilsons and was told by Mrs. Wilson that times were tough but she would work with the Zoning Office about options. July 3, 2002 no progress had been made towards compliance, a certified letter was mailed to the Wilsons allowing for 30 days to comply. The letter was received and signed for on July 8, 2002. PAGE 2 CODE PRESENTATION SHEET 1 • • 8. The latest inspection was made- August 13. 2002. AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 9. The business sign violation(s) is still present X in compliance _. 10. In order to achieve compliance, it is necessary to correct the violation: ~ • By remove moving the business sign. 11. I do X do not have a photograph of the property and violation as it existed on the property. It represents a fair and accurate. representation of the property at the time it was taken. 12. l would estimate that 14 days for the si4n removal would be sufficient time to correct the violation. 13. Further Comments: None. 14. Summary: .~ Mr. And Mrs. Wilson have had more then sufficient time to bring their property into compliance with City Code and that the 14 days to correct the violation is for the removal of the sign. Any relocation or ~. ' replacement of the sign will have to be permitted and approved by both the Building and Zoning Departments. 15. Recommendations: ', That Mr. And Mrs. Wilson be found guilty for non-compliance, and per Florida Statute 162.07 (2) be . .assessed the full administrative costs of conducting this hearing, and per Florida Statute 162.09 (2)(a) be fined $250.00 dollars a day for every day past the compliance date, up to the full $2,500.00. if upon the 24'" day, the violation is not corrected, the City of Atlantic Beach be directed to have the sign removed and that all costs incurred be billed to Mr. And Mrs. Wilson. Respectfully submitted, Alex Sherrer Code Enforcement Officer • • . AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 Code Enforceme,__ Administrative Charges for Pres~_.tation to the • • Pursuant to Florida Statute 162.07 (2) the following charges for prosecuting this case before the Code . Enforcement Board shall be charged to the violator provided he or she are found in violation. Code Enforcement Board Meeting: September 3, 2002 ,Case Number, 651-0'1: Mr. Kelly E Wilson & Mrs. Ruth Wilson, 615 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Code Enforcement Officer, $ 14.95 per hour x 13 hours = $194.35 . !Cade Enforcement Secretary, $ 10.00 per hour x 3 hours = $ 30.00 Code Enforcement Attorney, $125.00 per hour x 2 hours _ $250.00 Postage, Certified Mail, $ 3.74 x 2 = $ 7.48 ' .Copies, Xerox $ .10 x 140 pages = 14.00 Total Charges $495.83 September 3 2002 Aiex Sherrer Code Enforcement Offiicer • S AGENDA ITEM #8A JANUARY 13, 2003 ,.., i,......., •• '. ~ i ~. i ~,~N .~ ~ ,~, S ~ i ~ ~.. ~ , ~~ ~'~~ ~f ~ ~ i - ~'''' i . 1 ~f- ~~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ . ,. ,', 7'l . S ~~~ ~~E ' .~ .~ i . ~ `'; .~~'~~~ i ! E ~ C~ •1 cA i4 Q R N~~~c oFF~cti ~F Pew tioN~N ~\Q}A~,N~~G ~ ~~ ,~gg2 ~. , . ~`'~- ~ .~ ~ . ~y _. r '~. ~! :; .,.~ 1,.r ~~ ~.j < <, ~~ x JUL 2 91992 Bui~l~ing antl Zoning i ATTACHMENT D JANUARY 13, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT City of Atlantic Beach • Commission Meeting AGENDA ITEM: Recommended Locations for Decorative Crosswalks DATE: December 20, 2002 SUBMITTED. BY: David E. Thompson, Chief of Police/DPS BACKGROUND: The Police Department was asked to identify the best locations for decorative pedestrian ', crosswalks, specifically in the core city area. The design of the crosswalks is expected to be stamped concrete, with a red brick pattern. In addition to providing a clear designation of the crosswalk, the design is expected to provide a traffic calming effect due to the "rumbling" when vehicles drive over it. The Police Department recommends providing a smooth pathway for wheelchairs, baby strollers, bicycles, etc. down the middle of the crosswalks. Historically, it has been determined that crosswalks should be placed in locations where pedestrians cross the roadway on a frequent basis. People are habitual creatures, and they will not walk an extra block just because a crosswalk is located there. Most people will . cross at locations where they are accustomed to crossing. For this reason, we have identified streets with high levels of vehicular traffic, and intersections where pedestrians frequently cross the roadway. Recommended locations: 1. Sherry Drive at the School Crossing just South of 3~d Street. This is a highly visible location with a large number of people crossing the roadway each school day. During the operation of the school zone, this location has blinking lights and a crossing guard to assist children in crossing the roadway safely. Due to the high number of vehicles using Sherry Drive, and the number of children crossing at that location, we recommend the installation of a decorative crosswalk. 2. ~7`" Street and Eastcoast Drive Intersection (North Side) This intersection is heavily used by pedestrians traveling to and from the Bull ~', Park playground and memorial, the Adele Grage Community Center, and the beach. There are several sidewalks that converge at that location, and the intersection is oddly shaped. The decorative pedestrian crossing would increase the visibility for motorists driving through the area. • ., AGENDA ITEM #9A JANUARY 13, 2003 rd 3. 