11-24-03 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 2003 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag Approve minutes of the FOP Impasse Hearing of November 3, and Regular Commission meeting of November 10, 2003 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow-up report B. Report and possible action regarding speed bumps on Plaza 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING • DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of the following monthly reports: New Occupational Licenses, Public Safety, and Utility Sales (City Manager) B. Award annual contract in the amount of $47,906.25 to A Native Sun Landscaping, for Landscape Maintenance for Public Works and Public Utilities pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0304-5 (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports A. Report from the Tree Conservation Board 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 03-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING THE CREATION OF A STATE-WIDE WATER AUTHORITY, PRIVATIZATION OF WATER RIGHTS, AND THE TRANSPORT OF NORTH FLORIDA WATER RESOURCES TO CENTRAL AND SOUTH FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 20-03-63 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY • OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2003, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 (City Manager) B. Ordinance No. 90-03-184 Public Hearing and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, ENACTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, WHICH GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY REGULATE THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAND AND WATERS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. SUCH REGULATIONS SHALL BE RE- ADOPTED BY REFERENCE AS ARTICLES I THROUGH IV OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED THROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 90-03-182. THIS ORDINANCE ALSO PROVIDES FINDINGS OF FACT, SEVERABILITY, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, OR PORTIONS THEREOF AND PROVIDES FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Oceanside Rotary Club for fundraising in connection with a proposed Skate Park at Russell Park (City Manager) B. Report from Bob Kosoy on roundabout design for Seminole Road 5-way intersection (City Manager) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, November 21, 2003. • 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY BALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2003 PRESENT: John S. Meserve, Mayor Richard M. Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Paul B. Parsons Sylvia N. Simmons J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners AND: Jim Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. "1' a invocation given by Commissioner Parsons was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of tlic minutes of the FOP Impasse Hearing of November 3, and t}ie Regular Commission Meeting of November 10, 2003 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Impasse Hearing of November 3, and the Regular Commission Mectinb of November 4, 2003 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Curtis Sanders of 2320 Barefoot Trace expressed concern for citizen safety and encouraged the Commission to clear the underbrush on the lot located at Atlantic Boulevard and Aquatic Gardens. Ile also requested that the Commission revisit the ordinance regulating the use and length of time a POD maybe placed on site. He indicated a POD was being used as a construction trailer in Oceanwalk and had been on site for more than six weeks. He felt this was an improper use of a POD. Alan Potter of 374 Second Street spoke in support of Resolution 03-17 (Item 6A). Mr. Potter felt a new statewide authority would just be another unregulated taxing authority that provided little help to the citizens. Stephen Kuti 1132 Linkside Drive stated he opposed construction of a roundabout (Item 8B) at the 5-way stop since there would not be enough space for cars to merge into a roundabout from Sherry Drive. Jane Wytska of 352 Second Street complained of the noise, dirt, dust in the air, overflowing dumpsters and blocked traffic associated with the construction occurring at 328 Second Street. Ms. Wytska felt it was unfair to the residents who live in the area to have to endure these conditions. v v 0 0 T T E E S S M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S O COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X PARSONS X X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- November 24, 2003 J.P. Marcliioli, 414 Sherry Drive commented on the following: (1) The street being replaced at 374 Second Street did not appear to have a limerock base, (2) The use of millage to generate revenue for the city was more equitable than using revenue from increased water/sewer rates, (3) He personally used the 10°i Street Beach Access because it was the most available, (4) It was unfair for the St. Johns River Water Management District to direct the city to target wasteful, unnecessary, and inefficient water users, (5) Opposed the construction of a roundabout at the S-way stop, and (6) Favored the use of POD's for emergencies, but otherwise felt they should be regulated. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manaber's Follow-up Report City Hall Expansion Cost Estimates City Manager Hanson reported that Jose Perez, the city's architect for the project, estimated that it would cost $5,000 for additional architectural services to provide an estimated construction cost for constructing the new addition to support a second story. Tree Lighting Ceremony City Manager Hanson reported that the December 6, 2003, Tree Lighting Ceremony would be held at 6:00 p.m., not 6:30 p.m. as listed in his memo. B. Report and Possible Action Rebardmg Speed Bumps on Plaza Director Thompson reported that the traffic study on the 300 block of Plaza was based on a speed limit of 25 MPH while the actual speed limit in that block is 20 MPH. A re-evaluation of the data from the study indicated a significant speeding problem, and Dir. Thompson recommended that the speed bumps removed during Core City construction project be replaced. Public Works Director Kosoy provided drawings showing the location of the proposed speed "humps" and stated that they were 22' long, 3.5" high and tapered down at driveways Discussion ensued and Commissioner Beaver inquired if the residents had been notified. Public Works Director Kosoy indicated that they had not yet been notified. Commissioner Simmons inquired if the "humps" would cause problems for bicycle riders. Public Works Director Kosoy felt they would not cause problems since they were only 3.5" high. Commissioner Waters said he was opposed to the "humps" and stated he did not think there was a speeding problem, and inquired why Plaza was chosen for speed bumps over other heavily used streets, such as Sherry or East Coast Drive. Commissioner Simmons felt the city should be consistent and have an overall plan or several plans, which differentiate types of streets, to justify installation of speed "humps". OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -3- November 24, 2003 • Commissioner Parsons stated he was not in favor of speed bumps and suggested the city consider other types of traffic calming devices before installing the "humps". Mayor Meserve stated that the city had a policy in place relative to requests for speed bumps, and since the speed bumps were there before the Core City project, he supported replacing them. Commissioner Waters stated that he would like more information concerning speeding, and the number and location of accidents, excluding Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard. Motion: Defer action until the first meeting in January to allow Chief Thompson sufficient time to come back with additional data and other options for traffic calminb. Following brief discussion, the motion carried by a three to two vote with Commissioners Parsons, Simmons and Waters voting aye and Commissioner Beaver and Mayor Meserve voting nay. 4. Consent Agenda: Commissioner Beaver requested that Consent Agenda Item 4B be removed • for further discussion. A. Acl.nowledge Receipt of the following monthly report(s): New Occupational Licenses, Public Safety, and Utility Sales Building Department (City Manager) Motion: Approve Consent Ag enda Item A as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Award Annual Contract in tlic amount of $47,906.25 to A Native Sun Landscaping for Landscape Maintenance for Public Works and Public Utilities pursuant to the Specifications of Bid No. 0404-5 (City Manager) Commissioner Beaver inquired concerning the previous year's budget for landscape maintenance. Utility Director Kaluzniak stated that the budget of $46,000 was less than last year because the lift stations were taken out of the bid specifications and would be maintained by city personnel. Commissioner Beaver noted the large price difference between the lowest and next lowest bidder, and inquired if the company's references had been checked. • Utility Director Kaluzniak stated that the references were checked. She indicated that the city would monitor the work of a Native Sun and if they OMMISSIONERS M 0 T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X PARSONS X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -4- November 24, 2003 could not perform the required work, the contract would be cancelled and awarded to the next lowest bidder. Motion: Approve Consent A ;enda Item B as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Report from tl~e Tree Conservation Board It was announced that the report from the Tree Conservation Board would be given at the next meeting. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 03-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING THE CREATION OF A STATE- WIDE WATER AUTHORITY, PRIVATIZATION OF WATER RIGHTS, AND THE TRANSPORT OF NORTH FLORIDA WATER RESOURCES TO CENTRAL AND SOUTH FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) Motion: Approve Resolution No. 03-17. The Commissioners expressed their complete support of the resolution. Mayor Meserve requested that copies of the resolution be sent to all local legislators. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Waters requested that a resolution be drafted supporting construction of overpasses at the intersections of Atlantic Boulevard at Hodges and Kernan Boulevards. The Mayor suggested the City Commission look at all the data before drafting the resolution and said the JTA may now be of the opinion that only one overpass would be needed and they had not yet decided on which one to build. 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 20-03-63 Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2003 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 (City Manager) Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20-03-63 on final reading. Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only and opened the floor for a public hearing. No one spoke and the Mayor closed the public hearing. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X PARSONS X X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X PARSONS X SIMMONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- November 24, 2003 At this time, Mayor Meserve recognized Jacksonville Council Member Art Graham who was in the audience. Commissioner Parsons inquired concerning the funding for the entrance to the Post Office. City Manager Hanson stated that he spoken to the JTA on several occasions and no decision had been made. He indicated that he would continue to contact them on a regular basis. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 90-03-184 Public Hearing and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACIi, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, ENACTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, WHICH GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY REGULATE THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAND AND WATERS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SUCK REGULATIONS SHALL BE READOPTED BY REFERENCE AS ARTICLES I TROUGH IV OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED THROUGH ORDINANCE N0.90-03- 182. THIS ORDINANCE ALSO PROVIDES FINDINGS OF FACT, SEVERABILITIY, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, OR PORTIONS TFIEREOF AND PROVIDES FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion. Approve Ordinance No. 90-03-184 on first reading. Community Development Director Doerr explained that the proposed revisions were changes mostly to either update provisions or deal with issues that were previously unclear, insufficiently addressed or inconsistent with Florida ]aw. Mayor Meserve opened the floor for a public hearing. The following citizens spoke concerning the proposed changes: Cutis Sanders of 2320 Barefoot Trace read the definition of family from his Webster's Dictionary, and requested that the Commissioners readdress the definition of "family" found on Page 10 of the ordinance. Dorot}iy Kerber of 36515` Street requested that the current definition of "family" not be changed. No one else spoke and the Mayor closed the public hearing. Commissioner Beaver said he favored going back to the original definition of family, which stated ..."not to exceed (2) persons". Amendment to tlic motion: Amend the definition of "Family" to ..." not to exceed ttivo (2) persons". Commissioner Simmons agreed with Commissioner Beaver regarding the number of family members. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X X SIMMONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X X PARSONS X X SIMMONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- November 24, 2003 Commissioner Waters said he had safety concerns relative to the use of a POD and requested that staff look into their use as construction trailers. A brief discussion of density ensued and it was pointed out that allowable density was established by the Comprehensive plan and did not include roads in the calculation. There being no further discussion, the amendment and main motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Authorize the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Oceanside Rotary Club for Fundraising in Connection rvitli a Proposed Skate Park at Russell Park (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement, with Oceanside Rotary Club, for fundraising iu connection with a proposed Skate Park at Russell Park. (The Commissioners agreed to