07-22-02 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~LL ~:, CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA -JULY 22, 2002 Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approve minutes of the Special Called meeting of July 1, 2002 and Regular Commission Meeting of July 8, 2002 2. Courtesy of FIoor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings B. Action on the request of the Beaches Hospitality community for financial assistance with their summer marketing campaign 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of the following monthly reports: Building Department, Recreation, and Utility Sales (City Manager) B. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Jacksonville concerning the expansion of Fleet Landing (Mayor) C. Award a contract for the base bid for Design/Build SCADA System pursuant to RFP and Bid No. 0102-16, to Control Design, Inc. in the amount of $92,174.00 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents; authorize staff to purchase associated computer equipment under the state contract, as specified by the design/builder in an amount not to exceed $10,000 (City Manager) D. Approve aone-year extension of the contract with All Seasons Landscape Contractors for street sweeping at their current prices (Bid No. 0001-20) (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports A. Report relative to proposed improvements in the Dewees/Coquina/Shell Street area (Comm. Waters) 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 02-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER LINES, STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS, AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN SELVA MARINA UNITS 10, 10-A, 10-B, 10-C, 11, 12 12-A, 12-B AND 12-C REPEAT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE B. Resolution No. 02-16 ~..__=., A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL WHO SERVED ON THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (Comm. Borno) C. Resolution No. 02-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL WHO SERVED ON THE CULTURAL ARTS BOARD (Comm. Borno) 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 70-02-15 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, ARTICLE IV, INSURANCE PREMIUM TAXES, SECTION 20-76, CASUALTY RISKS, TO COMPLY WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 185.08, AND CHANGING SECTION 20-77, PROPERTY INSURANCE, TO COMPLY WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 175.101, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, ANDPROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager} B. Ordinance No. 20-02-54 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2001 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 (City Manager) 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Discussion of prototype of revised newsletter and direction to staff regarding production of future City newsletters (City Manager) B. Appointments to the new Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Board (Comm. Borno) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers . Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with ,„~.,~.,. disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, July 19, 2002. - Page 2 of 2 ~`~""`~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, JULY 22, 2002 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons and Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Mayor gave the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Approval of the Special Called Meeting of July 1, 2002 and Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of July 08, 2002 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of July 1, 2002 and Regular Commission Meeting of July O8, 2002 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor recognized Corey McDonald who had recently been appointed as National Youth Representative of the Police Explorers for 2002-2004. David Thompson, Director of Public Safety, stated that Corey was selected from 40,000 representatives nationwide. Dir. Thompson spoke about Corey's achievements as a member of the Atlantic Beach Police Explorers unit, which included being one of the founding members, developing the Safe Kit ID program, winning several awards, and performing community service. She is also the president of the student government body at Fletcher High School. v v 0 0 T T E E s s M S O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S O COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- July 22, 2002 .•, ,•.. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive stated that bushes near his driveway created a blind spot when backing out onto Sherry Drive and thanked the City Manager for having the bushes removed promptly. He read a list of other concerns: 1) he would like to have the street sweeper clean-up Sherry Drive, 2) suggested changing the utility bills to a letter-sized bill and mail the newsletter with utility bills 3) suggested the city recognize outstanding citizens in the city newsletter 4) requested an explanation of SCADA (Agenda Item 4C). Steven Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive asked about the new entrance to the Post Office on Plaza and requested a copy of the design. He stated that the Flyover created a problem for people traveling south on Mayport Road trying to get to the post office. He suggested that since JTA created the problem that they should fund the construction of the new entrance. Dorothy Kerber of 365 First Street commented regarding the Beaches Hospitality Community request for financial assistance (Item #3B) and suggested they should work through the Beaches Chamber of Commerce and not the City. Ms. Kerber also suggested the city include an article regarding Fletcher High School Band's fundraiser to participate in the Fiesta Bowl Parade in Arizona in the next newsletter. 3. Unfinished Business from the Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings City Manager Hanson commented on each item of his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. In addition to his written comments the City Manager also reported the Post Office entrance/exit plans for Plaza had been agreed on, but funding for the project had not yet been worked out. Other unresolved issues include improvements on Plaza,. moving water pipes, changing the traffic signal at Plaza/Mayport Road intersection, and the possible need for a median on Mayport Road to prohibit southbound traffic from making left turns to enter the Post Office. The City Manager presented an illustration of the design of the new molding to be added at the top of the columns at the Adele Grage Community Center. The cost was estimated at approximately $2,000- $3,000. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -3- July 22, 2002 .,~°°~-, B. Action on the Request of the Beaches Hospitality Community for Financial Assistance with their Summer Marketing Campaign The City Manager said he was waiting to hear further from the applicants. No action was taken at this time. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of the following monthly reports: Building Department, Recreation, and Utility Sales (City Manager) B. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Jacksonville concerning the expansion of Fleet Landing (Mayor) C. Award a contract for the base bid for Design/Build SCADA System pursuant to RFP and Bid No. 0102-16, to Control Design, Inc. in the amount of $92,174.00* and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents; authorize staff to purchase associated computer equipment under the state contract, as specified by the design/builder in an amount not to exceed $10,000 (City Manager) D. Approve aone-year extension of the contract with All Seasons Landscape Contractors for street sweeping at their current prices (Bid No. 0001-20) (City Manager) The Mayor requested that item C be pulled off the Consent Agenda for discussion. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, & D as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Award a contract for the base bid for Design/Build SCADA System pursuant to RFP and Bid No. 0102-16, to Control Design, Inc. in the amount of $92,174.00* and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents; authorize staff to purchase associated computer equipment under the state contract, as specified by the design/builder in an amount not to exceed $10,000 (City Manager) City Manager defined the SCADA System, explained what it does and indicated that it was already included in the budget. Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director, explained the bidding process and the guidelines set forth in the Request for Proposal. She stated that OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE g Minutes Page -4- July 22, 2002 .. two of the bidders protested the method of awarding the contract and explained why they were not awarded the contract. A copy of Ms. Kaluzniak's staff report outlining the procedures used to determine the best contractor for the job is attached and made a part of this official record as Attachment B. Ms. Kaluzniak recommended the City Commission award the contract Control Design, Inc. Motion: Award a contract for the base bid for DesignBuild SCADA System pursuant to RFP and Bid No. 0102-16, to Control Design, Inc. in the amount of $92,174.00* and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract documents; authorize staff to purchase associated computer equipment under the state contract, as specified by the design/builder in an amount not to exceed $10,000 . *See correction on Page 6 It was clarified that this is Phase I of the SCADA System plan. The lift stations will be bid separately next year. Discussion ensued regarding monitoring, security and maintenance ,, issues. The Mayor suggested that a shade meeting be scheduled to discuss plant security. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Report relative to proposed improvements in the Dewees/Coquina/Shell Street area (Comm. Waters) Commissioner Waters reported that 57% of the residents on these streets wanted the streets to be paved and 43% were opposed to paving. (See Attachment C) None of the residents supported the installation of storm drains. However, Commissioner Waters pointed out that there was a flooding problem nearby and these issues would need further consideration. Mayor Meserve recommended putting this project on the next agenda for a public hearing and Commission action. City Manager commented that the cost for paving the roads and installing drainage would be approximately $79,000 and that the storm drains would be in the center of the street. Mayor Meserve recommended including Church Road improvements on the next agenda. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- July 22, 2002 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 02-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER LINES, STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN SELVA MARINA UNITS 10, 10- A,10-B,10-C,11,12,12-A,12-B, AND 12-C REPEAT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) Motion: Approve Resolution No. 02-15. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 02-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL WHO SERVED ON THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (Comm. Borno) C. Resolution No. 02-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ALL WHO SERVED ON THE CULTURAL ARTS BOARD (Comm. Borno) Motion: Approve Resolutions No. 02-16 and 02-17. Commissioner Beaver recommended sending a letter of recognition, signed by the Mayor, to each of the previous members of these boards. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 70-02-15 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, ARTICLE IV, INSURANCE PREMIUM TAXES, SECTION 20-76, CASUALTY RISKS, TO COMPLY WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 185.08, AND CHANGING SECTION 20-77, PROPERTY INSURANCE, TO COMPLY WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 175.101, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- July 22, 2002 Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 70-02-15 The City Manager explained that this ordinance was required to bring the Atlantic Beach code into compliance with statutory requirements. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Meserve pointed out that due to a typographical error, the cost of the SCADA system approved in 4C was incorrect and the bid amount needed to be amended to $97,174.00. Motion: Amend the bid amount in item 4C to $97,174.00. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 20-02-54 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2001 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 (City Manager) Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 70-02-54 The City Manager explained the major items contained in the mid- yearbudget modification. The motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Discussion of prototype of revised newsletter and direction to staff regarding production of future City newsletters (City Manager) City Manager explained that the cost of the newsletter would be approximately $36,000 per year. The newsletter would be legal size (8 %2" by 14"), printed on the front and back, and directly mailed to residents in Atlantic Beach. City Clerk introduced Kurtis Loftus who had designed the new newsletter. Motion: Authorize staff to proceed to produce a monthly newsletter similar to the sample presented Following brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. ;~-,, B. Appointments to the new Cultural Art and Recreation Advisory Board (Comm. Borno) OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -7- July 22, 2002 „f ., Commissioner Borno provided a list of members of the previous Cultural Arts Board and Recreation Advisory Board who had agreed to serve on the new committee, if appointed, along with the names of two additional people who were also willing to serve on the new committee. Motion: Appoint Kathleen Smith Beaudreau, Margaret van de Guchte, Barbara Hopson, Ray Coleman, Rusty Pritchett, and Rex Sands as Members of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Board Commissioner Waters recognized Jamie Fletcher and Jessica Sales of the Teen Council. Ms. Sales stated that the Vice President of the Teen Council would be elected in August and would serve as the Teen Council representative to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Discussion ensued following which Commissioner Borno suggested establishing the terms of the new members at the next meeting. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager In addition to his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D, City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: A. Septic Tank Status: A reminder will be sent to property owners still using septic tanks one year. ahead of the deadline to apply for financial assistance to connect to the City's sewer system. There are still loans available with a cap at $3,000. B. Helping Hands Ministries proposes to build transitional houses for homeless families who meet certain requirements. Helping Hands Ministries needed municipal approval before the deadline to submit a grant application and the City Manager reported he signed the certificate on behalf of the city. C. Reception for all board members is scheduled for Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 6:30pm at the Sea Turtle Inn. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- July 22, 2002 Commissioner Borno Commissioner Borno reported there is a height difference where the asphalt meets the concrete on the Flyover on Mayport Road. Since the opening of the Skate Lab business Commissioner Borno felt there have been fewer skateboarders in Bull Park. Commissioner Parsons Felt core city area citizens should be advised they could coordinate driveway paving with the Core City Project. Noted the city did not have any regulations pertaining to Portable On Demand Storage (PODS) units that, he felt, could create a problem. He felt such regulations should be considered. Commissioner Waters • Reported the Beaches Task Force meetings are held at 1:00 pm. and said he would be unable to attend future meetings. He suggested another representative from the city attend these meetings, if possible. • Commented on the list of items to be discussed at the Donner community meeting. He felt the city should continue to pursue getting a YMCA in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Meserve • Reported he would attend the Donner Community meeting on Wednesday at 7:OOpm, July 24, 2002 at the Mt. Pisgah AME Church. There being no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Attest: Maureen King, Certified Municipal OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O ~ - Attachment A ~ z~.~ o~. f ;.~ July 1 s, 2002 MEMORANDUM T0: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City ommission FROM:. Jim Hanso C' anager SUBJECT: .Follow-up eport Workshop on Sign Ordinance; Monday night, August 5~' at 5:00 p.m. has been set as the workshop to consider the proposed changes to the City's sign regulations. The meeting will be held in-the Commission Chambers and a light supper will be served. .Welcome Sign on Atlantic Boulevard; The Welcome to Atlantic Beach sign was removed from Atlantic Boulevard when the Flyover construction was started. The sign has been stored until the project was complete. Lack of visibility limits possible locations for. the welcome sign on the north side of the Atlantic Boulevard, but a location at the end of the parking lot at Tideviews Park (old Begonia Street) has been chosen as the best. The sign will be placed there in the near future. t City Property behind the Pic-N-Save Lot; When a developer recently requested several approvals from the City Commission dealing with the reuse of the old Pic-N-Save building on Atlantic .Boulevard,. he also asked if the City would sell a peace of property adjacent to the parking lot and fronting on Cavella Road. The Commission approved his request and asked that an appraisal be prepared. The appraisal is now complete and lists the value of the property at $14, 400.. It is staff's recommendation that the sale price for the parcel not only include the appraised value but also our legal and related cost in selling the lot. The developer indicated that he will not close on the Pic-N-Save lot for several months. Assuming that the City would not want to sell the parcel unless it were part of a redevelopment project that has been approved by the City, it would be appropriate to give the developer an option to buy the property at the stated price contingent upon the purchase of the adjoining Pic-N-Save lot. Skate Road Speeding Comalaint; At the last Commission meeting, a citizen living on Skate Road complained about the continued speeding on her street. Attached is a report from David Thompson entitled "Report on Speed Enforcement on Skate Road" outlining .Police Department plans for future enforcement activities. Sneed Bumps on Roval Palms; Commission recently discussed the speed bumps that the City .,.,, had placed on Royal Palms just south of the Royal Pahns/Plaza Drive intersection. A question was raised about. the replacement of the speed bumps with some that were less obnoxious. Police and Public Works staff have worked together to study, other options for. speed bumps. AGENDA ITEM #3 JULY 22,.2002 Report on Speed Enforcement on Skate Road A review of the .past history of speed enforcement on Skate Road has suggested that there is a problem with speeding in the area.. In the past when this was identified as a problem, .:the Police Department assigned special enforcement officers to focus their. efforts on ..Skate Road. The assignments were successful in writing traffic citations -and reducing speeds fora while, but when the crackdown on traffic was lifted, the motorists increased their speeds. The current plan is to crackdown on speeding and other traffic violations on Skate Road with special assignments. As the Police Department begins this process, the speeds will be measured and documented. Special enforcement units will be assigned to Skate Road during the highest visibility and highest speeding days and times. After repeating this for several weeks, the speed will be measured again to evaluate the results. If the speeds have been successfully reduced, then the special units will be assigned back to Skate Road occasionally to reinforce the traffic enforcement and keep the speeds .down. The pattern of speeding is consistent with other police crackdown operations. It will be necessary to periodically return to the location to maintain the effect on motorists. In terms of resources, several new officers have recently been certified as radar operators, 'and they will be working with other traffic officers, dedicated to that location. The Police Department will collect statistical information on these events to track progress. ~,.,: Attachment B CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ''` CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Design/Bu~1d SCADA System RFP and Bid No. 0102-16 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director DATE: July 12, 2002 BACKGROUND: The City Commission budgeted for design and construction of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for water and wastewater treatment facilities. The SCADA system will allow for remote monitoring and some control over five of the City's treatment facilities: Wastewater Plant #1 (1100 Sandpiper Lane), Wastewater Plant #2 (739 Wonderwood Road), Water Plant #1 (469 T lth St.), Water Plant #2 (2301 Mayport Road) and Water Plant #3 (902 Assisi Lane). The central control site will be located at Wastewater Plant #1, which is staffed 16 hours per day. From this site, the operator will be able. to .intermittently monitor conditions at the other treatment plants while performing his duties and respond to alarms during evening hours. In some cases equipment may be turned on or off remotely until the operator can respond or call for assistance.. Interactive. touch-screen panels will be located at all of the facilities, to allow for monitoring/controlfiom any of the treatment plants. Laptops will be provided to allow staff access to the SCADA system from remote locations. The SCADA system will provide much more detailed process informatiori for Wastewater Treatment Plant #2, which is only staffed 8 hours per day, resulting in improved operational control. In addition, SCADA will allow for operating all three water plants offthe elevated tank levels, which is necessary to .permanently open the interconnections between the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer Districts and operate both systems as a single grid. As noted in the Water Master ..Plan, combining both districts.into a single system provides increased system reliability and solves: certain low-pressure problems in the Buccaneer District. T11e overall plan for SCADA is to start with the treatment plants in the current year, expand to, add ten large lift stations next fiscal year, and finish with the remaining lift stations in FY04. Providing SCADA to the lift stations will help to prevent .sanitary sewer overflows, provide improved customer service (customers won't have to wake up to an alarm and call the, City to report a lift stationproblem), and should reduce overtime. We requested additive alternate bid prices for these phases believing prices might