05-26-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING - May 26, 1998 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1.Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 11 and Special Called Meeting of May 12, 1998 2.Recognition of Visitors: 3.Unfinished Business: A. Action on staff recommendation relative to selection of a firm to write a Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the City (City Manager) 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Authorize extension of contract with Vortex Biological Services, Inc., for ditch spraying pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9798-19, at an annual cost of 31,494.00 (City Manager) B. Reject all bids received for Uniform Rental and Cleaning for Public Works under Bid 9798-22 (City Manager) C. Award contract to Brayshaw's Landscaping, Inc., for Atlantic Boulevard Median Landscape Maintenance pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9798-25, for one year at a cost of$$11,435.00 5.Action on Resolutions: 6.Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 31-98-2 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE AREA INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BY ANNEXATION; TO ESTABLISH LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AND BOUNDARY LINES FOR THAT AREA; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; AND TO SET AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA May 26, 1998 B. Ordinance No. 89-98-166 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE AREA INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BY ANNEXATION; TO ESTABLISH ZONING CATEGORIES AND ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINES FOR THAT AREA; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; AND TO SET AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) 7.New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor(and city staff to execute the appropriate grant application and related documents for funding recreation programs at Jordan Park (City Manager) B. Action on a request from Aquatic Gardens Association to accept the Aquatic Gardens retention pond for maintenance (City Manager) C. Discussion and related action to revise occupational license fees and classifications Commissioner Beaver) D. Approve the purchase of refurbished components at a cost of$3,486.00 to expand the capabilities of the AS/400 computer system E. Authorize the Mayor to sign State Revenue Sharing application for fiscal year 1998/99 (City Manager F. Discussion and possible action on proposed fund raiser for First Night 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9.Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment Agenda amended to add item 7F If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,May 22, 1998. v O O T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC E E BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 S S SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1998 PRESENT: John Meserve, Mayor Pro Tern Richard Beaver Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson, Commissioners AND: James Jarboe, City Manager M s Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney E T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y O NEN ABSENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy (Excused) COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Meserve. The Invocation was offered by Mayor Pro Tern Meserve, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 11, 1998. BEAVER X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held BORNO X X MESERVE X May 11, 1998 as presented. MITCHELSON X The Mayor Pro Tern asked for any corrections or amendments to the minutes. There were none and the motion carried unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting held May 12, 1998. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve minutes of the Special Called Meeting held MESERVE X May 12, 1998. MITCHELSON X X The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Patricia Goelz of 1359 Beach Avenue reported the next meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board would be held on Wednesday, May 27, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. near Jordan Park. Mrs. Goelz invited the public to come and discuss the site for a proposed community garden. 3. Unfinished Business: M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 k inutcs Pagc -2- May 26, 1998 A. Action on Staff Recommendation Relative to Selection of a Firm to Write a Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the City (City Manager) City Manager Jarboe explained that Process Safety Management and Risk Management Plans were required by the State of Florida to meet OSHA standards, and recommended that a professional firm be hired to implement the programs. It was also reported that there would probably be additional on- going costs to meet the requirements. It was suggested that the top three firms be interviewed. It was the consensus of the Commission to conduct interviews of the top three firms during the June 8, 1998 Commission Meeting, in order to select a professional firm to write the Process Safety Management and Risk Management Plans. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive inquired as to why staff could not do the work to save the added costs. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Authorize Extension of Contract with Vortex Biological Services, Inc. for Ditch Spraying Pursuant to the Specifications of Bid No. 9798-19 at an Annual Cost of 31,494.00 (City Manager) B. Reject All Bids Received for Uniform Rental and Cleaning for Public Works under Bid 9798-22 (City Manager) C. Award Contract to Brayshaw's Landscaping, Inc., for Atlantic Boulevard Median Landscape Maintenance Pursuant to the Specifications of Bid No. 9798-25 for One Year at a Cost of$11,435.00. Mayor Pro Tern Meserve inquired if anyone wished to remove any item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Commissioner Beaver requested that Item 4C be pulled for discussion. M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Mill May 26, 1998 BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve Items 4 A and B as presented. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item 4C City Manager Jarboe explained the two low bidders had submitted incomplete bids and the others were too high and recommended that all bids be rejected and the project rebid. Don Phillips of 1566 Park Terrace West read a letter inquiring if the City of Atlantic Beach had received permission from the City of Neptune Beach to maintain the medians, which he believed to be within their municipal limits. The letter is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. City Manager Jarboe explained the medians were not within the City of Neptune Beach jurisdiction, and the City of Atlantic Beach had an agreement with the FDOT to maintain them. City Manager Jarboe further stated the City of Neptune Beach had indicated a willingness to help with the maintenance in the future. Commissioner Beaver stated he was not happy with the median maintenance the City had received so far. Commissioner Beaver further stated he would like to requalify the bidders due to the significant difference between the low and high bids. BEAVER X X Motion: Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9798-25 for BORNO X the Atlantic Boulevard Median Landscape Maintenance and MESERVE x authorize rebidding the project. MITCHELSON X X There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Action on Resolutions: None. 6. Action on Ordinances: M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minute Pagc -4- May 26, 1998 A. Ordinance No. 31-98-02 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE AREA INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BY ANNEXATION; TO ESTABLISH LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AND BOUNDARY LINES FOR THAT AREA; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; AND TO SET AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Pass Ordinance No. 31-98-02 on first reading.MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X Mayor Pro Tern Meserve read the ordinance by title only and stated the Final Reading and Public Hearing would take place during the July 13, 1998 Commission Meeting. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 90-98-166 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE AREA INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BY ANNEXATION; TO ESTABLISH ZONING CATEGORIES AND ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINES FOR THAT AREA; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; AND TO SET AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Commission) BEAVER X Motion: Pass Ordinance No. 90-98-166 on first reading. BORNO X X MESERVE X Mayor Pro Tem Meserve read the ordinance by title only and stated the Final MITCHELSON X Reading and Public Hearing would take place during the July 13, 1998 Commission Meeting. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor (and City Staff) to Execute the Appropriate Grant Application and Related Documents for Funding Recreation Programs at Jordan park(City Manager) M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 MinuteN Page 5 May 26, 1998 Motion: Authorize the Mayor and City Staff to execute the BEAVER X appropriate grant application and related documents for funding BORNO X X recreation programs at Jordan Park. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if the City of Atlantic Beach had contributed any funding to the proposed program. Public Safety Director Thompson stated that the city's matching funds would come from contraband/forfeiture monies. Mayor Pro Tern Meserve inquired as to how long the program could continue. Public Safety Director Thompson stated that the city could expand on the grant for 3 - 4 years, and at the end of that time, a decision would have to be made as to whether or not the city wished to continue the programs funded by the grant. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. B. Action on a Request from Aquatic Gardens Association to Accept the Aquatic Gardens Retention Pond for Maintenance (City Manager) City Manager Jarboe explained the request and stated the same issue had come before the Commission a year ago. City Attorney Jensen advised the Commission that this was private property and referenced his previous opinion. Andrea Pennell of 579 Aquatic Drive and President of the Aquatic Gardens Association, stated it would cost the association $1,600.00 per year to spray for weeds in the pond and requested that the city spray the Aquatic Gardens Retention Pond for weeds as part of its on-going ditch spraying program. Ms. Pennell further stated that Beaches Aquatic Pool, the owner of the property, was willing to give the property to the city, and she would like to see the area made into a passive park. Stephen Kuti of 1122 Linkside Drive stated he was opposed to the request and if the city took over the Aquatic Gardens pond maintenance, he would ask the same consideration for the Selva Linkside pond. Commissioner Borno inquired if beautification funds could be used on a one- time basis to spray for weeds, and was told those funds could not be used for private property. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 MiiiutcPage 6 May 26, 1998 Commissioner Beaver expressed concern that it would set a precedent. If the city sprayed one privately owned pond, it would have to do the same for others who request it. Barbara Bonner of 463 Selva Lakes Circle stated this was the first retention pond in the city and she felt the city was negligent at that time by not requiring covenants and restrictions concerning maintenance of retention ponds. Don Phillips believed that if retention ponds are required by the St. Johns River Water Management District, they should help fund their maintenance. Mayor Pro Tem Meserve suggested that if Beaches Aquatic Pool wanted to donate the land and retention pond to the city, they solicit input from the Recreation Advisory Board. City Manager Jarboe briefly reviewed the history of the property with the Commission and the Commission took no action on the request. C. Discussion and Related Action to Revise Occupational License Fees and Classifications (Commissioner Beaver) Commissioner Beaver inquired as to how a new business, such as the cruise ship, would be classified and added to the city's occupational license list. City Clerk King explained that there were four basic categories of businesses and classifications could be added within the four categories. City Clerk King reported that the occupational license fees had not been increased since 1994, and a 5% increase was allowed every two years. A brief discussion ensued concerning business classifications. City Clerk King was directed to come back at the next meeting with an ordinance to include revised business classifications within the four categories and increased fees. D. Approve the Purchase of Refurbished Components at a Cost of 3,486.00 to Expand the Capabilities of the AS/400 Computer System (City Manager) City Manager Jarboe briefly explained the request as outlined in the memo from Finance Director Van Liere dated May 13, 1998, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. M O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minute,3 Puge 7 May 26, 1998 Al Robassa of 1820 Live Oak Lane read a prepared statement referencing a previous $50,000.00 upgrade to the computer system, which he believed occurred a year ago and was supposed to provide capacity for five years. Mr. Robassa believed the city should have a long range plan for computer system upgrades to eliminate surprises and the need to spend additional money. Motion: Approve the purchase of refurbished components at a BEAVER X X cost of$3,486.00 to expand the capacity of the AS/400 Computer BORNO x x MESERVE X System with the caveat that within two months a plan or guideline MITCHELSON X be submitted for future computer needs. Commissioner Beaver inquired as to the warranty on the refurbished components and was told they had a ninety day warranty, following which they would come under the current maintenance contract with IBM at no additional charge. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. E. Authorize the Mayor to Sign State Revenue Sharing Application for Fiscal Year 1998/99 (City Manager) City Manager Jarboe explained that this was a yearly requirement in order for the city to receive State Revenue Sharing monies. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the State Revenue Sharing MESERVE X Application for Fiscal Year 1998/99. MITCHELSON X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Fund Raiser for First Night Cindy Grossberg of 50 Ocean Breeze Drive, Chairperson of First Night, outlined the plan for a proposed fund raiser to be held on June 26, 1998 on the Mayport ferry, Blackbeard. Mrs. Grossberg explained tickets as a donation would be sold for $25.00 per person, which would include food catered by Sliders, the cruise on the ferry, and a cash bar. Mrs. Grossberg stated that La Cruise Casino had offered their help and would be involved in some way. Mrs. Grossberg then requested that the city sign the one day Alcoholic Beverage Permit to allow operation of the cash bar. However, because no M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutvg Page 8- May 26, 1998 plans had been finalized, Mrs. Grossberg stated that if she hired someone to provide the cash bar service, she may not need the alcoholic beverage permit, and also, she may be able to use LaCruise Casino's license to provide the cash bar. Mayor Pro Tem Meserve suggested that no action be taken tonight because First Night may be able to obtain a license through LaCruise. He further stated he felt uncomfortable signing a permit for an event not held within the city limits, serving alcoholic beverages at sea. Commissioner Beaver inquired as to who would be responsible if the city signed the permit. City Manager Jarboe