02-23-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING- February 23, 1998 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1.Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of February 9, 1998 2.Recognition of Visitors: A. Donner Park Cheerleaders (Mayor) B. Jack Gabriel,P.E.,Managing Engineer,Design,Jacksonville Transportation Authority with a status report on the Wonderwood Connector and Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard interchange (Mayor) 3.Unfinished Business: A. Board Appointment: (Mayor) Appointment to fill the unexpired term of Cecile Purcell on the Cultural Arts Board(Term expires April 30, 1999) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Building Department monthly report (City Manager) B. Bid No. 9798-11 -Award contract for demolition of two houses at 117 Ardella Road and 1970 Park Street at a cost of$1,369.00 each(City Manager) C. Bid No. 9798-16 -Award contract to Pest Master Services, Inc., in the amount of 7,500.00 for insect control and fertilization of city lawns and landscaped areas and pest control for city buildings(City Manager) D. Acknowledge receipt of letter from Karen Summers advising of her resignation from the Cultural Arts Board 5.Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-3 Resolution of esteem-Mark McGowan(Mayor) B. Resolution No. 98-5 Resolution of Esteem -Ed Martin(Mayor) Page Two AGENDA February 23, 1998 C. Resolution No. 98-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE LEGISLATURE TO DEVELOP A REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WHEN THE PRESERVATION 2000 PROGRAM TERMINATES (Mayor) D. Resolution No. 98-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE 1998 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO PASS HB 3427 AND SB 882 WHICH PROVIDE A DEDICATED FUNDING SOURCE FOR STATEWIDE BEACH MANAGEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE(City Manager) 6.Action on Ordinances: 7.New Business: A. Public Hearing and action on an application for a Use-by-Exception filed by Finis and Nicole Bennett to operate a retail flower shop at 100 Seminole Road, also described as Lot 624, Saltair Section#1, Atlantic Beach,Zoned RG-2 (City Manager) B. Public Hearing to hear and consider the views of the public concerning long range planning and goal setting for the city(Mayor) C. Set the date for a public hearing(April 13)for consideration of regional impact of the proposed operation of a gambling ship at Johnston Island (City Manager) D. Authorize execution of agreement with the Jacksonville Electric Authority to provide sewage treatment and disposal facilities to Mayport (City Manager) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9.Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience,forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,February 20, 1998. v O 0 T T E E MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC S S BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1998 PRESENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor Richard Beaver Mike Borno John Meserve M S Theo Mitchelson, Commissioners 0 E T C I O YAND: James Jarboe, City Manager ONE N Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. It was with great sadness that Mayor Shaughnessy announced the passing of Boy Scout Troop 37 Scout Master Donald Erkfitz and asked that those present remember him and his family in their prayers. The invocation was given by Reverend Doctor John Moulton of St. Paul's by- the- Sea Episcopal Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 9, 1998. BEAVER x BORNO X X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held MESERVE X February 9, 1998. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, the motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Donner Park Cheerleaders (Mayor) Gail Baker, Program Director for the Donner Park Community, introduced twelve of the twenty-four cheerleaders from her group. Ms. Baker explained that the Jacksonville Housing Authority recently asked the participants in their programs to answer the question "Who had the greatest influence on your life?" In recognition to their unanimous response to that question, the cheerleaders gave a cheer and presented a plaque to Public Safety Director David Thompson in recognition of his community leadership and volunteerism at Donner Park. B. Jack Gabriel, P.E., Managing Engineer, Design - Jacksonville M S O E T C I O Y ONEN Minutes Page 2 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 Transportation Authority with a status report on the Wonderwood Connector and Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard interchange Wonderwood Connector Jack Gabriel, P.E.,the Managing Engineer for Design with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority(JTA), updated the Commission on the project and displayed preliminary design plans. Mr. Gabriel explained the design stage of the Wonderwood Connector was sixty percent complete and the St. Johns River Water Management District had been contacted concerning permitting. It was further reported design of the main segment of the project should be completed by the end of 