02-28-94 v • ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION February 28, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 14 and Special Called meetings of February 16 and February 22, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Old Business: a. Discussion relative to Martin Luther King holiday (Commissioner Shaughnessy) b. Action on an application for a use by exception filed by Sarah B. Jackson to operate a day care business on property located at 458 Sargo Road ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Award of Bid No. 9394-3: Addition to Public Works Building - Arko Industrial Group b. Award of Bid No. 9394-4: Electrical Motor and Pump Repairs - Atlas Electric Motors c. Award of Bid No. 9394-5: Electrical Troubleshooting and Repairs - Brooks & Limbaugh d. Award of Bid No. 9394-6: Two Roll-on/Roll-off sludge containers - Jim Hardee Equipment Company e. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9394-7: Park Street drainage improvements f. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee report #6 5. Reports of Committees: a. Report and recommendations from Recreation Advisory Board 6. Action on Resolutions a. Resolution No. 94-8 recognizing the employees of Jacksonville Beach Department of Electric Utilities for their service to the Parks and Recreation Department 7 . New Business: a. Action on a request of the Donner Community Development Corporation to allow Mrs. Lillie Allen, 1860 Francis Avenue, the use of a city-owned house on Francis Avenue 8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE o o ROAD, AT 7 : 15 p. m. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1994 T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III , and Robert G. Weiss, Jr. ,Commissioners M S O E AND : Kim D . Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I O Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 ABSENT: Steven Rosenbloom (excused) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation offered by Mayor Fletcher was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 14 , 1994 SHAUGHNESSY WATERS X X Motion: Approve minutes of theWEISS X X regular meeting of February 14, 1994 FLETCHER x No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the special called meeting of February 16 , 1994 SHAUGHNESSY WATERS X X EMotion: Approve minutes of th �ILX X special called meeting of February X 16 , 1994 No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the special called meeting of February 22 , 1994 SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve minutes of the,EISSS x X x special called meeting of Februar�LETCHER x 22 , 1994 . No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Page 2 February 28, 1994 v V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 2 Recog„n 1 t 1 an of Visitors: Ruth Gregg , 905 Sailfish Drive , complained than: transients were creating a disturbance during evening hours in the vicinity of Donner Road , of` Mayport Road . This was referred to David Thompson , Police Chief , who was asked to meet with Ms . Gregg in an effort to alleviate the problem. Jay Mooney , Chamber of Commerce , invited citizens to a Chamber of Commerce sponsored "Beaches Clean-uta" to be held March 5 , 1994 , with plans to meet in front of the Sea Turtle between 8 : 00 a . m, and 8 : 30 a . m. Item 6a was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time . 6a . Resolution No. 94-8 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE EMPLOYEES OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94-8 . Motion: Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X Resolution 94-8 WATERS X X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously . Mayor Fletcher presented said resolution to Keith Roberts , Director of Electric Utilities , City of Jacksonville Beach . Mr . Roberts thanked the Commission and he indicated he would present the resolution to individual employees . 3 ......_.__Old_ Business : a. Discussion relative to Martin Luther King holiday Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that the Commission consider extending the birthday of Martin Luther King to all city employees who dio not fall under a collective bargaining unit . Motion : Grant a day off to citySHAUGHNESSY X X employees who do not fall under a ATERS X collective bargaining unit tc EISS X X commemorate the birthday of Martir LETCHER X Luther King, such day off to be scheduled at a time mutually Page 3 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN convenient to both employees and their departments The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . a. Action on an application for a use by exception filed by Sarah B. Jackson to operate a day care business on property located at 458 Sargo Road George Worley , City Planner , advised that pursuant to the instruction of the commission the Zoning Code Review Committee met on February 16, 1994 anc discussed whether or not it would be possible tc allow the use of a single family home as a daycare, center for up to ten children . Mr . Worley reported the Committee voted unanimously to allow five children , pursuant to the code . He reviewed the case history indicating Sarah B. Jackson operated a child care service in her home at 458 Sargo Road ( RS- 1 zoning district) . She kept five children which fell below the threshold necessary to classify her as a "Child Care Facility" by the definitions in the Zoning Code . Because she fell below the threshold number of children , she was not subject to HRS regulations. Mr . Worley explained Ms . Jackson desired to expand her operation to accommodate ten