08-20-01 v Budget Workshop Agenda Meeting 2;Auqust 20,2001 5:15 Water & Sewer Systems • Sewer projects ongoing, planned from master plan • Sewer to unserved areas • Water master plan (Beach Av. water line replacement) • Multi-year plan, rate increases anticipated 3%/yr. • Reuse on discretionary list • Spreadsheet comparison of costs 5:45 Stormwater Fund • Maintenance plan (Kosoy) • Update to master plan • Capital plan (refer to 10 year financial projection) • Subsidy from General Fund, Gas tax 6:00 Core City Budget • Balance, current estimate of cost 6:10 Gas Tax Fund • • $, 10 year plan 6:15 Sanitation Fund (notation of fund stability w/ Pub Wks budget) Convention Development Tax Fund • $, 10 year plan 6:20 Employee Benefits • Pay Plan Implementation • 4% COLA & merit • Group Health Insurance (City and employee cost) • Benefit comparison (due from Palmer & Cay) • Summary of employee change #s (net) 6:40 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Find • $ available • List of discretionary projects 6:45 Decisions on Discretionary projects • • MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2001 Commissioners Present: John Meserve, Mayor Rick Beaver Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson VanLiere, Finance Director David Thompson, Public Safety Director Donna Kaluzniak, Utilities Director Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget for FY 2001/2001, was called to order by Mayor Meserve. The City Manager presented and explained the new budget comparison for water and sewer utilities for FY 2001-02 which had been provided by Donna Kaluzniak. Ms. Kaluzniak then gave II an overview of current year utility projects and reported on the status of each project. A copy of her report is attached as Exhibit A Ms. Kaluzniak then outlined proposed capital improvement projects totaling approximately$2.2 million which are included in the 2001/02 budget. A copy of the list of projects with their related costs is attached as Exhibit B. The City Manager then displayed a graph showing total water and sewer revenues and expenditures (Page 148 in budget) and indicated there were sufficient revenues coming in to fund the recommended projects. Public Works Director Bob Kosoy, then presented a list of streets scheduled for milling and paving, to be funded from local option gas tax revenues, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C. Mr. Kosoy then presented the budget for the Public Works Department and reported that currently the new walking excavator (Menzi Muck) was being used only about six hours per week. He is proposing to add two heavy equipment operators and expects to be able to clean 6.5 miles of major drainage ditches per year, as well as many miles of minor ditches and swales. Commissioner Mitchelson felt that less frequent maintenance would be required if ditch banks were stabilized. Mr. Kosoy then reported on the projects which had been completed under the stormwater master • plan and gave an overview of the projects which he proposed to include in the ten-year Stormwater plan. A copy of Mr. Kosoy's report is attached as Exhibit D. • Page Two Minutes—Budget Workshop August 20, 2001 Mr. Kosoy then gave a status report on the Core City project and reported that $2,033,426 had been spent or encumbered through the end of this fiscal year. He