02-12-01 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 0 CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 12, 2001 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of January 22, 2001 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors: A. Presentation of Proclamation supporting National Child Passenger Safety Week and Buckle Up Florida 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Follow-up report from the regular meeting of January 22, 2001 (City Manager) 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS fii DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Occupational License, Public Works, and Recreation Departments(City Manager) B. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 0001-9 for Dutton Island improvements and authorize staff to modify the specifications and rebid the project(City Manager) C. Approve the purchase of a New Holland Backhoe pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0001-7 at a cost of$46,678.00 including extended warranty, and declare surplus 1986 JCB backhoe and approve trade in against purchase of New Holland (City Manager) D. Award contract to Commercial Sheet Metal Systems,Inc.,for steel beam replacement at the Public Works Building pursuant to the specifications ofBid No.0001-8,at a cost of$15,500(City Manager) E. Extend contract with R.L. Lawrence Construction for concrete repairs, for one year (Bid No. 9899-4)(City Manager) F. Extend contract with Tom's Asphalt Repairs,Inc.,for asphalt repairs for one year(Bid No. 9899-11)(City Manager) G. Extend contract with Leachem Industries for the purchase of polymer for one year(Bid No. 9899-2) (City Manager) H. Award contract to SunState Enclosures,Inc. in the amount of$80,578.00 for CDBG 0 housing rehabilitation at six locations pursuant to the specifications of Bid No.0001-4 (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA February 12, 2001 111 I. Authorize the Mayor to sign transmittal form for the Annual Local Government Financial Report (City Manager) 5. Committee Reports: A. Kim Armstrong, First Night Steering Committee 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 01-04 A RESOLUTION HONORING DETECTIVE ROBERT E. JACKSON FOR HIS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE AS AN OUTSTANDING POLICE OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH (City Manager) 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 80-01-63 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 22, UTILITIES, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, ADDING SECTION 22-4. AUTHORITY TO ADJUST CHARGES IN APPROPRIATE CASES; ADDING SECTION 22-5. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFFS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Approve Accounts Receivable Collections and Write-offPolicies and Procedures(City Manager) B. Action on an application for a Use-by-Exception filed by G.B. & M. Enterprises to provide cremation services at 157 Levy Road,zoned Industrial Light and Warehousing (ILW) (City Manager) C. Approve CDBG budget reallocation and authorize staff to work with the City of Jacksonville Planning Department to adjust the budget as required (City Manager) D. Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with JTA regarding retention ponds at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road (City Manager) E. Action on recommendation regarding COLA increase for retirees (City Manager) F. Authorize Palmer and Cay Consulting Group to conduct a classification and pay study, and authorize the City Manager to identify a funding source and provide for the same in a mid-year budget modification(City Manager) G. Set date for a public hearing on the new zoning ordinance (City Manager) H. Discussion and possible action on swap of property with WQOP Radio Station on Atlantic Boulevard (City Manager) 9. City Manager Reports: 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment Page Three AGENDA February 12, 2001 If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience,forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every effort is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However,any agenda subject,regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda,may be acted upon by the City Commission. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,February 9,2001. ✓ v O O MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC T T BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL,800 SEMINOLE E E • ROAD AT 7:15 P.M. ON MONDAY,FEBRUARY 12, 2001 S S PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Richard Beaver, Mayor Pro Tern Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, Commissioners AND: James Hanson, City Manager M S Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney 0 E Maureen King, City Clerk T c I O Y O NE N N D S O COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Meserve at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation, given by Mayor Meserve was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held • January 22, 2001 The minutes were unanimously approved as presented. 