02-25-02 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 25, 2002 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag Approve minutes of the Commission Meeting of February 11, 2002 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings B. Appointments to the Tree Conservation Board (2) (Mayor) C. Discussion and related action in connection with twice weekly trash collection (Comm. Parsons) 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO '" BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Public Works/LTtilities, Public Safety/Code Enforcement, and Utility Sales Departments (City Manager) B. Award aone-year contract to Coverall Cleaning Concepts in the amount of $42,036.00 for janitorial service for City facilities (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 02-03 A RESOLUTION FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 7. Action on Ordinances 8. Miscellaneous Business ~, A. Beaches Habitat requesting forgiveness of a lien on property located at 56 Lewis Street, also described as N. %2 of Lot 1 1, Block 3, Dormers Replat, RE #172226-0000 Page Two AGENDA February 25, 2002 B. Approve changing health insurance coverage from AHL to Blue CrossBlue Shield effective April 1, 2002, and retain the current employee dollar contribution amounts (City Manager) C. Authorize staff to finalize a contract with the FDEP for a Section 319 Grant for a portion of the Core City Improvements Project (City Manager) D. Authorize staffto begin negotiations with the top-ranked firm, Camp, Dresser & McKee, for preparation of the Stormwater Master Plan (City Manager} E. Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Artlife Productions in the amount of $17,000 for city-wide special events (City Manager) ,~.,,... 9. City Manager Reports A. Police/Code Enforcement Department annual reports B. Report on sidewalks and streets 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 28b.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, February 22, 2002. ,~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, S00 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2002 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation, given by Commissioner Beaver, was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting. of February 11, 2002 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of February 11, 2002 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: J.P. Marchioli of 414 SherryDrive commented on the progress of the Sherry Drive reconstruction project and, as a reminder, read the Oath of Office taken by the Commissioners. Bob Totter of 275 11th Street spoke on the following: (1) Recounted his experience with a dog running loose in the vicinity of Beach Avenue and 20th Street, and expressed concern regarding the city's animal control service, (2) suggested that the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the Commissioners be included in the Tideviews newsletter, (3) felt the taxpayers should not subsidize the city's new health insurance premiums (Item 8B), and (4) pointed out that boats were being illegally parked on Beach Avenue. Sally Clemens of 1638 Park Terrace West commented that she had spoken with Utility Director Kaluzniak concerning the credentials of Howie Green, the city's water tank inspector, and she was happy that the •V V O Q T T E E S S M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S Q COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- February 25, 2002 ..~ . city chose awell-qualified inspector. She also noted that the new contract for janitorial services (Item 4B) was 17% higher than the previous contract, and hoped the city would receive better service for the increased cost. Domenick Bottini of 2130 Mayport Road spoke concerning two pedestrian related accidents on Mayport Road and requested Commission support for a traffic light at the northern boundary of Mayport Trace Apartments. Mr. Bottini indicated he was pleased with the increased police presence in the area and stated that he would like the area north of the city annexed into Atlantic Beach. He also stated that he was encouraging residents of that area to register to vote. 3. Unfinished Business From the Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings City Manager Hanson reviewed each item in the written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. m„ In addition to his written report, City Manager Hanson provided the following information: Selva Marina Streets The City Manager reported the city would issue a check to the City of Jacksonville in the amount of $7,917.11 to redeem tax certificates sold on private streets in the Selva Marina project area. The City of Jacksonville would then consider forgiving taxes due on other private streets in Selva Marina. Water and Sewer Rates City Manager Hanson reported that the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) had commented that the city's water rates did not encourage conservation. He recapped the rate structure and indicated that the installation and use of irrigation meters did not promote water conservation. He suggested hiring a rate consultant to study the options for restructuring the city's water and sewer rates B. Appointments to the Tree Conservation Board (2) (Mayor) C. Discussion and Related Action in Connection with Twice Weekly Trash Collection (Commissioner Parsons) ,, Action on Items B and C was deferred to the next meeting. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E• c O N D Y E S N Q Minutes Page -3- February 25, 2002 ~,.,~ Commissioner Waters inquired concerning the report on fire hydrant testing and asked when the last test was performed. Chief Thompson responded that he had requested additional information and indicated that the report included in the agenda packet listed only the latest inspection on one specific hydrant. Discussion ensued and City Manager Hanson reported that all of the fire hydrants worked, but some had lower pressure than they should. He indicated that the low water pressure would be resolved with completion of the Core City Project and Beach Avenue water main replacement project. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Public Works/Utilities, Public Safety/Code Enforcement, and Utility Sales Departments (City Manager) B. Award aone-year contract to Coverall Cleaning Concepts in the amount of $42,036.00 for janitorial service for city facilities Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A and B as ,~,\ presented. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 02-03 A RESOLUTION OF ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Motion: Approve Resolution No. 02-03. City Manager Hanson. explained that this was a matching grant with the city's share being $60,000. It was explained that the grant would allow for construction of the boardwalks, trails and pavilions which were deleted from the initial project in order to keep it within budget. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -4- February 25, 2002 There was no action on ordinances. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Beaches Habitat requesting forgiveness of a lien on property located at 56 Lewis Street, also described as N'/Z of Lot 11, Block 3, Donners Replat, RE#172226-0000 Motion: Forgive, lien on property located at 56 Lewis Street as requested. City Manager Hanson explained that the request was being made to forgive a demolition lien from 1996. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Approve changing health insurance coverage from AHL to Blue Cross/Blue Shield effective April 1, 2002 and retain the current employee dollar contribution amounts Motion: Approve changing health insurance coverage from AHL to Blue Cross/Blue Shield effective April 1, 2002 and retain the current employee dollar contribution amount. City Manager Hanson explained that the city's current provider, American Heritage Life, would no longer provide health insurance after September 30, 2002. He indicated that the city had experienced a high rate of claims for the past year, and only one insurance company, Blue/Cross and Blue/Shield submitted a proposal to the city. City Manager Hanson briefly explained other options, which might be considered in the future, but due to time constraints, he felt this was the only reasonable option. Discussion of costs ensued and by consensus the Commission indicated that they wished to explore going with the City of Jacksonville for insurance coverage. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Authorize staff to finalize a contract with FDEP for a Section 319 Grant for a portion of the Core City Improvements Project Motion: Authorize staff to finalize a contract with FDEP for a Section 319 Grant for a portion of the Core City Improvements Project. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER: X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X .BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X inTATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- February 25, 2002 City Manager Hanson explained that the grant would provide $428,450 toward the project. It was pointed out that the city must implement a Public Education Program and Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Program to demonstrate the effectiveness of its best management practices (BMP's), at an estimated cost of $100,000. The Staff Report. explaining the grant is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Public Works Director Kosoy explained that the city would perform many of its own analyses but would need assistance with Task 2, the Public Education Program and Task 4, Post-Construction Activities, as listed on Page 9 of the Scope of Services. He indicated that the U. S. Department of Environmental Protection through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection wanted educational programs implemented as part of the grant. Public Works Director Kosoy indicated that most of the $100,000 would be spent on additional monitoring. City Manager Hanson pointed out that the biggest single source of pollution was stormwater runoff from streets and yards and .public ,~:,,,., education programs were needed to offset the problem. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Authorize staff to begin negotiations with the top-ranked firm, Camp, Dresser and McKee, for preparation of the Stormwater Master Plan (City Manager) Motion: Authorize staff to begin negotiations with the top- ranked firm, Camp, Dresser and McKee, for preparation of the Stormwater Master Plan. Commissioner Waters inquired why the City Commission did not select the firm to prepare the Stormwater Master Plan. The City Manager staff ranked and evaluated the firms for smaller projects and the Commission made the decision for larger projects. Discussion of the selection process ensued. City Attorney Jensen provided background information on earlier selection processes and advised that State Statute provided that Commission can direct staff to evaluate and negotiate smaller projects. He indicated that this was more efficient for staff to make technical decisions on the smaller projects. ,;- Mayor Meserve suggested that parameters be set for this type of evaluation and negotiation during strategic planning. He felt the OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- February 25, 2002 Commission should base their decision on staff recommendations since they have the collective expertise to evaluate the background of the firm. Commissioner Borno inquired of Don Maurer, representing Camp, Dresser and McKee, if his firm would use an earlier study prepared by CH2M Hill for preparation of the Stormwater Master Plan. Mr. Maurer indicated that it was their intention to build upon the work performed by CH2M Hill. He further indicated that the emphasis of the study would be placed on the Hopkins Creek drainage basin. City Manager Hanson indicated that all problem drainage areas outside of the core city area would be prioritized and addressed. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. E. Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Artlife Productions in the amount of $17,000 for citywide special events (City Manager) Motion: Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Artlife Productions in the amount of $17,000 for citywide special events. City Manager Hanson explained that this was a budgeted item and Artlife was in charge of last year's successful summer programs. He also reported that Artlife was the only company to submit a proposal. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports: City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: • Reported that a first meeting of the "stakeholders" of the three beaches cities in the bike/pedestrian path project would be held on Thursday, March 14, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. at the Sea Turtle Inn. Elected officials and representatives of the media were invited to attend. • Briefly commented on the recently revised Employee Code of Ethics distributed to the Commissioners. A. Police/Code Enforcement Annual Reports Chief Thompson made a Powerpoint presentation of the Police Department's Annual Report. Charts indicating crime statistics were OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D " Y E S N Q BEAVER BORNO PARSONS WATERS MESERVE Minutes Page -7- February 25, 2002 / ~ displayed and each category discussed. It was reported that overall crime for 2001 decreased 7.7%. A question and answer session followed the report. Commissioner Waters inquired as to the unsafe stretches of Mayport Road alluded to by Mr. Bottini, and a discussion of the environmental influences on crime ensued. Mayor Meserve reported that he had been approached by Mayor Dick Brown of the City of Neptune Beach concerning the possible joint purchase of a $15,000 speed indicator cart. Mayor Meserve asked the Commissioners and staff to think about this request to determine if Atlantic Beach should participate in this purchase as a joint venture with Neptune Beach. Mayor Meserve indicated that the Mayport Waterfront Partnership was pursuing the District 2 $2M grant for installation of medians and better lighting on Mayport Road. He indicated that Greenscape may landscape the medians. Mayor Meserve believed the improvements would create opportunities for positive development in the area. Discussion of the proposed improvements ensued. Commissioner . , Borno suggested requesting a reduced speed limit of 35 mph coming off the Intracoastal Waterway bridge and onto the flyover. .Mayor Meserve requested that Chief Thompson work with his own traffic safety officers and Jim Scott of the Florida Department of Transportation concerning a reduced speed limit and signalization on Mayport Road and report his findings for consideration at the next Commission meeting. B. Report on Sidewalks and Streets Public Works Director Kosoy reported on the conditions of the sidewalks within the city limits of Atlantic Beach. He indicated that the sidewalks had been graded into good, fair and poor condition and placed into the city's Sidewalk Management Program. Mr. Kosoy indicated that 86.7% of the sidewalks were in good condition, 11 % in fair condition and 2.3% in poor condition. It was reported that 1,689 linear feet of poor sidewalk would be replaced. The Sidewalk Inventory Report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and `"'~~"` City Attorney Commissioner Borno OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q ~.. ,~. Minutes Page -8- February 25, 2002 • Inquired if the rate restructuring was precipitated by the Reuse Permit renewal. City Manager Hanson responded in the affirmative. • Indicated that he would try to attend a St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) meeting in Jacksonville the following week concerning water use in the St. Johns River basin. Commissioner Waters • Requested that his home telephone number be included in the next edition of the Tideviews newsletter so citizens could contact him at home. • Indicated that Dancing in the Street would be held the third week of May and volunteers were needed for the event. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meetin~~ijou~ned at 9:00 p.m. Attest: Maureen King ~' Certified Municipal -?er Officer OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D . Y E S N O ~- a ~ ~~® _ ATTACHMENT A - FEBRUARY 25, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING February 19, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Han SUBJECT: Sidewalk on Sherry Drive; At the last Commission meeting, it was reported that there were some portions of the sidewalk along Sherry Drive that had been cut by the contractor and not yet replaced leaving it unsafe for pedestrian use. It was also suggested that the entire Sherry Drive. sidewalk should be replaced. There were I9 locations identified where the sidewalk had been cut by the contractor to install water service lines. While the contractor had made arrangements to either bring the grade level up to the height of the existing sidewalk or barricade it during construction, they have since repaired each of these pieces of sidewalk. Most of the sidewalk along Sherry Drive (approximately 75%) is in very good condition and City staff feels that the complete replacement of this would be a waste of money. Contractor's Use of City Barricades Along Sherry Drive; Another comment was made at the ..last Commission meeting that the contractor had been allowed to use City of Atlantic Beach barricades rather than paying for their own. Three Atlantic Beach barricades were on Sherry Drive the morning after the last Commission meeting. Two of them were in an excavation done by Bellsouth on 4~' Street and the other was over an excavation made by City water crews on Sturivant. The contractor has been using barricades rented. from Acme Barricades and has replaced many of them that were damaged during the last two weeks. Fire Hydrant Testing; Someone stated at the last Commission meeting that the Jacksonville Fire Department had not checked any hydrants in the City since they took over providing fire service in 1999. The Jacksonville Fire Department has tested all of the hydrants in Atlantic -Beach more than once and has provided their hydrant testing records to the City. The latest test of the hydrant specifically referenced was on February 7, 2002; four days prior to the Commission meeting when the complaint was made. A copy of that hydrant inspection report is attached. ,Newsletter Publication Costs; A suggestion was made about the possibility of publication of the City's newsletter in the local papers rather than mailing it directly to our residents. The cost for publishing a half page ad in both local papers would be less than $1500 per month.. This is for,p~ublication in black and white, although color may be available. it also assumes that the newsletter is photo ready (i.e. does not include editing and typesetting).. :: , .. AGENDA ITEM 2A .. _. ;. :. :: F Y 25, 2002 EBRUAR ~~' (~ .