10-22-01 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 22 2001 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meetings of October 8 and October 16, 2001 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: A. Jody Richards, Chair of the Beautification Committee with request from the Beautification Committee to dissolve the committee B. Woody Winfree requesting a donation for a Teen Esteem Program C. Town Center Merchants' Association requesting closure of Atlantic Boulevard from East Coast Drive to Ocean Boulevard on December 1, 2001 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's follow-up report B. Authorize City Manager to execute contracts with Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater, Atlantic Beach Athletic Association, Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol, Beaches Habitat for Humanity and Sandra Phillips, Tennis Instructor, for the use of various city facilities C. Discussion and action relative to Charitable Contribution Policy, and action on a request of the Green Market for a donation of$1,500.00 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from City Departments: Building Department, Public Safety and Utility Sales Departments (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports: 6. Action on Resolutions: II A. Resolution No. 01-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION DISSOLVING THE CITY'S BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Page Two AGENDA October 22, 2001 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 5-01-36—Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, CITY COMMISSION, SEC. 2-19, RULES OF CONDUCT AND PROCEDURE AT MEETINGS, TO ADD RULE NO. 26 PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR EMERGENCY ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE(Mayor) 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Request from the Beautification Committee for the City Commission to continue the annual Tree Give-Away Program(City manager) B. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Project Agreement with Florida Inland Navigation District for the construction of the fishing pier at Dutton Island (City Manager) C. Authorize the purchase of three lawn mowers from Tucker Equipment at a total cost of$23,390.73 (City Manager) D. Discussion and related action in connection with proposed amendments to the City's sign ordinance (City Manager) 9. City Manager Reports: lir10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject,regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday, October 19,2001. I V V 0 0 T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH E E CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL,800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT s s 7:15 P.M.ON MONDAY,OCTOBER 22,2001 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver,Mayor Pro Tern Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, Commissioners M S AND: James Hanson, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C I O Y Maureen King, City Clerk ONE N N D S 0 COMMISSIONERS Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed the invocation, offered by Commissioner Borno. it 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meetings of October 8, 2001 and October 16,2001 Commissioner Borno requested that the resolution number in the minutes of the meeting of October 16, 2001 be corrected to read#01-21. Motion: Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission BEAVER X Meeting of October 8, 2001 and October 16,2001 as amended. B O R N O X X MITCHELSON X X The motion carried unanimously. WATERS X MESERVE X The Mayor presented a proclamation to Bob Krepp, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars declaring November 11, 2001 as Buddy Poppy Day in Atlantic Beach and urging citizens to purchase and wear poppies to support the families of disabled or deceased veterans. The Mayor advised he would be out of town on November 6th, when the new commission will be inducted. Mayor read Resolution#01-22 and presented it to Theo Mitchelson and commended him for his hard work on behalf of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: 4 A. Jody Richards, Chair of the Beautification Committee requested the Beautification Committee be dissolved. M S Minutes Page -2- 0 E October 2001 T C zZ I O Y . ONE N Jody Richards of Park Terrace East—Confirmed that the Commissioners COMMISSIONERS N D S ,0 had received her letter explaining that the Beautification Committee recommended it be dissolved. She suggested that the citizens form a group to act as a Garden Club. The Mayor also agreed that an adhoc committee could be formed providing beneficial input at various times. Commissioner Borno pointed out that a resolution to dissolve the committee was on Agenda as Item 6A# 01-22A. Motion: Approve the resolution #01-22A to dissolve the BEAVER X X Beautification Committee. BORNO X X MITCHELSON X WATERS X There being no further