06-02-97 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 7:15 PM - June 2, 1997 Cali to order 1. Public Hearing on proposed assessments for a sewer lines on Beach Avenue between 16th and 20th Streets, and on Dewees Avenue, Shell Street, Coquina Place, Ocean Boulevard and Seminole road 2. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1997. Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Mike Borno John Meserve Steven Rosenbloom, and Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioners Also: James R. Jarboe, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director James Jacques, Asst. Public Works Director Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. 1. Public hearing on proposed assessments for a sewer line on Beach Avenue between 16th and 20th Streets, and on Dewees Avenue, Shell Street, Coquina Place, Ocean Boulevard and Seminole Road Jim Jacques explained the city had followed the procedure set forth in Florida Statutes to establish assessments, including notifying property owners by mail and by publication of legal notices in the Florida Times Union. He explained that changes had been made in the assessment roll as directed by the City Commission at previous meetings on January 21 and February 4, 1997. Mr. Jacques explained that properties within 100 feet of an existing sewer had been excluded from previous assessment rolls but, at the direction of the City Commission, these properties were now included if the properties were not receiving and paying for sewer service. He further explained that assessments were based on the Partial Assessment Method selected by the City Commission on February 4, 1997. Mr. Jacques further explained that the cost per front foot had been reduced from earlier estimates which were based on the bid price of the project. The actual cost of the project, including the cost of advertising, is approximately $50,000.00 less that the bid price, resulting in the lower front foot cost. (Notes on development of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessment Roll is attached hereto as Exhibit A; Summary of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessments including the Partial Assessment Method selected by the City Commission on February 4, 1997 is attached as Exhibit B). The Mayor then opened the floor for a public hearing. Don Wolfson, 1725 Beach Avenue, referred to several non-conforming lots he owned on the west side of Beach Avenue. He said he intended to use the property for parking purposes only and felt that since sewer service would, therefore, not be required, the property should not be Page Two Minutes of Special Called Meeting June 2, 1997 assessed. Mr. Wolfson inquired whether property owners could be assessed if and when they connected such lots to the sewer system. In further discussion, it was felt that since the assessment roll would be adopted by the City Commission at the meeting of June 9, 1997, all properties to be assessed must be included at that time. Mr. Jacques also read from the minutes of the meeting of February 4, 1997, indicating that the matter of non-conforming lots had been discussed at that time and City Commission had voted to include 451 feet of non-conforming lots in the assessments. No change was made in this regard. William Morgan, 1945 Beach Avenue, distributed a plan of six lots on the north side of Nineteenth Street between Beach Avenue and Seminole Road, shown as Tract "A"(Exhibit C). He explained that he had installed a sewer line on Nineteenth Street to serve these six lots but currently only the lot on the corner of Nineteenth Street and Beach Avenue has been developed and is served by a septic tank. Mr. Morgan indicated was a stub-out on Nineteenth Street for connection in the future and he requested that this lot be exempted from the assessment since it would not connect to the new sewer line. The documents presented by Mr. Morgan are attached hereto as Exhibit C. Jim Jacques explained that, based on the guidelines established by the City Commission, since the property had not already connected to the existing sewer it had been included in the assessment roll. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that if Mr. Morgan would agree to connect to the Nineteenth Street sewer line the assessment would be deleted. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt that, according to the guidelines established by the City Commission, unless Mr. Morgan agreed to connect to the existing sewer, the property should be assessed. He also inquired whether similar conditions might apply to other properties. Commissioner Meserve felt the City Commission should apply the guidelines equally and unless the city received a commitment from Mr. Morgan to connect to the existing sewer line, the property should be assessed. The Mayor inquired regarding when Mr. Morgan would connect the property to the existing sewer line and Mr. Morgan indicated that the property was currently on the market for sale and he agreed not to sell the property until the sewer connection had been made. Discussion then ensued regarding Beach Avenue Condominiums located at 1973, 1975, and 1977 Beach Avenue. A letter had been received from Garnet Walker, the resident at 1977 Beach Avenue, suggesting that the 100 ft. property should be assessed as 28% each for 1973 and 1977 Beach Avenue and 44% for 1975 Beach Avenue; however, a letter was subsequently received from W.L. Arthur, the resident at 1975 Beach Avenue indicating that the Duval County public Page Three Minutes of Special Called Meeting June 2, 1997 records showed the end units to be 33 ft. while the center unit was 34 ft. The assessments had, therefore been computed based on the front footage as reflected in the public records. The City Commission concurred. The letters from Ms. Walker and Mr. Arthur are attached hereto as Exhibit D. Commissioner Meserve then referred to four properties referenced in page two of Mr. Jacques' memorandum to the City Clerk, dated May 30, 1997, attached hereto as Exhibit E. The properties in question were connected to city sewer but were not being billed for service; one property had not paid the required impact fee. Following brief discussion, it was determined that the questions regarding these properties was an administrative matter and would be handled by staff. With reference to property described as part of Government Lot 3, (RE #169524-0010), owned by George Grandy, which was discussed at a previous meeting, Mr. Jacques pointed out no commitment had been received from Mr. Grandy indicating that he was willing to replat the property. The City attorney reported that Mr. Grandy had been in contact with him and had indicated that he was willing to replat the property as suggested by the City Commission. The City Attorney advised that this matter would be completed when the City Commission had finalized the assessments. The City Manager suggested an agreement be drafted between the city and the owners of properties on which special considerations had been made. The City Attorney agreed to draft documents which could be recorded in the Duval County public records. Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired how easy or difficult it would be for such agreements to be reversed by property owners and the City Attorney advised if an owner willingly and freely placed covenants and restrictions on his property, such restrictions to run with the land and designated to be in perpetuity, they would be difficult to dissolve. With reference to three properties on Beach Avenue which also fronted on Seminole Road (Page 4, Exhibit E), Jim Jacques asked how these properties were to be treated. The City Attorney advised these properties could be included in the assessment roll to be assessed contingent upon hooking up to the Beach Avenue sewer; however if the properties connected to the sewer on Beachside Court or Seminole Road there would be no assessment. 2. Any other business Commissioner Meserve reported the Wonderwood Connector had been discussed that afternoon in a Finance Committee meeting and the matter had not been brought out of sub-committee. Councilman Warren Jones indicated if he received enough information, particularly from Rep. Page Four Minutes of Special Called Meeting June 2, 1997 Tillie Fowler's office with respect to the time sensitivity, he would have a special meeting of the Finance Committee and have the matter voted up or down before the meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, June 10, 1997. He indicated that Rep. Tillie Fowler had indicated that time was of the essence and $40 million in matching federal funds could be lost, which would probably kill the project. He felt the local elected officials needed to keep the pressure on the City Council, particularly Eric Smith and Warren Jones to persuade Councilman Tullis to bring the issue out of committee. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested the Beaches Mayors and Capt. Gaudio visit both Eric Smith and Warren Jones and urge them to support the matter. The City Commission concurred. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. LYMAN T. FLETCHER Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: MA EN KING i Certified Municipal Clerk ExN\ aIT A. MINUTES - a cr.] Notes on Development of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessment Roll Nlay 30, 1997 1. Property Owners derived from 1996 Tax Roll list in City Clerk's office. 2. Subdivision,Block and Lot Numbers came from latest Property Ownership Maps from City of Jacksonville, as well as Tax Roll descriptions, in City Clerk's office. 3. Front Footage obtained from latest Property Ownership Maps from City of Jacksonville for each lot, or from Tax Roll descriptions, in City Clerk's office, or other available information. Front Foot dimension is adjusted to Median lot width for odd-shaped lots. 4. Determination of whether lot owner is assessed for sewer: a. Sewer assessment is developed if new sewer main improvements are to be constructed in the street fronting home lot. b. No sewer assessment is developed if lot owner is currently paying a monthly sewer service charge to Atlantic Beach. c. If only sewer service line from an existing main to the property line is constructed, no special assessment is developed. d. For corner lots,the shortest lot dimension is used for calculation of assessment per City Codes. e. No assessment is charged if any portion of lot has sewer service from another street, or can obtain sewer service from another street for lots with two fronting streets. 5. The lot owners are sorted according to Real Estate Number and location of improvements for the sewer work. 6. Abbreviations in Names: Jr. (Junior); Tr. (Trust)or(Trustee); Est. (Estate) 7. Sanitary sewer mains to be installed on Beach Avenue,Dewees Avenue, Shell Street, Coquina Street,Ocean Boulevard, and Seminole Road,as shown on the maps on file in the City Clerk's office. 8. Based on Previous Assessments, Property Owners will be Assessed Based on Front Footage. Costs for sewer installation are assigned evenly per front foot of property. 9. Costs to be assessed are based on established Assessment Rate per Front Foot as developed in Exhibit"A"for"Full Assessment Method", which determines the,rate to be used under the approved"Partial Assessment Method". 10. Properties fronting on two streets will only be assessed if, and when,the property connects to sewer service from the new Beach Avenue area sewer mains. SUMMARY OF BEACH AVENUE SEWER ASSESSMENTS May 30,1997 METHODS OF ASSESSMENT USING FULL AND PARTIAL METHODS CALCULATIONS MADE ASSUMING TWO METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: 1. FULL ASSESSMENT WITH ALL SEWER COSTS DIVIDED BY REMAINING ELIGIBLE FRONT FOOTAGE WITH THE ASSESSMENT RATE VARIABLE. NOTE: UNDER FULL ASSESSMENT METHOD,ASSESSMENT RATE WILL CHANGE TO REFLECT ADDED OR DELETED FRONT FOOTAGE, SUMMARY OF BEACH AVENUE SEWER ASSESSMENTS May 30,1997 METHODS OF ASSESSMENT USING FULL AND PARTIAL METHODS CALCULATIONS MADE ASSUMING TWO METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: 1. FULL ASSESSMENT WITH ALL SEWER COSTS DIVIDED BY REMAINING ELIGIBLE FRONT FOOTAGE WITH THE ASSESSMENT RATE VARIABLE. NOTE: UNDER FULL ASSESSMENT METHOD,ASSESSMENT RATE WILL CHANGE TO REFLECT ADDED OR DELETED FRONT FOOTAGE, AND TOTAL COSTS RECOVERED WILL REMAIN CONSTANT. 