January 24, 1994
Call to Order
Invocation and pledge to the flag
1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 10,
and special called meeting of January 12, 1994
2. Recognition of Visitors:
a. Recognition of Regency Kawasaki
3. Old Business:
a. Planning Session (Mayor Fletcher)
4 . Consent Agenda:
a. Acknowledge receipt of letter commending B. J. Lester for
her work with animal control
b. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report
No. 4
5 . Action on Resolutions :
a. Approval of Resolution No. 94-2 in memory of John W.
b. Approval of Resolution No. 94-3 recognizing Janet Brown
and Patricia Ketteringham for their fund raising efforts
for the acquisition of an electronic defibrillator for
the Fire Department ( Ron Williams )
c. Approve Resolution No. 94-4 to include Finance Director
Ann Meuse among the city officials authorized to sign
city checks
d. Approve Resolution No. 94-5 increasing the number of
members of the Recreation Advisory Board to seven members
e. Approval of Resolution 94-6 in support of the First
Annual Greater Jacksonville Offshore Grand Prix Festival
6 . Action on Ordinances:
a. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 5-94-25
to add Martin Luther King ' s birthday as a city holiday
7 . New Business:
a. Public hearing and related action on an application for
a Use-by-Exception filed by Mayport C & C Fisheries to
store and rebuild pallets for use in shipping fresh
seafood at property known as Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 33,
Section H ( George Worley )
b. Public hearing and related action on an application for
a Use-by-Exception filed by Janice M. Vrooman of Storage
U.S.A. Realty, Inc. , to allow storage and parking of
boats, cars and RV' s on property at 1650 Mayport Road
(George Worley)
c. Public hearing and related action on an application for
a Use-by-Exception filed by Eugene W. Barnette to allow
the operation of an office for a building contractor at
447 Atlantic Boulevard ( George Worley)
d. Appointment of Tree Board member to fill unexpired term
of John Weldon, Jr.
e. Appointment to fill vacancy on Community Development
f. Accept as complete project to fabricate and install six
wetwell liners; approve final change order in the credit
amount of $1 , 640. 97; and authorize final payment to the
contractor in the amount of $26, 772. 83
g. Discussion and related action relative to re-wording
signs to define restrictions for usage of city streets by
trucks ( David Thompson, Police Chief )
8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence:
9 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney
and City Clerk:
ROAD , AT 7 : 15 p . m. ON MONDAY , JANUARY 24 , 1994 T T
PRESENT: Lyman T . Fletcher , Mayor D D
Suzanne Shaughnessy
Steve Rosenbloom
J . Dezmond Waters , III , and M S
Robert G . Weiss ,Jr . ,Commissioners O E
AND : Kim D . Leinbach , City Manager I 0 Y
Alan C . Jensen , City Attorney NAME OF ONEN
Maureen King , City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0
The meeting was called to order by Mayor
Fletcher . The invocation was followed by the
pledge to the flag .
1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting
of January 10 , 1994
Motion : Approve minutes of the SHAUGHNESSY X
regular meeting of January 10 , 1994 WATERS X X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carries
unanimously .
Approval of the special called meeting of
January __,12 , 1994
Motion : Approve minutes of theWATERS X X
Special Called meeting of January WEISS X
12 , 1994 FLETCHER X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carried
unanimously .
Agenda Item 5a was taken out of sequence and acted
upon at this time .
5a . Resolution #94-2 : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
Mayor Fletcher presented in full in writing
Resolution #94-2 . ROSENBLOOM X X
Motion : Approve passage of WATERS X
Resolution 94-2 WEISS X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carried
unanimously .
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January 24 , 1994 V V
Mayor Fletcher who was joined by former Mayor
Gulliford and former Commissioner Tucker ,
presented Resolution 94-2 in plaque form to the
family of John Wesley Weldon .
Mayor Fletcher introduced Ann Meuse , the new
Finance Director .
William J . Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive
comolained that yard trash was not being picked up
on Mondays . Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director .
indicated he was not aware of a problem but that
he would follow up on the matter .