amend Page 2 of the agreement to reflect that upon delivery of the funds in full, the park will be named Oceanside Rotary Skate Park). Carolyn Ettlinger, President-Elect of the Oceanside Rotary Club, distributed information relative the club's fund raising of $50,000 for use in the design and construction of the skate park. Ms. Ettlinger requested that the agreement be amended to include on Page 2, that the skate park will be named "Oceanside Rotary Skate Park". There were no objections to the request. It was reported that Commissioner Waters had donated $300.00 and Rotary International had issued a check for $4,700 for the park as part of the 100°i Anniversary Celebration of Rotary in February 2004. The motion carried unanimously. B. Report from Bob Kosoy on Roundabout Design for Seminole Road 5-Way Intersection Public Works Director Kosoy reported that two engineering firms, both familiar with the Core City Project, were contacted concerning the feasibility of constructing a roundabout at the five-way intersection. Both of the companies provided reports to the city indicating a roundabout could be constructed there. The reports are attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Public Works Director Kosoy further reported that the engineering firms both recommended a Roundabout Justification Study. Mayor Meserve stated that a roundabout would have a significant impact on the intersection but the city needed to consider public safety. He felt OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X PARSONS X SIMMONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -7- November 24, 2003 that if the city was going to consider a roundabout, a study should be completed. Motion: Authorize staff to proceed with the Roundabout Justification Study. Commissioner Waters said he understood the problems with the intersection, but he felt there was enough right-of--way to build the roundabout. Commissioner Beaver thought a roundabout would be aesthetically pleasing, but thought there were safety concerns with six unevenly spaced entry points into the roundabout in such a small area. He felt the study would give the city a definitive answer regarding the feasibility of constructing a roundabout. The motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manabcr There was no report. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Mayor Meservc Mayor Meserve introduced Jacksonville Council Member Art Graham, who invited the Commissioners to attend one of his Town Hall Meetings scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 2"~ at the Fletcher High School Auditorium and 7:00 p.m., Thursday, December 4`~' at Twin Lakes Middle School in Deerwood. Commissioner Parsons •:• Reported that several citizens had requested that the city parking lots be restriped. Commissioner Waters • Reported that he had received a complaint from the restaurants at North Beach Center concerning their garbage service. City Manager Hanson stated that BFI provided good service overall, unless there was a specific location problem. Public Works Director Kosoy stated that the city would monitor the service, but he felt there were not enough dumpsters for four restaurants at the center. 1 OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X PARSONS X SIMMONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- November 24, 2003 City Manager Manson p •'• Re orted that Code Enforcement and the Police had visited the construction site near 352 Second Street and the contractor had been most cooperative with the city. There being no further discussion or business co e before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting a 'o ed at 8:57 p.m. Attes~ t: Mayol~esidin Officer Maureen Kalb Certified Municipal C r~ • OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O nTTACHMENT A CITY OF ATLANTIC BE NOVI?:ll3E1Z 24 , 2003 COIv1MISSION rtEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Roundabout at Five-Way Intersection SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works DATE: November 14, 2003 BACKGROUND: Since the late 1990's, there have been discussions about the construction of a roundabout at the five-way intersection of Plaza, Seminole and Sherry Drive. Staff prepared snaps in 1999 demonstrating four configurations where a large truck would have conflicts with a 60' diameter roundabout. Recently, we contacted two engineering firms familiar with the Core City improvements Project and asked their traffic engineers to provide a brief report. Both Paul Vetter, P.E. from Edwards and Kelcey (formerly Aikenhead & Odom) and Fraser Howe, P.E. from GAI Consultants were very gracious in .providing the attached reports to the City, at no cost. Both reports indicate difficulties with the site: the proximity of the driveways, the need to shift the linear path of Sherry Drive to Seminole Road going north, and the five-legs