06-27-94 v 4 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION June 27, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 1994, and Special Called meeting of June 20, 1994. 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Unfinished Business: a. Action on request of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) relative to the renovation of the lobby area of the Adele Grage Community Center ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #14 b. Grant approval for Florida Game and Fish Commission to use the Commission Chambers to conduct hunter safety seminars c. Acknowledge report relative to demolition of structures at 91 Donner Road and 1860 Francis Avenue d. Award contract to provide built-up roofing on Adele Grage Community Center, under Bid No. 9394-11, to McCurdy-Walden, Inc. , in the amount of $7,300.00. 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-22 approving budget adjustment to provide funds for legal fees in connection with the city' s law suit against the City of Jacksonville b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-23 opposing the rezoning of a portion of Hanna Park to allow the construction of a delinquency shelter 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 45-94-11 adding definitions and amending the schedule of license classifications and fees b. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 10-94-18 to amend the regulations regarding the use of alcoholic beverages on city property c. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 60-94-8 to amend the city' s sign regulations , . New Business: a. Authorize expenditure of funds to undertake emergency replacement of force main at A-1-A and Puckett Creek Page 2 Agenda - June 27, 1994 b. Authorize initial professional study for Beach Avenue water distribution system 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to Park Street drainage project 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACI- V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL , 800 SEMINOLE 0 0 ROAD , AT 7 : 15 p . m. ON MONDAY , JUNE 27 , 1994 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T . Fletcher , Mayor D D Steven M . Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J . Dezmond Waters , III , and M S Robert G . Weiss , Jr . , Commissioners 0 E T C AND : Kim D . Leinbach , City Manager I O Y Alan C . Jensen , City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King , City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher . The invocation offered by Mayor Fletcher was followed by the pledge to the flag . Mayor Fletcher announced Commissioner Rosenbloom was delayed due to a business meeting and would be joining the meeting later . 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13 , 1994 ROSENBLOON Motion : Approve minutes of theSHAUGHNESSYX X regular meeting of June 13 , 1994 WATERS X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote . The motion carriedFLETCHER X unanimously . Approval of the minutes of the Special Called meeting of June 20 . 1994 ROSENBLOOM Motion : Approve minutes of theSHAUGHNESSY X Special Called meeting of June 20 , WATERS X X 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . 2 . Recognition of Visitors : James Hill , 352 7th Street , spoke on behalf of the IAFF and indicated members of the union were still without a raise which , he indicated , was a result of confusion regarding the action taken by the City Commission at the Impasse Hearing . He asked that the Commission meet with the union as quickly as possible to resolve the issue . Mayor Fletcher indicated the Commission intended to address the matter in the very near future . Page 2 v V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Jan Woods, 372 2nd Street , indicated the city had turned off water at her home due to an unpaid bill . She explained she made an effort to contact the water department via telephone but was not successful . Ann Meuse, Finance Director, explained delinquent notices were recently sent out and the cut off day was Friday, June 24 , 1994 . Accounts that were not paid were cut off , but as soon as the bill was paid the water was turned back on. She explained approximately 100 to 150 telephone calls were received in the morning of the day water was to be cut off, and it was impossible to return all calls. She explained she had a small staff and because of the busy day the cashiers experienced it was not possible to handle all telephone calls as well . Mayor Fletcher explained the city had to become strict regarding water bills because people were not paying their bills. Presently, he added, the Commission was reviewing the existing cut-off policy which provided that if a bill was not paid water would be cut off in 15 days . Commissioner Weiss suggested having a dedicated outgoing telephone line . Kim Leinbach, City Manager, explained staff had met with Southern Bell and that soon the Commission would be receiving a proposal for review which would increase telephone lines by about 50 percent. David Thompson, Police Chief , introduced Jill Shroder, a new police officer. 