JUNE 15, 1998, 5:30 PM
Call to order
1.Discussion and possible action in connection with proposed beach renourishment project
2.Any other business
Discussion of labor issues
JUNE 15, 1998
Present: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor
Richard Beaver, Commissioner
Mike Borno, Commissioner
John Meserve, Commissioner
Theo Mitchelson, Commissioner
Also: James Jarboe, City Manager
Maureen King, City Clerk
Absent: Alan Jensen, City Attorney
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM by Mayor Shaughnessy.
1.Discussion and possible action in connection with proposed beach renourishment
Mayor Shaughnessy confirmed that each Commissioner had received copies of letters from Kevin
Bodge regarding the proposed beach renourishment project. She stated that Kevin Bodge was unable
to come to this meeting but Christopher Creed, P.E., from Olsen Associates, Inc., was in attendance
to respond to any questions Commissioners may have. She explained the Corps of Engineers
intended to put sand on Hanna Park and the Navy Beaches using sand from the mouth of the river.
She referred to a letter from Richard E. Bonner,P.E., Deputy District Engineer with the Army Corps
of Engineers dated November 13, 1997,which stated that Atlantic Beach did not desire the placement
of maintenance dredging materials on the shore of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Bodge had drafted a letter
for the Mayor's signature which he recommended be sent to Mayor Delaney. Mayor Shaughnessy
reported she had written to Mayor Delaney indicating that the Atlantic Beach City Commission had
not considered the issue and had no position at this time of either supporting or objecting to the
matter. She requested Commission approval to send the letter to Mayor Delaney which had been
drafted by Kevin Bodge. A copy of the draft letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Commissioner Borno moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter regarding beach placement
of suitable dredge material from St. Johns River entrance. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Beaver.
Commissioner Beaver indicated that the biggest concern was the quality of sand which would be
placed on the beach and Mr. Creed indicated that the project would have on-site monitoring and
would also be monitored by the State of Florida to make sure that the sand being pumped was beach
quality sand. Discussion ensued regarding the movement of sand and Mr. Creed presented
Page Two
Minutes of Special Called Meeting
June 15, 1998
an Offshore Wave Condition Input Model illustrating the movement of sand. The Mayor inquired
whether Mayor Delaney had the authority to shut the project down if the sand was not clean and Mr.
Creed indicated the project would be shut down by the DEP if necessary.
Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
2. Any other business
The Mayor noted that a draft Request for Proposals for amendments to the proposed core city storm
water improvements had been received from Terry Rice. She noted he had recommended the
appointment of a Stormwater Review Committee (SRC) and indicated she wished to appoint such
a committee at this time so the process would not be held up.
The Mayor appointed the following members: Cindy Corey, Stephen Kuti, J.P. Marchioli, William
McGee, Tom Martin, Albert Rabassa, Hope Van Nortwick and Don Wolfson. She appointed Lyman
Fletcher to chair the committee and Mike Borno as a non-voting Commission Liaison. She also
presented the charge to the committee, and the rules and reporting requirements. She also pointed
out the committee would be subject to the requirements of Florida's Government in the Sunshine
The City Manager pointed out the draft which had been provided to the City Commission, had been
amended by Dr. Rice, and also, additional RFP's would be drafted, and the Mayor agreed to amend
the charge to include the words "and all subsequent submittals."
Commissioner Borno inquired as to a deadline for committee reporting and the Mayor indicated she
would leave this up to the chairman and members of the committee and see how it goes.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission,the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 6:20 PM and convened the shade meeting. The City Clerk let the meeting at this time.
Mayor/Presiding Officer
Certified Municipal C erk
9S 12:20 FROr1:OLSEN ASSOCIATES 904-3S4-7368 TO:2475805 PAGE:O5
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MImth-es isl1 '
June 11, 1998
Mayor John Delaney
City of Jacksonville
P.O. Box
Jacksonville, FL
Re: Beach Placement of Suitable Dredged Material from St.Johns River Entrance
Ref: Letter of July 31, 1997 from E.T. Hall to Corps of Engineers
Dear Mayor Delaney:
The Corps of Engineers is presently soliciting construction bids for maintenance
dredging of the St. Johns River Entrance. The project plans include placement of up to
306,000 cubic yards of dredged,beach-quality sand onto the Mayport N.A.S. ocean beach
within 5,300 feet south of the inlet.
The Corps had originally considered placement of this beach-quality sand onto the
shoreline further south; i.e., along Katherine Abby Hannah Park and northern Atlantic
Beach. They subsequently abandoned this consideration, however, after receipt of the
above-referenced letter from the City of Jacksonville, Department of Public Works. That
letter requested further affirmation of the material's quality and stated that "...Atlantic
Beach has made emphatically known their desire that dredged material from the river
channel not be used on their beach at any future date."
The City of Atlantic Beach was neither copied with this letter nor consulted in this
matter.In fact,Atlantic Beach is very much interested in the placement of suitable,dredged
maintenance-material on its beaches.
Coastal engineering analysis has demonstrated that the jetties and inlet shoals of the
St.Johns River Entrance create a "wave shadow" that extends at least 6,000 to 8,000 feet
south of the inlet.Therefore,dredged sand that is placed along this shoreline actually offers
little benefit as a "feeder beach" to the County's shoreline to the south. Instead, the placed
sand is as likely to remain along Mayport N.A.S.,or to drift back into the inlet.
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Mayor John Delaney
Page Two of Three
June 11, 1998
At $8 per cubic yard (the approximate cost of sand from the County's shore
protection project),the 306,000 c.y.that is to be placed upon the beaches has a value of over
2.4M. The placement of the material along the northern limits of the County's beach
renourishment project (which most recently ended at about 14th St. of Atlantic Beach)
would significantly benefit that project.The State of Florida,Department of Environmental
Protection, is likewise keenly interested in placing suitable dredged sand further south of
the inlet in order to more effectively return the sand to the littoral system and southerly
drift. In fact, F.D.E.P. has discretionary money available to assist in these efforts.
Mayor,I would ask that you immediately request the Corps of Engineers to amend
this project's Solicitation. to include the option of beach disposal of suitable dredged
material along northern Hannah Park,in a uniform berm width between 6,000 and 15,000
feet south of the south jetty.
Time is of the essence in this matter.The bid opening is scheduled for June 25,1998.
An amendment to the Solicitation could be issued by the Corps that adds a line item
Option to the bid sheet.That Option would reflect placement of the 306,000 c.y. of suitable
material(estimated) to the southward location noted above,in general accordance with the
lines, grades,and specifications already indicated in the construction documents. The bid
opening date must be extended to 15 days after the offerors' receipt of the amendment. It
is important that the Corps award the work soon so as to encumber its available
construction funds;nonetheless, there still remains enough time for this amendment to be
The alternative is to issue a modification after the work is ordered; however, the
Contractor's cost quotation in this regard is certain to be two to three times that which
would be offerred during the bid process. Moreover, additional costs (if any) associated
with further-south beach disposal are much more likely to be committed by the Corps as
part of an initial award (rather than as a costly contract modification). As noted above,
timely opportunities also exist for State funding of additional costs that may be ascribed
to the modified beach disposal.
12:21 FROM:OLSEN P55UC1H I t5 7L14-.)i54-1-2,00 I U:&I r DOUR rntiar=•u
Mayor John Delaney
Page Three of Three
June 11, 1998
Thank you in advance for your expeditious attention in this matter.
Suzanne Shaughnessy
Mayor,City of Atlantic Beach
cc: Phil Flood (FDEP)
Richard Bonner (USACE)