08-13-01 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING .0 August 13, 2001 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of July 23, 2001 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: A. Aikenhead & Odom with presentation of the 75% Completion Plans for the Core City Project 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Follow-up Report from the meeting of July 23, 2001 (City Manager) 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOM-MENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Occupational License, Public Works, Recreation and Utility Billing Departments (City Manager) B. Authorize the Mayor to sign receipt for and deposit of$69,557.32, in state tax revenues under Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, for calendar year 2000 (City Manager) C. Acknowledge receipt of Reclaimed Water Report(City Manager) D. Reject the bids received under Bid Nos. 0001-11 and 0001-12 for the sale of the Kubota Tractor and Gradall and authorize the sale of these items to Trucks & Parts of Tampa for $32,000 (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports: 6. Action on Resolutions: 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 65-01-29 Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF ORCHID STREET, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 0 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Authorize the Cultural Arts Board to apply for a Jacksonville Community Foundation Grant (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA August 13, 2001 Approvegrant application to Florida Defense Infrastructure Grant Program, to B. pP PP gam, install raised concrete medians on Mayport Road(City Manager) C. Approve additional work in the amount of$20,435.28 to replace existing drainage on Sherry Drive (City Manager) D. Accept the proposal of Gee and Jenson to provide construction phase services for the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer Sewer Improvements in the amount of $14,800.00, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract(City Manager) E. Approve Change Order for additional work on Church Road water and sewer improvements in the amount of $10,036.05 (City Manager) F. Authorize purchase of 4-inch vacuum assisted self-priming pump from Complete Dewatering Pumps and Wellpoints, Inc. (as bid by the City of St. Petersburg) at a cost of$13,650.00 (City Manager) G. Approve a one-year extension to the contract with Brooks & Limbaugh Electric Company at the bid prices submitted under Bid No. 9900-19(City Manager) H. Approve the purchase of two emergency generators for Lift Stations C and F at a cost of$48,618.00 under the JEA contract with Ring Power(City Manager) I. Discussion and related action relative to advertisement in Fletcher High School Football Program(City Manager) J. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Urbanomics in the amount of$22,000 to conduct a Market Assessment/Feasibility Study for a Community Center (City Manager) 9. City Manager Reports: 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and, for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However,the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject,regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM, Friday,August 10,2001. O V V O o T T 'leMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH E E CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL,800 SEMINOLE ROAD AT S S 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY,AUGUST 13, 2001 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tern ( 7:45 p.m.) Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, Commissioners M S AND: James Hanson, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T c I O Y Maureen King, City Clerk ONEN N D S 0 COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m by Mayor Meserve. The Invocation, given by Commissioner Borno,was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of 0 July 23, 2001 BORNO X X MITCHELSON X X Motion: Approve the minutes of the July 23, 2001 Commission WATERS X Meeting as presented. MESERVE x The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Meserve recognized members of Boy Scout Troop 37 who were present and reported that they were working on their Citizenship in the Community badges. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: J.P Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive reported that his water,phone and cable lines had been cut during construction work on Sherry Drive. He also indicated that he would continue to work toward establishing voting districts in the city. Gerri Sabot of 330 1st Street stated that she was unable to attend many of the meetings concerning rezoning due to an illness in her family and inquired as to the status of the ordinance relative to duplexes. Ms. Sabot indicated that it was her intent to build a duplex on her property, but she 0 could not do so in the immediate future. MS Minutes Page -2- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y N • Mayor Meserve responded that the zoning ordinance was still in the COMMISSIONERS N DS 0 process of being discussed and a series of meetings would be held prior to its adoption. He further stated that the Commission wanted to provided a period of time of one to one-and-a-half years to pull permits under the old ordinance before the new zoning would go into effect. Pat Pillmore of 995 Camelia Street believed the Commissioners did not understand the needs of the residents living west of Mayport Road and stated that due to the construction, she did not want to have to turn left at the dangerous Plaza Street intersection to go home. She felt the cement and grass medians proposed for Mayport Road were not beautification and would cause a barrier. Ms. Pillmore believed too much consideration was being given the Navy while citizen input as to Mayport Road improvements was being ignored. She also felt City Attorney Jensen should attend Community Development Board meetings. Don Phillips of 1516 Park Terrace West inquired as to the status of the Stormwater Review Committee (SRC), and indicted that if the committee was not abolished, he would like the members to review the 75%plans for the Core City improvements (Item 2A). Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive indicated that a Mr. Donaldson • from AT&T Broadband had finally resolved his billing problems. He indicated that he would provide his name and telephone number to the city. A. Aikenhead & Odom with presentation of the 75% Completion Plans for the Core City Project Neil Aikenhead reviewed the following items with the Commission: The Core City Design- 75%plan submittal, the weir construction and the Core City Flood Elevation Report. Mr. Aikenhead reported that the city received the 75% submittal on July 12, 2001, three weeks ahead of schedule. He indicated that the plans were reviewed by Public Works Director Kosoy and Utility Director Kaluzniak and their comments were incorporated into the plans. It was suggested that a 90% submittal be made due to the number of changes made at the 75% level. Mr. Aikenhead proposed to make the submittal to the required agencies on or before August 31, 2001. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if the St. Johns River Water Management District(SJRWMD)had been kept apprised of the work during the process. Mr. Aikenhead stated that he had kept them informed • and he felt very confident that the design would be approved. Ms Minutes Page -3- OE August 13, 2001 TC 1 O Y N 4110 Mr. Aikenhead reported that one of the four large baffle boxes to be COMMISSIONERS NDS 0 constructed on Pine, Fifth, Seventh and Eleventh Streets as part of the treatment for reconstruction of streets, may not be needed. However,he proposed going ahead and installing the fourth box and gaining credit from the SJRWMD for treatment for another project. Mr. Aikenhead displayed a photograph of the existing weir and explained in some detail the improvements he proposed for that location. (Commissioner Beaver entered the meeting at this point in the presentation). Mr. Aikenhead indicated that the downstream conditions had changed due to the construction of the Wonderwood Road and the modifications there had helped hydraulically and had been taken into consideration in the modeling for the weir. Mr. Aikenhead reported that the detailed Core City Flood Elevation Report had been submitted and reviewed and he explained how the elevations were derived and how the system would work. He indicated that reducing the flooding was difficult due to the overall low elevation, and while flooding from stormwater would not be totally eliminated, it would be greatly reduced. He emphasized the need to keep the system clean in order to keep it working properly. 411 Mayor Meserve stated that it was his concern that the water would not move out of the core city area if the side streets were not lowered. Mr. Aikenhead pointed out that additional pipe to all inlets would move the water to more access points. It was also reported that the beach outfalls would be plugged with a removable plug,but would not be removed at this time. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Follow-up Report from the meeting of July 23,2001 City Manager Hanson briefly reviewed each item of his written report, a copy of which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. In addition to the written report, City Manager Hanson reported that BellSouth and the City could not come to an agreement relative to the on- going maintenance costs for the conflict boxes, and BellSouth had decided to move their lines after completion of the Sherry Drive reconstruction. BellSouth has indicated that Sherry Drive will not be dug up during their work. III M S Minutes Page -4- o E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONEN • 4. Consent Agenda: COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Mayor Meserve requested that Item 4C be removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Occupational License, Public Works, Recreation and Utility Billing Departments (City Manager) B. Authorize the Mayor to sign receipt for and deposit of $69,557.32, in state tax revenues under Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, for calendar year 2000 (City Manager) D. Reject the bids received under Bid Nos. 0001-11 and 001- 12 for the sale of the Kubota Tractor and Gradall and authorize the sale of these items to Trucks and Parts of Tampa for $32,000 (City Manager) . BEAVER X Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B and D as BORNO X X presented. MITCHELSON X X WATERS X MESERVE X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. • C. Acknowledge receipt of Reclaimed Water Report (City Manager) City Manager Hanson summarized the costs found in the Reclaimed Water Report submitted by Utility Director Kaluzniak. Using the Selva Marina Country Club as an example, the cost to use lagoon water was compared to reclaimed water. The report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Following a brief discussion the report was received and acknowledged. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee Reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: There was no action on Resolutions. 7. Action on Ordinances: • A. Ordinance No. 65-01-29: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC M S Minutes Page -5- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y BEACH, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ONE N III ABANDONING A PORTION OF ORCHID STREET, COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BEAVER X X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 65-01-29 on first reading. MITCHELSON X WATERS X City Manager Hanson briefly explained where the small triangular ME SERVE X piece of property was located. He felt the property had been omitted in error from an earlier street closing ordinance, and indicated that Ordinance 65-01-29 would correct that omission. Commissioner Waters requested information concerning any property the city presently owns adjacent to the small triangle. There was no discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Authorize the Cultural Arts Board to apply for a Jacksonville Community Foundation Grant (City Manager) • City Manager Hanson reported that this item had been removed from the agenda. B. Approve grant application to Florida Defense Infrastructure Grant Program, to install raised concrete medians on Mayport Road (City Manager) BEAVER X Motion: Approve grant application to Florida Defense BORNO X X MITCHELSON X Infrastructure Grant Program, to install raised concrete WATERS X X medians on Mayport Road. ME SERVE X Mayor Meserve explained the Navy's request to support its application for funding to install raised concrete medians on Mayport Road. The report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. Discussion ensued and Commissioner Borno confirmed that left turn lanes would be included in the project. Landscaping of the medians was also briefly discussed, and Mayor Meserve indicated that the grant money could not be spent on landscaping but money would be available from other sources. • There was no more discussion and the motion carried unanimously. M S Minutes Page -6- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONE N C. Approve additional work in the amount of$20,435.28 to COMMISSIONERS N D s 0 replace existing drainage on Sherry Drive (City Manager) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve additional work in the amount of MITCHELSON X X $20,435.28 to replace existing drainage on Sherry Drive. WATERS X MESERVE X Commissioner Beaver confirmed that the problems were not known before the project began. A brief discussion ensued and it was noted that the additional work would be funded from the project's 10% contingency. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. D. Accept the proposal of Gee and Jenson to provide construction phase services for the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer Sewer Improvements in the amount of$14,800, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract (City Manager) BEAVER X X Motion: Accept the proposal of Gee and Jenson to provide BORNO X X construction phase services for the Atlantic Beach and MITCHELSON X Buccaneer Sewer Improvements in the amount of$14,800, WATERS X • and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. MESERVE X There was no discussion, the motion carried unanimously. E. Approve Change Order for additional work on Church Road water and sewer improvements in the amount of $10,036.05 (City Manager) BEAVER X X BORNO X Motion: Approve Change Order for additional work on MITCHELSON X X Church Road water and sewer improvements in the WATERS X amount of$10,036.05. MESERVE X Commissioner Waters inquired as to why the Church Road water and sewer improvements were not listed in the Public Works Monthly Report. Utility Director Kaluzniak indicated that it was an oversight on her part and it would be included in the next report. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Authorize the purchase of 4-inch vacuum assisted self- priming pump from Complete Dewatering Pumps and Wellpoints, Inc. (as bid by the City of St. Petersburg) at a 110 cost of$13,650.00 (City Manager) M S Minutes Page -7- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONE N III Motion: Authorize the purchase of 4-inch vacuum assisted COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 self-priming pump from Complete Dewatering Pumps and BEAVER X Wellpoints, Inc. (as bid by the City of St. Petersburg) at a BORNO x X cost of$13,650.00. MITCHELSON X WATERS X X Commissioner Waters requested an explanation of the bidding MESERVE X procedure and City Manager Hanson reported that the pump was being purchased under a bid issued by the City of St. Petersburg and explained that the purchasing code provided for the purchase of goods or services through other governmental agencies. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. G. Approve a one-year extension to the contract with Brooks and Limbaugh Electric Company at the bid prices submitted under Bid No. 9900-19 (City Manager) BEAVER X X Motion: Approve a one-year extension to the contract BORNO x x with Brooks and Limbaugh Electric Company at the bid WITERSLSON X g p y WATERS X prices submitted under Bid No. 9900-19. MESERVE X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 411) H. Approve the purchase of two emergency generators for Lift Stations C and F at a cost of$48,618.00 under the JEA contract with Ring Power (City Manager) BEAVER X X Motion: Approve the purchase of two emergency BORNO X generators for Lift Stations C and F at a cost of$48,618.00 MITCHELSON X under the JEA contract with Ring Power. WATERS X X MESERVE X Commissioner Mitchelson inquired as to the cost differences between refurbishing the existing emergency generators and purchasing two new generators under the JEA Contract with Ring Power. A brief discussion ensued and Utility Director Kaluzniak explained that parts were not always available for older, analog generators. She believed funds would be saved in the long run by purchasing the new generators since they have a 15 —20 year life span, whereas, the reconditioned generators may last only another five years. There being no further discussion, the motion carried by a four to one vote with Commissioners Beaver, Borno and Waters and Mayor Meserve voting aye and Commissioner Mitchelson voting nay. • I. Discussion and related action relative to an advertisement in the Fletcher High School Football Program. M S Minutes Page -8- o E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ON E N • COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Motion: Approve placing a one-half page advertisement in the Fletcher High School Football Program. BEAVER X X BORNO X X MITCHELSON X Commissioner Waters felt the program was a historical document, WATERS X and suggested that the names of the Mayor, City Commissioners and MESERVE X City Manager be included in the advertisement. There being no further comments, the motion carried unanimously. J. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Urbanomics in the amount of$22,000 to conduct a Market Assessment/Feasibility Study for a Community Center BEAVER X Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute an BORNO X X agreement with Urbanomics in the amount of$22,000 to MITCHELSON X X conduct a Market Assessment/Feasibility Study for a WATERS X MESERVE X Community Center. Commissioner Beaver wished more entities would participate in the funding of the study, since the City of Atlantic Beach would assume the largest share of the costs. 411, A brief discussion followed, and Commissioner Waters suggested that Sandy Forsyth be contacted since he had written the city offering a$5,000 donation toward the construction of a skateboard park. Mayor Meserve indicated that he had already written Mr. Forsyth a thank you letter. Mayor Meserve confirmed that the need for a skateboard park would be included in the feasibility study for the community center. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports: City Manager Hanson • Reported that Supervisory Training conducted by the University of North Florida would begin this week and will continue through January 2002. • Distributed a schedule for the Selva Marina Streets improvements and reported that most of the required easements had been • acquired. M S Minutes Page -9- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONE N • • Announced that the city had finally received all of the approvals COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 and permits necessary to construct the dune walkovers to be funded by a City of Jacksonville grant. • Reported that the Police Department had chosen a software system by Visionair for records management at a cost of $44,486.10. Funding for the purchase will come from contraband/forfeiture funds and a$10,000 Law Enforcement Block Grant. • Announced that a luncheon for the Employee of the Year, Jeri Benjamin, would be held on Wednesday at noon. • Reported that the city's e-mail had been out of service and the website was down for more than a week, and he had authorized staff to purchase the necessary software and equipment in the amount of$14,500 to fix the problem. Chief Thompson Crossing Guard • • Reported that there was no longer a need for a crossing guard at 11t Street and this position would be eliminated. He indicated that letters would be sent to the parents of the two children who occasionally cross the street at that intersection. Animal Control • Updated the Commission on Animal Control and indicated that since the Animal Control Ordinance revision, 90% of the citations issued were either paid or had gone to court. He also reported that both Animal Control Officers were certified and recounted a recent incident which supported enforcement of the leash law. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney City Attorney Jenson • Advised the Commission that an appeal had been filed with the Circuit Court regarding the Community Development Board's denial of a variance to allow parking of a boat in a front yard. He indicated that he had prepared a motion to dismiss the case Sand felt the hearing would be held before the end of the month. City Attorney Jensen stated that he would advise the Commission of the outcome as soon as it was known. M S Minutes Page -10- o E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONE N • COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Commissioner Beaver • Updated the Commission on the Adele Grage Cultural Center project and requested authorization to proceed with the Construction Documents Phase of the agreement with Tat Chan, Architect for the project. Commissioner Beaver distributed a letter to the Commissioners outlining his request. The letter is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D. BEAVER X Motion: Authorize Tat Chan to proceed with the BORNO X Construction Documents Phase of his agreement with the city MITCHELSON X X at a cost of $19,894. WATERS X X MESERVE X The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Beaver indicated that he would like to place a small thermometer-type sign at the Adele Grage Cultural Center showing how much money had been committed to the project. He indicated the sign would cost no more than $100.00. There were no objections to the request. 41) Commissioner Borno • Inquired how the lifeguards had performed in the national competition. City Manager Hanson indicated that he would report on their individual accomplishments at the next meeting. Commissioner Waters • Requested that the yellow lines on East Coast Drive be repainted. Mayor Meserve • Indicated that dog complaints were always a concern and lately he had received complaints on both sides of the issue. An article will appear in Tideviews addressing the issue. • Reminded the Commissioners of the Budget Workshop at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday in the Commission Chambers. • M S Minutes Page -11- 0 E August 13, 2001 T C I O Y ONEN 0COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 There being no further discussion or business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeti i t .dj iurned at 9:25. i .41 tu,_ 1.''; -serve Mays„ ' esis g Officer Attest: ifT GZGc h ems., ” Maureen King Certified Municipal C1. k 410 0 a ATTACHMENT A AUGUST 13, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING August 7, 2001 • MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jim Han , .F ,ger SUBJECT: Follow-up 'eport Use of Skateboard Park; When Timmy Johnson made a report at the last Commission meeting about three skateboard parks in Florida, a follow-up question was asked about how many people use the parks daily. Mr. Johnson has reported the following: Satellite Beach Skate Park Averages 20-25 people per day Ormond Beach Skate Park Averages 124-130 people per day St. Augustine State Park Averages 200-225 people per day Attached for more information is a memo on this dated 7/25/01 from Timmy Johnson. 111 Community Center Study; When an update on the status of getting proposals for the Community Center Study was recently presented to the City Commission, a question was asked about the continuing willingness and ability of one of the study sponsors (E-Med Soft) to pay for their share of the study in light of a recent article that ran in a local newspaper. YMCA officials have reported that they have already received the check from that company and it has been cashed. On this agenda for Commission approval as a separate item will be the authorization for a consultant to begin on the Community Center Study. Dead Trees on Seminole Road; Several of the trees planted along the ditch on Seminole Road have died. Commissioners asked that the dead trees be removed to improve the appearance of the project and replaced later at the appropriate time. Some delay was encountered in getting the vendor to inspect and remove the trees, although this work should be completed prior to the City Commission meeting on August 13`h. Morton Property; Sherry Drive; A question was raised at the last meeting about a letter received from Ms. Morton of 490 Sherry Drive offering to sell some property to the City that is adjacent to Howell Park and the 5th Street ROW. After review by City staff, there is no need to purchase the property for the Sherry Drive/Core City construction project. The only reason for the City to purchase the property would be to expand Howell Park. Ms. Morton will be contacted to determine an asking price. Sherry Drive Project Status; Attached is a report from Bob Kosoy dated 8/6/01 outlining the status • of the Sherry Drive construction project. AGENDA ITEM#3A AUGUST 13, 2001 To: Jim Hanson, City Manager • From: Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director Date: July 25, 2001 Re: Skate Park Daily Averages Per your request, here are the totals for the daily usage of the three skate parks reported: • Satellite Beach Skate Park Averages 20-25 people per day • Ormond Beach Skate Park Average 124-130 people per day A maintenance personnel counts the number of people in the park five times a day. In my opinion, this number seems to be a bit high and it is difficult to track the number of people that uses the park without staffing the facility. • St. Augustine Skate Park Averages 200-225 people per day This number is tracked by doing a visual head count daily. In my opinion, this number seems to be a bit high and it is difficult to track the number of people that uses the park without staffing the facility. 411 Also, Commissioner Beaver requested to know when Ormond Beach started charging an admission fee for the park. As soon as they opened the park, they started charging a fee of$3. • AGENDA ITEM#3A AUGUST 13, 2001 S STATUS REPORT ON SHERRY DRIVE August 6, 2001 Contractor, Callaway Contracting, Inc., began work on 7/16/01. (751-8944) - Contractual Start Date 7/2/01 - Completion Date 1/2/02 - Completed Installation of Detour — during construction Sherry Drive traffic will be limited to one northbound lane. Access to be maintained for school, church and homes on Sherry Drive except for brief periods where pipelaying is directly in driveway(s). - Ernie Beadle is the Construction Inspector for City. - Tom Mitchell is the Project Superintendent for Callaway. CURRENT STATUS - JEA has completed their replacement of wooden poles with concrete poles. Contractor advised to order the nine conflict structures, as designed, since . no agreement has been reached with BellSouth. Contractor has installed 1175 linear feet of 12" diameter water line from Sturdivant Ave. to 4th Street. Contractor completed major crossing for water line in front of AB Elementary School at 3rd Street, prior to opening of school. Installed highway curb along centerline of Sherry Drive for additional safety in the school area, prior to opening of the school on 8/7. POTENTIAL PROBLEM OR DELAYS - Currently no Memorandum of Understanding with BellSouth. - Lack of new structures for BellSouth when needed could delay or cause rework of construction on eastern half of Sherry Drive. Existing drainage near AB Elementary School needs replacement, and funds will be requested at the 8/13/01 Commission Meeting from project contingency funds. School opens on 8/7/01. 410 a 111 - ATTACHMENT B - AUGUST 13, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Reclaimed Water Report SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Director DATE: August 2, 2001 BACKGROUND: As part of the NPDES Permit Studies, Camp, Dresser& McKee (CDM) prepared a Reuse Feasibility Study for both the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer wastewater treatment plants. Reclaimed water is highly treated effluent from a wastewater treatment facility that can be used for irrigation, aesthetics, industry or environmental enhancements. Potential reclaimed water users in our area include the Selva Marina golf course and the Mayport Navy Base golf course. If a reclaimed water system were constructed at the Atlantic Beach Wastewater Plant#1 (1100 Sandpiper Lane), this water could also be used for irrigation at Russell Park. • Regulatory requirements for reclaimed water are more stringent than our existing effluent limitations, which would require capital improvements to the treatment plant(s). Additional capital would be needed to provide piping to the golf course(s). Operating costs would increase due to requirements for additional staffing, electrical costs and chemicals. A summary of the estimated capital and operating costs for alternative reclaimed water systems is as follows: Description Atlantic Beach Buccaneer WWTP Buccaneer WWTP WWTP #1 to Selva #2 to Selva Marina #2 to Navy Golf Marina Golf Course Golf Course Course *Capital Improvements $639,450 $475,000 $475,000 to Treatment Plant **Capital Improvements $472,500 $1,016,000 $533,000 - Piping Total Capital $1,111,951 $1,491,002 $1,008,002 Estimated Annual $10,000 $52,000 $52,000 Operating Costs *Includes estimated amounts for engineering and contingency. **Includes $105,000 for piping to Russell Park. • 1 AGENDA ITEM#4C AUGUST 13, 2001 Representatives of Selva Marina Golf Course have expressed an interest in obtaining reclaimed • water from the City of Atlantic Beach. As shown above, capital expenditures to construct the reclaimed water system would be considerable. Selva Marina currently uses water from the lagoon for irrigation, with an estimated cost of$0.03 per 1000 gallons. Based on CDM's analysis, the cost to provide reclaimed water from the City of Atlantic Beach would be approximately$1.00 per 1000 gallons, based on a 20-year financing period and assuming a 6.375 percent interest rate. This cost is based on providing the golf course with their average demand of 220,000 gallons per day. BUDGET: No funds are being requested at this time. RECOMMENDATION: This report is provided for information purposes only. The City will provide copies of the Reuse Feasibility Study to the Selva Marina Golf Course, and Navy Public Works. ATTACHMENTS: 1. *Reuse Feasibility Letter Report from CDM, dated July 20, 2001. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER; * The full Reuse Feasibility Study Report for At tic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant is on file in the City Clerk's office. This is a lengthy document, and it is impractical to make Illcopies. • 2 AGENDA ITEM#4C AUGUST 13, 2001 . CDM Camp Dresser&McKee Inc. consulting 800 Brickell Avenue,Suite 710 engineering Miami,Florida 33131 • construction Tel:305 372-7171 Fax:305 372-9167 operations July 20, 2001 Ms. Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-4318 Subject: Buccaneer WWTP Reuse Feasibility Letter Report Dear Ms. Kaluzniak: The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the feasibility of providing reclaimed • water from the Buccaneer WWTP to users in the immediate area. This letter is intended to supplement the reuse feasibility study that was completed for the Atlantic Beach WWTP. This letter report will identify potential users of reclaimed water in the vicinity of the Buccaneer WWTP and identify the estimated costs to serve those users with reclaimed water. This evaluation will also identify potential sources of revenue that are available to aid in the construction of these facilities. Existing Facilities The Atlantic Beach Utility Department operates the Buccaneer WWTP. This facility is a 1.9 mgd ADF sequencing batch reactor wastewater treatment plant that discharges chlorinated/dechlorinated effluent to the Intracoastal Waterway by way of two vertical turbine effluent pumps. Space for new facilities at the plant site is limited,however the Utility Department has recently acquired additional property outside the existing WWTP fence. The existing chlorine contact chamber is sized to adequately provide a minimum of chlorine contact time of 15 minutes and is split into two redundant chambers that will provide Class I redundancy. Selected Reclaimed Water Application Sites The two most logical application sites to receive reclaimed water from the Buccaneer WWTP are the Selva Marina and Mayport Navy Base golf courses. These two points • represent the largest nearby demands that would be feasible to deliver reclaimed water to. AGENDA ITEM#4C CDM Camp Dresser&McKee lig&. AUGUST 13, 2001 Ms. Donna Kaluzniak • July 6, 2001 Page 2 Representatives of the Selva Marina golf course were contacted as part of the preparation of the Reuse Feasibility study for the Atlantic Beach WWTP. The Selva Marina golf course would be receptive to receiving reclaimed water. For this reason, it was included as a potential site for the Buccaneer WWTP. The Navy operates a golf course to the north of the Buccaneer WWTP. This course has the potential to accept reclaimed effluent should it be made available. This service could be extended to the Navy as part of an overall agreement to provide utility service. For this reason costs to deliver reclaimed water from the Buccaneer WWTP to point at the center of the golf courses was assumed to be a delivery point to an existing irrigation pond. Modifications to Provide Reclaimed Water Several on-site improvements would be necessary to supply the golf courses with reclaimed water that meets the requirements for public access irrigation.These improvements consist of a filtration unit, reclaimed water monitoring and control(flow, chlorine and turbidity), and modifications to the valves and controls of the effluent pumps to send the water to the golf courses or the existing discharge outfall. An • evaluation was performed on the existing Buccaneer effluent pumps to determine if they would be adequate to deliver reclaimed water to the proposed golf course systems. System Capital Costs Table 1 provides a summary of the anticipated capital costs of the proposed reuse system. The capital costs for the on-site improvements is $430,000.00.The costs of the pipelines to serve the two golf courses is $1,550,000.00. (Navy$1,016,000.00, Selva Marina$533,000.00) System Operation and Maintenance Costs Tables 2 and 3 present the operation and maintenance cost differential for providing reclaimed water at the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer WWTP's respectively. The additional costs for providing reuse are$0.02 for the Atlantic Beach system and$0.16 for the Buccaneer system. The primary additional cost component is the anticipated additional labor required by the FDEP staffing requirements. System Production Costs Including Capital and 0 &M Using the preceding analysis and the capital costs developed for the system, a cost per thousand gallons of reclaimed water produced can be calculated. From discussions with the City, a payback period of 20 years was used for analysis. At an interest rate of 6.375 percent the capital costs for the proposed reuse system components at the Atlantic Beach • and Buccaneer WWTPs were converted to a series of equal annual payments. These AGENDA ITEM#4C CDM Camp Dresser&McKee Inc. AUGUST 13, 2001 Ms. Donna Kaluzniak • July 6, 2001 Page 3 payments and the additional operation and capital costs were used to calculate the cost to the City in dollars per thousand gallons of reclaimed water produced. This analysis is based on the current annual average flows to the plants and assumes that the City would be able to use all of its effluent as reclaimed water. Cost Per 1,000 gallons of Reclaimed Water Produced Project Capital Cost per Operation and Total 1,000 Gallons Maintenance Cost per Cost per 1,000 1,000 Gallons Gallons Produced Atlantic Beach $0.18 $0.02 $0.20 Buccaneer WWTP $0.12 $0.16 $0.28 Selva Marina $0.25 $0.25 Pipeline (Buc) Mayport G.C. $0.13 $0.13 Pipeline (Buc) This analysis based on the break-even point assumes that the Golf Courses or other users • can take all of the effluent from the wastewater plants. As detailed in the earlier Reuse Feasibility study for the Atlantic Beach WWTP, the Selva Marina golf course currently uses 0.22 million gallons of water per day. Reclaimed water, like any commodity is subject to the pressures of supply and demand. Although the production costs are attractive at the Atlantic Beach WWTP, based on the limited amount of demand for reclaimed water, the price to break even would need to be increased to the$1.00 per 1,000-gallon rate as detailed in the Reuse Feasibility Study. Until such time as the economics change in favor of utilizing reclaimed water, either by an increased demand or a reduction in the quality of stormwater for irrigation use, the city would be required to subsidize the cost of implementation of a reclaimed water system. Potential Sources of Additional Funding Additional funds for the construction of reclaimed water facilities are available through the several state programs. The first source that the Utility Department should explore is the St. Johns River Water Management District's Alternative Water Supply Construction Cost Sharing Grant Program. This program provides up to a 50 percent share of construction related expenses for projects that can demonstrate a reduction in potable water use that would be realized by the project. Awards are based on the amount of available funding and number of projects that are awarded grants. The total funded capacity of this grant usually limits 4110 this grant to a range Of$75,000 to$100,000 per award. • AGENDA ITEM#4C CDM Camp Dresser&McKee Inc. AUGUST 13, 2001 Ms. Donna Kaluzniak 4110 July 6, 2001 Page 4 Another source of alternative funding is by way of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving Loan program. This program funds wastewater related construction projects utilizing low interest (3 to 4) percent loans. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this analysis in detail please contact our office. Sincerely, CAMP DRESSER&McKEE INC. / drew G. L ' •, P.E. • • S i TABLE 1 ATLANTIC BEACH UTILITY DEPARTMENT BUCCANEER REUSE SYSTEM Off Site Improvements Capital Cost Component Buccaneer WWTP Selva Marina Mayport Golf Course Reclaimed Water Plant Improvements Buccaneer WWTP Filtration Unit $ 204,500 Yard Piping @ 10% $ 20,450 Golf Course Transmission Lines Selva Marina Discharge Structure $ 1,500 13,000 LF 12 inch force main $ 624,000 Navy Golf Course Discharge Structure $ 1,500 6,800 LF 12 inch force main $ 326,400 Site Work @ 5% $ 11,248 Electrical @ 15% $ 33,743 Instrumentation and Controls @ 10% $ 22,495 Subtotal $ 292,435 $ 625,500 $ 327,900 General Conditions @ 25% $ 73,109 $ 156,375 $ 81,975 (Mobilization, bonds, ins., permits, licenses,overhead, profit, etc.) Total Estimated Construction Costs $ 365,544 $ 781,875 $ 409,875 Contingency @ 15% $ 54,832 $ 117,281 $ 61,481 Related Technical/Other Services @ 15% $ 54,832 $ 117,281 $ 61,481 y "4 t=7 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST(2001) $ 475,000 $ 1,016,000 $ 533,000 c 4 E •� n • 0 • TABLE 2 Atlantic Beach WWTP Reclaimed water production costs Daily Cost Monthly Costs Month Flow Current Disposal Method Reuse Days/Mo. Current Disposal Method Reuse Monthly Gallons Jan-00 1.513 $ 27.94 $ 53.06 31 $ 866.13 $ 1,645.01 46,903,000 Feb-00 1.564 $ 28.88 $ 54.85 28 $ 808.68 $ 1,535.90 43,792,000 Mar-00 1.498 $ 27.66 $ 52.54 31 $ 857.54 $ 1,628.70 46,438,000 Apr-00 1.548 $ 28.59 $ 54.29 30 $ 857.58 $ 1,628.77 46,440,000 May-00 1.53 $ 28.25 $ 53.66 31 $ 875.86 $ 1,663.49 47,430,000 Jun-00 1.526 $ 28.18 $ 53.52 30 $ 845.39 $ 1,605.62 45,780,000 Jul-00 1.554 $ 28.70 $ 54.50 31 $ 889.60 $ 1,689.58 48,174,000 Aug-00 1.565 $ 28.90 $ 54.89 31 $ 895.90 $ 1,701.54 48,515,000 Sep-00 2.145 $ 39.61 $ 75.23 30 $ 1,188.31 $ 2,256.92 64,350,000 Oct-00 1.684 $ 31.10 $ 59.06 31 $ 964.02 $ 1,830.93 52,204,000 Nov-00 1.517 $ 28.01 $ 53.21 30 $ 840.41 $ 1,596.15 45,510,000 Dec-00 1.484 $ 27.40 $ 52.05 31 $ 849.53 $ 1,613.48 46,004,000 Totals $ 10,738.97 $ 20,396.07 581,540,000 Given: Chlorine Cost $ 0.14 /lb. Cost Comparison $/1000 gallons Sulfer Dioxide Cost $ 0.20 /lb. $ 0.02 $ 0.04 Labor Cost $ 16.00 /hr Power $ 0.09 /kW-hr Reuse Assumptions: Staffing Requirements 16 hr/day, 7 days a week Chlorine Dose currently provides a 1 ppm residual River monitoring will continue Pump TDH @ 40 psi Yn • til n z • a H ii • 0 • TABLE 3 Buccaneer WWTP Reclaimed water production costs Daily Cost Monthly Costs Month Flow Current Disposal M Reuse Days/Mo. Current Disposal Method Reuse Monthly Gallons Jan-00 0.939 $ 17.34 $ 160.93 31 $ 537.54 $ 4,988.93 29,109,000 Feb-00 0.935 $ 17.27 $ 160.79 28 $ 483.45 $ 4,502.20 26,180,000 Mar-00 0.88 $ 16.25 $ 158.86 31 $ 503.76 $ 4,924.78 27,280,000 Apr-00 0.904 $ 16.69 $ 159.71 30 $ 500.81 $ 4,791.17 27,120,000 May-00 0.85 $ 15.70 $ 157.81 31 $ 486.59 $ 4,892.16 26,350,000 Jun-00 0.961 $ 17.75 $ 161.70 30 $ 532.39 $ 4,851.14 28,830,000 Jul-00 0.931 $ 17.19 $ 160.65 31 $ 532.96 $ 4,980.23 28,861,000 Aug-00 0.815 $ 15.05 $ 156.58 31 $ 466.55 $ 4,854.11 25,265,000 Sep-00 0.886 $ 16.36 $ 159.07 30 $ 490.84 $ 4,772.23 26,580,000 Oct-00 0.882 $ 16.29 $ 158.93 31 $ 504.91 $ 4,926.95 27,342,000 Nov-00 0.737 $ 13.61 $ 153.85 30 $ 408.29 $ 4,615.45 22,110,000 Dec-00 0.709 $ 13.09 $ 152.87 31 $ 405.87 $ 4,738.86 21,979,000 Totals $ 5,853.97 $ 57,838.20 317,006,000 Given: Chlorine Cost $ 0.14 /lb. Cost Comparison $/1000 gallons Sulfer Dioxide Cost $ 0.20 /lb. $ 0.02 $ 0.18 Labor Cost $ 16.00 /hr Power $ 0.09 /kW-hr Reuse Assumptions: Staffing Requirements 16 hr/day, 7 days a week Chlorine Dose currently provides a 1 ppm residual River monitoring will continue Pump TDH @ 40 psi acs cm cr wy rt NN O , © A _ ATTACHMENT C - AUGUST 13, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Grant Application to Florida Defense Infrastructure Grant Program SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hanson, City Manager DATE: August 6, 2001 BACKGROUND: The City of Atlantic Beach has been asked by representatives of the Navy Station Mayport to support an application for funding to install raised concrete medians on Mayport Road to improve traffic safety. The existing continuous left-turn lane presents a dangerous situation for pedestrians and vehicles. There have been numerous accidents along Mayport Road over many years. Each day over 20,000 vehicles travel Mayport Road to the Mayport Navy Base and any improvement to traffic safety along the Mayport Corridor would be beneficial to the Navy. The City of Atlantic Beach was asked by the Navy to prepare an estimate of the cost to install the raised medians. Bob Kosoy estimated the cost of the medians from Plaza Drive going north to Wonderwood Road, including engineering and a contingency of 15%, at $1,313,261.67. • Grant fundingis available for defense infrastructure projects from Enterprise Florida Incorporated, which has recently awarded a grant to the JTA, to study the Wonderwood/Mayport Road intersection. It is my understanding that this is a 100% funded grant with no matching monies needed from the City of Atlantic Beach. If the grant is approved, an agreement would be needed between the cities of Atlantic Beach and Jacksonville because most of the Mayport Road corridor that would be affected is outside of Atlantic Beach's city limits. The grant application information was provided to the city late in the afternoon of July 27 with a submission deadline of later that same day. Because of the support from the Navy for this project, because it was included in the list of recommendations from Landers Atkins in the "Mayport Road Corridor Study," and because the concept of raised medians along Mayport Road had been discussed with the City Commission as a possible solution to safety issues and an improvement in the ascetics (if landscaped), I signed the grant application on behalf of the city and submitted it before the deadline with a notation "Subject Approval by City Commission at the next regular meeting of August 13, 2001." BUDGET: The estimated $1.3 million cost of this project would be funded by grant proceeds. Atlantic Beach does not have any money funded to support this project. RECOMMENDATION: Approve submission of the grant application in the name of • the City of Atlantic Beach. AGENDA ITEM#8B AUGUST 13, 2001 ATTACHMENTS: Florida Defense initiative evaluation fo for 2001-2002 grants. • REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: • • • 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042 7 05115 NAVSTA PWO AGENDA ITEM #8B AUGUST 13, 2001 • Florida Defense Infrastructure Evaluation Form for 2001-2002 Grants 1.Project: Construct Median on Mayport Road 2. Installation(s)Affected: Naval Station Mayport 3.Project Contact Person: Mike McVann Phone Number 904-270-5207 Fax Number: 904-270-5115 E-mail: mmcvann nnsmayportspear.navy.mil 4. Category of Proposed Project: Public Safety X Education ; Water-Sewer Utilities-Communications ; Housing ; Encroachment ; Environment Transportation&Access X; Future Base Capacity ; Other 5. Summary of Project: The 'ro-ect will re lace the existinl aved two-wa center left turn lane on Mayport Rd. from Atlantic Boulevard to Wonderwood Rd.with a 13'wide raised grassy median. Median to be bordered with a concrete curb and include left turn lanes at selected intersections and trees and landscape materials in the median. 6_How is the Infrastructure Problem an Impediment to the Base and What is its Relative Importance to the Overall Military Mission? The existing continuous left-turn lane resents conflictin: traffic movements and is extreme! dan:erous for .edestrians 1110 attempting to cross the road. Mayport Rd. is the primary access point to Naval Station Ma 41 i rt. The safe of the milita dei enden civil service and contractor personnel using Mayport Rd isconsidered a high priority in our ability to meet the overall mission of the Navy. 7.Florida Defense Infrastructure Project Cost: $1,313,261 .67 8. Does the Project Relate to Other Local/State/Federal Budgets: Yes No x If "Yes", Explain How: 9. Amounts of Other Leveraged Funding/Contributions: N/A (Federal (State) (Local) [Private] (Revenue Bonds) (Other) 10. Impact of the Project on the Installation's Future Base Efficiencies: Each working day over 20,000 vehicles enter the main gate to Naval Station Mayport and in turn, exit at the end of the day. This traffic volume must use Mayport Rd. The almost daily interruption of traffic from accidents results in significant lost productive time for_personnel caught in the resultant traffic congestion. The loss(injury or death) of personnel from a pedestrian accident is immeasurable. 11. Check-mark the level of benefit the project will have to improve base efficiencies: 111 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042705115 NAVSTA rwo AGENDA ITEM#8B 07/27,01 14:86 CO HAVSTA MRYPORT 4 05115 AUGUST 13, 2001 • Project Cost Project Impact an Beet Emdenaie+a Hob eat come Bea "c Mae=liege "-- Large Brn c*IM - - SIM to SUM jCOaita flocida Deis LDfrsstra re Eulnatiwt Form for 3001.2002 Gnats Applicant li ' 'Dile: City anager Peed Naar: J' Hanson lite: 7/27/01 Local mO L c i ttve Signature: Dom; Printed Name: Base Comsnandea's Printed Name: John D.I rneaa r verifY a this pialaissi is required to increase base efficiency end that its prierity is M 1 act of# I • - Base C Sime: � 27 K� � Dam 7f /ot Title: CM'r kSN C.Q. Al4isr# * Subject to approval by City Commission at the next regular meeting of 8/13/01. • 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042 7 05115 NAVSTA PWO AGENDA ITEM#8B 7. AUGUST 13, 2001 iit ... 2,--,,,,, rt-_, �4 lck' City of Atlantic :each and fly ofJacksonville Jacksonville Planning and Development Department ■ • Mayport Road Corridor Study IT .y !4: - .� . �- .11.i...- F•ti'::-t11;.;.;•'.\ \*-1.1......pk *,...s.;,e_...74;..... .w..'•''-',.....;E:s.:7,........1.‘.1..,:71._.._2,:s;_.:,.s.11:_. i.,.2.11:14.14k-,frera,..r.;....S:-. ::;%:_......::::::_iir7v.::.-47.0,-i-4:4,447::%:44.1:;..i.;:teb..:":.....:1......,:.71,7"it'll I .., . s..- ,:it;,_%i • .v.INit, ,.. :‘, jam` . '1,...--,- :J::v /1 I --.. ' r r may- •_ I . 14:- - IY, .z-,.w 4 r. • k .a. it � y "« a ; • 1 ' !+:' a► ! ` }— �-- t I; �� t •-..�•a� �' fir 1 • - -_._ . .' ` •,...1-•••�~i:•'..• t ��_ Landers Atkins Planners, Inc. 1 _ with Jonathan Barrett, FAIR,AICP ■ Chantal Bowen Engineering,Inc. I May 2001 0 P 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042 7 05115 NAVSTA PW'0 AGENDA ITEM#8B AUGUST 13, 2001 I Mayport Road Corridor Study • Figure 17: Proposed Sections Ps100 Foot AM Section 0-w To live 4 '1e at Claara sever Ilimas Simi Ts Use 3 _+_ s.T�{ • , q2i _ han�yL�on �: ,�aia l ' .o =t Ei li rol ' 4 L. ` IIII MO 10 f,.er 2 24 Feat Maden 2 Lanes 24 F fo Foot • Sala„& 7.5 Fad Landersrm 7.6 Feet and amLanded pe/ 13 Fest anM"h . Pse, r and ee. Zane Zoos Pam • 100 Foot RNV Section Tiaras an Larrvoar Roads es droch Seat III Bead To Lir *no 7 Laney b s Lasses 0 LaN�r Bead To Lir Esaemera Th n e Sliest _ ub►a 7.....-.,--. w I igf ... —• .. • Op 1rd: Via :e _ %. ki"'e!y'b�r' j^ .... Am. i-- 454iii 44 stir:- izmile: 1013 10 Fast 3 Lame 33 Fest Median 3 Lama 33 Fiat 10 Fear 10-11 Fool lidowelic 10 Sidonir Fest Lerdscope and Bike 13 Feed and me Lar>tieoepe E f i1, Pah Ea..rwrt Figaro 17 Proposed Sections Ai vet Jr-v(44 cr Stisit — L�aiyobas ea o a u Q'dAtiedaBarak Hawaii M4aerimt Parma-4w r Jacitaa"'li'Planning sad Datreiapnewe Dapanmeas • 27 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042 7 05115 NAVSTA PWO AGENDA ITEM#8B 1 _ AUGUST 13, 2001 IMayport Road Corridor Study 411 _ RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are meant to provide the City of Jacksonville and Atlantic Beach with ideas and concepts for improving the redevelopment atmosphere along the Mayport Corridor. They fall into two broad categories, 1) public improvements, and 2) I - development guidelines and controls. Mayport Road Median I - The addition of medians on Mayport Road (Figures 16 and 17) will be a major improvement to not only the safety of Mayport Road by providing access control, but will allow space for landscaping. Since medians will restrict left turns to selected intersections, it will necessitate I - allowing for u-turns at selected intersections. This can be easily accomplished in those sections of Mayport Road where 6 lanes of traffic exist In those sections with only four lanes, (Figure 18) additional pavement areas will be needed to allow for the u-turning movement. The I - idea of medians was presented to the Jacksonville FDOT staff. FDOT likes any strategy that will provide safety and eliminate the continuous center turn lane. They stated that a preliminary engineering study and community input would be the next logical step in moving the concept - forward. As mentioned in other sections of this document, the medians will offer the ' opportunity to introduce trees and other landscaping materials along the roadway. 1 :• '•::r••••-•„.• ...,:.1.3.::47212.:54,,, .�y't ti,�"•g•,,d C.fr_. 3h 1 ---..(--4-'. '' •v. �-...w.11' o Tx�fA •-4`pi� �l• $w..rx•(4. r.. 3 iii''•�f`22`12`hoz 4.1,..71„,;,;..-• -7:-.6..s.124 .1•lJ'i T :Vj„ £S' • .:tf;.J; :r' --•fir k �'3�uu `5.R' i 1\ S. v4• '�y y +�• :4-r r.�:.ei`+-."'- •'.:':•:••..., • :,.';.: Jr 'i_s� • - �. _• �i.;..,--,._.r f •r 33•y _ + -p • .. II- .._• S;•j_:. -,-i •-• 4,6 `^' - V`•�:nt -.rt -: L • • 4:T • 25 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042705115 NAVSTA PR'0 AGENDA ITEA1 #8B AUGUST 13, 2001 Mayport Road Corridor Study OPPORTUNITIES The redevelopment opportunities (Frgure 12 and 13)for the Mayport Road Corridor will be focused on several areas. • Access Management • Landscaping/Streetscape • Redevelopment Potential • New Development Pattern Access Management Access management strategies which could be used are medians, joint driveways, and cross- access driveways. Joint and cross accessway requirements conned adjacent land uses and consolidate driveways serving more than one property. This allows vehicles to circulate between adjacent businesses without having to re-enter the roadway. Medians: Raised or grassy medians in the center of a road separating opposing lanes of traffic and restricting turning and crossing movements. Studies from Florida and around the nation show that roadways with raised medians are safer than those with center two-way left turn • lanes_ Directional left turn medians (Figure X) are the safest by eliminating several conflicting movements and medians also have traffic calming effects. Medians also provide a refuge for pedestrians as they cross roadways and can be landscaped as part of a corridor beautification program. Flyover As mentioned previously the Flyover has presented same access and traffic impact circumstances which need a solution. Landscape/Streetscape The visual enhancement of the public right-of-way will be a strong marketing force in attracting new "111 businesses and residential development to the area_ The use of medians would not only help with access management, but also afford the opportunity to introduce landscaping trees and shrubs into the environment_ Also, theme streetlights and paving patterns in sidewalks and key intersections will visually enhance the corridors appearance. One major visual enhancement to the corridor would be the under grounding of overhead lines (power and communications). This not only includes the lines but also the support poles. Redevelopment Potential The major potential redevelopment sites along the corridor are the older apartments or rental mobile home parks. These facilities were built to serve Navy personnel, but have outlived their usefulness. At present they are in poor or substandard conditions. As mentioned previously they have become places for criminal activity. Sind they are rental units under single ownership, they can be redeveloped to new commercial or residential use in a timely manner. Ond of the owners of three mobile home rental developments along the corridor has indicated that he would like to rezone his properties to commercial and multi-family use. 19 • 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042705115 NAVSTA PW'0 AGENDA ITEM#8B AUGUST 13, 2001 Mayport Road Corridor Study Figure 11: Existing Sections 11 - r1 amp =a ir=a a- f�•. f7-5 Foal r.swwNFowl L CalarAsw 2Lw24Fief 17.1FMf t•1•+at swd 13 Fri admit sad dam 64•t 100 Foot R/W Sect}on 140111 of Chvdr barest • i r r /i. so.. ice. or •A /.r 1:41.iMi ♦..EL M. SEM a -� ^ --- y� Ant J Wet 31 (At Gator how 7thro•a Fag Siermihr Gen/Arm r�Fail and Greet ASO 100 Foot WW Section T1ana:on L..vyrbofnW Rom In Churb Servat from 7 Lanes b 6 Laos x•11 Existing Sections AtAafrOrt F.4*Garri4or st t4S1 e 16 ar ofi.s....at Obliging aarillow wau.wr .IMw�witawgirtw•st orswet I 18 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042705115 NAVSTA PWO AGENDA ITEM#8B AUGUST 13, 2001 Maypon Road Corridor Study Traffic Improvements Two major transportation improvements are underway which will effect the Mayport Road Corridor development directly and indirectly_- The first is the Wonderwood Connector, which starts in Arlington and will cross the intercoastal waterway and end at Mayport Road. This improvement will provide additional east-west access to and from the Beaches and increase the use of Mayport Road. This improvement will further increase the redevelopment of property in the corridor. The Atlantic Boulevard Flyover (Figure 9) to Mayport Road is under construction. This improved access will allow for free flow left turn movements from east bound Atlantic Boulevard traffic onto north bound Mayport Road. The elevated structure and ramp leading down on to Mayport Road will prevent left turn movements along Mayport Road from Atlantic to beyond West 9th Street This could have an access impact for businesses on the west side of Mayport Road, and traffic impact on the adjoining residential neighborhoods with an increase in customer and service traffic wanting to access businesses on the west side of Mayport Road. The Jacksonville Metropolitan Planning Organization has studied this issue and has make recommendations for resolving the situation. Mayport Road Mayport Road (Figures 10 and 11) is seven lanes with a center turn lane from Atlantic Boulevard to Levy/Donner and then transitions to five lanes with a center turn lane north of Church Road The right-of-way also varies from 120 feet to 100 feet As shown on Figures 10 and 11, the area from behind the curb to the right-of-way/property line varies depending on the number of lanes. The area with the Flyover has only 8-feet from back of curb to right-of-way, while between 51 and 8m streets the area increases to 18 feet. The transition zone from the 120-foot right-of-way to 100- foot right-of-way from balk of curb to right-of-way the distance returns to 8 feet • • 15 07/27/2001 03:23 FAX 19042705115 NAVSTA Pw0 AGENDA ITEM#8B AUGUST 13, 2001 1 Mayport Road Corridor Study ilk `- Figure 8: Susceptibility to Change I JEA a 1 Par /t ` area sower tEr- L 1 �lamer-FirllMr •I h avo :. .. ; .. • • .- ��� • — Nt,,m Changemaw41 r' C _,_ .kw d babaom ,r -OM oru�/a ,T : - 1 j rMr.,.... al, -��r WOW mow 1 I — -Ulm WWII= r.1. 1 i • AK477P°'t c .rstugy I .;.• CIO9WAINKle Omni I. ressaurasop =Mr - • wm aea..r1./��al - r.r<amwa 1•� MIII • ......7z..., mi • :r "h4;".° ♦ .r ! IF 14 ATTACHMENT D AUGUST 13, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING �i ���f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH j /6 800 SEMINOLE ROAD • �S . ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 J S 1 TELEPHONE: (904)247-5800 J S FAX (904)247-5805 SUNCOM: 852-5800 15✓' u � http://ci.atlantic-beach.fl.us Ji August 13, 2001 Mayor John Meserve Commissioners Borno, Mitchelson and Waters City Manager Jim Hanson City Clerk Maureen King I would like to ask at this time to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the Construction Documents Phase of our Agreement with Tat Chan for the Adele Grage Cultural Center. The cost of this phase is $19,894.00. To date we have collected$36,075 in private funds and have commitments for$85,000 in public funds. We have $100,000 budgeted for our fiscal year 2000-2001 and plan an additional $100,000 in the upcoming budget for 2001- III 2002, I feel confident that we will make our private fund raising commitment prior to the completion of this project. I would like to allow Tat Chan to proceed with the constuction documents to show the city's commitment to this project. As the city advances, additional contributions will follow. I would also like to place a small sign at the center with a"thermometer" of some sort showing the projects goal and the current amount of the goal committed. The cost of this sign would be no more than$100.00. Please give this request your consideration. Thank you for your continued support of this project. Si c rely, ichard M. Beaver RMB:fes •