2. PARTIAL ASSESSMENT WITH AN ESTABLISHED ASSESSMENT RATE APPLIED TOWARD REMAINING ELIGIBLE FRONT FOOTAGE. NOTE: UNDER PARTIAL ASSESSMENT METHOD,ASSESSMENT RATE WILL REMAIN CONSTANT,AND TOTAL COSTS RECOVERED WILL CHANGE WITH ADDED OR DELETED FRONT FOOTAGE. FULL ASSESSMENT METHOD USED FOR RATE DEVELOPMENT ONLY FRONT ASSESSMENT TOTAL COSTS FOOTAGE RATE SEWER PROJECT TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE ALONG STREETS WITH NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION 7,593.69 $34.053 $258,587.32 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE DELETED DUE TO EXEMPTIONS 2,598.54 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE CURRENTLY SCHEDULED FOR ASSESSMENT 4,995.15 $51.77 $258,587.32 PARTIAL ASSESSMENT METHOD m METHOD SELECTED BY CITY COMMISSION 2/4/97 FRONT ASSESSMENT TOTAL COSTS FOOTAGE RATE RECOVERED 3 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE CURRENTLY SCHEDULED FOR ASSESSMENT 4,995.15 $34.053 $170,099.27 G USING RATE DEVELOPED UNDER FULL ASSESSMENT METHOD UN-RECOVERED TOTAL SEWER COSTS UNDER PARTIAL ASSESSMENT (7� $88,488.05 NOTE: THE FINAL COSTS ASSESSED AND ASSESSMENT RATE WILL BE DETERMINED AFTER ALL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. —J eK-1totT C. • M t n1 J-r 65 (v- ,3..-q '7 -- r MAP SNOWING a.w 5723 w 774 TRACT "B" LOCATIONS OF 19th STREET !___________"11.124 iM1LM / ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA I I I to w Z I , _ n:K..., x.11.11.0011/0 114 11101.111,WM NMI ,�11 w 1111..M. . OF O..I O.�.%.w.a�.w AT..11•.•.0..,• •8 PROPOSED REPLAT d •tME • m"I'c+°'nao:uu.u'�..;too:11:11:..: 9 TRACT "A" N ! x �. »M.....t ww.. .,...r,... o I d i 9 .11.0.000110111.1001.1911.11•01 Io M O..1101.,w a u •n'.y1.x wwi M 000101.10.0-141.1 Mo..1100.•11m n �,E I I iul'O.os MOM.. NO a.(,ana.u.,.wu0 I m i •.9.a..,1111000 1.1.0 M raw,II.. m �*o mWS u-r.ws11 DOI n 1"007.naw.Iw-•n-»M} D • .1.0 1111.3 w Maas 3, FD. I ...41'42 i 7f Ia• N 89'45'52'E i •. flul � � an.. I 2113. f,ao 41].20' If n11 fm / • �` C1 11 f•M 211.11 ♦W. Mrt 211111• fl.i, / .•••.•s.e•..no. 19th STREET 4.aw/`r�w.r/ / ar.11•11.. anm 1 _,1 0.09 - w •IMP \- .1,\•J 00- \-21111\., _ \1s`ro _ ` \fin\mow\\�\\r•,co\\ \�\aaaa0 40mcNr-a-WAY 0«M '� ---}400 .nM 1 \ 41110'01...\ \ \ 4,c.� \ \ Ml 11\�\ \ \1 t00 1 \ 1 I./\ \ \ \ 0.\ \ 0110 1 ..Tsa! u A112.IC MIS �r woo" . I RMRMM[M1p1RCTOx t wy. .. ,i y� .. N 89'45'5 • E A f 11._290.13'_ u -- a 11..- - 11...100.03' n.e.a. I ' t•',.. I��11pa,1111. S IM ACCtl!UY.EMI w°°�a I 4 6 �/ n I p ewo..11LLc.7` BEACNSIDE SSD,PLAT BOOK 42,PAGE 14 0 cA • tcBb LOT IA PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY OA IL 720 PG.Na ,..0:1 11 c. vw,y+^11 LOT is W j o �M LOT 23 1: MOTES _.011 'I .r LOT u T•` 1.00 fluor4ro�elm w uaiwriM MU 114-4.42 .MV..aM MM Man i.110 SUP MARX SIM on IIM1010w w0,Mn a,�M`Os•aaw MM. I S EASEME01 4.01714MM mr41 Mon 9•701 \ NM 11141104 M.LOT 1! M .M0. 01 0 1140 111.111.1101401 001. SCALE I10112OMTM_I'_20' ST2TICAL r-1' 0.00, li•>� E• • 2.00O•W MY •ra..a.N 24. • 24 . LEGEND: ♦6.00 MUNN 20. • I?$ —— 20 64 am ma . 1; MR 1,11111111111 Gia ✓ 16 h1:1i . —�� 12 • :5 • �----`� 16 r . • �a • —.— • _——•_SIl`N TERI INE—� 12 8. MOM.Ml v.r..e.•M.,.,• . 8 • n ASSOCuTTs INC. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PLAN & PROFILE '�1 M ,I0411 .a TM �w.. •M 01E 0-0-. y115Pp0MTROCON/IMA•fIC 1011 MOM 111.0 aMaito""�Ty' 0.90-IVO AT 19th STREET 041719 "" "'O"` `�. 012 OESGtPOOM or +`•011.M. 9.7 11 11191, 19TH STREET SEWER & IMPROVEMENT COSTS PAID BY WILLIAM MORGAN JUNE 1992 THROUGH JUNE 1993 CHECK DATE PAYEE AMOUNT DESCRIBE 571 05-93 DER 250.00SEWER PERMIT FEE 572 06-92 TAX COLLECTOR 300.00 � SEWER PERMIT FEE 573 06-92 BRACKETT 1,200.00 ENGINEERING FEE FOR SEWER 529 04-93 BRANT WILSON 850.00 OVERALL SURVEY 530 04-93 CITY JAX FEE 18.00 SEPIA PRINTS 560 05-93 BRANT WILSON 850.00 BALANCE OF FEE 596 06-93 CITY ATL BCH 10.00 TAPE DOCUMENTARY 601 06-93 DER 250.00 PERMIT 671 08-93 BRANT WILSON 532.50 AS BUILT SURVEY 675 08-93 C. PACE CONTR 17,845.65 SEWER LINE 684 08-93 C. PACE CONTR 1,982.85 PACE RETAINAGE 687 09-93 C. PACE CONTR 1,500.00 SEWER OVERRUN COSTS 701 09-93 C. PACE CONTR 5,000.00 SEWER OVERRUN 717 10-93 C. PACE CONTR 1,890.03 WATER LINE REPAIR I SUBTOTAL 32,479.03 564 105-93 R&R CONCRETE 652.50 CONTRACTOR FOR SIDEWALK 573 05-93 R&R CONCRETE 872.50 CONTRACTOR FOR SIDEWALK 576 05-93 R&R CONCRETE 1,000.00 CONTRACTOR FOR SIDEWALK 577 05-93 R&R CONCRETE 4,000.00 CONTRA( TOR FOR SIDEWALK 578 05-93 R&R CONCRETE 500.00 CONTRACTOR FOR SIDEWALK 583 05-93 O'REILLY 1,290.00 LANDSCAPE BERM AT SEMINOLE 590 06-93 BRANT V\ ILSON 640.00 SURVEY SIDEWALK STAKEOUT 609 06-93 TOM 475.00 REPAIR ASPHALT 614 ,06-93 SECONDHAND RS 29.00 PLANTS 624 06-93 SECONDHAND RS 165.00 PALM TREES 640 06-93 ACE HARDWARE 8.43 MULSH SUBTOTAL 9,632.43 TOTAL COSTS 42,111.46 •'="°""!N,., DER 17.604.9 0(2) Oomaaalc wew..