05-13-02 v'~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA -MAY 13, 2002 Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approve minutes of the Commission Meeting of April 22, 2002 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors A. Proclamation declaring the week May 13 - 17, 2002 as Nursing Home Week in Atlantic Beach B. Proclamation declaring the week May 19 - 25, 2002 as Public Works Week in Atlantic Beach 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. Report and possible action regarding increasing the frequency of solid waste collection (Comm. Parsons) B. Award contract for Core City Improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-13 (City Manager) C. City Manager's fallow up report on issues from previous meetings 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of the following reports for April 2002: Building Department Activity Report, New Occupational Licenses, Public Works Status Report, Recreation Department facilities usage report and Utility Sales Report (City Manager) B. Award contract to Gruhn May, Inc. in the amount of $24,876.50 for Park Terrace East waxer line replacement pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-14, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. OZ-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH URGING CITIZEN SUPPORT FOR A DRIVE TO MAKE OUR CITY A LEADER IN THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF CITIZENS REGISTERED TO ,,,~~.,, VOTE AND PARTICIPATING IN THE NOVEMBER 2002 ELECTIONS IN DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Page Two AGENDA May 13, 2002 B. Resolution No. 02-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SCHEDULING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR WATER LINES, STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN SELVA MARINA UNITS 10, 10-A, 10-B, 10-C, 11, 12, 12-A, 12-B, AND 12-C REPEAT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7. Action on Ordinances 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Appointments to the Cultural Arts Board (3) (Mayor) B. Public Hearing and action on a request for ause-by-exception filed by Merv and Theresa Russell to permit uses including general construction contractor, welding, fence assembly, electrical, air conditioning, plumbing and irrigation contractors, cabinet shop, warehousing and general assembly on property located at 589 West 14th Street zoned Commercial General (CG) (City Manager) C. Public Hearing and action on a request for ause-by-exception filed by Billy & Aileena Witt to allow an automotive service and repair business at 1198 Mayport Road on property zoned Commercial General (CG) (City Manager) ~., D. Request from Selva Norte Homeowners Association for City water on four medians (City Manager) E. Authorize the Police Department to submit an application for federal Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant (City Manager) F. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract to perform a water and sewer utility rate structure analysis (City Manager) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, May 10, "'"~. 2002. V V O O T T ~`'"'' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT s s 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, MAY 13, 2002 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons and Dezmond Waters, Commissioners M s O E AND: James Hanson, City Manager T I C o Y °Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney o N E N Maureen King, City Clerk N ~ s Q COMMISSIONERS Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation offered by Commissioner Waters was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Manager Hanson indicated that the city would be using a new audio- video system, which included an overhead projector connected directly to the city's computer network, a VCR and cordless microphone. City Manager Hanson briefly explained the system capabilities and commended Bryan Smith, Network Administrator, for his expertise in its installation. It was pointed out that the in-house installation of the system kept the costs down. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of April 22, 2002 BEAVER X Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission BORNO PARSONS X X X X Meeting of Apri122, 2002 as presented. WATERS $ MESERVE The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: A. Proclamation declaring the week May 13 -17, 2002 as Nursing Home Week in Atlantic Beach Mayor Meserve read the Proclamation in its entirety proclaiming May 13- 17, 2002 as Nursing Home Week in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Meserve presented the Proclamation to Activities Director Dixie Ortiz for display at F~PPt T anrli»n . - _ ~...,.~.....t,. Minutes Page -2- May 13, 2002 B. Proclamation declaring the week May 19 - 25, 2002 as Public Works week in Atlantic Beach Mayor Meserve read the Proclamation in its entirety proclaiming May 19- 25, 2001 as Public Works Week in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Meserve presented the framed document to Public Works Director Kosoy and Utilities Director Kaluzniak. Public Works Director Kosoy praised the work of his dedicated employees and thanked the Mayor for the recognition. Dorothy Kerber of 365 First Street spoke concerning Item 8F and expressed concern regarding potential future utility rate increases. Joe Gufford of 13966 Sound Overlook Drive N., Jacksonville, introduced himself and stated that he was a candidate for the District 2 School Board Race. Mr. Gufford briefly outlined. his campaign platform and urged those present to feel free to contact him at any time. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive stated that he opposed any utility rate increases and suggested a fine of up to $5,000 for littering to offset the increased costs for utilities. Mr. Marchioli commented on the recent fire on Seminole Road and urged residents to purchase fire extinguishers. He also stated that he would be submitting a petition for stop signs to be installed on Sherry Drive at 3rd and 6th Streets to slow traffic on Sherry Drive. Alan Potter of 374 Second Street stated that ten years ago he served on the Water and Sewer Committee, which established the rate structure currently used by the city. Mr. Potter indicated that the current rate structure was fair and equitable for all the residents of the city. He felt the rate restructure analysis should be performed in-house. Mr. Potter believed the St. Johns River Water Management District did not have authority to dictate how rates are set. Bob Totter of 275 11th Street complimented the city for "recycling" the shrubbery from the Adele Grage Community Center property to the tennis courts. Mr. Totter felt the company handling the city's solid waste collection was very efficient and no additional pick-up of yard waste was. warranted (Item 3A). He also felt the utility customers outside the city limits should pay the 5% franchise fee imposed by the City of Jacksonville, not the city's residents (Item 8F). Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive stated that extra yard waste was '` only generated in the fall and spring and an additional pick up was not needed. Mr. Kuti reported that he had spoken to Matt Carlucci, City of Jacksonville Council President, concerning billing irregularities for state OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N (~ Minutes Page -3- May 13, 2002 and local taxes on his AT & T Broadband monthly statement. He reported that the Attorney General was now investigating the company's rate structure. 