06-09-03 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 9, 2003 AGENDA (Amended) Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of May 27, 2003 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors A. Bill Wilson, representing Builders Care, anon-profit organization of the Northeast Florida Builders Association, providing construction services to low- income, elderly and special needs citizens 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings B. Action on a request from Alan E. Dickinson for a waiver from the sign regulations in conjunction with redevelopment of a commercial property at 725 Atlantic Boulevard (North Beach Center) 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge monthly reports: Occupational Licenses, Public Works and Utility Departments (City Manager) B. Authorize staffto purchase the Electrical Switchgear and Supplies for Wastewater Treatmenfi Plant No. 1 (Bid No. 0203-16) from Rexel Consolidated Electric Supply in the amount of $33,390 (City Manager) C. Acknowledge receipt of report on Animal Control Enforcement/Complaints (City Manager) ' , D. Authorize the Mayor to execute Interlocal Agreement, with amendments to Exhibit A, as previously adopted by Resolution No. 03-04 (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 57-03-21 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 15, POLICE, ARTICLE II, DISPOSITION OF CONFISCATED OR LOST PROPERTY, OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE r~ u B. Ordinance No. 75-03-IS Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES, OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REGULATE THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE C. Ordinance No. 45-03-17 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, AMENDING SECTION 20-59, SCHEDULE OF FEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE D. Ordinance No. 20-03-60 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003. 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Provide staffwith direction regarding automatic removal for absences and rotation of chairmen of City boards and committees (City Manager) B. Authorize the Mayor to sign the transmittal documents and authorize staff to submit the Economic/price Proposal (Volume I) and Technical Proposal (Volume II) for Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport (City Manager} C. Authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee for an effluent copper mixing zone study (RFP #0203-7); if a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon, authorize staff to negotiate with the second most qualified firm, Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney (City Manager) D. Award a contract for Phase A of the Hopkins Creek Basin Retention Pond project to Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of $42,022 (RFP #0203-4)(City Manager) E. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Builders Care in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for CDBG housing rehabilitation at 805 Bonita Road , 320 Dudley Street and 355 Skate Roadx; waive the bidding requirements for this work in accordance with Section 2-236(1) of the City Code (City Manager) * (This item was amended to add address in bold type} F. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Annual Accounting and Retention Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (City Manager) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, June 6, 2003. MINUTES OF TIIE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACII CITY COMMISSION 1tIELD IN CITY IIALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2003 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation given by the Mayor, was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of May 27, 2003 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 27, 2003 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors A. Bill Wilson, representing Builders Care, anon-profit organization of the Northeast Florida Builders Association, providing construction services to low-income, elderly and special needs citizens Bill Wilson, President of the Northeast Florida Builders Association, explained that Builders Care was the association's community service initiative that allowed members to use their construction skills to provide services to low-income, elderly citizens. He reported that the group had made over 300 renovations during the past three years. Mr. Wilson requested the city's support to perform the Community Development Block Grant Program funded housing rehabilitation • services for the city (Item 8E). v v 0 0 T T E E s s M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S O COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -~- June 9, 2003 Bob Totter of 275 11`" Street . Mr. Totter commented on the following items. (1) Suggested that the matter of voting districts be placed on the October 2003 ballot, and (2) Opposed the city pursuing the utility privatizing of Naval Station Mayport and inquired as to the city's authority to buy something outside of its city limits. He thought this matter was too speculative and would not benefit the citizens of Atlantic Beach. Alan Potter of 374 Second Street commented on the following items: (1) Indicated the switchgears mentioned under Item 4B were 35 years old, not 60 years old as indicated in the report and did not need to be replaced, (2) Believed Item 8D - Phase A of the Hopkins Creek Basin Retention Pond Project, if approved, would be a waste of money since the problem could be resolved by unblocking the existing culvert, and (3) Opposed Item 8B -Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport and stated he believed the city had no authority to purchase the Navy utility system. Steve McGuire of 32810`" Street felt the Police Department report relative to speeding on 10`" Street was based on inaccurate information and requested that the equipment be recalibrated, the speeding study repeated and consideration given to installing speed bumps on 10`" Street S based on the new information. Chief Thompson stated that the Police Department had placed equipment on the street to re-evaluate the speeding and the equipment had been vandalized. He indicated they were still working on a revised study. Pat Pillmore of 995 Camelia Street stated the City of Jacksonville would be considering the proposed land use change requested by Wa1Mart for the property on Mayport Road the following day and suggested residents attend the meeting to voice their opinion. Don Remley of 1309 Violet Street noted that the silt removed during a recent drainage ditch cleaning in Aquatic Gardens had been piled up along the edge of the ditch and inquired if it should be hauled away. Public Works Director Kosoy responded that the silt would be placed on the edge of the ditch, and sodded to stabilize the ditch walls and prevent collapsing. Alan Dickinson, Developer of the North Beach Center on Atlantic Boulevard, thanked the Commission for reconsidering his request for a waiver from the sign regulations during the Workshop meeting preceding the Commission Meeting. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -3- June 9, 2003 Curt Sanders of 2320 Barefoot Trace requested the Commissioners consider passage of an ordinance, similar to the one recently passed by the City of Jacksonville, requiring helmets and protective padding for all children under the age of seventeen who skateboard or in-line skate. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive commented on the following items: (1) Expressed displeasure with the water being pumped on Sherry Drive during construction, (2) Opposed construction of the Wa1Mart store on Mayport Road, (3) Reminded the Commissioners of Rule #4 in the City Charter for conduct of a meeting, (4) Reiterated his position that stop signs placed along Sherry Drive would calm traffic and divert it to other streets with signals on Atlantic Boulevard, (5) Reminded the Commissioners of his suggestion to pass an ordinance requiring "both hands on the steering wheel", (6) and opposed Item 8B -Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport. Sally Clemens of 1638 Park Terrace West stated she would like to know each Commissioner's position on the land use change requested by Wa1Mart. Kirk Farber of 331 lOt~' Street, who was instrumental in getting the petition signed requesting speed bumps on 10`h Street, stated he would like the Commissioners to reconsider the request due to the on-going safety issue for the fourteen children living on the street. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow-up report on issues from previous meetings City Manager Hanson reported on each item of his written report. The City Manager's follow-up report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Beach Access Signs Oceanside Commissioner Parsons stated he would like to retract his previous request to install street signs on the ocean-side at each beach access. He also requested that the signs installed concerning dune protection be removed from the top of the dunes. He suggested that the garbage cans located at the street ends be repainted to include the street names. Hosting a Northeast Florida League of Cities Meeting City Manager Hanson reported that meetings for the next several months were booked, and the next meeting needing sponsorship was March 2004. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -4- June 9, 2003 A brief discussion ensued and Commissioner Waters suggested the three beach cities co-sponsor a future meeting. If that did not work out, he requested that the City of Atlantic Beach sponsor the meeting. There were no Commission objections. B. Action on a request from Alan E. Dickinson for a waiver from the sign regulations in conjunction ~vitli redevelopment of a commercial property at 725 Atlantic Boulevard (North Beach Center) Mayor Meserve recapped the discussion at the Workshop and indicated the Commission was recommending some minor modifications to the sign ordinance that would provide options for Mr. Dickinson. Mayor Meserve advised Mr. Dickinson to meet with Community Development Director Doerr concerning the sinage for his project. 4. Consent Agenda Commissioner Beaver requested that Item 4B be removed from the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Borno requested that Items 4A and 4C be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. D. Authorize the Mayor to execute Interlocal Agreement i with amendments to Exhibit A, as previously adopted by Resolution No. 03-04 (City Manager) Motion: Approve Item 4D as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. A. Acknowledge monthly reports: Occupational Licenses, Public Works and Utility Departments (City Manager) Commissioner Borno noted under Item 3 comments listed in the Public Works and Utility Departments report concerning standing water that cannot be redirected without major work on Mayport Road and inquired if something would be done about this problem. Public Works Director Kosoy indicated that during the final inspection, it was determined nothing could be done about the problem without major work on Mayport Road. He indicated that he had been monitoring the standing water after recent storms, and it was not causing any significant problem at this~time. Public Works Director Kosoy further reported the road had been improperly striped at the intersection, directing traffic into the wrong lane, and • he was working with the JTA to get it corrected. OMMISSIONERS M 0 T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- June 9, 2003 B. Authorize staff to purchase the Electrical Switchgear and Supplies for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 (Bid No. 0203-1G) from Rexel Consolidated Electric Supply in the amount of $33,390 (City Manager) Utilities Director Kaluzniak explained that staff was requesting authorization to purchase the electrical switchgear and supplies for Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 as part of a preventative maintenance program. She indicated that much of the electrical equipment was very old, in poor condition and some components did not meet code. It was further reported that in an emergency situation, parts would be difficult to obtain and she wanted to avoid emergency outages of critical equipment. C. Acknowledge receipt of report on Animal Control Enforcement/Complaints (City Manager) Commissioner Borno thanked Chief Thompson for the report and inquired concerning the collection of unpaid citations. Chief Thompson explained the past procedure and indicated they could be pursued through appearance before the city's Code Enforcement Board. • Fines and penalties were discussed. Commissioner Waters believed there should be stiffer penalties for unleased dogs. Chief Thompson indicated he would look into that section of the code and bring options back to the Commission. Commissioner Parsons inquired if the fines were adequate. Chief Thompson thought they were adequate for first offenses. Consent Agenda Items A-C were received and acknowledged as presented. 5. Committee Reports: Tree Board Barbara Mears, Chair of the Tree Board, updated the Commission on the activities of the Tree Board as follows: (1) During the past year the board reviewed thirty-three applications, (2) Conducted two Special Called Meetings, (3) Created a simplified tree removal application form, (4) Defined a tree barricade, (5) the Board was currently working on a "Champion Tree" definition and list, (6) the Board would like to recommend a list of three certified arborists for use by residents, and (7) Commented that the Board would like to • arrange for tree barricade inspections to be done prior to footing inspections. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -6- June 9, 2003 Commissioner Waters stated there was a flaw in the city's Tree Ordinance, which allowed a property owner, after living in his home for one year, to be able to cut down any tree on his property. He stated the City of Jacksonville Beach's Tree Ordinance was written to prevent this and suggested the Board look at their ordinance. 6. Action on Resolutions: There was no action on Resolutions. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 57-03-21 Public Hearing & Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 15, POLICE, ARTICLE II, DISPOSITION OF CONFISCATED OR LOST PROPERTY, OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor for a public hearing. No one spoke and the Mayor closed the • public hearing. It was pointed out that language was included in the ordinance to provide that Florida State Statutes would govern the disposition of confiscated or lost property. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 57-03-21 on final reading. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 70-03-15 Public Hearing & Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTIIER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO REGULATE THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor for a public hearing. Bob Totter of 275 llt~' Street felt "traffic safety hazard area" should be defined in the ordinance. No one else spoke and the Mayor closed the public hearing. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X PARSONS X X WATERS X X ivIESERVE X Minutes Page -7- June 9, 2003 Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 70-03-15 on final reading. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Ordinance No. 20-03-17 Introduction & First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, AMENDING SECTION 20-59, SCHEDULE OF FEES, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and stated the public hearing and final reading would take place on June 23, 2003. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20-03-17 on first reading. Commissioner Waters inquired concerning calculation of the fees listed in the ordinance. City Clerk King explained they were rounded to the even lower figure for ease in computing any late charges. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Ordinance No. 20-03-60 Introduction ~; First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20-03-60 on first reading. Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and stated the public hearing and final reading would. take place on June 23, 2003. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Provide staff with direction regarding automatic removal for absences and rotation of Chairmen of City Boards and Committees • The Commissioners reviewed a resolution and draft ordinance, establishing terms and term limits for the three boards and one committee serving the city. City Manager Hanson noted that no OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- June 9, 2003 limits were set on the length of time a person may serve as the Chair of a board or committee. Discussion of the revisions ensued and it was the consensus of the Commissioners that language covering the following be incorporated into the resolution and ordinance: (1) Consistent language throughout the city code relative to terms and term limits, (2) That staggered terms be defined by reference to years, (3) Three unexcused absences at regularly scheduled meetings will result in automatic removal from the board/committee, (4) The board/committeewih elect its own Chair, (5) The Chair maybe reappointed to the position within the length of his term, and (6) Clarification that a person may serve on a board/committee again, after serving a full eight-year term (sit out one year and then request reappointment). The Mayor directed the City Manager to bring back an amended resolution and ordinance to the June 23~`~ Commission Meeting for further review. B. Authorize the Mayor to sign the transmittal documents and authorize staff to submit the Economic/Price Proposal (Volume I) and Technical Proposal (Volume II) for Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the transmittal documents and authorize staff to submit the Economic/Price Proposal (Volume I} and Technical Proposal (Volume II) for Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport. Commissioner Beaver stated that each Commissioner had met with the City Manager and Utility Director Kaluzniak to go through the proposal prepared by Gannett Flemming. He indicated that it was thought that if the city won the contract, it would provide an opportunity to bring additional revenue to the city by providing water and sewer services to Naval Station Mayport. Jeff Stamm of Gannett Fleming, presented an overview of the Economic/Price and Technical Proposals being submitted to the U.S. Navy. The total purchase price for the base facilities, the annual operating and maintenance costs, and the operating margin were reviewed in detail. (A copy of the Economic/Price Proposal (Volume I) and the Technical Proposal (Volume II) for the Utility Privatization of Naval Station Mayport are on file in the Office of the City Clerk). OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -9- June 9, 2003 S Commissioner Waters inquired if taxpayer dollars would be expended to purchase the utility system. City Manager Hanson indicated no tax dollars would be spent. Commissioner Borno inquired concerning a timeline for the privatization process. Mr. Stamm indicated the following: (1) 7 months for review by the Navy to arrive at a short list of firms, (2) 12 months for due diligence, (3) 6 months to make the final selection of a contractor, and (4) 6 months for the transition. Mayor Meserve believed all necessary steps had been taken to protect the city from risk by submitting a conservative proposal that was fair and included the potential to bring revenues to the city. He noted the city already provided water/sewer service to the Navy's off-base housing. Mayor Meserve also stated that he could see a downside to the transaction since the city would be bidding against other major companies, including the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA). He stated the city would be buying an old system built in the 1940's when no records were kept, and no one really knew the condition of the system. He believed the city might end up spending a great deal of money and staff time to operate a system that provided only a small amount of profit for the city. Mayor Meserve felt the city was not competitive with its $8.10/1000 gallons proposed fee for water and sewer service, and he would have to oppose going to the next phase if the city was on the short list. He felt the city could not compete with the (JEA) when it came to the bottom line figure. Commissioner Borno agreed, but believed the city could walk away if it would cost too much. '~ Commissioner Beaver suggested that workshops be held to discuss the matter further if the city goes to the next phase. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Authorize staff to negotiate a contract `vitli Camp, Dresser & McKee for an effluent copper mixing zone study (RFP#0203-07); if a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon, authorize staff to negotiate with the second most qualified firm, Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney (City Manager) • Motion: Authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee for an effluent copper mixing zone study; if a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon, OMMISSIONERS M O T [ O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BoRNO x x PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X ~tiSEE REVERSE SIDE FOR AMENDED PARAGRAPH Minutes Page -10- June 9, 2003 authorize staff to negotiate with the second most qualified firm, Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney. Commissioner Borno referenced paragraph four of the staff report and inquired concerning the cost of the study and budget for the project. City Manager Hanson explained the budget and mixing zone study requirements. The Utility Director's staff report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Commissioner Waters inquired if the river could be used as the mixing zone. Utility Director Kaluzniak responded that she was confident the city could use the river as its mixing zone since others up and downstream do so. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Award a contract for Phase A of the Hopkins Creek Basin Retention Pond Project to Camp, Dresser and McKee in the amount of $42,022 (RFP#0203-04) (City Manager) Motion: Award a contract for Phase A of the Hopkins Creek Basin Retention Pond Project to Camp, Dresser and McKee in the amount of $42,022. Mike Schmidt of Camp, Dresser and McKee was present to answer questions. Commissioner Parsons inquired if construction of the retention pond would provide relief from flooding in the Aquatic Gardens area. Mr. Schmidt indicated that the Phase A storage option would meet environmental requirements, would provide protection from flooding of the first floor of residences and would keep roads passable. Discussion of the site of the retention pond and the Hopkins Creek drainage basin ensued. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. E. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Builders Care in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for CDBG housing rehabilitation at 805 Bonita Road, 320 Dudley Street and 355 Skate Road; waive the bidding • requirements for this work in accordance with Section 2- 236(1) of the City Code (City Manager) OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BoRNO x x PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -11- June 9, 2003 Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Builders Care in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for CDBG housing rehabilitation at 805 Bonita Road, 320 Dudley Street and 355 Skate Road; waive the bidding requirements for this work in accordance with Section 2-236(1) of the City Code. Community Development Director Doerr indicated that the funding had been increased to an amount not to exceed $25,000 due the addition of the third home located at 355 Skate Road. There was rio discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Authorize the City Manager to sign the annual Accounting and Retention Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (City Manager} Motion: Authorize City Manager to sign the annual Accounting and Retention Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: Taxable Value Increase • The City Manager reported that the city's taxable value increased approximately 11% from $830M to $918M, with 70% of the increase due to reappraisals and 30% from new construction. Pocket Park by the Flyover • Recreation Director Johnson reported that the small playground for the park would be installed with late August as the completion date. Mr. Johnson indicated that $20,000 had been budgeted for the project. He reminded the Commissioners that the park needed to be named. ~~ ~~ OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO x x PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -12- June 9, 2003 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver • Stated he was very pleased with the effectiveness of the new storm drainage installed so far in the Core City Project • Inquired concerning a letter received from Dominick Bisbano listing several code enforcement issues. City Manager Hanson indicated Mr. Bisbano was not able to attend this meeting and he had not included this matter as an agenda item. No staff action regarding the issues listed in Mr. Bisbano's letter was requested by the City Commission. Commissioner Borno • Reported there were seventeen turtle nests on the area beaches. • Inquired if the city could put the radar sign on 10`h Street and Chief Thompson responded that the radar unit did not belong to the city, but he would look into it. Commissioner Parsons • Reported that BEAM (Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministries) was in need of funding and requested consideration of a yearly donation of $1,500 - $2,000. Commissioner Waters • Opposed construction of the Wa1Mart Super Center on . Mayport Road and stated he was opposed to rezoning residential property for a commercial purpose. He suggested the city adopt a resolution similar to the one recently adopted by the City of Neptune Beach opposing the store. Commissioner Parsons concurred. Commissioner Borno noted that the wetlands on the property needed to be protected. Commissioner Waters stated that he would meet with the City Manager to draft the resolution and bring it back at the next meeting. •'• ado tan ordinance re uirin Suggested the city p q g skateboarders to wear helmets. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -13- June 9, 2003 •'• Reported that he had requested staff to look into how repeat code violators could be handled through the Code Enforcement Department. Mayor Meserve • Reported he had been appointed to the BRAC Committee to study military base closures. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared th me ting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. J Meserve Attest: ~ ~ or/P esiding Officer Maureen King Certified Municipal Cler • • OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O 4 ATTACHi~iENT A JUNE 9, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING June 2, 2003 • MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Han n Cit SUBJECT: Follow-up' eport , Boats in Residential Areas in Atlantic Beach; Staff was asked at the last meeting to survey the number of boats that are being kept in yards in Atlantic Beach so that the information can be used to determine changes or patterns in the future. Code Enforcement staff prepared a count of the boats on May 28`", a tabulation of which is attached for your information. In total there were 89 boats counted. Three of those were illegally parked and received notices from the City. Beach Access Signs; A request was made at the last meeting for the City staff to consider installing signs on the beachside dunes indicating where the beach access points were located. The City ofNeptune Beach has similaz signs, and pictures will be available at the commission • meeting on June 9~'. Signs can be installed along the beach for approximately $80.00 per location. Twenty signs would cost an estimated $1,600. These signs would be exempt from FDEP regulations. One possible problem could be complaints from adjoining residents that the signs degrade their view ofthe oceanfront. When staffrecently put up some new signs on the dunes advising residents not to walls through the sea oats, at least one complaint was received from a neazby resident. Hosting a Northeast Florida League of Cities Monthly Meeting; Staff was also asked to look into the possibility of hosting a future meeting of the Northeast Florida League of Cities. The group meets monthly in one of the member cities to discuss legislative issues and have supper. The Executive Director of the League would like to have Atlantic Beach sponsor one of the monthly meetings. Meetings for the next several months are already booked and the next available slot is Mazch of 2004. Sponsoring cities are required to absorb any facilities and meal costs that aze above the $17.50 per person registration fee. To hold this meeting at the Sea Turtle Inn would require an estimated subsidy by Atlantic Beach of $1,850 assuming a group of about 100 people. The League of Cities would also hope to get some help from sponsoring cities in coming up with door prizes. The last time a monthly meeting was sponsored in the Jacksonville beaches azea was approximately three years ago done by Neptune Beach at the Sea Horse Hotel. If the Commission would like to consider hosting a meeting in Atlantic Beach, possibly getting all three beach cities to co-sponsor the event could be helpful in several ways. Radios; A question was raised at the last Commission meeting about how many radios were • being purchased in cooperation with the system changes being made by the City of Jacksonville. AGENDA ITEM 3A JUNE 9, 2003 There are 132 radios on order although the City only has approximately 110 full time employees. Attached is a list of radios by department and type. The reasons for this number of radios include the Police Department assignment of radios ui the squad cars as well as portables to individual officers and 14 radios assigned to the lifeguard group, which are not included in the city's full time employment list. • • • • Atlantic Beach Recreational Boat Surve Address Boat Location Lot T e Back Yard Side Yard Front Yard Comer Lot Du x 1 11th St 316 X 2 12th St 306 X X 3 13th St 175 X 4 17th St 325 X X 5 20th St 305 X 6 2nd St 310 X 7 3b St 351 X 8 6th St 367 X 9 6th St 382 X 10 7th St 363 X 11 Ambe ack Ln 885 X 12 A vatic Dr 531 X 13 A vatic Dr 558 X X 14 Beach Ave 1748 X 15 Begonia St 1324 X X 16 Bonita Rd 715 X X 17 Bonlta Rd 775 X 18 Camilla St 120 X 19 Camilla St 120 X 20 Camifia St 280 X 21 Camilla ST 701 X 22 Fainva Villas 5 2113 X 23 Helmsman Ln 443 X 24 Helmsman Ln 477 X 25 Hibiscus St 1086 X 26 Hibiscus St 935 X X X 27 Jasmine St 12D2 X 28 Magnolia St 190 X X 29 Mafn St 1011 X 30 Main St 195 X 31 Main St 240 X 32 Maln St 940 X 33 Mako Dr450 X 34 Ma St 1967 X X X 35 Nautical Blvd N 548 X 36 Ocean Blvd 1105 X 37 Ocean Bivd 1303 X X 38 Ocean Blvd 612 X 39 Orchid St 480 X 40 Orchid St 860 X X 41 Orchid St 870 X X 42 Orchid St 970 X X 43 Park Tertace E 1580 X 44 Park Terrace E 1601 X 45 Park Terrace E 1731 X 46 Plaza Dr 324 X 47 Plaza Dr 366 X 48 Plaza Dr 770 X 49 Poinsetta St 197 X 50 Redfin Dr 760 X 51 Ro I Palms Dr 573 X X 52 Ro al Palrts Dr 578 X 53 SabaloDr725 X 54 Sailfish Dr418 X 55 Sailfish Dr434 X 56 Sa o Rd 346 X 57 Sa o Rd 394 X 58 Sa o Rd 469 X 59 Sea Oats Dr 1798 X X 60 Sea Oats Dr 1845 X 61 Seaspra Ave 301 X X 62 Seas ra Ave 533 X 63 Sella Madera Ct 2026 X 64 Seminole Rd 1879 X 65 Seminole Rd 2051 X 66 Seminole Rd 211 X 67 Seminole Rd 232 X 68 Seminole Rd 359 X 69 Seminole Rd 415 X 70 Seminole Rd 888 X 71 Simmons Ln 15 X 72 Skate Rd 418 X 73 Stock St 600 X 74 Stock St 686 X 75 Stock St 985 X 76 Trf[onDr720 X 77 Vecuna Dr 767 X 78 Vikin Ln 507 X 79 Violet St 1227 X 80 Violet St 1369 X 81 W 14th St 480 X X 82 W 14th St 802 X 83 W 1st St 445 X 84 W 3rd St 365 X 85 W 3rd St 85 X B6 W 3rd St 9D X 87 W 7th St 66 X X 88 ~ W 8th St 73 X X 69 Whflin Ln 491 X Totals I 11 i 55 i 23 I 13 I 7 AGENDA ITEM 3A JiJNE 9, 2003 Interoperable Radios By Department 30-May-03 Police Lifeguards Parks and Recreation City Manager Public Utilities Public Works Building Department Code Enf Finance Total • AGENDA ITEM 3A JUNE 9, 2003 1 Motorcycle 33 Portable Budgeted for 27 Sworn Four (4) Spares/CSU Two (2) Animal Control 21 Mobile Radios 15 Patrol Cars One (1) Spare 2 AB Console 3 Connections for JB, NB, Jax 2 Control Stations ABPD 12 Portables 1 Mobile Lifeguard Truck 1 Control Station Lifeguard Building 11 Portables 1 Portable 15 Portables 19 Portables 2 Base Stations 7 Mobiles 1 Portables 1 Portable 4 Portables 132 !