children which would then become a "Child Care Facility" by definition , and the RS- 1 district did not list that type of use as either a Permitted Use or as a Use-by-Exception . Mayor Fletcher explained a public hearing was held February 14 , 1994 , and he indicated he would allow comments from the audience . Ruth Gregg indicated she discussed the matter with several people in the neighborhood who were homeowners and they indicated they did not want a business operating in a residential area , as they felt it would not be fair to homeowners . Alan Jensen , City Attorney , advised that the final decision on the matter resided with the Commission . Motion : Approve recommendation of the Community Development Board on Page 4 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN SHAUGHNESSY X the request of Sarah Jackson for a WATERS x x Use-by-Exception to operate a child WEiSS X X care facility in the RS- 1 zoning FLETCHER X district Commissioner Weiss asked if the Zoning Committee had reviewed HRS requirements , to which Don Ford , Building Official , replied the Zoning Committee did not have information indicating the home of Ms . Jackson had been approved . Mr . Ford reported the Zoning Committee discussed hours of operation and it was felt 11 : 00 p . m. was not an acceptable time for• children to be picked up . Sara Jackson explained HRS suggested that she appeal to the City ' s Zoning Committee . She indicated she had already been inspected and approved by HRS and that her home contained enough square footage for 15 children . She explained day care extended until 11 : 00 p . m. on special occasions , only , and that normal hours were from 6 : 00 a . m. until 6 : 00 p . m. It was explained she presently cared for• eight children and approximately half of the mothers delivered the children via car and the other half walked . Commissioner Waters felt there was no provision in the code for a Use-by-Exception and , thus , the matter should not be under discussion . Alan Jensen advised if it was the commission ' s desire to allow Ms . Jackson to care for more children , it would be necessary to change the city ' s code of ordinances . Mayor Fletcher referred to Section 24 . 014 of the Zoning Code and the uses permitted in an RS- 1 district , which indicated a daycare center could not meet the requirements of the home occupation ordinance . He indicated the city had to follow its own laws . Commissioner Waters was opposed to introducing commercial encroachments within a residential area , as he wished to protect the integrity of the neighborhoods . He suggested utilizing grant money to provide care in the neighborhood , and he felt the city could not allow an industry operating it a residential neighborhood . Samuel Bruce , Chairman of EEOC and Vice-Chairmar of Community Relations Board , urged the Commission to allow Ms . Jackson to care for 10 children . He Page 5 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN felt she was providing a service that was badly needed in the community . The question was called and the vote resulted i a 2-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy an.i Commissioner Weiss voting nay . The motion failed . After discussion , Commissioner Shaughnessy wa appointed to meet with Sara Jackson in an effor to find a solution to the problem. Alan Jensen advised the commission they had no acted on the application for Use-by-Exception , an. that they must either grant or deny exception . Motion : Defer action o SHAUGHNESSY X X application for a Use-by-Exceptio WEISSS X X filed by Sarah Jackson to operate - FLETCHER X day care business on propert located at 458 Sargo Road until th= meeting of March 14 , 1994 Commissioner Waters felt if the Commission wa - determined to grant the request it would be necessary to change the ordinance and hold the necessary public hearings ; to do anything less would be undermining the code . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 4 . Consent Agenda : a . Award of Bid No. 9394-3 : Addition to Public Works Building - Arko Industrial Group b . Award of Bid No. 9394-4 : Electrical Motor and Pump Repairs - Atlas Electric Motors c . Award of Bid No. 9394-5 : Electrical Troubleshooting and Repairs - Brooks & Limbaugh d . Award of Bid No. 9394-6 : Two Roll -on/Roll -off sludge containers - Jim Hardee Equipment Company e . Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9394-7 : Park Street drainage improvements f . Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee report #6 Commissioner Weiss asked that Item a be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda , Commissioner Waters asked Page 6 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN that Item b be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda , and Mayor Fletcher asked that Items c and e be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda . SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X Motion : Approve passage of theWEISS X X consent agenda with the exception ofFLETCHER X Items a , b , c and e No discussion before the vote . The motion carrieo unanimously . a . Award of Bid No. 9394-3 : Addition to Public works Building - Arko Industrial Group Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , explained the Public Works Building was being expanded to provide storage space for water distributio equipment . Since the bid was over 60 days old , h: added , Arko Industrial Group had advised the prices no longer were current and they asked tha the bid be withdrawn . Mr . Kosoy recommendem rebidding the addition to the Public Work • building . Motion : Approve staff re-blddin■ SHAUGHNESSY X X Bid No. 9394-3 , Addition to Publi .WATERS X Works Building wEISS X X FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher referred to staff ' s recommendations relative to funding the project and he asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for discussion by the Water and Sewer Committee meeting Thursday , March 3 , 1994 . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b . Award of Bid No. 9394-4 : electrical Motor and Pump Repairs - Atlas Electric Motors Commissioner Waters asked Bob Kosoy to explain why Atlas Electric Motors was being recommended . Mr . Kosoy explained in addition to the hourly rate charged for the work , the cost of services accounted for only 25 percent of rating , and that labor was the bulk of what the city was paying for . He indicated Atlas Electric Motors were better able to respond to an emergency because of their location . SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion : Award Bid No. 9394-4 , WATERS X Electrical Motor and Pump RepairsWEISS X X FLETCHER X Page 7 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN (Annual Contract) to Atlas Electric Motors No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . c . Award of Bid No. 9394-5 : Electrical Troubleshooting and Repairs - Brooks & Limbaugh Mayor Fletcher asked Bob Kosoy to explain the work that was entailed . Mr . Kosoy explained if there was a major blow-out an electrician would come out to the site and fix the problem, and he added that problems occurred frequently . SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Award Bid No. 9394-5:WEISSS X X X Electrical Troubleshooting andFLETCHER X Repairs to Brooks & Limbaugh No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . e . Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9394-7 : Park Street drainage improvements Bob Kosoy explained all bids received were over the budgeted amount of $26 , 000 and staff recommended rebidding the project . X Motion : Reject all bids receivedWATERSNESSY X X under Bid No. 9394-7 and re-bid theWEISS X X project FLETCHER X Lynette Batton and Alex Parker , Representatives from Her-Way Construction , Inc . indicated they were disappointed in the rejection of bids . They explained they had put forth great effort and the bid from Her-Way was the only bid package that was complete . They indicated all bids were over the budgeted amount . Bob Kosoy explained staff intended to get the bid below the $26 , 000 amount by changing bid specifications , to which Mr . Parker responded that in his opinion it would be costly to re-engineer the job , and he recommended that the Commission award the contract to Her-Way . Mr . Kosoy responded that re-engineering the job would cost no more than $500 to $ 1 , 000 , and the work would entail a simple matter of reworking specifications and plans . Page 8 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mr . Parker felt the city made a mistake in estimating the job , and that Her-Way was not out of line . He asked the commission to consider awarding the job , and he offered to work with the City by using the pipe the city would like to use and thus save money . Mr . Kosoy felt it would be in the city ' s best interest to re-bid the job . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 5. Re,_,ports of Committees : a . Report and recommendations from Recreation Advisory Board Don Fagan , Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board , presented a reported to the commission detailing long and short term goals for the city ' s four parks and a piece of vacant land on Atlantic Boulevard ( report dated February 18 , 1994 is attached herewith and made a part hereto) . According to the report , it was recommended the city construct two comparable concession facilities at Russell and Donner parks . the buildings would house a concession stand , restrooms , and an upstairs press box for calling sports activities . Plans to incorporate a building for the YMCA program into the concession stand at Russell Park were recommended to be cancelled , and it was recommended the YMCA improve the modular building they utilized . The Mayor suggested the decision on Russell and Donner buildings needed to be made so that bids could be invited and construction commenced by August 1 , 1994 . Commissioner Waters felt a professional should evaluate parks . He felt Jack Russell Park was running out of room, and he felt young people needed more room for games . He urged the commission to direct staff to seek more land . Mayor Fletcher agreed and indicated if staff found that there was land available , avenues would be explored to fund the purchase of the land . The commission expressed concern that land the city owned on Atlantic Boulevard , west of Mayport Road , may be declared wetlands by the St . Johns River Water Management District and staff was asked to follow-up on getting a determination regarding this matter as soon as possible . Page 9 February 28 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 14.)S Gldnchnrd , P6r•k3 and Recreation Director- , explained the site would be examined by the Wetlands Division of the St . Johns River Water Management District on February 28 , 1994 , and that a determination would be given to the city in writing . Commissioner Weiss asked the Committee to address the possibility of holding activities on the beach . Mayor Fletcher asked the Committee to address the possibility of having after school activities in all parks . Commissioner Waters felt money had been allocated for structures by Dick Brown , Beaches City Council Liaison with the City of Jacksonville , and he felt the city should move ahead with construction of the building in Jack Russell Park . Commissioner Weiss referred to the decision that had been made by the previous commission to go forward with plans to build the $250 , 000 structure in Jack Russell Park if funding was available , and he suggested in order to resolve the matter that the idea be voted upon . SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve fundingfor full WATERS X WEISS X X scale construction of building as FLETCHER X designed in Jack Russell Park in the amount of approximately $250 , 000 Mayor Fletcher opposed spending the amount of $270 , 000 which he indicated was the final figure for full scale construction , to build in Jack Russell Park . He felt the building was too large for the park , and building it would neglect all other recreational needs . He felt it would take all the city ' s money to build one building , only , and there would be no money left to do other things that were needed . Commissioner Waters felt the building was in the center of the city , it was the park that every one used , and thus it was the right place to build such a building . Commissioner Shaughnessy agreed that Russell Park would be the site for such a facility , but felt this was not the time for such a large , single undertaking . Paqe 10 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the vote resulted in 1 -3 , with Commissioner Shaughnessy , Commissioner Weiss , and Mayor Fletcher voting nay . The motion failed . It was decided to study the matter of the building in Jack Russell Park , and staff was instructed to come back on March 14 , 1944 with plans and specific recommendations to implement the report of the Recreational Advisory Board , including plans . 6. Action on Resolutions : a . Resolution No. 94-8 recognizing the employees of Jacksonville Beach Department of Electric Utilities for their service to the Parks and Recreation Department (this was acted upon earlier in the meeting) 7 . New Business : a . Action on a request of the Donner Community Development Corporation to allow Mrs. Lillie Allen , 1860 Francis Avenue , the use of a city-owned house on Francis Avenue Sharette Simpkins , Donner Community Development Corporation , requested the Commission to allow Mrs . Lillie Allen , who resided at 1860 Francis Avenue , to reside in one of the city owned houses on Francis Avenue while the CDC was working with Jacksonville HUD to build her new home . She explained Mrs . Allen would be responsible for all the necessities to move into one of the homes , and that the CDC would work closely with her to see that the necessary item were in place . A discussion ensued and the commission agreed to allow Ms . Allen to reside in a city owned house on Francis Avenue pursuant to review and approval of the agreement by Alan Jensen , City Attorney . SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X Motion : Approve Lillie Allen who WEISS X X lives at 1860 Francis Avenue , to FLETCHER X reside in a city owned house on Francis Avenue while the CDC and Jacksonville HUD build Ms . Allen a new home . Approval subject to City Attorney review and approval Page 11 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence : Kim Leinbach , City Manager , reported the city intended to enter the 1994 City Innovations Showcase sponsored by the Florida League of Cities . Commissioner Waters announced the American Legion would hold its annual dinner honoring city employees on May 13 , 1994 . Commissioner Weiss suggested staff put together hard and fast rules to be applied to the bidding procedure . Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that a resolution be drafted to recognize Publix for their support relative to city functions . She indicated that Publix agreed to donate food for the Atlantic Beach Camp Out , and that through the years they had continued to support the city . Mayor Fletcher asked each commissioner to suggest one name for appointment to the Occupational License Equity Board for the meeting of March 14 , 1994 . Mayor Fletcher announced there would be a joint meeting between the Beautification Committee and the Commission on March 7 , 1994 , a Solid Waste Committee meeting on March 16 , 1994 , and a Traffic and Parking workshop on March 23 , 1994 at which time the subject of speed bumps would be addressed . Ruth Gregg suggested the commission contact HRS in an effort to receive guidelines relative to day care operations . She asked the commission not to rezone property in the Royal Palms neighborhood , and she indicated she felt such rezoning would ruin the neighborhood . Ruth Gregg reported residents in Royal Palm neighborhood were not using recycling bins . She suggested when residents request water service that the city furnish them with a recycling bin . The City Manager advised this matter• would be taken care of . Since there was no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9 :45 p . m. Page 12 V V February 28 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN , L an T. Fletcher ayor/ Presiding Officer A T E S T: Maureen King, ity �lerk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , � �j CITY COMMISSION MEETING Q C•/pWlr1,0 t �ag(q 4 • STAFF REPORT REPORT OF COMMITTEES AGENDA ITEM: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD SUBMITTED BY: ROSE H. BLANCHARD, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 1994 BACKGROUND: At the direction of the City Commission and the Recreation Advisory Board, the following recommendations are presented