3. Unfinished Business From the Previous Meetings A. Report and possible action regarding increasing the .frequency of garbage collection (Comm. Parsons) Commissioner Parsons displayed pictures of yard trash which he said were taken the day after collection, which were taken in all areas of the city. He indicated that he would like the Commission to consider adding another day of yard trash pick up to eliminate unsightly piles of debris sitting curbside for a week or more. Commissioner Parson believed the extra pick up would add $1.86 to each household's monthly bill. Discussion ensued relative to the actual cost increase. Mayor Meserve felt an additional pick up would not solve the problem, and indicated that he did not want to make residents on fixed incomes pay for something that was not needed. Commissioner Borno agreed with the Mayor, and indicated that he needed more information on the additional costs. After a brief discussion it was determined that more information on the related costs for the additional service was needed before taking any action on the request. B. Award contract for Core City Improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-13 Motion: Award contract to Petticoat Contracting in the amount of $4,811,777 for the Core City Improvements pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-13. Public Works Director Kosoy explained that Jensen Civil Construction's bid was $1.5 M higher than its previous bid. He indicated that Petticoat Contracting's bid had increased slightly since all the cost of dewatering was made incidental to all utility and drainage construction and due to the increased costs of PVC pipe. A brief discussion ensued with Commissioner Borno inquired regarding the staging area for the project. Utility Director Kosoy indicated that it had not been chosen yet. Public Works Director Kosoy's Staff Report dated May 9, 2002 concerning the bid analysis is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N Q. BEAVER X BoRNO x x PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE g Minutes Page -4- May 13, 2002 There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings City Manager Hanson commented on each item of his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Workshop for Budgeting of the Half Cent Sales Tax It was the consensus of the Commission to hold the Workshop on Monday, July 1, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge. receipt of the following reports for April 2002: Building Department Activity Report, New Occupational Licenses, Public Works Status Report, Recreation Department Report facility usage report and Utility Sales Report (City Manager) B. Award contract to Gruhn May, Inc. in the amount of $24,876.50 for Park Terrace East water line replacement pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0102-14 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A and B as presented. Commissioner Waters inquired if the newly paved streets would be dug up for the water line replacement. Utility Director Kaluzniak indicated that the work would not require digging in the streets. Commissioner Beaver thanked Utility Director Kaluzniak for saving the city $10,000 by designing the project in-house. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee Reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 02-09 ``~~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH URGING CITIZEN SUPPORT FOR A DRIVE TO MAKE OUR CITY A LEADER IN THE HIGHEST OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C' O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- May 13, 2002 PERCENTAGE OF CITIZENS REGISTERED TO VOTE AND PARTICIPATING IN THE NOVEMBER 2002 ELECTIONS. IN DUVAL COUNTY Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 02-09. Mayor Meserve indicated that the Resolution was made in response to a challenge by the City of Neptune Beach to see which city would have the most registered voters. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 02-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SCHEDULING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR WATER LINES,. STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN SELVA MARINA UNITS 10,10-A, 10-B. 10-C, 11, 12, 12-A, 12-B, AND 12-C REPEAT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ,, Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 02-10. It was explained that the date needed to be set to hold the public hearing. It was the consensus of the Commission to hold the public hearing at the Atlantic Beach Elementary School on Monday, July 8, 2002. Commissioner Borno, who chaired the Selva Marina Streets Committee, requested that a tabulation of the results and technical data be provided for the owners of the property to be assessed. There were no further comments and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: There was no action on ordinances. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Appointments to the Cultural Arts Board (3) (Mayor) Mayor Meserve nominated the three members whose terms expired in April, for reappointment to interim terms on the Cultural Arts Board pending Commissioner Borno's report regarding the future of the board. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- May 13, 2002 4. Motion: Reappoint Eloise Koerber, Kathleen Smith Beaudreau and Janelle Wagoner to interim terms on the Cultural Arts Board. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Public Hearing and action on a request for ause-by-exception filed by Merv and Theresa Russell to permit uses including general construction contractor, welding, fence assembly, electrical, air conditioning, plumbing and irrigation contractors, cabinet shop, warehousing and general assembly on property located at 589 West 14th Street zoned Commercial General (CG) (City Manager) Motion: Accept the recommendation of the Community Development Board and grant ause-by-exception to Merv and Theresa Russell to allow various uses including general construction contractor, welding, fence assembly, electrical, air conditioning, plumbing and irrigation contractors, cabinet shop, warehousing and general assembly on property located at 589 West 14th Street zoned Commercial General (CG). (Subject to the following: (1) all equipment, materials, and business activities shall be maintained within the enclosed building; (2) lighting shall be directed on site, and shall not illuminate adjacent residential properties; (3) all business activities and commercial deliveries shall be limited to the hours between 6:00 am and 7:00 pm; and (4) subject to approval of the Public Works Director, a landscape buffer shall be installed along the south property line between the fence and the edge of pavement. Such buffer shall consist of plant materials, which shall form a continuous evergreen hedge). Community Development Director Doerr explained the request while showing videos of the subject property and adjoining neighborhood. Mayor Meserve opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the use-by-exception and the Mayor closed the public hearing. Commissioner Parsons felt hours for business operations should be limited to Monday through Friday so as not to interfere with the adjacent residential and church activities on the weekends. Discussion ensued and Mr. Russell stated that he would like to be able to operate until noon on Saturdays. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X' BEAVER X BORNO X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -7- May 13, 2002 -,. Commissioner Beaver requested that tree mitigation for the site be monitored. Mr. Russell indicated that he was negotiating with the Tree Board concerning the buffer and other plantings. Amendment to .the motion: Limit the hours of operation on the weekend to 6:00 am unti112:00 noon on Saturdays. There was no further discussion and the amendment to the motion and motion carried unanimously. C. Public Hearing and action on a request for ause-by-exception filed by Billy and Aileena Witt to allow an automotive service and repair business at 1198 Mayport Road on property zoned Commercial General (CG) (City Manager) Motion: Accept the recommendation of the Community Development Board and approve the use-by-exception filed by Billy and Aileena Witt to allow an automotive service and repair business at 1198 Mayport Road on property zoned Commercial General (CG). Community Development Director Doerr explained the conditions recommended by the Community. Development Board to allow operation of an automotive service and repair business. Mayor Meserve opened the public hearing. Brenna Durden, representing the Witts, owners of Beach Buggies and 4 x 4's, indicated that they had agreed to the conditions placed on the property and would also like approval for tow trucks to make deliveries to the site at night. She indicated that this might happen ten to twelve times a month. Discussion of nighttime deliveries ensued. Commissioner Borno felt that this would be covered if the conditions placed on the property by the Community Development Board were included in the motion. Amendment to the motion: Include the conditions recommended by the Community Development Board as follows: (1) All equipment, materials, and business activities shall be maintained within the enclosed building; (2) no more than three customer vehicles and one operator-owned vehicle shall be parked or stored on the site on weekends or at night after normal business hours; and (3) no derelict, junk, abandoned or inoperable vehicle of any. type shall be maintained in any exterior location on this. site at any time. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E: c O N D Y E S N (~ BEAVER X BORNO X PARSONS X X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BoRNO x x PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- May 13, 2002 There being no further comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing. The amendment to the motion and motion carried unanimously. D. Request from Selva Norte Homeowners Association for city water on four medians City Manager Hanson explained that the Selva Norte Homeowners Association had requested the city waive or reduce the cost of installing a water meter to provide irrigation for four medians located on 20th Street, Selva Marina Drive and Mipaula Court. Itwas reported that previously the Homeowners Association had requested support for the beautification of the medians under the city's Public Beach Access Beautification Program, but were turned down by the Beautification Committee since the medians were not beach access points. City Manager Hanson pointed out that in recent years the only projects approved for use of city water for irrigation were beach accesses, but in the prior years various projects were approved for irrigation, which were not beach accesses. A list of those projects is included with the Staff Report dated Apri125, 2002, which is attached and made part of the official record as Attachment C. City Manager Hanson further explained that the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) had advised the city to increase its conservation measures and discourage the use of city water for irrigation in the future. City Manager Hanson recommended that the city prohibit the use of city water for future median or beach access projects if other resources were available. He then provided options for consideration with this request, and suggested that if in the future, the Commission wanted the city to be involved in median landscaping projects, consideration should be given to rewriting the current Beach Access Beautification Program guidelines to include options for those types of landscaping projects. Discussion of the request ensued. Commissioner Parsons stated he would like to move forward with the project and indicated that the neighbors would allow connection to their existing well-fed irrigation system. He felt the city should provide monetary support for. the `""~' project in the form of a reimbursement grant. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N Q Minutes Page -9- May 13, 2002 ,~. Commissioner Borno supported the project, but felt a shallow well should be installed for the irrigation system. He stated that he did not object to the installation of a "Selva Norte" sign, but felt a "Welcome to Selva Norte" sign was inappropriate. Commissioner Beaver indicated that a shallow well would need a power source and he would prefer that the medians be connected to an existing private well. He felt the entire program should be addressed, including beach accesses and medians. Commissioner Waters felt no "Welcome" sign should be placed on city property. He felt the major roads within the city and the beach accesses, which were used by all residents, deserved city attention, but other requests may "open a Pandora's box" for the city. Mayor Meserve agreed with Commissioner Waters in that the request caused a precedent setting problem. He felt that a systematic approach would be to address the rules and guidelines first. Mayor Meserve requested staff to bring back their recommendations for a policy to handle this type of request. He also felt the Homeowners Association request needed to be more defined in order to determine the costs. It was the consensus of the Commission to have staff bring back their recommendations for a policy to handle this type of request. E. Authorize the Police Department to submit an application for Federal Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the Police Department to submit an application for Federal Byrne State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Authorize the City .Manager to negotiate and sign a contract to perform a water and sewer utility rate structure analysis (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract to perform a water and sewer utility rate structure analysis. City Manager indicated that the study involved many variables and the city did not possess the expertise to model all of them. He OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N Q BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -10- May 13, 2002 -„.,, indicated that he would like to hire a consultant with a software program to model all of the different scenarios accurately. The City Manager further reported that the SJRWMD required the City to implement water conservation measures and they could revoke the city's consumptive use permit if the changes were not implemented. Commissioner Borno felt hiring a consultant would be the most efficient way to obtain concise results. Mayor Meserve inquired if such a consulting company would have contact with the SJRWMD to make sure the city's study was going in the right direction. City Manager Hanson responded that he hoped the company selected would be knowledgeable of other cities across the state who had adopted water conserving rates approved by their respective water management districts. He felt this requirement could be included as part of the evaluation ranking criteria. Following brief discussion regarding whether the study could be done in-house, the motion carried by a three to two vote with Commissioners Beaver and Borno and Mayor Meserve voting aye and Commissioners Waters and Parsons voting nay. 9. City Manager In addition to his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D, City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: • Reported on the destructive fire of undetermined origin at Tideviews Preserve, which destroyed approximately 115 feet of boardwalk and melted a recycled plastic park bench. Photographs of the damage were displayed on the new A/V System. • Introduced Gregory T. Nettuno of GAI Consultants who provided a preliminary plan for public involvement during the Core City Improvement Project. A draft copy of the plan is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment E. The company will provide construction management for the city during the project. ~`m°°`~ OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N Minutes Page -11- May 13, 2002 Commissioner Beaver suggested that information concerning the project be e-mailed to as many affected residents as possible. • Reported that due to more stringent testing and quality control standards, future lab testing would be contracted out. There were no Commission objections to the change recommended by Utility Director Kaluzniak. • Reported that there appeared to be no immediate resolution for the problems experienced with the AT & T Broadband franchise agreement. He indicated that the City of Jacksonville had filed suit against the company due to its poor customer service. City Manager Hanson suggested that the city join with the City of Jacksonville to engage the services of Attorney Matthew Leibowitz, an expert in cable franchise agreement negotiations, to obtain the best protection for Atlantic Beach citizens. The blended rate for his law firm was reported to be $200 per hour. The Commission concurred with the recommendation. ., • Reported that the backlog of Building Department Plan Reviews caused by implementation of the new Florida Standard Building Code had been caught up. City Manager Hanson commended Building Official Ford for his hard work to bring this about. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver • Reported on the Adele Grage Community Center fundraiser (Demolition Party) held on Saturday, May 1 lth, and thanked staff for their assistance with the party. • Thanked Jacksonville Beach Commission Member Art Graham for the wonderful Mother's Day concert at the Seawalk Pavilion. Commissioner Borno • Thanked the Public Works Department for their work, which ,.~.,, was evident throughout the city. • Suggested the use of reusable speed bumps on Sherry and Sailfish Drives. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N (a~ Minutes Page -12- May 13, 2002 Commissioner Waters • Stated he would like to discuss the second block of Ocean Boulevard at a workshop meeting. • Inquired as to how to satisfy the Marsh Oaks Neighborhood Association's wish list. Mayor Meserve suggested that it be included and evaluated in the city's strategic plan. City Manager Hanson indicated that several of the items on the list were already completed. • Reminded the Commissioners that Dancing in the Street would be held on Saturday, May 18, 2002. Mayor Meserve • Reported that the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO} had committed $125,000 for the design of medians on Mayport Road. • Reported that the negotiations with the Post Office to open the entrance from Plaza were continuing. • Reported that after reading correspondence from Aage Schroeder, District Manager of the Florida Department of Transportation, he did not feel the FDOT would lower the speed limit on Mayport Road. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjqurned at 9:40 p.m. Attest: i.~i~., Maureen King ,,.~,, Certified Municipal Cl k Officer OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S tiT _ ATTACHMENT A MAY 13, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING t _ __ _ __ ,,, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Construction Contract for the Core City Improvements Project SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. ~+~~ Director of Public Works DATE: May 9, .2002 BACKGROUND: On Apri13, 2002, the original bids were opened on the.Core City Improvements Project.. On April 22, 2002 the Commission approved a re-bid of the project, and re-bids were opened on May 8, 2002: Eight firms were prequalified and bids were received from two. The attached bid analysis shows the following results: r\ .Although the low bidder's roadway cost was reduced by allowing 5" Crushed Concrete Base as an option which he selected, the pipe costs increased significantly since all the cost of dewatering was made incidental to all utility and drainage construction. The contract specifications provide for $1000 per day incentive/liquidated damages. The limit for the incentive is a maximum of 200 days, or $200,000. RECOMMENDATION: Award the project to Petticoat Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $4,811,777.00. BUDGET: Funding is available from the Utility Revenue Bond Construction Furid and the Local Option Gas Tax ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tab Bid Analysis ` .Bid Specifications are on file with the City Clerk. REVIEWED BY CITY MANA Firm Subtotal 15% Contin enc Total Aggregate.. Base Bid Price Jensen Civil Construction $4,498,666..00 $674,799.90 $5,173,465.90 Petticoat Contracting, Inc. $4,184,153.91 $627,623.09 $4,811,777.00 r f '' a 0 0 M U d -O U d ~ .y+ m N NO U ~ O d N •~ 00 .~ ;~~ UU d 0 U e+7 0 i T ~. O CD LL O m w iZ' AGENDA ITEM #3B MAY 13, 2002 ~ p ~ 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N ~ 0 N"" ~ ~ O O N ~ O W 0 O O O ~ ' ' N O ~ N p ~ r r 0 0 0 d f~ C y W O tai O ~ ~ O N K1 N 0 ilk 0 N 0 N M ~ W W' ~ ~ r e= p W V- W ~ y 'cf W fR fR K f/1 O '- ~ o .~ ~ O v E N Z m ~ ~ ~ U ~ c o o 0 ,° o o o W o K7 o r 0 0 r o> a% 0 o o ~ _ O CV O C ap O ~ M ~ h 0 C. f'O ~ M p M ^ ~.' V X X X X X X r p C OD iD N ~ at O r ~' to n ~' 4 +~ ~O M C M f~ O ~ 1~ O O r N CrO . CO ~ ~ W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ U to 0 0 p ;o v ~ • o o 0 0 0 0 yU Z [0 ~ w w w ~ to ~ ~ o ~ ci ~ 0 z ~ m ~ •- ~ ~ ~ o - c p 0 0 0 0 0 p O p O O W U U O O O e1' tti tti C ,~ C ~ tA ~. ~,°~,. 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V~ -, q cn w n. ~ cn ~ ~ a ~- U ~ co co M a a. w ~ o = i w <L Q 4 ~ O / N ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ W Q c W J m Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ Q > > N J W W ~ W W W Z Z a a U > ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q ~ ~ ..I H Q _ _ a. ~ ~ w w (~ ~ ° oo c n ~ Q ~ ~ u i H ~ _ ATTACHMENT B _ MAY 13, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING ,r,~"""'""^. May 6, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: ` The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hans City M eanag r .SUBJECT: Follow-U Items Comalaints about 11th Street Dune Walkover; A citizen complained at the last Commission Meeting about the dune walkover recently built at l lth Street. The complaints were that the structure was too high, that construction was shoddy and that the piling splices were not structurally sound. On height, the walkover meets City of Atlantic Beach requirements of being !`""' within 25 inches of the sand with the exception of where it crosses over thedune. It would have. been impossible to build a ramp to comply with the 25 inch height limit without the ramp being to steep. The other complaints were noted in the City's final inspection of the job. When these complaints were made, the City had not yet made a final inspection. The nails not fully driven into the wood were actually left over from the stringers used by the contractors to level. the construction and have been added to a punch list of items for the contractorto remove. Splicing. the pilings is an acceptable technique and approved by the City if it is done correctly. During the final inspection, one of the splicings was found to be poorly constructed and the contractor was instructed to rework that piling. The work should have been completed by the contractor prior to the date of the May 13th Commission meeting. Fire on Seminole Road; Two follow-up points are appropriate after the discussion about the response to the recent fire on Seminole Road. Both are in response to complaints by one person at the scene that the response time of the Fire Department was considerably longer than shown on the Atlantic Beach Dispatch Log. First, a question was raised about whether the City of Jacksonville received. other calls about the fire that were not routed through the Atlantic Beach Dispatch Center and possibly were received prior to Atlantic Beach getting the first fire calla City staff checked with Jacksonville and found that the only calls received about this fire were routed through the Atlantic Beach 911 Center. Second, a citizen insisted that a call had come from his house to Atlantic Beach about this fire well before the time shown on the Atlantic Beach Dispatch Log. The City recorder clearly shows that his wife's call. was the fifth to report the fire. She called at 3:20' a.m. The first call received was at 3:19 a,m. .AGENDA ITEM #3C MAY 13; 2002 i Workshou for Bud eting the Better Jacksonville Half Cent Sales Tax Fund; At the last Commission Meeting, Commissioners indicated they would like to have a special workshop to discuss the use of money in the Better Jacksonville Half Cent Sales Tax Fund that was deferred during the budget approval process last Fall pending the Care City bids being opened. Following are three options for the workshop date. It would be helpful if each