® ~' ._ ATTACHMENT B -• JUNE 9, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING • • CITY OF ATLANTIC B a~ACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Professional Engineering Services Ri?P No. 0203-7 Effiuent Copper Mixing Zone SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director DATE: June 3, 2003 BACKGROUND: As per a verbal report to the City Commission on May 12, 2003, the Cities of Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach are currently under ~.dministrative Orders from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for effiuen! copper limitations. The Administrative Orders require the cities to meet permit limi~:ations by December 1, 2003. These limitations are very stringent, much more so than drinking ~ eater regulations, with a copper limit of 3.7 parts per billion in the effiuent. . The City of Jacksonville Beach does not currently have any permit requirements or administrative orders for effluent copper. Jacksonville Beach's current permit does not expire until February 2004, and it is unknown whether a copper limit will be inchided. ~If an Administrative Order is issued, Jacksonville Beach will probably be given an additional year or so to meet the effiuent limit. All three cities (Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach and Atlantic Beach) participated in a study by Waitz & Moye, Inc. to determine methods of reducing effiuent copper through operational modifications. These modifications were initiated in Atlantic and Neptune Beach, and effiuent copper reduced at times, but not to the point of meeting lirruts on a consistent basis. Other options for meeting the permit limit include chemical additir~n, which would cost approximately $50,000 per year for Atlantic Beach, or obtaining a mixing zone from DEP, which would in effect increase our permit limit based on stream and effiuent characteristics. The mixing zone option was not immediately considered, as the analysis and modeling can easily run into costs in the six- figure range. The three Beach cities met with DEP to discuss a reduced :cope option for the mixing zone, and DEP agreed to limit the amount of analysis and river study, and permit the mixing zone at the local level if the study proves it feasible. DEP noted that it would be very important to expedite the work in order to ensure permitting at the local level, and to meet the December 1, 2003 deadline for Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach. A rough cost estimate for the required work for the mixing zone study is $60,000. Because Jacksonville Beach does not have the copper limit in their current permit, they are not willing to commit funds for this project at this time. Howe~Ter, should an effiuent copper limit be imposed in the future, and if Jacksonville Beach uses the mixing zone to meet the limit, the City of AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 Atlantic Beach should be reimbursed for Jacksonville Beach's share of the cost at that time. Neptune Beach has agreed to share the cost based on the percentage of their flow to the total capacity for the three beach cities. Cost division is based on total treatment plant capacity for each City as shown below: Treatment Plant Design Flow, MGD Total = 10.9 Percent of Total of All 4 Treatment Plants Jacksonville Beach 4.5 41.3% Ne tune Beach 1.5 1.3.7% **Atlantic Beach 4.9 45% **Total of Wastewater Plant #1 (3.0 MGD) plus Wastewater Plant #2 (1.9 MGD) The City advertised a request for letter proposals to complete the engineering work, including a mixing zone plan of action to be approved by DEP, plant and stream sampling, analysis, modeling, data reduction, reporting, permitting and meetings with DEP. Six proposals were received on May 27, 2003 from the following firms: Applied Technology & Management, Inc. John R. Barnard & Associates, Inc. Camp, Dresser & McKee CH2M Hill Jones Edmunds & Associates Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney Proposals were reviewed and ranked by stafffrom the three beach cities. The three top-ranked firms were: 1. Camp, Dresser & McKee 2. Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney 3. Applied Technology & Management, Inc. BUDGET: Because we were attempting to reduce copper levels with operational modifications, staff did not budget for a mixing zone study. Approximately $38,000 is available in the sewer fund for miscellaneous professional services and $22,000 is available in the sewer fund from arolled-over project that came in under budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staffto negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, Camp, Dresser & McKee. If a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon, authorize staff to negotiate with the second most qualified firm, Key Solutions, Inc./Stone, Joca & Mahoney. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Request for Proposal No. 0203-7 2. Proposal scoring sheet. ..REVIEWED BY CITY • AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 • CJ ~J m 0 3 (7 Y ro [fl ~_ C N O E A a m Q Y ro C N 7 Y A c C O D >. .o O <L y w U ~ J N Q V, LL Z~ ~O Wy W W Z = (~ U Z W m Q O Z W O? W ~ lL OV ao ~w OZ u. O NN (A Z O_X O~ aW u. a 00 Z U O I... =w > LL W o~ o A, (A ~ N - ~ 'V' ~ fD O t° ~ Om 0 0 F- a ~n o 0 0 o v> ri ui v ri ri v U N O ~ N ~ 'R ~ ~ ~ '? ~ N ~ V ~ N O ~ .D N O 7 ~ of E ~ e a c N c m e m e = c ~ v m N a1 ° a~ N CQ~ N N ~ N d N d ~ ~ ~ L m ° ~ ,, m ~ ~ ~ ~ N mom v~-~ m-~ m-, U-, a-~ ~V O ~ O O ~ O O ~ O '° N? ~ ^ I I I m l° I I I I I I I i ~ m S c~ S m ~' ro ~' m ~' m c~ ti~v d C mo ~ m CY y Y ro o C p N p m o~~qq Cy wY o0 om CY ~/1Y oca o~~pp CY ~/lY om ~ CY NY ~ o iiO 5 O 'u. Z 5 Z iL0 ~O iiO 50 iL0 SO u.O 50 LL~ ti N ~ f'~7 M f`') m O ,ri ni m t ~ u co cc cD d p o ' ° n •°- a a ~. w H LL~ ~ ~C1 N ^ ~ a1 ^ ~~'0= ~ Co r N « A C ~ ~ V ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ U o Q N ~~ C ~ ^ IA Q1 M ~ ~ N ~ N .- v`°E c ~ " v u a~ o ~~ m U y ~ ~' ~ ayi U a1 N N ~ v c. `v d vv m ` yv o ~ v a~ ~v a~ ^d d V1 ~ ~ a°'u ~ V e U.. V ~. '~ ~~ ~Q w b 'Q d'O ~ O ~~ :: ° ~ e e Q c~ a o o. ~n a r, a .- a co a O ~ N N M ~ ~ C ~ ' t^D ~ C C 1D N fh L' . _. 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Time is of the essence for this nroiect, and the letter proposals must be submitted as below: Letter Proposals must be submitted in triplicate by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Mav 27, 2003 and addressed to: Ms. Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director. 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-5834 dkaluzniakna,ci.atlantic-beach. fl, us All uestions concernin the 'tt q g subnu al of proposals must be addressed to Donna Kaluzruak, CEP, Utility Director. No questions may be directed to any other party. I. INFORMATION: A. Owner: City of Atlantic Beach B. Manager: Atlantic Beach Public Utility Department The engineering contract will be executed and administered by the City of Atlantic Beach. 