2. Courtesy of the floor to visitors: Craig Burkhart, representing Beaches Habitat,reported concerning the construction of Habitat homes on Jasmine Street at the site of an old landfill. Mr. Burkhart reported that water samples taken on the site met state and federal standards for water quality. He further reported that the overburden found on the first two lots would be removed to EPA standards and replaced with fill. Mr. Burkhart indicated it was their intent to begin with the first two lots and see if it was economically feasible to continue working with the remaining lots. Nancy White of 1729 Seminole Road spoke in opposition to the city purchasing the Pic 'N Save building. She felt the purchase price was to high and that maintenance and insurance on the building would be too costly. She felt the Better Jacksonville money the city will receive would be better spent on infrastructure projects. Jessica Sale of 2238 Beachcomber, Secretary to the Teen Council, • spoke in support of the purchase of the Pic 'N Save building as a place to stage the Teen Council's indoor events. M S O E Minutes Page -2- I o Y February 12, 2001 ONE N III COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Pat Pillmore of 995 Camelia Street suggested that a parking garage/multi-purpose facility be built at the Pic 'N Save site. As a former member of the Community Development Board, she believed the city granted permission for the rental properties on Beach Avenue by approving their construction and/or renovation. Presentation of Proclamation supporting National Child Passenger Safety Week and Buckle Up Florida Mayor Meserve read the Proclamation in its entirety supporting National Child Passenger Safety Week and Buckle Up Florida. The proclamation was given to Chief Thompson who briefly spoke on the importance of using seat belts and child safety seats to reduce injuries and fatalities in crashes. Commissioner Mitchelson suggested that a resolution be drafted supporting of the use of seat belts and child safety seats and making it a primary offense against adults not using seat belts. It was the consensus of the Commission to draft the resolution and send a copy to the Duval • Legislative Delegation. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. Follow-up report from the regular meeting of January 22, 2001 (City Manager) City Manager Hanson commented on the following matters: Barking Dog Complaints -639 Aquatic Drive • Recapped the events as listed in his memo and stated that the Police Department would continue to monitor the situation, but there was little recourse as long as Mr. Nordby declines to sign an affidavit attesting to the violation. Pic 'N Save Property • Reported that the owners of the property were aware of the potholes in the parking lot. Stormwater Drainage Requirements • Reported concerning a discussion on stormwater drainage at a previous workshop and indicated that after investigation, he • believed the city had adequate stormwater drainage regulations for new subdivisions, but did not have adequate regulations to control drainage when older structures were being rebuilt or remodeled. M S O E Minutes Page -3- 1 o Y February 12, 2001 ONEN • COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 He stated that he would prepare an ordinance addressing this matter for the next agenda. 4. Consent Agenda Commissioners Beaver and Mitchelson requested that Items B and G respectively, be removed from Consent Agenda for discussion. A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Occupational License, Public Works, and Recreation Departments (City Manager) C. Approve the purchase of a New Holland Backhoe pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0001-7 at a cost of$46,678.00 including extended warranty, and declare surplus 1986 JCB backhoe and approve trade in against purchase of New Holland (City Manager) D. Award contract to Commercial Sheet Metal Systems, Inc., for steel beam replacement at the Public Works Building • pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0001-8, at a cost of $15,500 (City Manager) E. Extend contract with R.L. Lawrence Construction for concrete repairs, for one year(City Manager) F. Extend contract with Tom's Asphalt Repairs, Inc., for asphalt repairs for one year(City Manager) H. Award contract to SunState Enclosures, Inc. in the amount of $80,578.00 for CDBG housing rehabilitation at six locations pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 0001-4 (City Manager) I. Authorize the Mayor to sign transmittal form for the Annual Local Government Financial Report(City Manager) BEAVER X X BORNO X X Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, C-F, H and I MITCHELSON X as recommended. WATERS X MESERVE X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. • B. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 0001-9 for Dutton Island improvements and authorize staff to modify the specifications and rebid the project(City Manager) M S O E T C Minutes Page -4- I 0 v February 12, 2001 ONE N III COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Motion: Reject all bids received under Bid No. 0001-9 for BEAVER X X Dutton Island improvements and authorize staff to modify the BORNO X specifications and rebid the project. MITCHELSON X WATERS X X Commissioner Beaver stated he was disappointed in the design provided MESERVE X by Landers-Atkins since they were instructed to design the park keeping in mind a budget of$250,000 for the project. The lowest bid submitted was $580,260. He felt they had not done their job properly. City Manager Hanson pointed out several cost estimate errors and explained that staff will modify the plans to get the costs down. It was expected that Landers-Atkins would provide additional design work at no additional cost to the city. Commissioner Waters inquired as to why the city could not use the existing water well on the island. Chief Thompson explained that the history of the well was unknown and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) required that it be capped. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. • G. Extend contract with Leachem Industries for the purchase of polymer for one year(City Manager) Motion: Extend contract with Leachem Industries for the BEAVER X purchase of polymer for one year. BORNO X x MITCHELSON X X WATERS X Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if there would be any savings if the MESERVE X city piggybacked on the City of Jacksonville bid for polymer. Utility Director Kaluzniak explained that polymer used for dewatering sludge, was an individual thing and the product and price from Leachem Industries was good. It was further explained that the City of Jacksonville used a different type of polymer than the City of Atlantic Beach. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Kim Armstrong, First Night Steering Committee • Kim Armstrong, Executive Director of First Night Programs for the city, stated that she had received a great deal of public interest in the program and reported that a Board of Directors was in place. Ms. Armstrong indicated that a meeting for volunteers would be held February 21", the M S O E T C Minutes Page -5- I 0 Y February 12, 2001 ONE N IIICOMMISSIONERS N D S 0 paperwork for the 501 (c)(3) plan was nearly completed, and the fundraiser was being planned for Saturday, May 12th aboard the St. John's River ferry. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 01-04 A RESOLUTION HONORING DETECTIVE ROBERT E. JACKSON FOR HIS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE AS AN OUTSTANDING POLICE OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH (City Manager) BEAVER X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 01-04 honoring Detective BORNO X MITCHELSON X X Robert E. Jackson for twenty-five years of outstanding service WATERS X to the City of Atlantic Beach. MESERVE X It was reported that after retiring, Detective Jackson had moved to Georgia and would not be present. The framed resolution will be forwarded to him. • The motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 80-01-63 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 22, UTILITIES, ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, ADDING SECTION 22-4. AUTHORITY TO ADJUST CHARGES IN APPROPRIATE CASES; ADDING SECTION 22-5. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFFS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve read the ordinance by title only. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 80-01-63 on first reading. MITCHELSON X X WATERS X MESERVE X Commissioner Mitchelson inquired concerning the dollar amounts to be written-off. City Manager Hanson briefly explained the procedure and dollar amounts to be written-off, as recommended by the city's auditors to provide for write-offs of past due accounts receivable. IIIThe final reading and public hearing will be held on February 26`h. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. M S 0 E T C Minutes Page -6- I o Y February 12, 2001 ONE N 411, COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 8. Miscellaneous Business: A. Approve Accounts Receivable Collections and Write-off Policies and Procedures (City Manager) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve accounts receivable collections and write-off MITCHELSON I X policies and procedures. WATERS X MESERVE X City Manager Hanson briefly explained the proposed policies and procedures and stated that the city would be requesting proposals from collection agencies to aid the city in effectively working accounts in a timely manner to reduce write-offs. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if the procedures included any provision for adjustments due to water leaks. It was explained that the computer program had built-in high and low limits and if a leak was suspected, the customer could be contacted directly or a door hanger used. 0 There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. B. Action on an application for a Use-by-Exception filed by G.B. & M. Enterprises to provide cremation services at 157 Levy Road,zoned Industrial Light and Warehousing (ILW) (City Manager) Motion: Accept the recommendation of the Community BEAVER X Development Board and approve the use-by-exception filed BORNO X X by G.B. and M. Enterprises to provide cremation services at MITCHELSON X 157 Levy Road on property zoned Industrial Light WATERS X MESERVE X Warehousing (ILW). (Subject to the conditions that the applicant meet all state regulations associated with cremation services, that the applicant provide the number of parking spaces as per Section 24-161(g)(12), and that the applicant meet the landscaping provisions of Section 24-177). Commissioner Borno inquired if the motion should include the stipulations that the exception be granted to the applicant only and for this location only. Community Development Director Worley responded that those 410 requirements were implicit in any use-by-exception recommendation from the Community Development Board and were always part of the Board's recommendation. M S 0 E Minutes Page -7- I 0 Y February 12, 2001 ONE N III COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Amendment to the motion: Include the following additional BEAVER X conditions: that the exception be granted to the applicant only BORNO X X and for this location only. MITCHELSON X WATERS X X Following brief discussion, the amendment to the motion and main MESERVE X motion carried unanimously. C. Approve CDBG budget reallocation and authorize staff to work with the City of Jacksonville Planning Department to adjust the budget as required (City Manager) BEAVER X Motion: Approve CDBG budget reallocation and authorize BORNO X X staff to work with the City of Jacksonville Planning MITCHELSON X x Department to adjust the budget as required. WATERS x MESERVE x There being was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with JTA regarding retention ponds at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road (City • Manager) Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment to BEAVER X X Memorandum of Agreement with JTA regarding retention BORNO x x MITCHELSON X ponds at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport WATERS x Road. MESERVE X City Manager Hanson requested that an additional recommendation be included to amend the boundaries of Tideview Preserve to include the newest property acquired by the city with the exception of that portion which would be utilized by JTA for the retention pond. BEAVER X X Amendment to the motion: Include the additional land in the BORNO X X boundaries of Tideview Preserve. WATERSLSON X WATERS X MESERVE X Commissioner Waters requested that the City Manager review the properties and explain the location of the new retention pond. Commissioner Waters requested that a revised map showing the new boundaries of Tideview Preserve be provided for the Commissioners. City Manager Hanson indicated that he would have a revised map for them at the next Commission meeting. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. • E. Action on recommendation regarding COLA increase for retirees (City Manager) M S O E Minutes Page -8- I O Y February 12, 2001 ONEN • COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Motion: Defer discussion of the COLA increase for retirees toI be considered during the upcoming budget process. BEAVER X BORNO X MITCHELSON X X City Manager Hanson explained his recommendation as written in his WATERS X X memo dated February 5, 2001 which is attached and made part of this MESERVE X official record as Attachment A. Discussion ensued and Mayor Meserve indicated that he still had some unanswered questions and felt it would be best to take a measured approach to the request through the budget process. Commissioner Borno concurred with following the budget process. Commissioner Beaver inquired if money was already budgeted for the increase and City Manager Hanson responded that no money had been included in the current fiscal year budget for the increase. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. F. Authorize Palmer and Cay Consulting Group to conduct a classification and pay study, and authorize the City Manager S to identify a funding source and provide for the same in a mid-year budget modification (City Manager) Motion: Authorize Palmer and Cay Consulting Group to BEAVER X conduct a classification and pay study, and authorize the City BORNO X X Manager to identify a funding source and provide for the MITCHELSON X X WATERS X same in a mid-year budget modification in the amount of MESERVE X $7,175 for a total of$15,175 to cover this item. Commissioner Borno commented that the cost was higher than anticipated, but the study was needed. Discussion ensued concerning a funding source for the additional funds. City Manager Hanson indicated that he had not had a chance to review the budget for a funding source, but would do so and bring the information back to the Commission for approval. City Manager Hanson reported that the study would be completed in 120 days and results should be available for the next fiscal year budget. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. G. Set date for a public hearing on the new zoning ordinance • (City Manager) Mayor Meserve commented that several workshops had taken place and a revised draft of the zoning ordinance reflecting the proposed changes had M S O E T C Minutes Page -9- 1 0 Y February 12, 2001 ONE N IIII COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 been received. He felt a workshop to further discuss a few issues which had been brought up, should be held. Mayor Meserve requested that a summary of the significant changes to the ordinance and a copy of the draft ordinance be made available to the public before the first public hearing. After the first public hearing, the Mayor suggested holding another workshop before the final public hearing. Discussion ensued and it was agreed to place a display ad in the newspaper summarizing the proposed changes. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Commission to hold a workshop at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 26, 2001, at which time the date for the first public hearing will be set. Commissioner Beaver requested that the summary be provided as soon as possible before the workshop. H. Discussion and possible action on swap of property with WQOP Radio Station on Atlantic Boulevard (City Manager) • City Manager Hanson indicated that no action was required on this item and reported that the radio station had accepted the offer from the JTA for the property immediately in front of the building. City Manager Hanson indicated he would continue to monitor this matter. 9. City Manager Reports: In addition to his written report, City Manager Hanson reported on the following: Strategic Planning Sessions • Reported that the Strategic Planning Sessions had been set for Monday, March 5th at 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 31" at 8:00 a.m. to noon. Septic Tank Update • Reported that as of last May there were 275 septic tanks in Atlantic Beach and since that time, 18 had connected to sewer without city assistance, 15 had connected with city assistance for financing, and sewer service was found to be unavailable to 14 • properties. Air Show Agreement M S O E T C Minutes Page -10- I o v February 12, 2001 ONEN IIICOMMISSIONERS N D S 0 • Reported that the final air show agreement had been received and I the City of Jacksonville would like to have it signed as soon as possible. He briefly outlined the provisions of the agreement and stated that little had changed from the draft which was previously presented. Each beach city will contribute $10,000 sponsorship money and will have no legal liability for the event. It was further reported that the three beach cities would be primarily responsible for police services, crowd and traffic control, parking, and refuse collection within their respective city limits. BEAVER I X Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute the Interlocal BORNO X X Agreement for the 2001 Air Show. MITCHELSON X WATERS X MESERVE X The motion carried unanimously. • Distributed copies of the Annual Audit Report to the Commissioners. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney IIICommissioner Beaver Trees - Seminole Road • Reported that 15 gallon Palatka Holly, Sycamore and Crepe Myrtles purchased with tree mitigation funds were being planted on Seminole Road. Parks and Recreation Board - Beautification Committee • Reported that he had met with Parks and Recreation Board and Beautification Committee Members and will present his recommendations for restructuring these groups at a future meeting. Commissioner Borno • Felt trees located on public rights-of-way should be exempt from the tree ordinance and the ordinance should be changed to reflect the same. Commissioner Mitchelson • • Stated that instruction/application forms for the Teen Council Scholarship were available in the City Clerk's office and the deadline for applying was March 15th. M S O E T C Minutes Page -11- I o v February 12, 2001 ONEN • COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 • Referenced a copy of the FCC regulations pertaining to communications antennae and stated he would like to look for ways to regulate the height of antennae. Commissioner Waters • Requested information concerning the number of new septic tanks installed in the city. • Referenced a letter received concerning a skateboard accident and stated he would support locating a skateboarding area in Jack Russell Park. He reiterated his position to get the skateboarders involved with setting up the park. He felt skateboarding was inappropriate in Bull Park. • Expressed his displeasure with the types of trees being planted on Seminole Road. He favored Magnolias and Live Oaks which he felt in time would provide a needed tree canopy. Mayor Meserve • • Reported that the skateboarding and safety issues associated with their use should be addressed as soon as possible. • Reported on the Join Together Jacksonville Meeting he attended which provides a program to stop drug and alcohol abuse among children and teenagers. He was disturbed to learn that drug and alcohol abuse was higher at the beach than the rest of Duval County. There being no further discussion or busine§s to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the mee 'rig ad I.urned at 9:15 p.m. o Me.erve May•r/l resi•'ng Officer ATTEST: • Maureen King Certified Municipal ATTACHMENT A - FEBRUARY 12, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING- STAFF REPORT • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM: Consider Recommendation For Providing COLA Increase To Retirees DATE: February 5, 2001 SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hanson . �! BACKGROUND: In 1981, the City Comm'.sion of Atlantic Beach adopted a resolution directing the City Manager to "review the City of Atlantic Beach Pension Plan and Ordinance to make recommendations concerning any needs for increases in benefits for members of the retirement program...at three year intervals from June 1, 1981." The City Commission has since made changes to improve the benefits of retirees in October of 1987, October 1993 and January 1997. • In late 1998, a previous City Manager requested that the Pension Board consider the retiree COLA issue. In July of 1999, the Pension Board received a report from the actuaries estimating the cost of various one time COLA increases and automatic COLA provisions. After consideration of the various options, the Pension Boards (now split into two separate boards) made a recommendation to the City Commission last month for a five percent COLA increase. DISCUSSION: The Commission's 1981 resolution did not specify any factors for the City Manager to consider in recommending benefit changes, although a consideration of affordability at each three year "window" is implicit. The Atlantic Beach Commission in 1981 probably understood that adopting an automatic COLA provision for retirees would cost more than the City could afford. Few cities have such provisions. The 7/99 Actuary Report estimated the cost of an annual COLA with a max. 2% increase/year to be $155,144 annually and a max three percent COLA at $231,034 annually. What reasons would the City have for providing a COLA increase for retirees and can the City afford it? Fairness could be one • important reason. A possible inducement to recruiting, or AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 • providing a COLA as a reward for employees' past service could also be reasons. Is a COLA increase needed to be fair with our employees? The most direct way to answer this question would be a comparison with other cities. The report provided in a recent Commission meeting (also attached to this report) shows that Atlantic Beach's retirement provisions are better than other cities surveyed comparing the amount of retiree benefit to the amount the employee made prior to retiring (multiplier). Also, the amount of the contribution required from employees is lower in Atlantic Beach than in other cities compared (2 percent versus 4 percent, 6.45 percent and 6.5 percent). A one time COLA increase as an inducement to recruiting would probably have little value. Most new hires are far to focused on the salary, with little or no consideration given to retirement benefits. While it may be plausible that an automatic COLA provision would provide some incentive for employee recruitment, the possibility of receiving one time COLA increases in the future will probably do little to attract any recruits. From a business perspective, an increase in starting salaries may be more urgently needed as evidenced by the City's recent difficulty in filling vacant positions. The Pay Plan and Compensation Study is expected to