of you could check your schedules and be ready to let us know your availability at the Commission Meeting on May 13th: Monday, May 20th - 5:00 pm Monday, June 3~ - 5:00 pm Monday, July 1 ~ - 5:00 pm <~°'".,~ ~ ~ _ ATTACHMENT C MAY 13, 2002 COMMISSION M~'r:TING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT - AGENDA ITEM: Request from Selva Norte Homeowners Association for City Water on Four Medians ~• SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hanson, Cit DATE: April 25, 2002 BACKGROUND:.. Attached is a request from James KoLster, President of the Selva Norte Homeowners Association for the City to waive or reduce the water installation fee (and provide water?):for four medians located on 20~' Street, Selva Marina Drive and Mipaula Court. This group has received funding from the City of Jacksonville Mayor's Neighborhood. ...Matching Grant Program for $3,650.00. They previously requested support from the City of Atlantic Beach under the "Public Beach Access Beautification Program" but were turned down by the City's Beautification Committee. This request does not meet the requirements of the Program because .the medians are not beach access points. The only private landscaping projects to receive approval for use of City Water for irrigation in recent years have been beach access points. However, in earlier years, several projects were approved that were not beach accesses. Some medians receive City water and are currently maintained by the City such as those on Atlantic Boulevard and Plaza Drive. See the attached tabulation of landscaped medians in the City. Some other medians receive City water, but get little or no maintenance .from City staff. These include most of the medians on Selva Marina and one of the Oceanwalk medians at a lift station on Barefoot Trace. Several other medians on public streets in the City are irrigated by private wells. These include most of the other medians in the Oceanwalk Subdivision and one on Selva Marina Circle off l2~' Street. There are. many other medians on public streets that are not irrigated and include many in the newly acquired Selva Marina Subdivision, although there are several others. The Commission's decision in this instance mayset a precedent for future requests. In recent discussions with the St. Johns Water Management District, the City has been advised to increase. conservation. measures by using wells for irrigation, install rain sensors on irrigation systems, change our water rates to increase the cost for irrigation use, and otherwise discourage the use of City water for irrigation in the future.. AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 ; BUDGET: RECOMMENDATION: First, the Commission should decide if it is appropriate for the City to commit the use of City water. for irrigation of new median landscaping projects. Given the statewide concern. for water supply and the City's ,proper role to set a good example to our customers, my recommendation is to prohibit the use of City water for future median projects (or beach access projects) if any other resources are available. Perhaps a better solution is to help pay the cost to~ get wells installed, connect to existing well-fed irrigation systems or otherwise subsidize the project. Whatever the decision, if the City is to get involved in median landscaping projects, the Beach Access Beautification Program guidelines should be amended. ATTACHMENT: (1) Letter from James Kolster dated April 15, 2002 (2) List of Landscaped medians in Atlantic Beach (3) Guidelines for Public Beach Access Beautification Program ,, :. Jim Hanson, Ci .City of Atlantic 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FI 32233 Dear Mr. Hanson, i hope you will recall our visit several months back wherein Ned Jardine and I outlined for you the general plans we have on behalf of the Selva Norte Homeowners Association regarding the beautification of the road medians in our sub division. along with the placement of "Welcome" signs at the two entrances to Selva Norte. I am President of the Association. Ned is Vice President. Subsequently we conferred with Bob Kosoy and then with Timmy Johnson. I Have attached a copy of our plans (minus the finer detail on the plantings themselves).. I was informed that we could proceed with our plans for irrigation of the medians but thafi the cost for the installation of the water meters would be $ 885 each. That cost is beyond what can be accommodated by the funds we have generated for this project. I discussed this situation with Don Ford and he indicated that any appeal for relief on that cost would. have to be made to you. Hence, this letter... We can fully. understand the high cost for the installation of the water meter on an individual private home site. That cost would be a strong inducement to instead do an installation of a shallow well; hence reduce the use of potable water for irrigation. For this installation there. is no such shallow well option possible. And, indeed, .the property which will be irrigated is city property. You did encourage us to pursue the use of shallow wells of adjacent homeowners. In two of the four cases there is no such option available and in the other two -cases we, upon further consideration, are concerned that while a current homeowner may agree to tap into his irrigation system the next homeowner may not. Having a scheme which avoids. that possible future dilemma is a far more prudent plan. Hence, I request on behalf of our Board of Directors that the $ 885 installation fee be waived or at least reduced to the direct out of pocket cost for the meters themselves. The labor for the installation, I would expect could be done also. by the city as this is a improvement which is of benefit to the city as well as to our subdivision.. Thank you very much. Si erel _ ~~S en . (1) cc: Don Ford Timmy Johnson Bob Kosoy Selva Notre Homeowners Board AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 JAMES R. KO LSTE R - 1971 Mipaula Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 April 15, 2002 ty Manager Beach AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 Y Selva Norte Homeowners Assn. March 21, 2002 To: Tim Johnson, birector Parks & Recreation City of Atlantic Beach o p From: James Kolster, President ~~ Selva Norte-Homeowners Association 1971 Mipaula Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-6501 Re: Selva Norte Beautification Proposal Summary of Proposal On behalf of the Board of Director of the Selva Norte Homeowners Assn:. I am pleased to present plans for which we seek approval relating to improvements in our subdivision. Specifically, we wish to: (1) erect "Welcome" signs at each of the two entrance areas of Selva Norte, and (2) enhance the landscaping on the four road median within the subdivision which have suffered from neglect for the past several years. Details Signs We seek permission to place a sign with dimensions of 3' high by 4 `wide which would read "Welcome to Selva Norte" on the style similar to that which is seen at the intersection of Seminole :Road and Atlantic Blvd. entrance into the City of Atlantic Beach. See sample shown in Note # 4 below. One sign would. be erected on the relatively small median located on Selva Marina Drive approximately one city block length south of the intersection of Selva Marina Drive arid Twentieth .Street (see exhibit # 1). The second would be located on the north side of Twentieth Street on the city right-of-way near the drainage ditch approximately one and one-half blocks west of Seminole Road (see exhibit # 2). The work would be done by Ace Design Sign Company. Landscaping We seek permission to upgrade the appearance of four road medians located as follows: Se{va Marina Drive (exhibit # 1), Twentieth Street between Selva Marina Drive and Mipaula Court (exhibit # 3), Twentieth Street between Colina Court and Vela Norte Court (exhibit # 4), and Selva Madera Court (exhibit # 5). This would include provision of irrigation of each area and the placement of new plantings . We have had the benefit of your assistance with regard to the plantings. Those details .are shown in the pages attached to exhibits 1, 3, 4, and 5. Also with your assistance we have been assured that city .water would be accessible at three of these locations without disturbing the road . ~"he fourth location may or may not be able to accommodate this, but in that case we have access ~ the shallow well irrigation system of the adjacent homeowner... AGENDA ITEM #8D .MAY 13, 2002 Selva Norte Proposal, March 18, 2002, page # 2 -,, Proposal Finances Expenses: Signs (Includes installation) $ 4280 Landscaping . ~. Irri , atq ion Access to city water or resident's shallow well via American Well & Irrigation -jack& bore pipes under roadway @ $ 400 each. $ 1600 Installation of PVC pipe, valves (battery operated), sprinkler heads, etc (done by residents of Selva Norte) : $ 400 Plantings Estimate done via resident who is also a professional landscaper (A1A Landscaping.) 