08-16-01 v Budget Workshop Agenda • Meeting 1;August 16,2001 5:15 Overview • Balanced • Contingency levels (25%+) • Strategic Planning priorities • Service levels increased • No rate increases recommended • List of discretionary projects, pay plan implementation not included 5:30 PD Budget • Records management • Software • No car replacements • Add clerical position • Dutton Isle. security • Grants 6:00 IT System • Additional employee • Records management 411111 6:15 Parks & Recreation • Maintenance status • Adel Grage renovation • Master Plan • Recreation Board recommendations • Other park projects on discretionary list 6:45 Other Boards/ Committees for funding • Cultural Arts Board • First Night Board (no request for FY 01-02) Other Items (if time available) • General Fund long-term plan • Other items on discretionary list • Community Center • Post Office drive City Hall expansion • Accounting Changes • Water/ Sewer accounts • Allocations from Internal Service funds Beautification • MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 800 • SEMINOLE ROAD, ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2001 Commissioners Present: John Meserve, Mayor Rick Beaver Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson VanLiere, Finance Director David Thompson, Public Safety Director Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget for FY 2001/2001, was called to order by Mayor Meserve. The Mayor complimented the City Manager and Finance Director on the thorough job they had done in preparing the budget, and asked the City Manager to give an overview of the budget highlights. City Manager Jim Hanson also commended Nelson VanLiere on the fine job he had done in III putting the budget together and gave an overview of the proposed budget. He reported that reserves were at or above the 25% contingency figure set by the City Commission. He pointed out that all major issues in the budget were in accordance with the Commission's strategic plan. He indicated that service levels had increased due to the increased staff approved by the City Commission for the current year and the results were beginning to show in areas such as recreation, painting, and beautification. He reported that no rate increases were recommended with the exception of the second year of the 2-year rate increase approved last year, and pointed out that funds were included in the budget for Selva Marina Streets and the Adele Grage Community Center improvements. He also explained that while a 4% cost of living increase was included in the budget he had not received the report from Palmer and Cay regarding the cost to implement the new pay plan in time to include it on this agenda but he planned to discuss that item further at the next budget workshop. The City Manager then asked Dir. Thompson to report regarding Dutton Island. Mr. Thompson indicated that security on the island needed to be addressed and he said he liked the video system that is being used by the University of North Florida and would like to install a similar system on Dutton Island. He said that while he did not know the exact cost, it would be much cheaper than providing living quarters for an on-site security guard. He indicated he would pursue grant funding for this security system. Dir. Thompson reported he had not requested additional officers this year and the only personnel request was to change one part-time records clerk position to a full-time position. He also 0 reported that police vehicles are being better maintained since the take-home vehicle policy was Page Two • Minutes—Budget Workshop August 16, 2001 established and he had not included any new vehicles for the Police Department in his budget for next year. However, he planned to purchase a lifeguard vehicle and he hoped the City of Jacksonville would pay for it. Mr. Thompson reported he would seek grant funds to continue developing the information technology system in the Police Department. He would also continue to work with P.B.S.& J. to acquire additional grants. Finance Director, Nelson VanLiere, reported on the number of personal computers, lap-top computers, servers, etc. that the City had to maintain and reported that an Information Technology(IT) Systems Administrator had been hired. Mr. VanLiere reported that the Finance Department proposed to add additional software including accounts receivable and special assessment/loans software, as well as new building permits software for the Building Department. He felt the Systems Administrator needed an assistant in order to be able to respond to all the maintenance calls from staff and also plan for the growth and management of the system. The total IT budget is $270,000. The IT Systems Administrator, Bryan Smith, explained he was continuing to develop the GIS system and also hoped to make the web page interactive so that people could