08-25-03 v• • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETINGS AUGUST 25, 2003 AGENDA 4:00 P.M. Shade Meeting to discuss collective bargaining issues. As provided by Florida law, this meeting will not be open to the public 5:00 P.M. Workshop meeting to review the proposed operating budget for fiscal year 2003/2004 7:15 P.M. Regularly scheduled City Commission meeting Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of August 11, 2003 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow-up report B. Appointment to the Tree Conservation Board (1) 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports: Building Department, Public Works and Public Utilities, and Utility Sales (City Manager) B. Award a contract to the Walding Company in the amount of $126,845.00 for Town Center Phase III improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0203-20 (City Manager) C. Approve aone-year extension of the contract with Beachcombers, Inc., for beach cleaning services at an annual cost of $35,800 (Bid No. 0001-21)(City Manager 5. Committee Reports A. Reports from Police Employees Pension Board and General Employees Pension Board • 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 03-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-03-183 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-03- 183, RE-DESIGNATING THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON THE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A, FROM COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) TO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 24-114, AS ENACTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 90-01-172, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION, PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT, REQUIRING RECORDATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Approve Change Order No. 10 in the amount of $17,307 in the Core City Project (City Manager) B. Authorize Builders Care to perform rehabilitation services expending the remaining balance of FY 2002-2003 CDBG Housing Rehabilitation funds (City Manager) C. Consider the proposed wording amending the Public Beach Access Beautification Program and either adopt it as proposed or make amendments as needed (City Manager) D. Discussion and possible action regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (City Manager) E. Consider aright-of--way use permit to allow a canvas and aluminum frame awning to extend above the sidewalk and over a restaurant's walk-up carry-out window, for property located at 1447 Mayport Road (City Manager) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speal: to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. I-lowever, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Plarida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, August 22, 2003. 2 MINUTES OI' THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2003 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation given by the Mayor was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of August 11, 2003 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of August 11, 2003 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Bob Totter of 27511`' Street inquired if the Commissioners had received the petition from residents on 11`x' Street opposing installation of the proposed sidewalk. Mayor Meserve indicated that during the budget workshop meeting held earlier, the sidewalk had been taken out of the budget. J.P. March.ict[i of 414 Sherry Drive commented on use of cell phones and other distractions while driving and reiterated his previous position that for safety reasons, a law should be passed requiring drivers to keep both hands on'the steering wheel. Mr. Marchioli also commented on other cities' beach accesses he had visited which were paved, fenced and offered two rows of diagonal parking for visitors. v v 0 0 T T E E S S M S O E T C 1 O Y O N E N N D S O COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- August 25, 2003 Dick Hilliard of 338 11`x' Street stated he would not be able to attend the next Commission Meeting and spoke in opposition to the request by Michael Dunlap for aUse-by-Exception for parking for the proposed building to be constructed behind Al's Pizza, at the corner of Ahern Street and East Coast Drive, as recommended for approval by the Community Development Board on August 19, 2003. Mr. Hilliard provided background information concerning restaurant development in the area and indicated that Al's Pizza and Sticky Fingers received parking exceptions. He pointed out that Ocean 60 had expanded their restaurant and Al's Pizza had added outside seating without providing additional parking. He felt the area was already congested and commented that delivery trucks blocked the streets when off-loading. Dorothy Kerber of 36515` Street agreed with Mr. Hilliard and recounted the problem she had maneuvering around a delivery truck blocking 15` Street at Al's Pizza. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow-up report City Manager Hanson commented on several items in his written report. The report Is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Utility Payment Late Charge Waiver City Manager Hanson suggested amending the City Code to allow staff to waive a utility payment late charge one time per year at the customer's request, if they have a good payment history. It was the consensus of the Commission to amend the Code. 7t° Street Beach Access The Commissioners agreed with the City Manager's recommendation to keep the landscaping at the access as it is. Pedestrian Crosswalks Commissioner Waters suggested that public notice be given when the new crosswalks are installed. • OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -3- August 25, 2003 B. Appointment to~the Tree Conservation Board (1) Mayor Meserve nominated Clyde Bradley for appointment to the Tree Board. Motion: Approve appointment of Clyde Bradley to the Tree Conservation Board (to fill the unexpired term ending January 31, 2005). There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Consent Agenda Commissioner Borno requested that Item C be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports: Building Department, Public Works and Public Utilities and Utility Sales (City Manager} B. Award a contract to the Walding Company in the amount of $126,845.00 for Town Center Phase III Improvements pursuant to tl~e specifications of Bid No. 0203-20 (City Manager) Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A and B as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Approve aone-year extension of the contract with Beachcombers, Inc., for beach cleaning services at an annual cost of $35,800 (Bid No. 0001-21) (City Manager) Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item C as presented. Commissioner Borno related that there had been a prior understanding with Beachcombers that they would not rake the beach before 8:00 a.m. during turtle nesting season, which allowed for tracking of turtles coming on shore to lay their eggs. He inquired if this condition could be included in the one-year extension of the contract. Discussion of a time to begin raking ensued. Commissioner Borno felt the 8:00 a.m. start time would allow adequate time for inspecting the beach. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -4- August 25, 2003 Amendment to the motion: Include language in the contract that no raking will occur before 8:00 a.m. There was no more discussion and the amendment to the motion and main motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Reports from the Police Employees and General Employees Pension Boards Human Resource Director George Foster summarized key points from the actuarial report for the Commissioners, including statistical data on members of each plan, the number of retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits, and the number of vested employees who had not yet retired. It was noted that the city's contribution rate increased for both plans due to less than expected market returns. Investments and rate of return for both plans for the quarter ending June 30, 2003 were also given. A copy of Human Resource Director Foster's Staff Reports and Summary of each pension plan are attached and made part of this official record as Attac}iment B. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 03-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Approve Resolution No. 03-07. Commissioner Borno clarified the areas to be maintained by the city with City Manager Hanson. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-03-183 Public Hearing & First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-03-183, RE- DESIGNATING THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON THE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP, ATTACHED AS OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- August 25, 2003 EXHIBIT A, FROM COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG) TO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) CONSISTENT WITH SECTION 24-114, AS ENACTED BY ORDINANCE N0.90-01-172, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION, PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT, REQUIRING RECORDATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor for a public hearing. No one spoke and the Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 90-03-183 on first reading. Community Development Director Doerr explained the boundaries of the new zoning district classification of Central Business District (CBD) and indicated the new district would be redesignated on the city's official zoning map from Commercial General (CG) to Central Business District (CBD). Discussion ensued. Commissioner Waters questioned the height limit oftwenty-five feet for the Central Business District, while the Commercial General classification allowed a height of thirty-five feet. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Approve Change Order No. 10 in the amount of $17,307 in the Core City Project (City Manager) Motion: Approve Change Order No. 10 in the amount of $17,307 in the Core City Project. City Manager Hanson explained that the project was well within its contingency and should be completed within budget. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Authorize Builders Care to perform rehabilitation services expending the remaining balance of FY 2002-2003 CDBG Housing Rehabilitation funds (City Manager) Motion: Authorize Builders Care to perform rehabilitation services expending the remaining balance of FY 2002-2003 CDBG Housing Rehabilitation funds. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X BoRNO x x PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- August 25, 2003 Community Development Director Doerr reported that a home located at 45 Lewis Street had been selected for rehabilitation work. She indicated that plumbing and electrical improvements were needed, which would allow the elderly owners to remain in their home. Ms. Doerr indicated that if any money was left after completing this work, improvements might be able to be made to one additional home. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Consider the proposed wording amending the Public Beach Access Beautification Program and either adopt it as proposed or make amendments as needed Motion: Approve Public Beach Access Beautification Program as revised. Commissioner Beaver explained that the only revision to the program would be that a public hearing would be required before approving any project under this program. Also, at least one (1) week prior to the hearing a sign would be placed at the site to notify citizens of the hearing.. Discussion ensued concerning the time frame for prior notice and it was felt that two weeks notice should be given. Amendment to the motion: Change step three of the procedures to reflect a two weeks (fourteen days) notice. Commissioner Waters inquired why only one side of the 7`h Street Beach Access received landscaping and felt that future beautification projects should have representation from both sides of the access and others living in the area. D. Discussion and possible action regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (City Manager} Building Official Ford stated that he had been working with FEMA on this for more than two years, with the goal to make revisions to Chapter 8 of the City Code, which would protect property owners in flood prone areas and allow them to receive better rates on flood insurance. Mr. Ford indicated that an ordinance reflecting those changes would be on the September 8, 2003 agenda for first reading. A brief discussion of the changes and flood zone map ensued. A copy of Mr. Ford's staff report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X r1E SERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -7- August 25, 2003 No Commission action was taken. E. Consider aright-of--way use permit to allow a canvas and aluminum frame awning to extend above the sidewalk and over a restaurant's walk-up carry-out window, for property located at 1447 Mayport Road (City Manager) Motion: Approve aright-of-~vay use permit to allow a canvas and aluminum frame awning to extend above the sidewalk and over a restaurant's walk-up carryout window, for property located at 1447 Mayport Road. Mayor Meserve stated that he was concerned that the window was located very close to the Mayport Road right-of--way and might cause a problem with pedestrians so close to vehicular traffic, and the city should monitor the area. Commissioner Waters stated that he was not aware of aright-of--way use permit. Community Development Director Doerr explained that the requirement was found Section 1 of Chapter 19, Streets. Sidewalks and Other Public Places of the Code. Bey DeMarco, owner of the Hot Dog Hut restaurant, stated that the awning on Mayport Road covered the walk-up window where customers placed their orders, and they would be directed to pick up their food at a window located around the corner. Commissioner Beaver hoped there would not be a trash problem and Mr. DeMarco indicated that trash cans would be located on-site. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: • Reported that Jacksonville Law Enforcement Assistance Block Grant funds for 2003/2004 had been approved in the amount of $15,240. • Commented that the petition from the 11`'' Street residents opposing a sidewalk for their street had already been taken care of during the Budget Workshop by removing the item from the budget. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- August 25, 2003 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney City Attorney Jensen distributed copies of a Memorandum on a Rental Properties Ordinance for review and possible discussion by the City Commission at a future meeting. The Memorandum included suggestions to include in the ordinance, if this type of ordinance was to be adopted by the city. Commissioner Waters • • Inquired as to the time city crews begin mowing. Public Works Director Kosoy stated that mowing began at 7:30 a.m. Commissioner Waters stated he had received more than one complaint and inquired if they could begin at 8:00 a.m. or later. • Questioned whether the twenty-five foot height limitation was appropriate for the Central Business District (CBD) zoning classification, and felt the thirty-five foot limit might be better. He indicated that he would like this matter revisited. Commissioner Parsons • Stated that he had met with Finance Director VanLiere concerning the city's stormwater fee and felt it should be left as it is. • Reported a huge pile of yard trash had been placed on the median of Selva Marina Drive. • Felt a better job could have been done on the recently mowed lot on the corner of Aquatic Drive and stated that there were limbs and trash located on the site. • Reported that he had received a compliment on the signs attached to the beach access trash cans. • Commissioner Borno • Submitted a summary report of his attendance at the recent Florida League of Cities Conference and indicated that the information he received from the conference was available in the office of the City Clerk for the Commissioners' review. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -9- August 25, 2003 • Reported he had attended the dedication ceremony held over the weekend for the 100`h Beaches Habitat home constructed at 50 Robert Street. He indicated that the dedication was well attended and the speaker from the National Habitat office provided an excellent program. Commissioner Beaver • Suggested that Commissioner Waters provide information concerning where the complainants live and the city crews could be asked to adjust their mowing schedule. Mayor Meserve • Commented that the city had conducted its final Budget Workshop of the year, and the millage rate would be announced at the required public hearing. He stated that the city was in the top 15-20% as far as its financial condition, with adequate reserves in all funds and along range plan in effect. There being no further discussion or business to come before the • u OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:33 ATTACHMENT A ~ ~ AUGUST 25, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING August 18, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hans ity Mara r Late Utility Payments; The possibility of amending the C;it;,~'s utility policies to give customers with good payment histories some additional leniency for la r e payments was discussed with the City Commission at the last regular meeting. After review c:~l~the language presently in the Code, it is recommended that the Code be amended to specifical ty :~.llow staffto waive the late charge one time at the customer's request if they have a good pa~~~rn;nt history. This policy would allow for the City to take off the late fee from customers who wer,: out of town for extended periods or for other similar reasons. This change would not affect the ~:ut off deadline of 30 days after the bills are sent out. If this proposed changed is acceptable t~~~ the City Commission, the easiest way to accomplish it would be to incorporate it in the rate ordiu~z~i~ces that will be considered in connection with the FY-03/04 budget approval. These w i ll I ~e on the agenda for the City Commission's approval at a first reading at the next regul~~.r .meeting on September 8, 2003. 7`h Street Beach Access; It was requested at the last meetin~l; that the staff look into the possibility of removing one row of junipers from the new lai ~dscape additions on the north side of the 7`h Street beach access to allow the public to walk aac~~ ~g the top of the retaining wall as they had in the past. After looking over the landscaping, it ~:foes not appear that the removal of just one row of junipers would be sufficient to allow the faul~lic an adequate walking path along the top of the retaining wall. Staff is also concerned about. t ~~e safety of the public walking along the top of a retaining wall. Therefore, it is recommended i:leit the landscaping remain as it is. Pedestrian Crosswalks; A suggestion was made at the last commission meeting that an article should be included in the Tide views newsletter advising re:;idents of Florida Law requiring motorists to yield for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. .~~,~ article on this subject was included in the May 2003 edition of the newsletter, and a copy is att,:iched. Additional articles will be included in future newsletters at regular intervals. • Boulevard.' For information ' "'. • about summer camp pro-;,: ;,grams, ca!!,.'our.Recreation '~ '`..Department at 247-5828.'` ~~. 3pr•ing'Clean-ng=i ~; any resrdents and ndscaper-s have `been ~ - - lowrng leaves, grass cirp:-. ; .prngs, yard~waste?and other ~•rdebris into'the;street catch ; ;tiasins:'ditches or:;empty ., ' lots. •These materia/s .clog ; r the:.drarnage system Also; ^: :illegal.dumprng,~hreatens. trplant and'fish Irfe,ar)d is a code violation Everyone,; r should make the effort to ,mulch grass clrppings and .' bag~~yard waste for' Monday ; ; pick-ups Please cal! Public Works at 2.47 5834 rf you ~; ' need further information %~ on proper drsposa7'of landscape "materials. r ~ ;- ~~ t' Hurrrcane Re entry Passes ~ '~ In 2002 h~urncane re ;entry passes were mailed to .alt .Atlantic. Beach resrdents. T!'~„ re entry r~~se` .. cortrnu.e''fo be va7rd rn; the -event of a~'hurrrcene evac- ' nation anal fhey;do, not ~eed to be replaced The asses dated 02" wr11 be ' accepted,'.by fhe:pohce, to ~ allow residents•to reenter. the tie`aches after an evacuation. ., `; ~~Netiv passes have"been%'' •printed byahe-Dvrsion of ...Emergency Preparedness ~l The new:and improvedl' •passes are constructed'o_ f orange plastic and they' may be~olitained:at the ; -~At/antic.~Beach~Police • . , Department ;AnyAtlaniic- z x Beach~,residenf~who needs anew re-entry'pass r»ay otifarn a'•new.