indicated that bids would be received in the fall of this year and said the engineer had assured him that the remaining of budget of$5,093,310 was adequate to complete the project. A copy of the Core City project report is attached as Exhibit E. The City Manager the displayed a graph showing the stormwater revenues and Commissioner Borno felt that an increase of$1.00 per month would help offset revenue shortages and free up general funds and gas tax revenues. Commissioner Waters felt that an increase was not necessary and the City Manager said he was not recommending an increase at this time. City Manager then displayed a graph showing the gas tax revenues and discussed account balances. He then displayed a graph of sanitation revenues and expenditures. Discussion ensued regarding the amount of sanitation reserves on hand and Commissioner Waters felt that the citizens were not really happy with one day per week yard trash collection and felt the City Commission should revisit this matter during the next strategic planning session. 410 Regarding Convention Development Tax, the City Manager reported that about $60,000 revenues is received each year and noted that no funds had been spent out of this account this year. The City Manager reported that Palmer and Cay, the consultants who were doing the pay and classification study would be in attendance and would report to the City Commission at their meeting on Monday, August 27, 2001. He explained the cost to implement the new pay plan would be approximately$122,000 and funds were not included in the budget. He reported that the new proposal would provide pay ranges for each position with a base, middle and maximum pay indicated. He explained that in order to address the problem of pay compression, employees would receive increases based on the mid point of the range and not on their current rate of pay. He reported that it was difficult to hire and retain employees in many positions. He said he had included funds in the FY 2001/2001 budget to give all employees a 4% COLA. Performance reviews would be established in the next fiscal year and future pay adjustments would be based on performance. He recommended the City Commission include the $122,000 in the budget pending the report from Palmer and Cay. Discussion ensued regarding the salary of City Commissioners. The City Manager reported on comparisons he had made on salaries with other cities. The Mayor suggested leaving salaries at their present level. The City Manager then presented current and proposed health insurance rates, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit F, and Commissioner Waters suggested the City Manager survey employees • to see how many employees have family members with no health insurance. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of providing insurance to family members and Commissioner Mitchelson felt • Page Three Minutes—Budget Workshop August 20, 2001 there were other avenues available for families to obtain reasonably priced health insurance. The City Manager reported on the premiums that AHL was proposing. The City Manager summarized the available options and felt that to piggy-back on the City of Jacksonville plan might be the best plan, and it may cost less than the figure budgeted. Also, Jacksonville has a cafeteria plan so health