fill out forms and submit them electronically. • Commissioner Waters inquired regarding the security measures being taken to protect the city's data base and Mr. Smith responded that virus software had been installed, that he checks the system daily, and that he proposed to install a firewall to provide further protection. The City Manager then briefly reviewed General Fund revenues and expenditures and also used graphs to illustrate trends from 1998—2011. Recreation Director, Timmy Johnson, gave an overview of his department and explained that while he had additional personnel the city had also added park land and other areas which had to be maintained, such as, additional land at Rose Park, the new lifeguard station, and improvements at Russell and Bull Parks. Beautification division staff had also been increased. $400,000 is included in the budget for the Adele Grage Community Center Improvements. It was felt the city needed to develop a Parks Master Plan and the City Manager was hopeful that Timmy Johnson and Sonya Doerr could develop such a master plan without hiring a consultant. Commissioner Mitchelson noted that funds had been budgeted to train two employees in the use of the Menzi Muck machine and the City Manager explained that the Public Works Department was planning to use this machine on a full-time basis. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of health insurance and the City Manager explained that the city had experienced high insurance claims and could expect large increases in insurance • premiums. He suggested the City Commission consider freezing the amount that employees pay Page Three • Minutes—Budget Workshop August 16, 2001 for family coverage, otherwise, employees' family members may be uninsured. It was suggested the city pursue the possibility of establishing a cafeteria plan so that premiums could be paid with pre-tax dollars. The City Manager explained that Human Resource Manager, George Foster, would attend the next budget workshop and would discuss this matter in further detail. DeJean Melancon presented the Recreation Advisory Board's budget requests, as follows: • $20,000 to continue working with Atlantic Beach Elementary School to expand the soccer fields • $25,000 be budgeted to continue Artlife programs • Budget $100,000 for future land purchases • Budget $100,000 - $175,000 to construct a skate park Timmy Johnson reviewed a list of discretionary capital projects not included in the proposed budget, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A. The Mayor noted that $450,000 - $500,000 was available and suggested Commissioners review the list and come back to the next budget workshop (on Monday, August 20, 2001) ready to discuss their ideas. DeJean Melancon requested that the City Commission allocate a dollar amount for the • construction of a skate park, with the condition that additional funds would have to come from grants or public support. The Mayor reported that the subject of a skate park had been discussed at a recent meeting with Mayor Delaney and the other beaches Mayors and it was agreed that a regional skate park would be too much of a financial strain on Atlantic Beach and he felt the other Mayors would participate in a joint venture to establish a regional park. Commissioner Mitchelson felt Atlantic Beach should try to build a skate park for beginners through intermediate; older children could drive to a regional park. It was agreed to include a little money in the budget for a skate park. Mary Lou Boyer requested $11,400 funding for Cultural Arts Board projects, including a scholarship competition, a tour of local artists' studios, Atlantic Beach Elementary School Arts education, and the final payment for story telling and concerts in the park. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Maureen King City Clerk • ATTACHMENT A Budget Workshop 8/16/01 0 List of Discretionary Capital Projects 7/26/01 not included in proposed budget Item Price Parks & Recreation Projects New soccer field at Donner Park $17,000 Howell Park Gazebo $20,000 Plaza Park, Phase II $45,000 Park Signs; upgrade to new design $8,000 Fence, benches for new walking track $10,000 Pocket Park; Mayport Rd. $12,000 Tideviews floating dock $8,000 Russell Park, additional parking $5,000 Land Purchase per Rec. Board $100,000 Bull Park restrooms $50,000 Dutton; 2 additional pavilions $40,000 Dutton fishing pier $100,000 Dutton cabin for on-site security $112,000 Skateboard Park $170,000 Water/ Sewer Projects Sewer extensions to unserved areas $500,000 0 Wastewater reuse at AB plant $1,100,000 Other projects Church Rd. extension (50%) $45,000 Town Center extension on Ocean $100,000 New sidewalks/ pedestrian paths $50,000 Funds for tree plantings $10,000 Total $2,502,000 Items without pricing Community Center ? Post Office drive onto Plaza ? City Hall Expansion ?