03-11-02 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 11, 2002 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag Approve minutes of the Commission Meeting of February 25, 2002 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings B. Appointments to the Tree Conservation Board (2) (Mayor) 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly report of new Occupational Licenses (City Manager) B. Award contract to Gruhn May, Inc. in the amount of $37,028 for West End Pump Station Modifications and Improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-3 (City Manager) C. Award contract to Labor Line for temporary employment services pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-11 (City Manager) D. Award contract to Insituform Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $98,681 for Sewer Improvements in the Donner Road area, pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-7 (City Manager) E. Extend contract with American Landcare for palm tree trimming on Atlantic Boulevard medians and Town Center for one year at the current annual contract price of $13,386 (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2002 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation, given by Mayor Meserve, was followed by a moment of silent prayer in rememberance of the victims and families of the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the airplane which crashed in Pennsylvania. The silent prayer was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Meserve reported that he had received an e-mail from Captain John Furness, who is serving in the Middle East, and indicated that when he returns, he would like to present the city with a flag which has flown over several countries in the area. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of February 25, 2002 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of February 25, 2002 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: Domenick Bottini of 2130 Mayport Road requested that the City Commission consider naming a street after Chaplain Vincent R. Capodonno, who was killed during the Viet Nam War. Mr. Bottini distributed information to the Commissioners relative to the request. ~-~ Bob Totter of 275 11th Street referenced Item 8C -the proposed Street Light Policy and the recommendation for additional street lights in ~:. V O Q T T E E s s M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S Q COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X ,. Page Two AGENDA March 11, 2002 7. Action on Ordinances 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Authorize Edwards Engineering, Inc. to perform engineering services for Sewer Extension on Dora St. and Church Road (CDBG project) at an amount not to exceed $16,680.50 (City Manager) B. Appeal of decision of Community Development Director regarding vested rights related to development of four duplex structures proposed to be located on lots at 328 Second Street and 347 Third Street (City Manager) C. Approve proposed street light policy (City Manager) 9. City Manager Reports 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. Discussion regarding review of the City Attorney's performance as set forth in Section 2 of Resolution No. 99-29 (Mayor) Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, March 8, 2002. Minutes Page -2- March 11, 2002 residential areas, and commented that the placement of street lights and stop signs should not be politically motivated. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive spoke on the following: (1) Felt that fire hydrants should be flushed twice a year, (2) felt all land east of the Intracoastal waterway should be annexed into the city, (3) opposed any water rate increase and suggested that citizens be encouraged to use cisterns and rain barrels to promote water conservation, and (4) stated he had not seen the St. Johns River Water Management District report and did not believe stormwater runoff was a maj or cause of pollution. Woody Winfree of 335 Third Street stated that she was present in support of her Second Street neighbors and stated that she was opposed to overturning the staff decision (Item 8B). Lyman Fletcher of 804 East Coast Drive commented on the pending departure of longtime city employee, Georgia Horn, and thanked all of the city employees for their work. 3. Unfinished Business From the Previous Meeting ,,~.~,, A. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings City Manager Hanson reviewed each item in the written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. B. Appointments to the Tree Conservation Board (2) (Mayor) Mayor Meserve indicated that he would like to defer the appointments to the next meeting. Item 8B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 8 B. Appeal decision of Community Development Director regarding vested rights to development of four duplex structures proposed to be located on lots at 328 Second Street and 347 Third Street (City Manager) Mayor Meserve explained the procedure to be followed to conduct the appeal hearing, and requested that it be kept in mind that the aesthetics of the building were not at issue. Community Development Director Doerr introduced herself and indicated `` that vested rights had been discussed at length during recent revisions to the land development regulations. She indicated that the basis for common law vested rights was established through a long history of OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q Minutes Page -3- March 11, 2002 judicial review and court cases, except for DRIs. She indicted that Florida courts have held that the following three criteria must be met in order for a Development Project to be found to have common law vested rights: (1) An act or omission of the government had occurred, which in the city's case was the amending the zoning regulations in November of last year, which became effective on January 1St, (2) the developer relied in good faith on that act of the government, and the proposed development project was planned and designed in good faith reliance on the previous zoning regulations, and (3) the developer has had a substantial change in position, such as he has made a significant expenditure of funds to the degree that there has been a change in financial position, and it would be unfair and inequitable to require a redesign of the project to comply with the new regulations. Ms. Doerr summarized the guidelines for vested rights, and indicated vesting was not