1999 with completion of the entire project expected by 2003. Mr. Gabriel stated the proposed bridge across the Intracoastal Waterway will be sixty-five feet in height and the JTA was working with Representative Tillie Fowler to ensure funding will be available for the project. After the update, Mr. Gabriel responded to questions. Commissioner Meserve verified the height of the bridge to be sixty-five feet and inquired about beautification along the project. Mr. Gabriel stated he needed someone to manage the landscaping, and he hoped there would be local and corporate support for maintenance. Mayor Shaughnessy also expressed concern for beautification and Mr. Gabriel stated the medians will be landscaped. Mayor Shaughnessy then inquired if the median could accommodate a light rail system and was informed that it was wide enough to support the system. Mayor Shaughnessy then commented that no provision had been made for the rail system on the bridge, and inquired as to why it was not included. Mr. Gabriel felt the added cost would be a major consideration. A brief discussion ensued concerning the added costs, and Mr. Gabriel stated additional funding would have to be worked out if the bridge was built to accommodate a light rail system. The construction timetable was also briefly discussed. Commissioner Borno inquired if the bridge would be sixty-five feet at the mean high or low water mark. Mr. Gabriel stated it was sixty-five feet at the mean high water mark. Atlantic Boulevard/Mayport Road Interchange Mr. Gabriel displayed preliminary plans showing the proposed flyover and DOT project to six lane Atlantic Boulevard. The flyover will add a lane in each direction and complement the DOT project. Mr. Gabriel pointed out the M S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page COMMISSIONERS N D S () February 23, 1998 proposed retention areas and stated the survey work and soil borings had been completed. He further explained that tentatively, the flyover would be a steel box girder with closed boxes type of construction because the flyover will rise above the existing overpass and be very visible. Mr. Gabriel stated he would provide additional information regarding the style of the flyover as the project progresses. Design plans were reported to be 30%complete with completion of the final plans set for November. With regard to the proposed locations of the retention ponds, Mayor Shaughnessy expressed concern that city property(originally purchased for a solid waste transfer station) would be used, negating its future development for soccer fields. Considerable discussion ensued concerning property values and retention pond size and placement. Discussion then turned to the amount of right-of-way needed and width of rights-of-way. Public Works Director Bob Kosoy inquired as to who would be responsible to relocate utilities in rights-of-way. Mr. Gabriel stated it was the policy of the JTA to have the owner of the utilities relocate them, and an agreement regarding the same would have to be negotiated up front. Alan Potter of 374 Second Street, as a point of information for rights-of-way negotiations, stated in the past the burden had been placed on him(as the owner of a utility company) if the utilities were located in the DOT right-of-way. However, if they(DOT)bought the land for right-of-way,then he had been reimbursed- so it worked both ways. Stephen Kuti expressed concern for the traffic problem at the post office and and inquired if anything was being done to address that. J.P. Marchioli asked how residents would get from one side of Wonderwood to the other and inquired about the use of Texas turn arounds. Mr. Gabriel stated they were not allowed in Florida. Mayor Shaughnessy expressed concern for the impact the increased volume of traffic would have on Mayport Road relative to bus traffic. Mayor Shaughnessy stated serious consideration must be given to pull out lanes or turn outs for buses. Mr. Gabriel agreed that it needed to be discussed with possible implementation into the design. Don Phillips stated that it appeared that businesses located at the intersection First and Second Streets)had lost use of the access road, which would negatively impact on them. City Manager Jarboe expressed concern this would M S O E T C I O Y ONE N M,ri»tec Pam 4 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 divert traffic into a residential area with the proposed frontage reversal. Reuben Bennett of 100 Seminole Road and Alan Potter both inquired as to the safety factor involved with the use of a one lane flyover. Mr. Gabriel assured them there would be enough room for emergency vehicles or emergency stopping, etc. in the pull-off area on each side of the regular width lane. There being no further discussion or comments, Mayor Shaughnessy called a brief recess at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Mayor Shaughnessy stated she would like to take Item 7B out of sequence and conduct the Public Hearing on long range planning and goal setting at this time. 7B. Public Hearing to Hear and Consider the Views of the Public Concerning Long Range Planning and Goal