04-23-01 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 1110 CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 23, 2001 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of April 9, 2001 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: A. Reynolds, Smith&Hills with report regarding revitalization of Mayport Road corridor 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Discussion and possible action regarding lifeguard pay rates B. Report regarding Alcoholic Beverage violations and occupational licenses 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE • MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOM- MENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMI11'ED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS 5. Committee Reports: 6. Action on Resolutions: A. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE(City Manager) 7. Action on Ordinances: 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Appointment to fill unexpired term on the Code Enforcement Board,with a term expiring September 30, 2001 (Mayor) B. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments(4)to Cultural Arts Board(Mayor) 0 9. City Manager Reports: A. Report regarding street maintenance scheduling software Page Two AGENDA April 23, 2001 110 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and, for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience,forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However,the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject,regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. 0 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,April 20,2001. • V V 411110 0 T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC E E BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL,800 SEMINOLE S S ROAD AT 7:15 P.M.ON MONDAY,APRIL 23, 2001 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tern Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, Commissioners M S AND: James Hanson, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney z C Maureen King, City Clerk ONEN N D S 0 COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Meserve at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation given by Commissioner Borno was followed by the Pledge fpof Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of April 9,2001. BEAVER X X BORNOMotion: Approve the minutes of the April 9, 2001 X PP P MITCHELSON X Commission Meeting as presented. WATERS X X MESERVE X The motion carried unanimously. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: Alan Potter of 374 Second Street referenced the April 16th Public Hearing on the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and stated that he had taken an informal survey of duplexes on the three hundred block of Second Street and found eight duplexes and eight single family homes. He felt the proposed density change from allowing duplexes to only single family homes between First and Fourth Streets would be too harsh on existing duplex owners. He requested that the Commission seek a legal opinion as to what the law permits concerning rebuilding of an existing duplex. Mr. Potter cited the Supreme Court Case of Lucas vs. South Carolina and stated that he believed the city could not prohibit the rebuilding of an existing duplex in the area,but could pass regulations concerning its construction. He felt the city should research this matter further. MS Minutes Page -2- OL April 23, 2001 1 c I O Y • O N E N Mayor Meserve responded that the Community Development Board had COMMISSIONERS NDS 0 worked diligently to revise the ordinance with the intent to close any loopholes and correct any inconsistencies and had made their recommendation to the Commission. Mayor Meserve indicated that additional workshops would be held to address the issues brought up during the public hearing. Commissioner Mitchelson felt that the duplex problem was an unintended consequence of the well intentioned work of the Community Development Board and the problem could be worked out with further workshops and public input. Commissioner Borno concurred with Commissioner Mitchelson. Pat Pillmore of 995 Camelia Street reported that she had attended Jacksonville Transportation Authority Mass Transit Workshop and learned that four citywide mass transit corridors were being considered, one of which was Atlantic Boulevard. She indicated that evaluation of the corridors was based on the positives and negatives found along the routes. • Bob Totter of 27511th Street requested that the stop signs located at 11th Street and East Coast Drive, at 11th Street and Ocean and at 12th Street and Ocean be removed and replaced with"Pedestrian Crossing" signs. Commissioner Waters stated he was concerned for pedestrian safety and inquired concerning marking a street for a pedestrian crossing and the traffic law concerning pedestrians. Public Safety Director Thompson explained pedestrian safety rules. Discussion ensued and Commissioner Mitchelson pointed out that the Commission had previously acted on this request and chose to leave the stop signs in place since several citizens indicated they wanted them to remain. Commission Correspondence Mayor Meserve commented on the following correspondence received by the Mayor and Commissioners: • Indicated he would not respond to an unsigned letter concerning issues with the Police Department since the information could • not be verified. • Indicated