William I . Gulliford , 75 Beach Avenue , indicated
he was a member of the Donner Community
Development Corporation (CDC ) and he introduced
Sharette Semokins , president of the CDC , who
presented a letter outlining improvements the CDC
would like to see in the Jordan Park area ( letter
dated January 24 , 1994 attached hereto and made e
part hereof) .
Mayor Gulliford indicated the CDC did not wish to
indicate there was any impropriety in expenditures
but it was felt gas tax monies should be used for
sidewalks on Francis Avenue and Donner Road . He
indicated the CDC had signed a contract to
purchase three additional lots in the Jordan Park
area , and he asked the Commission for direction .
He indicated the Board would like to see CDBG
funds used for rehabilitating houses , and it would
like to be involved in prioritizing the spending
of CDBG money
Kim Leinbach , City Manager , agreed that the CDC
could be used as an advisory board to assist with
Planning for CDBG projects . He indicated $31 , 000
for sidewalk construction was coming from gas tax
funds and not CDBG funds . George Worley indicated
he spoke with the contractor relative to the
building of restroom facilities and the work would
he completed within six to eight weeks . Bob
Kosoy reported that Church Road construction was
ready to begin after a permitting delay from the
St . Johns River Water Management District .
Mayor Fletcher advised he would like the board to
indicate their priorities , and he felt the board
should he active in making recommendations . A
ioint meeting between the CDC and the Commission
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January 24 , 1994 V V
was scheduled for February 16 , 1994 at 7 : 15 p . m,
for the purpose of coming up with long range
overall plans for Jordan Park .
A discussion ensued regarding use of Jordan Park
and the Mayor assured the CDC that the city would
not install soccer fields , but that it would be
used as a family-type park . It was explained the
area did not offer easy access and thus it was
felt organized sports would not be successful at
that location .
Reference was made to property adjacent to the
Park and the Mayor indicated acquisition should be
Persued , and proposed use of the property would be
discussed at the joint meeting February 16th .
Adelaide Tucker , 42 11th Street , thanked the Codd
Enforcement Inspector and Public Works Department
tor trimming shrubbery on 11th Street .
2. Recognition of Visitors :
a . Recognition of Regency Kawasaki
Ron Williams , Fire Chief , explainec
representatives from Regency Kawasaki were not
able to attend the meeting and he indicated he
' would present the plaque to them.
3 . old Business:
a . Planning Session
Mayor Fletcher presented a tentative schedule of
uncomi nq meetings .
2. Consent Agenda:
a . Acknowledge receipt of letter commending B .J .
Lester for her work with animal control
h . Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee
Mayor Fletcher asked that Item a be removed from
the Consent Agenda .
Motion : Approve passage of consent SHAUGHNESSY X X
agenda with the exception of Item a WATERS X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X
unanimously .
a . Acknowledge receipt of letter commending B.J .
Lester for her work with animal control
Mayor Fletcher asked Commissioner Weiss to report
concerning B .J . Lester ' s letter to the Beaches
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Leader . Commissioner Weiss indicated B .J . Lester
wrote a letter indicating she did not like to be
referred to as "dogcatcher" and that she loved
animals and cared for them. Commissioner Weiss
felt the community was lucky to have an anima'
control officer such as Ms . Lester and he
commended her for a job well done .
5; Action on Resolutions:
a . Resolution 94-2 - A Resolution in memory of
John W. Weldon (this was acted upon earlier in
the agenda)
b. Resolution 94-3 - A Resolution recognizing
Janet Brown and Patricia Ketteringham for
their fund raising efforts for the acquisition
of an electronic defibrillator for the Fire
Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing ,
Resolution 94-3 .
Motion: Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X
Resolution 94-3 WATERS X X
Ron Williams , Fire Chief , explained PatricieFLETCHER X
Ketteringham and Janet Brown were not able to come
to the meeting and Mayor Fletcher asked that the
Presentations be made at the next Commission
meeting .
c . Resolution 94-4 - Resolution to include
Finance Director Ann Meuse among the
city officials authorized to sign city checks
Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing ,
Resolution 94-4 .