Setting for the City Mayor Shaughnessy opened the public hearing to receive citizen input concerning long range planning and goals for the City. The following citizens spoke: Nelson Seiber- 336 10th Street asked that the City consider purchasing a truck to pump out storm sewers similar to the one used in Neptune Beach. Ray Coleman - 438 Inland Way stated he was President of the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association and requested that the Commission consider purchasing additional property adjacent to Donner Park to construct baseball fields for 12 - 15 year olds. Tammy Deitchman of 332 6th Street stated she had experienced flooding problems for nine years and inquired when a firm decision regarding the drainage problems would be made. Andrea Pennell of 579 Aquatic Drive asked the Commission to consider a Neighborhood Bill of Rights program similar to the City of Jacksonville. A brochure outlining the program was given to the Mayor. Kelly Elmore of 1650 Beach Avenue encouraged the Commission to consider forming a Community Redevelopment Area(CRA), consider implementing neo-traditional zoning for the Core City area, adopting plant maintenance specifications for the medians on Atlantic Boulevard and consider the land use impact of the JTA project and make the retention areas more aesthetically M S O E T C I 0 Y ONEN Minutes Page 5 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 pleasing. Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive proposed working personally with George Worley and Tillie Fowler to provide handicapped parking and a ramp for beach access for senior citizens and disabled. Mr. Kuti also suggested consideration be given to dividing the city into four voting districts and having two Commissioners elected at-large. Nancy White of 1729 Seminole Road expressed concern for the large turnover of personnel in the Police and Fire Departments. She complimented the Public Safety Department for the services they provide and suggested raising the salaries of police and fire personnel. Mrs. White stated she was opposed to any gambling ship being located in Atlantic Beach. Mrs. White also complimented Code Enforcement Officer Karl Grunewald for his work. Barbara Bonner of 463 Selva Lakes Circle believed the City should work to reclaim the beach (40' street ends) by removing the rocks, cement, and wooden ties located there. She also wanted additional parking at the street ends and suggested that bicycle lanes be constructed on Plaza and Sherry Drives. Alan Potter of 374 Second Street requested that dollar amounts be listed on all agenda items where funds are to be expended. Donald Phillips of 1566 Park Terrace West requested consideration be given to changing the zoning ordinance to limit impervious construction to 35% of lot size. He also asked the Commission to consider making East Coast Drive and Ocean Boulevard one-way. Mr. Phillips also inquired if the City was going to develop an Internet web site, and City Manager Jarboe stated that one was in the works and would be on-line soon. David Bew of 381 Third Street asked that consideration be given to the following beach related conservation programs and projects: (1) Have a beach sand renourishment plant permanently located in the area, (2) Educate the public on dune conservation (use of old Christmas trees), (3) Implement a Junior Life Guard Program, and (4) Construct a new life guard station. Curtis Sanders of 2320 Barefoot Trace urged the Commission to plant more trees. He requested that the Seminole ditch be either covered or the shoulders improved so vehicles could pull off the road in that area. He also asked that consideration be given to constructing eighteen foot wide streets and that obstacles be removed from the rights-of-way along city streets. M S O E T C I O Y ONE N M' i tP s Pale 6 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 1n 1 February 23, 1998 There being no further citizen input, Mayor Shaughnessy declared the Public Hearing closed. There were no Commission comments. 3. Unfinished Business: A. Board Appointments: (Mayor) Cultural Arts Board (1) Appointment to fill the unexpired term of Cecile Purcell Term expires April 30, 1999) Mayor Shaughnessy nominated Gary Seabrook to fill the unexpired term of Cecile Purcell on the Cultural Arts Board. The appointment was unanimously approved by the Commission. ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Building Department Monthly Report City Manager) B. Bid No. 9798-11 - Award Contract for Demolition of Two Houses at 117 Ardella Road and 1970 Park Street at a Cost of 1,369.00 Each (City Manager) C. Bid No. 9798-16 - Award Contract to Pest Master Services, Inc., in the Amount of$7,500.00 for Insect Control and Fertilization of City Lawns and Landscaped Areas and Pest Control for City Buildings (City Manager) D. Acknowledge Receipt of Letter from Karen Summers Advising of Her Resignation From the Cultural Arts Board Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if anyone wished to remove anything from M S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page 7 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 the consent agenda, and nothing was removed from the consent agenda. BEAVER X Motion: Award bid contracts as recommended by Staff BORNO X X and approve Consent Agenda items aspresented. MITCHEL X X PP g MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-3 Resolution of Esteem - Mark McGowan (Mayor) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-3. MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X Mayor Shaughnessy read the Resolution in its entirety. Mr. McGowan SHAUGHNESSY X was unable to attend for the presentation and City Clerk King was asked to forward the framed document to him. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 98-5 Resolution of Esteem - Ed Martin (Mayor) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-5. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy read the Resolution in its entirety. Mr. Martin was unable to be present and City Clerk King was asked to forward the engraved Resolution and key to the City to him. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution No. 98-6 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach , Florida, Urging the Legislature to Develop a Replacement Program When the Preservation 2000 Program Terminates (Mayor) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-6. MESERVE x x MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X M S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page $ COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 Mayor Shaughnessy read the Resolution by title only and briefly explained its purpose. All members of the Duval County Delegation in the Florida Legislature will receive a copy of the Resolution. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously, D. Resolution No. 98-7 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Urging the 1998 Florida Legislature to Pass HB 3427 and SB 882 Which Provide a Dedicated Funding Source for Statewide Beach Management, and Providing for an Effective Date (City Manager) BEAVER x BORNO X X MESERVE X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-7. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy explained that the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association had requested the City pass a Resolution supporting legislation which would provide a permanent funding source for beach projects. Funding will be phased-in over three years with funds, coming from documentary stamp tax revenues. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Action on Ordinances: None. 7. New Business: A. Public Hearing and action on an application for a Use-by- Exception filed by Finis and Nicole Bennett to operate a retail flower shop at 100 Seminole Road, also described as Lot 624, Saltair Section #1, Atlantic Beach, Zoned RG-2 Community Development Director Worley explained the property located at 100 Seminole Road was zoned RG-2, which does not allow a flower shop as a permitted use in that particular zoning district and stated that the Community Development Board and Staff had recommended denial of the request. Mayor Shaughnessy opened the public hearing. NI S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page 9 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 Finis (Ruben) Bennett passed out photographs of the property in question. Mr. Bennet indicated ingress/egress from the property would occur from an alley adjacent to the property and the sign advertising the flower shop would face the alley, so no one would know a business was operating at that location if they faced the house from Seminole Road. Mr. Bennett stated his wife had a medical disability and the business out of their home would allow her to support herself if something should happen to him. Mr. Bennett further stated he had spoken to an attorney and was told the use-by-exception could be granted only to him with the provision it revert back should the property be sold. Mayor Shaughnessy requested City Attorney Jensen's opinion regarding the request. City Attorney Jensen read the permitted uses and uses-by-exception allowed in the RG-2 zone, which did not provide for a retail store. Mr. Jensen felt a retail flower shop could not meet the requirements of a home occupation, and there were no options for Mr. Bennett to operate a retail store in the RG-2 zone. No one else spoke concerning the request and the public hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Meserve stated he did not believe the Commission could legally approve this use-by-exception.BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Deny Use-by-Exception filed by Finis and Nicole Bennett to MESERVE x X operate a retail flower shop at 100 Seminole Road. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Beaver stated it was an unfortunate situation, but if the rules were bent here, the same would have to apply in other places. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Set the Date for a Public Hearing (April 13) for Consideration of Regional Impact of the Proposed Operation of a Gambling Ship at Johnston Island (City Manager) Mayor Shaughnessy reported that the Public Hearing to consider the proposed operation of the gambling ship at Johnston Island Development of Regional Impact would be held on April 27, 1998. D. Authorize Execution of Agreement with the Jacksonville Electric Authority to Provide Sewage Treatment and Disposal Facilities to Mayport (City Manager) M S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page 14 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 BEAVER X Motion: Authorize execution of agreement (Mayor and City BORNO X X Manager) with the Jacksonville Electric Authority to provide MESERVE x x MITCHELSON X sewage treatment and disposal facilities to Mayport. SHAUGHNESSY X City Manager Jarboe explained the contract changes and stated this contract was a good deal for both the City and the Jacksonville Electric Authority. The agreement is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Commissioner Meserve, Chairman of the Mayport Waterfront Partnership, thanked City Manager Jarboe and Public Works Director Kosoy for their work in negotiating the agreement with the Jacksonville Electric Authority. Commissioner Borno inquired as to who was going to execute the agreement and it was the consensus of the Commission that the Mayor and City Manager would do the same. There being no further comments or discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: City Manager Jarboe Reported construction of the life guard station would be put on a future agenda with the residents living by the site receiving notice. Stated copies of the Mayport/Atlantic Beach interchange map were available at City Hall. Commented on the Town Center planting which took place this past weekend. Reported he would provide a report on the traffic light at Town Center. Reported that a "Stop" sign was under construction at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and East Coast Drive. Reported on the status of the City's website. 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page 11 February 23, 1998 Commissioner Mitchelson Relative to Mrs. Deitchman's inquiry concerning the recent flooding, remarked he believed the Commission would take decisive action once Colonel Rice's report is received. Commissioner Borno Verified the date change for the Public Hearing concerning the gambling ship at Johnston Island from April 13, 1998 to April 27, 1998. Commented on Councilman Dick Brown's recent "reality comment" regarding drainage problems. Commissioner Beaver Expressed concern regarding the design of the proposed retention ponds at the Atlantic Boulevard/Mayport Road Interchange and stated he wanted to be involved with it. Stated the City needs to check into underground utilities relative to the interchange project and keep informed on this. Expressed concern for school bus safety on Mayport Road and felt these concerns should be addressed in connection with the design of the interchange. Requested that drainage north of Plaza- 11th Street be placed on the next agenda under his name. Mayor Shaughnessy Requested that discussion of the transfer station property - do we want to give it up or retain it - be placed on the next agenda under her name and Commissioner Beaver's name. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N MintltPs Page 17 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 February 23, 1998 Commissioner Meserve Commented the City needed to get involved with beautification of interchange and obtain a better understanding of the proposed traffic flow at the interchange. Stated he would contact the JTA and gather information concerning placement of a bus transfer station at Champions. Commented regarding changing website codes. MAYOR SHAUGHNESSY Reported on a meeting at Neptune Beach City Hall concerning the A-1- A arterial study. Handouts were provided and it was reported that no elected official supported six laning the road. Reported that the First Coast Parliamentarians had requested a Proclamation naming April "Parliamentary Emphasis Month" and referred the request to City Clerk King. Requested the City purchase parliamentary procedure videos and gave the information to City Clerk King. Reported that the City Manager had responded by letter to the concerns expressed by William McGee and Alan Potter during the last meeting. Reported an all time high set out rate of 99% for recycling. Announced the opening of a new ABET play on Friday, February 27, 1998. Reported that Richard Downs had requested the City implement electronic funds transfer and referred the request to City Manager Jarboe. Reported the City had saved money on its website by utilizing the expertise of a person from the Navy Base. Stated the City would move ahead to correct the drainage problems as soon as Colonel Rice's report is received in ninety days. ISI S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COM IISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutcs Pagc 13 February 23, 1998 There being no further discussion or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Suzanne Shaughnessy Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: 1--e 14:A ee, z, Maitreen King, CM City Clerk ATTACHMENT A r' FEBRUARY 23, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF Z - Z3 - q8 ec at& 'eae( - 91.aud . 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 3Qr ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 S.11 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 February 18, 1998 Memorandum to: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Subject:Agreement Between the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida and Jacksonville Electric Authority City Commission Members: Attached is the above referenced agreement for your approval. This contract will provide sewage treatment and disposal facilities to Mayport, and is consistent with the City Code. It includes 25 percent for the Buccaneer Area. I will provide you with more in-depth information as it becomes available. If you have any questions please call me. Respectfully submitted, Jame R. Jarboe City Manager JRJ:tl Attachment COMPARISON - JEA DOING MAYPORT PROJECT VS ATLANTIC BEACH JEA 20% DISCOUNT PER 1000 GALLONS JEA is asking that we give them a rebate of 20%per thousand gallons of water treated in return for billing, maintenance, repairs and etc. = $36,000 per year based on the request 130,000 gallons. ATLANTIC BEACH'S COST TO DO THE PROJECT PER YEAR 77,000 per year(pays a 30 yr note for$1,120,000 cost of construction) 4,800 Billing and meter reading 10,000 Maintenance 90,000 per year SAVINGS TO PER YEAR TO ATLANTIC BEACH 54,000 CITY OF l•' i LtIC 'e4a - eolee.R 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 Memorandum Date : February 20 , 1998 To: Jim Jarboe, City Manager From: Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director 6c? Subject : Agreement between the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida and Jacksonville Electric Authority for the Sewer services located in the Village of Mayport . With regard to the above mentioned agreement, it is my opinion the agreement captures the basic intent to provide sewer services to the Village of Mayport by connecting the JEA facilities to the City' s Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant . The rates that JEA will be required to pay are similar to those being paid by our current Buccaneer sewer customers . These charges will be collected by JEA and remitted to the City monthly. The impact fees will be remitted to the City prior to the individual customers being connected to the JEA facility. JEA will be responsible for all related customer services for which the City will reimburse JEA. This amount is not to exceed 200 of the cost per 1000 .gallons water usage . This agreement does give the City the ability to change the rates to be consistent with existing city code as needed. The residents and businesses located in the Village of Mayport and The City of Atlantic Beach should both benefit from this agreement should it be approved. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AND JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY THIS AGREEMENT, entered into in duplicate this day of 199 , by and between THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as the "City") and JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY, a body politic and corporate located in Jacksonville, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "JEA"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, residents and businesses located in the Village of Mayport, Florida Mayport") need use of sewage treatment and disposal facilities; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to provide a method for said residents and businesses at Mayport to have such use of sewage treatment and disposal facilities in the manner and under terms and conditions specified herein; and WHEREAS, the lack of sewer service is a limiting factor in the economic redevelopment of Mayport; and WHEREAS, the Atlantic Beach Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant ("Treatment Plant") capacity exceeds the current usage in an amount sufficient to provide treatment capacity for Mayport; and WHEREAS, this Agreement may establish the basis for future alliances beneficial to both the City and JEA, in areas such as, but not limited to, Customer Service and Purchasing; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Agreement to provide an efficient, environmentally sound means of planning, designing, constructing and operating a sewer gravity collection system and a sewage force main from a pumping facility constructed within the service area of JEA to connect to a portion of the collection system of the City for eventual treatment in the Treatment Plant; now, therefore IN CONSIDERATION for the mutual covenants herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The above stated recitals are true and correct and, by this reference, are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 2.Construction of Sewage System/Cooperation. a) JEA, at its own cost and expense, shall design and construct a sewer gravity collection system and a sewage force main along the right of way of State Road A1A, to transport sewage from its pumping station in Mayport to the City's Treatment Plant. Said gravity sewer collection system, sewage force main and pumping station constructed by JEA for the purpose of transporting sewage from Mayport to the City's Treatment Plant shall be hereinafter collectively referred to as the "JEA Facilities." b) The parties, jointly and severally, agree to take every reasonable step to assist each other in obtaining permits, access, and other necessary items as may be needed, from time to time, in the design, construction and operation of the JEA Facilities. 