01-17-94 v MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 7 : 15 P. M. ON MONDAY, JANUARY 17 , 1994 Present : Mayor Lyman T. Fletcher Commissioner Steven Rosenbloom Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III Commissioner Robert G. Weiss And: Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe City Attorney Alan Jensen City Clerk Maureen King Public Hearings - Water & Sewer Assessments Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order and explained the two step process the Commission would follow as set forth in Florida Statute 170 . 08 . He explained a public hearing would be conducted at which time the Commission would hear testimony from interested parties as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements to serve affected property owners and as to the cost and method of payment therefor. Following the testimony, the public hearing would be closed, and the Commission would adjourn and reconvene as a equalizing board to hear and consider any and all complaints as to the special assessments , at which time the Commission would adjust and equalize the assessments if they deemed it appropriate. The Mayor asked Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, to explain the four projects which were the subject of the proposed assessments. Mr. Kosoy explained the following projects would be discussed: ( 1 ) special assessment for a sewer line to serve property owners on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets; ( 2 ) special assessments for a water line to serve property owners on Ocean Boulevard, Dewees Avenue, and Coquina Place, ( 3 ) special assessments for a water line to serve property owners on a section of Ocean Grove Drive, and (4) special assessments for a sewer line to serve property owners on a section of Ocean Grove Drive . Mayor Fletcher explained property owners would have the opportunity to pay assessments in full or to finance the assessments at 5 . 91% over a 12 year period. He read a proposed payment plan if one wished to make monthly payments (see attached proposed payment plan - (Exhibit A) . Mayor Fletcher asked Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, to introduce the new Finance Director, Ann Meuse . Sewer Line - Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets Page 2 Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Alan Jensen, City Attorney, presented in full , in writing, Resolution No. 93-42 , which had been approved by the Commission in October, 1993 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170, FOR A SEWER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS BETWEEN 17TH AND 18TH STREET ON SEMINOLE ROAD, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements, and as to the cost and method of payment therefor, and invited comments from the audience . Ed Morin, 1849 Seminole Road, felt the only fair way to assess property owners was to have everyone pay the same assessment, as everyone received the same benefits. He felt that sewer line only extended 66 feet on his property, but his assessment was for 75 . 35 feet. He explained in every case except for his concrete driveways had to be broken up and new sections of driveways poured, and trees and shrubs had to be relocated. Mr. Morin also felt location of manholes should not enter into any individual assessment as they were necessary for maintenance of the entire sewer line . Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. A Motion was made by Commissioner Weiss, seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy, and passed to accept the recommendation of staff to install a Sewer line on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Street, and pay for same with assessments to be levied against property owners. . A question arose regarding the cost of having a plumber connect properties to the new sewer line, and it was explained the property owner was responsible for paying a plumber to connect to the sewer line . It was explained the city was not requiring homeowners to connect immediately to the sewer. Commissioner Waters declared that he had a conflict of interest since he owned property in the impacted area and would not vote on the matter. Form 8B, Memorandum of Voting Conflict, has been completed by Commissioner Waters and is attached hereto. Mayor Fletcher adjourned the meeting as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements . Mayor Fletcher reconvened the meeting as an equalizing board to consider individual concerns . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Page 3 • Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Bob Kosoy referred to Mr. Morin' s comments and explained the city placed new sod on Mr. Morin' s property, to which Mr. Morin responded he felt the cost incurred for the sod was minimal . Mr. Kosoy felt the amount of footage for which Mr. Morin was assessed was accurate, and he indicated he felt assessing by front footage was the most equitable method. It was explained the neighborhood was having sewer installed because a septic tank had failed completely and it was felt other septic tanks would fail in the future . Mr. Morin stated he felt everyone should pay the same assessment for sewer . He felt it was a usual procedure to place sewer line down the middle of a street, to which Mr. Jarboe explained the normal procedure in placing sewer was to do the job the way the city planned to do it, by placing the sewer line on the sides of the street . It was explained to Mr. Morin that he had the highest amount of front footage on the street . Nancy White, 1729 Seminole Road, indicated she paid for a manhole because it was placed in such a way to protect trees she wished to preserve. Mayor Fletcher indicated it would be necessary to add additional cost to the assessments to pay for advertisements, and that computer software might also have to be purchased. A motion was made by Commissioner Rosenbloom, seconded by Commissioner Weiss, and passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Waters abstaining, to set the assessment for sewer line on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets as indicated by staff according to the attached Preliminary Assessment Roll (Exhibit B) and to include advertisement costs of $1 , 303 . 40, and any computer software costs that might be incurred. A discussion ensued relative to larger lots being assessed more than smaller lots and it was felt the larger lots were more valuable than the smaller lots and, thus in an effort to be fair lots were assessed according to front footage . It was determined Mr. Morin did not pay any more than anyone else for manhole charges . Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing of the equalizing board. Water line - Ocean Blvd. , Dewees Ave. , and Coquina Place Page 4 Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Alan Jensen, City Attorney, presented in full , in writing, Resolution No. 93-43 , which had been approved by the Commission in October. 1993 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170 , FOR A WATER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS ON SECTIONS OF OCEAN BOULEVARD, DEWEES AVENUE, SEMINOLE ROAD AND COQUINA PLACE KNOWN AS OCEAN GROVE UNIT TWO, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements as to the cost and method of payment therefor, and invited comments from the audience. Harriet L. James, 89 Dewees Avenue, presented a letter to the Commission ( see attached Exhibit C) and asked for a reduction of front footage from 85 feet to 65 feet . She indicated Duval County utilized a formula to calculate front footage and she asked the Commission to afford her the same method. She indicated she owned a pie shaped lot which was very small in that it was narrow in the back and wide in the front. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Commissioner Shaughnessy, seconded by Commissioner Weiss, and passed on a vote of 5-0 to accept the recommendation of staff to install a water line on Ocean Boulevard, Dewees Avenue, and Coquina Place, and pay for sane with assessments to be levied against property owners Mayor Fletcher adjourned the meeting as to the propriety and advisability of making water line improvements. Mayor Fletcher reconvened the meeting as an equalizing board to consider individual concerns . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the floor. It was pointed out lot 7 already had city water and had been included on the assessment roll in error, and should be removed. Bob Kosoy referred to comments from Harriet L. James and indicated the lot was of unusual size. He felt that it would be unwise to address the issue, however, because all other property owners in the project would have to absorb the additional cost if Mrs . James ' assessment was reduced. It was determined Duval County arrived at a lower footage for the lot through an appraisal process for taxing purposes, and Page 5 • Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - that the city needed to be compensated for the front footage of pipe that was installed. Commissioner Waters felt it would be fair to charge property owners the same of amount of money. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Weiss, seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy, and passed on a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Waters voting nay, to set the assessment for water line on Ocean Blvd. , Dewees Avenue, and Coquina Place as indicated by staff according to the attached Preliminary Assessment Roll (Exhibit D) and to include advertisement costs of $1 , 455 . 