~ '$ { .. ..i...sn.a~+nn,.~w, ..~...rw.v~~~..•....,w.~++w~.rr.w~.~r. A. ,. ~,_ ' '•. .. } _ ~ _~ . i { _ ~ ,~ ' ~ ~ { "' : ' ~ ~ ~ _~ ~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ .. : ;.. ,. _.. _ .. ;33 ~' t r i Ltd ti j . UI ~,. ; f~ ' i t~~ ~ = {r.~~. ~ a1 . t-+ tT I iJ.l ~,s Lh ~ ~ 1 :.- J ~ ;~ . . { ~ LI ~ y, ~ 1 , ~ ~ Is. t I~. Calti~ i ~~tQ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ +-, ~ [r f rxt ~ ~. - , ,., M ~ t ~ ~ . _ . ~ ' ~, ~ - - j }- ~7 ~ A j ~: I ~ t-, ,-~ E r~ ~-+ #.t! it Lt! En 1 C7 tU Ct3 x~ ~ ~ ~" {~~ fl =ft U7 ~t U7 f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ' £I t'C i- ~ H L3 Lti t:tt f ~ e.. C; s:i1 - _ . i ~' 3 I :~- T.. ii3 _i Ca c'Y r--t - ~ L t ~ ~4 - ~• ~ ,-: 3' ~' J ~. ?~1 ~:i I ,ice- ~ - -- ,. ~ ~ "'' '"' ~ ~ y. f rat i~ a~ ~ (F~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ :~ W t 3 ~ C.I 1 .. i :5 ~ ~ i ;? ~ ~ ~ rte: ~ ~ ~. Lt! fJ'' •~ Ut . . 't ~ tl i1.1 t~ ~ fY~' ' : . .t U;~ J .~ . ,t ~ U ~.# . ,. tl4 ~ LL Ci "...~ ~ C`f C~ GT E 3 0 , } ~ . ;~ _ U ~ E ~ t ~~ _ ~ %t3 : ~ .. 1 ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ .~+ 1 V..+ r ~: ^ ~ r ~.f.. - t ~ , ' . ,J {y~x 1 _wl.www~ ,Tlrw!`.+hb.-'~ni:r/lr'.'~.~.vw+M.R!~w.~rs.~__~.. yi:.+.si ':. ~ ~_ . M.~~~~rrri.r.~- _ ~. _; ATTACHMENT B FEBRUARY 25, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING ~. , CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Section 319 Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency SUBMITTED SY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works DATE:: February 15, 2002 BACKGROUND: In 1998, we initiated application for a Section 319 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide funding for a portion of the Core City Improvements Project. The grant is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Since the project was redesigned as the grant - application approached the contract stage, the application was redone to reflect the current design now being advertised for bidding. The grant will provide $428,450 toward the project. The grant requires that a Public Education Program and a Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Program be conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the best management practices (BMP's} being .implemented. These programs will be conducted before, during and after construction and must be completed within 40 months of the receipt of the grant contract. The total cost of these programs is - estimated to cost $100,000. RECOMMENDATION:. Authorize staff to finalize a contract with the FDEP for the ' 319 Grant. ATTACHMENT: 1. Scope of Services with Figure A (Map) 2. FDEP Contract Budget Form, Project Funding Summary and Breakdown - REVIEWED BY CITY MAN GER: AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002. SCOPE OF SERVICES CORE CITY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS LEAD ORGANIZATION: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. PROJECT LOCATION: .The City of Atlantic Beach is a separate municipality in Duval County, located on a barrier island east of the City of Jacksonville. A residential area of 240 acres within the city limits. of Atlantic Beach is known as the Core City. The boundaries are Ahern Street on the south, 12`h Street on the north, Beach Avenue on the east,, and Sherry Drive and Seminole Road on the west, as shown on the attached project location map. Over 840 residential lots are within the Core City area, plus two major parks and municipal buildings, all on paved City streets with stormwater drainage currently entering a lagoon system of lakes, canals and marshes that eventually discharge into the Intracoastal Waterway and, the St. Johns River. The Lower St. Johns River has- been declared a priority restoration water body for the State of Florida with a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) of pollutants to be established in a report targeted by FDEP in Year 2002. Figure "A" of this report depicts the vicinity of the project area. - PROJECT OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this project is to improve the water quality of the Waters of the State, including lagoons and canals leading to the St. Johns River, while improving the drainage conditions and reducing flooding for theresidents of the Core City area. This will be accomplished through the following actions: { 1. Best Management Practices will be incorporated into the stormwater management system. Newer models of baffle boxes specifically designed to improve removal of total suspended solids, as well as provide capture of floatable debris,. will be installed and monitored for comparison with historical data of the more conventional designs installed elsewhere. Beach outfalls will be redirected to the west. 2. An intensive monitoring program will be established to determine the effectiveness of the new baffle boxes. Salinity monitoring will be performed at Fleet Landing to determine pre- and post-construction effects. 3. The City of Atlantic Beach will conduct public education programs, including programs for elementary and junior high school students, handouts, signage and public meetings to inform the public of projectobjectives and to encourage public cooperation on private property to reduce nonpoint pollution sources. 