insurance premiums would be paid with pre tax dollars. The Mayor said he would e-mail Mayor Delaney and request that they accept Atlantic Beach under their health insurance plan. Regarding a pension adjustment for retirees, the City Manager presented a list of the current pensions being paid to retirees and outlined three options: (1) do nothing, (2) approve a 5% across the board increase, or (3), approve an increase to retirees who had a long tenure with the city. Discussion ensued and the Mayor recommended approving a 5% increase at a cost of$8,412 and also developing a policy within the next year which would provide for review and possible pension increases. 40 Discretionary Projects: The City Manager said he would like to replace the chairs and lectern in the Commission Chambers. He also suggested replacing the cables around City Hall with stainless steel cables to eliminate problems with rust. Commissioner Waters also suggested installing additional blinds in the Commission Chambers. Discussion ensued regarding other discretionary projects and the City Manager pointed out that approximately$550,000 would be available from the increased V2 cent sales tax revenues. He suggested that some of these funds could be used for the Selva streets project, which would cost approximately $570,000, or for the implementation of the pay plan. Commissioner Mitchelson felt capital projects with a safety factor such as low flow to fire hydrants on Ocean Boulevard, should be funded. Following further discussion it was agreed to hold one more budget workshop to prioritize discretionary capital projects and to act on the recommendations of Palmer and Cay, the consultants who are conducting the pay and classification study. Commissioner Waters said he would like to complete the improvements on Ocean Boulevard and the City Manager reported that funds were included the budget for this project. It was noted that a public hearing on the budget was scheduled for September 6, 2001, and it was agreed that further discussions on the budget could be held at that time. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 40 Maureen King City Clerk • dr4. x;,�. YsSTTS7jp °,e� Current Water and Sewer Utility Pro • e c s 0 FYOO/O1 z C H m cnm ix D _= cInv o 0) > H N O N O O • Buccaneer SAtlanticBeach ewer Improvements Project Project includes : • Master lift station . • Force main from lift station C. • Upgrade of fairway villas lift station . • Upgrade of park street lift station . Cost $995,500 . * Status : contract awarded to Meadors Construction Co . Pumps and materials on order. Construction to begin 9/4/01 . +P-X•T*15+i c++T+.sT+'4,44—T,T•Th Tx•T•TtN..:. a�'4�74.:5+7+;:i-5+,*++.EFF+`-Kt:,:stA+i+.: +-Tii,r4+i4"4".K`K.434+N+TeM++"4-y+F�iv+T++'iiitliit;. • ?:4+43.04?++14?+,44++cii+��t4.4*.*?:4-4*s++. ..+.i!�!#�:*+ti*++}+^++�i+!a+.+'.ids!,a°. ? + 4iri°i!:?+!i+*«! 4?:?:4air:!i'ti°y+++.i+'+�+:+4,+.+!i*r Church & Sewer Improvements 111 • Project includes :• • New water and sewer mains on church road from Mayport to George street. •Cost : $ 138,608 . •Status : com tete . Awaitingp final invoice . �{'!�.