Kim Leinbac:h , City Manager , explained the purpose
of the Resolution was to allow Ann Meuse , Finance
Director , to sign city checks .
Motion : Approve passage of WATERHNESSY X
Resolution 94-4 EISRS X X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carried
unanimously .
d . Resolution 94-5- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF
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Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing ,
Pesolution 94-5 .
Mayor Fletcher advised as a result of a joint
meeting between the Recreation Advisory Board and
the Commission it was decided to increase the
number of members of the Board from five members
to seven members . ROSENBLOOM X
Motion : Approve passage of WATERS X X
Resolution 94- 5 WEISS X
No discussion before the vote . The motion carried
unanimously .
e. Resolution 94-6 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY
Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing ,
Resolution 94-6 .
He opened the floor for a public hearing to
discuss the matter and invited comments from the
floor .
James Ross , President of the Jacksonville Offshore
Racing Development , Inc . , proposed to bring high
powered racing boats to the Jacksonville Beach
area for a boat race in August . It was planned to
have two races , in conjunction with a proposed
golf tournament , parade , and perhaps other
events . Since this was the first such festival it
was difficult to assess the impact to the area .
It was explained boats would be launched from one
of the marinas .
Several people spoke relative to launching of the
boats , the possibility of providing viewing stands
to visitors , and media coverage . Mr . Ross
indicated the boats were of such a large , heavy
size that it was not possible to launch them from
the beach . He indicated viewing stands were
Planned at two sites in Jacksonville Beach . He
indicated there would be heavy media coverage
which would bring revenue to Atlantic Beach .
Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor
closed the Public Hearing .
Commissioner Weiss asked for verification from the
Coast Guard indicating that the area was suitable
for such a race from a safety point of view. He
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also inauired concerning liability insurance . Mr
Ross explained a $5 million liability insurance
was carried , and details relative to safety
measures had to be provided to the Coast Guard
prior to receiving a permit from them. Mr . Ross
indicated local charities had been contacted
reaarding providing volunteer services and they in
turn would receive a share of the profits
Alan •Jensen , City Attorney , indicated the city
would not incur liability since it was not a
sponsor of the event .
Motion : Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X
Resolution 94-6 supporting the first WATERS X X
annual Greater Jacksonville Offshore WEISS X X
Grand Prix Festival of Jacksonville FLETCHER X
Offshore Racing Development , Inc . to
be held in August , 1994 , providing
an insurance safety plan and an
agreement holding the city harmless
would be provided two weeks prior to
the event
The question was called and the motion carriec
unanimously .
6 . Action on Ordinances:
a . Ordinance No. 5-94-25 - Final Reading
Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing ,
ordinance No. 5-94-25 , said ordinance having been
posted in accordance with Charter requirements .
He opened the floor for a public hearing and
invited comments from the audience .
Joseph Davis , Jr. asked why it had taken the city
so long to pass the ordinance , to which Mayor
Fletcher explained the matter had not been brought
before this Commission until this time . Mayor
Fletcher added he felt the holiday was for
everyone , and should be regarded as a somber day
of reflection .
Commissioner Waters explained that perhaps because
the city was so small and an additional holiday
had a tremendous financial impact , the ordinance
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had not been brought before the commission in the
hast .
,ince no one wished to speak further the Mayor
closed the Public Hearing .
Motion: Approve passage of WATERS X
Ordinance No. 5-94-25 on final WEISS X X
reading FLETCHER X
Commissioner Waters explained that he was in favor
of granting the holiday , but that he felt it would
have been prudent to delay passage of the
ordinance until negotiations with unions had been
completed .
Commissioner Rosenbloom agreed it had taken too
long to recognize the holiday and he hoped this
was a sign that the City of Atlantic Beach was
coming together .
Mayor Fletcher felt recognizing the holiday was
the right thing to do, that it was a holiday for
the entire community .
