07-01-02 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD MONDAY, JULY 1,.2002 AGENDA 5:00 P.M. WORKSHOP Call to order 1. Discussion of items to be considered for funding during fiscal year 2001102 from Better Jacksonville half cent sales tax revenues 6:40 P.M. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Call to order 1. Discussion and related action regarding union negotiations* Adjournment * As provided by Florida law, discussions regarding union negotiations are not open to the public In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 2$6.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk ,'^.,_. MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT 5:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, JULY 1, 2002 City Commissioners Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Rick Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno, City Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, City Commissioner Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Paul Parsons, City Commissioner The meeting, which was held for the purpose of reviewing a list of capital projects for possible funding from the Better Jacksonville half-cent sales tax revenues, was called to order by Mayor Meserve. The City Manager provided a list of projects for consideration by the City Commission, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A. The City Manager explained that funding; of these projects was withheld pending receipt of the core city bids. He explained the bids had come in under budget and funds were available far several projects. While he felt there were some projects that the city commission would want to proceed with during this fiscal year, he felt other projects could be addressed during the budget workshops. Projects the City Manager recommended going ahead with during this fiscal year included: l . Dutton Island pier at a cost of $50,000 (grant secured to pay $50,000); 2. Dutton development, Phase II - $40,000 -The City Manager explained that the bids for Dutton Island development had come in at the budget and no contingency funds were available. Unexpected costs related to the Dutton island project -fill dirt, and electrical work, and additional water line. 3. Adele Grage -The City Manager explained that the lead paint removed from the building would have to be disposed of at a hazardous waste site in Alabama; also, the faoters under the column supporting the roof of the front porch had shifted and the columns were now pulling away from the roof The architect felt that the footers should be replaced and a portion of the roof replaced. The City Manager also reported that some damage had been done by skateboarders and he wanted to repair these areas in a way that would discourage further skateboarding. He estimated the additional work would cost at least $40,000. Other projects recommended by the City Manager for consideration included: 1. Plaza Park, Phase II -This would include fencing, grass and irrigation at a cost of approximately $45,000 ~" 2. Fence and benches at Mayport Road pond at a cost of approximately $10,000 3. Pocket park on Mayport Road -The City Manager said there was sufficient land on the north-west corner of the intersection of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard to develop a small pocket park and estimated $12,000 for this purpose 4. Resurfacing Dutton Road -The City Manager reported that construction in Dutton Island was almost complete. The grand opening would be held in the fall and it would be good to have the road resurfaced before the official opening. He said a bid had been received at $21,200. Discussion ensued regarding this area and it was felt that culverts should be constructed under the road to prevent flooding. Bob Kosoy felt such a culvert would cost at least $50,000. The Mayor noted that ABET had committed $6,000 towards the construction of the restroom in Adele Grage Cultural Center. He felt this restroom should be included and in the event ABET did not pay for this item, he would personally coordinate fund raising to make sure funds would be available. Other items brought up by the Mayor for consideration included funding for medians on Mayport Road - he would like to see about $200,000 set aside for this purpose; the Beaches Historic Society would again be seeking funding for their proposed museum; need to include Church Road in the list of capital projects; need to address safety issues at the post office -the Mayor said that while the Post office had paid for the study and the redesign ofthe ingress/egress and reconfiguration of the parking ,, lot, and it was hoped they would also pay for the construction, they had indicated they do not have construction funds available so it may be prudent to include some funds for this project. Discussion ensued regarding the landscaping at Mayport Road flyover and the City Manager reported that Atlantic Beach would take over maintenance of this area on July 3 and the agreement with FDOT was being revised to include maintenance of this area. Commissioner Waters said he would like $100,000 to be set aside each year to assist with Mayport Road projects, would like to continue looking for land for a fitness/comrnunity center, would like to develop security systems for the parks, and would like to fund improvements to the second block of Ocean Boulevard -noted that Mayor Delaney had indicated he would contribute funds to this project and Commissioner Waters would like to see this job begun while Mayor Delaney is still in office. Following further discussion, there was consensus to fund the following projects: Plaza Park Phase II - $45,000 Fences and benches for Mayport pond park - $10,000 Pocket park at Mayport Road - $12,000 Fishing pier on Dutton Island - $50,000 Dutton Island Phase II - $40,000 Resurfacing of Dutton Road Adele Grage change orders (including restroom) - $40,000 -2- Discussion ensued regarding the Church Road project and the Mayor said that Sam Mousa had put Jacksonville's share of the money in a special account for the project. However, Councilman Jerry Holland had frozen the money because he wanted to see if some consensus could be reached among the residents. The Mayor was concerned that the money might not roll over to the next fiscal year and said he would contact Mr. Mousa to see if there was a firm commitment in Jacksonville to contribute to this project and whether funds budgeted this year would roll over to the next fiscal year. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Maureen King City Clerk -3- O N C L ~ ~ N >. ~ (II ~ ~ L d ~ .L.: ~ ~ C ~ O L ~ W p ~ U ~ E ... N O •. + ~ L •,~._ •~ ~ ~ O E U p , C C (0 ~ ~ ~ - a O ~[ ? ~p ' Y O U E _~ 00 w: N O Y ~ fs O , N CO ~ ~ O a O N C ` , M ~ ~ Q' ZS ~ N N ..,, N 'a ... ~ O p I r O ~ .~ ~ ~ y w <C O ~ O U O ~~ ~ ~ U v cu - • ~ m o v ~ •-t 'v, c ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ..Q ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v rn • ~ ~" m n ~ m Q cOi ~ L ~- o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •c ~ m c ~ ~ v a o ~ n- ~. O c ~ ' ~ ~ ° c co cv o c ~ c ° ° ma ~- •~ y ° .N ,~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ° ~ ~ -° ~ o °~~M ° c? rn m ~ ~ m ~ ° ° 3 ~ ~ r a 3 o ~ Q' ~ _ ~ = C C O (A fA N O O U O t~ 0 O RS L ~ O ~- ~ ` ~ O EA N O S •~ N • ~ O °' ~ :r ~ O N~ °- N O ~ ... ° ~ O ~ C a~ ~ o aNi - >. .... -o O ff' O C c N > O cB U C O N ~~o ~ O ,,= E li3 o ~ ~ O - 3 c E 4 U o ~ ,O ,..,• O m ~ ~ o ~ c o~ a V r v c o C p ~ O ~ ~ U ~ ~ (V = •F+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N O L (n L ~ O ~ O ~ ~ (0 ~ O Q i O ~ m ~ ~~ ~ c6 N ~ w O c O E O N ~ v.. 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Discussion and related action regarding union negotiations Adjournment * As provided by Florida iaw, discussions regarding union negotiations arc not open to the public In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 2$6.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS 6:00 PM ON MONDAY, 3ULY 1, 2002 PRESENT: John S. Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno, City Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, City Commissioner ALSO Jim Hanson, City Manager AIan Jensen, City Attorney ABSENT: Paul Parsons, City Commissioner The meeting was called to order by Mayor Meserve. The Mayor explained that the meeting was being held for the purpose of discussing union negotiations and that such discussions were not open to the public. On motion, second, and unanunous vote, the meeting convened to the shade at 6:07 p.m. Following the discussions the meeting convened to the sunshine at 6:42 p.rn. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion, seconder anc~unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. ~ ,~ MESERVE rsidin~ Officer ATTEST: Mau en King Certified Municipal Cler