discussion the motion carried on a vote of four to MESERVE X one with the Mayor and Commissioners Beaver, Borno and Mitchelson voting in favor and Commissioners Waters opposing. B. Woody Winfree requesting a donation for Teen Esteem Program. Woody Winfree of Sole Sisters, Incorporated presented an addendum to the original proposal given to the City Manager. She explained she was not requesting a donation but would like to contract the service of Sole Sisters Inc. to the city to serve young women 13-18 yrs of age. Following lira brief discussion the Mayor proposed appointing Commissioner Borno to work with staff, the Cultural Arts Board, and Recreational Advisory Board to establish guidelines to support these types of offers/requests. Commissioner Waters suggested that these types of inquiries should be submitted to the Cultural Arts Board and Recreational Advisory Board. Commissioner Beaver noted that the Commission needed to be careful how tax money is spent. He also noted that some of these funds could come out of the Teen Council budget and also suggested partnering with Neptune Beach and maybe splitting the cost with them. No action was taken pending Commissioner Borno's report regarding charitable contributions. C. Town Center Merchants' Association requesting closure of Atlantic Boulevard from East Coast Drive to Ocean Boulevard December 1, 2001. The City Manager suggested if the Commissioners agreed in concept to closing the street he would meet with Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach police departments to work out planning details. Following brief discussion, the commissioners supported the request but would like more 11 details on the event. M S Minutes Page -3- 0 E October,8;2001 T C �Z I O Y ONE N U Motion: Approve the concept of closing the street contingent COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 upon the planning details being worked out with Merchants '' and Neptune Beach. BEAVER X X BORNO X MITCHELSON X The motion carried unanimously. WATERS X X MESERVE X J. P. Marchioli 414 Sherry Dr. thanked the commissioners for rolling back the millage rate at the previous meeting. Sally Clemens shared that her political bid had provided her with an education about the electoral process and also stated that citizens would like to see a friendlier government. Dick Hilliard 338 11th Street questioned the purchase of three mowers. He felt the city contracted out most of the work and that there was no need to buy additional equipment. He also stated that he would like the city to make sure that when utility contractors make road cuts they repave the cut area. Dorothy Kerber 365 First St. thanked the City Commissioners for the position they had taken regarding charitable contributions. itStephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside—Thanked the Commissioners for not giving tax dollars to charitable contributions. He expressed his concerns regarding Agenda Item 7A and said that he is against changing the ordinance and perceives it would be a violation of the Sunshine Law. His letter of disagreement is attached as Attachment A. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow-up Report The City Manager briefly reviewed each item of his written report, a copy of which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. • A letter of appreciation was drafted for the two checks received from Daniel Owens. Chief Thompson reported the Police Department proposed replacing two of their bicycles. He will meet with the Fire Department this week to discuss their recommendation for the additional funds given to them by Mr. Owens. • The Public Works Director provided an update on Donner and II Sandpiper roadways where they narrowed into one lane and had created traffic problems. He stated the problem had occurred due ._a M S Minutes Page -4- 0 E. October,PC,, 2001 T C. nZ I O Y Lli ONE N to the JEA poles and lines. The City Manager reported the JEA COMMISSIONERS N D s 0 had removed a pole and the road had been widened. 4` B. Authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater, Atlantic Beach Athletic Association, Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol, Beaches Habitat for Humanity and Sandra Phillips, Tennis Instructor, for the use of various city facilities (City Manager). Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with BEAVER x X Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater, Atlantic Beach Athletic BORNO X Association, Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol, Beaches Habitat for MITCHELSON X Humanity and Sandra Phillips, Tennis Instructor, for the use WATERS X X of various city facilities. MESERVE X Discussion ensued regarding whether the Sea Turtle Patrol, which leases office space at the Adele Grage CommunityCenter, should be required to obtain insurance and it was felt that since the public rarely came to this office there was little chance of anyone getting hurt. It was felt, however, that insurance for the vehicle, which is used for turtle patrols on the beach, was a greater concern, and Chief Thompson agreed to look into this matter further. Commissioner Mitchelson pointed out that the agenda item was IIfor approval of the contract for the use of the office space only. Discussion ensued regarding insurance for the tennis instructor and it was pointed out that Ms. Phillips had provided a copy of her insurance. However, it was felt that in the event of an injury, the city, as the owner of the tennis courts, would probably also get sued. The motion to authorize execution of the contracts carried unanimously. C. Discussion and action relative to Charitable Contribution Policy, and action on a request of the Green Market for a donation of$1,500.00 Motion: Defer until report is received from committee. BEAVER X X BORNO X X The motion carried unanimously. MITCHELSON X WATERS X 4. Consent Agenda: MESERVE X A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from City Departments: Building Department, Public Safety and Utility Sales Departments (City Manager) BEAVER X X 4 BORNO X Motion: Approve consent agenda as presented. MITCHELSON X WATERS x X MESERVE X M S Minutes Page -5- 0 E October.W 2001 T C I O Y � Z ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 The motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee Reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 01-22A: A RESOLUTION OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION DISSOLVING THE CITY'S BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE. This item was taken up earlier in the meeting(see Page 2) 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 5-01-36 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION,ARTICLE II, CITY COMMISSION, SEC. 2-19, RULES OF CONDUCT AND PROCEDURE AT MEETINGS, TO ADD RULE NO. 26 PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR EMERGENCY ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION, AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE (Mayor) The Mayor stated that other cities for example, the City of Jacksonville have the ability to declare something an emergency. The City Attorney advised that if a matter is declared at a public meeting to be an emergency the City Commission may take action on such matters at that meeting. Commissioner Borno pointed out that the Florida Statues provide procedures for passing emergency Ordinances and Resolutions. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance#5-10-36 on first BEAVER X X reading. (The public hearing will be held on November 12, BORNO X X 2001) MITCHELSON X WATERS X The motion carried unanimously. M E S E R V E X 8. Miscellaneous Business: I M S Minutes Page -6- 0 E October Rr, 2001 T C I O Y ZZ ONE N IIA. Request from the Beautification Committee for the City COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Commission to continue the annual Tree Give-Away Program (City Manager) Motion: Approve request of Beautification Committee to BEAVER X X continue annual Tree Give-Away Program. BORNO X MITCHELSON X X Commissioner Borno pointed out that some trees were left over from WATERS X last year. The trees were so large that the people who wanted them MESERVE X couldn't physically move them. Timmy Johnson, Director of Parks, Recreation & Beautification reported that this year they will hold a workshop on tree planting and the trees will then be given away on site, which will ensure the trees have all been donated. It was felt there were still areas in the city that could use some additional tree coverage. The City Manager stated if trees were planted on rights-of- way without strong support of property owners that the trees would die. The City Manager then suggested developing a program where trees would be planted on city rights-of-way with homeowners providing the maintenance. The motion was approved unanimously to continue with the annual Tree Give-Away Program. liB. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Project Agreement with Florida Inland Navigation District for the construction of the fishing pier at Dutton Island (City Manager) Motion: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Project BEAVER X X Agreement with Florida Inland Navigation District for the BORNO X X construction of the fishing pier at Dutton Island. MITCHELSON X WATERS X Discussion ensued and the City Manager stated the funds had been MESERVE X deferred until the bids for the core city project are received, so the city's $50,000 match had not been budgeted. He proposed putting a hold on this until we receive acknowledgement from FIND that we can wait until the bids have been opened. Timmy Johnson, Director of Parks, Recreations & Beautification responded that FIND's budget had been set with their funds being appropriated for this project. He further stated that FIND was supportive of the City waiting for the Core City bids. Following further discussion, the motion