~pass,at ~ ~ " ._-~~ the ~Polrce'Departmen t Records;brvrsion; ,Monday ~1=riday, from B:OO AM~to. • ``: 5`00 PM :'^ vvvvvv ci:atlantic-tieach.fl us-,: prooiems~! ~n tviarcn ~4, ~uu:~ the City Commission passed an ordinance requiring all new commercial and residential construction to provide for any necessary onsite storage of stormwater. These requirements will make sure that contractors do not shift drainage problems onto adjoining property or public streets. Also, beginning May 1, 2003, all con- tractors disturbing more than one acre will be required by the Environmental Protection Agency to obtain a permit from the Florida Department of By proper gradin AGEi~`DA ITEM #3A swales or, in the AUGUST 25, 2003 developments, detention.ponu5, yuu can do your part. However, mainte- nance of the improvements is equally important. The maintenance is similar to mowing your grass as required. With your assistance, we can reduce or eliminate future projects and main- tain the beauty of our community. If you need assistance or further details about the new ordinance please call our Department of Public Works at 247-5834. :When hew homes are bwlt,' contractors'set the automatic-.irrigation systems to. water land scaping daily so new, lawns acid plants can establish roots. After: 30 days; lawhs will be ,' healthier if they are watered only. twice.per week during the growing• season and once every '. ;''-10 to 14 days m th;e winter." Many people arm under tFie impression that they must water the.lawn daily or do not want to ~change~the settirigs-on irrigation systems that came with their new home. Overwatenng can increase growth of'dollar weed and other.weeds; fungus;; pests~and excess thatch Don't krll your lawn with kindness Irrigate wisely, and~save~our valuable resource~~whrle - lawerrng your water br11 ~ , ; For.~more information on irrigation `and waterwise landscaping, check out~the St:,Johns.River Water Management District's websites: wwwsjrwmd com.and vvwwflorideswater.com ' FOR SALE, RENTAL, For additional information OR OPEN HOUSE regarding real estate signs or to report a violation of City Real estate signs are regulated Code, contact our City Code by City code. Enforcement Officer at • You are limited to one real (904) 247-5855. estate sign. •~PEDESTRIAN SAFETY • Real estate signs may be ~ 1 _ placed only on private property • No off site advertising is permitted. Real estate signs are not permitted on City rights-of-way, medians, trees or utility poles. Real estate signs cannot exceed six square feet in size or five feet in height. City Code, Chapter 17, Sec. 17-26 (b) (1) Florida has the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities. in the United States. Each year 500 pedestrians are killed and almost 8000 are injured in the state of Florida. Atlantic Beach has an average of eight pedestrians killed or injured by automobiles each year. Please do your part to keep Atlantic Beach pedestrians safe. Drivers must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks regardless of whether the crosswalk is.marked. Drivers may not pass other vehicles stopped for . pedestrians in a crosswalk. Turning vehicles must yield to pedestrians crossing during the walk signal. A'CTACHMENT B ~. ,UCUST ?5, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING • AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC 13 E~:~~CH CITY COMMISSIONER tiI1ETI1`fG STAFF REPORT' Police Employee's Pension Plw~n Bocird's Report. . George Foster, Human Resource Manager August 19,.2003 B~-~CKGROUND: As of the last annual actu~u~iai c~'aluation report dwted 09/30/02, there were 26 active membcr~; 7 normal retirees, 2 disability retirees, and 3 vested. Effective 10/01/03, the Cit~•': contribution rate will increase from 12.44% of salary to 13.31'; ~~ c~ f s~~lar,~ or from the current $225,991 to $242,637 for a net increase of $16,Ei46. Less than expected market returns is the primar~~ ~:,o~~tributing factor to this increase. Attached are the September ~ ~ i, '%.002 .Aiulual Actuarial Report and the Merrill Lynch June 30, 2(.!!13 Surrunary Report which show the fund's performance. ~ . RECOMMENDATION: None. This Staff Report for i,lformation only. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pension Board members and ,professional services 2. September 30, 2002 Annual r=.ctuarial Report 3. Memll Lynch June 30, 30i ; ;summary Report CITY MANAGER: • AGENDA ITEA'i #SA AUGUST 25, 2003 • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONER MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: General Employee's Pension Plan.Board's Report. SUBMITTED BY: George Foster, Human Resource Manager DATE: August 19, 2003 BACKGROUND:.. As of the last evaluation report dated 09/30/02, there were 75 active members; 23 normal retirees, 2 beneficiaries, 2 disability retirees, and 13 vested. Effective 10/01/03, the City's contribution rate will increase .from 11.81 % of salary to 12.71 % of salary or from the current $315,106 to $381,518 for a net increase of $66,412. Less than expected. . market returns and an increase in the average age at hire are contributing factors to this increase. Attached are the September 30, 2002 Annual Actuarial Report and the Merrill Lynch June 30, 2003 Summary Report which show the fund's performance. RECOMMENDATION: None. This Staff Report for information only. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pension Board members and professional services 2. September 30, 2002 Annual Actuarial Report 3. Merrill Lynch June 30, 2003 Summary Report CITY MANAGER: • AGENDA ITEM #SA AUGUST 25, 2003 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • PENSION BOARDS GENERAL EMPLOYEE'S PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Timothy Townsend (Tim) Chair 01/01/04 J. Tom Wells Chair Pro-Tem .08/08/04 Tony F. Downing Secretary 12/31/03 Harry E. McNally Member 03/27/07 Edward L. Lipscomb Member 10/11/03 POLICE EMPLOYEE'S PENSION .BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Henry Bartle Chair 11/09/04 Dale Hatfield Chair Pro-Tem 08/06/05 Tony F. Downing Secretary 12/31/03 Harry E. McNally Member 03/27/05 Edward (ED) L. Lipscomb .Member 10/11/03 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -BOTH BOARDS: Consultants ~C Actuaries Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company Legal Sugarman & Susskind Investment Managers TRUSCO Capital Management EuroPacific Investment Advisor Merrill Lynch Consulting Services r~ ~~ BOARDS ~ GENERAL EMPLOYEE I POLICE EMPLOYEE MEMBERS I 5 MEETINGS ~ AT LEAST QUARTERLY FOLLOWING DATA FROM ACTUARIAL REPORTS: 09/2001 VRS 09/2002 MEMBERS OF PLAN RETII2EES SERVICE RETIREES DISABILITY RETIREES VESTED TERMINATED EMPLOYEES BENEFICIARIES RECEIVING BENEFITS CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE - 10/01/03 OVERALL PLAN FUNDING FUNDED RATIO - AAL UNFUNDED AAL AS A PERCENT OF PAYROLL INCREASED FROM 75 TO 83 PROCESSED AND PAID BY CITY INCREASED FROM 23 TO 24 INCREASE FROM 2TO3 DECREASED FROM 13 TO 11 REMAINED AT 2 INCREASED FROM 11.81% TO 12.71% $315,106 TO $381,518 +$66,412 FROM 80.0% TO 76.8% FROM 56.8% TO 62.6% DECREASED FROM 26 TO 25 PROCESSED AND PAID BY CITY REMAINED AT 7 REMAINED AT 2 REMAINED AT 3 REMAINED AT 0 INCREASED FROM 12.44% TO 13.31% 5225,991 TO $242,637 +$16,646 FROM 81.1 % TO 79.3 FROM 82.1 % TO 92.4% FOLLOWING DATA FROM JUNE 30, 2003 FINANCIAL REPORT • INVESTMENTS TOTAL BOTH PLANS: OVER $9 MILLION AS OF: JUNE 30, 2003 $5,306,108 $3,875,111 EQUITY: 52.9 MIL EQUITY: $2.1 MIL BONDS: 52.3 MIL BONDS: $1.7 MIL CASH: $35 K CASH: 55 DOLLARS RATE OF RETURN QUARTER - + 7.3% QUARTER - + 7.0% FYTD - + 9.0% FYTD - + 8.9% SYR-+2.8% SYR-+3.1% ATTACHMENT C AUGUST 25, 2003 COMMISSION MEETING • • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: National Flood Insurance Program/Community Rating System Report SUBMITTED BY: Don Ford DATE: 08/18/03 BACKGROUND: We have been reviewed by FEMA to participate in the Community Rating System part of the National Flood Insurance Program. The significance of this