80 , and any computer software costs that might be incurred ( Lot 7 to be excluded from the assessment roll and the cost of $1 ,856 . 78 spread among the other properties) Commissioner Rosenbloom asked Mr. Kosoy if there was a more equitable method of distributing assessments, to which Mr. Kosoy replied in his estimation the method of the length of pipe in the ground in front of a property owner' s home was the most equitable method. It was explained water was brought into the neighborhood because a well was leaking severely and the Health Department indicated the well had to be closed. Mr. Rosenbloom asked if there would be a cost saving if sewer was placed at the same time to which Mr. Kosoy replied there would be no cost saving to install water and sewer at the same time. Water Line Improvements - Ocean Grove Drive Alan Jensen, City Attorney, presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 93-53 , which had been approved by the Commission in October, 1993 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170, FOR A WATER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS ON A SECTION OF OCEAN GROVE DRIVE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Jim Jarboe explained this work would complete the water line on Ocean Grove Drive, and that the Water Management District had indicated this area should be connected to city water. The Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing as to the propriety and advisability of making water line improvements and as to the cost and method of payment therefor, and invited comments from the floor. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. Page 6 Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Commissioner Waters indicated that he had a conflict of interest since he owned property in the impacted area and would not vote on the matter. A motion was made by Commissioner Shaughnessy, seconded by Commissioner Weiss, and passed on a vote of 4-0 to accept recommendation of staff to install a water line on a section of Ocean Grove Drive and pay for same with assessments to be levied against property owners Mayor Fletcher adjourned the meeting as to the propriety and advisability of making water line improvements . Mayor Fletcher reconvened the meeting as an equalizing board to consider individual concerns . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited anyone who wished to make comments to step forward. Bob Frohwein, 73 Ocean Side Drive, indicated he was representing his mother-in-law, Lea C. Waters, who lived at 1810 Ocean Grove Drive, lots 26 and 27 . He indicated several years ago he purchased lots 11 and 12 on the east side of Ocean Grove Drive and he provided water at his own expense in order to build on the lots . He indicated he paid hydraulic shares in the amount of approximately $15 , 000 . He explained he extended water and sewer to the house of his mother-in-law. He indicated Ms . Waters received a letter indicating she would be assessed for a water line for lot 26 , only, and he asked the Commission to exempt lot 26 from the assessment roll since Ms. Waters already had water. He explained the house of Ms. Waters was build on both lots . Commissioner Shaughnessy suggested having the two lots replatted to one lot and in this way the two lots could never be sold separately at some time in the future. After discussion it was determined this would have to be done by ordinance . After discussion it was felt Lea C. Waters would not receive anv special benefit from the water line and thus lot 26 should be exempt from assessment . Fiona Strathern indicated she represented Thaddeus M. Mosley, 1820 Seminole Road, Lot 29 , and questioned if the property would allow for two taps , to which Mr. Kosoy replied the city would put a "y" so that two taps could be accomplished. Page 7 Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Waters declared that he had a conflict of interest, and would not vote on the matter A motion was made by Commissioner Rosenbloom, seconded by Commissioner Weiss , and passed on a vote of 4-0 with Commissioner Waters abstaining to set the assessment for water line on Ocean Grove Drive, exempting lot 26 from the assessment, as indicated by staff according to the attached Preliminary Assessment Roll (Exhibit E) and to include advertising costs of $1 , 382 . 