to the City Commission for consideration. This report is the result of a great deal of work done by the Board Members to facilitate projects and ideas regarding our Parks & Recreational needs. A short term (1-2 years) anda Long term (3 years) list of recommendations follow. JACK RUSSELL PARK: SHORT TERM: 1. PRIORITY PROJECT: Build new Concession stand without the proposed additional space for YMCA. Add restrooms and a single, simple, small press box, with access from inside the concession stand, as in previous years. Renovate, refurbish and re-design the present building, using the area now utilized by the Parks & Recreation Maintenance Crew for storage, to house the same types of materials (mowers, pitching machines, etc.) belonging to Little League. This will be cause to remove the rented storage box the League is now using. Little League wil begin the grassing of the infield this Summer and the Fields will be ready for Fall Season. The reference to "fields" includes both Russell Park and Donner Park ball fields. THE CONSTRUCTION AT JACK RUSSELL PARK WILL BEGIN AT THE END OF THE 1994 SPRING SEASON. Little League has been notified that they MUST moveall of their equip- ment, concession gear, etc. from the Park, within 24 hours of the closing day which is not firm, but is estimated to be the end of June, 1994. The Board recommends that the Little League Coaches should schedule their meetings in the Adele Grage Community Center, thus having no need for additional space in the Concession area. The use of the Concession stand is something the Board felt should be viewed by the Parks & Recreation Dept. as a possible revenue source. 2. While the study is on going in the City, the drainage problems in the Parks need to be corrected. 3. Ask the YMCA to "dress up" the modular they use, perhaps with shaker shingles and definitely with shrubs and plants. LONG TERM: 1. Refurbish and add new playground equipment 2. Mulch and add trees and plants. 3. Continue diligent maintenance of the grounds, equipment and structures. DONNER PARK: 1. PRIORITY PROJECT: SHORT TERM: Build new Concession stand with restrooms, small press box, very much the same as the plan for Jack Russell Park, perhaps a little smaller. This to be done at the same time as we do Russell Park. All conditions would be the same, they use the field until the end of the season, to play and practice. 2. Build a more permanent building for the Community Center. Use the present $700 monthly payment for the modular, to secure a loan for a more permanent bulding. Some thoughts are to build a pre-fab or metal building. 3. Erect an outfield fence, dugouts of chain link, and bleachers and refurbish playing lights. 4. Develop programs for youth through planned activities. This is very important at all active Parks and will necessitate hiring additional personnel. • 5. Mulch and beautify Park with trees, plants, etc. 6. Study present fenced area and determine if it can be made more secure while appearing more "open". LONG TERM: 1. Addition to playground equipment 2. Mulching, trees, plants for Park along with playground maintenance. 3. Continual program development JORDAN PARK: SHORT TERM: 1. PRIORITY PROJECT Build restrooms, more tables, addition of plants 2. Add playground equipment 3. Add Volleyball court 4. Upkeep of playground equipment and grounds. LONG TERM: This should look like a family oriented Park. The Board feels it should consider the recommendations of the CDC for the area, as they conducted a neighborhood needs assessment and they have shared the same with the Recreation Dept. HOWELL PARK: The Board recommends leave it as is. Maintenance is all that is needed here. An aspiring Eagle Scout has expressed interest in building trash can holders for this Park as his project. The Recreation Dept. will work with him and inform the Commission of his intent. ATLANTIC BLVD. PROPERTY: This area should NOT be used as a Park. Members of the Board who walked through this site feel it interfers with the system that is in place. It would be much too expensive to+develop, considering the amount of fill dirt, flooding, bug problems, etc. At this time we are awaiting a report from the St. John's River Management District, Wetlands Division, regarding the status of the property and its classification as a Wetland, Marsh or whatever. A report to the Commission will follow as soon as we are in receipt of such information. The Board Recommends, leave it like it is until the report is in. Concerns of the citizens who live near our Parks, will be addressed by members of the Board who frequent the Parks, seeking input from users, "on the spot". The Recreation Advisory Board will also set up a table at the Spring Festival, May 7, 1994, soliciting citizen input regarding all parks. SUMMARY: The Recreation Advisory Board of the Ctiy of Atlantic Beach presents these recommendations for the consideration of the City Commission and hopes the Commission will act with alacrity, especially in regard to buildings within our Parks. The Board and the Recreation Dept. wil continue to make every effort to support the Commission in its decisions as they relate to the Recreation facilities of the City of Atlantic Beach. RECOMMENDATIONS: Regarding funding of the Priority Projects in this report, the Board recommends we use the $100,000 we have to build the 2 Concession Stands. Any other monies"forth- coming", will have multiple avenues to travel. All other recommendations are as stated herin. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER //h�, po. 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