04-14-97 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING- April 14, 1997 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of March 24, 1997 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Recognition of 60th Anniversary of Boy Scout Troop No. 37 B. Recognition of 9-1-1 Communications Operators by the City of Jacksonville 3. Unfinished Business: 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Code Enforcement, Fire and Recreation Departments 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution of Esteem - Commissioner Reed B. Resolution No. 97-12: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS 6. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 60-97-10: Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 17, SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR AMORTIZATION OF NON-CONFORMING SIGNS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7. New Business: A. Public Hearing and action on an application for a Use by Exception filed by Atlantic Beach Assembly of God Church to operate a child care facility at 680 Mayport Road, on property zoned Commercial General (CG) B. Action on a request from Aqua East for return of their donation toward the landscaping of Atlantic Boulevard medians C. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-9 for painting of City Hall and Public Safety Building Page Two AGENDA April 14, 1997 D. Appointment to the City Commission seat being vacated by Commissioner Reed (Seat 3) for a term to expire on November 4, 1997 E. Discussion and/or action regarding Aquatic Gardens storm water retention pond 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to Smoke Detector fund raiser 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings,and, for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk. v v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC 0 0 BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE T T ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 E E D D PRESENT: Lyman Fletcher, Mayor M S John Meserve 0 E T C Tim Reed I O Y Steve Rosenbloom, NAME OF ON E N Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioners COMMRS. N D S 0 AND: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Jim Jarboe, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order. The invocation was offered by Mayor Pro Tern Steve Rosenbloom, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Scout Jeff Banks of Troop 37. 1 Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 24. 1997. MESERVE X X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held REED X X March 24, 1997 ROSENBLOOM X The motion carried unanimously. 2 Recognition of Visitors: A. Recognition of 60th Anniversary of Boy Scout Troop No. 37 In honor of the 60th anniversary of Boy Scout Troop No. 37, Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom presented two historic pictures of the troop, circa 1938 - 1939 to the current Scout Master, Donald Erkfitz, for placement in the Scout Hut. Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom thanked current and past members of the troop for their contributions to the City of Atlantic Beach. The following past members were acknowledged: Charter Scouts from 1937 Paul Wilcox and Buddy Purser, and Scouts from 1938 Buddy Mabry, Bobby Purser, Garland Jonas, Fred Allen, Harry Burns, Albert Stoddard and Jimmy Cranford. Commissioner Shaughnessy arrived at the meeting at 7:25 p.m. B. Recognition of 9-1-1 Communications Operators by the City of Jacksonville v Minutes Page -2- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMAS. MS Y N Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom read the Resolution from the City of Jacksonville commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9-1-1 service in Jacksonville and thanking the city's 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Officers/Dispatchers for their outstanding contribution to public safety. Public Safety Director Thompson and Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom then presented the Resolution to Jeannie Brown, Communications Supervisor, and Angela Key, an Emergency Communications Officer with the Public Safety Department. Pat Welte, 9-1-1 Coordinator for Duval County, who was instrumental in getting the system up and running ten years ago, was also introduced. Public Safety Director Thompson thanked Ms. Welte for her valuable assistance through the years. C. Charles Quick of Seabreeze Beach Service Charles Quick who is operating Seabreeze Beach Service from the Sea Turtle Inn appeared before the Commission to request permission to operate a banana boat ride from the hotel site. Mr. Quick was told the current ordinance does not permit motorized boats to operate within 200' of the beach. City Attorney Jensen advised the ordinance would have to be amended to allow the request. Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom stated that since he had not seen the request before tonight, he would like to defer discussion of the request until the next meeting in order to have time to review the materials presented. It was the consensus of the Commission to defer action on the request to the April 28, 1997 meeting. D. Sun Quest Trees Commissioner Shaughnessy read a letter from Sun Quest Trees of California, suppliers of the date palm trees planted on Atlantic Boulevard, thanking the city for its beautification efforts and stating the company was donating a date palm tree to the city for planting in Bull Park. Coffee mugs and dates from the company were given each Commissioner. 3. Unfinished Business: None. V V Minutes Page-3- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports from Code Enforcement, Fire and Recreation Departments The consent agenda items were received and acknowledged as presented. 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution of Esteem - Commissioner Reed Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom stated he had enjoyed working with Commissioner Reed and respected the financial and accounting perspective he brought to the Commission. He then read the Resolution of Esteem in its entirety and presented the framed document to Commissioner Reed. Commissioner Reed stated he would miss his work on the Commission and thanked the citizens of Atlantic Beach for giving him the opportunity to serve them. B. ResolutionNo. 97-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom read the resolution by title only. ME SERVE i X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 97-12. REED X X ROSENBLOOM X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. The resolution SHAUGHNESSY X X authorized transfer of$10,000.00 for the settlement of Roque v. City of Atlantic Beach. 6. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 60-97-10: Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 17, SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR AMORTIZATION OF NON- CONFORMING SIGNS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE V V Minutes Page -4- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom read the ordinance by title only. He then opened the public hearing and invited comments from those present. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance and the public hearing was declared closed. Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom then stated he would like to defer action on the proposed ordinance until the next meeting and hold a Workshop on the ordinance in the meantime. MESERVE X X Motion: Defer action on Ordinance No. 60-97-10 until the next REED X Commission Meeting and continue the public hearing at that time. ROSENBLOOM x SHAUGHNESSY X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 7. New Business: A. Public Hearing and action on an application for a Use by Exception filed by Atlantic Beach Assembly of God Church to operate a child care facility at 680 Mayport Road, on property zoned Commercial General (CG) Community Development Director Worley explained that the church located at 680 Mayport Road wished to operate a child care facility on property zoned Commercial General (CG) and had been approved by Child and Protective Services for fifty-eight children. Motion: Grant Use-by-Exception to Atlantic Beach Assembly of MESERVE X X God Church to operate a child care facility at 680 Mayport Road REED X X on property zoned Commercial General (CG), subject to a ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X limitation of fifty-eight (58) children as permitted by state regulations, and as recommended by Staff that the exception be granted specifically to the Atlantic Beach Assembly of God Church for this location only. Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom then opened the public hearing and no one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the use-by-exception request. The public hearing was declared closed. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Action on a request from Aqua East for return of their donation toward the landscaping of Atlantic Boulevard medians V V Minutes Page -5- NAME OF April 14,_1997 COMMRS. MS Y N City Manager Jarboe explained Aqua East made the donation for landscaping the medians when it was thought local businesses would be responsible for landscaping the medians near their place of business. Aqua East is requesting a refund of their $1,000.00 donation because grant monies are now being used for the landscaping project. Some discussion ensued and Beautification Coordinator Carl Walker suggested the money be refunded from the Beautification budget to avoid the need for a budget resolution. MESERVE X X Motion: Return $1,000.00 donation to Aqua East from REED X Beautification Budget (Account 001-5003-542-4600). ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-9 for painting of City Hall and Public Safety Building City Manager Jarboe stated the Awards Committee recommended rejecting the one bid received, rewriting the bid specifications to allow a greater-number of painting contractors the opportunity to submit bids and rebidding the project. Motion: Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-9 for painting MESERVE X X of City Hall and the Public Safety Building, rewrite the bid REED x x ROSENBLOOM X specifications and rebid the project. SHAUGHNESSY X There was no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. D. Appointment to the City Commission seat being vacated by Commissioner Reed (Seat 3) for a term to expire on November 4, 1997. Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom stated the Charter was vague concerning whether or not Commissioner Reed could vote on his replacement and he believed it was right for Commissioner Reed, who was elected by the people, to have an opportunity to vote on his replacement. Commissioner Meserve read Section 12 of the City Charter as follows: "If any vacancy occurs in the City Commission, the City Commission shall elect, within fifteen (15) days of the vacancy, by the affirmative votes of not less than three members, an eligible person, as defined in Sec. (section) 6 of this article to fill V V Minutes Page -6- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N the vacancy until the next general election." After reading Section 12 of the Charter, Commissioner Meserve then made the following motion: Motion: "It is moved that the Commission interprets the language MESERVE X X of Section 12 of the Charter of Atlantic Beach to allow the voting REED X X process to fill a Commission vacancy as outlined in Section 12, to ROSENBLOOM X be held at any scheduled meeting of the Commission following SHAUGHNESSY X FLETCHER X official notification of such Commission vacancy, and prior to 15 days following the effective date of vacancy." At this point Commissioner Shaughnessy made the following motion: Motion: Defer action on the motion, place the item last on the MESERVE X X agenda and take a fifteen minute break to allow time for the Mayor REED X to arrive at the meeting. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion failed by a three to one vote with Commissioners Meserve, Reed, and Rosenbloom voting nay. As the discussion continued concerning if the voting to fill the vacancy could occur before the actual vacancy, Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired regarding the City Attorney's interpretation of... "within fifteen (15) days of the vacancy, ..." City Attorney Jensen stated reasonable interpretation would be within fifteen days after the vacancy occurs, but the Commission must make the interpretation of the intent of the Charter.. Commissioner Shaughnessy stated she opposed Commissioner Reed voting on his replacement. Commissioner Rosenbloom stated he believed he should vote because it would be consistent with the will of the people. Commissioner Reed concurred and stated he wanted to participate in the selection process. Commissioner Meserve stated because the City does business in advance of the need, Commissioner Reed's participation in the selection process would be part V V Minutes Page -7- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N of the normal course of events. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive asked what would happen if Commissioner Reed decided he did not want to resign from his position and was told the letter of resignation was irrevocable. Mayor Fletcher arrived at the meeting at 8:05 p.m. and was apprised of the earlier discussion and motion on the floor. Concerning the discussion which occurred prior to his arrival, Mayor Fletcher stated it was his interpretation of the Charter that the election to fill the vacancy should occur after the vacancy occurs. The question was called and the motion passed by a three to two vote with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. Mayor Fletcher then explained the nominating process according to Robert's Rules of Order, the official rules of procedure for the Commission, and stated. nominations did not require a second. Commissioner Rosenbloom stated he would like to suspend the use of Robert's Rules of Order, allow each applicant time to speak, nominate everyone who applied, and then take the list of applicants and vote from the list to see if one person would receive a majority vote. Mayor Fletcher then allowed the following applicants to speak briefly of their qualifications and reasons for wanting to fill the Seat 3 vacancy: Richard M. Beaver, Louis M. "Mike" Borno, Dorothy Kerber, Stephen Kuti, J.P. Marchioli, G.E. "Ed" Martin, Andrea M. Pennell, Donald L. Phillips, Martha W. Read, Mark E. Ritter and J. Dezmond Waters. Applicant Tim Kubiak was not in attendance. The applicants' letters and resumes are attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. A brief discussion ensued concerning the nomination process to be used. Motion: Suspend use of Robert's Rules of Order, nominate everyone MESERVE X X on the list of applicants and vote from the list to see if one applicant REED x ROSENBLOOM X X will receive the required majority vote. SHAUGHNESSY X FLETCHER X V V Minutes Page -8- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher called for a roll call vote and Commissioners Meserve, Reed, Rosenbloom and Shaughnessy voted in favor of Mike Borno and Mayor Fletcher voted in favor of Dezmond Waters. Mike Borno was declared winner of Commission Seat 3 by a four to one majority roll call vote. After the voting, Mayor Fletcher urged the unsuccessful candidates not to be discouraged and to consider running for office in the October election. Mayor Fletcher called for a ten minute recess and the meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Wonderwood Expressway Meeting Mayor Fletcher reported there would be a meeting concerning the proposed Wonderwood Expressway at 7:00 p.m. on April 17, 1997 at Landmark Middle School and urged those in attendance to go and support the project. E. Discussion and/or action regarding Aquatic Gardens storm water retention pond Alan Potter of 374 Second Street gave each Commissioner a copy of a letter dated April 14, 1997. Mr. Potter read and commented on the contents of the letter, which presented a maintenance history of the retention pond, and requested that the city resume maintenance of the pond. The letter is attached hereto and made part of this official record as Attachment B. There was no Commission discussion or action on the request. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to Smoke Detector Fund Raiser Fire Inspector Elyse Weintraub requested Commission permission to conduct a "Celebrity Bagging Event" being organized by the Fire Department to raise funds to provide smoke detectors for low income families. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to support the proposed event. V V Minutes Page -9- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk City Manager Jarboe Community Development Block Grant Deadline for Application City Manager Jarboe reported the City of Jacksonville had moved the deadline for application up two months without prior notice, and requested Commission authorization to sign the grant application with the understanding the scope of the work may be amended at a later date if it proves necessary. Motion: Authorize City Manager Jarboe to sign the Community RESERVE X X REED X Development Block Grant application with the understanding that ROSENBLOOM x x the scope of the work may be amended at a later date if necessary. SHAUGHNESSY X FLETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy Wonderwood Expressway Meeting Commissioner Shaughnessy reiterated the importance of the upcoming meeting and urged all those present to and support the proposed expressway. Commissioner Shaughnessy pointed out that 35,000 people live north of Atlantic Boulevard and would benefit greatly from the project. Commissioner Reed Commissioner Reed thanked the citizens for allowing him the opportunity to serve the City of Atlantic Beach and stated he was proud of the city's hard working, dedicated staff and the accomplishments the city had made during his tenure. Commissioner Reed encouraged those who had expressed an interest in his seat to run for election. Commissioner Rosenbloom Commissioner Rosenbloom wished Commissioner Reed "good luck" in his new endeavors. Mayor Fletcher v v Minutes Page -10- NAME OF April 14, 1997 COMMRS. MS Y N Sign Ordinance Workshop Mayor Fletcher asked to reschedule the Sign Ordinance Workshop. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to hold the Workshop Meeting for final review of the ordinance at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, April 28, 1997,just prior to the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting. Mayor Fletcher also thanked Commissioner Reed for his work and wished him well. There being no further discussion or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. -14911110/11P,.,-,00,00/ Lyman Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: I Ma een King, Cc-9 -C44-6'C6' City Clerk ATTACHMENT A - APRIL 14, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING - 1 - 97 Louis M. Borno, Jr. 223 Ocean Forest Drive North Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 246-9383 City of Atlantic Beach, FL., Mayor Lyman Fletcher and City Commissioners Dear Mayor Fletcher and City Commissioners: I have served the City of Atlantic Beach, FL., in the past when ever called upon and am willing if selected by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, FL to serve out the remainder of Commissioner Tim Reed's term. I work and live in Atlantic Beach. I do not have any motive or agenda other than I am a citizen who feels strongly that it is our individual duty to serve when ever one can. I am conservative and support our local form of government. Thank You for considering my offer to serve. Sincerely, 44_ Louis"Mike"Borno, Jr cc: Atlantic Beach, Fl., City Clerk lmb 365 First Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 April 10 , 