come in under budget. City staffprepared an RFP for adesign/build SCADA system. The design build delivery method (which was previously used for the Dutton Island Culvert Replacement and Beach Avenue Water Main projects) is based on a review and scoring of technical proposals, which include the ,.. contractor's qualifications, conceptual design and components, followed by bids. Award recommendation is based on the lowest adjusted score, which is computed by dividing the total base bid cosf by the technical score, and not necessarily the .low bid. 1 AGENDA ITEM #4C JULY 22, 2002 . Seven technical proposals were received on June 12, 2002 and were ranked by staffbased on "` technical and management criteria and project schedule. Six price proposals for Bid No. 0102- 1 b were opened on 3une 26, 2002. Prior to reading the bid prices, technical scores were announced. A summary of the results is as follows: One bid price was lower than that of the contractor recommended for award. However, the technical proposal was missing one of the required items, and received lower scores than the ..selected contractor in several areas. We received a letter. from this contractor protesting staff's recommendation and have responded as noted above. A bid protest was also received from the high-bidder, who stated he included extra items in his bid because specifications were unclear. Staff was able to respond and show the RFP clearly stated the requirements for submittals. .,, In order to save costs,. the RFP advised contractors that laptops, computers and printers needed for the SCADA system would be specified by the contractor but purchased by the City under:. state contract.. The estimated. cost for computer. equipment is approximately $10,000. BUDGET: A total of $70,000 was budgeted for this project in the water and sewer treatment .funds, in account nos. 400-5502-533-6300 and 410-5508-535-6300. Projects to date in the water and sewer funds are approximately $300,000 under budget, so sufficient funds are available to .complete the project. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for the base bid for Design/Build SCADA System, RFP and Bid No. 0102-16, to Control Design, Inc. in the amount. of $92,174.00. Authorize staff to purchase associated computer equipment under the state contract, as specified by the design/builder in an amount not to exceed $10,000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation Form ' 2. Bid Analysis 3. Evaluation Scoring Sheet 4. Request for Proposal REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: 2 Contractor Total Base Bid Technical Score Ad'usted Score American Com uter Technologies $110,800.00 82.55. 1342 Butler National Services $176,656.00 69.20 2553 Control Desi n, inc. $9.7,174.00 86.60 1122 Di ital Control Corp. $82,551.02 65.75 1256 Duos En ineerina, Tnc. $181;538.00 78.90 2301 Sun Coast Hydraulic Electric Mfg., Inc. $188,738.00 78.20 2414 a 0 M 6. ` W F- W U } ~~ m Q N m Q O p ~ N R1 O N ¢ ~ ~ J_ C O ~ ~ m' U Z w ~,."''` N O , D ~; CD (~ N O lf) (,~ ~ O CO (~ N O tl0. (~ N O '~ e N ~ Z n t'7 0 CD CQ N Z O R N `O' Z n 6f 0 `7 N T Z n cC O . O N ~W fJ ~ N c~ ~ P7 n R CD O. N ~ p V C ~ Q7 CD n a0 T n t0 cam. n N O, n (..)'? }( )( X X X X X X:~; ~ ~ O . N O N ' C f` N9 a W N f9 m fA m d! iA . Q f f9 T N fA . ~[ f 69 n~ E9 ' 7 .p ~ ~ a fH fH - f9 H 0 O ~ N •N c Z O m - O c E E 0 U O U 0 0 O V O O O V O O 0 '' o O Z Z ~ ¢ ~ O C m 01 £ 60i O ~ aND Z. m cnO aND Z ~ cnO . 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J i M ~ ~ V r ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ -. ~ -, ~ J U W ~ ~ F- Q W v a t r } N N ~.,, v ~ v a a ro r W N W tq ~ r N D ~ v ¢ ~ H Q ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ a o 0 0 W W W W Z ~ y m O Q" F -• a7 O H W C y H W c y H _ m ~ r Q _ y Q ~ Q V C W a y p ~ ~ N W Z ~ a~ O ~ W Z ~ v p ~ Q W W F- ~ :: . . :; C1 p y, E m w y E > w ~ E > W E E ~ ~ m m W o °' ~ ~ n . o u i a •o a c ¢ w n . c o a a a c a ~ ui ~; N ` . ` a p~ m y ` J > ID y ~ J j [0 y = ~ j 0] ~ ~_ Q tq to t i O 0 i ` n ~ ~~ ~ Q ai o n n ~ ~ ~ ~ :° c H ~ ~ ~ H O ~ 3 AGENDA ITEM #4 JULY 22, 2.002 ~..°"',, EVALUATION SCORE FOR THE DESIGN/BUILD SCADA SYSTEM TECHNICAL PROPOSALS Review Team: Donna Kaluzniak, Tim Townsend, Harry McNally, Chris Walker, Bryan Smith , A roach and pP Qualifications SCADA Firm Understanding Schedule and Staffing Proximity System and of Project (10%} Plan (15%) project Evaluation (20%) (25%) Components 30% American Final Jacksonville Computer completion (Branch) Technologies 2!10/03 Headquarters in Orlando 17.80 6.70 21.00 12.15 24.90 82.55 Butler 120 days Not specified. National Services from signing Address is Ft. of contract Lauderdale. 15.00 8.50 ~ 19.00 8.10 18.60 69.20 Control Completion Jacksonville Design., Inc.. 12/15/02 17.00 8.50 22.25 14.85 24.00 86.60 Digital 27 weeks Largo, FL Control (189 days) (250 miles). Corp. 13.20 7.40 18.00 8.25 18.90 65.75 Duos Completion Jacksonville Engineering 10/14/02 (USA), Inc. 14.00 9.70 15.00 14.40 25.80 78.90 Will submit Largo, FL L3 .. upon Communications ` approval of 13,40 submittals. 19.00 8.25 18.60. 64.25 5.00 Sun Coast Completion _ . Jacksonville Hydraulic Electric ' 10/31 /02. Mfg. Inc. 14.40 9.10 18.25 14.55 21.90 78.20 AGENDA ITEM. #4C _ JULY 22, 2002 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL PROPOSALS AND PRICE PROPOSALS (BIDS) N0.0102-16 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, DESIGNBUILD SCADA SYSTEM May 3,-2002 The City of Atlantic Beach is soliciting for technical proposals and price proposals (bids) for the above design-build. project to provide a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the City's water/wastewater utilities. Because this is a design-build project, there will be two separate submittals: Technical Proposals (RFP No. 0102-161: Four (4) copies of the technical proposal(s) are to be delivered to Ms. Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 no later. than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2002. The .package shall be marked: "RFP #0102-16 DESIGNBUILD SCADA SYSTEM TECHNICAL PROPOSAL." Technical proposals shall meet the proposal requirements stated in Section 2.0 of this Request for Proposals (RFP), and shall be evaluated on the criteria as stated in Section 3.0 of this RFP. Each. proposal will be evaluated and- awarded a TECHNICAL SCORE prior to receiving price proposals. NO COST OR PRICING INFORMATION. IS TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. TECHNICAL PROPOSALS THAT CONTAIN PRICING INFORMATION WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Price Proposals Bid No. 0102-16): Each DesignBuilder shall submit three (3) copies of the price proposal (bid) corresponding to their technical proposal in a separate, sealed package to the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic $each, FL 32233 no later than 2:30 p.m. on ..Wednesday, June 26, 2002. The package shall be marked: "BID #0102-16 DESIGNBUILD• SCADA SYSTEM PRICE PROPOSAL". Thereafter, at 3:00 p.m., the price. proposals will be opened at City Hall Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL. AT THE BID OPENING, TECHNICAL SCORES WILL BE ANNOUNCED FOR ALL TECHNICAL PROPOSALS RECEIVED, AND THEN PRICE PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED. PRICE PROPOSALS RECEIVED WITHOUT PRIOR SUBMITTAL OF A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.. 1 AGENDA ITEM #4C _ JULY 22, 2002 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 PROJECT NAME .Design Build SCADA System 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION The project is located in the City of Atlantic Beach's water/wastewater utility service area.. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The City of Atlantic Beach is requesting qualifications .for adesign/build Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for Water Plants #1, #2 and #3, and Wastewater Plants #1 and #2. Future additions to the SCADA system may include lift stations and potable water wells. The prospective Contractor shall submit information in the technical proposal as noted in Section 2.0 of this RFP. The ability to construct and start-up a SCADA system in a timely manner within budget constraints is important to this project. Proof of the ability to perform all aspects of the work and "get the job done" is of the utmost in consideration of the prospectiveproposal. Contact with key department staff. prior to submitting a proposal is encouraged.. Appointments . can be made by contacting Ms. Donna Kaluzniak, .Public Utilities Director, City of Atlantic Beach, at 904-247-5834. Key staffmembers involved in the project are: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director 904-247-5834 Tim Townsend, Special Projects Manager 904-247-5839 Harry McNally, Plants Division Director 904-247-5838 Bryan Smith, Network Administrator 904-403-0425 -This proposal seeks to install a SCADA system for the following water and wastewater facilities:. Base Bid -Phase I Water Plant #l, located at 469 11th Street, Atlantic Beach, FL Water Plant.#2, located at 2301 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, FL Water Plant #3, located at 902 Assisi Lane, Jacksonville, FL Wastewater~Plant #1, located at 1100 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, FL Wastewater Plant #2, located at 739 Wonderwood Drive,. Jacksonville, FL ..Additive Alternate L -Phase 2: Future expansion to integrate 10 major lift stations Additive Alternate 2 -Phase 3: Future expansion to integrate 19 smaller lift stations . Additive Alternate 3 -Phase 4: Future expansion to integrate 8 potable wells 2 AGENDA ITElYI #4C JULY 22; 2002 - This specification covers the design, supply and installation of a complete water and wastewater _SCADA system to provide control, monitoring, status and alarm reporting and dialout system; complete with graphics and report generation. There is an existing tone telemetry system that. will be replaced with programmable logic controller and a spread spectrum radio communication system or other type SCADA system as approved by the City. 1.3.1 SCOPE a. In general, the work specified in this section includes furnishing all labor, material and services necessary to design and install the SCADA system, including all fees, charges and permits necessary.- b. This specification reuses the existing enclosures.. c. The existing Bristol-Babcock tone telemetry system will be replaced at Watex Plants # 1 and #2. The same wiring for inputs and outputs. on the. tone telemetry- system will be used. The operation of these water plants will remain exactly as it is presently. The elevated storage Level will sequence the operation of the high service .pumps, and will include Water Plant #3 in the sequencing. The. existing Allen Bradley PLC will be used at Wastewater Plant #2. Radio Telemetry Option: A radio antenna will be installed on the elevated .water tank at Water Plant #l. Radio antennae towers will be installed at Water.Plants #2 and #3, and Wastewater Plants #1 and #2. Operator touch screen interface panels with system, graphics will be installed at Water Plants # 1, #2 and #3, and Wastewater Plant #2. A PC with overall SCADA software package that will monitor, control, alarm, and collect data will be located at Wastewater Plant #l. Color touch screen operator interface panels will be 10" in size at Water Plant # 1 and Wastewater Plant #2, and 6" in size at Water Plants #2 and #3. The SCADA system will have the ability to add 29 lift station, 8 potable well and other monitoring points for future expansion. The SCADA system will have the maximum number of tags. Other tions: The proposal need not be limited to radio telemetry, but may include any design demonstrated to be in the best interest of the City. The proposal must include a method ofproviding connectivity for all treatmenf plants and additional facilities o provide control, monitoring, data acquisition, security, alarms and reporting. .1.3..2 .GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Intent - It is the intent of these specifications that the Contractor furnish the new system installed and interfaced with the existing signal contacts, started-up, debugged, ready and operational to meet the intended date. b. Meetines -After the contract is awarded, the Contractor shall. attend a system scope 3 AGENDA ITEM #4C NLY 22, 2002 clarification meeting with the City'srepresentative prior to submitting the system design. This meeting will be held at the Conference Room at 902 Assisi Lane, Atlantic Beach.. At that time the report, computer specifications and graphic screen formate .requirements will be finalized. c. Submittals -.Six copies of submittals shall be supplied for the City's approval.' This approval must be given. before any .equipment can be delivered. to the job site. d. O&M Manuals -Three copies of O&M Manuals shall be supplied for all equipment supplied. All wiring diagrams will be supplied in AutoCAD 14 or higher format with 'complete notation. e. Software and Installation Manuals -One complete set of hardware installation, module wiring, reference programming and all other manuals needed to install, program, and maintain all components of the SCADA system shall be provided. e. Equipment Limitation -All equipment furnished under this section of the specifications shall be new and unused. f. Suppl~quipment -The system supplier shall be required to have his own in-house capability to handle complete system installation, software programming and modification and system commissioning. g. Guarantee -The Contractor shall furnish to the City a written one-year guarantee covering material and workmanship for all installation, programming, equipment and parts supplied under this contract. The guarantor will, upon notice, without undue delay, and without expense to the City, repair or replace any equipment considered defective by the City within this period. The one-year guarantee period will be extended on repaired or replaced parts to one year from the date of acceptance of the repaired or replaced parts. 1.3.3 SCADA SYSTEM RTU EQUIPMENT Note:. Existing PLC and equipment in the City's system is Allen Bradley. If the Radio~Telemetry Option is used, RTU equipment shall be a solid-state microprocessor based system with an open architecture user program that will be licensed to the .City of Atlantic Beach. Equipment shall include: a. Allen Bradley Micrologic 1500 or SLC SOO programmable controllers with both discrete. inputs and outputs and analog inputs. b. Allen Bradley programming software and programming for system operation with complete documentation. 4, c. Spread spectrum radio, -900 MB - No license required. d. Antennae, coax cable, lightning protection and accessories. e. Panel components and wiring to replace existing telemetry with PLC's. 4 AGENDA ITEM #4C JULY 22, 2002 f. SCADA software package, including two-way communication for monitoring and control signals for up to 10,000 tags (items). All software must be based on open architecture industry standards. g. System Graphics Screen with all Equipment Status. h. Historical Data Trending. i. Alarm actuation and documenting. j. Computers, mozutors and printers to be supplied by the City. 1.3.4 CENTRAL MONITORING SYSTEM ..The Central Monitoring System shall consist of a Microprocessor Based PLC (Allen Bradley) for polling of RTU's and a Compatible Personal Computer with 19" monitor and printer (to be supplied by City), and open architecture software for polling and report generation. The Central PLC shall have sufficient user memory to store data from a minimum of 50 remote stations and must be expandable if future needs require it. 1.3.5 SOFTWARE The human-machine interface (HMI) software shall be an open architecture type capable of being programmed to poll RTU's, show data on individual graphic screens and generate and print daily and monthly reports. The software shall be the latest Windows based operating system that does not require proprietary hazdwaze for operation and ...development programming. All software shall become the property of the City and all licensing for the software will be passed through to the City. Local support .for software shall be available. . Complete documentation for the operating programs generated for this installation shall be .supplied to the City in written printouts and on CD. The program shall be capable of being changed and modified locally and shall not be proprietary to the degree the City is prohibited from doing its own programnng. The software and progranuning for system operation (with complete documentation) shall be Allen Bradley. 