04-17-95 v fif+ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 4:30 PM, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1995 AGENDA Call to order 1. Overview of capital projects - City Manager and Department Heads 2. Review of funding needs and sources - Ann Meuse 3. Commission discussion and action on above 4. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 4:30 PM ON MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1995. Present: Mayor Lyman T. Fletcher Commissioner Steven Rosenbloom Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters (Arrived late) Commissioner Robert Weiss Staff Present: City Manager Kim Leinbach Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe Finance Director Ann Meuse Public Works Director Bob Kosoy Assistant Public Works Director Ernie Beadle Buccaneer Chief Plant Operator Harry McNally City Clerk Maureen King The meeting was called to order at 4:46 PM by Mayor Fletcher. The Mayor gave a brief overview of the city' s water and sewer facilities and indicated that operational expenses should be funded through enterprise fund revenues. He indicated that no rate increases or assessments were being considered to pay for capital projects. The Mayor distributed a list of projects, identified as Exhibit A attached hereto. The list was separated into projects which he felt should be included in the capital improvement plan, projects which he felt may be questionable, and projects which may be more accurately identified as operation and maintenance projects. Lists of projects which had been discussed at previous meetings were also used for reference and are attached hereto and identified as Exhibits B, C, and D. The proposed projects were discussed at length and it was agreed projects should be undertaken together where possible to minimize the cost and inconvenience of excavating streets more than once. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested the city contact the Jacksonville Electric Authority to see if underground electric lines could also be laid in conjunction with the projects. It was pointed out this would not be a consideration in the Buccaneer district where the city did not have jurisdiction over the streets. In comments from the audience, Alan Potter, 374 Second Street, felt the city needed to proceed with the projects for which money had been borrowed from Barnett Bank. He also noted that money had been collected from Oak Harbor residents over a five year period for the purpose of upgrading the water and sewer lines and as yet, no work had been done. Further discussion ensued regarding the various projects listed in Exhibit A and estimated costs were identified for each project. Mayor Fletcher moved to approve the first ten items on Exhibit A, Page Two Minutes of Special Called Meeting April 17, 1995 subject to available financing, as the first step in developing a Capital Improvements Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy and was unanimously approved. Discussion then ensued regarding Exhibit A, No. 11, Buccaneer Long Range Plan, specifically the location of the proposed wet well. Commissioner Weiss pointed out increased capacity would be required in the event a nuclear carrier was assigned to the Mayport Navy base. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Shaughnessy, Harry McNally indicated he felt the proposed location would require the least amount of piping and in his opinion, was the best location. The Mayor requested that a sketch be provided showing the proposed layout of the Buccaneer plant. Bob Kosoy indicated two concerns at Buccaneer were odor control and the desire to reduce the electrical costs for the lift stations. He felt the wetwell project was a priority since it would have a positive impact in both of these areas. Mayor Fletcher moved to approve the inclusion of the Buccaneer wetwell in the Capital Improvement Plan, contingent upon an in- house schematic of the proposed layout at the Buccaneer plant being prepared and approved by the City Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy. Brief discussion ensued regarding the possibility of acquiring an additional lot and requesting that the City of Jacksonville abandon Regulus Drive, thus providing a larger site which would not be divided by a street. It was felt the additional land may be required for future expansion of the plant. Following brief discussion the motion was unanimously approved. Discussion then ensued regarding the catwalks at Buccaneer and Commissioner Weiss pointed out this had been identified as a safety problem and the city would be liable if improvements were not made. Commissioner Weiss moved to include repair/rebuilding of the steel walkway at Buccaneer wastewater treatment plant in the Capital Improvement Plan at a cost not to exceed $200,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rosenbloom. During brief discussion the Mayor requested that the walkway be closely examined when the beams were exposed to determine the extent of the necessary repairs, ie. to rebuild the entire walkway or replace portions as required. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. (Commissioner Shaughnessy was out of the room and did not vote) . Discussion ensued regarding expansion of the Buccaneer wastewater plant and Harry McNally pointed out when a wastewater treatment plant reached 80% capacity, the State of Florida required that the owner be in the design stage for expansion of the facility. He Page Three Minutes of Special Called Meeting April 17, 1995 advised the City Commission that the Buccaneer plant was now operating at 80% of capacity. Staff was directed to provide more specific data in this regard. The City Commission took no action on the matter at this time. Discussion then ensued regarding the proposed sewer rehabilitation in the Saltair section. Jim Jarboe pointed out this project had been included as a part of sewer main rehabilitation in previous project lists. However, the sewer lines had recently been televised and the condition of the lines, along with the fact that the sewer line ran under a corner of Community Presbyterian Church, had made this project an emergency. It was pointed out this would be an appropriate project in which to undertake installation of water and sewer lines and stormwater drainage improvements in one combined project. It was further pointed out much of the construction would be on private property and the question of excavating streets would be moot. The Mayor moved to include the Saltair sewer rehabilitation project in the Capital Improvement Plan. Commissioner Shaughnessy seconded the motion and indicated she felt the installation of water and sewer lines, and drainage improvements should be undertaken in unison. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion then ensued relative to the projects which the Mayor had classified as "questionable, " specifically the distribution system on Mayport Road. Harry McNally explained this project would replace a two-inch line which serves some commercial buildings and a trailer park. He pointed out this area also had no fire hydrants. Due to the proximity with Mayport Road it was felt construction and permitting would be expensive and Mr. McNally was instructed to check into alternatives. With reference to No. 3, Flow Meters, Harry McNally advised this item could be deleted. In discussion relative to standby generators, it was pointed out this item would be included in the operating budget and could be removed from the Capital Improvement Plan. It was also pointed out that a generator at the Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plant would become surplus during the proposed expansion of that plant and this generator may be adequate to meet the needs at the Buccaneer plant. Staff will present a recommendation in this regard at a later time. In discussion relative to Exhibit A, Page 3, Operations and Maintenance, it was pointed out the fence at Buccaneer, had been completed and could be deleted. Most of the items on this list were identified as operational and would be included in the 1995/96 Page Four Minutes of Special Called Meeting April 17, 1995 operating budget. With respect to water and sewer main installation, Bob Kosoy pointed out several water and sewer projects in the Royal Palms and Old Atlantic Beach area were included in this general category. Discussion ensued relative to financing and Commissioner Shaughnessy felt that any future borrowing should be in an amount that would be sufficient to upgrade the entire water and sewer system. She felt that any area that was not brought up to standard would compromise the entire system. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the city should consider a bond issue that would be adequate to fund all the water and sewer projects and Alan Potter felt the city had received an exceptional deal from Barnett Bank and favored renegotiating with Barnett for additional funds. Jim Jarboe indicated that when the projects were identified, the City Manager would then be in a position to seek recommendations regarding financing from the financial advisor. Following further discussion relative to water and sewer projects, Commissioner Rosenbloom moved to include water and sewer main installation and sewer main rehabilitation in the Capital Improvement Plan, all projects subject to availability of funding. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy and was unanimously approved. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. AOILL, Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Mau een King City Clerk EXHIBIT A - 4-17-95 _ — CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1 . Water Plant #3 (Assisi) 2 . Touch Pad Meters (Detail where they go) 3 . Water Plant #2 - Plans 4 . Water Plant #2 - Well 5. Water Mains Oak Harbor 6. City Meters - Size and Location (Identify each one) 7 . Corrosion Reduction 8 . Beach Avenue Water and Sewer - Intersections only 9. Sewer Plant Expansion - Atlantic Beach 10 . Oak Harbor Sewer Rehab 11 . Buccaneer Long Range Plan a. Wet Well b. Steel walkway c. Increased capacity 12 . Saltair Sewer Rehab EXHIBIT A - 4-17-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - OUESTIONABLE (Do we need it? Where and When? 1 . Cap/Fix Well at Buccaneer 2 . Distribution System Mayport Road (Will it bring in any new customers) 3 . Flow Meters 4 . Standby Generators _. EXHIBIT A - 4-17-95 — i OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 1 . Fence - Buccaneer 2 . Water Main Installation 3 . Truck Meter Readers 4 . Truck Water Crew 5. Truck and Crane 6. Two Trucks (Sewer) 7 . Tractor - 4x4 8 . Sewer Main Maintenance 9. Steel Catwalks 10. Clarifier Weirs 11 . Sludge Truck and Hook 12 . Sea Oats Apartments - upgrade (who owns lines and why?) 13 . Four lift stations - Valves, fairways, Park Street and Stewart Street 14 . Blower 15. Lab Equipment 16. Sewer Main Rehab - Buccaneer (necessity?) EXHIBIT A - 4-17-95 FINANCING 1 . What is the Utilities Net Cash Flow? (Gross Revenue minus Operation Maintenance and Debt Service equals Net Cash Flow - Funds available for Capital Item with current and projected rate increases) 2 . Beach Avenue Water and Sewer Project revenue from assessments for the lines with the city paying for the intersection. IP Gaidtt OGk41 t t 4/ 11/1 WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATE A. Needed Equipment Expenditures for F 94 '5 (Per the Commission's direction, some previous projects in Fy 94/95 have been moved for future funding consideration) . Pick-up Truck AB Water 12,500 . Electric Valve Wrench AB Water 5,000 . Utility Truck with Crane AB Water 21,500 . Tractor (4x4) AB Water 40,000 . Portable Large Meter Tester BUC Water 4,000 . Fence for WTP #4 BUC Water 5,000 . Pneumatic Valve Wrench BUC Water 4,500 . Pickup Truck for Meter Readers BUC/AB Water 10,000 . Roll-on Roll-off Sludge Tr. AB Sewer 60,000 . Lift Stations Valve Replace. AB Sewer 27,500 . Pick-up Truck AB Sewer 10,000 . Miscellaneous Sewer Plant Equip. AB Sewer 7,500 . Replace Clarifier Weirs BUC Sewer 34,500 . Upgrade Elec. Service BUC Sewer 35,000 . Influent Flow Meter BUC Sewer 8,500 . Truck BUC Sewer 10,000 . Controls BUC Sewer 9,500 . Blower BUC Sewer 6,500 . Lab Equip. BUC Sewer 4,000 . Screen for Surge Tank BUC Sewer 40,000 . Tri-pod Safety Harness BUC Sewer 6,000 . Oder Control BUC Sewer 8,000 Total $379,500 B. Important Projects which should begin in Fy 94/95 3.0 MGD Expansion AB Sewer 4,293,754 Sewer Plant (add on) AB 600,000 4,893,754 Master Wetwell BUC 200,000 (Wetwell add on included) 0.65 MGD Expand.BUC Sewer 1,115,000 Enlarge/Rehab. WTP#3 BUC Water 550,000 fr71 'c AB New Well Project Plans & Spec WTP #2 -25,000 New Well at WTP #2 -75,000 100,000 Sewer Main Maint. AB Sewer 303,000 Steel Catwalks BUC Sewer 190,000 Cantebury Court Upgrade Sewer 75,000 Total $7,326,754 C. Needed Capital Improvement Projects in Priority Order AB-BUC Water/ Meter Project Encoded Water Meters AB 143,000 Water Main Install. AB 850,000 Encoded Water Meters BUC 125,000 Commerical & Replacement 208,000 $1,326,000 Oak Harbour W&S Project Water Mains Oak Harb. 500,000 Sewer Rehab. Oak 700,000 Encoded Water Meters OAK 31,600 $1,231,600 Water Distribution Project Water Distri.Sys.Mayport Rd. BUC 300,000 (Includes 100,000 from fy 94/95) Water Trunk & Loop AB 1,250,000 1,550,000 Sewer Mains Project Sewer Main Rehab.AB Sewer 2,604,500 (Includes Project Design) Sewer Main Rehab. Buc. 600,000 3,204,500 AB/BUC Lift Stations Project Buc. Lift Sta. 120,000 Park St. Lift Sta. AB 40,000 Stewart St. Lift Sta.AB 40,000 Fairway Villas Lift Station AB 45,000 $245,000 . Bch. Ave. W&S Project Bch. Ave. Water 337,293 Beach Ave. Sewer 456,815 $894,108 Force Maius to Sewer Plant AB 150,000 AB Water Tank Project. Land for Water Tower AB 150,000 Water Tank AB 375,000 $525,000 City Property Meters AB 50,000 Corrosion Reduct.WTP1 AB 30,000 Cost $9,206,208 D. Available Funding Barnett Loan $4,929,754 Fy 94/95 Revenue 571,000 $4,500,754 E. Total Cost 379,500 Equipment Expenditures 7,326,754 Fy 94/95 Projects 9,206,208 Needed Projects $16,912,462 F. Other . Sludge Management (Reserve Cont.) 1,500,000 . Buc. Generator (wwtp) (Operating) 110,000 . Standby Lift Sta. Gen. BUC(Operating) 40,000 * All estimates base on Staff, Consulting Engineers and Water and Sewer Committe review. - r` Page 2 - Attachment A STORM WATER MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED CAPTIAL OUTLAY 1. AHERN TO 2ND ST./SALTAIR $ 284,227 (SM-A & SM-D) 2. THIRD TO 5TH ST. 773,951 (SM-B) 3. 6TH TO 8TH ST. 547,007 (SM-C) 4. PLAZA TO 11TH ST. 1,071,423 (SM-E) 5. 11TH. ST. TO CLUB DR. 193,980 (SM-F) 6. CLUB DR. TO SATURIBA 250,000* (SM-G) (1,111,324) TOTAL $3,120,588 *Staff recommendation WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY A. WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY: Available Additional FY 94/95 Needed Total . Water Plant #3 550,000 (150,000) 400,000 . Meters 299,600 299,600 . Water Plant #2 Plans 25,000 25,000 . Water Plant #2 Well 75,000 75,000 . Cap or Fix Well (Buc) 20,000 20,000 . Water Main Install. 150,000 700,000 850,000 -- . Land for Water Tower 150,000 150,000 . Meter Tester 4,000 4,000 . Fence WTP #4 5,000 5,000 . Truck/Meter Readers 10,000 10,000 . CAD 50,000 50,000 Truck/Water Crew 10,000 4,500 14,500 . Distrib. Syss. Mayport Road 100,000 200,000 300,000 . Wrench (2) 9,500 9,500 . Truck with Crane 17,000 17,000 . Tractor (4x4) 60,000 15,000 75,000 . Water Mains Oak Harbor 500,000 500,000 . City Meters 50,000 50,000 . Water Tank 375,000 375,000 . Corrosion Reduction 30,000 30,000 . Beach Ave. Water 337,563 337,563 . Meter Replacements 208,000 208,000 . Tri-pod Safety Harness 6,000 6,000 . Contingency (10%) 381,116 1,385,100 2,426,063 4,192,279 IN irre B. SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY: Available Additional FY 94/95 Needed Total -- . 3 MGD Expansion 4,293,754 600,000 4,893,754 . Collection Project Design 20,000 20,000 . Sewer Main Maintenance 303,000 2,604,500 2,907,500 . Steel Catwalks 190,000 190,000 380,000 . Clarifier Weirs 34,500 34,500 . Upgrade Electrical 35,000 35,000 . Master Wetwell 100,000 100,000 . Sludge Truck 60,000 20,000 80,000 . Hook on Sludge Truck 27,000 27,000 . Coll. Lines Upgr.-Cant. Apts. 75,000 75,000 . Flow Meters 8,500 8,500 . Oak Sewer 700,000 700,000 . Lift Station Valves 27,500 27,500 . Fairways Lift Station 45,000 45,000 Park Street Lift Station 25,000 15,000 40,000 . Stewart Street Lift Station 25,000 15,000 40,000 . Buc. Generator (VW TP) 110,000 110,000 . Storage Construction 36,000 36,000 . Trucks (2) 20,000 4,500 24,500 . Instrumental Control 9,500 9,500 . Blower 6,500 6,500 . Lab Equipment 4,000 4,000 . Surge Tank Screen 40,000 40,000 . Tri-pod Safety 6,000 6,000 . Odor Control 8,000 8,000 . Misc. Sewer Equipment 7,500 7,500 . Pressure Washer 4,000 4,000 . 0.75 MGD Expansion 1,115,000 1,115,000 - . File Cabinets 1,600 1,600 . Buc. Lift Station 120,000 120,000 . Sewer Main Rehab. Buc. 600,000 600,000 . Beach Ave. Sewer 456,715 456,715 . Force Mains 150,000 150,000 . Sludge Management 1,500,000 1,500,000 . Standby Lift Station Gen. 40,000 40,000 Contingency (10%) 1,365,307 6,079,754 7,573,315 15,018,376 I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 (Excludes Operational Expenditures) WATER FUND ` J COMMISSION TOTAL PROJECT APPROVED ESTIMATED DIV/SON/IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 COST ATLANTIC BEACH: Encoded Register Meters(New) 291,732 291,732 Plans and Specifications for Water Treatment Plant#2 25,000 25,000 New Well Construction at Water Treatment Plant#2 75,000 75,000 Water Mains Installation 850,000 850,000 Water Trunk and Loop AB 1,250,000 1,250,000 Beach Avenue 337,293 337,293 AB Water Tank Project 525,000 525,000 City Property Meters 50,000 50,000 Corrosion Reduction WTP1 AB - 30,000 30,000 ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL 291,732 3,142,293 3,434,025 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: Enlarge and Rehab. Water Treatment Plant#3 550,000 550,000 Encoded Register Meters(New) 291,732 291,732 Cap off 3rd Well at Water Treatment Plant#4 20,000 20,000 Fence around Water Treatment Plant#4 5,000 5,000 Distribution System-Mayport Road 300,000 300,000 Water Mains Oak Harbor ______ 500,000 _ 500,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL 866,732 800,000 1,666,732 ---------- ------ TOTAL WATER FUND j ___-1,158,464 3,942,293 - - _-.5,1.00757 I 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 (Excludes Operational Expenditures) SEWER FUND COMMISSION TOTAL PROJECT APPROVED ESTIMATED DIV/SON/IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 COST ATLANTIC BEACH: 3.0 MGD Expansion 3,293,754 1,000,000 4,293,754 Collection Projects Design 20,000 20,000 Sewer Mains Sea Oats Plantation 303,000 303,000 Collection Lines Upgrade 75,000 75,000 Lift Stations A-F Valve Replacement 27,500 27,500 Fairway Villas Lift Station Upgrade 45,000 45,000 Park Street Lift Station I Upgrade 40,000 40,000 Stewart Street Lift Station Upgrade 40,000 40,000 Sewer Main Rehab AB 2,604,500 2,604,500 Force Mains to Sewer Plant AB 150,000 150,000 Beach Avenue Sewer 456,815 456,815 ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL 3,321,254 4,734,315 8,055,569 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: Steel Catwalks Replacement 190,000 190,000 Replace Clarifier Weirs 34,500 34,500 Upgrade Electrical Service 35,000 35,000 Master Wetwell Construction 200,000 200,000 Sewer Rehab(Oak Harbor) 700,000 700,000 Instrumentation(Controls) 9,500 9,500 Additional Screen-Surge Tank 40,000 40,000 Sewer Main Rehab-Buc 600,000 600,000 Lift Station-Buc 120,000 120,000 0.65 MGD Expand Buc Sewer __ 1,115,000 _ 1,115,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL 309,000 2,735,000 3,044,000 TOTAL SEWER FUND 3,630,254 7,469,315 11,099,569 14 A I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 (Excludes Operational Expenditures) StORMWATER UTILITY FUND W COMMISSION TOTAL PROJECT APPROVED ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 COST Jasmine Street Retention Pond Repairs 60,000 60000 Projects Related to 4th, 9th and Plaza Streets 60,000 60,000 Selva Marina Basin 'E" 1,071,423 1,071,423 Selva Marina Basin A"&"D" 284,227 284,227 Selva Marina Basin B' 774,000 774,000 Selva Marina Basin "C" 547,000 547,000 Selva Marina Basin'F" 194,000 194,000 Selva Marina Basin 'G' (includes piping ditch) 1,111,000 1,111,000 TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY FUND I 120,000 1,355,650 774,000 1,852000 4,I01,650