The question was called and the motion carried
unanimously .
7 . New_Business :
a. Public hearing and related action on an
application for a Use-by-Exception filed by
Mayport C & C Fisheries to store and rebuild
pallets for use in shipping fresh seafood at
property known as Lots 5, 6 and 7 , Block 33 ,
Section H
George Worley , City Planner , explained C & C
Fisheries , located at 580-A Mayport Road was
requesting a Use-by-Exception to permit outside
storage of wood pallets used in the normal conduct
of their business . He explained the pallets would
be stacked on vacant property owned by , and
located adjacent to, C & C Fisheries . The pallets
were used for shipping the fish to wholesale and
retail customers . The property in question was
zoned CG Commercial but abutted RG- 1 Residential
on the west .
Mr . Worley indicated by a vote of three to two the
Community Development Board recommended approval
subject to the fencing of lots five and six with a
visual barrier type fence , and provided that lot
seven remained unused to provide a buffer zone .
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He explained city staff recommended against this
request and continued to believe that this use was
more appropriately located in the ILW district and
away from residential zones .
Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public
hearing and invited comments from the audience .
Chip Glemstein , Attorney representing C & C
Fisheries , stated his client , Atillio Cerqueiro,
owned the three lots adjacent to his business and
desired to use them to store and use wooden
Pallets in shipping his products . He stated Mr .
Cerqueiro would fence the property so the pallet
storage would not be visible .
Pat Pilimore , member of the Community Development
Board , explained it was the recommendation of the
hoard that no pallets be built at the location and
the use-by exception should be granted to the
present owner , only , and not to the property .
Mayor Fletcher asked that the minutes reflect the
Pallets were to be rebuilt , only , and not built on
the premises .
Don Ford , Building Inspector , reported C & C
Fisheries had been cited by the Code Enforcement
Inspector for outside storage of pallets and at,
the time the city was told the pallets would be
bought and sold and would not have anything to do
with the seafood business . Atillio Cerqueirc
explained he found when he started to use the
pallets that they saved his company money .
Ron Williams , Fire Chief , requested that the Fire
Marshall recommend how the pallets should be
stored for maximum safety .
Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor
closed the public hearing .
Motion : Deny request of C & C SHAUGHNESSY
Fisheries for Use-By-Exception to WATERS X
permit outside storage of wood WEISS
pallets FLETCHER
Motion died for lack of a second .
Motion: Grant request of C & C
Fisheries for Use-By-Exception tc
permit outside storage of wood
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•January 24 , 1994 NAME OF
pallets , subject to the fencing of ROSENBLOOM X
lots 5 and 6 with a visual barrier SHAUGHNESSY
type fence , and provided that lot 7 WATERS
remain unused to provide a buffer WEISS
Motion died for lack of a second .
Commissioner Waters felt the pallets were not
pleasant to look at , the property abutted a
residential neighborhood , and there was nothing
similar to this allowed by exception . He did not
understand why the Community Development Board
recommended granting the use-by-exception . He
felt storage of the pallets was not in the best
interest of the city unless the pallets were
housed in a building .
Commissioner• Weiss felt there was no difference in
building or rebuilding pallets , and that the noise
generated would be the same . He felt the request
for exception did not fit in with the neighborhood .
Chip Glemstein did not think CG Commercial
eliminated storage and repair , and thus the
exception should be allowed .
Commis, ioner• Rosenbloom indicated he respected the
Community Development Board ' s decision . He
indicated the owner had a successful business and
while it might not be a perfect use , Mayport Road
was a mixed use road . He added he did not think a
pallet rebuilding plant in conjunction with a
successful seafood operation was out-of-line and
he asked the Commission to support the
recommendation of the Community Development Board .
Don Ford indicated the City had had three
complaints indicating tractor trailers made
deliveries , hugh amounts of pallets were being
stored , and it was indicated that a pallet storage
business was commencing . He indicated residential
oroperty owners across the street from the
business had complained of the pallet business .
