08-26-02 vBudget Workshop Agenda Meeting 3; August 26, 2002 5:30 Remaining Items to Review • Building Permit Fees • Water/ Sewer rate report • Revised Water/ Sewer 10-year projection • Air Show • Tideviews Newsletter • General Fund Bonds • Bed Tax Fund • Golf course letter follow-up • Cash Balances of all funds Half Cent Sales Tax Projects • Recap 6:30 Final Budget Amendments .~ . ,,,. MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT 5:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2002 City Commissioners Present: John S. Meserve, Mayor Richard M Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, City Commissioners Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson VanLiere, Finance Director Sonya Doerr, Community Development Director Don Ford, Building Official Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of reviewing the proposed operating budget for fiscal year 2002/2003, was called to order by Mayor Meserve. The Mayor listed the following projects that he felt the City had already committed to do: 1. He felt sure the city would get a FIND grant for the Dutton Island project and, therefore, needed to budget $60,000 for matching funds 2. Dewees area infrastructure improvements (Estimate $46,000) 3. Modifications to the entrance to the Post Office (Estimate $67,200) 4. Paving unopened portion of Church Road (Estimate $70,000) The Mayor suggested that about $500,000 of half-cent sales tax revenues be left for other desirable projects with decisions to be made later regarding which projects to do first. BUILDING PERMIT FEES Nelson Van Liere provided documentation that indicated the city's permit fees were not sufficient to recover the cost of doing the inspections. He also provided a cost comparison of permit fees charged in neighboring municipalities. A copy of Mr. Nelson's reports are attached as Ezhibit A. The City Manager indicated that fee schedules had not been adjusted for some time and would be reviewed and adjusted as appropriate, and some new fees would need to be added. Following brief discussion the City Manager said he hoped to have draft ordinances amending the fee schedules available for Commission consideration in September. WATER/SEWER RATE REPORT The City Manager said he hoped the consultant who had been hired to conduct a rate study would be ready to present his report to the City Commission in September. He reported the St. Johns River Water Management District required cities to have rate structures that encourage Page Two Budget Workshop August 26, 2002 conservation so he expected there would be some major restructuring of rates. Commissioner Beaver requested that information on this restructuring be provided to Commissioners a week or so in advance of the presentation to give them time to analyze the information and be ready to ask questions. REVISED WATER/SEWER 10-YEAR PROJECTION Nelson VanLiere presented a revised Long Term Financial Plan Projection Summary showing projected available cash balances, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B. AIR SHOW The City Manager reported that the Air Show would be held in the beaches area in 2003 and he felt the beach cities would be required to pay their portion of the costs several months in advance. He had, therefore, included $10,000 for the air show in the 2003 budget. TIDEVIEWS NEWSLETTER The City Manager reported that funds were budgeted for the monthly newsletter. He said it would cost an additional $20,000 to convert the utility bills from postcards to envelopes and then combine the utility billing with the mailing of the newsletter. Funds were not budgeted at this time for such a conversion. GENERAL FUND BONDS Nelson VanLiere reported the general fund bonds could be paid off for $468,000 and the city would save approximately $50,000 of interest. He said the city earns only about 2% interest. Following brief discussion, the City Commission concurred. BED TAX FUNDS The City Manager reported the city receives bed tax revenues of approximately $75,000 per year and the balance at the end of this fiscal year would be approximately $163,000. Mr. Hanson said the city was restricted in how these funds could be spent but felt projects such as improvements to the second block of Ocean Boulevard, bicycle/pedestrian paths, and matching funds for Dutton Island improvements, could be funded from bed tax funds. Commissioner Waters said that Town Center Board would like to have approximately $2,500 to replace flags and repair lamp arms. GOLF COURSE LETTER FOLLOW-UP The City Manager referenced a letter from the Selva Marina Country Club that indicated therr representatives had met with officers of St. Johns River Water Management District to address the Fleet Landing weir boards, salinity problems, and the possibility of becoming a recipient of effluent reused water. Discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of establishing reuse capabilities and it was felt that this was cost prohibitive at this time. Page Three Budget Workshop August 26, 2002 CASH BALANCES OF ALL FUNDS In response to a request made at the previous budget workshop Nelson VanLiere provided a schedule of projected available balances in all major funds at the end of the 2003 fiscal year, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C. HALF-CENT SALES TAX PROJECTS The City Manager pointed out changes in budget figures since the previous meeting for projects to be funded fromhalf-cent sales tax revenues, including an increase of $44,000 in the Dewees/ Coquina Street paving budget to cover the cost of drainage improvements; Church Street paving at $70,000 was added; and the cost of the jogging trail at the elementary school was corrected to read $4,300. RECAP The City Manager indicated the city had excellent fund balances, and funds equaling 25% of the budget were available for emergencies. However, Mr. Hanson indicated that funds may not be available in future years to fund some of the water and sewer projects that would need to be done. He reported that approximately $2 million was available that could be used for the purchase of land for stormwater improvements. Mr. Hanson said that operating costs had increased due to increases in health care costs and the higher level of service due to additional landscaped areas. Commissioner Borno suggested that when the stormwater master plan is presented the city move ahead with engineering for some of the simpler projects while larger projects were still being considered. Discussion ensued regarding the preliminary recommendations of Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM), the firm hired to update the master drainage plan and the City Manager said that a decision regarding the purchase of land would need to be made after their final report is presented. Commissioner Borno felt that City Commissioners' pay should be automatically increased at the same time and at the same rate as other city employees, and volunteered to draft the appropriate ordinance. The Mayor, however, felt the salary should be reviewed and acted on each year. The Mayor reiterated his position regarding funding the four major projects listed earlier and requested that funding for these projects be included in the budget, as follows: Dutton Island - $60,000; Dewees -additional $44,000; Post office -approximately $70,000; Church Road - approximately $70,000. This would leave approximately $500,000 available for other capital projects. The City Commission concurred. The City Manager indicated that the Dutton Island and Ocean Boulevard projects could be funded from Bed Tax revenues, leaving half-cent sales tax revenues for other projects. -.. Page Four Budget Workshop August 26, 2002 Discussion ensued regarding the redesign of the entrance to the Post Office and the Mayor requested that a plan of the project be available at the next Commission meeting. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Maureen King City Clerk r . EXHIBIT A City of Atlantic Beach Workshop Minutes -August 26, 2002 , Revenue Sufficiency Analysis - -- -- -- Building Permits, inspections and Plan. Reviews Purpose: This analysis is intended to demonstrate if thexates currently charged related to the Building and Zoning areas are sufficient to recover the cost of providing the services.. The .services provided include Building Permits, Inspections and Plan Reviews. Some of the current charges were updated along with the Building Code in 1998. Other than those, no .other charges relating to building, planning or zoning have been adjusted since 1993. Background: Revenues for the services are accounted for in the General Fund. Permit fees include some inspections and it could be assumed that the fee also includes plan reviews. Because the services and related charges cannot be dissected to 'one charge per service, it is necessary to compare the total revenues with the total estimated expenses for all programs. The expenses for these functions are primarily salary related. Method: The revenues and expenditures have been averaged over the last seven years. This is necessary due to the annual fluctuations in activity. 7 Year Avera a Revenues $144,031 Av . Av .Cost Av . 7 Year Avera a Cost to Provide Services: Count Per Unit Total Cost Plan Review 361 $305 $114,798 Ins ections 2,635 $30 $79,054 Permits Reviewed and Ap roved 1,825 $8 $20,078 Total Avera a Ex enses: $218 500 Total cost not recovered b cha es $74,469 Note: The estimated loss related to these functions in FY-Ol was $87,645. In order to recover all costs of an average year, the City would have to raise revenues by 52%. The rates in effect now for Building Permits are based on the Southern Building Code adopted in 1998. The City appears to be under-charging for Plan Reviews whereby the City charges. little or .nothing. Some inspection charges are included in the Building Permit Fees, however re-inspections. are not. The City currently charges only $15 for a re-inspection. Recommendation: Assuming that it is the intent of the City to recover 100% of the costs associated with these services, the revenues should be increased by approximately $90,000. There are a variety of fees that are not included m the recently adopted building code that should be adjusted. The revenues shortfall should therefore be generated by establishing a mixture of appropriate permit fees, inspection fees, plan review fees and zoning related fees based on market rates of other jurisdictions. Adopting a combination of Plan Review Fees that average $250 per review would generate sufficient revenues to fund these activities. ~.~,.. The additional revenues needed could come from raising the re-inspect fee from $15 to $25. This would put this fee in-line with other local jurisdictions as well. _-- Permit Fee Com arison Jurisdiction Permit Atlantic Neptune Jacksonvill Fernandina St. Johns Nassau Duval Beach Beach a Beach Beach Coun Coun Coun Building Permit *l $508 $508 $511 $490 $364 $539 $160 Plan Check Fee $254. $254 $256 $240 $182 $270 0 Re-inspect Fee $15 $25 $20 $25 $25 $25 $35 Sign *2 $30 $120 $35 ** ~~ ** *~ Swimming Pool $30 $94.50 $60.00 Plumbing * 1 $60.80 $ i 95.40 $65.50 Mechanical * 1 $43.00 $60.00 $44.00 Electrical * 1 $50.00 - $50.00 $45.00 Conditional or Minor- Temporary Use ,. $100 $200 ...Permit Major- $500. Variance $100- Permit $75' $110 $100 $500. Resid $250-Non- Residential Development 50% of Part of Starts of Plan Review building building $300 rmit ermit fee RO W/Easement Abandonment Exception $100- -$100 No fee NA $500 Resid $250-Non Residential Tree Approval Credit Landscape N/C N/C $50.00 site system cleazing $100 Fence Permit $10 $15 $25 NA ,, ~` 1;Typical 1,600 SF home *2; Typical sign of 75 SF **; Based on value of sign, not size -Jacksonville Beach is getting ready to raise the Variance Permit Fee to a minimum of $200 -Pool $12,000 valuation ~y Q ~ a i N N O R I /~I~ W ~y ~ ; ~ O a` F~1 r~~- W a' O O ~ d u O ~ a` A ~cc G ~ ~ y ~ = O ~ V v ~ N Gf W o m a ~ U is ~ Z m U Q c ~+ J ~+- w Q to ~ ~ a L O N G1 t) ~ ~ R V ~ LL C ~ ~ N ~' F y 6~ C Q J •O C a O ~ n .>. 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C~ U C7 r U ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ F - CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~-, CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA -AUGUST 26, 2002 Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag Approve minutes of the Commission Meeting of August 12, 2002 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's follow up report on issues from previous meetings 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of the following monthly reports: Building, Parks & Recreation and Utility Sales (City Manager) °°`' B. Approve an extension of the beach cleaning contract with Beachcombers for one year in the amount of $35,800 (Bid No. 0001-21) (City Manager) C. Award a contract to Gruhn May in the amount of $127,598.25 for Lift Station B force main upgrade pursuant to the reduced scope of work in Bid No. 0102-17 (rebid) (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 02-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 60-02-12 Introduction and First Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, .AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, WHICH GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY REGULATES SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. SUCH REGULATIONS SHALL BE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE AS CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED THROUGH ORDINANCE NUMBER 60-97-10 AND SHALL CONTAIN SIX ARTICLES: ARTICLE 1, IN GENERAL; ARTICLE II, DEFINITIONS; ARTICLE III, SIGNS ,~ PERMITTED; ARTICLE IV, CAUSE FOR REMOVAL OF SIGNS, ABANDONED SIGNS AND PROHIBITTED SIGNS; ARTICLE V, NONCONFORMING SIGNS *Amended to add Item 8D AND WAIVER TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS AND ARTICLE VI, SIGN ,,~,.,, PERMITS. THIS ORDINANCE ALSO PROVIDES FOR FINDINGS OF FACT, SEVERABILITY, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS THEREOF, AND PROVIDES FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. B. Ordinance No. 70-02-16 Emergency adoption pursuant to FS. Sec. 166.041 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A NEW LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TAX RATE; PROVIDING FOR INTENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A NEW LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TAX RATE; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO THE DEPARTYMENT OF REVENUE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE C. Ordinance No. 90-02-176 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-01- 172, CHAPTER 24, ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, SECTION 24-66, DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ZONING DISTRICTS, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Discussion and related action regarding historic palm trees on Ocean Boulevard and East Coast Drive (Tree Conservation Board) B. Authorize adding to the current City's dental insurance a second dental insurance plan referred to as Delta Dental (City Manager) C. Approve the purchase of Christmas decorations from Wayne Manufacturing for a total cost of $14,386.50 (City Manager) D. *Declare surplus 1995 Chevrolet 5-10 pickup truck and authorize the sale of same by auction (City Manager) 9. City Manager 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the CiTy Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers . Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with `~ disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday, August 23, 2003. *Amended to add Item 8D -2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2002 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Paul Parsons Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The invocation given by Commissioner Beaver, was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ,~., 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of August 12, 2002 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of August 12, 2002 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: Alan Potter of 374 Second Street spoke in opposition to Item 4C -Lift Station "B" Upgrade as an improper use of public funds. He .felt construction of atwelve-inch diameter parallel force main on Plaza to the wastewater treatment plant would provide greater capacity than the proposed upgrade, would be easier and less costly to construct and was a proper use of funds. Mr: Potter distributed copies of a letter addressing these issues to the Commissioners. Sally Clemens of 1632 Park Terrace West spoke concerning the following sections of the Sign Ordinance (Item 7A): (1) Section 17-3 (b)(10) severely limited those people shopping garage sales from finding the location of the garage sale, (2) Section 17-6 (e) felt the requirement to display a street number should include the size of the number, and (3) - Section 17-12 (12) prohibiting vehicle signs was an infringement on personal rights. V V O O T T E s s ~, M S '~ I O E T C I O Y O N E N N D S Q COMMISSIONERS BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -2- August 26, 2002 Dorothy Kerber of 365 1St Street felt the definition of vehicle signs found in Section 17-2 of the ordinance was too vague and inquired if political signs taped to car windows would be allowed. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow Up Report on Issues from Previous Meetings Animal Control Officers City Manager Hanson introduced Brandi McGrath and Kelly Doering, the city's new Animal Control Officers. City Manager Hanson briefly reviewed each item of his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Contribution to the Fletcher High School Band It was suggested that in lieu of making a direct monetary contribution to the band, the band could hold acity/public carwash as a fundraiser with the city guaranteeing a certain number of city vehicles, or the city could pay the band to present a brief concert at Jack Russell Park. Commissioner Waters stated he would follow-up on this matter with the school. It was the consensus of the Commission to place this item on the next agenda. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Building, Parks and Recreation and Utility Sales (City Manager) Commissioner Borno requested that Item B be removed from the Consent Agenda and .Mayor Meserve requested that Item C be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item A as presented. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Approve an extension of the beach cleaning contract with Beachcombers for one year in the amount of $35,800 (Bid No. 0001-21) (City Manager) Commissioner Borno inquired if the contract contained a specified time for raking the beach so as not to conflict with the work of the Sea Turtle Patrol. City Manager Hanson indicated that there was a verbal agreement that the raking would be done after 10:00 a.m. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -3- August 26, 2002 Commissioner Borno stated that he would like the agreement to be amended to include that the raking would be done after 10:00 a.m. during the turtle nesting season. Motion: Approve the extension of the beach cleaning contract with Beachcombers for one year in the amount of $35,800 with the written amendment that the raking be done after 10:00 a.m. during the turtle nesting season. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Award a contract to Gruhn May in the amount of $127,598.25 for Lift Station B force main upgrade pursuant to the reduced scope of work in Bid No. 0102-17 (rebid) (City Manager) Motion: Award a contract to Gruhn May in the amount of $127,598.25 for Lift Station B force main upgrade pursuant to the reduced scope of work in Bid No. 0102-17 (rebid). Utility Director Kaluzniak provided background information concerning the bid and indicated that replacement of the Lift Station B force main had been recommended in the Sewer Master Plan. Her Staff Report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Utility Director Kaluzniak indicated that she had concerns with Mr. Potter's suggestion to run the line on Plaza since the right-of--way already held BellSouth and the city's water and sewer lines. At Commissioner Waters' request, Mr. Potter explained his earlier comments in detail. Tuberculation testing for cast iron sewer pipes was also discussed. Discussion ensued and by consensus the Commission felt that Mr. Potter's suggested way to increase capacity should be evaluated on a cost/benefit basis and the findings brought back at the next meeting. The second to the motion and the motion were withdrawn. Motion: Defer action on Consent Agenda Item 4C to the next meeting. ~.. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O ', BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X BORNO X WATERS X BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X X Minutes Page -4- August 26, 2002 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee Reports. Mayor Meserve requested that boards and committees make reports to the City Commission on a semi-annual basis. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 02-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Approve Resolution No. 02-18 authorizing the Mayor to execute a maintenance contract with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with an amendment to "Attachment A" containing a list of the areas the City of Atlantic Beach will not maintain. City Manager Hanson indicated that the matter of payment for maintenance services provided to the FDOT during July and August had not been resolved and he was still working on that issue. He stated that the old agreement had expired at the end of June and since there was no executed contract, the FDOT withheld payment for maintenance during that time. The City Manager expressed concern that the wording of the new contract was not very specific pertaining to areas to be maintained by the city. He suggested that the city adopt the new agreement with the FDOT with an amendment placed on "Attachment A" listing that the city would not maintain the area in Neptune Beach and the two new retention ponds by the radio station. He felt execution of the contract with this disclaimer would prevent withholding a third month of payments. Discussion. concerning street sweeping, landscape maintenance currently performed by the city, and payment of the avoided costs ensued. City Manager Hanson indicated that he had contacted another person concerning reimbursement of the avoided costs, which totaled approximately $8,000. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BoRNO x x PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -5- August 26, 2002 -~-~~ 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 60-02-12 Introduction and First Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, WHICH GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY REGULATES SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. SUCH REGULATIONS SHALL BE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE AS CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED THROUGH ORDINANCE NUMBER 60-97-10 AND SHALL CONTAIN SIX ARTICLES: ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL; ARTICLE II, DEFINITIONS; ARTICLE III, SIGNS PERMITTED; ARTICLE IV, CAUSE FOR REMOVAL OF SIGNS, ABANDONED SIGNS AND PROHIBITED SIGNS; ARTICLE V, NONCONFORMING SIGNS AND WAIVER TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS AND ARTICLE VI, SIGN PERMITS. THIS ORDINANCE ALSO PROVIDES FOR FINDINGS OF FACT, SEVERABILITY, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS THEREOF, AND PROVIDES FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Approve Ordinance 60-02-12 on first reading. Mayor Meserve commented concerning vehicle signage and stated that revisions to this section of the ordinance would prevent vehicles being used as purveyors for illegal signs. He stated that he would consider the following as a definition for a vehicle sign: "A vehicle sign is any sign placed within, upon or affixed to a motor vehicle other than the registered logo, trademark, service mark or political or personal expression signs (as authorized by this ordinance)". Commissioner Waters inquired regarding placement of an advertising sign on a vehicle that is then parked in the front of a shopping center parking lot. He indicated that he would like to see this use of signs banned. Community Development Director Doerr referenced Section 17-12 (12) on page 15 of the ordinance relative to prohibited signs and pointed out the stipulation for vehicle signs just discussed. She felt it would be difficult to regulate where a business parked its truck on commercially zoned property, but language might be added to prevent parking in the front yard. Mayor Meserve opened the public hearing and the following citizens spoke concerning the ordinance: ,. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive inquired concerning size requirements for signs covered in Section 17-6(3). He felt it would OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D " Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -6- August 26, 2002 '°~°~ be difficult to prohibit advertising banner signs and asked whether lighted house numbers were being banned. No one else spoke and the Mayor closed the public hearing. Commissioner Waters commented on the following sections of the ordinance: (1) Page 6, Section (b)(2) - He believed the size of the sign should not exceed four square feet and inquired as to the six square foot size, (2) Page 6, Section (b)(4) - He believed everyone should be encouraged to conform to the city's sign ordinance, (3) Page 8, (a)(1) - He believed small developments should be limited to one entrance sign, not two, as written in the ordinance, (4) Page 12, (4)(d) - He felt the allowable size of the pre-development sign was too large, and in (4)(e) - He felt "as appropriate" should be defined and the business should be required to display its street number over the door and on the post sign in front of the building. Community Development Director Doerr explained the requirements of the ordinance were based on recommendations from the Community Development Board and Commission Workshops. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Commission to leave the size of the pre-development sign as written. Mayor Meserve felt that the requirement prohibiting internally lighted address numbers in residential zoning districts should be taken out of the ordinance (Sec. 17-3 (b)(12)). Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Commission to remove this requirement from the ordinance. Discussion ensued concerning the placement of facia and wall signs (Sec. 17-4 (7)) and Community Development Director Doerr indicated that for clarity, the word "exposed" would be inserted in front of "raceways." Discussion ensued concerning the definition of vehicle signs and their uses ensued. It was the consensus of the Commission that the ordinance should contain language which would prevent the parking of a vehicle with a sign off-site from where the business is located to advertise the business or to allow the vehicle to be parked in the required front yard of the business location. It was the consensus of the Commission that bumper stickers, personal expression signs, and political signs not be considered as vehicle signs as long as they comply with the other provisions of the ordinance. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O Minutes Page -7- August 26, 2002 Mayor Meserve felt the 8' height limit for a sign was too restrictive and suggested a 10' height. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Commission to leave the height at 8'. Commissioner Waters reiterated that a business should be required to display its street number over the door and on the post sign in front of the building. It was the consensus of the Commission to place this requirement in the ordinance. Director Doerr indicated that she would revise the language to reflect the changes. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 70-02-16 Emergency adoption pursuant to FS Sec. 166.041 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A NEW LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TAX RATE; PROVIDING FOR INTENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION. OF A NEW LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TAX RATE; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 70-02-16 pursuant to the emergency adoption requirements found in FS Sec. 166.041. Finance Director Van Liere explained the newly adopted Florida Communications Services Tax law and indicated that in order to avoid being subject to a cap, the city's new rate would be 5.10%, the same rate as the cities of Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach. Mayor Meserve opened the floor for a public hearing . J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive requested an explanation of the tax and Bob Totter of 275 11th Street inquired if the new tax was lower or higher than the previous tax. Finance Director Van Liere stated that the new rate would be lower and explained that the service tax was included on everyone's phone bill. Since no one else wished to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E G O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -8- August 26, 2002 C. Ordinance No. 90-02-176 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-O1-172, CHAPTER 24, ZONING, SUBDIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, SECTION 24-66, DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ZONING DISTRICTS, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion: Approve Ordinance 90-02-176 on first reading. Mayor Meserve announced that the public hearing and final reading of the ordinance would be September 9, 2002. Commissioner Borno referenced Section 24-66(b)(1) of the ordinance and suggested that language be included to require registration of PODS used during renovations and to limit the time they could be kept on-site. He felt PODS should be limited to four days for loading, four days for unloading, and that it should be stored off-site during renovations. The City Manager would be responsible for approving additional time for loading and unloading. Commissioner Borno felt time limitations would allow Code Enforcement to act if PODS were kept on-site longer than allowed. Discussion of time limitations, registration fees and enforcement ensued. Mayor Meserve requested that the ordinance be amended to include the suggested changes. There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding historic palm trees on Ocean Boulevard and East Coast Drive (Tree Conservation Board) City Manager Hanson explained the Historic Tree Preservation ordinance was written to protect the palm colonnades on the city rights-of--way along Ocean Boulevard and East Coast Drive between Atlantic Boulevard and Tenth Street. He indicated that the proposed ordinance as submitted by the Tree Board needed to be revised to clarify application of the city's current tree ordinance to historic trees relative to Section 3(a). OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E C O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X BORNO X X PARSONS X X WATERS X MESERVE X Minutes Page -9- August 26, 2002 Discussion of the preservation of historic trees ensued. Commissioner Waters felt the city should work to restoring the colonnade by replacing missing, dead or unhealthy trees with tree mitigation funds. He felt maintenance of the colonnade should be included in the ordinance. City Manager Hanson indicated that the funds could be used to plant palms and preserve the .corridor. Discussion ensued concerning enforcement of the ordinance and assessing penalties. City Attorney Jensen advised that the Code Enforcement Board could impose monetary fines, but not enforce replacement of trees. Commissioner Beaver favored preservation of the trees and suggested that photographs of the colonnades be made available at a future meeting. No action was taken at this time. A revised ordinance will be submitted to the Commission at a future date. B. Authorize adding to the current city's dental insurance a second dental insurance plan referred to as Delta Dental (City Manager) City Manager Hanson explained that Delta Dental insurance plan would ``"` be added to the city's current plan with all costs paid by the employees through payroll deductions. No action was required. All costs will be paid by the employees. C. Approve the purchase of Christmas decorations from Wayne Manufacturing for a total cost of $14,386.50 (City Manager) Motion: Waive bidding procedure and approve the purchase of Christmas decorations from Wayne Manufacturing at a total cost of $14,386.50. City Manager Hanson explained that only two companies provided the style of decorations chosen for display on both sides of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road. He indicated that the decorations needed to be ordered as soon as possible. The City Manager requested that the normal bidding procedure be waived and the decorations purchased from Wayne Manufacturing, who had quoted the best price. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Declare surplus 1995 Chevrolet 5-10 pickup truck and authorize the sale of same by auction (City Manager) OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O EAVER X I ~I I I I BORNO X X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -10- August 26, 2002 ~~~ Motion: Declare a 1995 Chevrolet 5-10 pickup truck surplus and authorize its sale by auction. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: • Provided statistical information from the Water/Wastewater Rate Survey performed by Black & Veatch for the state of Florida. He reported that the City of Atlantic Beach fell into the middle usage range. • Distributed athree-week construction schedule for the Core City Project to the Commissioners. • Captain Campbell reported that the Police Department would be mailing two re-entry passes to each household in Atlantic Beach. The passes will be required for re-entry into the city after a hurricane and are color coded for different types of service personnel. Additional passes may be picked up at the ~`""~~ Police Department. Commissioner Beaver suggested that information concerning the passes be included in the next city newsletter. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver •:+ Inquired concerning the schedule for the event to beheld in Metropolitan Park. on September 10th to commemorate the terrorist attacks of one year ago.. Mayor Meserve stated that he would provide the information. • Reported that he was in the process of planning the final fund raiser for the Adele Grnge Cultural Center renovations and it would probably be held in October. Commissioner Borno • Inquired as to the schedule for sweeping city streets and was -~ informed all streets are swept bi-monthly. OMMISSIONERS M O z I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O BEAVER X X BORNO X PARSONS X WATERS X X MESERVE X Minutes Page -11- August 26, 2002 ;-, • Reported that the terms of two Code Enforcement Board Members would expire on September 30~'. • Thanked City Manager Hanson for writing a letter to the Navy informing them that the city was interested in providing utility services to the base. • Suggested that the Beaches Fine Arts Guild request for a donation be forwarded to the new Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee for their recommendation. • Inquired if there were any plans to pave Begonia Street and was informed there were no plans to pave the street. • Thanked the City Manager for the Strategic Plan quarterly update. Commissioner Waters • Thanked the City Manager and staff for the appreciation reception for Boards and Committee Members. • Urged the Mayor and Commissioners to continue pursuing lowering the speed limit on Mayport Road in conjunction with the city's proposed median beautification project. Mayor Meserve felt ~`"`° the FDOT might be willing to revisit the request after completion of the improvements. Commissioner Beaver • Inquired if seasonal passes were available for Hanna Park. Mayor Meserve stated he would investigate this matter. Mayor Meserve • Indicated another meeting would be held to discuss traffic and other concerns during the overhaul of the John F. Kennedy. He reported that the City of Jacksonville was constructing a stacking lane. at the Gate 5 entrance to the Navy Base to help with the traffic problem. There was no further discussion or business to come before the City Commission and the Mayor declared the meeting~j[ouriljed at 9:45 p.m. Attest: .~ Maureen King Certified Municipal Cle Officer OMMISSIONERS M O T I O N S E c O N D Y E S N O ATTACHMENT A AUGUST 26, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING August 20, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City FROM: Jim SUBJECT: F Church Street Right•of Wes; A question was asked. at the last Commission meeting about how much right-of--.way is owned by the City on Church Street where an extension was proposed. There is a total of 60 feet of public right-of--way in this area. Thirty feet is on the Atlantic Beach side and 30 feet is on the Jacksonville side. Stripin~* on East Coast Drive; Another question was asked at the last Commission meeting about striping on the recently paved portion of East Coast Drive. This had no striping prior to paving. The City does intend to,have the street striped when the rest ofthe road is repaved after the Core City Project. Storage of Tree Stumas on Dawson Lot o~ Meal~„Road; City staff checked the complaint about storage of stumps on a lot on Mealy Road. The lot in question is zoned industrial and the owners are chipping stumps for additional disposal elsewhere. There is no legal problem with the use of the lot for this purpose. Sand on Citv Streets Related to Construction Proieets; .~ concern was raised at a recent meeting about sand being left on City streets adjacent to construction projects. Beach Avenue was noted as having been affected by this problem over several months. Gity sta#~'has reviewed our codes and determined that there is no specific language regulating the clean up of streets related to construction projects. Staff has been assigned to review ordinances from other cities and make a recommendation as to the language and type of enforcement that would be appropriate in Atlantic Beach. A report will be made at a future Commission meeting. Police Department Report; When the monthly report far the Police Department was reviewed at the. last meeting, a question was raised about equivalent statistics for the last year. Following is a comparison ofthe seven major crimes in Atlantic Beach year to date 2002 compared with the same period last year. AGENDA ITEM #3A AUGUST 26, 2002 Uniform Crime Reports Atlantic Beach Police Department January through June .2001 2002 Murder/Manslaughter 0 0 Forcible Rape 10 2 Robber _ 6 11 Aggravated Assault 27 27 Bur 54 65 Larceny 194 143 Auto Theft 26 17 Totals 317 265 Total Violent Offenses 43 40 Total Non Violent Offenses 274 225 Adding Curb By Raising Sidewalk on East Coast Drive; A suggestion was made at the last meeting about raising the level of sidewalks on East Coast Drive to increase pedestrian safety and channel storm water flow. After discussion with the staff, it is apparent that the addition of concrete on top of the old sidewalk would not be a viable step. Bonding between the two layers would be problematic and would cause maintenance problems. However, a waterline will be replaced in the street right next to this sidewalk during the Core City Project. Staff suggests that the project be monitored and, if the sidewalk is broken in many areas during the waterline project, it may be a good time to consider reconstruction of the sidewalk at a higher level to accomplish the recommended purposes. Contributions to the Fletcher High School Band; City Commission heard a request from representatives of the Fletcher High School Band to contribute funding toward the upcoming trip to the Fiesta Bowl. Other beach cities were assisting the band with fundraising, although not necessarily giving them money directly. Suggestions for similar support in Atlantic Beach follow: Hold aCity/public carwash in the City Hall parking lot; FHS students could be paid a flat fee for washing and cleaning City vehicles over a weekend. The City would pay for the cleaning of City vehicles. If the public were also invited, the proceeds from this carwash could be much greater. - Concert in Russell Park; The band could be paid to put on a brief concert at Russell Park, possibly on a weekend or in connection with a 9/11 ceremony. ;~,. ATTACHMENT B AUGUST 26, 2002 COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Lift Station "B" Force Main Upgrade Bid No. 0102-17 (Re-Bid) SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director DATE: August 16, 2002 BACKGROUND: One of the recommendations of the Sewer Master Plan was to replace the existing 10-inch diameter force main from Lift Station B (425 11~' St.) with a new 12-inch force main. This force main carries wastewater from. Lift Station A (460 Palm Ave.) and Lift Station B to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 (1100 Sandpiper Lane), and the size and method of connection of this force main were determined to be restrictive, .a contributing factorto sanitary sewer overflows during heavy rainfalls. The force main is located in an easement running through the Selva Lakes subdivision, and residents have built improvements over the easement, making access very difficult. Aikenhead & Odom designed the replacement force main, specifying trenchless technology be used within the easement to avoid disturbing the area. Staffprepared bid documents. Bids were advertised, and seven invitations were