�.d�<ts i 444++1 f+144++4 ii++i4+i+t+4�i+ir+Ake}a{p{1+-" 4+F+'+4+4++44—i i s-+{++F'�'{i+4i}d+moi } iyf • k, +kms 4+444+#4tF+4 414+4 FQ444�4>+4+ #�44...t 1�4 4'f+�f:444a:}�4 4�+444f{4f44f4v4f4�4+{i14 i`+Fdy+4i444�i�Li46+}i�ifry+44�i4+�f�i�{�i iti f«iiif+i Wer � ne a ca ion a a ot Mayport and Atl * Project includes : • Replacement and relocation of 8-inch water main to avoid conflicts with JTA Flyover construction . cost : $271 ,708 Status : complete .lete . p +{•+'�-l,�ii-0�rythri9i�1)��yn+ T +�4p+�4++�A +�3��+���iiifl,isi++++if�++L�i���+��*+�fi,4}��94,1�h�i14{+�+4�?t�+r��;+� .haF�ii+ice++YF�i+++j++i++++y+++++f ��i�:t�yt • +�+i+A+i�++++ii�}i+++++++�y i. .+++ ++,i�,+ii+++ +4++� ++++++y+f Fw'fM�+i+„++ih+++TF`t++t}i�,„,.++++,�.+�, i h;++++++++.ihit++4ii+iig Q'.Fill +.+.+.+.+.+,i.+.+.+�i.+4.�F.•+.i}ii,�'�4.+� '!A+! ii. .+.+..+ f!"+..+A.F!.+.Q++!fY.+?+A,t..+ +?+.+:L.+:+.*+.+.+.f.+.t.E.J,+ ?•:.�. t .+i.}.+..++.+.+.+A++ + + +. ^� Wonderwood Utility Project .. Project includes : • Replacement and relocation of water mains and force mains to avoid conflicts with the Wonderwood connector construction . Cost : $600,000 . •Status : .J roject complete . Awaitingfinal p p and invoicepaperwork from JTA. 14;1-aM+44+�#9�M i 4NV, .4i��i+ 4#++}!y4#+4fiN4#i++i}k#+44 44!# +hh+h,Y4kdfi+,f 4+f43'+tli}y 4++Y A+44444'4+F 4+i44'X74#k4f+i.h�#i}f4+y++#444.Fr f}4#44+4 +'#t+i`+i • _ i,4 4+F+4+t4+44++41 4 4.14.�y#i#++{�i;+,�4 4f,4i 444.i.+++.}i4• ::,ti 4:.:+:4 #4:4i44.v+#{f44 1 t Fs Y.d 4 i++:41+2•:1-'P44i044 4F S d#444444#4 P iS:44++44#$+444�Fi+ fd.!4a A .:.-4.#.4:L.44.h.+.4+4.4.44.+4+++4 ..'�#i�.4.+4A.4:}.4+4: .++4.444+hQ.4,4:4.4.� -.. .4.�#4�F.+.#r�.'�4.#.4.�i�.4.4A.4.}�.44.4.ifif,44+,4. 4.. ... Buccaneer Wastewater Plant Sludge Holding Tank \I Project includes : • A new 186,000 gallon sludge holding tank for the Buccaneer WVVTP #2 . Existing tanks need replacement. complete,*Status : initial design but redesi n will ll be needed based on results of sludge handlinganal sis by g v CDMI Requestingfunds to construct tank in FY 02 . Ifi:Ffih+ki'lT+#++i#++v4T4 iq+�Tyf�#n A+4i�++TikT+#k++,iT} �! k4++'+T++++6i!fit+T,a♦F++fiO+#1t944�M1i''it1;1.#�S#+#++##y+,��k}+TT�f+k}i{i}+##T icy4id • k ..+M1�+�i {+�+ki}i, i F i*+��#+,ifb{'#}4�r1i++,+f+#}*#�+f## :Y.Ttf+f+ti14M. 41 u n for Enlisted Men a m Housing * Project includes : • Enlargement and re-piping of the navy lift station wetwell . • Addition of water and sewer for 100 units of navy housing . *Cost : no cost to citybynavy.Paid *Status : construction underway. v • +,i+4+++ 'r:.+7,.3Fi+ggfing+ ir!i} w !#aT * '°a4 Wastewater and R .. Project includes : • NPDES Permit Renewal application for WWTP # 1, Reuse Feasibility Study, 0 & M Performance Report, Capacity Analysis Report • Also included letter reports for Reuse Feasibility at WWTP #2, and Solids Handling analysis • Cost: $27,821 • Status : Complete ++.++'}�++i#i�4+M,`6�i�+,j.,�4,F++,M44�i�+'ifjt�+}8,4+ti+ii.+++y,�;:+f+d+tJ;l�F1+�F4,�}«1,�F 441bi�4,F f#y4,t4'Atg},k4�i�Ty"i�4 f4+Til.F Y�44i,'l+++fiA �3::i;y+�t • M+444#++}'#+ t ft'n i 4+y.}4 Fi#S4 +{1#44!!+# +#}4I doh 4+44 4 }'?+4 4iN+44 #'1+4+4#4F}#Ti h++ i 4 +++ #+ +++'{,T:�h�+�+�A++:tb+4i�i�.+h.#ft+M++ib.4��ffh�'F#�}3!�1+i*+*+��+��f a}i++'t�++�4'�4'�1�4;.F#�(F+���+'44�#�+�+'�+A'+it+}�}.!