an outright exemption from new regulations. It was pointed out that a vested development project was exempt from new regulations only to the degree or amount that the proposed project did not comply with the new regulations. She indicated that a piece of property was not forever entitled to the old regulations. ~. Ms. Doerr reported that the Third Street property was not under consideration at this time. She stated that on November 9, 2001, the developer submitted preliminary plans to the Planning Department for initial. review of a proposed project to be located on Second Street. The project consisted of four dwelling units in two three-story structures. She pointed out that applications for Building Permits had not yet been submitted. She indicated that the developer met with staff to discuss forthcoming changes to the zoning regulations and the process for seeking vesting determinations. The submittal of the preliminary plans was followed by a vesting request related to four issues. Ms. Doerr indicated that staff reviewed the proposed project and the preliminary plans and provided the letter of vesting contained in the Commission agenda packets. (All documents related to the appeal are on file in the office of the City Clerk). Planning Director Doerr emphasized that the developer was rightfully entitled to construct duplexes on these lots, which was consistent with the special condition included in the rezoning of the area from two-family to single-family, which was approved by the City Commission in November of 2001. She noted that the special condition allowed the development of duplexes to continue ''""' for one year after adoption of the new zoning regulations. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D ~. Y E S N O Minutes Page -4- March 11, 2002 Planning Director Doerr indicated that the city had received a letter from The Construct Group, Inc. dated November 21, 2001, which contained a request for four items to be considered for vested rights. She indicated the following vesting determinations were made relative to the request: Ms. Doerr stated that vested rights were granted for the first and second items which included that the project could be vested in accordance with the terms of the rezoning ordinance allowing duplexes to be developed for period of one year, and vested to exceed the new 50% impervious surface limitation to the degree the project exceeds the new standards. ,.. ,~,. Ms. Doerr indicated that vested rights were not granted for the third and fourth items, and in accordance with the vesting provisions of Chapter 24, the developer appealed the denial related to those last two issues. She stated that the project was not vested to exceed a height greater than 35 feet because the preliminary plans showed that all portions of the proposed buildings were within the 35 feet height limitation. Relative to the fourth item, she reported that the project was not vested to follow .previous regulations related to eaves and cornices in that the proposed project appeared to comply with current regulations governing eaves and cornices. Karen LaGuarde, the owner of the property, introduced herself and stated that she had lived at 328 Second Street for fifteen years. She indicated that she had worked with the developer and architect on the plans. Doug Brown introduced himself and stated that his firm was The Construct Group, Inc., an affiliate of the Sun and Ski Development Group. He thanked the city for granting certain of the requested vestment rights which would allow the company to move forward with the Ocean Breeze Townhouse development. He indicated that the records submitted to the city were firm and stated that he understood the appeal process pertaining to vested rights, which to date, had been denied. Mr. Brown stated that the Planning Director was referencing a set of plans, that were not submitted as a review plan for vested rights. He indicated that the plans were submitted on November 9, 2001, a number of weeks before the hearings of November 12th and 26th He indicated that the first set of documents produced by his company were not conceptual documents, but were merely putting ideas on paper. He stated that the plans for the project were at the OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Minutes Page -5- March 11, 2002 F 90-95% complete stage when the letter dated November 21St was submitted. Mr. Brown said that Planning Director Doerr had not requested that plans be submitted with the vested rights request. He indicated that she had required that the request be put in writing listing the sections of the ordinance for which the vested rights request was being made. He felt that had the 90-95% plans been submitted, they would have shown all of the vested rights needed for the project. Mr. Brown referenced the materials submitted by the firm and indicated that they had been working on the project since February of 2001. He further stated that 500 hours in time and $40,000 in consultant fees had already been invested in the project. Mr. Brown indicated that he and George Bull, the architect of record for the project, were appealing the denial of three of the four vested rights as listed in the request of November 21, 2001. Mr. Brown provided the following as reasons for their appeal: (1) At the two public hearings of November 12th and 26th, he and Mr. Bull were encouraged to proceed with the request for vested rights related to the zoning ordinance at that time, which they provided to the city in their letter dated November 21St with the attachment. Mr. Brown then read the first and last paragraphs of the letter and the items listed in the attachment. (These documents are on file in the office of the City Clerk). He referenced Item 1 of the attachment, and indicated that under the criteria set forth in Section 24-82 of the current ordinance, his plan only met four of the five required criteria. He felt vested rights should be approved for this section of the ordinance. (2) Mr. Brown referenced Item 3, Exceptions to height limitations of the old ordinance and stated that a variance was not required for the items listed in the ordinance, which included elevators and stair bulkheads. He further stated that his firm was requesting stair and elevator bulkheads to be 4-1/2 feet above the 35 foot height limitation, which was only 5% of the area of the building. He felt the bulkheads for the buildings would not be visible from the street, but could be seen from the east and west sides of the building, and (3) Mr. Brown requested vested rights for Section 24-157 of the code, concerning eaves and cornices, and indicated that the amended ordinance included a statement... "forty percent or 24", whichever is less" and the noted the proposed overhangs for the townhouses were 36", which would not be allowed under the new F''" ordinance. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S ~j O Minutes Page -6- March 11, 2002 ,~ ~,,., ' Mr. Brown felt Planning Director Doerr's response to the request was handled in a untimely manner and felt denial of the requested vested rights was unjustified. He stated that they received no response from Community Director Doerr until January 9, 2002, when a letter was received denying two (or three, however the request was interpreted) of the four vested rights requested. He further stated that the letter was written after the new ordinance was adopted. He felt that they had followed the proper procedure by requesting in writing the sections of the ordinance requiring vested rights which impacted the project, and they felt they would be granted. He reiterated his position that they had not been asked to submit the nearly completed current progress documents or any other. information on the project. He felt the company was placed in an awkward position since Ms. Doerr may not have understood the request, or on the other hand they may have been coerced into losing their right to certain vested rights, since she did not respond in a timely manner. He felt if additional information was required, it should have been requested by the Planning Department well before the new ordinance was adopted. Mr. Brown felt they demonstrated their entitlement to the requested vested rights. Mr. Brown referenced his letter of January 13, 2002 to Planning .,,. Director Doerr and read paragraphs three and six of the letter which provided background information and corroborated his earlier statements. He then referenced Ms. Doerr's response to his letter dated January 22, 2002, and stated that the essence of the letter was that she must have specific information to quantify the vesting criteria and demonstrate entitlement to vested rights prior to adoption of the new regulations. Mr. Brown contended that they had demonstrated their entitlement to vested rights through the information requested by Planning Director Doerr and provided in the attachment to their letter dated November 21, 2001. (The letters referenced by Mr. Brown are included with the appeal documents on file in the office of the City Clerk). George Bull, architect of record for the project, stated that he was present at both public hearings prior to adoption of the ordinance, and was led to believe by the City Commission that they would be granted their vested rights as far as the new ordinance was concerned. He believed that they had submitted their request in a timely manner and had talked to Building Official Ford concerning the extension of elevators and stair towers before the November meeting with Planning Director Doerr. He concurred with the statements presented by Mr. Brown and stated. that he did not `"' understand what happened between the November meeting and Ms. Doerr's response to their request, but a set of preliminary drawing are. just that, preliminary- not final and complete. He OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -7- March 11, 2002 . ., indicated that the four items sent as an attachment to their November 21, 2001 letter were addenda to the preliminary drawings and should have been considered as such. He further indicated that a great deal of time and money had been spent on the project and believed in good faith that all of the requested vested rights would be granted. Mayor Meserve then opened the floor for public input and the following citizens spoke concerning the proposed Ocean Breeze Townhouse development: Bill Paulk of 336 2"d Street stated that he was not opposed to the proposed height of the project, but was opposed to the 36" eaves projecting into the side yard setback. Charlene Collier of 331 2nd Street believed the proposed size of the structures was not in the best interest of the residents of the neighborhood. She felt that the project would add to the drainage problems already experienced on Second Street and would cause parking problems in an area which already lacked sufficient parking. ,.,. Gae Weber of 331 2"d Street opposed the proposed height, expressed concern that the amount of impervious surface would negatively impact drainage in the area, and felt the project would create parking problems. Ms. Weber felt the neighbors .should have been notified of the proposed changes since the development would have a substantial impact on the neighborhood. Jane Wytzka of 352 2"d Street was also opposed to the proposed height of the townhouses and objected to the secrecy surrounding the proposed development. She pointed out that Karen LaGarde, owner of the property, had signed a petition a few years earlier opposing the construction of duplexes in the area. Betty Eilers of 369 3rd Street stated that the Commission was already aware of the flooding problems experienced on her property and expressed concern that this and other duplex development in the area would contribute to the flooding problem. Deane Brown of 349 3rd Street opposed the project due to its excessive height and expressed concern that it would contribute to the drainage problems in a flood prone area. David Thomas of 345 2"d Street opposed the project and agreed with the concerns expressed by the previous speakers. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -8- March 11, 2002 ~~ Karen LaGarde of 328 2°d Street, owner of the property, stated that it was no secret that she had bought the double lot property several years ago because it was zoned for duplexes. Judy Cissel of 374 2°d Street stated that she was opposed to the project and wanted Second Street to remain the way it is. Dorothy Kerber of 365 1St Street stated that she preferred people to improve existing single family homes. Mrs. Kerber stated that in 1998 she had circulated a petition in the area and at that time 60% of the residents were opposed to any further construction of duplexes. She pointed out that at that time, Ms. LeGarde signed the petition. Lyman Fletcher of 804 East Coast Drive pointed out that the Commissioners were the trustees of the character of Atlantic Beach and they must protect that character. He believed strict application of the city codes should be used to maintain that character of the neighborhood and the height limitation should never be violated. Jerome Suddarth of 120 Beach Avenue felt the development would negatively impact parking in the area and pointed out that emergency vehicles already have problems. traveling on Second Street. No one else spoke for or against the .proposed development and Mayor Meserve closed the public comments. Mayor Meserve stated .that the city had gone through a six year process to amend the zoning ordinance and numerous public hearings were held. He further stated that during the public hearings held at the Atlantic Beach Elementary School, the Commission was taken to task for infringing on property rights, primarily concerning ownership of property zoned for duplexes. As a result and because of legal opinions at that time, the Commission established a one year period of time where residents could build a duplex on their lots as long as they met the code requirements. Mayor Meserve stressed that the city could not stop construction of duplexes on the lots in question, as long as they meet the code requirements. He further stated that architectural design and building a three story structure were non-issues. He stated that in his opinion, the only issue was whether or not to overturn the administrative decision made by Planning Director Doerr based on the information she had at hand. Commissioner Waters felt that good decisions were made when the zoning ordinance was being revised, but felt a year was too long of a period of ~`° time for vesting. He felt the ordinance should be revisited to review some areas which may need to be amended. He also expressed concern that the project may cause increased flooding in the area. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N 5 E C O N D Y E S N Q Minutes Page -9- March 11, 2002 Commissioner Borno concurred with Mayor Meserve's comments and provided additional information concerning the public hearings. Commissioner Borno felt the appellants had followed the proper procedure, and remembered that they had attended the meetings and were assured that they had one year to invoke their vested rights. Commissioner Borno felt an appeal was not warranted at this time since the final building plans had not been submitted for review. City Manager Hanson explained that the Commission granted aone-year period of time after the effective date of the ordinance for people to be able to build duplexes on their property. It was further explained that all other regulations which came into effect the lst of the year would be complied with. In this case, the developer wants to build a duplex with a variance to the new regulations and vested rights for the old regulations. He further explained that if the plans were submitted today, fully documenting all of the details, it would be after the effective date of the ordinance and the question remained whether the developers were far enough along in the plans that they deserve vested rights for the items in question. Commissioner Parsons indicated that the Commission must do only what .. the law allows. Commissioner Beaver commented on property rights and felt the only items to be considered were the height and eaves issues. He then requested direction from the City Attorney as to the legality of what had been done to this point in time. Commissioner Waters inquired as to who was being vested at the time the ordinance was adopted. The Mayor indicated that he had vested rights on his own property and briefly explained that you cannot be vested just because you want to do something with your property someday. He indicated that you must have a project in place, it must be designed sufficiently to see what your asking for, and you must have asked for vesting before the law changed. Commissioner Waters felt that vesting rights should only apply to the owners of record at the time the ordinance was passed. He stated that it was never his intention to allow anyone to buy a piece of property within the next year and be allowed to build a duplex. City Attorney Jensen responded that when the ordinance was passed, the ability to build duplexes was not granted to individuals or property owners. He explained that if property was zoned for the building of duplexes before November 26, 2001, the Commission determined that for OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D ' Y E S N Q Minutes Page -10- March 11, 2002 one year that property could still be used to build a duplex and the ability to do so went with the land. City Attorney Jensen stated that Community Development Director Doerr made an administrative decision not to grant these vested rights based on the information and documents provided to her. He advised that it was not so much as making a legal determination, as it was making a determination based on factual findings-facts, evidence, documents, whatever she had in front of her at the time. He indicated that based on what she had, she made the determination to deny the vested rights. He advised that the Commission must review the information she had to review at the time, and pointed out that in his letter of November 21, 2001, Mr. Brown did not request exceptions to the height limitation or for the eaves to extend more than what was allowed by the current ordinance. He indicated the preliminary plans submitted showed everything to be within the 35' height limitation and no intrusions into the sideyard setback more than would be allowed. City Attorney Jensen inquired as to when the 90 - 95% plans were received and the delay in the response to their November 21St request. Community Development Director Doerr explained that the applicant and Mr. Bull met with her to discuss the changes in the regulations, their project and the process for vesting. Ms. Doerr stated that at that time she requested that they look at the project they were planning and identify changes in the regulations which might affect the project and provide in writing a list of the changes along with the plans, demonstrating how the changes in the regulations would impact their project. City Attorney Jensen then inquired as to when the plans showing the elevator bulkhead were received. Ms. Doerr stated that those plans were submitted after the first of the year. City Attorney Jensen reviewed the process for requesting vested rights and stated that although the applicants specified four different areas, Ms. Doerr did not know the specifics