3 Street and Eastcoast Drive Citizens oin to and from the beach and the element school often nee ~ ~ ary d to ~, cross Eastcoast Drive. Eastcoast Drive has high traffic volumes and very small right-of--ways. The Eastcoast Drive intersection with 3rd Street is approximately half way between stop signs at Atlantic Blvd and 6`" Street. This is a long straight stretch of roadway, and the decorative crosswalk may have a traffic calming effect. Additionally, 3`d Street has a sidewalk from Sherry Drive to Eastcoast Drive. BUDGET: The purpose of this staff report is to identify locations for decorative crosswalks. At this time, no specific funding has been identified for covering the costs of decorative crosswalks. If the City Commission wishes to add decorative pedestrian crosswalks, then they can be approve the funding in the mid-year budget adjustments. Based on the most recent estimates, the brick with concrete sub slab would be $5300 per intersection, or the stamped concrete option would be $3500 per intersection. If all three • intersections were done with a stamped concrete process, then the total cost would be approximately $10,500. ', RECOMMENDATIONS: If the City Commission would like to have decorative crosswalks installed in the core city area, the police department recommends placing them at the locations discussed above. ATTACHMENTS: None REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ~____-- AG ITEM NUMBER: • ATTACHMENT E JANUARY 13, 2003 COMMISSION riEETING STAFF REPORT • City of Atlantic Beach Commission Meeting AGENDA ITEM: Sherry Drive Petition DATE: December 9, 2002 SUBMITTED BY: David E. Thompson, Chief of Police/DPS Dane Smith, Sergeant/Traffic Supervisor BACKGROUND: At the November 25, 2002 City Commission Meeting, a petition was presented to the City Commission with 78 signatures on it. The petition requested three way Stop Signs ', at the intersections of Sherry Drive and 3~' Street, and Sherry Drive and 6`t' Street. The purpose of this report is to discuss the recommendations, and to provide a perspective from the Police Department relative to the petition. The Petition: ~' There are statements in the petition that are not accurate. The statement relative to the traffic volume on Sherry Drive "... totals Sixteen Thousand per day..." is not accurate. '~ The traffic studies have shown that the average daily traffic on Sherry Drive is less than 3,100 vehicles per day. This error was apparently due to a misunderstanding. The petition makes the assumption that when Sherry Drive is completed, motorists will increase their speeds. This may or may not occur. We will not know until the roadway is competed and the speeds are checked. The statement that the increase in traffic citations has failed to curtail or reduce speeding violations is valid, but may be misleading. The current incidence of speeding on Sherry Drive is typically between 1 % and 2% of the total number of motorists traveling on the roadway. If we base our success on a 0% goal for speeding, then we are going to fail to reach that goal. As long as motorists have the free will to drive above the posted speed limits, then we will never achieve the elimination of speeding. However, 1-2% speeding is generally regarded as a low incidence of speeding. The "...endangerment to life and/or limb of mothers, fathers..." is valid for Sherry Drive... and for every roadway in the city, and state. Anytime people and cars are occupying or competing for the same space, it endangers people. Every time people drive a vehicle on a roadway, there is some level of endangerment. The question that we should be addressing is whether or not there is something special about Sherry Drive that makes is inherently dangerous, or if there has been a pattern of injuries or incidents related to speeding on Sherry Drive. • AGENDA ITEM #~9B JANUARY 13, 2003 A review of the past four (4) years of traffic crashes on Sherry Drive does not suggest • that Sherry Drive is particulazly dangerous or hazardous. If we eliminate the crashes on Atlantic Blvd. at the Sherry Drive intersection, there were a total of fifteen (15) crashes on Sherry Drive during the past four (4) years. This includes crashes on pnvate property (Famous Amos pazking lot) and vehicles that were not on the roadway. The only pedestrians accidents occurred at Sherry Drive at the intersection with Atlantic Boulevazd. One was crossing from the Famous Amos parking lot to the motel across Sherry Drive, and the other was crossing at the Sherry Drive intersection with Atlantic Boulevard. Seven (7) crashes involved parked or stationary vehicles that were not on the Sherry Drive roadway. Two crashes occurred at approximately 1:00 AM, and they were the result of drunk drivers. The other crashes were lazgely due to careless driving, and for the most part, they were between Ahern Street Atlantic Boulevazd. Injuries were rare, and the only incapacitating injury was to a motorcyclist who lost control of the motorcycle after mistakenly anticipating the actions of another driver. None of the accidents were the result of excessive speed. After reviewing the crashes, there is no