+1«Cou.a,on/Traro,.u.a,on• I �i Florida Department of Environmental Regulation F°""T" Ste~C. O.`°' c.)w"a* Er1ac.`. 0._,Lune 1, 1992 Twin Towers Office Bldg. • 2(701) Blair stone Road • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 OAoO• NG if,goo DEP) F of WO. .494 •alb CO • .N RiEstigN41 Wastewater Collection/Transmission Systems Ave/ C- tification of Completion of Construction REGUUT0117 EN'JIRONMD.1 4 Q SERVICES 007; INS'�i X43 is form is to be completed and submitted to the Department, prior to placing the system into operation. A collec- tion/transmission system should not be placed into operation without prior Department approval. All information is to be typed or printed in ink and all blanks must be filled. Construction Permit No.: GS 16 — Z 3 2 S 1 I Dated: 6 " 30 -13 Name of Project: / 9 Z1 5 e Z ScL`'e r / y. c ,t7`/ /5 - Name of Owner: L1/j / /4Q /- - ' /o r 9 q h Name of design engineer and Florida registration number (if different from engineer signing certification): N A Date(s) of connection to existing system or treatment plant: A0 5 /'? X1'3 tment plant serving project Name: Wa_Y7 <-✓a Tr' P/4 e,7" - County: v IVa I City: /-�-770 h7ic 6ea 4-4t/ DER identification number (also known as GMS identification number): Substantial deviations from the approved plans and specifications (attach additional sheets if required): a N ACCEPTED FOR SERVICES BY: ;//f.4 FOR CITY OF JACKSONVILLE WATER QUALITY DIVISION DATE: / /1 3 ft 1 a 3 NdmNr O. nc Nwrv.a Dara CAM011,O. SaRw.r Dana Scare,Pr,¢+ Swn.ar Dena leo co.«...'A C.'w 7623 e.,7^..00..wwr Si....9200 73,9 Ms ..8L•o 5..232 4520 D..F,.&w 2295 vim.,...Sw 362 1900 S.Caq..0 A.Sww A P.naa[a..fio,ga 72501.5794 Jac.ao,m..F o 0.32256.7977 0...0o F'ooaa 72eO 3767 1a,.oa Flaws 17614737 Fon urn Fb.aa 17901 wr PW.6..91 Fong.33406 F.,„T« Sy;,•nr Come Compietion d Construct', EMwti.�r— Jun.1,1992 DER•oOcr.o^NC 1F+4o++of DER A. Operation and Maintenance Authority of this Collection/Transmission System I agree to operate and maintain the facilities in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes(F.S.), and applicable Department rules. I attest that an appropriate and record drawings for the system are available and located at: Signed: 24e-elj f. Date: ,����� Name: Dbe/'f s• f< s, Title: I�//'Ccfo '• { 4� PUb/ic 44 ,4s Company Name: Casty 4� ✓✓AT/47 AA Sexzdi Address: /200 Sand J,D.�" iane City: 4i%n,ic ,mac 2 FL Zip: i2223 Telepnone No.: 904 - Z¢2- 5-931. B. Professional Engineer Registered in Florida (where required by Chapter 471, F.S.) as to Wastewater Facility I certify that the project has been completed substantially in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, or that deviations will not prevent the system from functioning in compliance with the requirement of Chapter 17-604, Florida Adminis- -ative Code, when properly operated and maintained. These determinations have been based upon on-site observation of ;onstruction, scheduled and conducted by me or by a project representative under my direct supervision, for the purpose of determining if the work proceeded in compliance with plans and specifications and application materials. I further certify that record drawings for the facilities have been reviewed by me or by an individual(s) under my direct supervision, for completeness and adequacy, and have been provided to the permittee. I further certify that the record drawings identify those substantial deviations noted above. Charles T. Brackett 42319 Name (please type) Florida Registration No. /. Brackett and Associates Inc. Signature of Engineer Company Name /U i1Y1 2451 South 3rd Street Dar& Company Address Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 (Affix Seal) City Zip Telephone Na 904/249-7370 Page 2oi9 DER form 4 -804 wt-wMIM CORecRortrhartsrusa.c. Form TM SrMOME Cart.a Compnro oon d Cooai von Maw Or. Jun'1, 1992 DER A000260n Par. (Rawl DER1 C. Professional Engineer Registered in Florida(where required by Chapter 471, F.S.)as to Operation and Maintenance Manual This is to certify that the operation and maintenance manual for these wastewater facilities has been prepared or examined by me, or by an individual(s) under my direct supervision, and that there is reasonable assurance, in my professional judgment, that the facilities, when properly maintained and operated in accordance with this manual, will function as intended. Name (please type) Florida Registration No. Signature of Engineer Company Name Date Company Address (Affix Seal) Zip p Telephone Na D. Operation and Maintenance Authority of the Treatment Facility Approving Connections I certify that connection(s) to the wastewater treatment facility which we operate and maintain have been completed to our satisfaction. Signed: 2r."---41-e".3r Date: 8////43 Name: ED 6Gt^t \S'. 15 Osa y Title: d/I/'GCY__'LLt 0 PZ/MGf�dela Company Name: C/74y C� �f/ f/G '� ti Address: /Z1d0 L,Sq/Idwxr latje City: 41#4,2ff geack Zip: 3ZZZ3 Telephone No.: '704- 241-5934 Page 3a3 • S<H 13 1T D M tNv-rES May 22, 1997 To: Jim Jacques, Atlantic Beach Public Works Bob Kosoy,Director of Public Works Maureen King, Atlantic Beach City Clerk Copy: Garnet Walker, 1977 Beach Avenue (northern unit) Ken Fink, 1973 Beach Avenue ( southern unit) Dear Jim, As per our conversations, I am in reciept of your letter from the City of Atlantic Beach dated 1 -6-97. This letter states that my property at Beach Avenue Condominiums, Dwelling Unit 1975, RE#169723-1004, will be assessed based on 33. 333 front feet. Your letter of May 9, 1997 states my property now will be assessed based on 44 front feet. This is in response to a letter you recieved in Feb. 1997 from Garnet Walker, my neighbor in dwelling 1977 (north unit) . This letter indicates she is in some position of authority or knowledge concerning my property. Unfortunately, she did not see fit to copy me in on this letter, so I cannot share your information from her. The City of Atlantic Beach assessment is based on frontage feet owned. It is a matter of public record: Lots 61 & 62, Plat Book 15, Page 92, Duval County, Florida. My property, dwelling unit 1975 (center unit) owns 34 frontage feet. Ken Fink, dwelling unit 1973 ( south unit) owns 33 feet. Garnet Walker, dwelling unit 1977 (north unit) owns 33 feet. All totaling 100 frontage feet. This same information is recorded in the attached "Exhibit 'A' Filing Statement" Declaration of Condominium Survey and Plot Plan by Dunson Real Estate, Inc. , the selling agent. I await your acknowledgement, Thank Y u, W. L. Arthur 1975 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 249-7103 ' epTJoTJ '41uno3 Tenna Jo spaooaa oTTgnd luaaano aql 3o Z6 abed ' ST '1008 lETd uT papaooaa se '[ '0N liUt7 'goeag otlueTJV glaoN ' T9 lO'j 3o 4aa3 00 ' LT A-flaglJ0N atfl PUe Z9 407 3o 1aa3 •00- LT ATaayanoS aqy ' Z '12D Vd -eptaoT;I 1,c unop TennQ Jo spaooaa oTTgnd luaJano aql Jo f'f, abed ' ST )1008 leTd ui_ paplooaa se ' E '0N ltul 'goea8 of:UejlV glaoN ' Z9) 401 JO laa; 00 ' EE ; ATJaq JON aq.L • eptaoT,1 '44unop TennQ 3o spaooaa otTgnd auosano agl Jo (6 abed ' ST )tOo6 4P-id LIT papaooaa se ' ( '0N ITuf 'goeOQ otluETlV glaoN ' T9 10'I Jo laaJ 00' EE 411aglnoS aq,L ' 1 'I3021Vd .,V,, 1I2IHX3 • upTd :OTd pup Aaning WIlINIWOONOO ,3O NOItLVHV'IOHQ Mtw I V'I M N(MIN(1({(I(IVIN:atlforHV T7969-01' (1'06) :TINovtaw tad, g£01-0t £ Va1NO'IA 'Hov3g n'r1IAHoe0-1ovr ?F.OT9 XOII 301,4?i0 .Lso(i .rmar4J.S UHTHZ H.LNOM L?6 9Ho,L'7vffiH 'vvp- '21v c, JV?cy- uoc1/17 • CITY_HALL_AB TEL No .247-5805 Feb 19 ,97 12 :28 No .003 P .01 Post-Ir brand tax transmittal memo 7671 °rm.. ► ' ,b.jI 11A .);c ayes Fr 0-vzee= <IA/G co. co February 17, 1997 Dept. Phone* rex# FSX# CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC 13EACH,FLORIDA 32233 Al'1'ENTION; MAUREEN KING AS TREASURER OF THE BEACH AVENUE ASSOCIATION(1973,1975 AND 1977 BEACH AVENUE),I WISH TO NOTIFY THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE ASSESSMENT FOR A SEWER LINE THAT THE 100 FRONT FEET OF THE BUILDING SHOULD BE ASSESSED AS 28% FOR 1973 AND 1977 AND 44%FOR 1975.. THESE PERCENTS ARE ACCORDING TO THE BY-LAWS OF THE ASSOCIATION IN REGARDS TO PAYMENTS.. THANK YOU. SINCERELY, J� Co �� /eZti / X cw j � / � i GARNET A.WALKER 1977 BEACH AVENUE EXHi6 ►r t 1\11tnlv1S to- -cls Memorandum CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH To: Maureen