of the request until after the first of the year. Mayor Meserve referenced Ms. Doerr's letter dated January 9, 2002 in which it was stated that the request to exceed the 35'height limitation would be denied and inquired concerning the determination that there was not enough information to address impervious surface limitation. Mayor Meserve clarified that the impervious surface determination was made after the first of the year, but the process began within the time constraints of year end. "' Ms. Doerr clarified that the door for vesting was not yet closed and indicated that the city would continue to receive a few minor vesting requests from property owners who had been working on projects for OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E• C O N D Y E S N Q Minutes Page -11- March 11, 2002 months, and had brought very specific detailed, dated, signed plans and invoices from architects and engineers showing they were working on the project before the new regulations went into effect on January 1St. She felt fewer and fewer vesting requests would be received, but some might come in for single family homes that take an extended period of time for design. She reiterated that the date of January 1St did not automatically close the door on vesting and pointed out that one of the three criteria of vesting was that the property owner or developer must demonstrate that they have proceeded in good faith reliance on the previous regulations and the planning for the project must commence and continue along a reasonable timeline. Mr. Brown of The Construct Group, Inc. felt that a number issues discussed were being treated unfairly. He stated that his sister, Karen LaGarde, had purchased the property consisting of an old beach house on two lots knowing that it was zoned for duplexes. He indicated that she had owned the property for fifteen years and had the right to build duplexes on those lots. He further stated that they were not asking for anything more than what was in place last November. He indicated that if the project had been submitted three months ago, there would have been no appeals required for the project. Mr. Brown stated that he and Mr. Bull were requesting vested rights on issues addressed. He indicated that the drawings were nearly completed by the end of the year, but Ms. Doerr never requested them and reiterated his position that he had followed the proper procedure by requesting in writing the sections of the ordinance requiring vested rights which impacted the project. He fiu-ther stated that they had not been asked to submit the nearly completed fmal plans or any other information on the project. He indicated that George Bull, the architect of record, was hired in September to move the project into contract document stage, and he worked almost daily on the project from that time. He pointed out that comparisons had been made between the old and new ordinances and Mr. Bull had indicated the areas to ask for vested rights. He reiterated that they were never asked to submit an additional set of plans and stated the first plans were submitted in good faith to show what they were thinking of doing. He noted that the elevations on the plans were concept elevations. Mr. Brown emphasized the fact that they were never asked to submit plans with the vested rights request and indicated that he had a problem with the time between the submittal on November 21St and Ms. Doerr's response on January 9th denying part of the vested rights request. He felt the stair and elevator bulkhead, which exceed the current height limit and. was denied as vested right, was very important to allow a roof garden as part of the project. Mr. Brown also briefly commented on parking and drainage OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -12- March 11, 2002 issues and stated that the project met building code requirements for these items. George Bull expressed displeasure with the lack of communication between the November 21St submittal of the request and the January 9th reply from Ms. Doerr. Motion: Deny appeal of the vested rights decision and reconfirm the vesting determination as set forth within attached Exhibit A. (Exhibit A as referred to in the motion is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B). Mayor Meserve inquired of Ms. Doerr as to why the developer was not contacted by her when the vested rights request did not match what was shown on the preliminary plans. submitted in November and why the determination on impervious surface was made after January lst Ms.Doerr indicated that the preliminary drawings were initially submitted on November 9tt' (Ms. Doerr requested that entire package of information, including all drawings be placed into the record) and the drawings showed building footprints and driveways and she requested that the developer define how much impervious area the proposed project encompassed so that the amount by which the project exceeded the impervious surface limits and the extent to which the project was vested could be noted on the drawings. Ms. Doerr indicated that by the same issue, the height on all of the drawings was contained within the 35' limit. She indicated that the list that subsequently came to her, when she requested a list of regulations that would impact the project, as proposed in the preliminary drawings, was a "laundry list" of old regulations that were not reflected in the drawings. Ms. Doerr maintained that she did not need to ask for additional information on the height since it was stated in the drawings. She further indicated that she could not quantify the impervious surface from the drawings and requested additional information. Mayor Meserve indicated that was a tough issue since the developer felt he had fully complied with the requirements for vested rights and did not supply more information, and Ms. Doerr felt she had enough information to make the determination and it went beyond the time frame to do so, and there was now no opportunity for review. Ms. Doerr indicated that she would never make a vested rights determination until she was sure what the project was that was vesting Commissioner Borno pointed out that the developer's letter of November 21St did not spell out the vested rights being requested for each. section of the ordinance. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -13- March 11, 2002 Commissioner Beaver believed the developer should have been more specific in his request for vested rights. He felt that if they had said they planned to put in an elevator which would exceed the height limitation, then this would have triggered Ms. Doerr to go back to the developer and ask for plans showing the elevator. Discussion ensued, and it was pointed out by Ms. Doerr that the preliminary plans showed an elevator contained within the 35' height limitation. There being no further discussion, the motion carried by a four to one vote with Commissioners Beaver, Borno, Parsons and Waters voting aye and Mayor Meserve voting nay. Mayor Meserve called a recess at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:35. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of the following monthly reports Occupational Licenses (City Manager) B. Award contranct to Gruhn May, Inc. in the amount of $37,028 for West End Pump .Station Modifications and Improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-3 (City Manager) C. Award contract to Labor Line for temporary employment services pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-11 (City Manager) E. Extend contract with American Landcare for palm tree trimming on Atlantic Boulevard medians and Town Center for .one year at the current annual contract price of $13,386 (City Manager) Commissioner Parsons requested that Item D be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A - C and E as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Award contract to Insituform Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $98,681 for Sewer Improvements in the Donner Road area, pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-7 (City Manager) Commissioner Parsons inquired as to the difference between pipe bursting and cured-in-place piping. Public Works Director Kosoy OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D . Y E S N Q BEAVER X X BORNO X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -14- March 11, 2002 ,, explained the differences between the two acceptable rehabilitation methods. Motion: Award contract to Insituform Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $98,681 for Sewer Improvements in the Donner Road area, pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-7 There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: There was no action on Resolutions. 7. Action on Ordinances: There was no action on ordinances. F~. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Authorize Edwards Engineering, Inc. to perform engineering services for Sewer Extension on Dora Street and. Church Road (CDBG project) for an amount not to exceed $16,680.50 (City Manager) Motion: Authorize Edwards Engineering, Inc. to perform engineering services for Sewer Extension on Dora Street and Church Road (CDBG project) for an amount not to exceed $16,680.50, There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Appeal decision of Community Development Director regarding vested rights to development of four duplex structures .proposed to be located on lots at 328 Second Street and 347 Third Street (City Manager) This item was taken out of sequence and acted on after Item 3 - Unfinished Business from the Previous Meeting. C. Approve proposed street light policy (City Manager) Motion: Approve the proposed street light policy. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER BORNO PARSONS WATERS MESERVE Minutes Page -15- March 11, 2002 Chief Thompson explained that the proposed policy would establish a procedure to add new street lights and carry out inspections. Commissioner Borno felt the major thoroughfares in the city, such as East Coast Drive, Ocean Boulevard, Plaza, Sherry Drive and Seminole Road should be well lighted and, for the most part, the neighborhoods left as they are. Discussion concerning the spacing of light poles ensued. It was felt that north Seminole Road needed more lights. Commissioner Beaver favored the idea of inspections and inquired if the location of the light poles could be placed on city's GIS system. Chief Thompson indicated that it could be part of the GIS system and would provide a tool for tracking. Commissioner Waters reported that the traffic delay button located at the pedestrian crosswalk on the corner of Mayport Road and Jackson Street was missing and posed a serious hazard for someone trying to cross Mayport Road. Chief Thompson indicated that he would have it repaired. ,.~, There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports: City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: • Reported that a letter had been received from Jacksonville Councilman Lad Daniels requesting the city's support in the form a resolution to keep the overhaul work to be performed on the USS Kennedy in the year 2003 at Mayport. The Commissioners by consensus requested that the Resolution of support be prepared for adoption at the next Commission Meeting. Reported that the new State of Florida Building Code went into effect on March 1, 2002 and 123 sets of plans had been submitted to meet the deadline for submittal under the previous building code. He indicated that additional funds were needed in the Building Department budget for review and clerical personnel to help with the backlog. He indicated the additional funding would be included as a mid-year budget adjustment. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N 0 Minutes Page -16- March 11, 2002 • Reported that he had authorized an emergency expenditure of $21,000 to repair a sinkhole on Sargo Road that was endangering a garage and home. • Reminded the Commissioners of the meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sea Turtle Inn to discuss the Bike/Pedestrian Path Project for the three beaches cities. • Reported that Public Works Director Kosoy would provide an update on the Core City Project at the next meeting. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Mayor Meserve A. Discussion regarding review of the City Attorney's performance as set forth in Section 2 of Resolution No. 99-29 Mayor Meserve stated that he would like to use the following process ,~~~ in order to conduct an annual review of the City Attorney's performance: A form will be distributed to Department Heads for anonymous comments/input, the completed forms will be given to the City Clerk, and within the week, the City Clerk will compile the results and distribute them to the Commissioners. Mayor Meserve indicated that the information received from the City Clerk would be used by the Commissioners as part of the evaluation process, and the performance evaluation would be conducted at the next meeting. Barrett Wanamaker Letter Mayor Meserve indicated that he had received a letter from Mr. Wanamaker suggesting that the city compensate the residents of Sherry Drive for the dirt and dust blowing on their homes from the Sherry Drive Reconstruction Project. Discussion ensued and it was determined that if the request was honored, it would set a dangerous precedent for future projects of this type. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -17- March 11, 2002 ,-, Commissioner Waters • Inquired concerning a huge mound of dirt being placed on a residential property at the end of Begonia Street. City Manager Hanson indicated that he would check on it. Commissioner Borno • Thanked Yvonne Calverley, the City Manager's Administrative Assistant, for her work on obtaining the new chairs for the Commission Chambers. • Reported that a meeting with the Cultural Arts Board would beheld on Wednesday, March 20th to discuss its possible merger with the Recreation Advisory Board, and charitable contributions. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meetirjot#ned at 10:10 p.m. Attest: May/I~resi g Officer 1, ~ ~..JJ Ma een King Certified Municcipat er '; OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N 0 -- ATTACHMENT A MARCH 11, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING ~, ...March 4, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim H --~3~- SUBJECT: Follow-up port Joint Purchase of 5peed„Trackin~ Sign with Neptune Beach;' Mayor Meserve reported at the - last City Commission meeting. that he had received a request from the City of Neptune Beach to share in the purchase of a digital speed sign to be used in both communities. Since that time, we have been told that Neptune Beach has had same other priorities arise making use of their discretionary funds. Consequently, this request has been withdrawn. Animal Con__ trot; A question was raised at the last Commission meeting about the City's Animal Control staffuig. There are two full-tune positians budgeted far Animal Control. Both positions are presently vacant. There is however a person in the Police Department who is working part- time for Animal Control and part-time in-the Records Division. The City is and has been responding to animal cantral complairns although the amount of patrol time available will be very limited until both positions can be filled. ~ 0 _F _ ATTACHMENT B _ MARCH 11, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING EXHIBIT A VESTING LETTER (Dated February 12, 2002, to Doug Brown, The. Construct Group, Inca. ORDINANCE 90-01-173 ("Core Area" rezoning ordinance). AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 11, 2002. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 FAX (904) 247-5877 SUNCOM: $52-5800 htip://ci.atlaatic-beach.fl.us .February 12, 2002 Doug Brown The Construct Group, Inc: 30 Garfield Place, Suite 900. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Re: Proposed Duplex /Townhouse Construction at 328 Secand Street and 347 Third Street Dear Mr. Brown: ~. I write in reply to your letter of January 29, 2002, related to Vested Rights and the proposed development projects. Chapter 24-51 of City Ordinance 90-01-172 requires that an applicant seeking vested rights demonstrate an entitlement to such vested rights.. I have no authority to exempt a project from the land development regulations of the City of Atlantic Beach, except in accordance with the terms of City law. My request for information is not intended to create any excessive burden to you, but rather to create a legally substantiated and. defensible vesting determination in the event the City's vesting findings should be challenged. As I have previously stated, .vesting is not a complete exemption from new regulations. In accordance with Florida law,. a development project may be vested only to the extent that the vesting criteria are met and only to the extent that the proposed yroiect does not comply with the new regulations. In other words, if your project is designed at 60% impervious coverage (and all three vesting criteria are otherwise met), then new regulations aze later adopted that establish a 50% impervious limit, the proposed project would be vested for a maximum 60% impervious surface coverage. It would not be wholly exempt from any impervious surface Iirnitation. This is why it is necessary foryou to provide information which verifies the impervious surface of the projects as designed prior to November 2b, 2001, the adoption date of the new regulations. Again, -with regard to height limitation, the preliminary design you have provided, in drawings dated November 09, 2001, indicated. that the proposed structures fully comply .with .the thirty-five (35) foot height limitation.. There are no portions of the structures, or elements thereof, that exceed 35 feet in height. Accordingly, the City cannot find that this project is vested from compliance with this standard since height in excess of 35-feet was not included within the preliminary .drawings submitted to the City of Atlantic Beach prior to the adoption of the amended regulations. Furthermore, while Ordinance 90-0I-173, which changed the zoning designation of these parcels from RG-1 (two-family) to RS-2 (single-family}, included a provision to allow .for the continued development of duplexes for a period of one year, .that Ordinance specifically required that such development comply with all other applicable land development regulations. The current regulations allow only chimneys to extend above the maximum Height of Building. The third provision you have asked to be vested from relates to eaves and cornices. You have asked to be vested from the provision limiting eaves and cornices to not more than forty percent (40%) of the width of the AGENDA ITEM 8B - . ^, MARCH 11,2002 Page 2 of 2 February 12, 2002 ; ,;•..., required yard. As I noted in my earlier letter, this. is not a new provision. Section 24-84 (a) of the urevious zoning regulations contained the same limitation; therefore, there is no basis for vesting related to this issue. To summarize, the proposed development projects are determined to be vested as follows: 1. Constriction of duplexes shall be allowed on the subject lots in accordance with the terms set forth within Section 6, Ordinance 90-O1-173 (attached).. 