1997 Mayor and Commissioners 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Attention: Mrs. Maureen King, City Clerk Dear Mrs. King: As requested by Mayor Fletcher at the March 24th Commission meeting, I am filing my request to be considered for the appointment to fill the period remaining open on Commissioner Tim Reed's position, Atlantic Beach Commission Seat 3, until the next election. It is understood Commissioner Reed's resignation is effective April 15, 1997. The records at City Hall will show I have served on numerous committees and boards since 1957. Among the boards and committees: The Board of Adjustment from 1977-1987; Beaches Hospital Board of Trustees, 1983-1994; Beaches Area Study Commission, 1970's; Tree Committee, Charter Revision Committee for Atlantic Beach, Zoning Committee, 1980-1990's. For over 10 years I served as a Voter Registration Deputy Registrar for the present and prior Supervisor of Elections for Duval County, and on the Two-Term Limit committee to place this question before the voters. Business experience: With my family - over 15 years. In the family corporation of indoor advertising nationwide - served as Executive Vice President 13 years. The records will verify I ran for Commission Seat 2, October, 1995. My concern and interest in good government has not decreased over these years. Have attended approximately 95% of the Atlantic Beach Commission meetings since 1956. Your consideration of this letter of application to continue my service to the Atlantic Beach community will be appreciated. Very truly yours, h --I (' 4//,'(/ Dorothy Kerber copy to file • 275 511h Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 April 3, 1997 Maureen King, City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach City Hall 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Ms. King, Please accept this letter as notification that I wish to be considered as a candidate for Commissioner Tim Reed's vacated City Commission seat . In the selection process, the Mayor and Commission should note that I have been involved for nearly 30 years in community development, urban study and related activities. As an educator, planning practitioner, researcher as well as achieving a certain success within the business community, I have participated at all levels of community involvement. I am aware of the needs of this community and the processes by which these needs can be addressed. Philosophically and practically, I believe in fiscal responsibility as manifest in past elections. This attitude should not be construed as obstructionist but rather as the reasonable balancing of fiscal resources for the benefit of our community. Tax revenues should generate guided and prudent urban development activities and services. Atlantic Beach possesses human and physical resources unmatched among the Beaches communities in Duval County. These resources should be enhanced as well as nurtured within the framework of responsible city govemment. In that regard, I would pledge to maintain the already high levels of govemment integrity within our city and continue to improve our physical, cultural and economic environment. To that end, I wish to submit my name for consideration. Also enclosed is my resume. Please feel free to contact me for additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, Tim Kubiak TIMOTHY J. KUBIAK 275 5th Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904)241-1711 PERSONAL DATA: Residence: Atlantic Beach,Duval County,Florida Marital Status: Married(Lavinia Harvey) Social Security Number: 289-36-0425 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Broker: (Sept., 1996 to Present),Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker,Nicholson Properties,Inc., (May, 1995 to Sept., 1996),Watson Realty Corp., Atlantic Beach. Professor: (August, 1973 to June, 1994)Department of Geography and Planning,Kentucky University,Richmond,KY. Courses: Geography,Urban and Regional Planning,Travel and Tourism Development, Economic Geography,Conservation. Research Assistant: (Sept., 1971 to July, 1973)Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University and the Economic Research Service,USDA,East Lansing,MI. Instructor of Geography: (Sept., 1967 to Sept., 1971)Department of Geography, Wright State University,Dayton,OH. NDEA Fellow: (1968)University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Urban Planner: (April, 1966 to August, 1967)Michigan Department of State Highways,Lansing,MI. Research Assistant: (1965)Institute for Community Development and School of Urban Planning, Michigan State University, East Lansing,MI. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1973 Field: Resource Development Related Fields: Geography,Parks and Recreation Resources Dissertation: "Decision Makers'Attitudes Toward Development Program Effectiveness." M.A., Michigan State University, 1967 Major: Geography Related Field: Urban Planning B.A., University of Toledo, 1965 Major: Geography Related Fields: Sociology,Urban Planning CONSULTING: City of Corbin,Kentucky, Comprehensive Plan, 1991-92. City of Berea,Kentucky, General Planning, 1984-85. Community Mental Health Services Board,Athens,Ohio, Community Survey, 1979. City of Richmond,Kentucky, Urban Renewal Plan, 1977-79. Aviation Plan Review Committee, Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1976-77. City of Richmond,Kentucky, Comprehensive Plan, 1976. USDA,Forest Service,Boone National Forest,Economic Planning, 1975. Department of Natural Resources, Commonwealth of KY, Surface Mine Pollution Abatement, 1974-75. GRANTS AND AWARDS: Senior Fulbright Scholar, Fulbright-Hays Grant,Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, University of Lisbon,Portugal, 1984. Kentucky Humanities Council, Workshop and Survey, Attitudes Toward Planning, 1978-79. Division of Institutional Research, Aviation Planning, Eastern Kentucky University, 1975-76. NASA-ASEE Faculty Fellowship,NASA Langely Research Center,Hampton, VA, 1975. Appalachian Regional Commission, Surface Mine Pollution Abatement, Socio-Economic Study, 1974. Division of Institutional Research,Urban Analysis,Eastern Kentucky University, 1973. Liberal Arts Research and Development Fund,Urban Research,Wright State University, 1969. National Defense Education Administration,Fellowship,University of Florida, 1968. PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS: BOOKS: Companion Guide To Portugal, Hippocrene Books Inc.,New York, 1989. The Soup Line, AS. Barnes&Co.,New Jersey, Thomas Yoseloff,London, 1973 ARTICLES AND REPORTS: Twelve articles and reports dealing with comprehensive development plans,urban renewal,citizen participation and aviation development. Complete citations upon request. PAPERS: Twelve papers presented at various regional and national conferences. Topics include community development, land use issues,aviation and growth management. Complete citations upon request. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: Jacksonville and Beaches Chamber of Commerce(Tourism Development Committee,Economic Development Committee). NE Florida Association of Realtors. Jacksonville Beaches Hospitality Network. St.Augustine and St.Johns County Board of Realtors. American Institute of Certified Planners(AICP Charter Member, 1978). Fu!bright Scholars Association. Gamma Theta Upsilon-Geographic Honorary Society. Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America(Elected, 1988). National Trust For Historic Preservation. OTHER ACTIVITIES: Friends of the Buccaneer Trail,Inc.,Board of Directors(FL AlA Scenic By-way), 1996. First Night-Atlantic Beach, Steering Committee, 1996. Museum of Science&History,Jacksonville,FL,Volunteer Rotary Club(Richmond,KY),Director, 1987-89;Vice-President, 1989-90;President, 1990-91; Paul Harris Fellow Award, 1993. Child Development Centers of the Bluegrass, Advisory Board Chairman, 1989-92. Friendship Half-Way House,Board of Directors, 1992. Big Brothers/Big Sisters,Madison County,KY, Advisory Board, 1991. Downtown Revitalization Committee,Richmond,KY, 1991-93. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association(member since 1992). Listed in American Biographical Institute,Personalities of the South, 12th Edition. Listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Vol. 22. Listed in Contemporary Authors,Vol. 61. Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels(Recipient, 1979). 1 REFERENCES: Joel Mathis, President/Broker, The Terra Group, Inc., St. Augustine,FL (904)824-8002. Janet Palmer, Vice-President/Broker, Watson Realty Corp., Atlantic Beach, FL. (904)249-3804. Allen Frye, Architect,Jacksonville,FL, (904)387-1482. Andrew Liliskis,Chairman,Friends of the Buccaneer Trail,Inc. (904)251-2410. Joseph R. Schwendeman, Vice-President for Administration,Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond,KY,(606)622-2222. Robert J.Miller,Professor, Curriculum and Instruction,Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond,KY, (606)622-2167. Dennis E. Quillen,Professor,Department of Geography,Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond,KY(606)622-1418. Melvin Fannin,President,Fannin Construction Company, Jacksonville,FL, (904)641-1001. March 26 , 1997 COMMISSIONERS City of Atlantic Beach-Florida 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Vacant commissioner's seat I am submitting my name for consideration to fill the position of COMMISSIONER vacated by the Honorable Tim Reed. I am a graduate of the Military Academy of Hungary and live in the United States since 1956 . The last 26 years, I was employed by the Engineered Products Division of HARSCO Corporation as Director of Process Technology and later as Manager-Internatonal Group. My technical papers relating to pharmac_eutical ,detergents,food, powder metals and polymer manufacturing were presented to their respective engineering societies and published in engineering magazines . I speak 3 languages and I am the Vice President of the SELVA LINKSIDE Unit 1 homeowners association. My wife Doris and I, reside at 1132 Linkside Drive . As any informed citizen should, I attend the Commisioner' s meetings fairly regularly and follow the work of our elected and City officials . If selected, I will serve the city to the best of my ability. Sincerely Yours , Stephen A. Kuti 1132 Linkside Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Tel: 246-3700 a April 7, 1997 Mrs. Maureen King, Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 SUBJECT: VACANCY Seat Three (3) City Commission Dear Mrs. King, Please accept this letter as my application, subject to approval of our current commission, to fill .the vacancy created by Commissioner Tim Reed, who has resigned and accepted a position (Job) in Houston, Texas You will find, attached, a brief outline of my experience in the business world, in addition to regular attendance, to further my knowledge and take part in our cities business the past five (5) years. Feel free to contact me at home (246-1461) if any further information is required. cerely your \ '1/.4 4( � L JPM/jpm J. P. (Marc) Marchioli cc; File I . Attachment: Mrs. Maureen King April 7, 1997 Graduate Hempstead High School, All commercial subjects 17 points required with 21. Five Years Residential & Commercial plumbing work and maintenance of owner's rent property during off season. Trade School in evenings. Grumman Aircraft Corp. Steel department, Team Captain, Assistant to Forman. U.S. Air Force Teletype Maintencance School , Communications Office Expert Teletypist. Grumman Aircraft Corp. One year after war, plant closed. R.C.A. 66 Broad Street, New York, New York. Refresher training , best entrance test in history of company. Moved to Midland, Texas Brick & Tile Company. Administrating, sales and estimating Certified Clay Products (Training) . A-1 Brick & Supply Co. "Owner" 26 years in business (Factory reps praised our facility as finest in the United States. Branch office in Odessa, Texas. Administration, Sales, Estimating, Bidding, Purchasing, Shop Drawings etc. Continental Carriers, Atlanta, Georgia, General Manager over two managers (One for warehousing and one for moving and storage. ) Attending Moving & Storage Training and Warehousing School. Owner, who purchased company, lived in Midland, Texas. After three top executives failure to overcome $1, 500. 00 to $2, 500. 