review is to point out areas of our flood protection program that need improvement to allow the homeowners in flood prone areas to receive better rates from the flood insurance carriers. Attached is a copy of the results of the review in the form of a letter from Brad G. Loar, the Community Mitigation Programs Branch Chief. We will be submitting proposed changes to Chapter 8 of the City Code to comply with the NFIP requirements. The only change that will affect new home construction is that homes built in AE zones and A zones (very low lying areas such as the marsh next to the intra-coastal) will be required to be built approximately 1.5 feet higher than houses on higher land. BUDGET: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Brad G. Loar, Community Mitigation Programs Branch Chief REVIEWED BY CITY ATTORNEY': REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM #8D AUGUST 25, 2003 Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV 3003 Chamblee-Tucker Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341 July 16, 2003 • Mr. Jim Hanson City Manager, City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Reference: National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Dear Mr. Hanson: On May 7, 2003, Rose Austin and Mary Blocker of this office met with Don Ford,.. Atlantic Beach Building Official, to discuss issues related to floodplain management and the NFLD. ' The meeting was afollow-up to a community assistance visit conducted in March 2002.. The results of that visit were contained in a May 7, 2002, letter sent to you: The status of the .issues identified in that letter was the focus of this recent visit. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (F~EMA).periodically visits communities to assist with implementation and: administration of their floodplain management program and ' to evaluate their status as a participant in the.NFIP. The NFIP was created by Congress to .provide federally backed ,flood' insurance coverage. It was also intended to reduce future flood losses by improving flood damage protection at the time of initial construction. The NFIP represents a significant program to reduce future flood risks while enabling property owners to purchase appropriate insurance protection. There are 2,673 flood insurance policies in Atlantic Beach representing $516,498,600 of coverage. ,There have been 94 . paid losses totaling $158,457 since 1978. During the meeting, many of the previously identified issues were resolved. The meeting findings and outstanding issues are summarized below. ~. Floodplain Management Regulations The floodplain management regulations contained in the City's Code of Ordinances at Chapter 8, Flood Hazard Areas, require several modifications to meet NFIP minimum standards. , • AGEn'DA ITEM #8D AUGUST 25, 2003 • Article 1 Section 8-5. Add definition of lowest floor, whose meaning is the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, used solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage, in an area other than a basement, is not considered a building's lowest floor, provided that such . enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the nonelevation design standards of this ordinance. Section 8-S. Delete "...other man-made facilities or infrastructures" from the definition of structure. Section 8-7. Change the Flood Insurance Study/Flood Insurance Rate Map Date to Apri1.17, 1989. Article III Section 8-33, Standards for streams without established base flood elevations and/or floodways, should be revised by substituting the following provisions: (a) When base flood elevation data or floodway data have not been provided in accordance with Article 1, Sec. 8-7, then the local administrator shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a federal, state, or other source, in order to administer the provisions of Article III. (b) l:n special flood hazard areas with base flood elevations (Zones AE) but without floodways, no encroachments, including fill material or structures, shall be permitted unless certification by a registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating that . .the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point within the community. The engineering certification should be supported. by.technical data that con~`orms to standard hydraulic engineering principles. (e) In special flood hazard areas without base flood elevation and floodway data, new construction and substantial improvements of existing structures shall have the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement) elevated no less than 2 feet (recommend 2 to S feet) above the highest adjacent grade at the building site Pernut Application The City permit application does not contain any provisions for the information from the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) or FIRM such as the flood zone, Base Flood Elevation (BFE), or presence of a regulatory floodway. We recommend this information be included in the building permit, and augmented with the location of proposed development with respect to the Coastal Construction Control Line, the existing grade elevation(s), and the lowest floor elevation required. ~ _ AGENDA ITEM #8D AUGUST 25, 2003 • 3 Mr. Ford indicated that there is a citywide requirement for the lowest floor to be at or above 8.5 feet even in Zone X. As a reminder, in Zones AE and VE, the lowest floor elevation must be at or above the BFE in the FIS/FIRM. Zone AO requires 2 foot above the highest. adjacent natural grade. As shown in the FIS, the BFE for the Sherman Creek. Canal ranges from 8.1 feet to 9.3 feet. These elevations should be entered on the Floodplain Development Information form included with the permit when the 8.5 feet elevation would be lower. The City uses digital map data from Duval County to support flood zone determinations by lot. Because of discrepancies with the FIRM, the flood zone determinations may not be consistent with the zone on the FIRM. Since the FIRM is considered the legal map for zone determine lions,-City officials should insure that development in the floodplain is at least to the standards dictated by the FIRM. If the City has data that would support revising the FIRM, that data should be submitted to FEMA. Elevation- Certificates We strongly recommend the City use the FEMA elevation certificates for documenting the . flood zone and BFE information, elevations of various floors and utilities, and other compliance information for the structures located in the SFHA. The use of elevation . certificates is a prerequisite for participating in the NFIP's Communtiy Rating System, (CRS). The certificate and directions maybe downloaded from our web site at www.fema.gov/nfip/elvinstshtm. Supplemental Documentation -. Please send us the certification of lowest floor elevation, flood zone and BFE for the following structures for our review to facilitate determination of compliance with the NFIP criteria: 1. 1894 Selva Marina 2. 2093 Beach Avenue (AO Zone 3. 61 Beach Avenue (AO Zone) 4. 465 Beach Avenue (or determination structure is in X zone) Certification of AO Zone requirements does not require an elevation survey. Local officials may certify the elevation of lowest floor above highest adjacent natural grade. If using the elevation certificate, Section E should be completed. - AGENDA ITEM #8D AUGUST 25, 2003 • • Community Rating System (CRS) . 