#tfi*F};+'�+t#A T�#. s�4�i�}�: Water Master Plan • Project Includes : • Consumptive Use Permit Renewal • GIS Surveying and Mapping • Modeling and analysis of current system • Capital Improvement Recommendations • Efficiency recommendations *Cost : $ 145,000 *Status : 95% complete EXHIBIT B MINUTES -AUGUST 20, 2001 k \I L ar) (1) , (I) 06 L a) „„ (0miumjV q) 60 6 ' ^ ..0 O � CU) N o > o Q. . _ 0 — o . ..... a_ D LL 0 +++Ta T a�++-+'t. �+'+TP+'?4+'4`P+T+f+'trT�+Tf'P+'sf't+iC+v+++T+++T D,+ ++T•`�"i'^""'4+'4'#,Tr++++�++ • t _n 3r ++,�++'i`++++:i+#t+4+. }'}+t +++++ +t++ r +++++++++iii++ f+ai+�+� +'+* 'i+f +d`+ +++tr+i ++++ %•` F a++}ti fa+•+ +,<}P4+ia+N+++0++++++r*+++'ia' "a++,,.++:1�f*i #!+++!++i`++.#�R+it.R++!i!fi++334t+'i}4+..*+a.t^'4!3�+!+it!}'s�+'�°i+.+f°4a#','� _ - ++�h+++++ +�h++i.+t++ +`++•+ ... f.+:+.#'.+.+.i.+.q.4.4.0.+.r.4.b.4.+.i.h#�....i d � -:.:+.+*T.+.+.+.+!+a.,.#0!+.+.#.F+. .a}+.•'3:'i. eInspection , ssessmen • RehabiIitation , Replacement Project includes : • Video and geophysical logging of the wells in the Atlantic Beach district. • Required for Consumptive Use Permit. • Recommended in Water Master Plan. • Possible rehabilitation, replacement or cleaning of wells, depending on findings. • Reduced production at Water Plant Nos. 1 and 3. Estimated Cost: Up to $350,000 dependent on results of logging and analysis. }.F4i+i*-:'i}'SY�+44*+++i4fP4+'4k t4+}*+t+++i. #' V,f.rg+7 i4F f4*i+IL-Wi+A +ir#pa};+�i�+++.^414V:i+�i+#ii4+k•.+�+'+,�i.; PT+,7a4a+T+a*�+'+i'"++*i .44., 47,4;ys+� v--4--+to+�,++4+-vFBF*++4+a+++a+O+4++4+iw+i+++4++ _.t+s oo.,«+i+t++ +:+++,+t+,*�4+tW4'4:4.'�:444- 31tot++ :+:+.w+4+'.>"A°.C.'++4.i+.�i.*i1 +w+�+.+:43*.+:+.++ii:*.. oit+.f:{ • iii ++ +++i +*++*+ +J�}+*4 ++i4+4444}4+4++k#+ Te eme r Budgeted initial phase of telemetry system installation, with vstarting Buccaneer system . • Estimated cost : $70,000 (water and sewer) 0 .t.:0$)::::x.:********+++ 4k+'0:,* ++{++*y+'tttIPOia+*++++4'+ *fi*: +° *:*i++-? i4 : «*+}Ft?*4y** v4ii+*i 4... • J-Afay:: SeIva Streets Water/Sewer \I Project includes : • Work to be performed in conjunction with drainage and street improvements. • Water main replacements as needed . • Sewer point repairs. • Estimated cost : $245,000 . 4�+ ,�P,f4 T9 4 i+4fF ii i�f YiYf'�4p,,vff*2-;t4fb 4 f Atfii.fYiF.O«,6F51-f3 F}�- A,�4yFF4i-F.�'y!l k4fA'FyYfF�FYiT4.fM4-*i4.9.4;1.x.+.��fh'df4`4.�,Y z2-3i:.'t -3i • **Y*a ..`}yi�.}tV.:4i,4d 4M 4a}�qi if444if1 a� t . r, - iF4 i44 ::4,!}'�ite M*TF.lYf4 i'?+4d+4+fF44k 44fi Y:i iY�. ,l,`i'.f ■ eac venue a er a � n RepIacement • Project includes : • Replacement of existing 3-inch through 6- inch diameter water main with 8-inch main . • Existing water main is 1912 cast iron installation . • As recommended in Water Master Plan . • City Commission authorized staff to issue RFP for design buildproject. / • Estimated cost: $350,000 . Tel*i•?Lf}Tl4Y++ittia�iy+#i4�t'#pT#T . s4•r*##!it1} +!!##*!*.tia ! +t!+;;�:<� it#�#tYi#��i+:;i•#•'���,, ,tf i��Y4 fi}*�}�4y. ;t44+asp*4,:+x...4#At,m+;+>b!44',,��+�14a.++Y* h.4.014#Obi*.•°Y4+SCP'i#+!:.��FF��.�'`�°+:::�a*;'r +i :..**i!#;i:?+t«?#1y.{��a4t*i!i'•'.f0+++t#•ht++*t!r!#t++. Y.. • l.+.tl't.;. +.+.*'}tTh?+.t.it•�Y+... '# ? %k• 't'i•iy *' f' :• ... Water MainRepläcémënton Park East .. Project includes : • Replace existing 2-inch water main with 6- inch water main on Park Terrace East from Country Club Lane to Seminole Road . • As recommended in Water Master Plan . Estimated cost : $25,000 • i#4#.4i{!#.+FN+ 4.+>4F+F++++i.+4+##.+ 4 4.#".4.,# +q+t.+a++###+++i#+4++4 4+a+++#++ l + Ai :i1 +#+#+f# +1++4 + +1+M 4 ##t } +4+a,�#+#a :*• +.