It was determined after C & C Fisheries was cited
they approached the city for a variance . Mr . Ford
was asked if he felt the area was safe , to which
he indicated he felt the area was not safe , but
that if a 6 foot fence was installed it would
satisfy the city . It was suggested that a
limitation of how many pallets could be stored
would alleviate potential problems , such as fire
or rodents .
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January 24 , 1994 V V
Commissioner Waters felt it was the job of the
Commission to uphold the Code .
Mayor Fletcher felt the matter should be deferred
until the next meeting . He indicated he would
like notice given to nearby property owners so
they could have an opportunity to voice their
concerns .
Motion: Defer until the meeting of SHX
February 14 , 1994 , request of C & C WATERS
Fisheries located at 580-A Mayport WEISSX
Road for Use-by-Exception to permit FLETCHER X X
outside storage of wood pallets
until the meeting of February 14 ,
1994 , at which time staff will
present specifications concerning
limitations of Use-by-Exception
Mr . Ceroueiro indicated he would like his
neighbors to know that he intended to install a
fence that would hide the outside storage . Mayor
Fletcher suggested he contact his neighbors and
indicate his willingness to erect a fence . Mayor
Fletcher suggested Mr . Glemstein talk with Alan
Jensen to determine under which category of the
code the business would fit .
b. Public hearing and related action on an
application for a Use-by-Exception filed by
Janice M . Vrooman of Storage U. S .A. Realty,
Inc . , to allow storage and parking of boats,
cars and RV ' s on property at 1650 Mayport road
George Worley explained Storage USA was a
miniwarehouse facility located on Mayport Road .
The facility requested a Use-by-Exception to
permit the storage of RV ' s and automobiles on
their site . Inspection of the facility found it
to be well maintained and the proposed parking
locations were already designated .
Mr . Worley reported the Community Development
Board found that the conditions of the site and
the requested use were similar to that of Pan Am
Ministorage which was granted a Use-by-Exception
several months ago. The Board unanimously voted
to recommend approval of the request subject to
the same restrictions as placed on Pan Am, as
follows : ( 1 ) exception granted to present owner
only , and not to run with the land , ( 2) no storage
of junked or inoperable vehicles permitted , ( 3 ) no
work on vehicles stored outside on the property ,
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and (4 ) the exception to be automatically revoked
upon the second conviction by the Code Enforcement
Board for code violations .
Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public
hearing and invited comments from the audience .
Janice Vrooman, 1615 Mayport Road , indicated she
was the manager who lived on the premises . She
advised U -Haul rental vehicles on the front of the
lot would he the only vehicles visible to the
public .
Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor
clo=yed the public hearing .
Motion: Grant request of Storage
USA Realty, Inc . , 1650 Mayport Road WATERS X
for a Use-by-Exception to permit the WEISS
storage of RV ' s and automobiles on FLETCHER
their site with the following
stipulations : ( 1 ) exception granted
to present owner only , and not to
run with the land , ( 2) no storage of
junked or inoperable vehicles
permitted, ( 3 ) no work on vehicles
stored outside on the property , and
(4) the exception to be
automatically revoked upon the
second conviction by the Code
Enforcement Board for code
It was felt by the Commission that since a similar
request was recently granted that this request
should also be granted . Ms . Vrooman advised no
residential property was in the immediate
vicinity . There was a lumberyard behind the
facility and all commerical buildings around the
facility .
The question was called and the motion carried
unanimously .
c. Public hearing and related action on an
application for a Use-by-Exception filed by
Eugene W. Barnette to allow the operation of
an office for a building contractor at 447
Atlantic Bouelvard
George Worley reported Eugene Barnette desired to
operate a contractor business from an office at
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January 24 , 1994 V V
447 Atlantic Boulevard . This location was in the
CG zoning district , and no outside storage was
oronosed . Mr . Worley advised that a contractor ,
without outside storage was a permitted by
Exception in the CG district . He advised the
Community Development Board unanimously
recommended approval of the request subject to the
restriction that no outside storage be permitted
and that no over night parking of large commercial
vehicles occurred , to which the applicant agreed .