to a proposed roundabout. Both engineers feel that a fire truck could be accommodated by redoing or relocating the driveway and constructing the outer portion (approximately 8-10') of the roundabout in concrete curb and brick pavers that could be driven upon by a fire truck, as necessary. Both firms suggested that a program called "Autoturn" could be used to simulate these movements by a fire truck very effectively. The next step would be to complete a Roundabout Justification Study. This step would compare the operation of a roundabout to the current controls, i.e. stop signs, and estimate the average delay for vehicles using the intersection. After this step, the traffic engineer will recommend how a roundabout would affect the safety of the intersection. Although both firms could capably handle the project, we feel that based on the initial submittal, GAI's recent experience designing roundabouts in Florida, and their involvement with the Core City Project, that they would be able to minimize costs and provide an innovative design. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to negotiate with GAI Consultants to complete a Roundabout Justification Study, and, if justified, furnish a preliminary design and cost estimate, for a cost Not to Exceed S 10,000.. BUDGET: Commission to authorize from General Fund. ATTACHMENT: Report from Edwards and Kelcey Report from GAI Consultants ~ REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: "Nov 10 03 02:51p r • • Fdr~areL~ 5730 Bowden Road, Suite 200 3acksonville, Florida 32216 v~~ww.ekcarp.com Phone 9041636-5432 Fax 904/636-5433 AGENDA ITEM #8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 THIS FAX MESS IAGE CONTAINS {2) PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET To: ~ C~ I~G ~vY Fax: ~qO Q-) 24-7 - S ~~.' 4-3 From: ~~,..,~ '~~~L Date: 1 ! ~ 1 C ~O ~ • - - -.. Nov 10 03 02:52p Seminole Road, Sherry Drive and Plaza Roundabout AGENDA ITEA1 #8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 I have reviewed the plans presented to me by Bob ICosoy on October 31, 2003 showing the concept design for a roundabout at the subject location. The undated 1"=30 scale plans displayed a roundabout at the subject five-legged intersection with an inscribed (outside circle) diameter of ] 00 feet, a central island diameter of 60 feet and various islands channcIizing traffic. I have reviewed these plans and offer the following comments: • r ~~ U58 /9tJto ~'Uri7~~ 7~o Show Gf~ erg , Goa/B~ifai~ ~flUSt~al~a ><or g-ue~n9 re ~ f/~dC/~ cvr~/al /Yro/e ih 1. The five two-way legs create too many approach roadways to the roundabout aa~d too many closely-spaced conflicts within the smallest roundabout recommended by the Federal Highway Administration in their published "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide". The fire station driveway, although low volume, adds to the complexity with a sixth Ieg. 2. The lnforrr-ational Guide (supported by our experience in roundabout design) recommends all approaches to the roundabout align to the center point of the roundabout to reduce the speed on the approach, ephasize the yield condition, create a proper sight angle and align the roadways for good positions entering and exiting the roundabout. The subject roundabout has two approaches (Sherry Drive and the westbound approach of Plaza) wherein the approach aligns straight into the circular roadway and thus encourages higher speeds and disregard for the yield condition on the approach; the straight through movement on both of these approaches has no curve alignment to it. These two approaches could be curved at the roundabout and aligned at the.center of the roundabout; however, with the small radius of the roundabout there is insufficient room for the five approach roadways. Holding the outside edge of the roundabout at the fire station driveway and enlarging the roundabout to the northeast may provide enough length around the roundabout to fit the five approach roadways. This would require additional tight of way. 3. The best solution to retain the roundabout would be to relocate Seminole Road to intersect Sherry Drive approximately 180 feet from the centerline of Plaza and cluninate the approach to the roundabout. The roundabout should then be moved to be centered on the intersection of the centerlines of Sherry Drive/SeminoIe Road North and Plaza and redesigned with four approaches. The alternative would provide the best condition and location for the roundabout but would require right of way and property acquisition. 4. A further study should be conducted for the roundabout to include a traffic/capacity analysis using aaSIDRA software and a concept design investigation of the alternatives, includin :Sight of way acquisition. . a.~d ~dt • ct dc/ 8`-/D' ih ~o circ% w/ dccorafive ~a/e~ s~~~U/a~~ohs rah be q~one ~y~ riode//ir,9 NOV-07-2003 FRI 04:26 AM GAI OONSULTANTS S, E, FAX N0, 4078431070 AGENDA I.TEA'I #8B NOVEMBEIZ 24, 2003 + TF~,AN S IVIIT YAL • • Is a CONSULTANTS GAI CONSULTANTS 613 East South Strcct Orlando, Florida 32801 ' Phone: (407) 423-8398 FAX: (407) 843-1470 `1'0; Koso ~, Company: _ C~v of Atlantic Reach Phone *'- From: Date; 11/7/2003 ___ Project No,: Pages (Inc. cover): 8 Message: cre_~Nettuno asked me to review the conccntsyou sent for tltc ro~~ndabout at Seminole Rd/Pla2a/Shcnv nr. Attached arc tllydn'climinary thoughts. Please review them and advise me or Grca„~,fyou would like us to ~rocccd. _ ORIGINAL WILL: Follow via mail Follow via overnight delivery Not be sent If you have experienced a problem in rcceivii~g this transmission -please conttzct us immediately, at (407) 423-8398. NUMBER FAXED TO: 904-247-5843 NOV-07-2003 FR I 04 ; 26 PM GA I CONSULTANTS S, E, FAX N0, 4078431070 AGENDA ITEM #8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 ~~ 1V1 E M O R,A N D U IUI CONSULTANTS To: GREG NETTUNO From: ERASER HOWE ' Subjeck: PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT AT SEMINOLE RD/PIAZPJSFIE.RRY qR, ATLANTIC BEACH Dato: 11/612003 I have reviewed the sketches from Bob Kosoy, City Director of Public Works, for the subject intersection. I referred to the Florida Roundabout Guide (FRG), 2"J Edition (FDOT, 5/98); and Roundabouts: An Informational Gulde (RIG), FHWA-RD-00-067. these are the references we used to design the roundabout for the City of Kissimmee's MLK Blvd project. Please refer to the hand-drawn sketches attached to the hard copy of this memo. The geometry shown on the City's sketches generally conforms to the FDOT & FHWA guides, using a 60-foot diameter central island and 20-foot wide circulating roadway for asingle-lane roundabout. A few of the entry and exit canes seem narrow, but could be modified. Approach Apparent FRG Min Width Width _ _ NB Seminole Road __ 10' .. 19' NB Sherry Dr 10' 19' WB Plaza exit 12' 16' The major problem that I see with the layout is that the islands will not divert the path of vehicles going from NB Sherry Dr to NI3 Seminole Rd; nor for those going west on Plaza across the roundabout. To operate safely, the geometry of a roundabout must work to slow down entering vehicles to a speed close that of vehicles circulating around the central island. This allows entering vehicles to merge into gaps between those already in the roundabout; and allows vehicles exiting the roundabout to weave across entering traffic. This assumes that drivers obey the basic principle to yield to vehicles in the roundabout. The splitter islands on each approach force the driver to divert to the right at the yield line and the position of the central island forces the .driver to circulate with traffic. The same thing happens to drivers exiting the roundabout ~ they must maneuver around the central island, then around a fairly tight radius (30-foot min) to depart. I have sketched in a few changes in the geometry to create diversions on the Sherry Dr and Plaza approaches.that may help this situation. This effort to slow-down vehicles (to about 20 - 30 MPH) also helps pedestrians crossing the approach roadways. Note that the recommended. geometry places the splitter islands across the crosswalks to glue pedestrians a refuge to cross only one direction of traffic at a time. This is a second problem with the conceptual layout -the splitter islands between Sherry pr and Seminole Rd are nGt in line with the obvious pedestrian paths to cross those streets, i.e, people will probably cross before reaching the islands. L:\1~gcumcnts and Scltittgs\frascr\MyDoaimcncs\Irrasec's Uocu:ncnts\TransPazt~tion Crcou~ I'rnl~osats\GrNr3li0G.doc NOV-0?-2003 FRI 04 ~ 27 PM GAI CONSULTANTS S, E, FAX N0, 4078431070 AGENDA ITEM #8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 The last issue 1 see is with several driveways that either enter directly into the roundabout or onto the approaches, very close to the roundabout. I understand that the one info the roundabout is for a fire station; however 1 see 2 other drives entering Seminole just south of the intersection. Could the fire station use these? Also,.the drive for #870 Seminole Rd is really too close to the roundabout. Could they share a drive with #888 Seminole Rd or shift their drive to Plaza, west of the intersection? I am most interested in supporting the City of Atlantic Beach to design in intersection improvement here. The next step would be to do a Roundabout Just~ication Study, as described in the FDOT Manual of Uniform Traffic Studies (MUTS), Form 750-020-18. We would need the following information: 1. An accurate topographic survey (in CAD) of the intersection and approach roadways. 2. 24-hour approach counts, peak-hour turning .movement counts and pedestrian/bicycle counts, and transit routes. 3. location of adjacent signalized intersections (to avoid causing problems there). 4. Location of nearby traffic generators and special uses (school, hospital, sports or entertainment facility). The justification procedure will compare the operation of the roundabout to stop-sign and traffic signal controls and estimate the average delay for vehicles using the intersection. If the City can provide us with all of the data listed above, i estimate that we could complete the report within about 32 hours of staff time. Please let know how you want to proceed. Attachments: 5 • 2 ' NOV-07-2003 FRI 04;27 Ph1 GAI CONSULTANTS S, E, n ' ~° ~~ ~ ~ ~~o -~ v~ ~ n ~ ~ .~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ z~ ----.-. --- ~ ~ ~ ~ p " ~ , ...._ w ~- o ~ o . 2 i ~ W `~ I I '~ !" . r (~,;: i ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ,_~-'' ~ ~ `~.,~ ~ ;,,-~ - ~ ..., ~ ;''~~ ~, ~- , 1. l ,~ / ~' ~ v j 0 ~~ ~~~ i~ ~I ~~ i ,d ilk 1 lU iw ~_ ~l Q 1~ liJ I~ 431070 ti~ ~ ~ ~,! ^ri~^ ,+CJ _` ~ ~.z ~ v~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~~ I I ~,.,~.._~__.Mt.. .~ ~~ AGENDA ITEM #f8B ' NOVEAZBER 24, 2003 ' NOV-O7-2003 FRI 04 26 PM GAI CONSULTANTS S, E. w ~' r ~ O W ~ u ~ • ~ ZOI-~ ~ ~ c d 2 {. J N o ~~ a „ .~g~ P w w u ~i a ---._... ,._.- ~ o ~i- -~-- - .. ~ 21 ~ ~ ~~ ` .r° _---• Z Y f G.L. .~ • • ..r. ~~'r ~ ~.. ;.~1 t_ i ~.~..1 ~~ ~\ `~ ~O / W ~ `~0 ~ ~i h~' • ~ h %~ ~'~ FAX N0. 4078431070 ~,, ~~. ~3 . V •~ +`1 \:1 ~_ v~~ ~~ ~ t'7 i ,,~ fit-, AGENDA ITEM #SB NOVEMBER 24, 2003 '~ I ~ ~ ,. i._ _ .. ~ ~-._ ~z~7d --1~I-- _.._ ~ _ ,...._C-~- . ~ i i i i ~ i i { i. • 1 ~'~ i t i ~ i i t i i • NOV-07-2003 FR I 04 ~ 28 PM GA I OONSUITANTS S, E, FAX N0, 4078431070 AGENDA ITEM #SB NOVEMBER 24, 2003 • ~ ilT ~~ ir~c ~~~ ~~ ~5ri~~ ~"Go~i~ ~v~~ ~ i;,r~~ , r~r II I ~ ,s-0 ~ ._-- ,p r~Q moo. . ~-0 ^ ~o h~ z w ~ oQ R bw_ ~'t'C ,.1 ,P'd' ~ '• S; 1 .~ ~, i e, ti ?od- ~~,~ i6' ~'° o s a r5 ~ uatars ROUNDABOUT GBOMB TRlCS rrypkx~ for od l-egsl I I Figurc 4-8. Minimum conCguration for tt simple roundabout. 4-19 ,~ u NOV-07-2003 FRI 04.29 PM GAI CONSll1.TANTS S, E, FAX N0, 4078431070 /~ 6iJ,f1~ ~~U~'S ~ f~DU speeds to Jess than 20 km/tt (12 mph) near the crossing. Pcdesuian crossings across speed tables must have detectable warning material as described above to clearly Delineate rho edge of the street. Speed tables should generally be used only on suee[s with approadt speeds of 55 km/h (35 mphj or 12ss, as the inU'oduc- tion of a raised speed table In higher speed environments may increase the likCli• hood of singlc•vetricle crashes and is not consistent With the speed consistency pI~llosoPhy presented in this document. 6.3.6 splitter islands • • Splltter islands (also caged separator islandsor median islands} should be provided on all raund~bouts, except those with very small diameters at which the splitter Island would obstruct tha visibility of the central iSland,Their purpose is to provide shelter ror pedestrians (including wheelchairs, bicycles, and baby strollCrs), assist in controlling speeds, guide traffic into the roundabout, physically separate enter- ing tandexiting Ctattic streams, slid deter wrong•way movements. Additionaly, splitter islands cmi be used as a place for mounting signs (see Chapter 7}, 1 1'he splitter Island envelope is formed by the entry and exit curves on a leg, as shown previously in Exhibits 6.2a and 6-25. The total length of the (shed should generally be at leas[ 75 m (b0 fQ to provido sufficien[protection For pedestrians and to alert approaching drivers to the roundabout geomeuy. Additionally, the splitter island should extend beyond the end of the exit curve to present exiting traffic from accidentally crossing into the path of approaching traffic. Exhibit G•26 shows the rctirtimum dimensions for a splitter island at a single- laneroundabout, including tl~e location of the pedestrian crossing as disctisseU in Section 6.3.7. ~ ~ ~ ' •.. h . ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~t i ~ ~ t i i ~~ ~•~•' 7 ~ (~"h) I 'i r: 15.Om (SOh} 3.arn (1Dh} 4, m (t5ft) I See DeleU'A' DBIe~laDle rf, , ' n. 'y • wam ~ . ~. ~ ' • ~ ,' , I ~urtace 600 mm {2d ln) i i .;,. DEfA1L "A" ~n Roundabotrts:An Inrormatlonal Guido e: Geometric Dosign AGEl~`DA ITEM #8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 ~ ~~~~ CONTENTS Splltter islands perfenn multiple functions and should generauy be pravidcd. Exhibit 6.26. Ninimurn spllasr islanu climene(ons, r;j s7. ' NOV-07-2003 FRI 04 29 PM GAI CONSULTANTS S, E. • Exhibit B•A. Example of a typical sfn~lo•lane roundobout • ~J FAX N0. 4078431070 AGENDA ITEA'I ##8B NOVEMBER 24, 2003 ~~ tJS fwYwv7rtuN J Lu~:~ri ~Wwn CONTENTS .- .~:~ ~ ~ s~ r/° ~41 ~ ~ ~ ~;; r ^-~ '` ~ .% ~ ~ i ~ i t ~ t ~ i j ~ ~~ ' i I ~ .' ~ ~ ~ •°• . I .' I ;• ''~ f ~ ~ ' '; . r ~, 1 ~~~ ~ ~, _r ~ ~ ' ~V f. l ~ ,~ '• •~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~~ .., :. >: ~ , ~ ~~ , s: •Y. . +~ ,2Btl I Faderal Highway AdmHTla~r~tton