+ i 4*k Force Main Replacement Project includes : • Replacing the force main from Lift Station B ( 11th street) to WWTP # 1 (Sandpiper Lane) . • Force main will be upsized from 10-inch to 12-inch diameter. • As recommended in Sewer Master Plan . Estimated cost : $ 130,000 . • +. +.4 y*++i++ +* *+.++++.0+++rF *+a�iw+4Lt'++*`ti . *i0+aO*ib* *i*:a+t}• F ; iO44+.4.:+kO*t*# +t+i.a�*+.a*:*i•*f.*.+. ... :1S+T ,w+.+i•+w++++A+t+Q+!?.+**+:*++. aw.a+++t.+.+wt++1 + +++ a+++ +:s!•+ #++.4.+++ a+++++++ + t+•*4,1+++WO,+++++ +++d++°�.. JWest ■ ■n a on Upgrade V;MA`� N N V zp� NaO z Project includes . Upgrade of lift station to meet DEP regulations and City Standards • Existing lift station has only one pump, which does not meet regulatory requirements • Existing wetwell is too small for additional pump, and lift station needs to be brought up to City Standards. As recommended in Sewer Master Plan 1�� s • timated Cost: $ 100,000 • ++Y+}+.+{{�+4�}}{ d.t+ iT.+4+i.+4T+.T4 ...•'�'. +FL{+#}tlMYtTt tfit+'+1 }4 +,T+Ysitn4o-�+ ++}+tit;titY04+F*ttika} +K+Ti+4+si+ 4++k+t +ik444+ 44+i4t+#+} - <tiA�+4 +14#+.44X Y Yi +t4�?4yh++44 Sewer Lining in Donner Roa d Area .. • Project includes : • Cured-in-place piping for sewer mains on Donner and Francis. • Serious infiltration problem found while televising to determine cause of sunken sewer line. • Estimated cost : $ 180,000 . • • Force+iNZI++ Q*++++++*+*+*++*+*T*+++'+ t:-.+#.+T*Kg*F++ +++ 44y:. ++ = .+ 4+* Q + a% r + % w +AfL + i p + iA+r Effluent - Stabilization * Project includes : • Lateral stabilization of effluent force main trestle crossing at Sherman Creek. • Cost to be shared by all three beach cities. • Per recommendations after9 eotechnical work completed by Ellis and Associates, and review by structural engineer. • Estimated cost : $75,000 (total) . eHôldihgana• u Bucca neer WWTP 111 OProject includes : • New 186,000 gallon sludge holding tank at W\ATIP 2 . • Project design will be modified to ensure tank orientation will accommodate future thickening tank. Possible modifications to piping. • Existing sludge holding tanks in very poor condition, unable to rehabilitate. * Estimated cost : $275,000 . a�*+tf+�F++t+i t+++�♦T+t�+++fit+s++«�«+«+it++ri+�r %•,;:t t%rili+i±+.-++++Pa+ii«+i}+T+y+r'+Firi+t+.1+'+«:ta'+if+tr+*'++i++e'?'++'++'+++t«++s''i L++++T+ • +++*++i++++000+++++'W++*ri++O+:++++t+++ ++-+++++++ t+#b+++i++ir+«+Q+i4+«0�++«++++++++++ f0iAt+4+4«iify++++4i+#F++i+++ +.r.+:+.+.+,w+.+.+.t.O+.+.w+.+.+.t.«,«.+.w+.+.+?'�. wT.++....++,F+++�•t+F!++r#+ +? : Navy .. Project includes : • The U .S. Navy has issued requests for proposals to privatize all utilities at the Mayport Naval Station and associated facilities. • J EA has expressed interest in partnering with the City in this effort. Estimated cost: $ 100,000 for consulting services to determine feasibility prepare and proposal . • .+r.4.4.4�f.4.+,+.+.+.i.4.+Tf.4A:}:4.+.M.++.4.4.4.+.+i 1..". .+.+�+.�+.+.4.4.1.i'.i.+.+.+.Tf,'}.4;4.+.4�*.4.+�?.1.+{+A.4.+:h4.+.+.iZf.+.i.:hi.f.+:t4,+.+.f+.• ..:,4.f.+.+;.*t.s.+.+.{.+.a.+.+.+.4+.. .!::!