stated there would be a shared liability between Hornblower Marine, who operates the ferry, and the city. Theresa Lamerine, representing Hornblower Marine, stated the company would need an insurance certificate from the City of Atlantic Beach including Hornblower Marine and the City of Jacksonville as additional insured. Much discussion ensued concerning the city's liability if they signed the Alcoholic Beverage Permit. It was the consensus of the Commission that the city would be liable regardless if alcoholic beverages were served or not, and concern was expressed if the event could even be covered under the city's liability policy. It was determined additional information concerning the insurance coverage was needed before any decision could be reached. Mrs. Grossberg stated she needed an answer as soon as possible because this would be an advanced reservation event and invitations needed to be sent out. City Manager Jarboe stated that he was bringing up the need for a Special Called Meeting on June 2, 1998 under his reports and this item could be added to the agenda for that meeting. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Special Called Meeting- Core City Project Reported a faxed message had been received from Dr. Terry Rice stating he would like to meet with the Commission on Tuesday, June 2, 1998, to discuss some final recommendations and have public input M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Miiiula;s Pugs; 9 May 26, 1998 concerning the RFP's for the Core City Project. City Manager Jarboe urged the Commission to act as quickly as possible and expressed concern that further delays only added to the problems with the DEP concerning the sewer system, and the rapidly deteriorating condition of Sherry Drive. It was the consensus of the Commission to hold the Special Called Meeting on June 2, 1998. Reported that Stephen Kuti of 1122 Linkside Drive requested installation of street lights on Sandpiper Lane for safety reasons, and indicated he needed input from all homeowners in the area to see if the lights were really needed and wanted. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to place the matter on the next commission agenda for discussion and possible action. Reported that he had met with the City Manager of Neptune Beach and discussed maintenance of Town Center and Atlantic Boulevard, and indicated that the Neptune Beach Council would probably discuss an old interlocal agreement drafted by Town Center dated 1996 at their next meeting. Indicated he would make copies of the agreement for the Commission to see if there was any interest on how to take care of the maintenance of those areas, with drainage being one of the primary concerns. Neptune Beach has indicated a willingness to get more involved in the maintenance. 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Commissioner Beaver Inquired as to who would be maintaining the medians during the interim, and was told city staff would be doing the work. Also inquired as to the time frame for the rebid and was told it would take three to four weeks. Mayor Pro Tem Meserve M S O E T C 1 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Mitiules Puge 10 May 26, 1998 Reminded the Commissioners of the upcoming meeting with the City of Jacksonville Economic Development Department. Adjournment There being no further comments . b ess to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 /Ili KULII N M: erve Mayor 1-m/P -siding Officer ATTEST: PriLavALpAk - . Maureen King, CM City Clerk ATTACHMENT A MAY 26, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING Donald L . Phillips 1566 Park Terrace West Atlantic Beach , FL 32233 Phone : 246-1986) May 26 , 1998 City Commission City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach , Florida 32233 ATTN : Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy SUBJECT : Maintenance Contracts for Atlantic Boulevard Media Dear Commissioners and City Staff : This letter seeks to determine if the City of Atlantic Beach has received written permission from the City of Neptune Beach to develop and award a maintenance contract for property which is entirely within the City Limits of Neptune Beach . I ' m sure you are well aware that our City Charter clearly defines the property lines of the City of Atlantic Beach and the southern limits of Atlantic Beach extends only to the centerline of the west bound lanes of Atlantic Boulevard . The southern portion of this west bound lane and the entire center media ( the area to be beautified and maintained ) is entirely within the city limits of Neptune Beach . Good neighbor protocol clearly dictates that no action (good or bad ) should be taken on a neighbors property without the full knowledge and written consent of the neighbor . Has this been received? Sincerely Yours, 9(i:244 Donald L . Phillips ATTACHMENT B MAY 26, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF fleicustie Eead - 9631.441 iF 144 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 SUNCOMI 852-5800 MEMORANDUM Date: May 13, 1998 ot/` I To: Jim Jarboe, City Manager From: Nelson Van Liere, Finance Directo Subject:Expand capabilities of AS/400 system by purchasing additional computer memory and additional communication lines. Issue 1 As more users are needing to use the system from various remote locations, the demand for the two lines currently available has increased such that the sharing of these lines prohibits users to sign on at their convenience. One line is dedicated for our software support, which is typically used for hours at a time. The other line is shared between IBM, Auditors, Parks and Recreation and Public Works. Public Works has requested the addition of another location (1100 Sandpiper Lane) for requisition input and account inquiry. Issue 2 Response time has slowed dramatically due to an increased number of users and installation of an HTE software enhancement called "Menu Driver". Menu Driver allows users to build a daily menu of application and function access, tailored to their individual needs, providing for a more efficient transition from inquiry to transaction processing. For example, a cashier can quickly review a customer's account while processing a payment transaction, without having to back out of one screen to access another. This enhanced capability provides for increased productivity, however, without adequate available memory, performance will continue to diminish. Issue 3 Available memory is approaching maximum capacity. System status as of May 12, 1998 indicates we are at 75.45% of available memory. The recommended capacity threshold is 90%, at which time the IBM representative assures us the system will begin to have memory conflict problems when executing jobs. In April of 1997, the system status indicated we were at 60.88% percent of capacity. As you can see, the memory capacity has decreased by about 15% in one year, and by this time next year, we will probably reach our capacity threshold. Some on-line system documentation and historical data has already been removed to free up memory, however this did not free up enough capacity to slow the trend. Solution: Issue 1 can be addressed by purchasing a six line communications controller, model #9404-2623) and three (3) two line adapters, (model #9404-2609 EIA 232/v.24). These components will add six lines of communication to the system for current use and future expansion, such as the possibility of the City Clerk's office having a dedicated line to the Property Appraiser's office. Based on my consultation with other users of similar equipment, I am recommending the purchase of refurbished components at a quoted cost of$585. The same equipment would cost $4,584, if purchased new. Acquisition of refurbished equipment would save the City $3,999, excluding installation. Atlantic Beach Code Section 2-336 (7) states that formal bid procedures are not required when purchasing data processing equipment. Since components added to our existing IBM Black Box computer are warrantied only if IBM installs and maintains the equipment, I recommend purchasing the components from an IBM dealer. Once installed, these components will be added to our existing AS/400 maintenance agreement with IBM at no additional charge. The fiscal year 1997/98 budget provides for $3,700 to purchase the items mentioned above. The approximate $3,000 of funds remaining after acquiring these items are available to provide the memory and capacity needs described below. Issues 2 and 3 can be solved with the purchase of one (1) 32 MG main storage, model #9404-3172), and three (3) 1.96 GB Disk Drives, (model #9404-6606). The addition of the 32 MG of main memory will enhance the processing speed, this is like RAM on a PC), increasing available main storage from 80 MG to 112 MG, or 40%. The addition of the three Disk Drives, (this is like a Hard Drive on a PC), will increase disk capacity from 11.76 GB to 17.64 GB, or 50%. I anticipate this change to bring the system capacity below 50%. These components would be added to the existing configuration and located in the available open slots housed within the Black Box adjacent to the existing memory, as was originally planned. The combined cost of these components would be $8,072 if purchased new. I recommend purchasing refurbished components at a quoted cost of$1,620, excluding installation. This saves $6,452, and, as with the communications components, they would be under warranty for ninety days and would also be added to the maintenance contract for no additional charge. Installation is included in the purchase price of new components, however, the savings achieved above offsets the quoted $1,281 cost of installing refurbished components. Summary Recommendation: All three problems mentioned above can be solved within the existing budget by purchasing refurbished components. Although there is some risk with purchasing refurbished components, I feel that the large savings, coupled with the ninety day warranty and their subsequent inclusion on our maintenance contract, minimizes the risk and allows us to address all three issues. Without the savings realized by purchasing refurbished equipment, the memory problems would have to be addressed and funded by other means. I recommend that these issues be resolved as soon as possible by purchasing refurbished components. Below is a schedule of the estimated costs and savings. Component Quantity New Refurbished Savings 32 MG Main Storage 1 3,536 300 3,236 1.96 GB Disk Drive 3 4,536 1,320 3,216 Six -Line Controller 1 1,944 195 1,749 Two - Line Adapter 3 2,640 390 2,250 Component Cost 12,656 2,205 10,451 Installation Labor No Charge 1,281 1,281> Total Estimated Cost 12,656 3,486 9,170