reason to believe that any of these crashes would have been prevented by adding stop signs or reducing the speed limit on Sherry Drive. There is no evidence of a widespread danger to pedestrians or vehicles on Sherry Drive. Enforcement: Although there appears to be a perception that the police department "always" gives a cushion often (10) MPH before issuing speeding citations, this perception is false. Most speeding violations are written for speeds at 10+ MPH over the posted speed. However, citations are issued for lesser speeds. The Nature of Sherry Drive: '~, Sherry Drive is an arterial roadway in Atlantic Beach, transporting approximately 3,100 '~ cars per day North or South. Many citizens use Sherry Drive to travel into and out of Atlantic Beach. Any changes that are made on Sherry Drive are likely to affect the other North/South roadways in the area. For example, if we make traveling on Sherry Drive ', more inconvenient, then motorists will change to Seminole Road, Eastcoast Drive, or other streets. These streets already have large traffic volumes, and the additional vehicles could create delays. Citizens are awaze of this. In a past request for speed bumps and/or stop signs on Sherry Drive, citizens living on other North/South roadways came to express their opposition to the changes. They felt that it would have a negative impact on • their roadways. AGENDA ITEA? #9B JANUARY 13, 2003 The roadway has been reviewed and evaluated, and the current street width of Sherry Drive is approximately 24' of asphalt, with an additiona11.5' on each side for curbing. This provides a total width of approximately 27'. For a local street in a residential area, this width is more than adequate to handle vehicular traffic traveling at the existing speed limit. There are sidewalks running the entire length of Sherry Drive from the intersection with Plaza Drive to the intersection with Atlantic Boulevard, and there are curb cuts to accommodate bicycles or wheelchairs. There is no reason for pedestrian traffic to use the roadway with the vehicles. There is a school zone on Sherry Drive with a pedestrian crossing at that location. The school zone is marked with signs and flashing lights, and it is staffed with a school crossing guard during the primary hours when children are coming to school to leaving school. Stop Signs: The idea of installing stop signs on Sherry Drive to slow down the speeders and make the ~' roadway safer is flawed. The purpose of installing a stop sign is not to slow down the ~' traffic. The Department Of Transportation developed guidelines because a stop sign causes a substantial inconvenience for motorists, and can increase problems at an intersection where one is not warranted. Stop signs may be needed at: - An intersection where the normal right of way is unduly hazardous - An unsignalized intersection in a signalized area - Intersections with high speeds, restricted views, and serious crash records (five or more) - Intersecting-roads with an equal volume of traffic, and average at least 200 vehicles and pedestrians per hour for eight hours (Multi-way stop signs). These conditions do not exist at the intersections on Sherry Drive where the stop signs have been requested. The placement of stop signs at some locations in the city has demonstrated an increase in complaints including: - Accelerating hard and speeding in between stop signs on a roadway - Unhappy motorists blowing their horn when stopping at stop sign - Motorists mm~~ng the stop sign and causing a danger - Increased air pollution • ' AGENDA ITEM #9B JANUARY 13, 2003 • BUDGET: None RECOMMENDATIONS: There is no public safety reason to add stop signs at the locations identified in the Petition, ATTACHMENTS: Spread Sheet Re: Sherry Drive Crashes REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AG DA ITEM NUMBER: • OItDN~tNCE NO. 65-03-31 AN oltDnvANCE Or TkTE CITY Or ATLANTIC IiEA.CH, FLOrtmA, ', RENAlYIING CI-IURC~I ROAD TO DUTTON ISLAND ROAD, AND PROYIDI`i 1G AN EFFECTIVE DAT.C. Vt~IEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to rename Church Road to Dutton Island Road, and ' WZIEREA5, the existing portion of Church Road on the cast side of Mayport Road would be more appropriately known as Dutton Island Road East, and, W~I,EREAS, the existing portion of Church Road on the west side of Mayport Road would be more appropriately known as Dutton Island Road.West, aad, TiE IT ENACTED BY TFIk, CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF TIDE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACII, FLORIDA: SECTION ] . Church Road is hereby zenamed Dutton Island Road, as follows: • (a) That portion of Dutton Island Road on the east side of Mayport Road shall be known as "Dutton Island Road East", and (a) That portion of Dutton Island Road on the west side of Mayport Road shall be known as "Dutton Island Road Wes[". SECTION Z. This Ordinance shall take effect irnrnediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASSED by the City Commission on first reading this day of , 2003. PASSED by the City Commission on second and final reading this day of 2003. ATTEST: MAUREEN KING City Clerk roS~N s. MESERVE Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ALAN C. 7ENSL-N, .ESQUIRL- City Attorney C~ J