60 , and any computer software costs that might be incurred (The amount of the assessment against lot 26 to be spread among the other properties) Sewer Line - Ocean Grove Drive Alan Jensen, City Attorney, presented in full , in writing, Resolution 93-54 , which had been approved by the Commission in October, 1993 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DECLARING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 170, FOR A SEWER LINE TO SERVE THE PROPERTY OWNERS ON OCEAN GROVE DRIVE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements, as to the cost and method of payment therefor, and invited comments from the audience . Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing . Commissioner Waters declared that he had a conflict of interest, and would not vote on the matter. A motion was made by Commissioner Weiss, seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy, and passed to accept the recommendation of staff to install a sewer line on Ocean Grove Drive Mayor Fletcher adjourned the meeting as to the propriety and advisability of making sewer line improvements. Mayor Fletcher reconvened the meeting as an equalizing board to consider individual concerns . age Minutes of Special CalledPMeeting January 17 , 1994 - He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the floor. It was explained the properties in the area from the sewer clean-out to where the new sewer line begins should not be assessed. Lots 9 , 10, 25 and 26 line already existed to serve these properties . However, the west 75 feet of lot 8 would still be assessed. A discussion ensued relative to lot 27 and Robert Frohwein, who represented Lea C. Waters, 1810 Ocean Grove Drive, lots 26 and 27 , felt lot 27 should be exempt from assessment. He explained several years ago he ran a sewer line to the house of Ms . Waters, who is his mother-in-law. He explained since the house was located on both lots, no benefit would be received by Ms. Waters by tapping into the sewer line . Commissioner Rosenbloom felt some restitution should be made as Mr. Frohwein had already paid to bring sewer to lot 26 , and now the city was asking to be paid again. Alan Jensen felt lot 8 should be treated the same as lot 27, to which Mr. Frohwein felt lot 27 was different in that it was joined with lot 26 by an existing home, but lot 8 was an empty lot. Mr. Frohwein asked the Commission to exempt lot 27 from sewer in the same manner that lot 26 was exempted from water. it was felt by some that if lot 27 was exempted, lot 8 should also be exempted. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. Commissioner Waters declared that he had a conflict of interest , and would not vote on the matter. A motion was made by Commissioner Weiss, seconded by Commissioner Fletcher, and passed to set the assessment for sewer line on Ocean Grove Drive according to the attached Preliminary Assessment Roll (Exhibit F) with the following exemptions: lots 9, 10, 25 and 26, and to include advertisement costs of $937 . 20, and any computer software costs that might be incurred It was clarified that the amount of assessments that were exempted would be distributed among the remaining sewer recipients . Commissioner Waters felt that lots 9 , 10 , 25 and 26 should never have been included in the assessments because they already had sewer and water. Page 9 • Minutes of Special Called Meeting January 17 , 1994 - Mayor Fletcher announced the public hearings on assessments had been completed. There being no further business to come before the city commission, the mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 n . m . Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: ir_ 2kLLLaJIV21i Mau een King City Clerk • EXHIBIT A - GZna C.41 -wt AT 5.91% MONTHLY PAYMENTS OVER A 12 YEAR ( 144 PAYMENTS) PERIOD WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: 100 - $0.97 PER MONTH $1,000 - $9.71 PER MONTH $1, 500 - $14. 51 PER MONTH $2, 000 - $19.42 PER MONTH $3, 000 - $29 . 14 PER MONTH $4,000 - $38.84 PER MONTH . • — EXHIBIT B • PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SEMINOLE ROAD SEWER (Ocean Grove Unit 2 ) ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Legal Description/ Property Owner Est. Front Estimated Street Address Footage Assessment Lot 35 Morin, Edward H. 74.35 $5, 442.05 169629-0000 1849 Seminole Rd 1849 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 36 Jeffery, David L. 60.01 4,392.43 169630-0000 1843 Seminole Rd. 1843 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 37 Rennie, Janice J.B. 60.01 4,392.43 169630-0500 1839 Seminole Rd. 1839 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 38 Waters, James D. , III 60.01 4,392.43 169631-0000 1835 Seminole Rd. 1835 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 39 Waters, James D. Jr. et al 60.01 4,392.43 169632-0000 1835 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 40 Vaughn, Gary R. 61.86 4, 527.84 169633-0000 1813 Seminole Rd. - 1811 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 41 Levine, Michael S. 61.83 4. 