carried by a four to one vote with Mayor Meserve and Commissioners Beaver, Borno and Waters voting aye and Commissioner Mitchelson voting nay. M S Minutes Page -7- 0 E • OctoberX 2001 T C I O Y ONE N g C. Authorize the purchase of three lawn mowers from Tucker COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Equipment at a total cost of$23,390.73 (City Manager) ' Bob Kosoy, Director of Public Works, reported on the age and condition of the city's mowing equipment. Mr. Kosoy felt that the new mowers were needed due to the extended usage of this equipment. Commissioner Beaver agreed that at the cost listed, the three new mowers were an excellent buy. Commissioner Waters then inquired regarding maintenance of the ditch along Seminole Rd. He agreed that the cleanup on one side of the ditch looked good but felt the other side of the ditch looked terrible. Public Works Director Bob Kosoy responded that some of the residents had objected when the city mowed this area in the past. Commissioner Waters felt this was a health hazard since it harbored rodents, snakes, and mosquitoes. Mr. Kosoy indicated his department would mow it and take care of it if the people in that area supported it. Mr. Kosoy reported an analysis of property lines was done several years ago and offered to locate the report and present it to the commissioners. Motion: Authorize the purchase of three lawn mowers BEAVER X from Tucker Equipment at a total cost of$23,390.73. BORNO x x MITCHELSON X X There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. WATERS X MESERVE X D. Discussion and related action in connection with proposed amendments to the City's sign ordinance (City Manager). Commissioner Borno suggested this matter be included on the agenda for discussion at the workshop scheduled for Monday, October 29th. The City Manager stated that the dilapidated signs had been removed. His concerns were what to do about signs that did not meet setback or height requirement. He also pointed out that the Community Development Board did not have the authority to grant variances to the sign ordinance. Motion: Discuss the sign ordinance at the workshop being BEAVER X held on Monday, October 29th. BORNO X X MITCHELSON X The motion was approved unanimously. WATERS X X MESERVE X 9. City Manager Reports: The City Manager's written report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. M S Minutes Page -8- 0 E October it, 2001 T c I O Y 22 ONE N li • Sonya Doerr, Planning Director reported that the Florida COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Planning and Zoning Association's annual conference would be held at the Sea Turtle Hotel this month. She reported that the Mayor of Atlantic Beach, along with the Mayor of Jacksonville Beach, would be doing the opening session and welcoming remarks. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver • Reported he had received another $5,000 check donation for the Adele Grage Center renovations. Commissioner Mitchelson • Reported the Teen Council is putting on its second annual junior surfing contest on November. 10tH • Reported the beach renourishment project would be reconfigured and expected the bids to be opened sometime in December, and that the project would start sometime in the spring of 2002. • Recommended that agenda packets be provided one week before the commission meeting. This would allow the public more time to familiarize themselves with the issues being discussed. Commissioner Waters • Commented that Atlantic Beach could do a lot more with Christmas decorations and noted that other small towns he's visited in North Carolina are lavishly decorated. • Requested a comparison of Atlantic Beach utility rates with other communities. • Suggested installing shields on the lights at Bull Park to prevent light from shining into the homes in the neighborhood. • Suggested requiring committees to report periodically to the City Commission. M S Minutes Page -9- 0 E :: October 8-, 2001 T c _,, I O Y ONE N There being no further discussion or business • come before the COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting .10.•,rued at 9:10 p.m. i `d .Aa e.erve Attest: Mayor/P esidi, . Officer Ma b reen King Certified Municipa - k 111 - COMMISSION MEETING ATTACHMENT- OCTOBER 22 , 2001 "A" Stephen A. Kuti 1132 Linkside Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Tel: 904/246-3700 e-mail: oregcigany@msn.com October 22, 2001 Mr. Alan C. Jensen, City attorney 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Mr. Jensen: On October 16, 2001 you have very wisely informed the Commission, that our Charter forbids contributions to groups like the Green Market. They are a consortium doing business on City property . Our Commissioners should not spend tax dollars to support private businesses. Now, on October 22, 2001 the Mayor is trying to amend Chapter 2, Administration, Article II, City Commission, Section 2-19 by adding Rule Number 26 relating to Emergency Actions by the City Commission. Mr. Jensen, it is your duty as City Attorney to tell the Commission that the Florida Sunshine Law prevents Commissioners to discuss, approve and spend tax dollars without proper Public Discussion. I hope, you will prevent Agenda item 7/A becoming an ordinance. Sincerely Yours, Stephen A. Kuti A - COMMISSION MEETING ATTACHMENT-- OCTOBER TTACHMENT-OCTOBER 22 , 2001 "B" I October 16, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Ha•son ity •anger — SUBJECT: Follow-u• 'eport Contribution from Daniel Owens; It was reported at the last Commission Meeting that Mr. Daniel Owens of 83 Forrestal Circle South had delivered two checks to the City for $1,000 each for the benefit of the Police and Fire Departments. The Commission asked that a letter of appreciation be drafted for your signatures and for recommendations from the staff as to the best use of the funds. Attached to this report is a proposed letter to Daniel Owens dated October 9, 2001. If this is acceptable, a letter will be available for signatures at the City Commission Meeting. Concerning use of the funds, David Thompson recommends that the Police Department could best utilize $1,000 in purchasing two bicycles for police use. They have proven valuable in the past for surveillance and some types of patrol. Staff hopes to have a recommendation available for the use of the $1,000 for the Fire Department by the time of the Commission Meeting. AGENDA ITEM#3A OCTOBER 22,2001 % CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD • ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE:(904)247-5800 1 FAX (904)247-5805 SUNCOM:852-5800 http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us October 9, 2001 Daniel Owens 83 Forrestal Circle S. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Contributions Dear Mr. Owens; We were advised by City staff of the contributions you had made for $1,000 each to the Atlantic Beach Police and Fire Departments. We were told that you had made these contributions and others in response to the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. • Those events have united the people in our country in a way that hasn't been seen for many years. After the shock and disbelief had sunk in over the days that followed, each of us has wondered about our particular role in recovering from the tragedy. Being predominantly a military community, the responsibilities and obligations of many of our friends and neighbors have been clear; to come to the defense of our country. For the rest of us however, answers have been hard to find. The news of your contributions to the local police and fire services were deeply inspiring. In times of trouble, it is reassuring to see that people like you have the commitment and patriotism to step forth to provide a major commitment of your resources. It is our deepest hope that all of us will be able to rise to the call, and find our own ways to work together to overcome the challenges that confront our country. This letter is to express the heartfelt thanks and appreciation of the Mayor and Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach to you for your generous and inspiring contributions. John S. Meserve, Mayor Rick Beaver, Commissioner Mike Borno, Commissioner Dezmond Waters, Commissioner Theo Mitchelson, Commissioner COMMISSION MEETING ATTACHMENT OCTOBER 22, 2001 "C" • October 16, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: J" Han City Manag SUBJECT: City Manag is Report Report from AT&T Broadband; As a part of the discussion with AT&T about the numerous • complaints the City of Atlantic Beach had received in recent months about cable service, monthly reports as to compliance with some of the franchise provisions are to be provided. Attached is the first report from AT&T concerning the answering of phone calls. For the third quarter ending September of 2001, AT&T records indicate that their telephones were answered within 30 seconds 74% of the time. FCC standards, which are referenced in our franchise agreement, require that they answer at least 90%of the calls within 30 seconds. Air Show; You have probably already read in the media that security concerns have dramatically changed plans for the upcoming air show. Almost all of the activities are now being scheduled in Jacksonville Beach, and final plans are still being changed. Attached for your information is the most recent tentative schedule for the event. This will be subject to several changes prior to the opening ceremony. Revised schedules will be distributed as they are received. 