4 City officials have expressed an interest in participating in CRS. CRS provides discounts of up to 45 percent off flood insurance premiums for policyholders in communities that go beyond the minimum standards for floodplain management. Savings are in five percent increments with projected average savings for the first ~% (Class 9) totaling $8,623.91 for Atlantic Beach. Policyholders in Zone X with Preferred Risk Policies do not receive a discount. Only policyholders in Zones A and V receive full discounts. Of the 2,673 policies in Atlantic Beach, only 237 aze in Zones A and V. Follow-Up Actions ' We request that the revised ordinance and supplemental documentation be fonvazded to us by November, l `; 2003. Should the City decide to submit an application for CRS, we recommend that Mr. Ford or ' other appropriate City official attend the NFIP/CRS training at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Travel costs and lodging are paid by FEMA. The only expense is a meal ticket. For more information, including the application form, please go to our website at www.training.fema.gov/emiweb. It is this Agency's goal to keep Atlantic Beach participating and in good standing with the NFIP. Compliance with the minimum criteria of the NFIP is a prerequisite to participate not only in the CRS Program, but also to continue to participate in the NFIP. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please have your staff call Ms. Rose Austin at (770) 220-5424. 'ncerely, 1 'Brad G. Loaz, CFM, C 'ef Community Mitigation Programs Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Division • Budget Workshop Agenda August 25, 2003 Salary, Personnel and Insurance • Personnel - pay scales and raises - total personnel - Commission salary [G. Foster] - Other Insurance [G. Foster] - Pension costs [G. Foster] • Group Insurance . Police Department [D. Thompson] • Crime Suppression Unit • Seizures/ training • Take Home Car program • IT Improvements in the PD • lT System City-wide CDBG Fund [Doerr] • Projects in FY `03 • Projects for FY '04 i Overview of Funds/ Outstanding Debt [NVL] General Fund • Overview [NVL] • Taxes [N. VanLiere] • Radio System • Cultural Arts & Rec. Committee request • 10-year projection Final Adjustments to Budget by-Commission ~~ ~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING HELD IN ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2003. Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno, Commissioner Paul Parsons, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Also: Jim Hanson, City Manager George Foster, Human Resources Director David Thompson, Public Safety Director Nelson VanLiere, Finance Director Maureen King, City Clerk The Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. SALARY, PERSONNEL AND INSURANCE The City Manager reported that as requested by the City Commission, the budget would be amended to include a 3% increase to the pay scale and a 6% ofmid point ofpay scale raise for all employees, at a cost of $108,000. He proposed adding three new employees -one information technology (IT) technician and two for a new Crime Prevention unit to be developed. George Foster reported that the City Code provides for an annual review of City Commission salaries. He said that a review of Florida League of Cities salary surveys indicated that the Mayor's salary should be increased by $159.00 per year and Commissioners' salaries by $180.00 per year; salary adjustments would become effective on November 1. Insurance Mr. Foster summarized the increases in insurance premiums, specifically in the area of Workers' Compensation and General Insurance (property, liability, automobile, etc.) and said that he anticipated a 15% increase in overall premiums. A copy of his summary is attached as Exhibit A. He reported that the City of Jacksonville had issued an RFP for health insurance coverage for their employees and he was hoping that Atlantic Beach employees could participate in the Jacksonville group. The City Manager reported that participation of Atlantic Beach in the Jacksonville health insurance system was being used to negotiate the settlement of the franchise fee to outside Atlantic Beach utility customers. He said that, in the meantime, the city is not paying the $125,000 franchise fee. Pension Costs Mr. Foster reported that the City contributions to the general and Police employees pension plans had increased and said these increases were mandated based on an actuarial evaluation. He said that the increases were due in part by the low interest earnings and in part because the number and ages of employees had increased slightly. Page 2 Minutes -City Commission Workshop August 25, 2003. The City Manager reported that effective October 1, grants admuustration would be coordinated by the Finance Department and Director Thompson would coordinate the IT activities. POLICE DEPARTMENT Crime Suppression Dir. Thompson reported that his department has pursued the development of a Crime Suppression Unit and was proposing to add two full-time positions in the next fiscal year. He expected the cost of the new unit to be approximately $170,000 and said that funding would be, in large part, from grants. Seizures/Training Dir. Thompson anticipated that revenues from fines and forfeitures would be $150,000; however he indicated that contraband forfeiture funds, the use of which is restricted for purposes such as police training, were lower in the past year and the city may have to absorb the cost of police training if contraband forfeiture revenues were not available. Take Home Cars Dir. Thompson reported that police officers may have take-home cars only if they live in the Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach or the Mayport area. He said that the neighboring police departments had changed their policies regarding take-home cars and Atlantic Beach has lost personnel because of what they see as an additional benefit in other departments. He proposed expanding the guidelines for the take-home car program. IT Improvements in the Police Department Dir. Thompson reported that while police officers have lap top computers in their vehicles and while they have access to Jacksonville and State databases, they still have to come to the police station to write reports. He said he wants to expand to a wireless environment where the officers would be able to write reports, access the Atlantic Beach network, send e-mails, etc. from their vehicles. City IT System Dir. Thompson gave an overview of the city's current IT system and the vision for the future. Each department has individual projects, but the IT system brings it all together and makes sure everything works. He said he is seeking outside funding sources, including Homeland Security. He also said that IT training will be an ongoing expense and also could not be accomplished with current staff levels. He, therefore, proposed adding one additional person in the IT department. • 3 Page 3 Minutes - Gity Commission Workshop August 25, 2003. CDBG FUND Sonya Doerr, City Planner, summarized the CDBG projects and expenditures for the past year. She summarized the 2004 projects - $30,000 for housing rehabilitation with the remainder of the budget to be used for stormwater improvements and other small projects. Ms. Doerr reported that the 2004 budget would be $141,000 which would be a reduction of about $7,000 in CDBG funds for 2004. She reported that housing rehabilitation would focus on low and very low income families and indicated that the relationship with Builders Care is working very well and some significant projects had been completed. Water/Sewer Rates The City Manager reported on the proposed water and sewer rate increase. He said each budget contained contingencies to provide for periods ofreduced revenues. He anticipated continued small increases to provide for inflation. He reported that the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) had suggested that the rates for irrigation users be changed to provide more encouragement for conservation. He said Burton & Associates were continuing to work with SJRWMD regarding the rate restructuring, and in the meantime, it was his intent to move ahead with • an ordinance to increase the rates by 3%. OVERVIEW OF FUNDS/OUTSTANDING DEBT Overview Finance Director, Nelson VanLiere, gave an overview of the city's long term debt, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B. He then reviewed several graphs illustrating the total revenues and expenditures for FY 2004, a copy ofwhich is attached as Exhibit C. Mr. VanLiere then presented a graph illustrating Interfund transfers, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit D, and provided a comparison of the current millage rates of the three beach cities, as well as a comparison of millage rates of the three beach cities over a 10-year period, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit E. Taxes Following Mr. VanLiere's presentation, the Mayor noted that the city would receive an increase of 10% in ad valorem taxes and suggested reducing the millage rate from 3.17 to 3.07 mills and proposed increasing utility rates by 1.5% instead of the 3% increase that was proposed by staff. He thought the city would still be able to retain su$icient reserves with these rates. The City Manager said he had considered ways to accomplish the Mayor's proposal and reported that, excluding the Hopkins Creek drainage project, there was approximately $75,000 in excess 4 Page 4 Minutes -City Commission Workshop August 25, 2003. revenues in the General Fund in FY 2004. He noted that receipt of 95% of the ad valorem taxes billed was conservative and could be projected at 96%. The thought the city could anticipate some savings in the following areas: the city could expect to have some employee vacancies during the year and these vacancies could be estimated at $120,000; by cutting a $15,000 project out of the Public Works budget; and by hiring the third IT person six months into the budget year. Commissioner Borno thought the IT employee should be hired sooner and following brief discussion there was consensus to cut the 11`}' Street sidewallc project from the budget. Radio System New radios have been purchased from the City of Jacksonville at a cost of $259,000 so Atlantic Beach will now be able to communicate with other local governmental entities. The annual maintenance cost, which is divided among the departments, is $51,528. Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee Request The City Manager summarized the Cultural Arts budget which included funds for Teen Council events, Summer Programs, programs at Atlantic Beach Elementary School, Artists in Residence program, After School Enrichment programs, and Concerts in the Park at a total of $47,500. The City Manager reported that while the city paid for summer programs, there would be no cost for the YMCA programs that were approved by the City Commission at the previous Commission meeting. The Mayor suggested that a resolution be drafted to make a commitment to Cultural Arts programs. 10-Year Projections The City Manager reported that the 2004 budget reflects an increase in expenses for personnel and operating, the majority ofwhich are related to accounting changes and not increases in expenditures. A similar increase is reflected in revenues and this increase, also, is due to accounting changes. The 10-year projections reflect just an increase for inflation. The City Manager reported the Hopkins Creek land purchase and engineering were included in the 10-year half-cent sales tax fund. The ten-year plan would need to be amended to include the construction of the Hopkins Creek project. The City Manager also reported he had met with representatives ofthe Sunrise Church regarding purchasing a piece of their property and the members present had voted in favor of the purchase. The Mayor reported that ABET wanted to construct cabinetry and shelving at an estimated cost of $3,800. They hoped to get a grant for the project but in the meantime, he felt the city should retain 5 Page 5 Minutes -City Commission Workshop August 25, 2003. control of the project and construct the type of cabinetry that is acceptable to the city. Final Adjustments to Budget by City Commission Following further discussion, no further adjustments were suggested and it was agreed that further workshops would not be required. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Maureen King, CMC City Clerk u • s Exhibit A Minutes -August 2S, 2003 INSURAPTC~ SUMMARY LAST YEAR GENERAL INSURANCE INCREASE BY AN OVERALL + 35.21 % FROM $375,066 TO $507,144 OR BY + $132,078. PROPERTY INSURANCE INCREASED THE MOST BY PERCENTAGE OR BY + 88.46% OR $36,411 WITH WORKERS' COMPENSATION INCREASING THE MOST BY ACTUAL DOLLAR PREMIUMS BY $76,11 S OR + 42.29%. INCREASES IN WORKERS' COMPENSATION PREMIUMS ARE ATTRIBUTABLE, IN PART, TO STATE CHANGES IN POLICE OFFICER COVERAGES UNDER THE HEART AND LUNG PRESUMPTION LAW. THIS YEAR WE ARE ANTICIPATING A +1 S% INCREASE IN OVERALL PREMIUMS WHICH HAS BEEN INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROPOSED BUDGET. • Exhibit B Minutes -August 25, 2003 • • City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Summary of Long Term Debt Utility Systems Revenue Bonds, The Series 1996 Utility Revenue Bonds are payable in annual installments of Principal and semi-annual installments of interest through to October 1, 2025. Bearing coupon interest rates of 3.9% to 5.5 secured solely by pledge and lein on net water and sewer system revenues and certain other revenues as defined by the bond ordinance. The annual debt service payments are budgeted in Fiscal Year 2004 as follows: Principal Interest Total Water 115,673 263,645 379,318 Sewer 268,496 611,966 880,462 Storm Water 100,832 229,819 330,651 Total 485,001 1,105,430 1,590,431 Outstanding principal balance as of 9/30/2002 is $21,160,000. Sun Trust Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999 Sun Trust Revenue Refunding Bonds are payable in equal annual installments of principal and semi-annual installments of interest at a rate of 4.2% through to December 1, 2013. The note is secured by the City's Public Service Taxes. The annual debt service payments are budgeted in Fiscal Year 2004 as follows: Principal Interest Total Water 