05-09-94 v 4. f. ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION May 9, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 25, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Presentation of Proclamation designating Polio Awareness Week b. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Public Works Week 3. Unfinished Business: a. Authorize execution of contract with Sims Design Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $35, 000.00 for engineering services in connection with expansion of No. 3 water plant (Bob Kosoy) b. Authorize expansion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project area to include an area west of Mayport Road ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #11 b. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation Facilities Usage Report for April 1994 c. Authorize award of contract to Vortex Biological Services in the amount of $3, 588.00 to chemically spray lagoons and pond for one year in accordance with Bid No. 9394-9 d. Acknowledge receipt of building report for April 1994 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-15 authorizing a budget adjustment to provide funds for survey of Tresca property and to provide funds to pay EPA fine b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-16 urging the Duval County School Board to restore Fletcher High School building (Commissioner Waters) c. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution No. 94-17 authorizing the refunding of Revenue Bonds, Series 1994A and 1994B (Fleet Landing Project) Page Two AGENDA May 9, 1994 d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-18 authorizing the execution of a supplemental trust indenture amending and supplementing the trust indenture relating to the city' s revenue bonds ( Fleet Landing Project ) , Series 1989 6. New Business: a. Action relative to award of contract for Park Street drainage improvements in accordance with Bid No. 9394-8 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE V V ROAD, AT 7 : 15 p. m. ON MONDAY, MAY 9 , 1994 O O PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor T T Suzanne Shaughnessy E E J. Dezmond Waters, III , and D D Robert G. Weiss,Jr. ,Commissioners AND : Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager M S O E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Maureen King, City Clerk I O Y ABSENT: Steven M. Rosenbloom (excused) NAME OF D S N N COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation offered by Commissioner Waters was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 25 , 1994 SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve minutes of the WATERS X X regular meeting of April 25, 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2 . Recognition of Visitors : a. Presentation of Proclamation designating Polio Awareness Week Mayor Fletcher presented in full in writing, Proclamation designating the first week in June, 1994 , as Polio Awareness Week. Mayor Fletcher presented said Proclamation to Dorothy Deceurs from the First Coast Polio Syndrum Support Group. b. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Public Works Week Mayor Fletcher presented in full in writing, Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 15 through May 21 , 1994 as Public Works Week. Mayor Fletcher presented said Proclamation to Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, and Mr. Kosoy Page 2 May 9, 1994 v V NAME OF thanked employees of the Public Workg, Department COMMRS. MSYN tor their hard work . Barbara Bonner , 463 Selva Lakes Circle , inquired into the status of cleaning of a ditch located in Aquatic Gardens . Mr . Kosoy explained the Department of Transportation (D .O. T. ) had admittec ownership of the ditch and cleaning would commence on June 6 , 1994 . Ms . Bonner inquired specifically concerning a ditch located at Skate Road which she indicated was overgrown with weeds , etc . Mr . Kosoy explained the ditch was maintained on a regular basis and that he had conducted a visual inspection last week at which time the ditch was clear of debris . It was agreed that Ms . Bonner and Mr . Kosoy would meet at a time mutually convenient to inspect the ditch . Jim Jarboe , Deputy City Manager , explained the Atlantic Beach ditches were not responsible for flooding that had occurred in the city . Patrick Grandy , 370 Garden Lane , inquired whether public sewer could be made available at Lot 10 , Block 4 , Ocean Grove , Unit I . He explained at the present time sewer was not available , and it was his desire to construct a home . He passed out a diagram to the commission indicating the parcel where he would like to have city sewer available . Mr . Kosoy explained the area under discussion was part of Beach Avenue water and sewer improvements and that the city had the plans to construct sewer since August , 1990 . He explained Mr . Grandy would like part of the project constructed so that he would be able to build a home . It was decided that the Water and Sewer Committee would meet with Mr . Grandy to discuss the matter on Thursday , May 12 , 1994 at 8 : 00 p . m. in the City Hall . Penney Riley suggested placing "Wrong Way" signs on Beach Avenue , thus alleviating the possibility of vehicles driving the wrong way on this one-way street . She also suggested placing stop signs on Beach Avenue . Mayor Fletcher explained traffic and speeding problems would be addressed , as a whole , early in the summer by the Traffic Committee . In the meantime , the Mayor suggested Ms . Riley meet with David Thompson , Police Chief , to discuss her concerns relative to Beach Avenue . Page 3 V V NAME OF May 9 , 199k-OMMRS. MSYN 3 . Unfinished Business : a . Authorize execution of contract with Sims Design Consultants , Inc . in the amount of $35 , 000 . 00 for engineering services in connection with expansion of No. 3 water plant Bob Kosoy explained staff recommended approval of the Design Contract for a budgeted amount not to exceed $35 , 000 . 