411 AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 • oravAaDEAN Jacksonville Regional Call Center FCC Quarterly Service Standards 2001 Outages Gone 3rd Quarter Total Calls Answered in 30 sec- NASA 56,032 IVR Calls 102,654 Calls Answered in 30 sec- Video 171,634 Total Calls Answered in 30 sec 330,320 Calls Offerred to Queue - NASA 68,931 IVR Calls 102,654 Calls Offerred to Queue - Video 273,119 Total Calls Offerred to Queue 444,704 of Calls Answered in 30 sec 74.00% • 4111 AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 • JACKSONVILLE SEAS KY SPECTACULAR October 30 — November 4, 2001 Presented by: City of Jacksonville United States Navy • City of Atlantic Beach City of Jacksonville Beach City of Neptune Beach Fact Sheet Wednesday, October 31, 2001 ■ Blue Angel Media Rides Mayport Naval Station 2:30 p.m. Thursday, November 1, 2001 Opening Ceremony 12:00 noon Jacksonville Landing Joint Color Guard, Aircraft Fly by and FCCJ band Flight Deck Party 6:30 p.m. Sneakers Sports Grille at Jacksonville Beach Open to the public Friday, November 2, 2001 ■ Practice Airshow for School Field Trips • 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 • Ground activities to include: static displays, food and beverages, children's activities, interactive games and entertainment Tentative Show performers AM10:30—Para jump 82nd airborne/Red Devils(C-130) 10:40-Lischer 10:52-Jax Fly By(S-3,P-3,H-60) 10:57—T-6 11:10-Assault preparations(Navy Surface Fire Support)—USS Boone 11:17—Close Air Support-RECON(F-18s,AV-8Bs,AH-lBs Cobra,H-46s) 11:30—Assault(AAVs,LCAC H-hour) 11:55—B1 flyby PM 12:02-F-16 demo 12:17-McClung 12:27—F-86 12:37—Mancuso 12:47—F-14 demo 1:02—USCG fly by/search and rescue demo(Dauphine,Jayhawk,Agusta, Cutter) 1:10—F-117 flyby 1:15—Ian Groom 1:25—F-15 1:40—Air Force Heritage(F-86/F-15/F-16) 1:50—Wagstaff 2:05—Apache 2:15—Sean Tucker • 2:30—Blues Fat Albert C-130 2:40—Blues • Beaches Opening Ceremony Seawalk Pavilion 4 p.m. • Marine Barracks Washington Silent Drill Team and Bugle Corps Jacksonville Beach site 5 p.m. • Swingin'Medallions in Concert Opening Act Diggin' in Dreamland Seawalk Pavilion Immediately following USMC Silent Drill Team Free admission Saturday, November 3, 2001 • Sky Show and Street Festival Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront 10 a.m.—5p.m. Ground activities to include: static displays, food and beverages, children's activities, interactive games and entertainment. • Meet the Performers Party • J.Johnson Gallery 7 p.m. Invitation Only AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 11111 Blue Angels Meet and Greet Entertainment by The Jennifer Ray Group Tentative Sky Show performer schedule: 10:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. AM 10:30—Para jump 82°d airborne/Red Devils(C-130) 10:40-Lischer 10:52-Jax Fly By(S-3,P-3,H-60) 10:57—T-6 11:10-Assault preparations(Navy Surface Fire Support)—USS Boone 11:17—Close Air Support-RECON(F-18s,AV-8Bs,AH-lBs Cobra,H-46s) 11:30—Assault(AAVs,LCAC H-hour) 11:55—B1 flyby PM 12:02 -F-16 demo 12:17-McClung 12:27—F-86 12:37—Mancuso 12:47—F-14 demo 1:02—USCG fly by/search and rescue demo(Dauphine,Jayhawk,Agusta, Cutter) 1:10—F-117 flyby 1:15—Ian Groom 1:25—F-15 1:40—Air Force Heritage(F-86/F-15/F-16) 1:50—Wagstaff 2:05—Apache • 2:15—Sean Tucker 2:30—Blues Fat Albert C-130 2:40—Blues • Concert(Artist to be determined Seawall(Pavilion Jacksonville Beach Time TBA Free admission Sunday, November 4, 2001 • Sky Show and Street Festival Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront 10 a.m.—4 p.m. Ground activities to include: static displays, food and beverages, children's activities, interactive games and entertainment. Tentative Sky Show performer schedule: 10:30 a.m. —3:00 p.m. am 10:30—Para jump 82°d airborne/Red Devils(C-130) 10:40—Chuck Lischer 10:52-Jax Fly By(S-3,P-3,H-60) 10:57—T-6 11:10-Assault preparations(Navy Surface Fire Support)—USS Boone 11:17—Close Air Support-RECON(F-18s,AV-8Bs,AH-lBs Cobra,H-46s) 11:30—Assault(AAVs,LCAC H-hour) 11:55—B1 flyby • pm 12:02-F-16 demo 12:17-McClung AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 • 12:27—F-86 12:37—Mancuso 12:47—F-14 demo 1:02—USCG fly by/search and rescue demo(Dauphine,Jayhawk,Agusta, Cutter) 1:10—F-117 flyby 1:15—Ian Groom 1:25—F-15 1:40—Air Force Heritage(F-86/F-15/F-16) 1:50—Wagstaff 2:05—Apache 2:15—Sean Tucker 2:30—Blues Fat Albert C-130 2:40—Blues Jacksonville Sea and Sky Spectacular Sponsored by: Jacksonville Tourist Development Council AT&T Media Services AT&T Wireless Pfizer Health Tour Navy Federal Credit Union • TECO Peoples Gas ConAgra Foods, Inc. Jax Navy Federal Credit Union Mint Magazine Observation Station Tempo Budweiser Coca-Cola Tom Bush Mazda Volkswagen-BMW Rock 105 WOKV 690 AM 102.9 The Point COOL FM Supported by: GM Card Discover Card Casa Marina Hotel Hay-A-Seat • Brampton Inn Comfort Inn Mayport AGENDA ITEM#9 OCTOBER 22,2001 • Comfort Inn Oceanfront The Jacksonville Landing Mayport Merchants Association Country Inn & Suites Ponte Vedra Days Inn Oceanfront Atlantic Marine / Atlantic Dry Dock Best Western Oceanfront Hampton Inn Observation Station For more information and All vendor and/or sponsor inquiries: City of Jacksonville Office of Special Events 117 West Duval Street Suite 310 Phone: (904) 630-3690 Fax: (904) 630-3693 Web: www.jaxseaandsky.com • E-Mail: events@coj.net •