2. Maximum Impervious Surface shall be limited as set forth below. .Lot 7, Block 3, Atlantic Beach Subdivision A: 62.17 percent Lot 9, Block 3, Atlantic Beach Subdivision A: 62.17 percent Lot 18, Block 5, Atlantic Beach Subdivision A: 54.06 percent (Proposed development also includes Lot 16 and west one-half of Lot 14; however, this proposed development complies with the Maximum Impervious Surface limit of fifty percent.) 3. The proposed development shall not be vested to construct height above thirty-five (35) feet.. Height of Buildings shall be subject to regulations governing height as set forth within Ordinance 90-01-172, Zoning, Subdivision .and Land Development Regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach. 4. Eaves and Cornices shall mean typical projections from the roof Structure of a Building. Eaves and Cornices shall not project beyond forty-eight (48) inches into Required Front and Rear Yards. Eaves and.Cornices shall not project into Required Side Yards beyond twenty-four (24) inches, or forty (40) percent of the established Required Side Yazd Setback, whichever distance is less. This vesting determination may be appealed to the City Conunission in accordance with Section 24-51 (c), which states: (c) Appeals of vesting determinations. An appeal of the denial of a vesting determination may be made to the City Commission by filing such appeal with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notification of the denial. Appeals of vesting determinations shall be granted. only by the City Commission. Sincerely, a..v~iE Sonya B. oerr, AICP Community Development Director Concur: arson, ity Manager City of Atl tic Beach ( cc: George Bull, Jr. Don Ford, CBO, Building Official, City of Atlantic Beach Alan Jensen, City Attorney Enclosures AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 11, 2002. ;.. ORDINANCE NUiV.~ER: 90-01-173 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC ..BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-01-173, REZONING LANDS AS DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER FROM THE PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL GENERAL, TWO-FAMILY (RGl) TO RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMII.Y (RS-2) PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT, REQUIRING .RECORDATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City Commission for the .City of Atlantic Beach, Florida hereby finds that the public health, safety and welfare of citizens are protected and enhanced by the enactment of this ordinance, and WHEREAS, the zoning change enacted by this ordinance shall provide for orderly growth; encourage the most appropriate use. of Land; protect and conserve the value of property; prevent the overcrowding of Land; promote, protect and improve the health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, and general welfare of the public and serve to accomplish and implement the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and ;,,,,. WHEREAS,. after required notice was published, public hearings were held on the 12th day of November,.2001 at 7:15 p.m. and on the 25th day of November, 2001 at 7:15 p.m. to hear and enact said Ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY CONIlVIISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION .1. Upon consideration of the application,- .supporting documents, recommendation of the Community Development Board, and comments from the staff and citizens at the public hearings, the above recitals are hereby incorporated as Findings of Fact in support of this Ordinance, and the City Commission finds as follows: a. The request for rezoning has been fully considered after public hearing with legal notice duly published as required by law. b. The rezoning to Residential, Single-family (RS-2} is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Designation of Residential, .Medium. Density. c. The rezoning to Residential, Single-family (RS-2) is consistent with the zoning and Land development regulations for the City of Atlantic Beach. d. The zoning district designation. of Residential, Single-family (RS-2) is consistent. and compatible with surrounding development. Ordinance 90-01-173 Pace 1 of 2 .AGENDA ITEM 8B MARCH 11, 2002 ,~,.,,, SECTION 2. Pursuant to this rezoning procedure, (File Number REZ 2001-42) the zoning classification of Residential General, two-family (RG-1) of the Iaz~ds described within the legal description, attached as EXHIBBIT A, is hereby changed to Residential, Single-family fRS-2). SECTION 3. To the .extent that they do not conflict with the unique, specific and .detailed provisions of this Ordinance,. all provisions of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Atlantic Beach as such may be amended from time to time shall be applicable to development .and use of lands referenced herein except to the degree that development may qualify for vested rights in .accordance with applicable ordinances and laws. Furthermore, notwithstanding any provision of this ordinance, no portion of any ordinance, building code, Comprehensive Plan or any other regulation shall be deemed waived or varied by any provision herein. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be recorded in a boom kept and maintained by the Clerk of the City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, in accordance with Section .125.68, Florida Statutes. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall become effective on the date passed and enacted by final reading. Upon the effective date of this Ordinance, the zoning classification shall be . recorded on the official Zoning Map as maintained in the Building, Zoning and Community Development Department by the Community Development Director or designated administrative o$xciaL SECTION 6. Special Conditions. For a period of one (I) year from the effective date of this Ordinance, property owners or theiz lawful assigns shall be entitled to seek and obtain Building Penults to constmct a Twa-family (Duplex). Dwelling upon lauds described herein, ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' provided that such Development shall be in compliance with all other applicable regulations including the Florida Building Code and the Zoning Subdivision and, Land .Development Regulations as set forth within Chanter 24 of the Code of Ordinances for the~~City ofAtlantic Beach. Passed on first reading and public hearing by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach this 12th day of Novennber, 2001. Passed an final reading and public hearing this ved as to form and concectness: ~~ C SI;N, ESQUIRE City A ey Attest: '~ MAUREEN KING City Clerk