1 AGENDA ITEM- 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 J .. The total project will implement the recommended improvements as stated in the Atlantic Beach Stormwater Master Plan, originated during development of the Stormwater Utility: for the City. PROJECT WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS: The watershed of the Lower St. Johns River is very large, beginning at Melbourne, approximately 225 miles upstream from the point of . ~ discharge of the Core City drainage system. The Core City area watershed is approximately 240 ;. acres. Land Uses within the Core City Watershed: Urban 230 Acres / 95.8% Parks 10 Acres / 4.2% Selva Lagoon begins within Howell Park .and is the historical receiving body for runoff from all of the Core City except those areas discharging directly to the Atlantic Ocean via beach outfalls at 8th Street and 10th Street. Selva Lagoon begins at Plaza and extends through the Selva Marina golf course, past Fleet Landing, through several box culverts owned by FDOT or the City of Jacksonville, and out to the marshes before entering the Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW). The current project design follows these normal drainage paths, except that stormwater flows currently discharging to the 8th Street and 10th Street beach outfalls will be captured and discharged through the Selva lagoon system to the ICWW. A considerable amount of area in the watershed is developed. Urban development here consists of residential homes, businesses, parks, associated parking lots, and streets.. All of these create impervious surfaces that prevent stormwater from percolating into the soils. The stormwater that ! is diverted into specific areas to prevent flooding needs. to be treated. to protect the water quality of receiving waterbodies in the area. There are,no Outstanding Florida Waters, Wild and Scenic Rivers, Aquatic Preserves or Class I or II Waters receiving stormwater runoff from the Atlantic Beach area associated with this project. All receiving waters are designated as Class III Waters. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background: The City of Atlantic Beach began to realize the importance of a stormwater management plan in the late 1980's. A series of intense tropical storms and fringe effects from passing hurricanes in the early 1990's showed that the current drainage system was ineffective in both controlling flooding and treating runoff as defined in the Water Management District, FDEP and EPA regulations. The physical location of the City with respect to its municipal neighbors controls the performance of the stormwater management practice system, resulting in frequent flooding ` areas such as the older Core City. -For the vast majority of the Core City, runoff enters the downstream Waters of the State with no treatment. 2 "AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 Funding and direction by the City Commission was obtained to develop a stormwater master plan and acity-wide stormwater utility. A formal stormwater master plan was completed in 1995 that identified the Core City area as the top priority for improvement. Stormwater utility fees of $3.00 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERL~ have been established throughout the City, and the -funds are being used to improve the stormwater management ditches and collection systems within the .City. Design is currently underway for a major stormwater management system project, along with improvements to select aging potable water systems and some sanitary sewer systems that could not be rehabilitated with the recently completed cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) .process... The stormwater design is difficult, in that the majority of homes were built long before regulations for stormwater management were developed, and considerations must accommodate the barrier island topography. Due to potential adverse impacts resulting from the construction of stormwater treatment ponds in City parks, alternate designs using Best Management Practices (BMPs) are being proposed. The EPA Section 319 grant will aid the City in constructing and monitoring three large baffle boxes to be installed at outfalls to Howell Park and Selva Lagoon. In addition, substantial piping and street reconstruction will be accomplished east of the Core City project area to capture and reverse stormwater flows from the existing -8th Street and 10th Street beach outfalls, directing this runoff to the Selva Lagoon system. This will eliminate the substantial existing beach erosion that occurs at these two existing outfalls. The City will be paying all costs associated with design. Figure "A" of .this report shows the locations of the proposed baffle boxes. Proiect Approach: The basic portions of the Grant Program will be: 1. Conduct public meetings to inform the residents of the upcoming construction and the purposes of the Best Management Practices, including education in practices. within private property that will reduce nonpoint pollution sources. 2. Complete project design, bid and award the construction project. _ 3. Construct the stormwater management improvements, including: beach outfall reversals and baffle boxes to collect, treat and discharge storm runoff from the Core City area to the $elva Lagoon and canal system. 4. Establish monitoring sites associated with the BMP installations within the Core City area. Monitor water quality to demonstrate improvement resulting from the new BMP construction. 5. Conduct public education programs before, during and after construction. 3 AGENDA ITEM 8C - FEBRUARY 25, 2002 TASK 1-PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES To develop baseline data for water quality improvement, initial procedures must be undertaken. These procedures include field inspection and photographs, and recording of areas that- contribute to or require improvement for Positive Upstream Stormwater Management.... L Field inspect and photograph the streets, lots, and beach erosion areas within the Core City area in Atlantic Beach to record the physical conditions of the streets,.. private properties, and beaches before construction to document typical stormwater runoff, potential nonpoint pollution, and beach erosion... Photographs will be taken in the Core - City area after storm events of various intensities. 2. Note and record all areas that both contribute to the stormwater .problems and/or require improvements for Positive Upstream Stormwater Management for both City rights-of- way and private property. 3. A DEP approved Quality Assurance Project Plan will be developed and implemented for. the monitoring program. 4. The City will be reconstructing Sherry Drive from Ahern Street to 8th Street.. These reconstruction activities will include the construction of one of the main storm -sewer trunk lines as well as outfall stubs to-the 5th and 7th Street outfalls. This system will be ~ ' connected to existing outfalls to Howell Park with the new outfall -stubs plugged during - " this phase of construction. The outfall plugs will be removed when the remainder of the Core City drainage project is completed and the proposed baffle boxes ,installed. 5. Salinity monitoring will be performed prior to installation of a permanent weir at Fleet Landing... TASK 2 -PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM The City of Atlantic Beach will perform the following tasks as part of a Public Education Program: 1. Elementary. and junior high school visits will be conducted to educate students of the efforts and reasoning that go into a stormwater management: practice improvement project. 2. Handouts for the citizens of .Atlantic Beach describing the steps to be taken for construction, the alternatives. available for stormwater management, and steps that citizens can take to help themselves and .their neighbors .improve drainage and water quality will be developed. 3. Provide construction funding acknowledgement signs at various locations throughout the construction areas, and provide permanent signage in public access areas describing. stormwater management in the City and how it relates to water quality in the St. Johns River and local waterbodies. 4 AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 4. Develop a public education program, consisting of education materials to be presented to the public, to improve the public's understanding and knowledge of the City and State environmental stormwater pollution control efforts and goals. A major component will be to utilize .existing materials developed under the nonpoint: source .management `, programs. Develop and submit for review and presentation to the City Commission ten (10) sets of the public education materials with a schedule of up to five (5) public meetings for presentation and.. dissemination of the materials. 5. Following the public meetings with citizens, establish meetings with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWNID) and U.S._ Army Corps of Engineers {COE) to review the recommendations and Positive Upstream Stormwater Management treatment concepts as developed in the public meetings.. 6. The deliverables. will include development of recommendations for future improvements. to publicand private property that will aid in reducing the amount of stormwater runoff and reducing the amount of nonpoint pollution from reaching the waters of the City and ~- the State. I< i G:. ,> I TASK 3 - STORMWATER BMP IMPLEMENTATION The design and construction of the Core City project will include all BMP implementation. The sub-tasks basically constitute the deliverables for the task, which include:. 1. Construction Plans as .developed for bids, with as-built drawings completed after. construction. 2. Permits obtained from the SJRWNID, USACOE, and FDEP. 3. Photographic documentation of the project construction. 4.. Baffle boxes will be installed to intercept sediment and floatables before entering Waters of the State. It is expected that the construction will improve downstream water quality.. 5. Development of procedures for maintaining the new collection and treatment systems. If necessary to continue operation and maintenance of the new BMP devices, ordinances will be drafted or revisions proposed to existing ordinances for presentation to the City Commission for review and approval. 6. Stormwater collection system extensions will be constructed to intercept stormwater currently discharging to the public access beaches at .8th Street and I Oth Street. This stormwater will be piped to the proposed Core City stormwater collection system, which will be constructed to accept this additional -flow, for discharge to the Selva Lagoon and canal outfall system to the ICWW. Modifications will be made to the existing control weir at Fleet Landing, well downstream of these beach outfall reversal discharges into Selva Lagoon, to mitigate all hydraulic impacts of .this additional discharge to the lagoon/canal system. 5 ' AGENDA ITEM 8C :. - FEBRUARY 25, 2002 -TASK 4 -POST-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES The -City has proposed a balanced and comprehensive approach to stormwater management in order to minimize pollutant discharges into the Lower St. Johns River and to eliminate existing .discharges of untreated stormwater onto the City's public beaches. The final Performance. and Water Quality Monitoring Plan will be developed in coordination with. the St. Johns River Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. This program will monitor the water quality control .effectiveness of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) installed in the Core City area. To assess the results of water quality improvements after. construction of the BMPs, the following sub-tasks will be performed: 1. .Field inspect and photograph the same streets, lots, and beach outfall areas within the .Core City area as recorded in the Pre-construction Activities (Task 1) to document- any changes to the physical conditions of the streets, private properties, and beaches, and to record the effects of reduced stormwater runoff and any reduction in nonpoint source pollution after BMP implementation. 2. Note and compaze the areas that received BMP implementation with pre-construction conditions. '' 3. Monitor the effectiveness of the BMPs. See the attached "Post-construction Stormwater Quality Monitoring Plan." The. water quality monitoringplan details. how the City will perform post-construction monitoring and testing. This plan will be implemented for the '~ collection and analysis of water quality data.. Pazameters to be sampled .are contained within the plan. Methods for data collection are also contained in the plan. 4. A component of this project involves. developing a detailed and systematic record- keeping system to monitor .maintenance activities on each BMP element. Logs will be kept on staff, equipment and energy used in maintaining and operating the respective BMPs. A record will be kept of the amount and types of debris/pollutants collected and disposed and of disposal location in order to monitor how often the BMPs were cleaned out and how much debris was removed. Log information available at completion of the project will be included in the project final report. The City staff will continue recording data as part of the on-going stormwater system operation and maintenance program. TASK 5 -DRAFT FINAL PROJECT REPORT Develop a Draft Final Report and submit ten (10) sets for review and presentation to the City Commission. Upon approval, submit as a deliverable to the FDEP one copy. of the Draft Final. Report that will include the following: 1. Results of the -field inspection of properties with a summary of the findings. 