Mayor Fletcher opened the public hearing and
invited comments from the audience .
Eugene Barnette indicated no outside storage or
vehicles larger than a pickup truck or van would
be parked at the site . He indicated this location
would be used for an office , only .
Motion : Approve request for ROSENBLOOM X X
Use-by-Exception to operate a SHAUGHNESSY X
contractor business from an office WATERS x
at 447 Atlantic Boulevard, with the wLETC x x
following stipulations : no outside FLETCHER X
storage be permitted and no over
night parking of vehicles larger
than a pickup truck or van
Commissioner Weiss requested that in the future
the term " large commercial vehicle" be avoided and
the exact size and description of the vehicle be
submitted to the Commission .
d . Appointment of Tree Board member to fill
unexpired term of John Weldon, Jr .
Mayor Fletcher indicated he had not been able to
contact those whose names had been nominated and
he requested that action be deferred until the
meeting of February 14 , 1994 .
e. Appointment to fill vacancy of Community
Development Board
Mayor Fletcher advised he had contacted Mark
McGowan with reference to serving on the community
Development Board and Mr . McGowan indicated his
willingness to serve . ROSENBLOOM X
Motion: Appoint Mark McGowan toWATERS X X
fill a vacancy on the CommunityWElSS X
Development FLETCHER X
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No discussion before the vote . The motion carried
unanimously .
f . Accept_ as complete project to fabricate and
install six wetwell liners ; approve final
change order in the credit amount of
$ 1 , 640 . 97 ; and authorize final payment to the
contractor in the amount of $26 , 772 .83
Boh Kooy , Public Works Director , asked for
approval of final estimate No. 3 and acceptance of
the project as complete . He indicated wetwells
had been completed at the following lift stations :
A , 460 Palm Street , B , 385 11th Street , C , 69
Donner Road , D , Selva Marina Drive , E , 799 Mayport
Road . and F , 858 Cavalla Road .
ROSENBLOOMotion : Approve final change order SHAUGHNES X
No. 3 on fabricating and installingWATERSHAUGHNESSY x
six ( 6) wet well liners in the WEISSS x x x
credit amount of $ 1 , 640 . 97 and FLETCHER x
authorize final payment to the
contractor in the amount of
$26 , 772 . 83
Mr . Kosoy advised the final payment was the
retainage which included a one year maintenance .
rhe question was called and the motion carriec
unanimously .
g . Discussion and related action relative to
re-wording signs to define restrictions for
usage of city streets by trucks
Captain Campbell , Police Department , recommended
rewording the signs to more clearly define the
restrictions on city roadways . In this way , he
added , the Police Department would be able to
enforce the restrictions . He indicated if the
city restricted according to weight its garbage
trucks would be in violation .
The commission approved the recommendation of the
Police Deoartment . Mayor Fletcher indicated he
would like to be apprised of language to be used
on the signs before they are printed .
8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence:
Kim Leinbach , City Manager , asked George Worley to
report concerning a meeting of the Community and
Economic Development Committee , which was a
sub-committee of the Jacksonville City Council ,
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January 24 , 1994 NAME OF
that he and Commissioner Waters attended relativ.
to proposed rezoning of a parcel of Mayport Road
Mr . Worley reported Jacksonville Council member .
desired to visually inspect the site and action o
the Committee had been deferred until February 2
1994 .
It was determined the property under discussio
had vested rights for apartment complexes tha
were allowed to develop under the Comprehensive
Plan , and that infrastructure was there to buil •
single-family detached houses .
Commissioner Waters asked that staff write
letter to Dick Brown requesting information fro
the Jacksonville Planning Department relative ti
their concurrency standards with reference to
Mayport Road . Commissioner Waters was asked to
continue to monitor the situation .
Maureen King, City Clerk , reported she ha.
recently attended a seminar relative to law-
pertaining to occupation licensing . She advise.