24,006 13,459 37,465 Sewer 32,908 18,449 51,357 Gas Taxes 45,550 25,536 71,086 Total 102,464 57,444 159,908 Outstanding principal balance as of 9/30/2002 is $1,516,415 Sun Trust Revenue Note Series 1995 Sun Trust Revenue Note was payable in quarterly installments of principal and interest through January 1, 2006. Bearing coupon rates of 4.40% to 5.85% secured by a pledge of non ad-valorem revenues. The outstanding principal balance as of September 30, 2002 of $468,257 was paid off early in Fiscal Year 2003 to save the interest charges. The early payment was funded from the General Fund. Current Outstanding Balance is 0. r~ Exhibit C Minutes -August 2S, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach Revenues FY-2004 Operating Budget Storm Water Utility 8.0% Sanitation 5.9% Trust and Agency Funds 5.7% General Fund 42.2% Water and Sewer Utility 31.1 Debt Service Fund 0.3% Special Revenue Funds 6.8% City of Atlantic Beach Expenditures FY-2004 Operating Budget General Fund Special Revenue Funds 8.8% Debt Service Fund 0.3% WatE 31.5 Trust and Agency Funds 2.9% orm Water Utility 7.7% • • Taxes -Non-Ad Valc 1s.s°io Licenses and Permits 4.1 °i° Intergovernmental Re 22.8% General Fund Revenues Fines and Forteitures 1.8% ntertund Transfers 7.3% cellaneous Revenues 1.4% :rvices 15.0% General Fund Expenditures Building 3.5 % General Government Community Development 10.7% 1 1.3% City Administration 19.9 % 4 F ; ~ ~ ~ ` . ,~..._~ Governing Body 0.5 Police 30.3 Parks and Recreation 9.5 % Tavpc _ nrl Valorem °i° ~ Public Works Fire 13.a% 9.s°~ Code Enforcement o.s % Exhibit D Minutes -August 25, 2003 r~ City of Atlantic Beach Interfund Transfers Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2004 Pension Administration Water Utility ~ $152,982 $30,000 Debt Service Fund n U $284,109 Sewer Utility $218,545 General Fund $71,086 $39,271 Sanitation Utility $713,314 Gas Tax Fund $601,051 Police Grant Fund Storm Water Utility 1 r~ 1 School Bc 46.4% 34.8% ,~ u City of Atlantic Beach Office of the Property Appraiser Proposed 2003 Millages Where Four 1'ax ®ollar Goes antic Beach 16.3% Inland Navigation o.2°i° Water Management 2.4% Exhibit E Minutes -August 25, 2003 City of Atlantic Beach Ten Year Operating Millage Comparison 1994 to 2003 Proposed Atlantic Jacksonville Year Beach Beach 2003 Proposed 3.1721 3.9071 2002 3.1721 3.9071 2001 3.0323 3.9071 2000 3.1721 3.9071 1999 3.1721 3.9071 1998 3.1721 3.9071 1997 2.9221 3.9071 1996 2.9221 3.9071 1995 2.9221 3.9071 1994 3.7721 3.9071 Neptune Beach 3.5000 2.9000 2.6400 2.7421 3.1021 3.1458 3.4194 3.5393 3.6862 3.7398 • • Office of the Property Appraiser Duval County Florida Summary of 2003 Proposed Mi((ages Urban Duval Water Florida 2002 Service School County Management Inland Final District District Board Government District Navigation Millages Neptune Beach 3.5000 9.0510 6.7935 0.4620 0,0385 19.8450 Town of Baldwin 2.0218 9.0510 6.7935 0.4620 0,0385 18.3668 Atlantic Beach 3.1721 9.0510 6.7935 0.4620 0.0385 19.5171 Duval County 0.0000 9.0510 10.0842 0.4620 0.0385 19.6357 Jacksonville Beach 3.9071 9.0510 7.5535 0.4620 0.0385 21.0121 25 20 15 70 5 0 2003 Proposed Millages 21.0121 19.8450 19.5171 19.6357 18.3668 Neptune Beach Town of Baldwin Atlantic Beach Duval County Jacksonville Beach 2003 Proposed Millages for Beaches • 5 4 3 2 1 0 Neptune Beach Atlantic Beach Jacksonville Beach • • • Roll Back Calculation Taxable Value Millage Rate Gross 0.0031721 Current 3,1721 2,919,440 0.0031711 3.1711 2,918,520 0.0031701 3.1701 2,917,599 0.0031601 3.1601 2,908,396 0.0031501 3,1501 2,899,192 0.0031401 3.1401 2,889,989 0.0031301 3.1301 2,880,785 0.0031201 3.1201 2,871,582 0.0031101 3.1101 2,862,378 0.0031001 3.1001 2,853,175 0.0030901 3.0901 2,843,971 0.0030801 3.0801 2,834,768 0.0030701 3.0701 2,825,564 0.0030601 3.0601 2, 616, 361 0.0030501 3.0501 2,807,157 0.0030401 3.0401 2,797,954 0.0030301 3.0301 2,788,750 0.0030201 3.0201 2,779, 547 0.0030101 3.0101 2,770,343 0.0030001 3.0001 2,761,140 0.0029901 2.9901 2,751,936 0.0029801 2,9801 2,742,733 0.0029701 2.9701 2,733,529 0.0029601 2.9601 2,724,326 0.0029501 2, 9501 2,715,122 0.0029401 2.9401 2,705,919 0.0029301 2.9301 2,696,715 0.0029201 2.9201 2,687,512 0.0029101 2.9101 2,678,308 0.0029056 Rotl-Back 2,9056 2,674,131 Proposed Revenue per Mill Calculation of 2003 Rolled Back Rate Prior Year Final Gross Prior Year Operating Millage Prior Year Ad valorem proceeds Current Year adjusted value Current year aggregate Rolled back rate 830,028,880 Llne 7 3.1721 2,632,935 Line 17 906,170,865 Line 4 0.0029056 Line 1714 Rolled back taxe rate Is figured on new value less new construction. The rolled back Ad Valorem proceeds are figured with the rolled back rate multiplied by the gross value of 92p,349,279 The rolled back proceeds would be : 2,674,131 920,349,279 Increase Over Budget Roll-Back Rate Percentage Over Revenue Estimate Percent Budget Gross Bu dget Roll-Back Rate Reduction to Roll Reduction 2,773,468 245,309 233,044 9.17% 0 0.00% 2,772,594 244,389 232,169 9.14% -874 -0.03% 2,771,719 243,468 231,295 9.10% -1,749 -0.06% 2,762,976 234,265 222,552 8.76% -10,492 -0.38% 2,754,233 225,061 213,808 8.42% -19,235 -0.69% 2,745,489 215,858 205,065 8.07% -27,979 -1.01% 2,736,746 206,654 196,322 7.73% -36,722 -1.32% 2,728,003 197,451 187,578 7.38% -45,465 -1.64% 2,719,259 188,247 178,835 7.04% -54,209 -1.95% 2,710,516 179,044 170,092 6.70% -62,952 -2.27% 2,701,773 169,840 161,348 6.35% -71,695 -2.59% 2,693,029 160,637 152,605 6.01% -80,439 -2.90% 2,684,266 151,433 143,862 5.66% -89,182 -3.22% 2,675,543 142,230 135,118 5.32% -97,925 -3.53% 2,666,799 133,026 126,375 4.97% -106,66$ -3.85% 2,658,056 123,823 117,632 4.63% -115,412 -4.16% 2,649,313 114,619 108,889 4.29% -124,155 -4.48% 2,640,570 105,416 100,145 3.94% -132,898 -4.79% 2,631,826 96,213 91,402 3.60% -141,642 -5.11% 2,623,083 87,009 82,659 3.25% -150,385 -5.42% 2,614,340 77,806 73,915 2.91% -159,128 -5.74% 2,605,596 68,602 65,172 2.57% -167,672 -6.05% 2,596,853 59,399 56,429 2.22% -176,615 -6.37% 2,588,110 50,195 47,685 1.88% -185,358 -6.68% 2,579,366 40,992 38,942 1.53% -194,102 -7.00% 2,570,623 31,788 30,199 1.19% -202,845 -7.31% 2,561,880 22,585 21,455 0.84% -211,588 -7.63% 2,553,136 13,381 12,712 0.50% -220,332 -7.94% 2,544,393 4,178 3,969 0.16% -229,075 -8.26% 2,540,424 0 0 0,00% -233,044 -8.40% Budget (x395% 2,773,468 Millage 3.1721 Revenue /Mill 5874,331.82 • MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT 4:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2003. Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem (4:10 p.m.) Mike Borno, Commissioner Paul Parsons, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner (4.03 P.M.) Also: Jim Hanson, City Manager George Foster, Human Resources Manager and Union Negotiator The Mayor called the meeting to order and explained that the meeting was being held for the purpose of discussing union negotiations and that, pursuant to Florida law, such discussions were not open to the public. The meeting convened to the shade at 4:03 p.m. adjourned at 5:02 p.m. Certified Municipal Following the discussions the meeting convened to the sunshine at 5:00 p.m. There being no further ~ business to come before the City Commission, on motion, second and unanimous vote, the meeting