that the Beaches Park Project to construct a regional park in south Jacksonville Beach were still seeking support and MS Minutes Page -3- OE April 23, 2001 TC OSt Y O N Y N recognition for the project through donations for fence and other COMMISSIONERS NDS 0 small items. • Indicated that he had responded to the resident on Francis Avenue concerning drug dealing in the area, and indicated that he would meet with the resident, walk the area and see what could be done to stop the on-going problem. A. Reynolds, Smith & Hills with report regarding revitalization of Mayport Road corridor Mayor Meserve introduced Monty Salim of the engineering firm of Reynolds, Smith and Hills who reported on the Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO) study of the Mayport Road corridor. The following items were addressed and evaluated in the report: Access to the commercial area west of the flyover retaining wall, access to the post office and related impact on the Plaza intersection, truck traffic diverted to the residential areas west of Mayport Road, and traffic flow patterns east and west of Mayport Road. 0 Mr. Salim reported that four different alternatives were evaluated and when analyzed, the second and fourth alternatives were found to be the best choices. (Aerial maps illustrating the four alternatives displayed are on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Access Study listing the four alternatives is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. A question and answer session followed the presentation and the different alternatives were discussed in detail. Mayor Meserve expressed concern for the post office entrance area, and Mr. Salim indicated that some type of an agreement would be required for access to the post office through the private driveway on Plaza. Mayor Meserve requested that staff continue to keep in touch with the JTA as the project moves forward causing shifts in traffic patterns. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if the JTA would participate monetarily in finding a solution to the traffic problem at the post office. City Manager Hanson indicated that the JTA will assist with the removal of the Plaza Street hump, and had agreed conceptually to help study issues caused by the flyover,but there was no concrete commitment. City Manager Hanson indicated the Jacksonville Transportation Authority(JTA)had been given information on the Second Street turn lane but had not responded. He stated that the • Commissioners would be given a final report from RS&H after the JTA comments are received. City Manager Hanson indicated he would contact the JTA after the final report was received to discuss the post office, funding, and a timetable for completion of the alternatives. M S Minutes Page -4- o E April 23, 2001 T C . I 0 Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Discussion and possible action regarding lifeguard pay rates City Manager Hanson reviewed Chief Thompson's report comparing rates of pay for the lifeguards and indicated that the recent pay increase kept the city competitive with surrounding area agencies. It was pointed out that any further increase would require a budget adjustment. Discussion ensued concerning the pay rate for Senior and Supervisory positions. Commissioner Waters felt the lifeguards should be paid the Hanna Park rate since they received no overtime pay. Motion: Adopt a pay scale equal to Hanna Park. WATERS X The motion died for lack of a second. It was the consensus of the Commission to follow the staff recommendation and continue with the pay scale adopted during the April 9, 2001 Commission Meeting. • B. Report regarding alcoholic beverage violations and occupational licenses Chief Thompson reported that there was nothing written in the City Code of Ordinances which would allow the city to revoke a business license for violation of the beverage laws. Chief Thompson indicated that the City Attorney could obtain an Attorney General's Opinion, if the Commission desired. Chief Thompson also reported on another sting targeting sale of tobacco products to minors and indicated that business owners were getting the message since few sales occurred. Discussion ensued and Commissioners Mitchelson and Beaver requested an Attorney General's opinion on the legality of such an ordinance. It was the consensus of the Commission to have City Attorney Jensen obtain the opinion. C. Follow-up report from the regular meeting of April 9, 2001 City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: 4110 • Bull Park Restrooms - Reported that Architect Tat Chan had recommended a freestanding restroom be constructed at a cost of $35,000. Other choices offered were combining the two old M S Minutes Page -5- 0 E April 23, 2001 T C SIO Y N E N restrooms in the building to make one unisex restroom with an COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 outside door, or extending the building ten feet to put in two restrooms with outside doors facing the playground at a cost of $50,000. It was suggested that this item be considered during the upcoming budget workshops. • Reported that the old incinerator site soil borings required by the Department of Environmental Protection(DEP)had been completed, and the small amount of lead found 1-3' below the soil surface posed no immediate threat of lead exposure to any of the residents. He indicated he would keep the residents and Commissioners informed