00 loss each month, it took six months to put company in the black. ie we distributed One and One Half Million Pounds of M & M candy every month. Smullian Building Supply, Jacksonville, Fla. Man ager of Brick & Stone Division. Daniel Const. Co. Purchasing Agent for the Florida Division. President Exclusive Carpets Supervised Carpet, VCT & Base installation at Kent Campus, Also, ran the company, estimated and dispatched crews. Contract Floor & Wall Covering, "Owner" First major project New Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce. Last major project, Classified at Florida Times Union, Supplimental education underlined above. Referances: George Baldwin, Superintendant the Auchter Co. 355-3536 Quentine Mullen, retired, 354-0408 Gary Watson, Owner Duval Laundry, retired, 346-0059 G.1. Martin 1810 Sevilla elvd. #204 Atlantic 8eacI, p. 32233 March 27,1997 Mrs. M. King.City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Fl. 32233 Dear Mrs.King, Please be advised that I wish to be considered for appointment as a member of the City of Atlantic Beach Commission. This appointment is to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Commissioner Tim Reed. I feel that I am well known to the other` Commissioners, but if II ON a resume is desired I will be happy to supply one. OP Thank you for your assistance in this matter. c � Ay,d4. H. Pe44i.ett April 8, 1997 Maureen King City Clerk The City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Maureen: This letter serves to submit my name as candidate for city commissioner. I believe that my experience and enthusiasm will prove to be an excellent addition to the current commission. There is a special sense of community at the beaches. I look forward to helping shape it's future. Enclosed is my resume'. Please contact me if you require any further information. Sincerely, ;,\Aks,„(2_4k Andrea M. Pennell 579 Aquatic Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Office: 249-3343 Home: 246-8439 ANDREA M. PENNELL 579 Aquatic Drive ° Atlantic Beach, Florida, 32233 ° (904) 246-8439 PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE A professional position in which my administrative and marketing abilities are utilized. EXPERIENCE Human Resources Administrator - Management Consultants, Inc., Atlantic Beach, FL, 1996 - Present 0 Mastery of the CITS program to administer payroll for over 300 employees. 0 Monitor and advise employees regarding their health/life insurance policies. Maintain database tracking employee vacation and leave balances. Marketing Coordinator - The Prudential Network Realty, Jacksonville, Florida, 1995 - 1996 0 Position required advanced personnel management, organizational and computer skills. 0 Plan, staff and monitor multiple training classes and seminars. Place and track advertising for seven branch offices. 0 Optimized the use of print media, writing and placing effective press releases. Administrative Supervisor - The Prudential Network Realty, Ponte Vedra Beach, 1991 - 1995 Supervise and train support staff in customer service and conflict resolution. Installation, day-to-day administration and training of staff in automated office systems. Streamlined the work flow, achieving dramatic time savings and reducing annual costs. Design, place and monitor advertising. EDUCATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE, Orange Park, Florida Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, State of Florida, 1995 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainsville, Florida Certificate of Interior Design, 1994 FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT JACKSONVILLE,Jacksonville, Florida Liberal Arts Education, Communications, 1989 COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in Windows, Wordperfect 5.1+, Internet, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Works, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Broderbund's Print Shop Deluxe, Realeasy, First Choice, Top Producer, Super CMA and Super Flyer. 0 References Available on request. April 2 , 1997 Honorable Mayor Leyman T . Fletcher and Commissioners of Atlantic Beach ATTN : Maureen King , City Clerk 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Subject : Replacement Candidate for Commissioner Tim Reed Dear Mayor and Commissioners : This letter asks you to please include my name among those who have expessed an interest in serving to replace Commissioner Tim Reed upon his resignation . I have a great deal of respect for the time and dedication devoted by those who serve as elected officials and , if selected as Mr . Reed ' s replacement , I assure you that I will make every effort to fairly represent the interests of the residents and City of Atlantic Beach. I am including a brief summary of my experience and qualifications in the hope it will be helpful in your evaluation and selection decision. If there are any questions please feel free to call me ( 246-1986) . Sincerely yours , Donald L . Phillips 1566 Park Terrace West Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Incl : Experience and Qualifications cf : Leyman T . Fletcher , Mayor/Commissioner John S . Meserve , Commissioner Tim Reed , Commissioner Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy , Commissioner Experience and Qualifications Donald L. Phillips, 1566 Park Terrace West, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: 246-1986 Summary: Thirty six years of experience in civil engineering, data processing, and information management, including over twenty-four years as manager of the Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers, Automatic Data Processing Center (ADPC) and Information Management. Office (IMO) . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE HI-LITES: 1995-present:Retired 1989-1995: Partial retirement and part-time adjunct professor at Jacksonville University and University of North Florida teaching "Introduction to Computer-Based Systems." 1964-1989: Served as Chief, Information Management Office (IMO) , U.S. Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, Florida and principal advisor to the District Engineer on all matters relating to IMO functions, including automatic data processing, word processing, audio-visuals, libraries, communications (radio, telephones, and data) , records management, and printing and reproduction activities. Established District Computer Center. Supervised staff of thirteen engineers, systems analysts, programmers, and computer operators involved in the provision of automation support activities including a variety of management, business, engineering, and graphics applications. _ 1956-1964: Served as a structural engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District, Jacksonville. Prepared and reviewed design computations for structures and facilities to be built at Cape Canaveral in support of NASA's space exploration efforts. Performed structural analysis and design of spillways, bridges, navigational locks and other water control structures required by the comprehensive Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project. Responsible for the technical guidance and review of the work of twenty architect-engineering firms under contract to the Jacksonville District to perform shelter analysis surveys on buildings in the State of Florida and the Panama Canal Zone in support of the National Fallout Shelter Survey Program. Prepared survey cost estimates, scope of work for A/E contracts, and assisted in the negotiation of architect-engineering fees. 1952-1956: Served as Installation Engineering Officer with the U.S. Air Force, Travis Air Force Base, California. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science and Civil Engineering, University of Florida, 1952. Master of Science (Civil Engineering) , Iowa State University, 1953. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS: Registered Professional Engineer, State of Florida. Extensive experience in engineering, computers and computer programming. COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Served 2 years on Atlantic Beach Recreational Advisory Committee. Member Community Presbyterian Church of Atlantic Beach. Served as a member of the Church Session (both as a Deacon and Elder) , Sunday School teacher, and coordinator of the Boy Scout troop. Former member Kiwanis International. Served as Kiwanis Key Club advisor to three high schools (Lee, Paxon, & Baldwin H.S.) . Helped organize the Baldwin H.S. Key Club. Active in youth sports activities. Coached Little League Baseball and helped in the organization of the Beaches Pop Warner football program and Youth Tennis League. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Born Webb City Missouri, October 1929. Resident of Atlantic Beach since 1969. Married to the former Barbara Bowen of Jacksonville. We have three sons and one daughter. Hobbies include tennis, fishing, camping, swimming, and other recreational activities involving family participation. MARTHA WILLIAMSON READ 620 OCEAN BLVD. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 April 6, 1997 Maureen King City Clerk Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Maureen: I, Martha Williamson Read, 620 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, am a resident and a registered voter. This is my letter of application to be considered for appointment to the City Commission as Tim Reed's replacement. I have, since moving here eleven years ago, taken a special interest in our city and feel that Atlantic Beach has had an excellent caring government and I would appreciate being a part of that body to further that excellence. My experience as president of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater was quite a challenge, since I was liaison between Carson Merry Baillie and the city of Atlantic Beach. I feel that I was diplomatic, tactful and caring in all of our negotiations which are most important when working with the public. While in office; I succeeded in acquiring all of the contractual requirements for the non-profit organization which had been on hold since 1991. These requirements were met with time and open communication. At FSU, I was Parliamentarian of my class, on the governing board of my sorority all four years and head cheerleader my senior year, having served all four years. When I lived in Jacksonville, I was on the board of the Parent Teacher's Association (being both parent and teacher), the Museum of Arts & Sciences, the Symphony Guild and the Zoo board, the Jr. woman's Club board and president of the Stokesia Garden Circle for two terms. Watching organizations grow was a most rewarding experience. My volunteer time now is spent with Habitat at the Beaches, now building a house on 8th and 4th Street in Jacksonville Beach, teaching intercity children at the Learning PIagQAssistant Director of weddings at Christ Church and on the altar guild there. I play tennis on the C team at Ponte Vedra and the Beaches League and work at Stuart Ashby's Children's Boutique. I have five beautiful daughters who have ten children all under the age of seven years old and I love to babysit. If you want something done right, and now, ask a busy person! Thank you for your consideration, the consideration of the Commission and that of Tim Reed. Very truly yours, 1 ' - R2_41 Martha Williamson Read MWR/JMC MARK E. RITTER 295 Main Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 (904) 241-5435 March 27, 1997 Mrs. Maureen King Office of the City Clerk 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Mrs. King: Please submit my name for consideration for appointment to the County Commissioner's Board,on Friday, March 28, 1997. At this juncture,there is no representation on the West side of Mayport Road in Atlantic Beach. I would like to be appointed the Representative for this area . Your expeditious attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, `_��,� 7Zt../E7 Mark E. Ritter Resident of Atlantic Beach MER/caf IL BESSENT, HAMMACK & RUCKMAN, INC. 1900 CORPORATE SQUARE BOULEVARD • JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32216 • (904) 721-2991 • FAX: (904) 725-0171 April 4, 1997 Ms. Maureen King, City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: City Commission Seat Appointment Dear Ms. King: Please forward this expression of interest to the Mayor and City Commission as they consider the - appointment of a fellow Commissioner to fill the vacancy left by Tim Reed. I have been a resident and homeowner in Atlantic Beach since 1987. I am a registered voter and meet the other qualifications required for status as a City Commissioner. I also have a number of other qualifications which I feel are unique and warrant further consideration. Rather than provide a comprehensive resume, here is a summary: • Degreed professional in the field of Regional and Urban Planning with 25 years experience in municipal and county government operations and consulting to both public and private sectors. • Chief Executive Officer of BHR, Inc., a 100-person engineering, planning, and surveying firm. As Chairman of the Board of Directors of BHR, I am responsible for an operating budget exceeding $7 million per year. I also have front-line responsibility for client relations, personnel issues, and professional liability of the firm. • Four and one-half years as a member of the City of Jacksonville Planning Commission. As Chairman, I currently preside over more than 400 public hearings annually, on issues as varied as licensure of alcohol and liquor serving establishments; review and approval of site plans for all major developments; resolving appeals of the decisions of administrative officials; and ruling on all Special Exceptions and Variances to the zoning and subdivision regulations of the City. • I previously served on the Atlantic Beach Beautification Committee, providing conceptual plans for signage, landscaping and streetscapes which have since been implemented. ENGINEERING • PLANNING • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • SURVEYING Ms. Maureen King April 4, 1997 Page 2 • My intergovernmental agency experience is quite broad. For the past two years, I have been a consultant to the Duval County School Board, charged with locating, negotiating acquisition, and planning, preliminary engineering, and permitting for new school sites throughout the County. I also maintain a close liaison with the office of Representative Fowler and provide periodic updates to her, regarding activities of my major client, the U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command. • I am a member of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Military Affairs Subcommittee. I am often called upon to provide updates of military construction and operations and maintenance programs in the Jacksonville region. • I am an active member of the Jacksonville Rotary (Downtown Club). In closing, I believe I have a great deal to offer the City of Atlantic Beach and am proposing to rearrange my somewhat busy schedule to serve on the Commission. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with the Commissioners and Mayor, either individually or collectively, prior to your vote to fill the current vacancy. You can reach me at 721-2991 (days) or 246-8385 (evenings). Thanks again for your consideration. Sincerely, i Michael J. S Ij, AI IP' MJS/jlw S:WiSAYLORWTLBCH.WPD Mrs. Maureen King City Clerk 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mrs. King: It Is with great pleasure that I ask that you submit my name as a nominee for Seat 3, which is currently held by Commissioner Tim Reed who, I understand, is resigning effective April 15, 1997. Very sincerely yours,yDez and Waters, III . ATTACHMENT B _ • APRIL 14, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING ALAN W. POTTER, SR. 374 Second Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 April 11, 1997 City Commission City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subj: Public Purpose/Public Funds Re: Aquatic Gardens Retention Pond Dear Commissioners: Thank you for including the Aquatic Gardens storm water retention pond on the Agenda for Monday, April 14, 1997 (Item 7-E). For your consideration, offered herewith are items which warrant your attention and, I trust, your favorable action. The items are: 1. The Aquatic Gardens subdivision plat was "examined, accepted, and approved this 25th day of April A.D., 1983 by the Board of Commissioners for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida." The Record Plat documents "that all street rights of way, private driveway easements, and easements for drainage, utilities and sewers, together with all water and sewer utilities and drainage appurtenances lying therein, are hereby irrevocably and without reservations dedicated to the City of Atlantic Beach and its successors." The Record Plat map identifies and illustrates Tract 3 of Aquatic Gardens Subdivision. Documented thereon is the language: "Tract 3, Easement for Drainage, Utilities, and Sewers (over entire tract.)" My examination of several other Record Plats for subdivisions within Atlantic Beach does not reveal language (such as: "drainage appurtenances lying therein..."). Clearly, the Aquatic Gardens dedication language is "unique" rather than "standard" language. For illustration(and warranting your review)neither Royal Palms,Unit One,nor Royal Palms, Unit Two-A, nor Atlantic Beach Villa, Unit No. 1, nor Atlantic Beach Villa, Unit No. 2, nor Selva Marina, Unit No. 3, nor Selva Marina, Unit No. 4 Record Plats contain the "drainage appurtenances lying therein..." language. City Commission City of Atlantic Beach April 11, 1997 Page 2 Clearly,the Aquatic Gardens "Adoption and Dedication language," is unique and intended to accomplish a special purpose. A comparison with other record plats confirms the Aquatic Gardens language is not standard. 2. The Aquatic Gardens retention pond is situated on most of the platted Tract 3 of the subdivision. Storm water runoff from the dedicated city streets is conveyed, via dedicated drainage pipes, into the retention pond; the storm water runoff occupies and traverses the retention pond; and, the storm water is conveyed via a dedicated drainage pipe, from the retention pond, into the Royal Palms drainage ditch. Clearly, by virtue of its dedication, its location, its function and its intended purpose, the Aquatic Gardens retention pond is a"drainage appurtenance." 3. The Aquatic Gardens retention pond exists to serve a public purpose. The public purpose of the retention pond is comparable to that of the dedicated drainage pipes located not only within Aquatic Gardens but also those dedicated drainage pipes located in many areas of Atlantic Beach. The retention pond conveys storm water. The public purpose of the retention pond is also comparable to that of the numerous ditches and, most particularly, the Selva Marina Lagoon and Outfall Ditch. Accordingly,the expenditure of public funds for the maintenance of the total drainage utilities system of Atlantic Beach, in order to assure proper drainage for all citizens and neighborhoods, is a proper public purpose. 4. Each of you Commissioners is requested to include in your evaluation the following: A. All property owners are subject to the monthly storm water management fee. B. Most, if not all,property owners are subject to the several taxes and fees charged by the City. C. The City of Atlantic Beach is neither the owner of record nor the documented beneficiary of a right of easement on either the Selva Marina Lagoon or the Selva Marina Outfall Ditch. (It should be agreed that the lagoon and ditch serve a public purpose and warrant City funds for maintenance). • City Commission City of Atlantic Beach April 11, 1997 Page 3 D. Much of the dedicated drainage system throughout the City is located in dedicated easements and will receive necessary maintenance with public funds. The Atlantic Beach City Commission is respectfully requested to review the "big picture" as to drainage,to recognize the"public purpose"of each part of(and the total of) the drainage system that serves all of the citizens of our community. To resume maintenance of the Aquatic Gardens Retention Pond is a proper public purpose that is warranted. Only you, our City Commissioners, can officially confirm the "public purpose" of the retention pond. Respectfully submitted, Al W. Potter, Sr. cc: City Commissioners Ms. MaureenKing, City Clerk Mr. James Jarboe, City Manager Mr. Alan Jensen, City Attorney Mr. Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director Ms. Andrea Pennell, President, Aquatic-Gardens Homeowners Assoc. Mr. Jeff Haynes, Staff Writer, Beaches Leader Ms. Alliniece Taylor, Staff Writer, Shorelines Ms. Kimberly Martin, Staff Writer, Folio Weekly Mr. William Williams, President, Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc.