03-23-94 v MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1994 Present were: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners And: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner The meeting, which was being held for the purpose of discussing problems relative to traffic and parking throughout the city, was called to order by the Mayor. He felt two areas which needed to be addressed were speeding and parking. He reported that a traffic and parking study had been conducted in 1992 by Albert H. Halff & Associates. A committee had been formed and the members had biked through the city and conducted a visual inspection of the parking areas, particularly the street ends and beach accesses . He asked Chief Thompson to report the committee' s findings. Chief Thompson reported the committee found that "No Parking" signs has been posted illegally by residents and the city had too many signs, many of which said the same thing in different ways. Many of the illegal signs had now been removed and the language on city signs was being standardized, and marking of areas designated for sticker parking was being improved. He indicated that additional parking spaces had been identified but residents had landscaped city rights-of-way, thus preventing other areas from being used for parking. Chief Thompson reported that Atlantic Beach police officers had written 3, 500 citations for speeding in 1993 . Officers have been assigned to residential areas more often but they are frequently called away on other calls. He reported in response to requests for speed bumps or stop signs the Police Department conducted speed surveys and action was taken if there was a demonstrated need. He felt speed bumps often served to divert traffic to other streets and thus, problems may not be resolved but moved to other areas. He also felt speed bumps encouraged speeding between the bumps. The Mayor noted that the Halff study had suggested changing the traffic pattern on Ocean Boulevard and East Coast Drive to one-way only, and restriping to including bike lanes. He felt this was something the city may wish to consider further. Commissioner Weiss inquired whether the speed limits in Atlantic Beach were realistic and whether the city had any control over the amount of fines. Chief Thompson explained how the law regarding speeding was enforced and he indicated that fines were set by the Page Two Minutes of Commission Workshop March 23, 1994 State of Florida. He reported he hoped to increase the number of reserve officers working for the police department and these officers may help with traffic control. The five-way stop sign at the Plaza/Seminole/Sherry intersection was discussed and the question was asked whether a traffic signal light should be installed and Chief Thompson felt the stop sign was more effective than a signal light. Discussion ensued regarding the speed bumps on Plaza and many of the residents who were present indicated that the speed bumps had been effective in reducing the speed. However, residents on Ninth and Tenth Streets indicated that as a consequence of the speed bumps on Plaza, traffic had increased on their streets. A suggestion was made that speed bumps be installed on all the east/west streets. However, Kirk Sanders felt that speed bumps damaged cars and he was opposed to extensive use of speed bumps. Russell Smith indicated there were a lot of children on the 1900 block of Selva Marina Drive. Traffic had increased due to Fleet Landing and while he would like to have speed bumps installed, he indicated his neighbors did not all share that feeling. Other suggestions were made to deter speeding, including using cameras to identify speeders, and parking police cars throughout the city. Some residents asked whether there was anything they could do about vehicles which they frequently observed speeding and Chief Thompson suggested these people call the police station giving details of repeated speeding and while the police could not issue citations on that basis, they would caution the drivers. Commissioner Weiss felt that citizens should be better informed about the speed limits in Atlantic Beach and suggested that an article be placed in the city newsletter. Chuck West complained of the traffic on Levy Road. The road was in poor condition with shoulders broken away and large trucks were inclined to drive in the middle of the road. The City Manager reported that the design work had been completed to improve Levy Road but funds would be limited for another year and a half due to the fact that most of the gas tax funds were pledged to retire bonds. In the meantime, city crews would be instructed to repair the shoulders of Levy Road and he agreed to call some of the businesses in that area and ask that they caution their drivers. Following further discussion, the Mayor asked whether anyone in the audience would agree to serve on the parking study committee and the following people volunteered: Page Three Minutes of Commission Workshop March 23, 1994 Kevin Bodge, 349 Tenth Street John and Belinda Owens, 328 Tenth Street Patrick Clanton, 371 Plaza Russell Smith, 1989 Selva Marina Drive In discussion about parking, a question was asked regarding designating additional parking spaces for permit parking and Chief Thompson indicated 80 - 100 additional parking spaces had been identified when the parking study committee biked throughout the city. The City Manager indicated that the procedure for designating additional permit parking spaces was provided in the city code. Barbara Bonner inquired whether it was necessary to charge $1 .00 to renew the parking sticker. She pointed out there is no charge for the use of other city facilities and the parking sticker fees were, therefore, being used to subsidize other activities. It was suggested that a map indicating the location of permit parking spaces be given out with parking decals. It was also felt that a bike rack at Twentieth Street may encourage some residents to ride bikes instead of driving cars to the beach. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Maureein King, City Clerl l