3020 ,, Total $ 9300 Financial Resources Selva Norte is the recipient of a City of Jacksonville Mayor's Neighborhood Matching Grant $ 3650 Selva .Norte Matching Contribution to above Grant (via Selva Norte Dues during fiscal year 2001) 3650 Selva Norte Contribution via .Dues for Fiscal year 2002 2000 Total $ 9300 Additional Needs Please provide me with information as to what further steps'are needed - e.g. permits for the sign placement and for any other aspects of this proposal We welcome the opportunity to discuss this in further detail with you and with any other appropriate levels of responsibility: Thank you very much. James R. Kolster, President Selva Norte. Homeowners Association AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 Selva Norte Proposal, March 18, 2002, page # 3 lote# 1: A condition of the City of Jacksonville Mayor's Matching Grant requiresa contribution in .the form of in kind homeowners volunteer hours of at least 128 hours @ $10 which would be more than realized in the installation of the irrigation system and to some extent the new plantings. Note # 2: To deal with a cash flow concern, we would deal initially with the installation of the signs and the access to water for each median and then proceed with the landscaping with attention first to the Twentieth Street medians, next the. Selva Marina Drive median, and finally the Selva Madera Court median. Note # 3. There is another median in the sub division; located at the north end of Selva Marina Drive, but this median was improved several years ago by the residents who live on that cul du sac and, I understand, the support of the then Atlantic Beach .Beautification Committee.- Note # 4. Sample Sign display.. F AGENDA ITEM #8D .MAY 13, 2002 .... ~ ,. - L 0 ~ 0 ~~ C L ~. L W _ •~ 0 Q ^+ W • ~ m n' ~ m~ • O o U ~ Q ~ . .~ ~ N ~ Q1 ~ ~ Q~ O O~ ~ • • •~_ O N Y_ . = ~ "~ 'i U N o Z ~ ~ ~ i ~ v U .~ f` V O L ti N ~ ~ ~ ~ f~- ++ y- ~ N ''~'' i ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 6~} 6MF}- ~ 6~9~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ O U~ N ~ Q Z Q Z Q Z ~ ~3 m ~ ~ ~ ~-% L ~ ~+ ' ~ (/~ (A C U C ~ ~ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ~. ~. 0 ~ _ ~ ~ L6 .L O 11~~d C = ~ ~ V O ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ - ~ ~, • 1 v a. S' Q~ ~- ~ ~ Q~ ~- ~ ~ Q~ ~- ~ z ~ z 0 z ~' N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ . ~ ~ ~ ,(0 N ~ ~ fi ~ r.. Y ~ ~ ~ V (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ V cc G .L ~ .~ (~ ~ ~ . V ~ G 0 ~ ~ L O C • (~ O ..:. ~ W ~ U .~ ~ / ~ W o Q ¢ cL Cn z O p m cij ~ v AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS BEAU"rTFICATIOK PROGRAM PURPOSE; To encourase, through. a "share-cost" matching program, landscapuig cxthancernents to the beach acces5cs. Improvements are uit~-ndcd to be cost-conscious and aesthetically pleasutg, with astrong emphasis on low maintenance, low water cousulnption and a tnutilnurn of plant replacemw~t. PROCEDURE: Promotion of the program will b~ by various media (Tide View; Beaches Leader, flyers; etc,). Interested groups and/or neighborhoods will be given written information and guidelines. The Beautification Coordinator will be available to meet with groups for detail planning and recomm~•ndations. Neighborhood residents will be responsible for Lhe collection of funds, acquisition and installation of landscaping materiallirrigation system, and maintaining the beach access. The Ciry will provide the connection to the proposed irrigation source and water to irrigate the newly landscaped area. The finished plan,. with proposed cost and provisions for maintenance, will need preliminary approval by the Beautification Committee with final approval by tho City Commission. .The criteria for decidir~ which projects will be approved, and in what order, will be as follows: 1; First priority will be given to the start date; A start date is given when interested citizens have formed a committCC, the City Commission has approved final plans, and funds have been collected. 2. Actual need (no work has been done to the area for at least two years); 3. Location and aesthciic value (to enhance the public's view of the area). COST: Expenses will vary dependent on size and configuration of the area to be landscaped. The extent of Landscaping, and type atzd number of plantc to be installed, will govern the. planting cost_ The program consists often steps from beginning to final completion. Each step has specific procedures ,,. that must be: foUowcd to stay within the guidelines. 1. Interested citizens notify the Beautification Dcpartrncni of their desire to form a Committee for the purpose of beautifyingJmaintaining abeach access in Atlantic Beach. 2. The. group forms a Project Committee by electing a minimum of four ofFicers; Chairperson, Vice Chairp<;non, Treasurer and Secretary. Meetings are held with the purpose of completing the detililed landscaping plans and providit~ a cost s;stimatc for the ncwv project. 3. Staff will be responsible for approving a preliminary plan, which will be presented to the Beautification Committee for approval.. All aspects of the projectntu'st be considered when drawing preliminary plates: irrigation, waxer tap to City meter, trees, plants, shrubs, grass, mulch, contract -work, vendor estimates rental equipment costs and any other tnaxerials needed to complete the project. See the attached City requirements for the irrigation system specifications. 4. Once the preliminary, plan is approved, a final plan must be submitted to the City Commission for approval. 5. After the final .plans are approved by the City Conunission, the Project Committee will be responsible for the collection of thatching funds. New project funds will be matched, dollar for dollar up to fl .maximum of $2,,400 for a total of $5,000. This includes any phasing thax must be imposed due to the size of thz projc:et. 'f he City will se't up a revenue acco~mt to deposit the; co2lceted #"ttnds. If the City Commission approves the plans, the City will reimburse from the matching fitnds the costs incurred AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 ,for the design of the plan. 1f the City Commission does not approve the plans, [he City will not reimburse costs incurred for the design of the plan. 6. The C.iry will be responsible for having all public atility locations marked. The. Project Committee will be responsible for notifying the City seven days prior to any excavation work to allow enough tune for the propor markings.. The City vain be responsible for installing a connection to the irrigation- source. The cast for this meter will be charred to the: project revenue account. 