00 . He indicated funds were to be obtained from the Capital Improvement Plan monies borrowed under the Barnett Bank loan for this purpose . The project entailed the preparation of two circular 150 , 000 gallon Ground Storage Reservoirs and all related services as set forth in the contract between Sims Design Consultants , Inc . and the City . He indicated a negotiated design fee of $30 , 000 had been decided upon , but that two additional services : ( 1 ) the preparation of Geotechnical proposals not to exceed $3 , 500 and ( 2) the preparation of a preliminary engineer ' s report not to exceed $ 1 , 500 had been added to the scope of work . Thus , the total budgeted design cost would not exceed $35 , 000 . SHAUGHNESSY X X X Motion: Accept recommendation for WEISSS X approval of the Design services FLETCHER X Contract with Sims Design Consultants , Inc . for Water Treatment Plant No. 3 not to exceed $35 , 000 . 00 Under discussion , it was explained two storage tanks would be built and that basically one tank was a copy of the other tank . The advantage of having two tanks was that when one tank was being cleaned , the other tank would still be working . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b. Authorize expansion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project area to include an area west of Mayport Road Kim Leinbach , City Manager , recommended expanding the CDBG target area west of Mayport Road , bounded on the north by Church Road , on the south by Levy Road , on the east by Mayport Road , and on the west by Main Street . He explained this would allow the city to conduct housing rehabilitations and related work in an area that suffered conditions Page 4 May 9 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN similar- to tito:..c in the current Donner target area . He indicated the Donner Community Development Corporation had given their support to the expansion of the target area . Motion : Grant approval to expand SHAUGHNESSY X the existing CDBG target area west WATERS X X of Mayport Road to encompass the WEISS X following property : bounded on the FLETCHER X X north by Church Road , on the south by Levy Road , on the east by Mayport Road , and on the west by Main Street . Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated there was quite a bit of work that needed to be done in the area . Currently the city was working with Jacksonville in an effort to rehabilitate houses utilizing CDBG funds . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 4 . Consent Agenda :_ a . Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report # 11 b . Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation Facilities Usage Report for April , 1994 c . Authorize award of contract to Vortex Biological Services in the amount of $3 , 588 . 00 to chemically spray lagoons and pond for one year in accordance with Bid No. 9394-9 d . Acknowledge receipt of building report for April , 1994 Mayor Fletcher presented the Consent Agenda Items . SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion : Approve passage of the WATERS X X Consent Agenda WEISS X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . 5 . Action on Resolutions : a . Resolution No. 94- 15 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94- 15 . He explained the resolution authorized a budget adjustment to provide funds Page E May 9 , 1E94 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN for survey of Tresca property in the amount of $4 , 000 , and to provide funds to pay EPA fine it the amount of $ 17 , 000 . Commissioner Weiss explained the subject property was located at Begonia Street and West First Street . He indicated the owner was anxious to work with the city and felt it was important tc get the appraisal and survey completed so that a purchase price for the property could be negotiated . Bob Kosoy explained the circumstances that led up to the Environmental Protection Agency ( E . P .A. ) placing a fine against the city and he indicated the fine had been reduced from $20 , 000 to $ 17 , 000 . He explained in August , 1992 the EPA notified the City that it was in violation of continuous monitoring requirements for thq Wastewater Treatment Plant . Subsequently , EPA was advised by the City that the problem was due tc lightning strikes , but after documentation provided by the City and numerous efforts by the City Attorney to settle the matter there was no hope of settlement and the fine of $ 17 , 000 had to be paid . SHAUGHNESSY X X X Motion : Approve passage of WEISSS X X Resolution #94- 15 FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . Alan Potter suggested that a resolution opposing the action of EPA be prepared and sent to the Senator Bankhead , State Representative Arnall , and Congresswoman Tillie Fowler . City Manager Kim Leinbach was instructed to prepare a resolution for the commission meeting of May 23 , 1994 . b . Resolution No. 94- 16 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, IN SUPPORT OF THE PRESERVATION AND RENOVATION OF THE ORIGINAL DUNCAN U . FLETCHER HIGH SCHOOL Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94- 16 . Commissioner Waters introduced Jenifer Hendry , a member of Save our School Fletcher ( S .O. S . Fletcher) who urged the commission to pass the resolution to preserve Fletcher High School which was considered to be a historical landmark . Page 6 May 9 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Commissioner waters felt the building had historical significance and there were ways to meet the demands of the School Board by preserving the building . SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Approve passage of WATERS X X Resolution No. 94- 16 WEISS X FLETCHER X X Schools facilities director McGlade Halloway and her staff architect , Frank Spencer , explained that they felt the building had deteriorated to such a great extent that it was not possible to save it . It was also explained that presently there were 300 students more than the building could hold . They felt that if the situation were placed on "hold" there was a possibility funds to build a new building would be lost . It was explained the $ 13 million project involved removing the building that fronts Third Street , approximately 46 , 000 square feet , and two 2 , 500 square foot buildings to the west of the school , one that houses a classroom, the other a weight room. Those buildings would be replaced with 98 , 000 square feet of air conditioned/heated space . It was felt that the welfare of the children should be put before the building . Those who supported saving the school felt that time to exhaust every effort should be given because there were so few old buildings that were left and the building was part of the heritage of the beaches community . It was felt that the School Board should have attended to repairs on an on-going basis . William Morgan , Architect , felt a compromise could be reached by incorporating a portion of the original building into a new building . It was suggested the building was structurally sound and that it could be waterproofed and thus saved , and that a sense of pride in one ' s school was worth preserving . Mayor Fletcher suggested saving the facade of the building . He indicated respect should be given tc the wishes of the community to preserve their roots and he urged the school board to try to work with the community to find a solution . The question was called and the motion carriec unanimously . Page 7 May 9 , 1894 V V NAME OF c . Resolution No. 94- 17 - A RESOLUTION PROVIDING COMMRS. MSYN FOR THF TSSUANCE BY THF CITY QF ATLANTIC BEACH . FLORIDA, OF ITS FIXED RATE IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS , SERIES 1994A ( FLEET LANDING PROJECT) , IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $23 , 000 , 000 , AND ITS VARIABLE RATE DEMAND IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1994B ( FLEET LANDING PROJECT) , IN A AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEER $22 , 000 , 000 , AND FOR A LOAN BY THE CITY TO NAVA CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT FOUNDATION , INC . , FLORIDA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION , IN AN AMOUN EQUAL TO THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SAID SERIES 199 BONDS , FOR THE PURPOSES OF (A) REFUNDING TH: OUTSTANDING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, VARIABLE RATE DEMAND REVENUE BONDS ( FLEET LANDINe PROJECT) , SERIES 1989 , (B) FINANCING A PART OF TH : COSTS OF A CAPITAL PROJECT FOR SAID CORPORATION , (C) FUNDING A DEBT SERVICE RESERVE FUND FOR TH2 SERIES 1994 BONDS , AND (D) PAYING A PART OF THE COSTS OF ISSUING THE SERIES 1994 BONDS ; PROVIDIN THAT SUCH REVENUE BONDS SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE DEBT, LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION OF THE CITY OR THE STATE OF FLORIDA OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF , BUT SHALL BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES HEREIN PROVIDED ; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE OWNERS OF THE SERIES 1994 BONDS AND FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF ; APPOINTING THE INITIAL TRUSTEE AND MAKING CERTAIN OTHER APPOINTMENTS ; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING ; APPROVING PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE SERIES 1994 BONDS ; AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF THE SERIES 1994 BONDS ; AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF THE SALE OF THE SERIES 1994 BONDS AND APPROVING THE CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA OF SUCH SALE ; AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENTS AND THE EXECUTION OF FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE SERIES 1994 BONDS ; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER DETAILS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . John Meserve , 2126 Beach Avenue , explained Fleet Landing was a State of the Art facility . He gave a brief summary of the history of Fleet Landing , and he explained two resolutions appeared on the agenda ; one Resolution would recall old bonds , and the other Resolution would issue new bonds . He explained the passage of the ordinances would provide funds for the expansion of the health center . He indicated plans were to provide for• a wing of 60 rooms for• assisted living residents and Page B May 9 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN part of tha remodeling would provide faci I ities for Alzheimer patients . Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94- 17 . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Alan Potter inquired as to whether issuance of the bonds was pledging the credit of the City in any way , to which it was explained by Jean Mangu , Attorney with Foley and Landner , that the issuance of the bonds would not pledge the credit of the City . Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing . SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Approve passage of WATERS X X Resolution 94- 17 WEISS X FLETCHER X X Commissioner Weiss inquired if the health center would be available to Atlantic Beach residents , to which Mr . Meserve explained presently the health center was available to the general public and it would be available to the general public in the future . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . d . Resolution No. 94- 18 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, OF A SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING THE TRUST INDENTURE RELATING TO THE CITY ' S VARIABLE RATE DEMAND REVENUE BONDS ( FLEET LANDING PROJECT) , SERIES 1989 , FOR THE PURPOSE OF AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS SET FORTH THEREIN RELATING TO OPTIONAL REDEMPTIONS OF VARIABLE RATE BONDS ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94- 18 . SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve passage of WATERS X Resolution No. 94- 18 WEISS X X FLETCHER X X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 6 . New Business: a . Action relative to award of contract for Park Street drainage improvements in accordance with Bid No. 9394-8 * Page 9 May 9 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Kim Leinbach , City Manager , explained bid prices were not as good as expected and it was felt city crews could do the work at a lower cost . He indicated work would take approximately three to four months , and at the maximum six months . He asked the Commission to reject all bids and authorize construction by city crews . Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , explained the purpose of the job was to alleviate drainage problems south of Donner Park . He explained the project was initially budgeted at $26 , 000 and the first bids were well over that amount . In the second bid , the city changed the type of piping required and the bids were lower , but not as low as the city desired . The lowest bid was just under $30 , 000 and it was felt city crews could do the job for $22 , 000 , which included almost $ 11 , 000 in overtime . He indicated at the most , it would take city crews six months to complete the job if there was very severe weather . Tom McLaughlin , President , Certified Environmental Services , commended the city for trying to save money . He explained his firm gave their lowest bid possible at $29 , 999 . He cautioned the city in having city crews do the work because he felt that delays could occur because of rainy weather , and he indicated his firm could complete the work in four to six weeks . After discussion , it was felt city crews should be given the opportunity to do the work , and thus save money for the city , and that the City Manager would give monthly reports to the Commission regarding the status of work . SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Reject all bids on Park WATERS X Street drainage improvements , Bid WEISS X X No. 9394-8 , and authorize FLETCHER X X construction by city crews , with the City Manager giving monthly reports concerning the status of the job No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence : Page 1D May 9 , 1934 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Kim City Moncryer- , r- por-Led cl and i Hogan , Public Works employee , had suffered a heart attack and was in Memorial Hospital . Mr . Leinbach reported staff was working on a report relative to whether or not certain streets should be made one-way streets . Mr . Leinbach reminded everyone to attend the employee appreciation dinner at the American Legion , Friday , May 13 , 1994 . Commissioner Weiss encouraged citizens to express their feelings regarding saving Fletcher School . Commissioner Shaughnessy reported Gregg McCaulie was running for County Judge . Commissioner Shaughnessy commended the Beautification Committee regarding a driving tour of Atlantic Beach which was held Saturday . Commissioner Waters asked that Resolution 94- 16 in support of preserving Fletcher School be sent to the Superintendent of Schools , Principal of Fletcher Middle School , and every member of the School Board . Commissioner Waters commended Sharette Simpkins concerning the recent Donner Clean-Up project . Mayor Fletcher announced there would be a meeting concerning the Wonderwood Expressway Wednesday , May 11 , 1994 , 7 : 00 p . m. , at the City Hall . Mayor Fletcher reported the Commission had met with the Pension Board . He asked Maureen King , City Clerk , to coordinate meetings with the Tree Board and the Code Enforcement Board . Mayor Fletcher announced June 14 , 1994 would be Flag Day and he asked staff to prepare a ceremony . Mayor Fletcher indicated percentages were down regrading the city ' s recycling activities and he asked Kim Leinbach to investigate the matter to insure Atlantic Beach was not being included with another municipality . Mayor Fletcher asked Kim Leinbach to prepare a resolution to Save the Saratoga . 1 Page 11 V V May 9 ' 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher appointed Commissioner Waters as liaison between the Commission and the Cultural Arts Board . There being no further• business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9 : 35 p . m. NW./ Adamod� ,,fir Lyman Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer AT ES T: Mau, een Xing a City Clerk - I 41/ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MAY 9, 1994. Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner And: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Kim Leinbach, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner (Excused) The meeting, which was held at the request of the City Attorney for the purpose of discussing the pending legal action being taken by Ortega Industrial Contractors, was called to order in the Commission Chambers at 6:40 PM by Mayor Fletcher. The Mayor explained the meeting was being held in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes, Chapter 286, which provided that AO the discussions could be held in private. At this time the Mayor and City Commissioners, City Manager and City Attorney convened to City Hall Conference Room to hold the aforementioned discussions. The proceedings were recorded by Court Reporter Deborah Pacetti and a transcript will be filed with the City Clerk within thirty days. Following the discussions, the group reconvened in the Commission Chambers and there being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7: 15 PM. icer Or/ / yman i. Fletcher ayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: �' Maur en King City Clerk