Florida law set strict parameters regarding ho
municipalities may change their ordinance .
governing the collection of occupation taxes .
recent change in law provided that by October 1
1995 municipalities may adopt ordinances ti
reclassify businesses and to establish a new rat:
structure .
She explained that before adopting an ordinance t.
revise the occupational license classification •
and rate structure , the municipality must appoin .
an Equity Study Commission . The members of th=
Equity Study Commission must be representatives o
the business community and their function was t.
review the current classifications and rat:
structure and recommend changes which they fel .
would provide tax equity between busines-
classifications . She indicated if a city did no .
go through this process , they would not be able t.
increase rates . She added if the process we -
adhered to, rates could be increased up to
Percent every two years .
Mayor Fletcher indicated the Commission intende•
to pursue the matter and asked that this be place
on the agenda February 14 , 1994 .
Commissioner Rosenbloom reported concerning.
"Atlantic Beach Under the Stars" camp ou .
scheduled for March 5 , 1994 . He indicated th=
event would begin with a run , and he was
Page 15 V V
January 24 , 1994 NAME OF
contemplating borrowing equipment to show e
movie . He explained he was in need of a corporate
sponsor .
Commissioner Weiss indicated he would like to move
ahead with construction of the Jack Russell park
and Donner park facilities . It was decided this
would he discussed as an agenda item for the
meeting of February 14 , 1994 , when the Parks and
Recreation Committee would be submitting their
recommendations . Rose Blanchard , Parks and
Recreation Director , advised Little League season
would be beginning soon and the city would not be
able to begin construction at Jack Russell Park .
A discussion ensued relative to whether or not the
Little league could rent a mobile concession
stand , should the city go ahead with
construction . Ms . Blanchard indicated she would
discuss the matter with Little League
representatives and report back to the Commission .
Mayor Fletcher indicated he , Jim Jarboe , and Alan
Jensen met with John DeVault regarding the
upcoming mediation with the City of Jacksonville ,
and it was hoped the matter would be resolved by
mediation or trial in time for budget workshops .
The Mayor advised he would like nominations from
the Commission for five members to serve on the
Safe Neighborhood Committee .
The Mayor asked the City Manager to pursue
annexation of Dutton Island , and expanding city
boundaries to the Intra-Coastal Waterway .
The Mayor reported the average percentage of
community recycling during the past 12 months was
87%, and he urged cities to try to obtain a higher
percentage .
The Mayor reported the city had a Safety Committee
made up of city staff . The Committee met on a
regular basis and recommended corrective action
whenever an accident occurred .
The Mayor reminded everyone there would be a
meeting between the Commission and Community
Development Board Monday , January 31 , 1994 , at
7 : 15 p . m.
The Mayor indicated he had received a letter from
the Mayor of Orlando relative to establishing an
electric utility . He questioned whether the City _
should examine the possibility of offering its own
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•January 24 , 1994 NAME OF
electricity , and he asked Commissioner Weiss and
Commissioner Rosenbloom to look into the matter
and report back to the Commission in one month ' s
time .
The Mayor reported January 28, 1994 was the
deadline for the Newsletter .
Commissioner Waters indicated he supported moving
ahead with the Russell Park Building but that he
was in favor of reducing the size of the building.
Commissioner Waters referred to the recent
assessment hearing and he felt information was not
provided to the commission. He indicated other
options were available that he was not aware of,
and he requested that in the future better
information be provided .
Commissioner Waters referred to an ordinance that
regulated the distance between businesses selling
alcoholic beverages . He indicated an exception
to that regulation was granted some time ago, He
felt that in order to make legal decisions the
code should contain more specific language .
There being no further business the Mayor
adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p . m.
ARSke Ad1"04'/
,Jn T. F etcher
Mayor/ Presiding Officer
A T E S T: /
Mau 'een King, i ty Clerk
'a Donner Community Development Corporation
P. O. Boa 626 Atlantic Beach,FL 32233
January 24 , 1994
The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners
City of Atlantic Beach
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach, FL.
Dear Mayor and Commissioners:
The Board of the Donner Community Development Corporation met
last week, and one of the topics discussed was the condition and
future of Jordan Park. The following suggestions and requests are
put forth to the City Commission as a result of the meeting.
First, we hope you will proceed with the bathroom construction
with all haste. It has been discussed for sometime, but to date
there are no tangible results. We had even hoped it would be
completed by the time of our very successful park picnic this
past Fall .
Next, we believe there needs to be substantially more lighting in
the park. It has been continually rumored that there is ongoing
drug activity in Jordan Park at night, and proper lighting would
discourage that activity.
Jordan Park could also use more playground equipment, especially
a sizeable gym set like the one in Russell Park. Additional swing
sets would be a nice addition also.
There has been significant dumping in the past in the area
adjacent to Jordan Park, most of it city owned. We would
encourage the City to pursue clearing all of the city owned
property, possibly closing most of Jordan Street where much of
the dumping has been localized, and then keeping the area clean.
We also respectfully request the police department to maintain
more patrols in the neighborhood, both because of drug related
activity and the illegal dumping. As a footnote, our CDC house
on Francis where we meet, was recently broken into; fortunately
nothing was stolen.
The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners
Page 2
Lastly, concerning Jordan Park, it is the position of our Board,
that fields for organized sports such as soccer and football , are
not appropriate in, or adjacent to, Jordan Park. It is not
consistent with our planned and desired development for the
neighborhood, and we wished to so state formally.
On another topic, the Donner Community Development Board would
like to know what is its involvement in the prioritizing and
disbursement of Community Development Block Grant monies each
year. It was our understanding from the organizational activity
in 1991, that our Board was ultimately to establish the priority
for spending, subject to endorsement and approval by the City
Commission. This does not appear to be happening. In fact we have
some questions about the current use of those funds, relative to
the purpose to which we understand they are supposed to be
dedicated. We would like a formal position and direction from
the City Commission on this matter.
Finally, the paving of Church Road, and the introduction of
sidewalks on Donner and Francis is very important to our efforts.
They will represent tangible proof of interest being shown in
this neighborhood. We sincerely hope they are proceeding with all
possible haste, and we would like a targeted completion date for
them, and the bathrooms in Jordan Park.
We appreciate the City Commission's continuing assistance to our
efforts, and we pledge to you that you will be seeing tangible
and significant fruits of our direction in the immediate future.
// /
Sharette :impkins
JANUARY 17, 1994
Call to order
1. a. Public hearing and related action as to the propriety and
advisability of making sewer line improvements to serve
property owners on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th
Streets; as to the cost of the project; and as to the
manner of payment therefor
b. Public hearing and related action by the City Commission
meeting as an equalizing board, on special assessments
for a sewer line to serve property owners on Seminole
Road between 17th and 18th Streets.
2. a. Public hearing and related action as to the propriety and
advisability of making water line improvements to serve
property owners on Ocean Boulevard, Dewees Avenue, and
Coquina Place; as to the cost of the project; and as to
the manner of payment therefor
b. Public hearing and related action by the City Commission
meeting as an equalizing board, on special assessments
for a water line to serve property owners on Ocean
Boulevard, Dewees Avenue, and Coquina Place
3. a. Public hearing and related action as to the propriety and
advisability of making water line improvements to serve
property owners on a section of Ocean Grove Drive; as to
the cost of the project; and as to the manner of payment
b. Public hearing and related action by the City Commission
meeting as an equalizing board, on special assessments
for a water line to serve property owners on a section of
Ocean Grove Drive
4. a. Public hearing and related action as to the propriety
and advisability of making sewer line improvements to
serve property owners on a section of Ocean Grove Drive;
as to the cost of the project, and as to the manner of
payment therefor
b. Public hearing and related action by the City Commission
meeting as an equalizing board, on special assessments
for a sewer line to serve property owners on a section
of Ocean Grove Drive