525. 65 169634-0000 1769 Seminole Rd. 1769 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 42 Russell, Robin M. 61.83 4, 525.65 169635-0000 1767 Seminole Rd. 1767 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 43 Coalson, James M. 61.83 4, 525. 65 169636-0000 1765 Seminole Rd. 1765 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 N 1/2 Lot 44 McCrabb, Michael H. 30.9 2, 261.73 169636-0200 104 Prospect Hill 1763 Seminole Rd. Newport, RI 02840 S 1/2 Lot 44 Shadden, E. Blocker 30.9 2, 261.73 169636-0400 1761 Seminole Rd. 1761 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 8 TAC C i .� / ry /(4-e /� 7c� et - c75! • N 1/2 Lot 45 Maticko, Eugene R. 30.9 2, 261.73 169637-0000 10709 Howerton Av. 1759 Seminole Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 S 1/2 Lot 45 Laroche, Freda 30. 9 2, 261 .73 169637-0500 1757 Seminole Rd 1757 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 N 1/2 Lot 46 Brewer, John R. IV 30 2, 195.85 169639-0000 1755 Seminole Rd. 1755 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Pt. Lot 46 Recd Brown, Howard S. 30 2, 195. 85 0/R BK 3856-316 1753 Seminole Rd. 169639-0010 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1753 Seminole Rd. S 1/2 Lot 47 Jacobson, Samuel S. 30 2, 195.85 169639-0100 2359 Seminole Rd. 1747 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 N 1/2 Lot 47 Hagist, David H. 30 2, 195.85 169639-0200 1749 Seminole Rd. 1749 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 48 (Ex S 1/2) Flowers, Nora B. 30 2, 195.85 169640-0000 1743 Seminole Rd. 1743 Seminole Rd. Atlantib Beach, FL 32233 S 1/2 Lot 48 Hastings, Robert D. 30 2, 195.85 169640-0500 1741 Seminole Rd. 1741 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 49 (Ex N 1/2 ) Pigford, Kathryn N. 30 2, 195.85 169641-0000 1735 Seminole Rd. 1735 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 N 1/2 Lot 49 Flood, William W. 30 2, 195.85 169641-0100 1737 Seminole Rd. 1737 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 N 1/2 Lot 50 Laurin, Suzanne R. 30 2, 195.85 169642-0000 1731 Seminole Rd. 1731 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 S 1/2 Lot 50 White, Anne B. 30 3, 755.85 169642-0050 1729 Seminole Rd. ( Includes 1729 Seminole Rd. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Manhole) Pt Lot 51 Recd Scott, James S. 39 .48 -0- 0/R BK 6763-785 1721 Seminole Rd. ( Existing 169643-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 sewer) 1721 Seminole Rd. Pt Lot 51 Recd Coleman, Bennie L. 35.57 -0- 0/R BK 6711-1957 742 Cathy Tripp La. ( Existing 169634-0010 Jacksonville, FL 32220 sewer) 1723 Seminole Rd. Assessments shall be paid in 144 equal monthly payments with interest at a rate not to exceed 5.91% per annum of the unpaid balances. 304114 ,i..' • viA,P `SHOWING SURVEY OF LOT?.6,. .B.,GOCK...4 ,:,;.00EAN. GROVE UNIT NO. .1. , AS RI',CURDI?D IN 1,1,AT 130(3 15 , PAGE; �8.2;:bEitT>HE, CURRENTj!'P,UBLIC ;RECORDS O[� DUVAL, COUNTY , FLORIDA . �) •7. i 0:',: -.'i • 0, ,,7y� � ,1 } ,,;•••,•„,f , %+ '.,!' ''').. ��'••, 5, 5 a;.i/ :z/r r ,P�s�,,-..�-.ter �3R3 T. i , ,..`i' 1.• , '''•f..fiv.„+,j-? '�i:' .. 1. /�,fl •^:0. ••4'•1.15,-f---"- ti"C it >,+�. _f,, 3 f P� t. <, N' eti , ,, ,..., 'y' ,.4' G�. / 0.4 00 i - . P G / /r tit 00 (1) 0 oT o o 0 • EXHIBIT C Tv; d/z‘-z2 / .47,y,- (P,4, L° 1,f /ice' Ir _ !/A.A i IA-, - _.� /!�. .i 26-, -t. 2 7 a_4_,Lid,t. 267,t 7e.b G , el..oe_16 Qcea4v i1, boa / LA. (6S'J moo, a . cL a ‘2_,4) ,ate �ch�. 164;4_,u_la,)40,6 4,4 6,46 xlivfird1 . p0127afo log. ,k 14,61,5;z221, ip/, 416 brdr.I odo{ y / toq ' _ I S 0, 417 ' -' - (0,S l'mn e, J 5O, 09 ' , = 75 o pLAi . .L ' i /1-.0 ' . �� /• I L .% A._e] I. 65- /x 7s -40-4;74' 65-p-/i-t-p47`att - ' alaa- airy ..( laS'x100 i. /aid 74-4'i —14L GrA _491/c/z1z. Griti /JY/)57, 9/tic-4t& _ 0-7+ y � y -_ 2.33 Duval Coum y 9F S REQUESTED dL I6CT 09/07/93 AT 09:04 554 4- - PAGE169�66F000� BAN ?Or tfIKNo S7D PT LOT 7XNTIQCA W, FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH 32233 BK 551-902 8(91 VA40,040p44AL 40CAMN 40,04„ PE 91 Di s 0 E PTImIJ 0 B1080309�. NAE DING 3351 MK WS SALE HE PERMIT NO TYPE DATE AMOUNT REC BLDG CODE DESC LENGTH \% WIDTH UNITS ADJ PRICE EYB DT PCTAp��lS ST YNTrrAL E VALUE 25;52, 5s 1.6G D j /3 6,4C7 i 6,zD.o 9 / FFSSCC 7 p� REY b��� BACANT RESIDENTIAL F A GIG%FRNAR ) "9EPaUj gI00 TP ACRE 80-p00 81], REASON I�AJ ,A- LAN TOTAL waif 36aoo - EXHIBIT D - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL (Water) OCEAN BLVD. , DEWEES AV. & COQUINA PLACE (OCEAN GROVE UNIT 1, S/D Pt. Lot 7 ) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Street Address/ Property Owner Front Estimated Estimated Legal Description Footage Assmt. Lot 11, Block 1 Sheppard, William J. 65 $1, 609.21 169551-0000 215 Washington Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 Lot 12, Block 1 Dimoush, Albert J. , et al 65 1, 609.21 66 Dewees Av. 66 Dewees Av. 169552-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 13, Block 1 Permenter, William G. 55 1, 361. 