05-31-94 v MINUTES OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 4:30 PM ON TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1994. Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Also: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Ann Meuse, Finance Director Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Robert G. Weiss, Jr. (Excused) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher who inquired regarding the balance in the various accounts. Ann Meuse indicated she could have a printout of the balances in a few minutes so the City Commission could review the monies that had been spent thus far. Ann Meuse referred to the spending freeze which the City Commission had approved at the last commission meeting and indicated there was some confusion regarding what the City Commission considered essential spending. The Mayor indicated essential spending could include such items as salaries, benefits and associated costs, customary office supplies, insurance premiums, contractual obligations, utilities, maintenance of equipment, operating expenses of the water and sewer facilities, and everything which had been previously approved by the City Commission. The Mayor requested that purchase orders relating to water and sewer be reviewed by the Water and Sewer Committee. Discussion then ensued regarding the betterments which Ms. Meuse proposed to include in the 1994/95 budget, and the question of what criteria would be used to measure the level of service. It was felt in some instances the level of service could be measured by the number of complaints received, or in the Police and Fire Departments service could be measured by the number of calls received and the time for response. Following further discussion, staff were directed to meet and come up with a method of measuring level of service. In discussion regarding betterments the City Commission would like to see, Commissioner Waters felt the city may wish to consider an additional day for garbage collection. He felt the city should continue to pursue the acquisition of additional park lands and expand the park programs. He felt the Seminole Road ditch needed to be cleaned and indicated there was a problem with snakes in the area. He also felt sidewalks should be better maintained and edged and shrubbery should be trimmed. The City Manager felt the city may be able to get block grant funds { d . Page Two Minutes May 31, 1994 to build a community center in Donner Park and the monies being used to rent the current facility could be applied to the construction. Commissioner Shaughnessy concurred with the desire to acquire additional park lands. She also felt the Adele Grage Community Center could use some sprucing up. She felt additional parking was needed, particularly in the town center, and suggested better maintenance and beautification of the beach accesses. She felt city crews should maintain areas which had been landscaped and suggested the Fire Department provide fire prevention service when possible. Commissioner Rosenbloom requested that each commissioner be allocated a travel/expense account to enable them to attend educational seminars which would be beneficial to the city. He also suggested that instead of undertaking projects in a piecemeal fashion the city seek professional help to develop an overall plan which would address parking, revitalization, land use, etc. , for the city. He felt maintenance and beautification of City Hall grounds should be addressed and felt that the availability of irrigation must be considered in all future beautification projects. Commissioner Waters felt the City Commission should review job descriptions to better understand the responsibilities of the employees and encouraged the use of volunteers and contracting out services where possible. The Mayor summarized the City Commission' s suggested betterments, as follows: 1 . Better maintenance of green space and drainage areas 2. Continue Parks and Recreation improvements/programs; park acquisition; make plan for each park 3. Planting of trees and beautification 4. Develop comprehensive city plan; education for staff and Commission 5. Traffic, parking, and speeding At this time Ann Meuse presented the budget report and briefly explained the format. She explained the problems the Finance Department had experienced with the telephone system, especially at cut-off time. She indicated she would address these problems in her 1994/95 budget. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjou ned. I) apt J Maureen King City Clerk