6 . AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 ., 2. An outline of the public education program, including results of the citizen public meetings and the agency. meetings on Positive Upstream Stormwater Management. Any citizen initiatives resulting from this project will also be noted. 3. A list of recommendations, with preliminary details, for development of Best Management Practices and related improvements to public and. private properties that will aid in reducing. the amount of stormwater runoff and other nonpoint sources of pollution from reaching the Waters of the City and State. 4. Accurate accounting of quantities and costs of items installed for this grant contract project: 5. Test results of the water quality monitoring (including a table showing rain -event hydrographs with corresponding total area runoff, water quality data, and estimated mass loading data for each major rain event sampled during the project years), baffle box effectiveness evaluation (estimated treatment efficiency [pollutant load reduction] percentages for the baffle boxes compared to areas of the City with no baffle boxes and a ..data evaluation to establish a statistical companson of water quality improvements using the baffle boxes), and the significance of the results for the City in future development of the stormwater management program. 6. Proposed operation and maintenance schedule and cost estimates for the individual baffle boxes based on the performance and maintenance data. If any ordinances. need to be developed or revised to continue implementation of the additions to the stormwater management system brought about by this project, drafts for review and approval by the City Commission will be .included in the project report (or adopted versions if applicable). `` 7. Problems encountered during project. I: 8. Project cost accounting related to grant and matching fund expenditures. 9. Photographic documentation of the project from beginning to .end in the. report or a presentation on disk to be included with each final report copy. TASK 6 -FINAL PROJECT REPORT A final report will identify each task of the project, and describe in detail each aspect, analysis, and conclusion resulting from the implementation of the BMPs. Develop and submit forxeview and presentation ten (10) sets to the City Commission and the final deliverable submittal to the FDEP of five (5) sets of a Final Report to include: 1. Revisions to the Draft Final Report as requested by FDEP staff. -> 2. Copies of public education materials distributed. 3. One set of final project as-built plans associated with the grant contract. 7 " AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 4. Presentation disks if applicable. FINAL PRODUCT/DELIVERABLES: - 1. Quarterly progress reports will be submitted to FDEP as outlined in the contract. 2. Cost reimbursement invoices will be submitted regularly and will relate to work outlined in previous progress .reports or in a progress report submitted with the invoice. 3. Draft Final Report. 4. Final Report (five copies) with items, such as as-built plans, as listed in Task 6. I j ". 8 .AGENDA ITEM 8C .FEBRUARY 25, 2002 PROJECT MILESTONES: Task Months After Contract Descri ption Initiation to Comt~letion :Task 1 -Pre-construction Activities a. Field Inspection & Photograph Physical Conditions of Area 3 months b. Inventory Areas Contributing Stormwater 3 months c. Obtain FDEP QAPP 16 months j.. d. Perform Salinity Monitoring at Fleet Landing 3 months Task 2 -Public Education Program a. Develop Program for Citizen Awareness. 3 months b. Develop Materials for Distribution to Citizens 6 months c. Present Program & Materials to City Commission 9 months d. Distribute Info. About Construction Activities 10 months e. .Temporary Construction Information Signs Posted 4 months. f. Elementary & Junior High School Programs 24 months g. Public Meetings far Positive Upstream Stormwater Management 1 S months h. Meet with Regulatory Agencies 19 months i. Develop Private Property Improvements Info. & Distribute 24 months j. Permanent Public Information Signs Posted 24 months ~ "~ Task 3 - Stormwater BMP Implementation a. Design & Permitting 2 months b. Bid & Award Construction Project 4 months ' c. .Complete Construction (BMPs Installed) & Photo Documentation 22 months ~ d. As-Built Drawings Completed 25 months e. Develop O&M Program 20 months ~ f. Develop or Revise Ordinances if Needed 34 months Task 4 -Post-construction Activities a. Field Inspection & Photograph Physical. Conditions of Area 34 months b. Compare to Pre-construction Conditions 35 months. c. Water Quality Monitoring & Analysis Program 35 months _ d. Develop Record-Keeping System for BMP Maintenance 22 months e. BMPs Effectiveness Evaluation 35 months Task 5 -Draft .Final Report a. Draft Final Report 36 months b. ,. Present to City Commission & Make Revisions if Needed 37 months- c. Submit Draft Report to FDEP for Review 38 months d. Review Comments from FDEP Sent to City 39 months Task 6 -Final Project Report a. Final Report, Public Education Materials, & As-Built Plans Submitted to FDEP ~ 40 months b. Final Invoice (within 30 days of contract expiration) 9 _ AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002 ~'~,"",. EXHIBIT A POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN CITY OF ATLANTIC. BEACH, FLORIDA Following the construction of BMPs, water quality will be monitored for the subsequent .four .quarters. Six monitoring locations are proposed for the project area.. Monitoring locations are proposed to be located at the three baffle boxes to be installed in Howell Park. Samples will be collected .from stormwater prior to entering and after exiting the three baffle .boxes (upstream and downstream sampling). Figure "A" of the Scope of Services shows the locations of the proposed baffle boxes. A seventh monitoring location is proposed for Fleet Landing for the purpose of salinity testing. Samples will be collected for storm events at or exceeding 1-inch of rainfall depth as recorded in the rainfall gauges linked to each of the automatic samplers. Quality Assurance Project Plan .,,,. The