3. Acceptance of Sewage/Capacity. a) The City agrees to accept said sewage from the JEA Facilities once the connection of those JEA Facilities to the City's sewage system is approved by the City's Public Works Director or his designee. 2 - JEA reserves the right to discontinue use of City service at any time in the future by giving the City 180 days advance written notice. 4. Industrial Pretreatment. JEA shall ensure that all users generating industrial waste in Mayport, which waste will be transported to the City's Treatment Plant, by the JEA Facilities,will have an approved industrial pretreatment program in place prior to connecting to those JEA Facilities that transport sewage to the City's Treatment Plant. Said industrial pretreatment program shall conform to the requirements specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and, by this reference, made a part hereof. 5. Payment of Impact Fee Charges. Before being allowed to deliver sewage from the JEA Facilities to the City's Treatment Plant. JEA must pay all required impact fee charges directly to the City. The City's City Manager will determine the classification for each business to be charged an Impact Fee when they are not defined by Chapter 22 of the City's Code, as indicated in Exhibit B attached hereto and by reference, made a part hereof. JEA shall not allow connection of any user, in Mayport to said JEA Facilities delivering sewage to the City's Treatment Plant until such impact fees are paid by JEA to the City. 6. Connection Point/Operation. The connection point at which the JEA Facilities will be connected to the City's sewage utilities system is indicated in Exhibit C attached hereto and by reference, made a part hereof. JEA shall provide all operation, maintenance metering, and meter reading with respect to the JEA Facilities and system,located in Mayport or otherwise on JEA's side of said connection point. The City shall provide all operation and maintenance on its facilities on the City's side of said connection point, except for damage caused by the JEA facilities. 3 - 7.Fees and Reimbursements. a) As used in this Section 7, the term "Water Usage" means usage of all water provided to JEA sewer users in Mayport, regardless of the source of said water, which water will be discharged into the JEA Facilities and ultimately delivered to the City's Treatment Plant. b) In return for the City's acceptance of sewage from the JEA Facilities, JEA shall pay, to the City, a monthly usage fee not to exceed $3.90 per 1000 gallons of Water Usage by JEA's sewer users in Mayport unless the rates are changed by the City's Governing Body as required by law. JEA shall also pay, to the City, a monthly base fee for each of their customers, regardless of the amount of Water Usage by JEA's sewer users in Mayport, as required by Chapter 22 of the Atlantic Beach City Code as indicated in Exhibit D attached hereto and by reference, made a part hereof. All such Water Usage, by JEA's sewer users in Mayport, shall be metered by JEA and JEA shall submit certified statements of such Water Usage, to the City, on a monthly basis. c)In return for JEA's performing metering, meter reading, customer service, operation and maintenance of the JEA Facilities, the City agrees to reimburse JEA in the amount at 20% of the cost per thousand gallons of water usage. The rate per 1000 gallons may change based upon an annual review by JEA; provided, however, this rate will not, at any time, exceed 20% of the monthly water usage fee paid by JEA to the City. d) Each party agrees to pay all fees, rates and reimbursements within thirty 30) days of receipt of a bill from the City. Failure of either party to pay a fee or to make a reimbursement within said time frame shall result in a late charge of 1.5 % of overdue payments or reimbursements for each thirty (30) day period, or part hereof, that the payment or reimbursement is late. 4 - 8. Fines. If any fines or other monetary penalties are imposed upon one party based upon its ownership and operation of its collection system as a result of a violation of this Agreement by the other party, such violating party shall indemnify and reimburse the nonviolating party for the amount therefor and any costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, related thereto, provided that the nonviolating party shall have notified such violating party immediately upon learning of any investigation or proceeding which might result in such fines or penalties and allow such violating party to join in the defense thereof at its cost and expense. 9. Indemnification. Subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, each party hereto shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the other party hereto from and against any claim, action, loss, damage, injury, liability, cost and expense of whatsoever kind or nature (including, but not by way of limitation, attorneys fees and court costs) arising out of injury (whether mental or corporeal) to persons, including death or damage to property, arising out of or incidental to any negligent act or omission of the indemnifying party in the operation and maintenance of sewer collection and transmission systems and facilities, under this Agreement. 10. Force Majeure. The performance by the parties of this Agreement is subject to Force Majeure and is contingent•upon strikes, accidents, acts of God, flood, regulations or restrictions imposed by any government agency, breakdown of the collection system, or other delays beyond the parties' control, provided, however that nothing in this Section shall be deemed or construed to supersede or suspend payment obligations hereunder. 5 - 11. Severability. Should any provision hereof for any reason be held illegal or invalid, no other provision of this Agreement shall be affected; and this Agreement shall then be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid provision had not been contained herein. 12. Headings. The headings in this Agreement are solely for convenience and shall have no effect on the legal interpretation of any provision hereof. 13. Waiver. The failure of any party to insist upon strict performance of this Agreement or of any of the terms or conditions hereof shall not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights hereunder. 14. Notice. Each notice when required hereunder shall be deemed to have been given when mailed by U.S. Postal Service certified mail, postage prepaid; addressed as follows: a) City of Atlantic Beach, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Attention: City Manager b) Jacksonville Electric Authority, 21 West Church Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202-3139 Attention: Executive Vice President, Delivery Business Unit 15. Attachments and Exhibits. All exhibits, attachments, appendices and schedules which may, from time to time, be referred to in this Agreement or in any duly executed amendment hereto are by such reference incorporated herein and shall be deemed a part of this Agreement as fully as if set forth herein. The Exhibits attached hereto to the extent not completed at the time of execution hereof, shall confirm substantially to the description thereof contained on each Exhibit page and may be supplied by the parties. 6 - 16. Rights and Obligations Not Transferable. Except as provided in this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder are not assignable and may not be transferred without the prior written consent of the other party hereto, which will not be unreasonably withheld. 17. Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by both parties, by and through their respective authorized representatives, pursuant to such procedural requirements as are applicable to each of the respective parties. 18. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from its effective date and continuing for a period not less than the useful life of the parties' facilities, subject to this Agreement, and any additions, alterations or modifications thereto. 19. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida. 20. Negotiated Agreement. The parties agree that they have had meaningful discussion and/or negotiation of the provisions, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Therefore doubtful or ambiguous provisions, if any, contained in this Agreement shall not be construed against the party who physically prepared this Agreement. The rule commonly referred to as "Fortius Contra Proferentum".shall not be applied to this Agreement or any interpretation thereof. 21. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties hereto. No statement, representation, writing, understanding, or agreement made by either party, or any representative of either party, which are not expressed herein shall be binding. All modifications of, changes, alterations, revisions, or amendments to this 7 - Agreement, or to any of the terms, provisions and conditions hereof, shall be binding only when in writing and signed by the authorized representative of each of the parties hereto. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed under their respective seals by their officers hereunto duly authorized as of the date first above written. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Attest: By: City Clerk Mayor By: City Attorney City Manager JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY By: Maxine M. Wiggins Walter P. Bussells Administrative Assistant Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer I hereby certify that the expenditure contemplated by the foregoing contract has been duly authorized, and provision has been made for the payment of the monies provided therein to be paid. JOHN J. WOLFEL Controller Jacksonville Electric Authority Form Approved: Assistant General Counsel 2/6/98 nwmca,jr/jh G:\SHARED\NEILLM\CONTRACT\ATLBEACH.AG5 8 -