+?4! Installing in Unserved Area s Project includes : • Installation of sewer lines in southwest portion of City. • Although not included in cost estimate installation of water lines would also be recommended during sewer installation . • Private developers have been showing interest in developing areas, including addition of water and sewer. Estimated Cost: $500,000 • • 0 Area Un- Developed Estimated Developed Cost Begonia from W. 3rd to 10 large and 11 properties $130,000 W. 9th average properties Begonia from West Plaza 13 13 properties $110,000 to Levy Tulip from West Plaza 8 4 $70,000 W. 14th Carnation & Gladiola 10 5 $70,000 $120,000 Lift Station 41 33 $500,000 Totals • • Local Option Gas Tax Proposed Streets and Sidewalk -Proposed streets for milling and paving include : -Ardella Road -Belvedere Street -Country Club Lane -Donner Road -Ocean Blvd. - 18th, 19th, and 20th Streets, east of Seminole Road yx -Linkside DriveC ca WC 0 -Poinsetta Court N 0 - 12th and 13th Street from East Coast to Ocean Blvd. o EXHIBIT D MINUTES -AUGUST 20, 2001 "Z::$ • . � • • Stormwater Maintenance Plan - Walking Excavator Currently - Average less than 6 total manhours per week on ditches with Menzi. Equals approximately 7800 feet, or 1 .5 miles per year. Proposed - Heavy Equipment Operators will spend 80 hours per week, when possible. This should allow maintenance of all 6. 5 miles of major ditches, and many miles of minor ditches and swales on an annual basis. 0 • • ' * Stormwater Maintenance Plan - Vacuuming of Closed Drainage System NPDES requirement - complete approximately 20% of our system per year Cost analysis - Purchase vs. Contractual : -Purchase cost of vacuum truck approximately $200,000, plus annual maintenance averaging $5,000 - $ 10,000. Annual cost for 5 years approximately $48,000 per year, not including manpower. -Annual cost of contractual vacuuming approximately $30,000 per year. • • Stormwater New Ten Year Master Plan Last Master Plan completed in 1995 by CH2M Hill. The following projects have been completed: -Saltair subdivision -Park Street Drainage Project -Donner Road and Sandpiper Lane -Selva Marina Circle -Atlantic Blvd. and downstream culverts (by COJ) -Tide gate at Aquatic Drive • • • Stormwater New 10-Year Master Plan, cont'd. Budgeted $75 ,000 for update to 1995 Master Plan -GIS mapping of entire City - 10-year capital improvement plan for remaining portions of City -Emphasize drainage problems in Hopkins Creek basin, especially Royal Palms and Donner subdivisions. -Analyze problems on Seminole Road and Ocean Grove area -Analyze problems on west side of Mayport Road, not completed with Marsh Oaks project. -Analyze maintenance procedures and make recommendations. • • Stormwater Stormwater Improvements for Selva Marina Private Streets Preliminary estimate for drainage = $ 160,000 -Estimate included improvements to Creekside Circle, Live Oak Lane, North Sherry Drive, Dale Lane. -Actual cost dependent on which easements are acquired, and final construction cost of drainage work. • Core City Project -Adjusted 2000/2001. budget = $ 7 , 126, 736 -Amount encumbered/spent 9/30/01 = $2 ,033 ,426 -Amount remaining = $ 5 ,093 ,310 -Note : Bids due in Fall 2001 and could exceed remaining funds . • S�+ «f 1+41.+V ++++++++++y4++4+#++i+++++4y4'+}f+p.17,++47 +++ +r+++++++i? ++i++ N.7Nc++t*++r' 4:4+,r+44,KT 44.4% a++ ++.�+ + 4T**+? r}+;+'+?+?+id+? + +44+44++f + ++.r+++T++4 4..TT.+++.i+YO++:4* A+ +4++i+,+4h + . Health Insurance Cost Current Year Next Year • City $332,800 $465,000 • Employees 66,000 66,000 w OTotaI $398,800 $531 ,000 i c." N • AHL Extension 3 mo. $ 162,257 (x4= $649 .028) +63% .0 12 mo. $818, 362 + 105%