sampling methods utilized will be consistent with -the procedures outlined in a FDEP approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). All personnel. involved -with sampling and analyses will be approved under the QAPP. Methods of Collection i The stormwater sampling will be conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) requirements for wet weather sampling. Discrete samples will be collected during rain events only after a minimum of one-inch of rainfall has occurred. In addition, a flow-weighted sample will be collected at each sampling point. Sample collection will be performed using personnel approved under the approved QAPP. Automatic samplers linked to ~~ ~ rain gauges for sampling activation will be used for sample collection. Atypical sampler will consist of at least the following features: • rainproof and lockable carrying enclosure, • a 2.5 gallon polyethylene sample bottle for a first flush sample, • a 2.5 gallon polyethylene sample bottle for aflow-weighted sample, • a peristaltic pump, • a control panel enclosed logic regulator, • a rain sensor and a water sensor (both with 15' of cable}, • a rechargeable 5 AH gel cell battery and battery charger, and jf • a 15' long sample pickup hose with removable debris strainer. ; • two staff gauges for salinity monitoring. 10 AGENDA ITEM 8C FEBRUARY 25, 2002. ' Rainfall measurements will be continuously taken in 15 minute increments throughout the duration of the water quality monitoring effort while .using the. automatic samplers. Additional rainfall gauges will be used at Howell Park, Bull Park, and the City of Atlantic .Beach Water Treatment Plant No. 2. All rain gauges will meet US Weather Bureau specifications. Stormwater Quality Parameters Stormwater samples will be collected for laboratory analysis for the following parameters: Cadmium Total Chromium Copper Nitrate/Nitrite Lead Zinc BOD Total Nitrogen TKN Iron TSS *Salinity Ammonia Total Phosphorous Ortho Phosphorous The field parameters temperature, pH, conductivity and. dissolved .oxygen will be recorded at each sample station. *Only at the Fleet Landing culvert for pre- and post-construction. Inspection of Baffle Boxes Baffle boxes should be inspected monthly .for sediment accumulation. The accumulated `'`' sediment should be cleared from the baffle boxes regularly and disposed of in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations. At no time should the. storage capacity of the baffle boxes be reduced by sediment accumulations to below the manufacturer's recommended levels}. Sediment Sampling from Baffle Boxes During the one year duration of the stormwater monitoring program, sediment samples should be collected twice from the material that accumulates in each of the baffle boxes. Sediment samples ...should be collected prior to removing the material from the baffle boxes. Samples should be collected using a stainless steel trowel and be submitted in the appropriate containers supplied by the laboratory approved in the QAPP. All sediment sampling procedures and personnel should be detailed in the QAPP. Sediment samples will be analyzed for cadmium, lead, total chromium, zinc, iron, and copper. Documenting and Reporting Following each sample event, a summary report will be prepared. The report will include: date and time period of the rainfall event; total rainfall and average rainfall intensity; elapsed number of days since the last storm event (>1"); date, time, and location of sampling; method of sample preservation; summary of field activities; name and address of laboratory performing analyses; results of the laboratory analytical work; and pollutant removal efficiencies. Results of sediment sampling should be included with two of the reports. 11 AGENDA ITEM 8C .FEBRUARY 25, 2002 DEP CONTRACT BUDGET FORM ,,~"""°, PROJECT TITLE: CORE CITY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IlVIPROVEMENTS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET: 1. PERSONNEL EXPENSES Hourly Cost x Hours = Totals 2. SUPPLIES Unit Cost x uanti Totals 3. EOUII'MENT Unit Cost x uanti = $ Totals 4. TRAVEL Totals 5. CONTRACTUAL °°'~,. Name or Services Totals ` Aikenhead & Odom Engineers final Design Cosh $ 639.894 i Project Construction (Estimated Cost, $4,676,000 Construction En ing Bering & Inspection (Estimated Costl $ 240,000 j MonitoringSEstimated Cosh $ 80,000. Public Education/Demonstrations (Estimated Cosh $ 20.000 Total Contractual $5,655,894. 6. MISCELLANEOUS Unit Cost x anti = Totals • $ 7. OVERHEAD/1NDIlZECT Rate x Base = Totals $ , 8. TOTAL BUDGET... $5.655.894 '` CONTRACTOR: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA Contractor Signature: Date: DEP Project Manager: Date: AGENDA ITEM 8C - FEBRUARY 25, 2002 '' PROJECT FUNDING Si1MMARY PROJECT TITLE: CORE CITY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FUNDING SOURCE: AMOUNT: EPA 319h Grant $428,450 City of Atlantic Beach $5,227,444 Total Project Cost $5,655,894 Total Non-Federal Match $5,227,444 PROJECT FUNDING BREAKDOWN 319 Grant City of Total Atlantic Beach Design $639,894 $639,894 Construction $388,450'' $4,287,550 $4,676,000 CE&I $240,000 $240,000 Education $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 Monitoring $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 Total $428,450 $5,227,444 $5,655,894 Funding % 7.6% 92.4% 100.0% ' _ ATTACHMENT C T FEBRUARY 25, .2002 COMMISSION MEETING ~~;~~ ~~ ~-P~~t ~ 3 s ~ t r - ~ ~~isx""~ii'tt2i~:~n.. • • yk C~ ~. ~ ~~~~¢~ ~ '~v~1€~ pg ~ .,.P T ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i o ~--~ .~ ~~~,~. ~ ~ ~ . iv ~~~., ,, ~~,~~~ ~~o &y ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ' ,_ ~~. ~ c~ ~ . 1 £~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~ d~El~~~:. 7~ ~~ `E ~ A i ~y ' ~i~ y x p . ~>. ~~ ~€€ ' ~ V '~ a LEA " ~. ff r i. rc ,E v ~:, q xs.F Ce =~ • • • O ~ ~~ ,.~~ ~, -- ~`` c-+ ,~: c N I-+ O~ ''Q ~ ~ • O ry ~.. u ~ O C,~i ~ ~ ~ c-i- ~ ~ ' o F--h ~' n n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ fe ~~ O ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ - ~.., . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~- £_. v~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ Cp ~„~ , ~ W~ o ~ ~ E, ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~+ E? 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