sent to bidders, but only Gruhn May, Inc. submitted the required documentation to prequalify for the original bid. Gruhn May submitted bids. using both the pipebursting and directional drilling methods, but both bids were significantly over the budgeted amount, and on June 24, 2002 the City Commission rejected all bids and authorized staff to re-bid the project. The project was re-advertised, and two bidders prequalified and attended the mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on July 23, 2002. Two bids were received on July 31, 2002, both utilizing the directional drilling method in the easement area. Gruhn May, Inc. Slaughter Construction Co. Base Bid $269,805.80 $271,040.00 15% Contingency $40,470.87 $40,656.00 Total Base Bid $310,276.67 $311,696.00 Gruhn May, Inc. is the low bidder, but both bids were again well over the budgeted amount of $130,000. Staff discussed options and consulted our engineers, and determined that the City could still realize a significant improvement in system performance with a reduced scope for this project, consisting of replacing only the portion of the force main from the east side of Sandpiper Lane to the treatment plant, and including the relocated force main connection points. 1 AGENDA ITEM #4C AUGUST 26, 2002 City staff contacted Gruhn May to ask if they would consider reducing the scope of work while retaining the same unit prices, and they agreed. The cost for the project with the reduced scope of work will be $127,598.25: Gruhn May, Inc. Slaughter Construction Base Bid -Reduced Scope $110,955.00 $111,810.00 15% Contin enc $16,643.25 $16,771.50 Total Bid with Reduced Scope $127,598,25 $128,581.50 BUDGET: Budget for this project was $130,000, based on the rough estimate provided in the Sewer Master Plan. Aikenhead and Odom's deternunation of probable costs after design completion was $179,000. High prices from subcontractors, costs of bypassing lift station flow during construction, difficult access through the easement, and roadway crossings accounted for the high amount of the bid. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for the Lift Station "B" Force Main Upgrade, Bid No. 0102-17 (Re-Bid) to Gruhn May, Inc. with a reduced scope in quantities as shown on attachment No. 3 "Bid Analysis-Lift Station B Force Main Upgrade-Reduced Scope of Work." ATTACHMENTS: i. 2. 3. Bid tabulation for Bid No. Oi02-17 Bid analysis Bid analysis~.Reduced Scope of Work 2 AGENDA ITEM #4C AUGUST 26, 2002 ,,. a- O O M W C7 ~z ~¢ m ~ ',~ U o N .~ O M a ~- >, om -~, U p H H tL J ! N O 0 m C V L _ U m N V ^ v ^ V X ~ V X ~ ~ X V X v K v X ~ = F- '~`f^ V ~ LLM W a o. (,~ Z J/ LL ~ O w LL. o 0 ~ O I~ ~' O ~ c0 ~ _ o ~ tD r p O o oo r• ao n. c~ Q ~ N W ,J J O D~ ~ ~ d ~ p = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ X )C X X X X X X X X C7 ~ Z ~ ~ O !- ~ w ~ w a ~ a o J H ~ ~ J F } ~ m , m N ~ ~ k U W U W ~ ~ ~ W Z W Z O ~ ~ H ., ~ _ ~ U ~' :~ N ~ Q ~' ~ `~ F- Z ~ (~ 1-- Z O V N ~ W a' ~ ~ Q O V o \ ~ x ~ ~~ O V o ~ ~.. U ~ ~ c a r e r Q ~ Q ~ ~ r ~ (n m ay U ~ ~ t~ v ca m Z a m Z C. N ~ C .L O v O ~-~- O •'.•' ~ p ~ ~ p p ~ 'Q ~' a W y a W i ~ m : W ~ a W i ~ m U ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ o 0 ~ 0 ~, m e w m e w a a ° ~ •° ~, ~ - ~ ~ ° p ~ tn ~ ~ o ~, a~ L ~ u, ~ O z w m e x ~ O z w m e a- ~ ~ m E o ~ U ~ c m H H m H N a~ . ~ ~- :~ 0 3 ~ o L ~ r ~ ~ O ~ ~ O ~ cn O m U v~ t~ o o F- to u. 1- v~ u. 1- AGENDA ITEM #4C AUGUST 26, 2002 BID ANALYSIS -- LIFT STATION "B'` FORCE MAIN UPGRADE Gruhn May, Inc. Slaughter Const. Co, gem # Est. Qty. Units Description Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price 1 Dewatering, Site Preparation, Clean Up, and Restoration, Bypass Pumping and Vacuum Truck Pumping: Not Pay Items, Subsidia to Other Pay Items 2 , 920 LF Abandon 10" pipe --Grout $7.50 $6,900.00 $10.00 $9,200.00 3 ' 450 LF Abandon 8" pipe -- Grout $7.00' $3,150.00 $10.00 $4,500.00 4 1 25 CY Special Grandular Bedding /Backfill $30.00 ~ $750.00 $35.00 $875.00 5 25 CY A-3 Soil Backfill $15.00 $375.00 $12.00 $300.00 6 150 SY Sodding $4.00 $600.00 $6.00 $900.00 7 450 SY Seeding & mulching $2.90 $1,305.00 $1.00 $450.00 8 232 SY Pavement Removal $6.40 $1,484.80 $3.00 $696.00 9 232 SY Paving Repair -Case II .$39.00 $9,048.00 $30.00 $6,960.00 10 28 SY 6" Concrete Pavement Repair $65.00 $1,820.00 $30.00 $840.00 11 20 LF 6' Wood Fence R & R $50..00 $1,000.00 $15.00 $300.0 0 12 1 LF 18" RCP R & R $150.00 $150.00 $65.00 _ $65.00 13 1 EA Type C Inlet R & R $4,200.00 $4,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 14 1 EA Type C Manhole w/liner $5,600.00 $5,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 15 1338 LF 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main $73.00 $97,674.00 $86.00 $115,068.00 16 673 LF 12" HDPE SDR 11 Force Main $89.00 $59,897.00 $82.00 $55,186.00 _ 17 3 EA 12" 11- 1/4 Bend $730.00 $2,190.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 18 22 EA 12" 22- 1/2 Bend $730.00 $16,060.00 $500.00 .$11,000.00 19 6 EA 12" 45 Bend $850.00 $5,100.00 $500.00 $3,000.00 20 1 EA 12" 90 Bend $900.00 $900.00 $500.00 $500.00 21 2 EA 12" Tee $900.00 $1,800.00 $600.00 $1,200.00 22 1 EA 12" x 8" Reducer $610.00 $610.00 $400.00 $400.00 23 1 EA 12" x 8" Reducing 90 $900.00 $900.00 $500.00 $500.00 24 4 EA 10" Plug $520.00 $2,080.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 25 2 EA 8" Plug $520.00 $1,040.00 $250.00 $500.00 26 9 EA Install 12" BeII Restraint $153.00 $1,377.00 $250.00 $2,250.00 27 0 EA Install 12" Thrust Collar $0.00 $0.00 28 35 LF 8" DR18 Force Main $115.00 $4,025.00 $70.00 $2,450.00 29 2 EA 8"45 Bend $750.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $600.00 30 1 EA 12" Gate Valve $1,890.00 $1,890.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 31 1 EA 12"x.18" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $6,850.00 $6,850.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 32 1 EA 12" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $5,430.00 $5,430.00. $3,800.00 $3,800.00 33 1 EA 8" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $2,300.00 $2,300.00 34 1 EA 2" Air Release Valve $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 SUBTOTAL $251,705.80 $236,040.00 35 1 LS Payment and Performance Bond $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 36 1 LS General Conditions 13,500.00 $13,500.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 37 1 LS Testing Allowance $500.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 38 1 LS Maintenance of Traffic $1,100.00 $1,100.00 .