10-03-95 v 7 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995 AGENDA Call to order 1. Canvass the results of the municipal election, and adopt Resolution No. 95-31 declaring the results thereof 2. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ELECTION MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN THE ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER, 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD, ATLANTIC BEACH, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995 Before the City Commission meeting, representatives of the office of the Duval County Supervisor of Elections, witnessed by Commissioners, candidates and their guests, and city employees, counted and verified the count of the votes cast. The Commission meeting was called to order at 8:45 PM by Mayor Fletcher. Present, in addition to the Mayor, were Commissioners, Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, Waters, and Weiss. Also present were City Attorney Jensen, Deputy City Manager Jarboe and City Clerk King. 1. Canvass the results of the municipal election and adopt Resolution No. 95-31 declaring the results thereof. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 95-31, A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR-COMMISSIONER AND TWO COMMISSIONERS. Certification of the official results of said election is attached hereto and are as follows: Mayor/Commissioner, Seat 1 Lyman T. Fletcher - Elected (2 years) Commissioner, Seat 2 John S. Meserve - Elected (4 years) Commissioner, Seat 3 Timothy R. Reed - Elected (4 years) Commissioner Rosenbloom moved for adoption of Resolution No. 95-31. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiss and was unanimously approved. 2. Any other business Mayor Fletcher thanked the outgoing commissioners for their service and congratulated the successful candidates and reminded them that they were now subject to the provisions of Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law and cautioned them about discussing city business with each other. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. .41/1111 Lyman T. etcher, Mayor ATTEST: 1# jA7);1^— Maur- � Maur• -n King, CMC City Clerk GC/v/4 t 10/3/g5 MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 3, 1995 PRECINCTS OFFICE 03F 03G 03H TOTAL VOTE MAYOR SEAT 1 (Vote for One) *LYMAN T. FLETCHER 20 420 381 581 1,382 BOB WEISS 21 314 210 418 942 COMMISSIONER SEAT 2 (Vote for One) DOROTHY KERBER 22 290 159 339 788 *JOHN MESERVE 23 415 406 642 1, 463 COMMISSIONER SEAT 3 (Vote for One) *TIM REED 24 429 319 628 1, 376 DEZMOND WATERS 25 292 264 354 910 TOTAL MACHINE VOTES 740 598 1022 2, 360 ABSENTEES FIGURED IN ABOVE COUNT ABSENTEES FOR PRECINCTS: 03F (24) 03G(18) 03H(50) TOTAL(92) * ASTERISK - INDICATES WINNER ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 7, 485 SEAL: Official Results of Atlantic Beach Municipal Election held Tuesday, October 3, 1995. 4/7-IVO-- /e,e-e-e- '61 (Mrs. ) TOMMIE R. BELL /., Supervisor of Election