King,City Clerk CC: Robert Kosoy,P.E., Public Works Director Harry McNally, Collection/Distribution Division Director Jim Jarboe,City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Don Ford,Building Official Ann Meuse,Finance Director George Worley,Community Development Director From: James G. Jacques,Assistant to the Public Works Director Date: May 30, 1997 Subject: Development of Final Assessment List Beach Avenue Sewer Assessments City Project No. AW9603 I have revised the costs for sewer assessments to reflect the actual costs for Beach Avenue Sewer main construction under the current project. The enclosed list will supercede the listing submitted on March 17, 1997. I have also prepared a current total of the cost of the Beach Avenue project as of the last invoice to the contractor. The project is continuing with other work,such as water main construction and paving,but the sewer work portion is completed. This calculation reflects the final cost to the City for constructing sewers in Beach Avenue under Part 1 of the project and in the Dewees Avenue area under Part 4 of the project. This shows a reduction in assessment costs from the estimated bid prices of$308,108.70 to the final costs of construction,plus City costs for advertisement of the Public Hearing for assessments,of$258,587.32. Based on the method of Partial Assessment as approved by the City Commission, the total amount recovered through the assessments is $170,099.27. The assessment rate is now established at$ 34.053 per front foot of assessed property. The Final Assessment Roll contains the latest information I have concerning the property owners, addresses, front footages and legal information. I have made several revisions from the earlier Preliminary Assessment Rolls. One of the situations that will require further review concerns property owners who were connected to the City sewer system prior to project construction,but have not paid either impact fees or monthly sewer charges. As had been discussed in MEMORANDUM May 30, 1997 Page No. 2 previous staff meetings, I have not included any of these property owners in the Final Assessment Roll. They will be notified to bring their sewer bills up to date by the water billing or building department. The properties listed below have previous sewer connections to existing sewer mains, but no have record of paying either sewer impact fees or monthly sewer charges: RE Number Name Address Paid Sewer Paid Monthly Impact Fee Sewer Y/N Charges Y/N 169663-0000 Edward Lane 1721 Beach Ave. Y N 169686-0000 Dominic Bisbano 1889 Beach Ave. Y N 169542-0000 Dominic Bisbano 1890 Beach Ave. Y N 169702-0050 Robert Huffman 2006 Beach Ave. N N If the City Manager or City Commission desire to add the above listed properties to the assessment roll, I will modify the roll to add the properties. Other properties, not subject to assessment for other reasons, were also discovered along Beach Avenue who are connected to the sewer system but have no record of paying monthly sewer charges. These properties are not addressed in this memo,but should be investigated by the building and water billing departments. We also discovered that two properties owned by Dr. Samuel Rukab, 1957 Beach Avenue, were not connected to an existing sewer, but had been billed for monthly sewer charges after Dr. Rukab had paid the impact fees in anticipation of connecting to the new sewer constructed under the Beach Avenue project. The water billing department should investigate if any refunds are due to Dr. Rukab. At the special Commission meeting on February 4, 1997, several items were discussed, which modified the methods of determining the assessment for specific properties. The following list summarizes the actions taken to comply with the direction of the City Commission: 1. The Partial Assessment Method is the current method for calculating the assessment rate to be applied to the various front footages of the assessed properties. The attached Summary of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessments shows the calculations to achieve at the Partial Assessment Method. MEMORANDUM May 30, 1997 Page No. 3 2. The "non-conforming", or"sub-standard" lots along Beach Avenue have been included in the.assessment roll, if the