64 78 Dewees Av. 78 Dewees Av. 169553-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 14, Block 1 Sackett, Richard L. 55 1, 361 . 64 88 Dewees Av. 88 Dewees Av. 169554-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lots 15 & 16 Block 1 Goodloe, Katherine K. 62. 1 -0-* 1611 Ocean Bv. 54 Dolphin Dr. L69555-0000 St. Augustine, FL 32084-4560 Lot 1, Block 4 Sanford, Edward J. , Jr. 50 1,237.85 1615 Seminole Rd. 1615 Seminole Rd. 169558-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 2, Block 4 Morton, Thomas K. 4_,e-:T16-E... RaDR445111b0- -0-* 1614 Coquina Place 1614 Coquina PlaceI QECITED To 5T. A/GOsIliiE 169559-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lots 3 & 11 Block 4 Mattox, Elmer B. 100 2, 475.70 1608 Coquina Place 1608 Coquina Place 169560-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 4, Block 4 Shepherd, Robin 55. 6 1, 376.49 1604 Coquina Place 73 Dewees Av. 169561-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 5, Block 4 Shepherd, Robin W. 59 . 6 1, 475. 52 73 Dewees Av. 73 Dewees Av. 169561-0010 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 6, Block 4 James, Harriett L. 85 2, 104.35 169562-0000 89 Dewees Av. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 A4L 6 c, ...iL (,,,i%< ; ,-t cz (.l i�_ Lot 7, Block 4 James, Harriett L. 75 1, 856.78 J-89 Dewees Av. 89 Dewees Av. 169563-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lots 8 & 9, Block 4 Alteri, Allan 111 .3 2, 755. 45 169564-0000 1639 Ocean Bv. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 10, Block 4 Reynolds, Dean Witter Inc. 50 1, 237.85 169564-0020 Custodian for Harry R. James, Jr. 1634 Panther Ridge Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32225 * Existing water service Assessments shall be paid in 144 equal monthly payments with interest at a rate not to exceed 5.91% per annum of the unpaid balances. +/Sict „ J�v1� ^�� `}G� %�LG �.C��l c��G✓ .C�1 f'_�:y :tr (L.� (t.t��u�Gl.��'tLl_Gl r Q.�.• L, G1 e-fid 7ri.Gy� ,f9Vn �v 7 r / D' t dp • • S — EXHIBIT E 4, PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL (Water) OCEAN GROVE DRIVE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Street Address/ Property Owner Front Estimated Legal Description Footage Assessment Ocean Grove Unit 2 Neville, Cynthia E. 60 -0-* Lot 3 1839 Ocean Grove Dr. 1839 Ocean Grove Dr. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169599-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Fisher, Marjorie I. 60 $1, 600.20 Lot 4 1837 Ocean Grove Dr. 1835/1837 Ocean Grove Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169600-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Jordan, Thomas J. 60 $1, 600.20 Lot 5 1827 Ocean Grove Dr. 1827 Ocean Grove Dr. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169601-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Marshburn, Charles 60 -0-* W 83.35 ft Lot 6 8611 Lake Marietta Dr. S. 169602-1000 Jacksonville, FL 32220 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Ritchie, Michael S. 60 $1 , 600.20 W 83.34 ft Lot 7 528 Pine Street 169603-0000 Neptune Beach, FL 32266 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Sutton, Craig M. et al 120 $3, 200.40 W 75 ft Lot 8, Lot 9, 1746 Beach Av. Pt. Lot 4 Sec 9-2S-29E Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Recd 0/R BK 6633-1602 169605-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Waters, Lea C. 60 $1, 600. 20 Lots 26 & 27 1810 Ocean Grove Dr. ( Lot 26 only) 169620-0000 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 27* 1810 Ocean Grove Dr. Ocean Grove Unit 2 Grady, Amber L. 60 $1, 600. 20 Lot 28 331 Beach, 88 St 1820 Ocean Grove Dr. Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 169622-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Mosley, Thaddeus M. 60 $1, 600. 20 Lot 29 1820 Seminole Road 1824/26 Ocean Grove Dr Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169623-0000 A f'' f^L- .t, Ocean Grove Unit 2 Showalter, Russell H. Jr. 60 $1, 600. 20 Lot 30 7819 Glen Echo Rd. N. 1830/32 Ocean Grove Dr Jacksonville, FL 32211 169624-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Johnson, Steven T. 60 $1, 600. 20 Lot 31 1834 Ocean Grove Dr 1834 Ocean Grove Dr. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169625-0000 Ocean Grove Unit 2 Warren, Hazel K. 60 $1, 600.20 Lot 32 1838 Ocean Grove Dr. 1838 Ocean Grove Dr. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 169626-0000 *Existing water service Assessments shall be paid in 144 equal monthly payments with interest at a rate not to exceed 5.91% per annum of the unpaid balances. - �' EXHIBIT F PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL (SEWER) OCEAN GROVE DRIVE (OCEAN GROVE UNIT II) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA Street Address/ Front Estimated Legal Description Property Owner Footage Assessment Lot 1 (EX Sl/2) Crawford, Mary C. 43 $ 1, 671. 84 RE#169598-0000 1849 Ocean Grove Dr. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 S1/2 Lot 1 Fagons , Lynda L. — a-�t'�'�''. 30�'` - 0-* RE#169598-0100 3259 Old Barn Road W.kiJ Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32'082 N1/2 Lot 2 Gant, Karen D. 30 1, 166 .40 RE#169598-0200 1843 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 S1/2 Lot 2, Pt Parker, Cheryl J. 30 1, 166.40 Lot 4 Recd O/R Bk 1841 Ocean Grove Drive 6091-713 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE#169598-0300 Lot 3 Neville, Cynthia E. 60 2 , 332 . 80 RE#169599-0000 1839 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 4 Fisher, Majory I . 60 2, 332. 80 RE#169600-0000 1837 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 5 Jordan, Thomas J. 60 2, 332 . 80 RE#169601-0000 1827 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 W 83. 35FT Lot 6 Marshburn, Charles 60 -0-* RE#169602-1000 8611 Lake Marietta Dr. S Jacksonville, FL 32220 W 83.34FT Lot 7 Ritchie, Michael S . 60 2 , 332. 80 RE#169603-0000 528 Pine Street Neptune Beach, FL 32266 W 75FT Lot 8 , Lot Sutton, Craig M ET AL 120 4, 665. 60 9 , Pt Lot 4 Sec 9- 1746 Beach Avenue 2S-29E Recd O/R Bk Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 6633-1602 RE#169605-0000 Lot 10 Waters-Johnson, Angela M. 60 2 , 332 . 80 RE#169606-0000 1835 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 ,l�Q i {.. Lot 25 Drysdale, Charles ET AL 60 2 , 332.80 RE#169619-0100 160 Sylvan Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lots 26, 27 Waters , Lea C. 120 4,665.6.0 RE#169620-0000 1810 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 28 Grady, Amber L. 60 2 , 332. 80 RE#169622-0000 331 Beach, 88 St. Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 Lot 29 Mosley, Thaddeus M. 60 2 , 332 .80 RE#169623-0000 1820 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 30 Showalter, Russell H. Jr. 60 2, 332.80 RE#169624-0000 7819 Glen Echo Rd No. Jacksonville, FL 32211 Lot 31 Johnson, Steven T. 60 2, 332 . 80 RE#169625-0000 1834 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 32 Warren, Hazel K. 60 2 , 332. 80 RE#169626-0000 1838 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Lot 33 Jones , Newton T. 60 2 , 332 .80 RE#169627-0000 800 Kings Highway Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Lot 34 Arlington, Daniel J. 75 2, 916.00 RE#169628-0000 1850 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 * Existing Sewer FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS ^LAST AME-FIRST NA�-MIDDL�AM C�� ^ NAME OF B��U�'�'CO�MMISS���AUTHORITY, MMI EE N:.ADDRE p(/C/-J THE BOARD,COUNCIL,COMMISSION, AUTHORITY,OR COMMITTEE ON S���j /VD n l' WHICH I SERVE IS A UNIT OF: � /`GJfi{�/ K/919/ x('II Y : COUNTY OTHER LOCAL AGENCY CITY n COUNTY /97Z41,(/ 77 �b/e I / �"�'�' � NAMtE OF LI I AL.SU BD N: (36 DATE ON WHICH DATEONWHWHVOICURRED OCCURRED C//�'1 ///`TTTj_ ,/ MY POS ION 1 ELECTIVE APPOINTIVE • WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this law are mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. ell INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: A person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: 0)U should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. • The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict.oLinterest. CL FIR\I MB 1046 PAGE I IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: • You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. • You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST I, L-'907 5 diy A.2-17— hereby disclose that on \.49711 /7 , 19 / Y : (a) A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one) /inured to my special private gain; or inured to the special gain of , by whom I am retained. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: • riec.0 ��i-� Tom® ® <c.- g sE4*J 2 ayd /moo ser-f) 09777 m y/ /d �/ �c5 &E' /7g—e //'4)6,2,F. 4/4) 4 yY / ) i77 IOW ~,. C1r -� - ► Date Filed -o„ Airjr-‘41F-dgrilir Si atu • NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. - CE FORM 8B - 10-86 PAGE 2