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03-29-94 v
MINUTES OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ON TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1994 Commission Members Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner Commission Members Absent: Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Staff Present: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Ann Meuse, Finance Director Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher and Maureen King distributed a list of subjects on which the city administration felt policy statements from the City Commission would be helpful . A brief discussion ensued relative to the matters listed, as follows: ESSENTIAL SERVICES: Public Works (Water, Sewer & Garbage Service) , Police, Fire, Stormwater Management, Code Enforcement, and Equipment Maintenance. It was felt that the level of service would depend on funds available or on what residents would be willing to pay for the service. BIDDING OUT SERVICES: Commissioner Weiss felt it was important to have back up equipment to enable services to be provided in the event of a breakdown that would result in fines. The City Manager indicated this was standard procedure where practical . It was consensus that on-going services such as lawn maintenance, janitorial, pest control, etc. should be bid out annually. The City Manager pointed out that lawn maintenance had been deleted from the budget for this fiscal year and he felt city crews were not adequately equipped to perform this work. The City Manager suggested that this year be used as a base line and adjust up or down as desired. Discussion ensued regarding maintenance of rights-of-way and it was felt the city should maintain the rights-of-way on main thoroughfares and that water and sewer projects should Page Two Minutes of Strategic Planning Session March 29, 1994 include construction or reconstruction of sidewalks and landscaping and beautification. It was also agreed the city should keep away from proprietary specifications as much as possible and include the names of two or three makes and models in specifications when purchasing commodities. At this time discussion was directed to the budget and Finance Director Ann Meuse distributed information relative to the property taxes paid by Atlantic Beach property owners. The data included graphs which illustrated the percentage of property taxes retained by Atlantic Beach and the percentages which went to other taxing authorities. Graphs were also provided to illustrate how revenues were spent. A copy of the data is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Ann Meuse reported she hoped to be able to identify specific costs relating to operating enterprise funds so it would be possible to determine that utility rates were appropriate to the costs of operating the utility. She explained the Truth in Millage ( TRIM) regulations and provided a tentative budget calendar. Discussion ensued relative to the Beaches Hospital which would no longer be a taxing authority since it had just been purchased by Baptist Hospital . It was pointed out that Neptune Beach intended to hold a referendum to ask the citizens to approve increasing ad valorem taxes by an amount equal to that which would have been paid to the Hospital, with the stipulation that the increase have a sunset clause and that the funds generated by the increase be used for capital improvements which the City Manager could identify. It was felt if the city did not wish to have an official referendum, a straw ballot could be conducted in City Hall over a period of several days. Discussion ensued regarding the acquisition of additional property in the vicinity of property already owned by the city in Section H. Commissioner Weiss felt the owner was interested in selling his property and he felt the Beaches Hospital tax money could be used for this purpose. The City Manager agreed to pursue the purchase of this land. Discussion ensued relative to the community budget meetings and Commissioner Shaughnessy expressed some fears that these meetings may be perceived as an opportunity for the various communities to present their wish lists and people would be angry when the city could not meet their needs . The Mayor, however, felt the meetings were being held more to educate the citizens to the sources of revenues and expenditures and the various limitations of the city. Page Three Minutes of Strategic Planning Session March 29, 1994 Following further discussion it was felt that staff would be in a better position to present the information about the budget in a more technical and unemotional manner than the City Commission. Following further discussion, it was agreed to hold a brief meeting at 7:00 PM prior to the Fire Department Impasse Hearing on Tuesday, April 5. The Mayor noted that participation in the recycling program was down and it was suggested that an article be placed in the next edition of the newsletter. There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned. 1' Mau een King, C ' ty Crk • City of Atlantic Beach 1993-1994 Millage � N v � 4a (40.8%) School Board s YzzY\�YYti;Yt ;:;::;;z::z;zz::zzz::z::<Y::zt•::.. t�Y:`•t.z-::\Y::2y:Y;t;iv`::::ti`Y.;s',:YYY;YY\;':::'i;:�... :t,a.Yk�•;;wzY;;Y:c`lz.•>.zz�z-�zY:��?�Y�•Y}YY<e>.z::z«z«<:>:.:•. ,., �»%�'tiYYYt\YY'• Y r`.fizzz.z`,�YY,,,,\„z�Y#zz:v::zzzzzzYzzzzxzzzza:. :::ti2:2YYYYYYY,\,�, \,ti,,,,, 2„YYY\,y..•„ti : `< '>:,wY�zY••YYY::YY:,•Y:.z,,:,,i>;:::<zYii?�i����:izi;Yz,'� ,\w�� ` ,•Y�,� ��Yw:Y~iY�Y• �:Y�Y`<ttz::<::•:: :�>.z,:�,•;`•aYYz::#':�Yt#s:>,><;>z;:.zY � i;�,.Y��:���',YYY����zz�z;�:: �.:� :”tzY'.`YY::tYY'tYYY:,`t;�>::Y:t,.�ii�2\�;\�k'Y`\��;\`Y. } t2.;,.-v`Y\�',, �, `,M1 ,\..�Y,%�.;.`#�:3:•:y `: .wi#izizzi,z.,~~< •.,..,.•:.::,,,,;�,,,-.:.:z::;zYttzYY>.\�Z�Y.=�;,y�\�z`�Y�z,,;z� z�,�,�� �� ..,::,:-.•,:.t:,. ,;:�t,us;••:t.,;.;.;;.,,;.,•:,,,,,'.:;,'.:-.:,,Y.,,\,Y,::�,at: \\.Y,Y�+,•k,-'\`z:�Y\z\:.Yt ,�tcY\z,;>.<;;`�:>Y;;z: YY:t;tYY;YY-::::-::-:;Yt;YYYYY::YYYYY'.`.,-.: •.«•.�\�,.,.�$, , (0.2%) F Ia. 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Inland Marine ;:;:;;;: , • 3.9%)Beaches Hospital :.::...............................................:::..... ........................ •.:.Y:vivi'•iiv::.�.�::::.�.�:.v:.::�::.�,Lv.:.:.v.y:.�:.v:::::::•: v q ../l.. ..fi. �:•{:::2;:::L:i:2}<:::::::::lj iv:::::i}:;:^:^:::v�iiiiiTi:2;\;$,v::i2;J:2:;ii:•::.�:2jiii.�•.,f.}${f;r.::::::::::n:.:.:�:::::::.::::.��:: : .�/i`i"y;:�i�::i::::i:Citi'iG:<C:iii':v:{�::::i::;:;ii%v:i:i;.`:•}`i}j::2.2::f>ii::''h>�"i$�::i.":{1:ii::::::�::i:�:4iiiii:':iii iiyy;:::!.ii .;�•�'.•:.�'•.'•'.''•''.''•'.:�".•.�����'��Y���':iY.:iii'ri::i':i'r'....%:::::i+::;:;"''�. 24}22 :,4:�'iii•.�,'::2ri:::::::.:::::::::::::'... x ,r$'^.:.^i.•'..:.•:::rig:>.224:2iS4:iiiiiii::::':::v>:��:�:Y;22:.}:22'r:L:i:::i:::::Y���<Yv{<::'::.'::iii: n•xf::`�:,J•.:;:.:4:.%'t2iv:2:::}iiii2ii:i'i:i'i:•iiv:i•i:•iii:ai;•i2>i>::.:i:.>;i:ixi;::.::.;;.J4?:•:•::�:':. 0 13.6/o Atlantic Beach (39.5%)City of Jacksonville ` ' ' (1.9%)Water Management Propery taxes paid on a $100,000 Home with Homestead Exemption Millage Taxes Beaches Hospital 0.9500 71.25 Beaches Hospital Millage School Board 9.8420 738.15 for 1993-1994 based on City's Fla. Inland Marine 0.0510 3.83 total gross taxable property City of Jacksonville 9.5251 714.38 values for 1993-$421,213,610(95%) Water Management 0.4700 35.25 $ 380,145 Atlantic Beach 3.2776 245.82 24.1157 $1.808.68 . A General Fund General Fund 93/94 Budgeted Revenues 93/94 Budgeted Expenditures (29.0%)Police (10-8%) /7.3%% Finance .th. t:i?, 27.3% ;;tt•Y h,\fix 4 tit. . vitt. ...................•....................... 2.5%)Executive §•. 1.3 Planning&Zoning 99.6 i , #rsGz5 ' 'S>sirss>> #??is'';:'?3<E>E:z?%<»<.??<:'ili :# i. z: . 6 % General 4 Ge er I G vernme so-;: (1.6%)Legal . Government ttt� \r�.3% Parks&Retreati n v 4.: ito-ittt , ' 4ttt trt : .s» , t7.0%) Interfund Transfersnsfers1.0% Code Enforcementi:\ kii i:: •• .:. . (23.1%) (2.3 Cit CIerk :' l:; rs :::::; ::::;;:':?:::: :::: � << :;::;:;;;;:: :•::.;•;:s:s:;::s: :; .(21.9%) . .. 0.5Legislative : : (2.9%) ) 2.9 Equipment E u ment Maintenance (4.1%) 0.3 Beautification :i9 (18.3%)Fire IPoperty T °Franchise °Utility Tax ©Licenses (14.5%)Public works °State Shar°Misc.Loc °Fund Tran (1.0%)Building 1993-1994 Budgeted 1993-1994 Budgeted General Fund Revenue: General Fund Expenditures: Poperty Taxes 1,335,931 27.3% General Government 312,190 Franchise Fees 527,000 10.8% Planning&Zoning 64,930 Utility Taxes 470,800 9.6% Executive 123,100 Licenses& Permits 165,600 3.4% Finance 357,305 State Shared Reveues 1,070,783 21.9% Police 1,421,211 Misc. Local Revenues 199,344 4.1% Legal 78,740 Fund Transfers 1.131.030 23.1% Parks& Recreation 208,644 $4.900.488 Code Enforcement 47,417 City Clerk 112,650 Legislative 24,792 Fire 897,054 Building 47,173 Public Works 709,160 Beautification 13,585 Equipment Maintenanc 140,653 Interfund Transfers 341.884 $4.900.488 City of Atlantic Beach Funds Budgeted For 1993/1994 (0.8%)Cgnvention Development 6. /o)Sanitation and (0.7°/ Misc llan ou Gr nts 0 (2'6%) Ldcal O' i n �as 27.1 General Fund to �ax�un� ( ) P •:ci< s,r Nr�rrr. '�:`1.�:Cvv��i}::::}:::{;.{'::vii:%i}:. v�':i+«�«.•SSi:i: :fi:::•�v:r:. •{r •fv+J'%iiiiii vi4ir i::`�?:%i}:. + .............................................................. 'i% ./. 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(1.4/ ) Storm Water Utility ................................................ ............................................... ..�:f'F.w::..r}..F%.v.Y:}: :/+«:+.y:i}:?+i:??•}}i:3'3:•i}i.. «N r /!r}« {i:%f!{?%i•},.F<i?%�+ri%liiir<::?;.�::?::i::ii. .:F.:li�{{{q.�•.+firiFi:�?ii}:???4 r.}:h:•i:3:•}::: ,�::'s5':..:.1:.:4:4:.1:.1:.1;:.;:.;:.;1:.1:.;:.,:??.1:.1:.:.1:.1:.;,.}.. '�i:C' ++'++�\ 'i}'F.4iii:?vi;{•}}iii}i}ii'F.??•i'?%:f:?%i:Kf:+�:ii':4;?.}:•}}:4}:{•i.•� '�{ •\•}.:.:.':':}}:C4:.}}}}}}i::::::.}:?4ii'f-.?•}iY!?•}1,.y4}:i+if,.:•}'1,.;}:•1:4:4:4:•}:C:4:v:..l.•:••� f.•' O (13.3/O)Water Funds (41.7%)Sewer Funds Y•::.}'::.1'::::::?... .... ?.;,;.:? }!' �wr :4%}i?.}nti.4JJ1...:•-••.Jh}•• ':4>ti;.'`' .................... .......... (1.7%)Capital Project Fund (3.9%)Debt Service Fund CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FUNDS BUDGETED FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 General Fund 4,900,488 27.14% Convention Development 150,000 0.83% Sanitation Fund 1,236,765 6.85% Miscellaneous Grants 125,000 0.69% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 464,137 2.57% Sewer Funds 7,531,096 41.71% Debt Service Fund 697,388 3.86% Capital Project Fund 301,000 1.67% Water Funds 2,403,982 13.31% Storm Water Utility Fund 247.532 1.37% 18.057.388 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BUDGET MEETINGS FISCAL YEAR 1993/94 DATE June 2 Pre-budget meeting July 26 Budget presented to Commission July 28 Established proposed millage rate August 2 Budget Workshop August 10 Budget Workshop August 24 Budget Workshop August 30 Budget Workshop September 2 Committee of Fletcher, Waters, and Jarboe September 8 • Shade Meeting September 8 Budget Workshop September 11 Shade Meeting September 13 Tentative Budget passed at Commission meeting September 20 Shade Meeting September 22 Budget Workshop September 27 Final Budget passed at Commission meeting City of Atlantic Beach Tentative Budget Calendar Fiscal Year 1994-1995 Date Required Action Responsibility 4-May-94 Budget instructions and forms given to Dept. Heads Finance Director 15-May-94 Property Appraiser provides Estimated Preliminary Prop. Appraiser Taxable Value per F.S. 200.065 30-Jun-94 Department budgets submitted to City Manager. Depart. Heads 1-Jul-94 to City Management and Finance Director Meet with Depart. Heads & 15-Jul-94 Department Heads. City Mgmt. 1-Jul-94 Receive Certificate of Taxable Value - Prop. Appraiser Prop. Appraiser 15-Jul-94 Department of Revenue provides estimates of Dept. of Revenue State Revenue Allocations. 16-Jul-94 to Proposed Budget prepared for submission to City City Mgmt. & 1-Aug-94 Commission. Finance Director 25-Jul-94 City Commission adopts proposed millage rate and City Commission sets date and place for public hearing to consider proposed millage rate and tentative budget. This information must be provided to the Property Appraiser within 35 days of Certification of Value (July 1 , 1994). Property Appraiser prepares tax notices which must be mailed within 55 days of certification of value. The public hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage must be held within 80 days but not earlier than 65 days of the date of certification of value. F.S. 200.065 3-Aug-94 Proposed budget submitted to City Commission. City Mgmt. & Finance Director 8-Aug-94 to City Commission workshops to review budget. City Commission 1-Sep-94 City Mgmt. & Staff 3-Sep-94 Publish budget advertisement in newspaper. Finance Director 7-Sep-94 Public Hearing to adopt final millage rate and budget. City Commission Must be held not less than 2 days or more than 5 days after the day the budget advertisement is in the newspaper. 21-Sep-94 Publish TRIM notice in newspaper. Finance Director 26-Sep-94 City Commission final hearing & approval of Budget City Commission Millage. The following is a list of subjects on which we feel it would be helpful to have policy statements from the City commission: ESSENTIAL SERVICES: Which services are considered essential, and what level should be provided? BIDDING OUT SERVICES: What services should city forces provide; what services should be bid out annually? PARKING: Rights of way/beach accesses SIDEWALKS: Target locations for construction LAND ACQUISITION: Annexation/Purchase; Expansion of park lands RECREATION BOARD/ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BOARD: Identify areas of responsibility COMMITTEES: • Duties/responsibilities INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION: Services RUSSELL PARK: Prohibit parking on grass ( Including Little League) FEES AND CHARGES SPEED BUMPS/STOP SIGNS UNDEDICATED ROADS CODE ENFORCEMENT