1.3..6 INSTALLATION TESTING After the hardware and softwaze aze installed and the debugging is complete, tests shall be conducted. at each site and deficiencies corrected.. Aa functions of the system shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City. 1.3.7 TEST EQUIPMENT Test equipment shall be provided to the City and shall be used in conducting system checks. During this checkout, the Contractor shall train the City personnel in the proper procedures to use in troubleshooting the SCADA system equipment.. The equipment ,°';< consists of: 2 Two (2) Pentium laptop computers. with sufficient features to properly - 5 AGENDA ITEM #4( JULY 22, 2002 checkout SCADA system (to.be purchased by City) 3 One (1) Pro-Con Softwaze with license or other appropriate testing softwaze, as approved by the City 4 One (1) Bird Thru-Line Watt Meter-1/173 MHz with appropriate element.. for the system installed 5 One (1) Digital Multi-meter 1.3.8 TRAINING Following acceptance of the SCADA system start-up, the Contractor shallconduct a complete training program at the central monitoring site for a minimum of eight (8) owner-selected personnel The training shall include operation, preventative maintenance, and troubleshooting instructions relative to all components of the system provided. In addition, atwo-day familiazization training program for computer programming, covering the system programs, shall be conducted. All software, programs, manuals, _ documentation and licenses shall be .turned over to the City after the training. The .contractor will videotape all training sessions, with videotapes supplied. to the City for future reference... . 1.3.9 SUPPORT The contractor shall provide full system support at no charge to the City for one. year after acceptance of the SCADA system. Thereafter, system support shall be available to the -City at the vendor's standard rate less 20%. Local, on-site support shall be available to the City with a maximum 24-hour response time... 1.4 ~ OTHER PROJECT .REQUIREMENTS A 5% Bid Bond will be required to be submitted with the. bid. Payment and Performance Bonds must be submitted after the contract is awarded.. 1.5 CONTACT Any questions regarding this project should be directed to Ms.. Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director, at.904-247-5834 or through e-mail at dkaluzniak(~ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us. 6 AGENDA ITEM #4C JULY 22, 2002 2.0 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 GENERAL Each Firm, -or Contractor, being considered, for this project is required to submit a Technical Proposal, demonstrating the Firm's understanding of the project information as described in Section 1.0 of this RFP. The Technical Proposal shall include ufficient information to enable the City of Atlantic Beach (City) to evaluate the capability of the Firm to provide the desired services. The data shall be significant to the project and shall be innovative, when appropriate,- and practical. Discussions of past performances on other projects shall be inimi~ed except as they relate to the proposed work. Items A. through E. shall be included. in the Technical Proposals. Properly reference-each of the items A. through E. as ,they appear in the proposal: A. APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT The Contractor shall present a plan for completing the specified work. The efficient use of ,., manpower and materials. shall be considered: Innovative approaches. for providing services may be .discussed in the Proposal Contractors may submit more thane one proposal, however, each proposal shall be identified and submitted separately and will be evaluated as such. The Contractor must adequately identify corresponding price proposals. B. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS A summary progress schedule of anticipated major milestones and their associated phasing with other activities shall be provided in the Proposal. At a minimum, this schedule must address the following items: • Anticipated Award Date (July 8, 2002) • System Scope Clarification Meeting • ~ Design Schedule. • Design Review/Approval Milestones - . Start of Construction • Construction Milestones and.Phasing • Substantial Completion Date • Startup and Training • Final Completion Date for all Work* *These dates shall become calendar date for completion of the contract (or part of the contract), modified by approved extensions of time. 7 AGENDA ITEM #4C JULY 22; 2002 C. QUALIFICATIONS AND STAFFING PLAN The Contractor shall provide information to demonstrate the firm's capability to perform. the design and construction work as follows: l . The Contractor shall submit a summary of qualifications, including number of years the firm has performed similar .work, and a list of similar past projects. The Contractor shall submit proof of experience in the design and installation of SCADA systems for municipal or private utilities. 2. The Contractor shall submit positive references, including fax numbers, from at least five governmental agencies or companies who contract with the firm for installation and construction of SCADA systems for water/sewer utilities. 3. The Contractor shall submit copies of their certified financial statements for the last two yeazs. 4. The Contractor shall submit written proof of insurance to serve Atlantic Beach. - Required level of insurance can be obtained from the City's Purchasing Department. 5. The Contractor shall have a Workers' Compensation Insurance Experience Modification Rating ("X-Mod") of 1.0 or less, or a three-year average X-Mod of 1.0 or less. 6. The Contractor shall submit a staffing plan that cleazly illustrates the key elements of the organizational structure proposed to accomplish the management,. design, technical, construction, and administrative services. required. Project management and key personnel within each area of required services shall be identified and past experience of each, as related to this project, shall be discussed. Other items to be included in the discussion of the staffing plan are: • Man-loading requirements (both quality and quantity) for all technical services. Man-loading capabilities. for team firm(s). , • Man loading. availability for the project. D. PRO~MITY Location of the design, installation, software and support team members shall be noted. 8 AGENDA`ITEM #4C _JULY 22;2002 Firms being considered for this project may have more than. one office location.. The office assigned responsibility for the work shall be identified in the Proposal. If different elements of the work will be done at different locations, those locations shall be listed. Local on-site support must be available within 24 hours after receiving a request. E. SCADA SYSTEM AND PROJECT COMPONENTS Preliminary design plans included with the Proposal. shall include the following minimum information: 1. Information on the proposed SCADA system including the following: • System reliability • Method of system connectivity • ` Ease of operation and configuration • Ability to provide for future system expansion • Compatibility with other SCADA systems • Security including, but not limited to: -Methods of preventing interference with radio signals, if applicable -Methods of preventing unauthorized access to system programming or information -°~°,. • System maintenance. and repair: -Parts and equipment availability. -Troubleshooting and diagnostic methods -Ease of maintenance, troubleshooting and repair -Typical annual maintenance and repair costs (Note: NO price information for design or installation of the system. can be included) • System support availability and response times for all components 2. General plan and technical discussion of project components showing the following: • Materials of construction • Hardware • ~ Software • Communications method and equipment - • Electrical and electronic equipment • Proposed methods of construction and phasing • Methods to minimise interference with system operations during installation • Coordination with City and/or other agencies • Training 9 AGENDA ITEM #4C _ JULY 22, 2002 :, 3.0 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA. The Technical Review Committee shall review the Proposal submitted by each firm and shall establish a technical score for each firm based on the following criteria. Each item shall be scored and weighted as follows: ITEM WEIGHT 'MAX. WEIGHTED. SCORE A. APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT 20% 20 B. SCHEDULE 10% 10 C. QUALIFICATIONS AND STAFFING PLAN 25% 25 D. PROXIMITY 15% 15 E. SCADA SYSTEM AND PROJECT COMPONENTS 30% 30 TOTAL MAXIMUM SCORE 100 4.0 FINAL SELECTION OF DESIGNBUILDER Technical proposals will be evaluated and scored. Technical score results will be placed in a sealed envelope until the bid opening date. Technical scores will be read publicly at the bid opening, just prior to opening the sealed price proposals (bids).. After the Bid Analysis has been completed, City staffwill compute the adjusted score, by dividing each DesignBuilder's price by the score received on the Technical Propasal Evaluation Form. The City's intent is to recommend an award to the Design/Builder with the lowest adjusted score. However, the City reserves the right to recommend any award deemed im 'the best interest of the .City. An example of how the adjusted score will be computed is as follows: Desi~nBuilder Price Proposal Technical Score Adjusted Score A $95,000 90 1055 B $90,000. _ 80 1125 C $85,000 70 1214 _ _ Unless all proposals are rejected, .City staff intends to recommend that the City Commission approve an award to the DesignBuilder with the lowest adjusted score. However, the City . reserves the right to reject all proposals, waive technicalities or informalities, and award the contract believed to be in the. best interest of the City. 10 AGENDA. ITEM #4C JULY 22, 2002 '' S.0 PRICE PROPOSAL REQUII2EMENTS 5.1' GENERAL Each. DesignBuilder shall submit three (3) copies of the Price Proposal (bid)e in a separate sealed package to the Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 by Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 2:30 p.m. for the DESIGNBUILD SCADA SYSTEM, BID NO. 0102-16. Thereafter, at 3:00 p.m., the bids will be opened in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida. Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope endorsed "BID NO. 0102-16, DESIGNBUILD SCADA SYSTEM, TO BE OPENED AT 3:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2002." Each Price Proposal must identify by title the corresponding Technical Proposal. If more than one proposal is submitted by any one Contractor, corresponding technical and price proposals must be adequately identified. All price proposals will be opened in a scheduled public bid opening, after evaluation of the Technical Proposals has been completed. Design-build projects are bid lump sum and are paid through a payout schedule based on major work items or tasks._The Firm's price proposal shall include the lump sum price, and a schedule of values with breakdown for major items (for progress payment purposes) per Section 5.2. This breakdown of major tasks shall be consistent with the major tasks/functions used in the payout. The City shall determine to either make progress payments based on: a) work accomplished during a specified period of time (i.e., monthly), b) specific tasks completed; c) or both. The -City may wish to award the bid in phases, with base .bid award shortly after the bid opening date, and. any or all of the Additive Alternates after October 1, 2002. 5.2 PRICE PROPOSAL BREAKDOWN -Each DesignBuilder shall submit a Price Proposal Breakdown, using the format shown below. Provide units, quantities, unit prices, and .total prices for each item of cost in the Schedule of Values for construction work.- The quantities provided on the Price Proposal Breakdown will be the basis for verifying monthly pay requests, as well as the base from which to make adjustments to the Contract amount due to changes requested by the City. 11 AGENDA ITEM #4C JTJLY 22; 2002 ~; SUBMIT IN TRIPLICATE BID FORM FOR DESIGNBUILD SCADA SYSTEM CITY BID NO. -0102-16 CITY. OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA.. SUBMITTED BY: DATE: The. undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the .only person or persons interested in the proposal as Principals is, or are, named herein and that no other person that herein mentioned has ~.. any interest in this proposal. or in the contract to be entered into; .that this proposal is made without connection with any other person, company, or parties making a bid or proposal; and that it is in all respects fair and in good faith, without collusion or fraud. The Bidder further declares that he has examined the site of the work and informed himself fully in regard to all conditions pertaining. to the places where the work is to be done; that he has examined the specifications for the work and contractual documents relative thereto, and has read all special provisions furnished prior to the opening of bids, that he has satisfied himself relative to . the work to be performed. The Bidder proposes and. agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to contract with the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida in the form contract specified, to :furnish. all necessary materials, equipment, machinery tools, apparatus, means of transportation and labor necessary to complete the contract in full and complete in accordance with the shown, noted, described, .and reasonable intended requirements of the plans and specifications and contract documents o the full satisfaction on the contract with the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, with a definite understanding that no money will be allowed for extra work except as set forth in the attached general conditions and contract documents, as follows: A. Bid Schedule The project consists of design, construction. and construction/installation of a SCADA system for the City of Atlantic. Beach water/wastewater system, Only one (1) contract will be awarded. All .entries on the .proposal must be typewritten or printed clearly and in ink. Bidders. must insert 12 AGENDA ITEM.#4C AGENDA ITEM. #4C JULY 22, 2442 '° Description"of Work-Base Bid -Phase 1 1. Services:. Design/Builder's Design Services TOTAL SERVICES 2. Fees/Permits Costs: List all fees and permits, and state the cost for each. TOTAL FEES/PERMITS 3, Construction: Attach a detailed Schedule of Values identifying. all major trades, materials, and line items of cost. Identify Manufacturer and Supplier for all materials. and equipment. For any work subcontracted, note type of work and name of subcontractor. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTALBASE BID PROJECT COST (PRICE PROPOSAL) (Add Items 1, 2 and 3): 14 AGENDA ITEM.#4C _ JULY 22; 2002 '' Description of Work -Additive Alternate 1-Phase 2 1. Services:. _DesignBuilder's Design Services TOTAL SERVICES.:. 2. Fees/Permits Costs: List. all fees and permits, anal state the cost for each. TOTAL FEES/PERMITS 3. Construction: Attach: a detailed Schedule of Values identifying aIl major trades, materials, and line items of cost. Identify Manufacturer and Supplier for all materials and equipment. For any work subcontracted; note type of work and name of subcontractor: °" TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE l COST (PRICE PROPOSAL) (Add Items 1, 2 and 3): _ _ -$ 15 AGENDA ITEM #4t JULY 22, 2002 `"'' Description of Work -Additive Alternate 2 -Phase 3 1. Services:. Design/Builder's Design Services .TOTAL SERVICES 2. Fees/Permits Costs: List all fees and permits, and state thecost for each. TOTAL FEES/PERMITS 3. Construction: Attach a detailed Schedule of Values identifying allmajor trades, materials, and line items of cost. Identify Manufacturerand Supplier for. all materials and equipment. For any work subcontracted,. note type of work and name of subcontractor. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION .TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE 2 COST (PRICE PROPOSAL) (Add Items 1, 2 and 3): $ ; ,~°' 16 AGENDA ITElYI #4C JULY 22, 2002 ``'' Description of Work-Additive Alternate 3 -Phase 4 1. Services; DesgnBuilder's Design Services .....TOTAL SERVICES 2. Fees/Permits Costs: List all fees and permits, and state the cost for each. ...TOTAL FEES/PERMITS 3. Construction: Attach a detailed Schedule of Values identifying all major trades, materials, and line items of cost. Identify Manufacturer and Supplierfor all materials and equipment.. For any work subcontracted, note type of work and name of subcontractor. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE 3 COST (PRICE. PROPOSAL) (Add Items 1, 2 and 3): 17 AGENDA ITEM. #4C JULY 22; 2002 Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of 5%" made payable to the Owner which may be forfeited as liquidated damages if, in the event this proposal is accepted, the undersigned fails to execute the Agreement and .furnish and pay for the required performance .and payment.. bonds for the: Owner within 10 days after acceptance of the Bid; otherwise said certified or cashier's check or bid bond will be returned to the undersigned. The undersigned Bidder agrees to commence work within 10 days after the date of written Notice to Proceed,. and further agrees that substantial completion the work shall be within the time frame as defined in the Technical Proposal and agreed to by-the City, .after written Notice to Proceed. 'The Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days after the opening of bids. The Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject all bids, and to waive informalities in the bid. The. Bidder further proposes and agrees to .commence work under his contract on a date to be specified in a written .order of the Owner "and shall complete all work there under within the time schedule in the Form of Agreement. The City may wish to award the bid in phases, as funding allows. The undersigned further agrees to forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing between the date established as the date of final .completion for the work and the actual date of final completion for the work, the amount of $300.00 per calendar day. Addendum Receipt: Bidders shall acknowledge below the receipt of all addenda, if any, to plans and specifications. ADDENDUM NO. DATED ADDENDUM NO. DATED ADDENDUM NO. DATED.. ..ADDENDUM NO. DATED Signature Title (typed) 18 AGENDA ITEM #4C AGENDA ITEM #4C JULY 22, 2002 5.3 BID SECURITY . a) ....:Each Bid shall be accompanied by a cashiers check drawn on any State or National Bank in Florida, or an acceptable Bidders Bond, payable unconditionally to the Owner, in an amount of five percent {5%) of the amount of the total Bid. b) Failure of the successful Bidder to enter into the Contract in accordance with his .Bid, or failure to furnish the required bonds will be just cause for an annulment. of the. award with the amount of the bid security being forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages, not as a penalty. c) Should a Bid Bond be used, acceptable,Surety companies shall be determined from ,the latest United States Treasury Department's list of companies holding, certificates of authority as acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds. d) The Owner may retain the bid security of those Bidders to whom an award may be considered until successful execution of the Contract and bonds, or until all Bids have been rejected. 5.5 OTHER DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PRICE .PROPOSAL a) W-9 Form b) Drug Free Workplace Form c) Public Entity Crimes Form d) Verification of receipt of any addenda e) Signed copy of Documents Requirements Checklist ,.°..'~, 20 Tabulation of Survey Results for Dewees/ Paving Alternatives 7122/ O tion Dewees Co ulna Shell Total A. Opposed to Paving -Do Nothing 0 3 (37%) 3 (60%) 6.(29%) -Grade Only 2 25% 1 12% 0 3 14% B. In Favor of Paving -Grade/ Pave 4 (50%} 3 (37%) 1 (20%) 8 (38%) -Grade/ Pave w/ Storm Drain Lines 2 (25%) 1 (12%) 0 3 (14%) -Pave w/ Brick and Storm tines 0 0 0 0 -Pave w/ Textured Concrete,. Storm Lines 0 0 1 20% 1 5% Summary Total Opposed to Paving 2 (25°k) 4 (50%) 3 (60°~) 9 (48%) Total in Favor of Paving 8(75°k) 4 (50°~) 2 (40°!0) 12 (57°!0) Total Responses 8 8 5 21 Total Owners on Street 12 12 6 30 Attachment C Coquina/ Shell St. 02 Attachment D ,-y%L~ fu~2 July 15, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission ...FROM:. Jim Hans City Manage ...""'-. SUBJECT: City M er's Report National Youth Representative of Law Enforcement Exnlorin~ for 2002-2004; Cory MacDonald, a member of the Atlantic Beach Police Explorers unit, has been elected as the National Youth. Representative of Law Enforcement Exploring for 2002-2004. The election was held at the National Convention on July 11 ~`. Nationwide there are approximately 40,000 law enforcement explorers in the United States. This election is quite an honor both for Cory and for, the City of Atlantic Beach. We are planning for her to attend the .City Commission meeting on July 22nd. Set~tic Tank Status; Approximately two years ago, the City Commission adopted a policy that provided a schedule for elimination of septic tanks in Atlantic Beach where public sewer service is available.. The Commission also provided for financial incentives for owners wishing to convert including .low interest loans and CDBG funding for those that. qualified:. When the program began, there were 279 septic tanks that could be converted to public sewer. in Atlantic Beach That number was reduced to 203 in the first year leaving 203. For the second year in the program, an additiona117 were converted to the sewer system leaving: a balance of 187. Extended Due Dates; Six months ago, the Commission received a complaint from a utility customer requesting to have their due date extended because they were on a fixed income and their bill was due ten days after they received their monthly check. The Commission adopted Ordinance 80-0I-64 amending Chapter 22 of the utility code allowing the City to waive penalties in certain circumstances and to allow for due date extensions for customers. on fixed incomes that. met certain criteria. After the ordinance was adopted, the Commission requested a report in six months as to the implementation of the new policy. Since that time,- the City has only received twa requests for. extended due dates and neither was willing to provide the income, verification needed. Consequently, no customers are presently signed up for the extended due. date program: ,F.--w: