05-08-95 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MAY 8, 1995 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of April 24, 1995 and Special Called Meeting of May 2, 1995 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Proclamation designating the week of May 15 - 21, 1995, as Public Works Week 3. Unfinished Business: a. Select engineer to provide professional services in connection with the replacement of sewer lines and conflicting utilities in Saltair subdivision: Interviews: 7:30 PM - Connelly & Wicker, Inc. 7:35 PM - J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. 7:40 PM - Pitman-Hartenstein Engineers & Associates 7:45 PM - Sims Design Consulting, Inc. 7: 50 PM - Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc. b. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Arts and Entertainment Board 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of monthly reports: (i ) Building Report ( ii) Code Enforcement Report ( iii ) Recreation Facilities Usage Report ( iv) Fire Department Report 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-16 supporting the request of the American Red Cross for state funds to restore the American Red Cross Volunteer Life Saving Corps Station as a historical monument b. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-17 authorizing various budget adjustments (Ann Meuse) c. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-18 designating a triangular parcel of land bounded by Sixteenth Street, Ocean Boulevard and Seminole Road, as a passive park (Commissioner Waters) 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 55-95- 29 to amend the solid waste collection franchise Page Two AGENDA May 8, 1995 b. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 80-95-56 Establishing a Hardship Review Committee to review and take action on residential water and sewer bills (Commissioner Rosenbloom) 7. New Business: a. Action on a request from Rocky Russell to forgive liens on property at 380 Seminole Road b. Action on a request from Pension Board Member, Lt. J. I. Smith, to consider an amendment to the city' s pension plan, pertaining to police officers and firefighters c. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the 9-1-1 Interlocal Agreement d. Authorize purchase of 1, 200 feet of 5" fire hose (Chief Ruley) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person who wishes to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Forms are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers for your convenience. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 8, 1995 0 0 T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E Steven M. Rosenbloom D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners M S O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. NDSO The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of April 24, 1995 and Special Called meeting of May 2, 1995. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X April 24, 1995 WEISS X FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher referred to page eleven of the minutes and asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect that there would be a poetry reading conducted by the Teen Council on May 7, 1995. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve minutes of the special called meeting of WATERS X X May 2, 1995 WEISS x x FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher indicated he had researched the rules of procedure relative to conducting meetings. He referred specifically to when it was requested that a motion be voted on, and he explained the correct procedure was to accomplish this request in the form of a motion after which the entire commission would vote on the motion. 2. Recognition of Visitors: John Meserve indicated there had recently been a fire at a property in Fleet Landing and he thanked the Fire Department and Police Department for their quick response to the fire. David and Angela Bew expressed concerning relative to the lack of lifeguard equipment. The City Manager was asked to work with the Fire Chief to determine the status of the situation and report back to Don and Angela Bew and the Commission. Commissioner Weiss asked the City Manager to contact Councilman Dick Brown and at-large Council Members for assistance. Mayor Fletcher requested a report in a week. Minutes, Page 2 May 8, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 2a. Proclamation designating the week of May 15 - 21, 1995 as Public Works Week Mayor Fletcher read the Proclamation, and he indicated he would like to present the plaque early one morning to the employees at the Public Works Department. He indicated he felt the Department was important and did a good job for the city. Commissioner Waters announced the American Legion annual employee appreciation dinner would be held Friday, May 19, 1995 at 6:00 p. m. It was decided to present a proclamation or a document of appreciation to Huey Sabia, Post Commander, to be presented at the dinner. 3. Unfinished Business: a. Select engineer to provide professional services in connection with the replacement of sewer lines and conflicting utilities in Saltair subdivision. Presentations were given by the following firms: Connelly & Wicker, Inc. , J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. , Pitman-Hartenstein Engineers & Associates, Sims Design Consulting, Inc. , and Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc. Mayor Fletcher asked that the minutes reflect that a packet of material was provided to the Commission at the meeting of April 24, 1995, and that material had been provided to the commission at the present meeting by some of the firms. Following the presentations there was a brief question and answer period. The Commission voted to select J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. as its first choice, and there was a tie vote for Sims Design Consulting, Inc. and Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc. to be the city's second choice. Commission ballots are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Authorize staff to enter into negotiations with WATERS X J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. to provide professional WEISS X services in connection with the replacement of sewer FLETCHER X X lines and conflicting utilities in Saltair subdivision. Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. b. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Arts and Entertainment Board Mayor Fletcher asked that the appointment be postponed until the meeting of May 22, 1995, and the Commissioner concurred. .para aq lou pTnoM spuUq syr 'xaud anzaou aaom U ansa oa paaTsap icaTo aga 3T aanan3 aqa uT auga os palaTap aq pUnogs 11anTssUd11 paoM aqa X uaHOZS'I3 aqa auga saauoTsszunuoD amos iiq aTa3 SEM aT 'uoTssnosTp aapun X X SSISM X X SHSZVM 81-56 uoTanTosag 3o aasssUd anoaddV :uoTaoy1 X ASSSNIISIIVHS X WOO'IgNSSOZI '8i-g6 •ON uoTanTosag '2uTaTaM uT 'TTn3 uT paluasaad aagoaaTs a0AUy1 )RIVd aAISSVd V SV 'aYO'H a'IONIWNS QNV QNVAa'moa NVHDO 'zaaLLS HINHHIXIS All GHQ/0111011 aNV'I 30 'Ia02IVd NV If1ONVIIIs V ONI LVNOISHQ NOIZ11'IOSH2I V - 81-56 •oN uoT3fTosag •a 2ISHOZS'I3 •iCTsnomTUUun paTaaso uoTaom SSIHM aqa pup paTTUo sum uoT sanb aqa uoTssnosTp 3aTaq u 2uTmoTTos X X S2ISIVM H$ LT-56 uoznnjosaa 3o aaUsssd anoaddV :uoTaow X X ASSHNHOf1KH$ WOO'IgNSS04 •aanossoao aunp laaals ga9T aqa 3o 2uTpun3 auamaTddns pTnoM puns auamdoTanaa uoiluanuop aqa moa3 aaJsuUal pauiwTdxa SEM II •puns Jamas pus aaaUM puU 'puns uoTTelTuUS 'puns Tuaauan 'ausaj ppOTU luamdoTanat JCaTunmmo3 'puns aoaCOad TuaTdU3 alp uT la2pnq S66I/*/66T aqa Oa squamasn[pU papnTouT goTg1 uoTauoT3Tpom 2a2pnq aUaX-pTm aqa sum uoTanTosaa aUga pauTUTdxa AT3aiaq 'aoloa1TG aouUuTd 'asnaYl uuy 'LT-56 •ON uoTanTOsag '2uTaTaM uz 'TTn3 uT paluasaad aagoaaTs aokUyj SUNIl3 NaaMsaa SHINOW NIVINH0 ONI2RIa3SNV?IL NOIZII'IOSa?I V - LT-56 'oN uoTwiTosag •q •ATsnomzusun paTaaUo uoTaom X 2iSH OZ S'I3 aq� puu P ITuo sum uoTasanb aqp uoTssnosTp 3aTaq s 2UTMOTTOs X SS ISM 91-56 uoTanTosag 3o a2Usssd anoaddV :uoiaow X X alumni X ASSHNHO11VH8 X X WOO'IgNSSOZ: '9T-g6 •oN uoTanTosag '2UT TaM uT 'TTn3 uT paluasaad aagoaaTd ao4CUN NOI LVIS Sd2I00 ONIAVS a3I'I 2TaaJN11'IOA SSONO U I NVJITIawV HILL 3O NOIZV2IOLSa2I aHL 3O J IOdd11S NI 'VQI2IO'I3 'HOVag DIINV'ILV 3O A.LI0 RBI 3O NOIZII'IOSH2I V - 9T-56 'oN UOT nTosag •U :suoznnTosag uo uoT1DV 'S 'TTn3 uT Upua2V auasuop aqa paada3OU uoTssTunno3 aqs aaodag auamfasdaU aaTA (AT) 3aodag aHUsn saT3TTT3U3 uoTaeaaaag (TTT) iaodag 3uamaaaoJua apo (TT) aaodag HuzpTing (T) :siaodaa ATuiuom 3o 3dzaaaa aHpaTAouxaV :rpua �uasuo0 •i N A S w 'SUNNOD 30 INVN A A 566T '8 AUW L a2Ud 'sajnuTJ4 Minutes, Page 4 May 8, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Amended motion: Strike word "passive" SHX HAUGHNESUGHNESSI X x WATERS X Commissioner Waters indicted his desire to have the park as a WEISS X X passive park because the neighbors had a great deal of FLETCHER X affection for this parcel of land and they indicated they would like it to remain the same as it had in the past. Commissioner Rosenbloom moved to vote on the amended motion to delete "passive" from the resolution and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Waters and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed since this motion required the affirmative votes of two-third's of the City Commission. Discussion resumed concerning the amended motion to delete "passive" from the resolution. While some Commissioners indicated their desire to see the park utilized for all the citizens to enjoy, other Commissioners felt since the area was so small and the neighbors wished it to remain the way it had in the past, that it should be a passive park. The question was called on the amended motion to delete "passive" and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Waters voting nay. The question was called on the motion to approve Resolution No. 95-18 and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion passed. Commissioner Waters requested that an article be placed in the city's newsletter asking citizens for their input to name the park. Mayor Fletcher asked Commissioner Waters to place the article in the newsletter. 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 55-95-29 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, TO CLARIFY LANGUAGE AND TO PROVIDE RATES FOR COMMERCIAL COMPACTED AND RECYCLING AND FOR ROLL OFF CONTAINERS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 55-95-29, said ordinance having been posting in accordance with Charter requirements. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing and ROSENBLOOM X invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to SHAUGHNESSY X X speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. WATERS X X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance 55-95-29 on Final VISI SS X Reading FLETCHER X City staff were thanked for the work involved in preparing the ordinance. Minutes, Page 5 May 8, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. b. Ordinance No. 80-95-56 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO AMEND CHAPTER 22, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION, SEC. 22-3. HARDSHIP REVIEW COMMITTEE. THE COMMITTEE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEW AND TAKING ACTION ON HARDSHIP SITUATIONS RELATED TO PAYMENT OF RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER BILL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 80-95-56. 'OSENBLOOM X .HAUGHNESSY Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 80-95-56 on ATE RS X first reading and set public hearing on May 22, 1995 EISS LETCHER A lengthy discussion was held relative to whether or not the intent of the ordinance would be in accord with city codes. Following the discussion, during which time several suggestions and changes were discussed, it was felt the concept of the ordinance would not adapt to city codes and it was withdrawn from the agenda. 7. New Business: a. Action on a request from Rocky Russell to forgive liens on property at 380 Seminole Road Rocky Russell, 460 Ocean Boulevard, indicated he would like to purchase a home at 380 Seminole Road. He explained the home had been in disrepair for several years and had been condemned by the city. He indicated there were several liens against the property which amounted to $1007.50, and he asked that administrative costs, only, be excused from the lien amount, which would reduce the amount of the lien to $503.75. 'OSENBLOOM X X Motion: Remove administrative costs in the amount .HAUGHNESSY X $503.75 from the amount of liens due against 380 Seminole =RS X Road, provided Rocky Russell pays the balance of the lien EISS X X in the amount of $503.75 within 14 days after he has LETCHER X purchased the property During discussion it was felt a hardship existed relative to the property under discussion in that significant other liens existed against the property from other entities, and that three years of back property taxes were due. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. b. Action on a request from pension Board Member, Lt. J. I. Smith, to consider an amendment to the city's pension plan, pertaining to police officers and firefighters Minutes, Page 6 May 8, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Lt. Jared I. SmiLh, Pension board Representative, referred to benefit changes recently requested by Police and Fire Fighters. He indicated a disability benefit was not included in its entirety in the agreed upon language, and it was his intent to bring the matter up before the Pension Board at its meeting of May 16, 1995. He indicated the missing language was explained in a memorandum to the Commissioners dated April 15, 1995 (attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit A) . He indicated he was providing this information to the Commission for their information. c. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the 9-1-1 Interlocal Agreement David Thompson, Police Chief, recommended that the Commission approve the agreement. He indicated the contract was similar to the previous contract, and the dollar amount in the contract appeared to be enough to cover all funding to which the city was entitled (copy of contract and memorandum of explanation dated May 4, 1995 attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit B) . ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute SHAUGHNESSY X X the 9-1-1 Interlocal Agreement WATERS X WEISS X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the FLETCHER X motion carried unanimously. d. Authorize purchase of 1,200 feet of 5" fire hose John Ruley, Fire Chief, indicated the fire hose was a budgeted item and that the Fire Department was able to bring the price in below the budgeted amount via City of Jacksonville bid (SC-0809-95) dated March 21 , 1995 with the total cost for the hose being $5,952.00. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve purchase of 1,200 feet of 5" fire hose SHAUGHNESSY X X from the City of Jacksonville bid (SC-0809-95) dated WATERS X March 21, 1995 with the total cost for the hose being WEISS X X $5,952.00 FLETCHER X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach, City Manager, asked Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, to report concerning building the 16th Street crosswalk. Mr. Kosoy indicated it would cost approximately $5,000 to $8,000 for the installation of pilings at the site, and that crosswalk material would cost approximately $10,000. He felt the city would save money by allowing Public Works employees to build the crosswalk. It was explained the city would pay for the project by transferring $25,000 from the Convention Development Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. Minutes, Page 7 May 8, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN ROSENBLOOM X motion: Authorize Public Works to undertake construction SHAUGHNESSY X X and to accept the low quote for pile driving and WATERS X materials WEISS X X '7,LETCHER X Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Weiss: - indicated Neptune Beach had passed a resolution concerning the need for beach renourishment. - expressed concern relative to traffic flow on Main Street and West Begonia. - reported legislation concerning marshlands had passed legislature and was on its way for the signature of the Governor. Commissioner Waters: - inquired concerning acquiring property adjacent to Jordan Park, and also property adjacent to Tresca property. - reminded everyone there would be a Northeast Florida League of Cities meeting on May 18, 1995. Commissioner Rosenbloom: - thanked the City Manager and Police Chief for a recent firearms demonstration. - encouraged the rapid construction of 16th Street dune overwalk. Commissioner Shaughnessy: - requested decision regard the Seminole Road ditch, and asked that this matter be placed on the next agenda. - inquired concerning the status of the new Tree Committee to which Mayor Fletcher the committee had been appointed and the chairperson would be appointed by the committee at its first meeting. Mayor Fletcher: - reported recycling had been very successful. - reminded everyone of the upcoming Town Center festival May 20, 1995. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p. m. 1441 "' r//� % / 1 •man T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding officer A T E S T• . Mau een King l City Clerk s. mqs CITY OF l ' a�iG�e2KG Fead �f4rLl GtrGL POLICE DEPARTMENT 850 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 : TELEPHONE (904)249-5606 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: E911 CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY : CHIEF DAVID E. THOMPSON DATE : MAY 4 , 1995 BACKGROUND: E911 funds are collected each month through a surcharge on each telephone line in Duval County . This money is collected by Southern Bell and administered by a E911 committee each year . Our past practice has been to refund money back to the local governments based on the work performed by each agency for E911 emergency communications . For Atlantic Beach, we estimated that about 25% of the emergency communications work is E911 . Each quarter of the year , the Atlantic Beach Finance Department determines the salary and benefits for emergency communications operators . This is submitted to E911 , and they send Atlantic Beach a check for 25% of the total compensation . This has been approximately $10 ,000 per quarter which comes back to Atlantic Beach. The updated contract is similar to the previous one, and the dollar amount in the contract appears to be enough to cover all funding to which we are entitled. RECOMMENDATION : TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED CONTRACT ATTACHMENTS : PROPOSED CONTRACT REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER : an ' V _ 06p, AGENDA ITEM: �✓ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the parties hereto are the City of Jacksonville Beach, the City of Atlantic Beach, the City of Neptune Beach, hereinafter referred to as the "Cities" and the City of Jacksonville; and WHEREAS, the parties have entered into dialogue pursuant to creating a distribution formula for dividing the proceeds collected via the 9-1-1 User Fee to be used to pay a portion of the salaries and related expenses for 9-1-1 Call Takers for that portion of their time spent answering and handling 9-1-1 calls under the provisions of Section 365. 171, Florida Statutes, as authorized to be imposed by the governing body of Duval County; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Jacksonville acting as the governing body of Duval County, Florida has maintained the 9-1-1 User Fee at $.44 per month for the present fiscal year 1994-95 and has authorized the fees collected to be used to fund an Interlocal Agreement wherein the Cities will receive their pro rata share to be used for lawful purpose; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto are entering into this Interlocal Agreement pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of Section 365. 171, Florida Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed: 1. Each of the parties hereto shall receive a distribution proportion of the 9-1-1 User Fee calculated by taking the total Call-Takers actual salary expenditures from each party, adding 30% for benefits and applying 9-1-1 call volume data to determine the amount of distribution. The maximum amount to be distributed as a result of this calculation is as follows: Neptune Beach $ 47, 922 Atlantic Beach 47, 106 Jacksonville Beach 104,481 2 . Fees collected shall be remitted to the Tax Collector on behalf of Duval County and a portion shall be remitted to the respective City Manager or Finance Director or his/her designee on a quarterly basis. 3 . The 9-1-1 User Fees collected and distributed as provided herein shall be utilized only for salaries and associated expenses, as provided for in Section 365. 171, Florida Statutes. 4 . Each party accepting funds hereby agrees to provide an audit or accounting of such funds and how they were expended in accordance with Section 11. 45, Florida Statutes. 5. Each party hereto hereby acknowledges full payment and performance under all prior agreements on this subject and hereby waives any rights to assert any claim for failure of performance in prior years. Executed as of the dates indicated herein below by the parties hereto. ATTEST: -- CITY OF JACKSONVILLE By: Corporation Secretary Ed Austin, Mayor Date: ATTEST: CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH By: Its Mayor By: Its City Manager Date: ATTEST: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH By: Its Mayor Date: ATTEST: CITY OF NEPTUNE BEACH By: Its Mayor Date: Form Approved: Assistant Counsel • - . lxh%b11 l g, iqi c interoffice MEMORANDUM to: Lt. Jared 1. Smith, Pension Board Representative cc: Mayor and City Commission, Pension.Board, Finance Director from: Kim D. Leinbach ��`. at • re: Pension Disability Benefits date: April 27, 1995 I am in receipt of your letter dated April 15, 1995 regarding the above noted subject and am willing to present the same to the City Commission at the May 8, 1995 regularly scheduled meeting. I believe it would be most helpful if you could arrange your schedule to attend this meeting as well. Please advise if tmay be of further service. from the desk of... Kim D.Leinbach City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 (904)241-5800 Fax:(904)241-5805 April 15, 1995 Mr. Kim Leinbach City Manager, City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 Lt. Jared I . Smith Pension Board Representative 850 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl . 32233 RE: Pension Benefits for Public Safety Employees Dear Sir: In 1993 , during the workshops and discussions of Pension Benefit increases for Police and Fire Fighters, the following benefit changes were discussed and agreed on: a) Increase the benefit factor for Police Officers and Fire Fighters from 2.4% to 3% , b) Allow retirement at age 50 with 20 years of service, or retirement at any age with 25 or more years of service and, c) Eliminate the service requirement for eligibility for a disability pension if incurred in the line of duty, providing a minimum benefit of 42% of final average salary for a duty disability. When the benefit changes were voted on by the Commission, the disability benefit was not included in it's entirety. The vesting requirement was eliminated, but the minimum 42% of final average salary wording was not included. I am of the opinion that this was an oversight that occurred during the drawn out legislative process. There was never a proposal discussed that is similar to the one that was passed. Proposal (J) of the Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Co. study (attached) is the only one ever presented that referred to disability retirement. It is the proposed change that was accepted by the employees and presented to the Commission by Lt. Garvin. The actuaries, Gabriel , Roeder, Smith & Company, prepared a study of the costs associated with those proposals as they related to total payroll. The cost of the disability proposal including the 42% of final average salary, was . 25% of payroll or less than $1 , 500 at the time of the report. This was by far the least expensive item in the proposed changes. The City Commissioners, according to then Pension Board Member Lt. Garvin (retired) , were all in favor of that proposal . Page Two Pension Benefits I have discussed this predicament with Kent Armstrong of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company. Mr. Armstrong maintains that since part of the proposal was adopted and funded, the cost of including the compensation portion would be something less than . 25% of payroll . He could not provide exact amounts without further study. I would urge you to present this information to the current City Commission and seek their cooperation in correcting this obvious oversight. In light of the small dollar amount involved, I would hope the Commission would allow the City to absorb the cost. If they are not receptive to that, then I would poll the employees for their agreement in contributing the needed amount through payroll deduction. C7. 4osal H - A combination of proposals C and D. • Adoption of this proposal would require an ADDITIONAL contribution of: /Adoption -:/// Percent of Payroll FY 90/91 Dollars / Police With inclusion 4.05% $23,966 Without inclusion 7.85 46,453 Fire With inclusion 3.08 7,301 Without inclusion 7.35 17,423 Proposal I - A combination of proposals C, D and E. Adoption of this proposal would require an ADDITIONAL contribution of: Percent of Payroll FY 90/91 Dollars Police With inclusion 5.71% $33,789 Without inclusion 9.39 56,566 Fire With inclusion 4.42 10,478 Without inclusion 8.62 20,434 The additional contribution needed to support the proposed changes in retirement eligibility are dependent on actual utilization. The cost shown above in proposals F, G, H, and I would increase (decrease) if utilization were higher (lower) than assumed. Proposal J - Eliminate the service requirement for eligibility for a disability pension if disability was incurred in the line of duty. Provide a minimum benefit of 42% of final average salary for a duty disability pension. Calculate all disability pensions with a 3.0% benefit multiplier. Adoption of this proposal would require an ADDITIONAL contribution of: Percent of Payroll FY 90/91 Dollars Police With inclusion 0.25% $1 ,479 Without inclusion 0.70 4, 142 Fire With inclusion 0.20 474 Without inclusion 0.85 2,015 The additional contributions needed to support the proposed disability benefit are ultimately dependent upon the administration of this benefit. It is conceivable that the costs for this benefit could be up to five times those shown above. GABRIEL, ROEDER,SMITH &COMPANY 1" ti 1 r TALLY OF BALLOTS FOR SELECTION OF A DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER LINES AND CONFLICTING UTILITIES IN SALTAIR SUBDIVISION - CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 8, 1995 City Commissioners ranked the engineering firms in order of preference with #1 being their first choice and #5 being their last choice. m E m 0 ✓ 0 • -1 c m A A A • tT 0 m c c - m 4) m m v -H 3• C° H 3 P4 TYPAL Connelly & Wicker, Inc. 4 5 3 3 4 19 J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. 1 1 2 1 5 10 Pitman Hartenstein & Assoc. 5 3 1 5 2 16 Sims Design Consulting, Inc. 3 4 5 2 1 15 Smith & Gillespie Engineers 2 2 4 4 3 15 � teyfi /D PP v -7r-n-liA i 114(1) W.7ZGt/� 4W7- 47)/ , (-704-7-1-7, •e. • -747--)-2',/ • r-ke--7)#7-7q - f Ann Alk 1 WW/7 1 7/7 14e/77 I / r7e/P71V91 6/ -74 'r,7(77 /1 ' ,i,,..4 , ,,,, , ,,) \\,, kr u di 7.4, / a v - ki ti � y I „ — kf) 00 ct. ' ;.) ) . 3, ,zi, ‘ _ 0 ‘ r. • --.1 ,_ , _ Q- ., P . 4J 44 a cg • -