$4,000.00 $4,000.00 TOTAL $269,805.80 $271,040.00 0.15 Contingency 15% $40,470.87 $40,656.00 GRAND TOTAL including contingent $310,276.67 $311,696.00 AGENDA ITEM #4C AUGUST 26, 2002 BID ANALYSIS -- LIFT STATION "B" FORCE MAIN UPGRADE -REDUCED SCOPE OF WORK Gruhn May, Inc. Slaughter Const. Co. .em #~ Est. Qty. Units Description Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price 1 Dewate~ing, Site Preparation, Clean Up, and Restoration, Bypass Pumping and Vacuum Truck Pumping: Not Pay Items, Subsidia to Other Pa Items 2 200 LF Abandon 10" pipe -- Grout $7.50 $1,500.00 $10.00 $2,000.00 3 450 LF Abandon 8" pipe -- Grout $7.00 $3,150.00 $10.00 $4,500.00 4 10 CY Special Grandular Bedding /Backfill $30.00 ~ $300.00 $35.00 $350.00 5 10 CY A-3 Soil Backfill $15.00 $150.00 $12.00 $120.00 6 50 SY Sodding $4.00 $200.00 $6.00 $300.00 7 200 SY Seeding & mulching $2.90 $580.00 $1.00 $200.00 8 100 SY Pavement Removal $6.40 $640.00 $3.00 $300.00 9 100 SY Paving Repair -Case II $39.00 $3,900.00 $30.00 $3,000.00 10 28 SY 6" Concrete Pavement Repair $65.00 $1,820.00 $30.00 $840.00 11 0 LF 6' Wood Fence R & R $50.00 $0.00 $15.00 $0.00 12 0 LF 18" RCP R & R $150.00 $0.00 $65.00; $0.00 13 0 EA Type C Inlet R & R $4,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 . $0.00 14 0 EA Type C Manhole w/liner $5,600.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 15 100 LF 12" PVC DR 18 Force Main $73.00 $7,300.00 $86.00 $8,600.00 16 400 LF 12" HDPE SDR 11 Force Main $89:00 $35,600.00 $82.00 $32,800.00 17 1 EA 12" 11- 1 /4 Bend $730.00 $730.00 $500.00 $500.00 18 2 EA 12" 22- 1/2 Bend $730.00 $1,460.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 19 4 EA 12" 45 Bend $850.00 $3,400.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 20 1 EA 12" 90 Bend $900.00 $900.00 $500.00 $500.00 21 2 EA 12" Tee ~ $900.00 $1,800.00 $600.00 $1,200.00 22 1 EA 12" x 8" Reducer $610.00 $610.00 $400.00 $400.00 23 1 EA 12" x 8" Reducing 90 $900.00 $900.00 $500.00 $500.00 24 1 EA 10" Plug $520.00 $520.00 $250.00 $250.00 25 2 EA 8" Plug $520.00 $1,040.00 $250.00 $500.00 26 5 EA Install 12" BeII Restraint $153.00 $765.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 27 0 EA Install 12" Thrust Collar $0.00 $0.00 28 40 LF 8" DR18 Force Main $115.00 $4,600.00 $70.00 $2,800.00 29 2 EA 8" 45 Bend $750.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $600.00 30 1 EA 12" Gate Valve $1,890.00 $1,890.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 31 2 EA 12" x 18" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $6,850.00 $13,700.00 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 32 0 EA 12" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $5,430.00 $0.00 $3,800.00 $0.00 33 1 EA 8" Tapping Sleeves & Valve $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $2,300.00 $2,300.00 34 0 EA 2" Air Release Valve $2,100.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL $92,855.00 $76,810.00 35 1 LS Payment and Performance Bond $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 36 1 LS General Conditions 13,500.00 $13,500.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 37 1 LS Testing Allowance $500.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 38 1 LS Maintenance of Traffic $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 TOTAL $110,955.00 ~ $111,810.00 0.15 Contingency 15% $16,643.25 $16,771.50 GRAND TOTAL including contin enc $127,598.25 $128,581.50 L.t'' '^~-~: ° `;: _ ~' 4 ,7-t Second Strut ~~tlantic Beach, Florida ~2~3 September 3U, t 9~)9 Mr. David Thompson Acting City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: (a) Sewage Pumping Station "A" (b) Ten-inch Manifolded Force Main Dear Mr. Thompson: For many years, the Howell Park storm drainage system has been subjected to the overflow of raw sewage from the Atlantic Beach sewage collection system. A major reason for the raw sewage overflow has been the inability of the Sewage Pumping Station "A" to handle (i) the .raw sewage flow to the pumping station along with `"`° (ii) the infiltration of storm water into the gravity raw sewage collection system leading to Sewage Pumping station "A". Noteworthy, each of the two sewage pumps installed in Sewage Pumping Station "A" is properly sized and capable of pumping the raw sewage flow that reaches that station from the contributing raw sewage collection system. The contributing developed land area is approximately 260 acres. The reasonable 16-hour per day sewage flow is 318,500 gallons or 330 gallons per minute. The force main from the Pumping Station "A" (assuming it is an 8-inch diameter pipe) to Eleventh Street is adequate for the flow. You and I were advised by the Public Works Director that, at Eleventh Street, the Sewage Pumping Station "A" force main is "manifolded" with four (4) other force mains into a single 10-inch sewage force main for the approximately 2,000-feet dzstance to the Atlantic Beach Waste. Water Treatment Plant. Noteworthy, the developed land area served by the additional four (4) sewage pumping stations is approximately 666 acres. The reasonable 16-hour per day raw• sewage flow is 816.800 gallons or 8~ 1 gallons per minute. Collectively, the developed land area being served by the manifolded 10-inch sewage force main is 9?6 acres. The reasonable 16-hour per day raw sewage flow is 1,13,300 gallons or ] ,181 gallons per minute. lV1r. David Thompson Acting City >Vlanager ` City of Atlantic Beach S~ptcmbc;r 30, 1999 Page ? of 2 Clearly, the approximately 2,000-feet long 10-inch diameter sewage force main from (point of manifold) Eleventh Street to the Atlantic Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant IS NOT ADEQUATE for the normal raw sewage flow that must be conveyed. The addition of wet weather-high tide infiltration to the raw sewage collection system only makes an impossible situation worse. It is my opinion that the proper remedy to this existing situation requires the construction of a 12-inch diameter sewage force main (parallel with the existing 10-inch diameter sewage force main) from the Eleventh Street "manifold point" to the Atlantic Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant (ABWWTP). Additionally, it is my opinion that the proposed construction of a master raw sewage pumping station at the ABWWTP is not only a waste of $300,000.00 or more of public funds but also an improper engineering solution to the problem. ,., Please advise if you desire any additional information. Respectfully submitted, -~s~~;~ A W. Potter, Sr. AWP/amh i ~ ~ ••~ ~~'`~ tip ~ ~, . jT aide ~ ~~ . I •, _I ~ f ~I,IE ~~ ~~ ~ r i. `-~ ~ •i ~ •r • ..I • ~ • •11 ~ ' ~` • w • 1 ^. •~~ *w ~ ~,;..~ . ~ i ,~ ,\\ . _ • r _'J .. ~ Golf Corse. .~.. • ~..-. _ Trailer ..• Par • ?~ ~ t; ~ ~=~ ~ • , _,~ .1~( co t y Club. ••• ~.:;~ /4 ..I __.__ 1 . • d ~~, . ...,.., , .. ~ ..a b .... ...• . .... ~' ~I .. • a0 ~~ •~ •. T . ~~- > • onn~r ~ ` ........ ~ PG Op .I - .; . ._. ~_ . .. ;, ... ,,, afl ~ ., ,,. 1 __ --~_ ~ 0 S@W ~ 10-inch FORCE MAIN S . .^ . ....-7_1 ~~ a n ~~ ~ ! TH _ _ ~Dfsp ~• , o .. , . u o !1 .r • • /4 - ~.. . .. C ~• ~ '' ~'~ • ~, l W a t a k t• ~~ . '-- ., ,, .>.~. I ~ BM 7 ~~ Z ~',C ,~~ /-, ~ !~ r' ~•' F a~ n B-inch FORCE MAIN • • • • \ ~ l ~ / 4 ~ '/~ ~lll~ ~ n 11 •~ •'~~ y~ 1 ~' 1l II ` ~ (~~' ~ ..~ `-SEWAGE PUMPING STATION R •.. ~ ~ , , ~ ~ '0 if „ .~. ~~ .,' .. ~ tl / • .. l ~ .. o :~ • • • ,, -~ - __ . . ,_ . C. , S T ~} ~ \ - - . ~-._ __._ ...__ _.. ~- ' `` : • -- `.--=mar-_ ... ''~ ~ I O ~~' .. ~^ • • • ~~