properties met the conditions for assessment as shown on the attached Notes for Development of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessment Roll. 3. The properties originally exempted by being within a 100 foot radius of an existing sewer have been included for assessment, if the properties met the conditions for assessment as shown on the attached Notes for Development of Beach Avenue Sewer Assessment Roti- 4. The George Grandy property, RE 169524-0010, part of Government Lot 3, has not been included in the assessment roll, assuming this small property will be joined by replatting or other legal means to the property at 1927 Beachside Court. The intent of the owner is to provide sewer service from Beachside Court which has an existing sewer. However, this property would be subject to a future assessment if the decision is made by the property owner to connect to the sewer on Beach Avenue. 5. The Bernice Morgan property, RE 169542-0705, Lot 1, Beachside Replat, has not been included in the assessment roll, assuming this small property will be joined by replatting or other legal means to the property at Beachside Court. The intent of the owner is to provide sewer service from Beachside Court which has an existing sewer. However, this property would be subject to a future assessment if the decision is made by the property owner to connect to the sewer on Beach Avenue. 6. The Sandra Martin property, RE 169500-0000, Lot 10, 44 Dewees Avenue, has had a recalculation of the front footage, since the property is not rectangular with a straightforward front footage. The following list shows the properties similarly recalculated to provide a median front footage calculation to be applied toward the assessment rate per front foot: RE Number Name Address Old Revised Footage Footage 169550-0000 Sandra Martin Lot 10, 44 Dewees Ave. 75 51.2 169551-0000 William Sheppard Lot 11, Dewees Ave. 65 47.4 169561-0010 Myra Burns Lot 5, 73 Coquina Place 59.6 47.3 169562-0000 Harriet James Lot 6, 79 Coquina Place 85 65 169563-0000 Harriet James Lot 7, 79 Coquina Place 75 66.95 169564-0000 Allen Alteri Lot 8, 1639 Ocean Blvd. 54 49.5 169564-0000 Allen Alteri Lot 9, 1639 Ocean Blvd. 57.3 43.65 169668-0000 Edward Lane Lot 28, 1735 Beach Ave. 73 61.5 7. The James Minter property, RE 169549-0000, Lots 8 & 9, 1632 Beach Avenue, has MEMORANDUM May 30, 1997 Page No. 4 had a new determination of the applicable front footage for assessment, assuming that both lots will be joined by replatting or other legal means to form a single lot. With the joining of lots,the front footage is then calculated as the short side of the now larger corner lot, in accordance with the City Codes. The total front footage for assessment is reduced from 135.66 feet to 100.7 feet. Following the directive for the properties listed in Items 4 and 5 above that, when replatted, will front on two streets, such as Beachside Court and Beach Avenue,a determination was made for similar properties listed below. The property is not listed on the assessment roll, assuming it will be the intent of the owner to provide sewer service from the fronting street which has an existing sewer other than Beach Avenue,. However,the property would be subject to a future assessment if the decision is made by the property owner to connect to the sewer on Beach Avenue, or the property is replatted into two or more parcels, with one parcel fronting on Beach Avenue: RE Number Name Address Other Fronting Street 169700-0000 Mary Belle Aldridge Trust Lots 67A, 68A Beach Ave. Seminole Rd. 169701-0000 John Heaney Lots 69A, 70A 2030 Beach Ave. Seminole Rd. 169712-0000 Louise Bissell Lot 71A, Beach Ave. Seminole Rd. I have included three maps of Beach Avenue and the surrounding area, which depict the lots to be assessed, with street addresses shown, and existing and proposed sewers. These maps could be considered the official Assessment Maps. The larger version of the maps is in my office at Public Works, and I have prepared new display maps with color codes for use during the upcoming Public Hearing. Please call if you need any further information. By copy of this memo, I am asking all receiving parties to provide comments or questions that should be addressed at the Public Hearing.