of the DEP's final response to the city's report. Chief Thompson reported on the following: • Reported that Parks and Recreation Director Johnson and he attended a Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND)meeting on Saturday in Daytona Beach and the city was approved to receive funding for the improvements to Dutton Island. He indicated that the bid for the project would be advertised on Sunday and a• pre- qualification meeting was scheduled for May 11, 2001,with bids due June 6, 2001. Discussion concerning the proposed canoe launch ensued, and Commissioner Waters expressed concern regarding its design and location. He pointed out that the launch site at Tideviews Preserve was inadequate during low tide, and he felt the site proposed for Dutton Island was located too far away from the parking area to carry a canoe or kayak. Chief Thompson indicated that the city had a cart with large wheels to aid with the transport of canoes or kayaks. Commissioner Beaver inquired if the dock at Tideviews Preserve could be modified and Chief Thompson felt it would be less expensive to build a new floating dock. 4. Consent Agenda: There were no Consent Agenda items. 5. Committee Reports: There were no Committee reports. • 6. Action on Resolutions: Resolution No. 01-07 A. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH M S Minutes Page -6- OE April 23, 2001 TC . I O Y O N E N AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A COMMISSIONERS NDS 0 MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) BEAVER X X BORNO X X Motion: Approve Resolution No. 01-07. MITCHELSON X WATERS X MESERVE X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: There was no action on Ordinances. 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Appointment to fill unexpired term on the Code Enforcement Board,with term expiring September 30, 2001 Motion: Appoint Peter Wynkoop to fill an unexpired BEAVER X III term on the Code Enforcement Board with the term BORNO X X ending September 30, 2001. MITCHELSON X WATERS X X MESERVE X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments (4) to Cultural Arts Board (Mayor) Mayor Meserve stated that he would like to have a Resolution on the next agenda to change the terms of the Cultural Arts Board members from two to four years. He indicated that he wished reappoint Nancy DeCandis, Alice Gartland and Mary Lou Boyer to the Board and appoint Joyce Totter to fill the term of Karin Clark BEAVER X X Motion: Reappoint Nancy DeCandis,Alice Gartland BORNO X X and Mary Lou Boyer and appoint Joyce Totter to fill the MITCHELSON X term of Karin Clark on the Cultural Arts Board. WATERS x, MESERVE X A brief discussion ensued concerning term limits and election of the Board Chairman. The motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports: 0 City Manager Hanson reported on the following items: MS Minutes Page -7- OE April 23, 2001 T C 0 Y ONE SI N COM IISSIONERS • Reported that the Public Works Union filed a Unit Clarification NDS 0 Petition to expand the Union to other departments, which was later withdrawn. • Reported the city had received a petition for a speed bump in the 100 block of Magnolia Street. The Public Safety Director will review the request and report back to the Commission. • Reported that a boil water notice had been issued to residents in the vicinity of Mayport Road where the contractor working on the flyover had broken a water line. It was further reported that the problem was corrected, the notice was lifted and the residents notified. • City Manager Hanson distributed his Strategic Action Plan to the Commissioners, which included the top fourteen objectives selected by the Commission and the action required for their accomplishment. It was pointed out that half of the objectives required major Public Works Department staff time and they could not be accomplished with the current staff. City Manager Hanson recommended the following: (1)Hire a technical • designer to reduce the need for outside consultants at a cost of approximately$50,000, including benefits, (2)promote Donna Kaluzniak to Department Head status, (3) change the city's method for procurement of engineers for small jobs by instituting an on-going contract with fixed prices and a cap, and(4)hire a part-time clerical assistant for fifteen hours per week at a cost of approximately$11,000 per year. City Manager Hanson stated that he would ask Commission approval to hire the technical designer and part-time clerical staff at the next meeting and requested the Commission's conceptual approval of hiring the engineer for small jobs. There were no objections to the request. The Strategic Action Plan Report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. A. Report regarding street maintenance scheduling software Public Works Director Kosoy thanked Streets Division Director Phil Nodine for all his hard work in putting together the street maintenance program. He indicated that the Overall Condition Indices (OCI's) for • the streets were generated by a cartegraph software program. Using a Powerpoint presentation, Public Works Director Kosoy reported that each street in the city was surveyed and rated,with poor ratings given to M S Minutes Page -8- 0 E April 23, 2001 T c I 0 Y • ONEN unpaved streets and the best ratings to those streets recently repaved. A COMMISSIONERS NDS 0 list of streets and their condition was displayed. The current work plan was briefly discussed at a total cost of$98,632. A ten year maintenance program was recommended beginning with the current fiscal year as the first year of the program. City Manager Hanson indicated gas tax funds would be spent on street maintenance. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Beaver • Updated the Commissioners on the Adele Grage Community Center fund raising efforts for building improvements. He indicated that there were two potential large donors and others who would like to be involved. He requested Commission opinion on placing small, discrete, bronze plaques in recognition of sponsorship, in various rooms of the building. No one objected to the idea of recognizing donors in this manner. • Commissioner Beaver hoped to have various fund raisers throughout the summer, including a tent party and penny jars for children's donations. Commissioner Beaver also suggested changing the name of the building to the Adele Grage Cultural Center. No one objected to the suggested name change. • Reported that he would be out of town the rest of the week Commissioner Borno • Indicated he would be out of town May 15-25th • Suggested the Commission investigate implementation of the innovative ocean rescue system developed by the St. Augustine lifeguards. • Referenced a Florida League of Cities Bulletin concerning fire safety marked"Urgent" and requested that the city send a letter to the Duval County Delegation opposing Senate Bill 1970 and House Bill 681 mandating two-in,two-out firefighter minimum staffing and granting broad authority for the Division of State Fire Marshal on all other safety rules and regulations as usurping the authority of the city. BEAVER X S BORNO X X Motion: Send a letter to the Duval County Delegation MITCHELSON X X opposing SB1970 and HB 681. WATERS X MESERVE X M S Minutes Page -9- 0 E April 23, 2001 T C III I O Y The motion carried unanimously. ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Commissioner Waters • Commented on a letter received from Ms. Norman concerning the 19th Street Beach Access beautification project and felt the pine tree(s) should be kept in the plan. • Felt implementation of the landscaping code should be triggered sooner than required by the current code, and requested that the Commission amend the code to reflect this requirement. Commissioner Mitchelson • Announced that Lindsey Thompson had won the first scholarship awarded by the Teen Council. Commissioner Mitchelson thanked the newspapers for their coverage of the winner. Mayor Meserve • • Expressed displeasure that the newspaper had taken a statement he made during the April 16th Public Hearing for Zoning Code revisions out of context, and indicated the city would never encourage citizens to resolve problems by lawsuit. • Reported he had spoken with Supervisor of Elections Stafford and the City of Atlantic Beach election would be the test case for a total electronic election. • Indicated he had spoken with the concerned neighbors of the 19th Street beach access, and reported that the pine tree(s) proposed for planting on the site would not block anyone's view. • Set a Workshop Meeting for Monday, June 4, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. to further discuss the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. • Stated he was disturbed with the prospect of losing Jerry Holland as the city's representative due to redistricting. He felt the city should be part of the redistricting process and stated that he did not want the city split into two districts. Redistricting options were discussed, including having the three beach cities being a separate district or split into two districts. Commissioner Mitchelson stated that he would speak to City of Jacksonville • Council Member Matt Carlucci on this matter. M S Minutes Page -10- 0 E April 23, 2001 T C 0 I O Y Commissioner Borno N D E N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 • Stated it had been thirty days since the Project Oversight Committee for Town Center had dissolved and inquired when the lights would be installed in Town Center. City Manager Hanson indicated he would follow-up on this matter. There being no further discussion or business o come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meetin d'o' ed at 9:50 p.m. `IA ', \ i i-s; e Mayo. ' -sidin: Officer Attest: il/_I--LL.k.1 - ..r • Ma een King Certified Municipal Cl- 0 - MI ATTACHMENT A — APRIL 23, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING • Q IC 0 CU 41) 41 CO 110 (111) . iliod will ..... . 'CSI 1 �hf' 4 4..-- ,: !..,._., :. • ��f vipa . ,. tin .. . . . • Cu „ . Sp...1m �x Y *+ s, 10 4, aO 4A-1113 lilly 0aIkh '1,., , ,v. iC 1 l.. 111111111111 . - ea pt lE oRI a mow 0 1:4 14:LA ;. • 000E STIIH '8 Hills `STIONA3H T6lZ 6LZ XO6 X\1 SZ:TT TO/T0/2Q . • • • Purpose I Improve access to Eastside and Westside of Mayport Road I Accommodate Truck Traffic AlongMayport yport a Road with Minimum Impacts to the Neighborhoods zrI Improve Access to the Post office .-I IfJ • • . • Alternatives Evaluated I Reviewed Neighborhood Traffic Circulation 1 No-Build II Alternative 1 - Access provided through property adjacent to Post Office Alternative 2 - Provide for U-Turn at Plaza that would accommodate trucks I Alternative 3 - Provide access thru Levy Road instead of Plaza I Alternative 4 - Provide Access at West 2nd Street N 1 Northbound Left I Northbound and Southbound Left I Tail-to-Tail Left Turn I Opposing Left Turns ri • • • . C o Evaluation � y41...::-44. m 6. � a y ,„ v, °i � a �� t � rM1 `-�*_ � §{ ; �Vzq v � . iaNge cn Engineering Criteriak a m Meets FDOT Minimum Design Standards yes no yes yes yes F. Improves Safety of Corridor ul no yes yes yes u; JTA Has a Positive of Negligible Impact on Mayport Road Traffic Flow yes no yes w Businesses and Residents on East Side of Mayport Road z Provides for SB-EB access yes yes yes Provides for WB-SB access no yes yes Businesses and Residents on West Side of Mayport Road L N Provides for NB-WB access no yes yes ,-- N Provides for EB-NB access yes yes yes Comments from General Public Discourages Cut-thru truck traffic I,.. no yes yes N Improves Safety of Merge/Weave between at-grade and ramp traffic no yes yes 00 N .O • • • AccessImproved to Postf � face 1 Alternative A 1 Alternative B 0 F C" N O N r-I O rl O N - - ATTACHMENT B APRIL 23, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING . April 23, 2001 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and Commission From: Jim Hanson, City Subject: Strategic Action Plan rt Attached for your review and comment is a copy of the City's Strategic Action Plan Report for the upcoming year. This report results from the priorities and objectives set by the Mayor and Commission at the second Strategic Planning Meeting on March 31, 2001. Also attached is a copy of the items submitted by our facilitator, Marilyn Crotty. The Strategic Action Plan Report includes the top 14 objectives selected by the City Commission with action steps for the accomplishment of most. Some of the objectives do not have action steps yet, but they will be spelled out in future reports. There are more top priorities than in the past year. The top 14 objectives received either 3 or 4 • votes during the Commission's prioritization. Additionally, at least a couple of the objectives that only received 2 votes (such as the Wastewater Reuse Study and the Pic-n-Save Community Center) are ongoing projects which will undoubtedly take staff time in coming months. It is clear that the City does not have enough top staff in place to make all the progress that we would like in each of these during the coming year. The City will either have to reprioritize to eliminate some of the objectives, reorganize the responsibilities of existing staff members, add some key staff or some combination of all three alternatives. It is also clear that the lion's share of the responsibility for completion of the action steps resides in the Public Works Department. Bob Kosoy and Donna Kaluzniak are listed as"owners"of all or portions of 7 of the 14 objectives listed herein. This memo is also to recommend some changes to the organizational structure of the Public Works Department. First, an in-house Technical Designer should be hired to provide additional capacity for project design and management. This position would be particularly useful in expediting the preparation of documents for smaller jobs where the bidding and negotiation with consultants in the past has taken a large amount of time and energy. It is expected that this new position would save the City money from having to pay outside consultants to do many of the jobs. The estimated salary and benefits for a technical designer would total to $50,000/year. Modifications are also recommended to the role of the Utility and Public Works Directors. I intend to restructure the Utility Director's job to be a full Department Head reporting to the City Manager. That Director will hereafter be responsible for not only the daily operations of the water and sewer systems, but also all construction projects and any other duties related to those • systems. Heretofore,the responsibility for construction project management has remained with • the Public Works Director. Similarly, the Public Works Director will have his job refocused to include the responsibilities for streets, storm water, sanitation and fleet maintenance. A third recommendation for streamlining and increasing the ability of the Public Works and Utility Departments will be to change the current method of procurement for engineering services. The solicitation of proposals, evaluation, selection and negotiation with consultants for every job takes up an inordinate amount of administration time. While warranted for the larger projects, such an elaborate process is considered by many other cities to be unnecessary for smaller jobs. We propose to go through a selection process to pick between one and three consultants for which we can use ongoing contracts for small jobs based upon a pre-agreed compensation schedule. We will need to set a maximum limit on the size of those jobs. All larger engineering tasks will require the more formal RFP process. Last, some additional part-time clerical assistance will be needed in the Public Works Department. Presently,there is one administrative assistant whose services are split between the Public Works and Utilities Directors and one Dispatcher. Both Department Heads can be more productive with the addition of someone to cover for lunch hours and some other times with an estimate of three hours per day or 15 hours per week of part-time clerical support. This is expected to cost the City$11,000 per year. Recommendations: • 1. Approve the hiring of a Technical Designer andart-time clerical helpat an estimated P annual cost of$61,000/year. 2. Approve in concept the use of ongoing contracts for engineering services and set a cap amount for projects to be accomplished through these ongoing contracts. 3. Review the action steps in the attached report to see if they are "on target"with your expectations and call me with your comments or suggestions within the next two weeks. • • - • City of Atlantic Beach Strategic tion Plan Report 4/23/01 Estimated Estimated Actual Actual Start Completion _Strategic Priority Item (Owner) Date Date Status Comments 1. Core City (Kosoy) Lining of mains complete, Services complete on 1st-6th a)Sanitary Sewer Improvements 6/14/00 6/14/01 Under Const. St.s + 8th, 9th & Plaza b)Sherry Dr. * Design 10/9/00 4/12/01 * Bids 4/22/01 5/23/01 * Construction 6/4/01 12/4/01 c) Stormwater/Water * Design 10/9/00 8/31/01 Ongoing 30% Design submitted 4/4/01, 75% design due June, 01 * Bidding & Construction 9/9/01 2/1/03 2. Selva Marina (Kosoy) * Complete Plans/deliver to SJWMD 4/2/01 4/26/01 Under Design * Public Hearing 5/21/01 To be scheduled by Mayor& Commission 4/23 * Obtain Easements 6/1/01 6/30/01 * Utility Reconstruction 10/1/01 11/28/01 * Road reconstruction 12/1/01 1/26/02 3. Financial Policies for Rate Increases (VanLiere) 5/1/01 7/1/01 Gathering information 4. Master Plan for City Facilities 5. Expansion of Water Sewer System (Kaluzniak) a) Sewer to Unserved Areas * Prepare report of costs, assessments for each possible Report to estimate cost per lot to determine if sewer extension 5/1/01 7/31/01 extensions are feasable Page 1 of 5 • •City of Atlantic Beach Strategic tion Plan Report 4/23/01 Estimated Estimated ,Actual Actual Start Completion Strategic Priority Item (Owner) Date ,Date Status Comments * Budget for extensions 8/1/01 10/1/01 * Prepare plans 10/1/01 12/30/01 If budgeted * Public Hearings for assessments 1/14/02 b) Church St. water/sewer extension _ _Funding budgeted from Water Fund and CDBG for sewer * Bidding 4/22/01 5/16/01 Advertisement sent to newspaper *Construction 6/4/01 9/21/01 * Bidding &Construction 3/1/02 12/30/02 6. Mayport Rd. Redevelopment(CD Director) 7. Master Planning a) Sidewalks (Kosoy) * Inventory/ map on GIS system 6/1/01 8/1/01 Need to coordinate sidewalk plan w/ Family Bike Path; to * Plan for improvements be scheduled w/new CD Director b)Streets (Kosoy) * Present Pavement Mgt. System NA 4/23/01 * Bidding for 01-02 Paving 5/1/01 6/6/01 Have$100K budgeted in current fiscal year * Paving for 01-02 6/30/01 9/20/01 c) Lighting d) Family Bike Paths (CD Director) 8. Storm Water Master Plan (Kosoy) Present budget has $480K for design & construction of a) Royal Palms Drainage Phase 1 of 3 year program * Design 6/1/01 9/30/01 *Construction Phase 1 12/1/01 6/30/02 Page 2 of 5 • •City of Atlantic Beach Strategic tion Plan Report 4/23/01 Estimated Estimated Actual Actual Start Completion Strategic Priority Item (Owner) Date Date Status Comments b) Maintenance Plan 5/1/01 6/30/01 To be considered for funding w/ 01-02 budget c) Update Master Plan To be considered for funding w/01-02 budget 9. Sewer/Water Master Plan (Kaluzniak) a) Sewer Master Plan Includes Master Wet Well, upgrades to 2 lift stations, abandonment of Shangra-La lift station and force main 1) Improvements FY01-02 from Lift Station C * Bids 3/25/01 4/25/01 * Construction 6/1/01 12/30/01 Force main from Lift Sts. B, Upgrades to West End Lift 2) Improvements FY 02-03 Sta. & Sta. E, Mayport Rd. force main replacement * Design 5/24/01 9/28/01 Proposals received 3/28/01 * Bidding & Construction 10/1/01 5/28/02 b) Water Master Plan *60% presentation 5/14/01 * Plan completion 8/3/01 * Budget for 1st year projects 8/3/01 10/1/01 10. Rate Plan for Fees (VanLiere) 5/1/01 7/1/01 Gathering information 11. Park& Recreation Master Plan (Johnson) *Obtain Funding in 01-02 Cost estimated to range from $30-100K, depending on Budget 10/1/01 scope * Prepare RFP 10/1/01 10/30/01 *Advertise for Consultant 11/1/01 11/30/01 * Select Consultant &Authorize 12/1/01 12/30/01 Page 3 of 5 • City of Atlantic Beach Strategic ctlon Plan Report 4/23/01 Estimated Estimated Actual Actual Start Completion Strategic Priority Item (Owner) Date Date Status Comments * Develop Master Plan 1/1/02 8/30/02 12. IT System Master Plan Software and equipment needed are already in place. It will be more efficient to contract the scanning of documents to an outside vendor. Following are proposed a) Records Retention (King) schedules for completion. * Minutes, resolutions, ordinances 10/1/01 1/1/02 Subject to budget availability * Building plans; Clerk's office and plan room 10/1/01 4/1/04 Subject to budget availability * Blueprints & Drawings at PW 10/1/01 4/1/04 Subject to budget availability * Bid files 10/1/01 12/31/02 Subject to budget availability * Personnel files 10/1/02 10/1/03 Subject to budget availability * Code Enf. Board files 10/1/03 3/31/04 Subject to budget availability * Incident reports/arrest dockets; PD & FD 10/1/01 10/1/05 Subject to budget availability 13. Employee Relations (Foster) * Conduct Pay & Classification Study 3/6/01 7/1/01 Ongoing * Budget for New Pay System 7/1/01 10/1/01 *Training on Performance Evaluations 10/1/01 1/30/02 14. Agreements w/Other Cities a) Solids handling for WW Involves possible use of Neptune Beach sludge handling. Plants 5/1/01 5/30/01 Sludge analysis being done by Camp, Dresser& McKee Page 4 of 5 • City of Atlantic Beach Strategic tion Plan Report 4/23/01 • Estimated Estimated Actual Actual Start Completion Strategic Priority Item (Owner) Date Date Status Comments b) Water system Advisability of system interconnections being investigated interconnections in Water Master Plan Page 5 of 5 • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOPS MARCH 5 & 31, 2001 S Facilitated by Marilyn E. Crotty Florida Institute of Government • University of Central Florida • INTRODUCTION On March 5, 2001, the Atlantic Beach City Commission and senior staff met for the first of two sessions to review and update the strategic plan for the city. Marilyn Crotty, Director of the Florida Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida served as the facilitator for this session and its continuation later in the month. During this four-hour meeting, the participants conducted an assessment of issues and trends in the legal/political, socio-cultural, economic, technological, and competitive environments of the city. This was followed by an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the city. Finally, the group discussed internal issues that are working well and those that need work. On March 31, 2001,the group convened again to identify strategic issues, determine • goals and objectives, and select priorities. City staff will follow-up with the wording of goal statements and measurable objectives. This report is a summary of the discussions held during the strategic planning workshops. • • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Legal/Political: Funding will be a big issue—reduced grants, more responsibility for local governments; legal liability—public attractions, inhibition of activities, increased legal costs; more stringent regulations and enforcement—permitting, coastal construction issues, additional rules/regulations;water supply-political boundaries, intergovernmental agreements, competition; comprehensive plans—more detailed, additional costs;building codes— increases due to added requirements; dollars from sales tax—losing funds due to internet sales; loosening of environmental/handicapped regulations(Republicans); deregulation of electric utilities; citizen involvement—continuation; OSHA regulations; federal government evenly split Socio-Cultural: Population(baby boom) growth; racial and cultural diversity will increase?;need for more recreational facilities;need for increased fine arts facilities; service oriented work force; aging population in need of health care; increased affluence;rehabilitation of existing real estate will increase; increased immigration; stability will increase vs. transient renters; crime issue—there will be a balance; education continues to be an issue • Economic: Prices going up due to property values, construction costs, salaries;revenue increase in Atlantic Beach—limited due to 3%tax increase cap;population expected to age; limited ability to grow Technological: More information available—archiving of data a challenge;technology to force faster changes to hardware and software (cost/training);better testing will drive new standards; automatic monitoring/controls will assist utility management—billing, on line questions/information/reports;privacy and security an ongoing challenge; telecommunications capabilities Competitive: Water/sewer industry—increased environmental standards, need to conserve, water wars; battle for good employees—salaries, higher education and technical skills required;push to privatize; competition with Jacksonville for autonomy;push to unionize—management rights; increased litigation • • GROUND RULES The participants agreed that they would abide by the following ground rules during the strategic planning workshop: • No idea is foolish • Full participation • Be critical of issues, not people • Focus on the big issues • Take breaks • Spend time according to importance of issue • Set priorities • End on time • • • STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES,OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS* Strengths: Community support to maintain quality of life; community; size of community; small community feel; local services vs. big city;personal customer service (3); location (Florida); great place to live and work; beach/ocean(2);beautiful city—trees, ocean, recreation; many diverse parks(3 community centers);parks and recreation(3); limited commercial district;revision to zoning code; outdoor/active oriented populace; active, involved citizens;a well educated city commission with a wealth of diverse experience— excellent city commission and mayor; good teamwork on commission; high quality personnel; professional personnel; city staff(5); management team(2); city manager; city manager encourages innovative ideas; city is willing to explore new ideas and technological advances; information tech initiative; infrastructure, GIS mapping; city financially strong (3);multi-year financial planning; discretionary sales tax; lowest water and sewer rates in county Weaknesses: Need pay plan to attract and keep good employees(3); lack pay plan; competitive salaries (can we keep up?); low quantity of personnel; hiring practices government vs. private; • aging infrastructure(2);need infrastructure improvements;city-wide stormwater system (2); sidewalks and plaza bicycle trail; town center"looks"unfmished because of 2°d block of ocean;JEA with water and sewer; lack of maintenance of city facilities; long range maintenance plans for infrastructure;need year-round family recreational facilities; limited growth(built out); limited space; unregulated commercial area; Mayport corridor (2); Selva area not"in" city for maintenance;I.T. system connectivity needs improvement (currently being worked on); lack of long range fmancial plan; worthwhile projects without certain funding; no "cash cow" Opportunities: Funding;revenue from %2 cent sales tax; debt reduction"Better Jax$"; grants; regionalization—work with other beach cities(3); MPO money for bike paths; technology can use to do better job;possibility of extending water and sewer service to neighboring communities; competition have plans to use to our advantage; greater Jax construction; Better Jax planned projects;Delany window of opportunity; code enforcement; "Best Small City" Threats: Growth—requires additional office space, star, etc.;no land available for growth and expansion;revenue growth limitations(2); less federal/state dollars; have taken on lots of new parks—future cost; loss of beach replenishment funding;private sector salaries; long • term global warming and rising ocean/water levels; flooding;hurricanes; freshwater needs (desalinization plant needed?); slow usage/acceptance of technological • WHAT'S WORKING WHAT NEEDS WORK Pay plan/staffing Communication Public communication—between staff and commission I. T. system Archiving Facilities Maintenance Needs dedicated division Mapping Master plan—water/sewer, roads Master plan—water/sewer, roads Regionalization(Beaches) Indoor recreation Core city stormwater mgt. Stormwater mgt. (flooding) • Infrastructure maintenance Grant writer? Inspection follow-up(tools and people) Zoning code—fmish Septic to sewer Septic to sewer Selva streets Strategic planning Performance management Sherry Drive Management training Town Center Mayport Road area (commercial/residential district) loss of control • • equipment/systems; Wonderwood may bring traffic; flyover divided city; JEA water services (2); Jacksonville; maintain autonomy from Jacksonville; Jacksonville as "Big Brother"has deeper pockets and great influence over Atlantic Beach; elections of Jax Mayor and Jax Sheriff; lost opportunities * numbers in() indicate times item was identified • • STRATEGIC ISSUES This list is a compilation of the suggestions made by each of the Commissioners of issues that should be dealt with in the near future. • Selva Marina area—physical infrastructure • Core city • Mayport Road redevelopment, beautification • City facilities,public buildings, expansion of city hall—Current and future space needs; maintenance • Development of I.T. program • Internal organization—employee relations; staff numbers; compensation; benefits; environment;training • Master plan for infrastructure—roads, sidewalks, stormwater, utilities(includes maintenance) • Expansion of water and sewer system—Unserved areas,Navy • Build relationships with legislative delegation; local governments; regional agencies —agreements, partnerships • Water re-use • Explore need for community center • • Underground utilities • Ten year plan for furniture, fixtures, and equipment (F.F. & E.) • Parks and recreation master plan • Total impact of Mayport flyover—traffic, aesthetics, etc. • Communication system • Citizen participation and involvement—advisory boards, etc. • Annexation • Bike paths • Fiscal/funding issues—rate plan, fees, grants • • GOALS The strategic issues were grouped into seven goal areas. A goal statement will be developed for each goal. Infrastructure Enhancement Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvement Fiscal/Funding Issues Parks and Recreation Internal Organization Citizen Participation Intergovernmental Relations • 4111 GOAL 6 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Objectives Other Evaluation of advisory boards and committees —roles, responsibilities, guidelines, training, appointment, membership _ (1) Continue development of Web page Citizen survey Develop public relations plan GOAL 7 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS • Objectives Tier 1 Interlocal agreement with beach cities concerning utilities (3) Other Develop plan for increasing influence with other groups (2) Round out boundaries of city (1) • • GOAL 3 FISCAL/FUNDING ISSUES Objectives Tier 1 Establish financial policies and responsibilities for each fund (4) Annual evaluation of fee based utilities and services (3) GOAL 4 PARKS AND RECREATION Objectives Tier 1 Parks and Recreation Master Plan (3) • Other Explore need for community center (2) GOAL 5 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Objectives Tier 1 Master Plan for city facilities (4) Information Technology Master Plan— GIS (3) • Employee relations—Master Plan for pay, training, etc. (3) Other Ten year furniture, fixtures, and equipment—includes communication system (2) iGOAL 1 INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCEMENT Objectives Tier 1 Core City (4)* Selva Marina (4) Extension of water and sewer to unserved areas in current service area (3) Mayport Redevelopment (3) Other Expansion of water and sewer to serve Navy (2) Water re-use program (2) • Impact of Mayport flyover (1) Ocean Grove stormwater project . (1) * Numbers in( ) indicate level of support from City Commission GOAL 2 INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT Objectives Tier 1 Master Plan—local bike paths, roads, sidewalks (3) Stormwater Master Plan (3) Sewer and Water Master Plan- maintenance and improvement (3) • Other Underground utilities—partnership with JEA