2. PROJECT SCOPE: The objective of this RFP is to award a contract to provide engineering and other professional services required to accomplish the preparation of an e$Iuent copper mixing zone study for submission to FDEP. The three beaches (Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and 7acksonville Beach) share a combined effluent outfall. In addition, the City of Atlantic Beach has an adjacent outfall from a second wastewater treatment plant. Copper concentrations from the three beach's wastewater plants have periodically exceeded the state surface water discharge limit of 2.9 ug/L. The scope of work includes; Phase I.A. ^ Prepazation of an Action Plan for FDEP coordination and endorsement for mixing zone data collection and preliminary assessment 1 AGENDA ITEM 8C NNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 2003 ^ Scope preparation, river and treatment plant sampling, and laboratory analysis consistent with FDEP needs. Sampling and analysis will include all three beaches (Atlantic, Neptune and Jacksonville Beach). ^ Review summary and analysis of data obtained from sampling, as well as data available from other sources. ^ Attend meetings with FDEP to discuss results of sampling and analysis Phase I.B. ^ Develop a modeling workplan, if sampling and analysis indicate mixing zone feasibility Phase II. If a mixing zone appears feasible based on Phase I work: ^ Attend meetings with FDEP as needed ^ Develop and run model ^ Prepare reports, permit application and associated documentation ^ Respond to FDEP Requests for Additional Information 3. CONSULTANT(S) WRITTEN~PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND SELECTION PROCESS: An agreement will be developed for signatures upon approval of the City Commission. A. SELECTION PROCESS: Consultant selection shall be in accordance with this request for proposal. The evaluation process shall determine qualifications, interest, and availability. City staff will first review all written responses. This review will result in a ranked list of fully qualified respondents and a recommendation for contract award. The determinations shall be based upon the criteria below. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive informalities and technicalities, and make awards to the firm whose proposal best serves the interest of the City. Also, the City reserves the right to make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of any proposer to perform the services requested. B. METHOD OF RANKING: During the review of written responses, each criterion below will be ranked on a scale of zero (0) through ten (10). In addition, each criterion has been assigned a percentage value that weights the criterion's significance to the project as shown below. C. WRITTEN PROPOSAL /QUALIFICATIONS PACKAGE REQUIREMENT: Respondents are to adhere to the requirements shown below. Failure to do so may result in rejection ofproposal asnon-responsive. 2 AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 2003 .Proposals are to be letter proposals, with a maximum of 7 pages, (not including item D.S.). - Be concise and to the point. - Provide adequate information on each criterion below. - Provide the ranking criteria information below in the order shown. D. RANKING CRITERIA: 1) Firm's Professional QuaIif::cations and Project Team[20%]: Provide an .organization chart and list Consultant team members and sub-contractor firms, including brief summary resumes, with bullets on education, training and experience for project personnel. Team members listed in the proposal must be available for work on the City's project during the entire contract period. In the event a team member leaves the employ ofthe consultant during the contract period, another team member with equal or better experience and qualifications must be substituted, with the notification of the Utility Director. • ° , 2) Past record of professional accomplishments [15 /°]. A list plus brief description of completed projects similar to the City project under consideration. Provide a reference list of public sector entities within the state of Florida for which similar services have been provided. Include owners' contact person, FAX number and telephone number, and type of projects completed. 3) Staff Availability and Capability to Meet Deadlines [IS%]: Current and projected workload for the project team which indicates the availability of staffto complete assigned projects in a timely manner. Timeliness of completion of current or past projects for the City of Atlantic Beach will be included in this criterion, if applicable. 4) Project Approach: [YO%] Briefly describe the firm's specific proposed approach to the complete the project. 5) Financial Responsibility and Insurance[10%]: The form of business of the prime consultant, i.e., proprietorship, partnership, corporation; years in business; changes in ownership; bank reference; and any other information the applicant may wish to supply to verify financial responsibility. Include the most recent audit summary for the firm, and current certificate of insurance. • AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 2003 6) Proximity [5%J: Location of the consultant's home office (corporate headquarters) and location of the local office where the project(s) will be produced. The members of the project teams should be permanently assigned to the project office. Routine and responsive face-to face interaction will be important in servicing the City's needs in performing this contract. In the event a team member is relocated, another team member with equal or better experience and qualifications shall be substituted. Team members shall not be transferred, relocated or reassigned while performing work on a specific City project without prior notification of the City's project manager. 7) Cost [5%J: Quote hourly rates, fees, or charges. Detail other cost proposals or cost breakdown information. a. Schedule of direct labor rates (without fringe benefits) for the following categories of personnel to be used on this requirements contract. Principal (Partner or Senior Officer) Project Manager (Responsible Professional) Design Engineer or Architect (Registered) Designer or Technician (Non-registered) Drafter Clerical (Typist, Word Processor, Printer, Assembly) Other (Specify) b. Proposed overhead rate on direct labor, profit rate, costs of printing, CAD systems or other direct project costs. c. Any other information available to show pricing methods. d. Miscellaneous guidance: - Proposed rates and costs will be used in the negotiation of fees and shall remain in effect throughout the current term of the continuing contract. - List the proposed overhead rates in use by the firm. In no case will the City pay a total overhead rate that exceeds 150 percent of direct labor. • AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 2003 - Profit rate shall be applied only to direct labor plus associated overhead and shall not exceed 10 percent. No mark-up or profit shall be paid on non-labor related job costs, reimbursable expenses, or services provided by subcontractors. E. PROPOSAL IS NOT A BID: This request for proposals /qualifications is not to be considered a BID. The Cities of Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach will evaluate proposals based on the criteria set forth in this }2FP. Hourly rates and fees are requested as part of the RFP package. However, the Cities reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to exclude this information from the evaluation process. The evaluation process will consider all other requested criteria to determine which firm(s) are the most highly qualified to perform the required services. 4. INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENT: The City shall require the following or similar indemnification paragraphs to be made part of the contract(s) as entered into with the successful proposer(s). The City shall be held harmless against all claims for bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or personal injury or damage to property or loss of use resulting therefrom arising out of performance of the agreement or contract, unless such claims are a result of the City's own negligence. The City shall also be held harmless against all claims for financial loss with respect to the provision of or failure to provide professional or other services resulting in professional ,malpractice, or errors or omissions liability arising out of performance of the agreement or contract, unless such claims aze a result of the City's own negligence. 5. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The consultant(s) shall procure and maintain during the term of the continuing contract, insurance of the types and in the minimum amounts stated below. Coverages Schedule Minimums A. Workers' Compensation Florida $100,000 -each accident Statutory Coverage and Employer's $100,000 -each employee Liability (including Appropriate $500,000 -policy limit for disease Federal Acts) • AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 2003 B. Comprehensive General Liability $1,000,000 -bodily injury each occurrence $1,000,000 -bodily injury aggregate $1,000,000 -property damage each occurrence $1,000,000 -property damage aggregate C. Products -Completed Operations $1,000,000 -aggregate D. Business Auto Liability Same as Comprehensive General Liability (All autos -owned, hired or used) E. Professional Liability Same as Comprehensive General Liability F. Excess or Umbrella Liability Optional Insurance shall be written by an insurer holding a current certificate of authority pursuant to Chapter 624, Florida Statutes. Prior to commencing any work on the continuing contract, certificates of insurance, approved by the City, evidencing the maintenance of said insurance shall be furnished to the City's construction project manager. The certificates shall provide that no material alteration or cancellation, including expiration and non-renewal, shall be effective until fifteen (1 S} days after receipt of written notice by the City. All coverages shall name the City as "additional.insured". Receipt of certificates or other documents of insurance or policies or copies of policies by the City, or by any of its representatives, which indicate less coverage than required will not constitute a waiver of the successful proposer(s)' obligation to fulfill the insurance requirements herein. 6.ANTI-COLLUSION REQUIREMENT: Under no circumstances shall any prospective proposer, or any person or persons acting for or on behalf of any said prospective proposer, seek to influence or gain the support of any member of the City Commission or the City Staff favorable to the interest of any prospective proposer or seek to influence or gain the support of any member of the City Commission or City Staff against the interest of any prospective proposer. Any such activities shall result in the exclusion of the prospective proposer from consideration by the City. 7. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES REQUIREMENT: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid or a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, 6 AGENDA ITEM 8C JUNE 9, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach May 14, 20D3 and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in SECTION 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD WORKSHOP MEETING 6:00 P.M. -MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2003 AGENDA Call to order r o ed modif cations to the Ci 's si ordinance 1. Discussion of p op s ty gn Adjournment In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the City Clerk. • MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING HELD IN ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2003. Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Mike Borno, Commissioner Paul Parsons, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Also: Jim Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Alan Jensen, City Attorney Sonya Doerr, Community Development Director The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Discussion of proposed modifications to the City's sign ordinance Sonya Doerr presented a summary of proposed revisions to the sign ordinance for consideration by the City Commission, She explained her recommendations, as follows: • "Increase the size of Freestanding Signs from 80 up to a maximum o,~96 square,feet with allowable size based upon one square foot per each foot of frontage. (...so small sites with limited frontage would still be limited to a maximum size based upon width of street frontage.} • Increase the maximum width from 10-feet to 12 feet. • Allow a maximum of one free standing sign for each 100 feet of street frontage, up to a maximum of three and but use of multiple suns would be limited to 8- eet in height and 96 square feet in size. • Or as an alternative to the three permitted by aboveLfor sites that have 300 or morefeet of street frontage, allow one 96-square foot 12-foot high freestanding sign and require a 10- foot setbackfromproperty lines (rather than five). This alternative is provided only in the CG and CL zoning districts, since these are where the retail and service type businesses are located. • Allow for a second freestanding sign where a property has a street on two sides (such as on a corner lot) 8 feet high and 96 square feet sign on the secondary street side." The City Commission discussed the proposed modifications and agreed that Ms. Doerr had reached • a good compromise. Following further discussions, the Commission agreed to the modifications as Page Two Minutes -City Commission Workshop June 9, 2003 presented with one amendment as follows: "As an alternative to the three permitted by above, for sites that have 300 or more feet of street frontage, allow one 120 square foot, 10-foot high freestanding sign and require a 10-foot setback from property lines (rather than five). This alternative is provided only in the CG and CL zoning districts, since these are where the retail and service type businesses are located." There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. V'~ Maureen King, CMC City Clerk • r ~ ~~