7. The Beautification DeparbnenL must approve all contractual work.. 8: Vendor estunates are to be given to the Beautification Department and a Purchase Order will be scnerated within 7 t.o f 0 working days. The Purchase Order will be mailed to the requested vendor and the Beautification Deparment will contact the Committee Chairperson as to its disposition. No purchases can he ordered, delivered or picked up without an approved Purchase Order. The City will not he responsible far payment of any unapproved 'invoices or .expenses, The following are the guidelines for obtaining additional quotes: Charges up to $500. No additional quotes required From $501 to $2,500 Selected vendor + one additional quote From $2,501 to 55,000 Selected vendor + two additional quotes 9. A resceipt will be given for each delivery of Purchase Order materials and signed by the receiving agent for the Project Corttrnittcc. Receipts must be tamed in to the Beautification Department witbirz thn;e working days afrer delivery so payment can be made tea the vendor.. I0. One year and every year after the completion of the project, the City will match up to $30U, 00 of new donations for a combined total of $600.00 per year for maintenance/restoration of existing pro}gets. A . AGENDA ITEM #8D MAY 13, 2002 SPECIFICATIONS rOI2IRRICATION SYSTEMS IN5TALLED AT BEACH ACCESSES; . 1. The City will install the water meter. The cost for this meter will be charged to the project revenue account. The Beautification Coordinator wilt coorduiate the installation of the water meter prior to the installation of the irrigation system. 2. The City will provide water at no cost to the Commirtee. 3. The irrigation system must be installed by a licensed itrigation contractor. 4. .The Timer/Controller installed must be a Rainbird IZC series with mini click rain sensor (if electricity is available) or a Nelson SoloRain (if no electricity is available). Any electrical wiring needs to bo approved and inspected by the City's Building Official. ~. The timer must be located on city propc:ny and a key to the locked imgation box must be provided to the Beautification bepartmcnt. 6. The irrigation system instalhxi must have rain sensors and baclcEYow preventers: The rain sensors ' must be located and installed as per instructions from manufacturer. 7, Timers should be set for optimum watering of plant mlterials white maintaining water conservation practices. Adjust imgation programs to compensate for seasonal water requirements. The City of Atlantic Beach recommends programming timers as follows April -September 30: 3x/wcck if moderate rain; daily if no rain October -March 3 I `. Ix/week if moderate rain; 2x/week of no rain ,,°^~.,, New planting zones to run for uo more than 30 minutes per day for one week, new turf zones to run for no more than 30 minutes two times per day for one week. After one week, use the following schedule:. shrub zone(s) to nm for no more-than 20 minutes, turf zone(s) for no more than 30-45 minutes and flower zone(s) for no more than 45 minutes. Start water cycles no carli.cr ikaan 3:00 a.m. and end no later than 6:00 a.m. on water cycle days. 8. The City of Atlantic Beach has the right to inspect the imgation system and regulate the water flow at any time: 9. The irrigation system will only be used to water city properly, not private property. 10. The Beautification Coordinator will be responsible for monitoring the water consumption. If irregular water consumption occurs, the ~eautifieation Coordinator will reduce the watez consumption and will advise the Project Colnmittee Chairperson. 11. The. Project Comttuaee will bC responsible for the regular inspection of the irrigation system. if a problem occurs with the irrigation system, ibe Project Committee wiU have repairs completed by a :licensed itrigation contractor. ATTACHMENT D MAY 13, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING ,°` May 6, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Hans Ct~y~Vfa~agei SUBJECT: City M er's Report Second Commission Meeting In May; The 4th Monday in May is Memorial Day. Section 2-16 ,,, of the .City Code states that if the second or fourth Monday falls on a holiday, the regular meeting shall be scheduled for the following Tuesday. In this case, the regular meeting will be held on May 28th. Fire at Tideviews Park; A fire in a wooded area of Tideviews Park recently occurred which burned approximately 115 feet of the City's boardwalk and melted one of the benches. The total estimated cost of the loss exceeds $24,000. A claim has been filed with the City's insurance carrier. The Police Department has not been able to determine the cause of the fire. Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and Comprehensive Plan Revisions; Commissioners have expressed an interest in making adjustments to the City's zoning map and possibly other changes to the 1990 Comprehensive Plan. The State of Florida has mandated a procedure to follow when making any Comp Plan amendments. A major component of that is . completing an EAR Report. Attached for your review is a memo dated April 29, 2002 from Sonya Doerr outlining the State requirements for both the EAR and Comp Plan revisions and a timetable of events leading to that point. There will be several steps along the way for both input from the Mayor and Commission as well as the public. The first of these is anticipated late in June when the City Commission and Community Development Board will consider the draft of the EAR Public Information Program for Core City Project; The City's construction management firm, GAI, will attend the Commission Meeting on May 13th to present a plan that has been crafted to communicate with residents of the Core City area throughout the project and to address any citizen complaints that may arise. a AGENDA ITEM #9 MAY 13, 2002 r, MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City. Commission FROM: Sonya B. Doerr, AICP Community Development Director DATE: April. 29, 2002 RE: Summary of the Comprehensive Plan and Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR} Process In 1985, the State Legislature revised the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development _ ,,,, \ Regulation Act (commonly referred to as the Growth Management Act) to require that all local governments develop and implement a comprehensive plan upon which future land use decisions would be based. The responsibility to ensure that comprehensive plans met the basic requirements. of the law was .placed with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). With those 1985 changes to the law, many communities were compelled to carefully consider growth and land use issues for the first time. .Now, 17 years later,. comprehensive plans have been adopted and implemented by all 67 Florida counties and by 394 cities. The State of Florida. is one of only a handful of states that regulate growth and land use at the statewide .level. These states are referred to as the growth management states, and in spite of the complexities and some failures, Florida is nationally recognized as one of the successes in statewide land use regulation. The growth management regulations are enacted by Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, Part II, and the administrative rules are set forth within the Florida Administrative Code, Rules 9J-5 and 9J-11. The legislation mandates that all local Comprehensive Plans include certain elements, and gives discretion to other issues which may be or may not be relevant to a particular jurisdiction. Each element must contain goals,. objectives and policies (GOPS) to implement the plan for five and ten-year time periods. These specific GOPS provide the policy direction for amending local zoning and land development regulations as necessary to implement the Plan. The required elements of the Comprehensive Plan are:.. • a future land. use element and a future land use. map, which designates proposed general distribution and location of various types of land uses including standards for residential .density and building intensities; • an infrastructure element, which addresses solid. waste, sanitary sewer, potable water, drainage and ,~„ stormwater, and any natural aquifer recharge areas; b AGENDA ITEM #9 MAY 13, 2002 • a coastal management element (for most coastal communities); • a conservation element; • a traffic circulation element; • a housing element;. • a recreation and open space element; • a capital improvements element that addresses the need, provision. and. funding for adequate public facilities; and. • an intergovernmental. coordination