include recommendations for the Commission to consider in connection with next year's budget. This leaves the rationale for giving a COLA as a reward for past service. Thus, the question of providing a COLA is not a business decision but a value judgement which would best be made by the Mayor and Commission. Can the City afford it? The Pension Fund actuary has estimated the cost at $8,412/yr for a 30 year period. While retiree benefits would increase immediately, the City's cost would not increase until the next fiscal year. However, the long term cost is significant and my recommendation to the Commission for virtually all items that have significant long term impact is to reserve judgement until the time of the annual budget consideration. Then all public projects/expenditures can be weighed against the cost paid by the community for those in terms of taxes, utility rates and other fees. The balancing of all of these interests is usually the single most important and difficult decision that the Mayor and Commission • will make in any given year. AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 One possible alternative to waiting for the budget process • would be to consider the next actuarial evaluation of the Pension Funds which should be received in March or April. If this report lowers the City's contribution rate (as a percentage of payroll dollars), one possible reason for taking up the issue would be that it would not be an increase over what the City is already paying. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Delay consideration of the one time retiree COLA until the upcoming budget process this summer, or 2) The City Commission may consider approving the five percent one time COLA for retirees if the annual evaluation shows a reduction in City contribution as a percentage of salary dollars. ATTACHMENTS: - Pension Comparison Information (Comparing Atlantic Beach with other cities) - Letter from Pension Boards dated January 3, 2001 - Pension Funded Ratio (1975 to 1999) - City Contribution Rate as a Percent of Payroll (1975 to 2000) - July 15, 1999 report from Brad Armstrong of Gabriel, • Roeder, Smith and Company • AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 PENSION COMPARISON INFORMATION • Atl Beach = City of Atlantic Bech Jax Beach = City of Jacksonville Beach Fern Beach = City of Fernandina Beach St. Augustine = City of St. Augustine Neptune Beach. Neptune Beach was not utilized within this comparison as they have a Defined Contribution Plan and not a Defined Benefit Plan. Jacksonville. The City of Jacksonville was not utilized as the City of Jacksonville does not participate within the Social Security program. The Benefit Formula determines the employees retirement benefit and consists of multiplying the employee's Final Average Salary (FAS) times the employee's Years of Creditable Service (YOS) - times a multiplier. The multiplier utilized by different Cities is indicated below. GENERAL EMPLOYEES: Atl Jax Fern St. Beach Beach Beach Augustine COLA Provision: No No No No COLAs Provided: 2* 0 0* 1 . Retirement age (Notel): 60 60 55 60 Years of service (Note 1): 5 5 25 10 Mutiplier: 2.85% 2.50% 2.75% 2.50%** Employee Contribution: 2.00% 6.45% 6.50% 4.00% City Contribution: 11.24% 0.00% 7.90% 7.15% * Currently considering providing COLA to retirees. ** Benefit multiplier reduces to 2% at Social Security eligibility, i.e., age 65. POLICE EMPLOYEES: Atl Jax Fern St. Beach Beach Beach Augustine COLA Provision: No No No Yes COLAs Provided: 2* 0 0* 7*** Retirement age (Note 1): 50 55 Any 52 Years of service (Note 1): 20 30 25 25 Mutiplier: 3.00% 3.00% 2.75% 2.50%** Employee Contribution: 1.00% 6.45% 6.90% 4.00% City Contribution: 10.33% 6.00% 3.80% 2.50 * Currently considering providing COLA to retirees. ** Benefit multiplier reduces to 2% at Social Security eligibility, i.e., age 65. • *** Will receive up to a 3% COLA if City contribution rates do not increase. NOTE 1. Most common retirement option listed. Other retirement options may be available including early retirement with reduced benefits or a DROP plan. AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 ,-, 1_,;-'•V*-- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ill , �? r 800 SEMINOLE ROAD i= �;�, ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 �a11 TELEPHONE: (904) 247-5800 - -.- �. J FAX (904) 247-5805 j � SUNCOM: 852-5800 ' ' http://ci.atlantic-beach.fi us x? January 3, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners SUBJECT: Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Retirees • The Police and General Employee Pension Boards respectively request that the City Commission approve a one-time cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of five percent (5%) for all City retirees and beneficiaries to be effective January 2001. City retirees are not provided with a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) except on a exception basis as approved by the City Commission. The last COLA received was a three percent (3%) COLA on January 1, 1997 which was "a one-time cost-of-living adjustment" provided to all retirees and beneficiaries who retired prior to January 1, 1997. Since the City's pension plans were established in September 1975, retirees have received two COLAs (a 3% COLA in 1997 and a 12.5% COLA in 1987) and one re-computation of retirement pay in 1993 based upon a change to the retirement multiplier. Based upon an actuarial evaluation completed by Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company, the adoption of this proposal would require an additional City contribution of 0.18% of salary ($4,032 annually) for General employees and 0.43% of salary ($4,380 annually) for Police Officer employees. Sincerely, /' / . oe 14•PIM...iiiiiilAti • On. • Anderson Tim To end Chairperson, Cha • rson, Police Pension Board General Employee Pension Board A(;J NDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 41110 PENSION PLAN FUNDED R.A.TIO 09/30/99 80.2 % funded ratio for General Employees' Plan. 83.0 % funded ratio for Police Employees' Plan. State mandated separate pension plan accountability. 09/30/98 77.9 % funded ratio. Fire Pension assets transferred to City of Jacksonville. 10/01/97 -- Police union employees contribution rate changed from 2.315% to 1.00%. 09/30/97 80.2 % funded ratio. If excess gains were not deferred over five years, the Funded Ratio would be 87.0%. 01/01/97 -- 3% one-time COLA provided to retirees. 10/01/96 -- Police union employees contribution rate changed from 4.815% to 2.315%. 09/30/96 78.6 % funded ratio. 09/30/95 77.0 % funded ratio. The 09/30/95 report adopted an increased member termination assumption. 09/30/94 75.1 % funded ratio. State mandated, for future actuarial valuations, use of mortality rates not less than those of the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table. Implementation of this mandate increased the contribution requirement and decreased the funded • percent as the mortality rates in the 1983 table were lower than in the table being utilized. 09/30/93 83.4 % funded ratio. Benefits were changed, effective October 25, 1993, as follows: 1) General benefit factor increased from 2.25% to 2.85% for active and retired members and some vested terminated members (from 2.0% to 2.85% for the remaining vested terminated members). 2) Police/Fire benefit factors changed from 2.4% to 3.0% for active and retired members and some vested terminated members (from 2.0% to 3.0% for the remaining vested terminated members). 3) Voluntary retirement for Police was changed to any age with 25 or more years of credited service or at age 50 with 20 or more years of credited service. Previous eligibility was age 55 with 20 or more years of credited service. Eligibility at age 60 with 5 years of credited service remained unchanged. 4) Police/Fire eligibility requirement for disability in the line of duty changed from 5 years to 0 years. 5) Retired General employee had their retired pay re-computed with the 2.85% factor. 6) Retired Police employees had their retired pay re-computed with the 3.00% factor. 7) General employee contribution rate increased from 1% to 2%. • 8) Police union employee contribution rate increased from 1% to 4.815% Reference Ord. Nr. 58-93-19A 09/30/92 95.1 % funded ratio. 09/30/91 91.1 % funded ratio. 09/30/90 96.2 % funded ratio. t1VL'111tH 11 LJY1 fiat FEBRUARY 12,2001 09/30/89 104.3 % funded ratio. • 09/30/88 98.5 % funded ratio. 10/26/87 -- Changed vesting from 10 years to 5 years. Benefit factor for General changed from 2% to 2.25%. Benefit factor for Police changed from 2% to 2.40%. Police member contributions shall be no less than 1%. General member contributions shall be no less than 1% Note: Retirees were provided with the 12.5% COLA and did not have their retirement pay re-computed with the increased factors. Reference Ord Nr. 5 8-87-8 10/26/87 -- One time 12.5 % COLA provided to all retirees October 1, 1987. Reference Ord Nr. 58-87-9. 09/30/87 99.5 % funded ratio. 09/30/86 113.3 % funded ratio. 09/30/85 109.9 % funded ratio. 09/30/84 Not available 09/30/83 101.1 % funded ratio. 09/30/82 96.1 % funded ratio. 09/30/81 82.2 % funded ratio. 09/30/80 68.4 % funded ratio. 09/30/79 66.9 % funded ratio. 09/30/78 60.2 % funded ratio. • 09/30/77 44.7 % funded ratio. 09/30/76 26.5 % funded ratio. 09/30/75 12.4 % funded ratio. Initial Plan Benefit factor of 2% for Police and 2% for General. There were no employee contributions to the plan. WP//gaff/MyFiles//Pensiod/Funded-Ratio-Changes • AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 • PENSION PLAN CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE AS A PERCENT OF PAYROLL GENERAL POLICE 10/01/00 11.24 % 10.330 % 10/01/99 11.58 % 10.193 % 10/01/98 11.94 % 10.575 % 10/01/97 11.99 % 11.445 % 10/01/96 11.12 % 7.595 % 10/01/95 10.85 % 14.945 % 10/01/94 9.57 % 11.315 % 10/01/93 9.02 % 10.4.60 % 10/01/92 9.27 % 11.150 % 10/01/91 9.89 % 12.770 % 10/01/90 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/89 9.20 % 11.550 % • 10/01/88 9.69 % 10.320 10/01/87 9.24 % 8.360 % 10/01/86 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/85 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/84 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/83 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/82 9.91 % 7.610 % 10/01/81 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/80 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/79 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/78 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/77 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/76 Unavailable Unavailable 10/01/75 Initial Plan • AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM • • GENERAL-POLICE-FIRE MEMBERS . PROPOSALS UNDER CONSIDERATION SUBMITTED TO: The Board of Trustees DATE: July 15, 1999 SUBMITTED BY: Brad L. Armstrong,ASA,EA Gabriel, Roeder, Smith& Company BACKGROUND This report contains the results of supplemental actuarial valuations requested to determine the costs associated with changes under consideration for all General and Police members and Fire retired members and beneficiaries. The proposed changes for Proposal 1 and 2 were valued to be funded • . entirely by additional city contributions and for Proposal 3 were valued to be funded entirely by additional member contributions. Except as other wise noted, valuation data, methods and assumptions were the same as those used for the annual actuarial valuation as of September 30, 1998. Increases in unfunded actuarial accrued liability were amortized as level percent of payroll over 30 years. The member data as of September 30, 1998 can be summarized as follows: General Police No. of active members 68 23 Annual payroll $2,067,310 $940,002 Averages - age 44.9 years 36.1 years - service 7.5 years 7.9 years - pay $ 30,402 $ 40,870 General Police Fire No. of retired members/beneficiaries 23 8 7 Annual pensions $174,013 $158,270 $71,058 • Averages - age on 9/30/1998 65.5 years 54.8 years 63.2 years - age at retirement 59.9 years 49.7 years 58.2 years - annual benefit $ 7,568 $ 19,784 • . $10,151 AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 EXPLANATION OF TERMS 4110 The term "Normal Cost" in this report refers to the on-going cost of providing the changes for each year of credited service. This cost continues for the working life of current and future active members, if they are to be included in this change. • The term "UAAL" (unfunded actuarial accrued liability) in this report refers.to the temporary cost of providing the changes to each year of service already rendered by active members as of September 30, 1998. This cost is scheduled to continue for 30 years. The amounts shown are the level percents of payroll applicable to all current and future active members present during the amortization period. All items cover death and disability (where applicable) benefits paid from the pension fund, including post-retirement survivor benefits, if applicable age, duration and service requirements are met. The cost of applying the changes to Fire employees transferred to Jacksonville is NOT included. gio . VALUATION RESULTS Proposal lA — Provide a 3% ad-hoc COLA for current retired members and beneficiaries. For example, a $100/month pension would become a $103/month pension. Adoption of this proposal would require an additional City contribution of: Percent of Payroll FY 99/00 Dollars General Police Fire General Police Fire Normal Cost 0.00% 0.00% $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 UAAL 0.11 0.26 2,464 2,648 1,042 Total 0.11% 0.26% N.A. $2,464 $2,648 $1,042 Proposal 1B — ,Provide a 5% ad-hoc COLA for current.retired members and beneficiaries. For example, a$100/month pension would become a$105/month pension. Adoption of this proposal would require an additional City contribution of: Percent of Payroll FY 99/00 Dollars General Police Fire General Police Fire Normal Cost 0.00% 0.00% $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 UAAL 0.18 0.43 4,032 4,380 1,824 Total 0.18% 0.43% N.A. $4,032 $4,380 $1,824 AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 4110 Proposal 2A —Provide a COLA provision utilizing a standard CPI, which is not to exceed 2%. This provision applies to General and Police members only. Adoption of this proposal would require an additional City contribution of: • Percent of Payroll FY 99/00 Dollars General* Police General* Police Normal Cost 1.73% 3.13% $38,755, $31,882 UAAL Active 1.24 1.98 27,778 20,168 UAAL Inactive 0.10 0.06 2,240 611 UAAL Retired 0.70 . 1.77 15,681 18,029 Total 3.77% 6.94% $84,454 $70,690 * These results are not additive to those presented in Proposal 3. Proposal 2B — Provide a provision utilizing a standard CPI, which is not to exceed 3%. For the 0 • purpose of this study, we are assuming 2.8%. This provision applies to General and Police members only. Adoption of this proposal would require an additional City contribution of: Percent of Payroll FY 99/00 Dollars General* Police General* Police Normal Cost 2.57% 4.68% $ 57,573 $ 47,671 UAAL Active 1.83 2.96 40,995 30,151 UAAL Inactive 0.16 0.08 3,584 • 815 UAAL Retired 1.05 2.65 23,522 26 ,993 Total 5.61% 10.37% $125,674 $105,630 * These results are not additive to those presented in Proposal 3. III AGENDA ITEM#8E FEBRUARY 12,2001 • Proposal 3 — Change the normal retirement eligibility condition for General members from age 60 with 5 or more years of service to age 55 with 5 or more years of service or any age with 25 or more years of service. Change the deferred retirement commencement age from age 60 to age 55. This reflects the change in normal retirement eligibility. Adoption of this proposal would require additional member contribution of: • Percent of Payroll FY 99100 Dollars General* General* Normal Cost 2.12% $47,492 UAAL 1.29 28,898 Total 3.41% $76,390 * These results are not additive to those presented in Proposal 2. COMM1ENT: The additional contribution rate needed to support this proposal is sensitive to the 41, utilization of retirement rates for the proposed retirement conditions. The cost shown above would increase (decrease) if utilization (retirement) rates were higher (lower) than assumed. Please refer to the next page for these rates. 0 AGENDA ITEM E • FEBRUARY 12,2#8001 1110 Increases in unfunded actuarial accrued liability were amortized as level percents of payroll over 30 years. The preceding calculations were based on the same member data, methods, and assumptions used in the September 30, 1998 annual actuarial valuation except as follows: The retirement pattern used in Proposal 1 was adjusted to reflect utilization of provisions allowing General members to retire at age 55 with 5 years of service or at any age with 25 years of service. The patterns used were as follows: 25 & Out 55 & 5 Service at Percent of Eligible Retirement Percent of Eligible Retirement Persons Retiring Ages Persons Retiring 25 15% 55 15% 26 10 56 10 27 10 57 10 28 10 58 10 29 10 59 10 30 . 10 60 15 31 10 61 8 32 10 62 15 33 10 63 9 34 10 64 15 35 100 65 90 66 30 67 40 68 50 69 60 70 100 Note: An actuarial impact statement and cost estimate, in the format required pursuant to Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, must be submitted to the Department of Administration, Division of Retirement, State of Florida, prior to final action adopting a change to the Ordinance. • •