element. ;, There are also several optional elements, which may be included in the Comprehensive Plan. As an example, the City of Atlantic Beach may wish to include a community design element which could consist of design polices and recommendations to address neighborhood redevelopment, subdivision design, open space requirements, and similar issues. Such policies and recommendations. would then. be used to amend land. development regulations related to future redevelopment and new development. During the past four years, communities larger than 2,500 in population have updated and reassessed their Comprehensive Plans through the required Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) process. Most: EARs have now been reviewed by DCA and found to have included sufficient information to allow amendments to Comprehensive Plans to proceed in accordance with the EAR recommendations. The EAR adopted by the City of Atlantic Beach Florida, however, was found to be insufficient. As such, the City cannot proceed with amendments to the adopted Comprehensive Plan until the minimum requirements of the EAR process are met. The administrative rules related to the EAR .process and the Comprehensive Plan amendment process establish procedures for consideration and adoption of these documents. These procedures require the local government to seek public input through transmittal- hearings, prior to submitting the EAR and any subsequent Comprehensive Plan amendments to DCA. Once our revised EAR is found to be sufficient, we will proceed with amendments to the current Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan amendments will be transmitted tothe State; DCA will then review and offer comments on the proposed amendments. Once any .comments are addressed, the City .will hold adoption hearings to .enact the EAR-based Comprehensive Plan .amendments. As you are likely aware, the Governor and the Legislature .have cited growth management as a major priority over the last. two sessions. Recent changes in the legislation now require local governments to submit a progress report regarding school planning and to address the success of coordinating the comprehensive plan with existing and planned public school facilities. It is anticipated that this requirement will be addressed within the Intergovernmental Coordination element, since most of the schools serving the City of Atlantic .Beach are outside of the municipal limits. The impact of other recent changes related to growth management .and Comprehensive Plans will be more significant to counties and larger developing jurisdictions. I do not anticipate that the amendments needed to our Plan will require major changes in policy direction, but I do expect that the Coastal Management element, and how the City proposes to address redevelopment in the event of a .catastrophic storm event, will be expanded and strengthened due to changes in State law since our original Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1990. If you are interested in obtaining a summary of Enrolled Bills from the 2002 Legislative Session, please call me, and I will mail a copy to you. I have also included a copy of F.S., Chapter 163.3177, which sets forth the .requirements for Comprehensive Plans. 2 °, Anticipated EAR schedule with proposed workshop and meeting dates June 25, 2002 July 16, 2002 July 22, 2002 DCA Review Sufficiency Finding Amendment to Comprehensive Plan AGENDA ITEM #9 .MAY 13, 2002 Joint Community. llevelopment Board and c;rty commission workshop to present a draft and take comments related to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. Draft ~ report to be sent to all members at least. one week prior to workshop. Make revisions resulting from joint workshop and place on the regular 7uly CD Board agenda to consider a recommendation to City Commission to transmit to Department of Community. Affairs. (The CD Board is the designated Local Planning Agency, and by Statute, the LPA is required to make a recommendation to the local .government on the EAR and all Comprehensive Plan amendments.) This would be the first public. meeting where any public input would be heard.) "Transmittal hearing" is required by F.S., Chapter 163. Commission will vote to transmit the EAR to DCA, or they could request changes prior to transmittal. This meeting is required to be a public hearing, so there is again opportunity, for any further public comment. If the Commission votes to transmit, we will forward the EAR to the Regional Planning .Council and DCA's Division of Community Planning. DCA may take .thirty days to review and provide Objections, Recommendations and Comments (the infamous "ORC Report"). We are out of the normal review schedules set by DCA for .this process, but I assume they would still adhere to the established review periods. Once DCA .finds that the EAR is sufficient in meeting the minimum requirements of the Statutes, they will issue a letter of sufficiency. A final Commission hearing must then be held to adopt the EAR. We may then initiate "EAR-based" amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 163 establishes a review and adoption schedule forComprehensive Plan amendments.. (This process was "streamlined" in this legislative session, but the rules to enact the new amendment process are not yet available.) The Comprehensive Plan amendment process is similar to the EAR process. A series of workshops and public hearings will be required prior to a transmittal hearing. Once the Commission acts to transmit, DCA will have 45 days to review and continent on the proposed amendments. Once this is completed, and if DCA finds the proposed amendment to be in compliance with Chapter 163, a Notice of Intent will be issued by DCA that the local government intends to adopt the amendments. The Commission may then schedule a public hearing(s) to adopt the Plan amendments. 3 Core Ci Im rovement Pro'ect _ tY P J ATTACHMENT E _ City of Atlantic Beach MAY 13, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING __ __ __ ,,; Public Involvement Plan - 4/04/02 On April 2, 2002, a meeting was held between the City of Atlantic Beach and GAI Consultants-Southeast, Inc. (GAI-SE) to discuss various aspects of the GAI-SE scope of services with emphasis on Public Information Planning for the Core City Project. Mr. Jim Hanson, City Manager, requested that GAI-SE develop an outline for Public Involvement. The following is a draft of that Outline: I. Project Kick-Off Meeting: Materials: Displays: Project Scope Maps (Boards}. Informational Flyers: Project Maps, Schedules, Key Personnel Contacts, and Scope Information. Format: "One-on-one": Concerned citizens will be able to walk up to displays, take informational flyers, ask specific questions to project personnel in a "one-on-one" format. Key Personnel: Director of Public Works, Edwards and Kelcey (formerly Aikenhead and Odom, GAI Consultants-Southeast, Inc., Contractors Schedule: Two weeks after contract award. II. Kick-Off Newsletter: Mailed to residents .within the Core City Project area. Newsletter will provide a project map, detail scope of work, start dates, contact names, and phone numbers: III. Monthly Newsletter: Mailed to residents within the Core City Area. Update residents on project schedule, progress-to-date, projected completion dates and any delays. IV. Web Site Link: Provide link to City of Atlantic Beach web site giving project status information. This information would be in a similar format as the monthly newsletter. V. Neighborhood Flyers: Hand delivered flyers will provide notice to a specific street approximately two weeks prior to work beginning on that street. The flyer will include contact numbers for the GAI-SE (Construction Engineer & Inspection Firm) and Department of Public Works. VI. Complaint Resolution: GAI-SE will develop acomplaint-tracking log, to assure that citizens concerns are addressed in a timely manner. The Director of Public Works will be copied on all information regarding complaints and their resolution. Copy: Bob Kosoy, P.E. (COAB) Jim Hanson (COAB) Project File