3 . Unfinished Business : a. Action on request of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) relative to the renovation of the lobby area of the the Adele Grage Community Center William Gulliford, President of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) introduced Michael Dunlap, Architect, and Heywood Dowling, Contractor, who presented a drawing of revised plans which had been modified since the meeting of June 13 , 1994 . An explanation was given relative to the changes that had been made . It was explained the project would be funded solely by ABET. Commissioner Shaughnessy asked if the front portion of the stage would be removable to which Page 3 v V June 27, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN it was explained the front portion of the stage would not be removable . A discussion ensued relative to the sprinkler and electrical systems and it was explained by Mr . Dowling that the matter had been addressed . An inquiry arose concerning whether restrooms would meet A .D .A. requirements to which it was explained restrooms would meet A.D .A. requirements . Bob Persons , indicated his opposition to public property being used for private purposes . He suggested the building could be leased to ABET and that ABET could pay rent to the city . A question arose relative to whether or not there was a signed agreement between ABET and the City , to which it was explained past City Commission official action dictated the use of the Community Center by all groups . During discussion relative to the proposed fixed stage , it was felt by William Gulliford that the fixed stage would be more safe than having a removable stage . With reference to the number of proposed tiers , it was explained by Mr . Dunlap there would be one tier . Whereas several people indicated their opposition to the proposed renovation , others felt since both senior citizens and young people participated in programs that the building was being enjoyed by many residents . A discussion was held concerning traffic problems caused by the people attending ABET performances and several people indicated although they lived near the facility , traffic was not a problem. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the concept presented by ABET was good for the community and for the youth of the community , and he felt the renovations as presented would not affect the integrity of the Center and thus would still allow other groups to use of the Center . Mayor Fletcher felt the building was of historical value and since the front room was the oldest part of the building it was important that the integrity of the front room be maintained . He felt with the relocation of the stage to the north side of the room the risers would no longer be Page 4 V V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN required to provide a good view to everyone in the audience , and he suggested that staggering the chairs would result in a more functional room. He indicated protrouding the restrooms out into the front room would cause the integrity of the room to be compromised , and he suggested perhaps using other space . He indicated his goal was to preserve the rectangular nature of the room. He felt it was important to insure the Fire Marshall approved fire safety of the building , and he expressed concern that construction would not interfere with summer workshops . The Mayor suggested having a Special Commission meeting at the Community Center so that the Commission could examine the site while making their final decision . ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion : Approve the concept in the WATERS X preliminary drawing , with the WEISS X deletion of the tiers . Explore FLETCHER X X redesigning the bathrooms so that they do not protrude into the main room; continue to explore the possibility of designing the front portion of the stage so that it could be removed . Continue to pursue options relative to stage lighting , and discuss the removal of the platform (old commission podium) subject to the capacity requirements of the Fire Marshall and the need for fire exits . Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the proposed tiers were an important part of the plan . Commissioner Weiss suggested deferring action on the proposed tiers until the special commission meeting . Under discussion concerning the proposed exit , it was felt by some commissioners that the exit should be to the right of the fireplace , while it was felt by others that the exit should remain in the green room. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . Agenda item 5b was taken out of sequence and acted upon . Page 5 V V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN b . Resolution No. 94-23 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, OPPOSING THE REZONING AND LAND USE CHANGE OF A PART OF THE LAND DESIGNATED AS HANNA PARK FROM RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE ( ROS) TO GOVERNMENTAL USE ( PBF) FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF ALLOWING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DELINQUENCY SHELTER Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94-23 . ROSENBLOOM x SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Withdraw WATERS X X Resolution No. 94-23 WEISS X X FLETCHER x Laura Emerson , Department of H . R . S . , Juvenile Justice , and Bill Knight , Jacksonville Marine Institute , indicated the site would not be feasible to develop and thus the request to rezone the land had been withdrawn . It was explained Jacksonville Marine Institute had been successful in working with troubled youth in the past and it was felt there was a need for more assistance of this type . Commissioner Weiss apologized for the tone of the Resolution and suggested in the future the Commission would appreciate being contacted prior to any action being taken so that it would have an opportunity to understand the purpose for the request . It was explained presently there was no intention to pursue rezoning the land . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 4 . Consent Agenda : a . Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report # 14 b . Grant approval for Florida Game and Fish Commission to use the commission Chanmbers to conduct hunter safety seminars c . Acknowledge report relative to demolition of structures at 91 Donner Road and 1860 Francis Avenue d . Award contract to provide built-up roofing on Adele Grage Community Center , under Bid No. 9394- 11 , to McCurdy-Walden , Inc . , in the amount of $7 , 300 . 00 . Mayor Fletcher requested that Items A and D be removed from the Consent Agenda . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage of Items B SHAUGHNESSY X and C of the Consent Agenda WATERS X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.F FELTCHER X X Page 6 June 27 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No dice ssiun htfor-e r_he vote . The motion carried unanimously . a . Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report # 14 Mayor Fletcher inquired as to the status of construction of water and sewer lines on Beach Avenue , to which Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , explained he was waiting until the funding of the project would be determined during the budget process . Mayor Fletcher cautioned that interest rates were rising and if the matter was postponed it would cost more to obtain funding . Kim Leinbach , City Manager , suggested adding to the loan with Barnett providing RFP requirements would not be violated . It was determined approximately 20 percent of the work had been accomplished , and that the only thing holding back the job was the determination of funding . After further discussion Mayor Fletcher suggested referring the matter to the Water and Sewer Committee for recommendation regarding funding , with Ann Meuse attending the meeting . Commissioner Waters referred to citizens having to tap into the sewer system once sewer was installed and he suggested giving people a window of time to tap into the sewer system, at no charge . He felt since residents already paid for the sewer lines at a substantial amount of money they should not have to pay to tap into the system. A discussion ensued as to whether or not residents should be required to adhere to State Statute and tap into the sewer system if their septic tank system still was in operating condition . Alan Jensen , City Attorney , advised in the past citizens were not required to tap into the system if their septic tank system was in operating condition ; he felt the city had established a precedent and since Home Rule had prevailed in the past he felt it would prevail in the future . It was explained the Water and Sewer Committee would address the matter . After further discussion during which some commissioners expressed their feelings that city ordinances should he enforced and residents should be required to tap into the system, the City Manager was asked to provide the Commission with a consistent recommendation . Reference was made to the Beach Avenue water distribution system and since the matter was Page 7 June 27 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN addressed under acIFndi Ttam 7,b , it was decided to move Item 78 out of sequence for action . 7b . Authorize initial professional study for Beach Avenue water distribution system. Jim Jacques , Gee & Jenson , reported engineering for water and sewer had been done in 1989 . He explained the project as proposed by Gee & Jenson in 1989 called for a 12" water line on Beach Avenue . Since the city had inquired regarding the need for 12" pipe , Mr . Jacques explained it was felt this was necessary to complete a loop and provide better water pressure to the old city and Royal Palms area . He explained what the work would entail (proposal dated June 16 , 1994 attached hereto and made a part herewith) . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Accept recommendation of SHAUGHNESSY X X staff and accept proposal from Gee & ',IATERS X Jenson for first phase of Water 'WWEISS X Distribution Analysis in the amount FLETCHER X X of $8, 163 . 00 , contingent up City Attorney ' s approval No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . 4d . Award contract to provide built-up roofing on Adele Grage Community Center , under Bid No. 9394- 11 , to McCurdy-Walden , Inc . , in the amount of $7 , 300 . 00 . It was explained it was necessary to have the work accomplished so that the interior of the building would be protected . Mayor Fletcher questioned the use of bed tax money , to which it was explained the original remodeling of the Community Center was completed with bed tax money and it was desirous to continue remodeling using bed tax money . The commission asked staff to advise if other funding could be used . A discussion ensued relative to McCurdy-Walden , Inc . and their background , as well as the warranty that was furnished . The Mayor suggested taking action at the Special Commission meeting of July 6 , 1994 at which time alternate funding , other than bed tax money , could be discussed . ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion : Defer action until the WATERS X special commission meeting of July WEISS x 6 , 1994 FLETCHER X X Page 8 v V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN It was explained bed tax money could legally be used for community center activities . After discussion , it was felt by some commissioners that the matter should not be deferred but should be acted upon . The question was called on the motion to defer action until the special commission meeting of July 6 , 1994 and the vote resulted in 2-3 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Waters , and Weiss voting nay . The motion failed . Motion : Accept recommendation of SHX X AAUGHNESERHNESS staff to award bid no. 9394- 11 to Y X WATERS X X provide built-up roofing on Adele WEISS X Grage Community Center to FLETCHER X McCurdy-Walden , Inc . at a total price bid of $7 , 300 . 00 , to be funded with bed tax money . The question was called and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay . The motion carried . 5 . Action on Resolutions : a . Resolution No. 94-22 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution 94-22 . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X X Resolution No. 94-22 WATERS X X WEISS X It was explained Resolution No. 94-22 transferred FLETCHER X $50 , 000 from the General Fund unrestricted fund balance for potential legal fees in the Interlocal lawsuit , and that the General Fund would be reimbursed for those expenditures upon settlement of the lawsuit . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b . Resolution No. 94-23 - Opposing the rezoning of a portion of Hanna Park to allow the construction of a delinquency shelter (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) Page 9 V V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 6 . Action on Ordinances: a . Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , AMENDING CHAPTER 20 , TAXATION , AMENDING SECTION 20_51 , DEFINITIONS , TO ADD DEFINITIONS FOR MANUFACTURING , PROFESSIONAL , RETAIL , AND SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS ; AMENDING SECTION 20_59 , SCHEDULE OF FEES ; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 , said ordinance having been duly advertised . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Maureen King , City Clerk , introduced Mike Borno, Chairman of the Occupational License Committee , and indicated he would be happy to answer any questions . Patrick Rockey , president of Ameni -force , Inc . , a Beaches temporary employment agency , was opposed to the category of "day labor employment agency" being separated from "employment agency . " He explained he represented skilled labor , such as welders , pipe fitters , and carpenters as well as unskilled labor . He explained he operated a drug-free work place including day labor and that his company was in good standing with all levels of government . It was explained that the ordinance was not meant to be discriminatory against any particular business owners , but that if a particular business required numerous visits of staff , the updated fees would assist the city in paying for the additional costs taxpayers might have to incur . Several people from the audience indicated their opposition to the ordinance as they felt the ordinance deemed the livelihood of certain individuals to be morally undesirable . Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing . ROSENBLOOM Motion : Approve passage of WATERHNESSY Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 ESRS X WEISS X FLETCHER Mayor Fletcher indicated he had received a letter from Harry Schnabel indicating Ameri -force , Inc . was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and asking if it was in the best interest of both the public Page 1c June 27 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN ur t v.i x e sr_c1 r,r le) Increase their I i c_Anse tee ( letter dated June 27 , 1994 attached hereto and made a ort herewith) . A letter from Phyllis Tousey opposing the category of "Teen Clubs" being charged $5 , 000 was presented ( letter attached hereto ,and made a part herewith . ) Commissioner Waters referred to the term "physical facility" that appeared throughout the ordinance anci he suggested that a clear definition be provided on on the first page of the ordinance . ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Amend ordinance No. WATERS X X 45-94- 11 by providing a definition WEISS X of "physical facility" on the first FLETCHER X page of the ordinance The cue tion was called and the motion carried unanimorr iv < With reference to the category of "fortune teller , c ii irvov. nt . palmist , spirit medium, etc . " , it was felt since this category would not incur additional expense or service from the city , that it should be placed under the category of "Service Establishments" which would change the fee from $3 , 000 to x;45 . 00 . ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Amend Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 SHAUGHNESSY X by moving "Fortune Teller , WATERS X Clairvoyant , palmist , spirit medium, WEISS X X etc . " under the category of "Service FLETCHER X Establishments" and include "Psychic" under this category The question was called and the vote resulted in i4 _. i with Commissioner Waters voting nay . The motion carried . Reference was made to the category of "lingerie modeling shop (adult ) " and it was suggested the word "adult" be deleted . rindr discussion , it was suggested license fees for the categories " lingerie modeling shop" and sexually oriented live entertainment" be increased from $5 , 000 to $25 , 000 ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Changes license fees for SHAUGHNESSY X "lingerie modeling shop" and WATERS x X "sexually oriented live WEISS X X entertainment" from $5,000 to $25,000 _FT.FTrHFR Page 1 ' June 27 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . It was suggested by Mike Borno that the license fees for certain categories be left at the discretion of the commission by adding the word "recommended" , but Alan Jensen advised this would add too much discretion . Commissioner Rosenbloom referred to the category of "day labor employment agency - $5 , 000" and he suggested adding "unskilled" to this category . He further recommended that under "Service Establishments" that "employment agency" be changed to "employment agency - skilled day labor . " ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Amend ordinance No. SHAUGHNESSY 45-94- 11 by adding "unskilled" to WATERS the category of "day labor WEISS employment agency" on page 10 , and FLETCHER adding "skilled day labor" to "employment agency" on page 7 . Motion died for lack of a second . Motion : Approve passage of ROSENBLOOM X Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 , as amended SHAUGHNESSY X pursuant to the motions referenced WATERS X X above WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 4 - 1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay . The motion carried . b , Ordinance No. 10-94- 18 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, AMENDING SEC . 3- 11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALLOW CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH PERMISSION FROM THE CITY COMMISSION , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Ordinance No. 10-94- 18 . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X Ordinance No. 10-94- 18 on first WATERS X reading and set public hearing for WEISS X X Jul y 11 , 1994 FLETCHER X X Page 12 June 27 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . c . Ordinance No. 60-94-8 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES , SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES , CLARIFYING AND MODIFYING REQUIREMENTS REGARDING REAL ESTATE , DIRECTIONAL AND POLITICAL SIGNS , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in wiring , Ordinance No. 60-94-8 . Motion : Approve passage of ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGH Ordinance 60-94-8 and set public ATERSNESSY X hearing for July 11 , 1994 WATERS X X WEISS X X Lynn Poyner , Attorney , spoke regarding the Supreme FLETCHER X Court decision concerning political signs . She explained the existing ordinance recognized the rights of candidates but it did not recognize the rights of citizens . Commission Waters felt signs should be allowed on city rights of way , in front of homes . Commissioner Weiss suggested that signs should be allowed no closer than 10 feet to the street . Alan Jensen was asked to revise the ordinance according to the wishes of the commission . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 7 . New Business : a . Authorize expenditure of funds to undertake emergency replacement of force main at A- 1 -A and Puckett Creek Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , reported an emergency situation existed wherein asbestos pipe was in danger of rupturing and spilling sewage into Puckett Creek . It was felt the matter should be declared as an emergency and the bid process alleviated , and to accept the low quote of $8 , 980 . ROSENBLOOM X X Motion : Approve expenditure of SHAUGHNESSY $8 , 980 to replace force main at WATERS X A- 1 -A and Puckett Creek WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 4- 1 (Commissioner Shaughnessy left the room for a brief period of time and did not take part in the vote) The motion carried . Page 13 V V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN b . Authorize initial professional study for Beach Avenue water distribution system ( this was acted upon earlier in the agenda) 8. City Manager Reports andf or Correspondence : Kim Leinbach , City Manager , gave a report regarding the Centex project on Church Street . David Thompson , Police Chief , reported regarding the Twelfth Street access and he requested approval to designate one parking space as a permit parking space . ROSENBLOaMMotion : Approve designation of one SHAUGHNESSY X X parking space as a permit parking WATERS X space at the Twelfth Street access X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously . Commissioner Waters reported he had received a telephone call from Phyllis Haesler , who represented the PTA, regarding activities for children . Commissioner Waters suggested the city work with the PTA to find a program that perhaps would not cost a lot of money to involve children , especially during the summer months . Commissioner Weiss referred to the matter of a $ 10 million dollar grant for beach renourishment and he urged everyone to attend any upcoming meetings pertaining to the matter . He suggested calling Dick Brown , Jacksonville City Council liaison , to find out when meetings would be held . It was suggested that the City Clerk request that agendas of Jacksonville City Council meetings be sent to the City . It was announced there would be a workshop of the Parking and Traffic Committee on Wednesday , June 29 , 1994 at 7 : 15 p . m. It was announced there would be an appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board at the meeting of July 11 , 1994 . s Page 14 V V June 27 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11 : 35 p . m. i�I M�?0' Lyman Fletcher yor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: Mau een Ki-ng / V City Clerk I CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: FIELD TESTS AND MAPPING VERIFICATION FOR AB WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works DATE: June 23, 1994 BACKGROUND: The Water and Sewer Committee has recommended on many occasions that during and after improvements to the water plants are complete, the improvements to the water distribution system be completed as soon as possible. In the past 2 to 3 years water mains have been replaced on 1st, 3rd, 8th, 9th, and 11th Streets between Sherry and East Coast Drives. In addition, water mains were constructed on East Coast Drive between 10th and 12th Streets and in the Dewees Avenue, Coral Street, Coquina Place and Shell Street area. We are now considering major projects on Beach Avenue and the surrounding areas. It is imperative that a water distribution analysis be completed for the entire City. The first phase of this work involves field tests and mapping verification. Since much of this work has been initiated by the firm of Gee & Jenson, we requested a proposal from the firm to complete this first phase. RECOMMENDATION: Accept proposal from Gee & Jenson contingent upon City Attorney' s approval. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from Engineering firm of Gee & Jenson for first phase of Water Distribution Analysis in amount of $8163. 00. Account No. 400-4001-533-6300 (Capital Improvements Funds) . REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: - L Giaead, 1 Z e_ AGENDA ITEM NO. rib azeterizott I-/66 - V66 / - .s33 CC3'3O /t.,ti‘, gwa-r c,i.2_3/yy r • GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners,Inc. 9452 Phillips Highway,Suite 4 Jacksonville,Florida 32256 Telephone(904)292-9097 June 16, 1994 Fax(904)292-4206 Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services Development of Water Distribution System Analysis and Master Plan for Improvements Master Plan Part A G&J Project No. 50-101 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Kosoy: As directed in the Utility Committee meeting today, we are pleased to provide the following proposal for engineering services concerning expansion of the current computer model analysis of the existing City water system, and development of a Master Plan for improvements to the system to be implemented in phases over the next few years. From our previous presentation of May 26, 1994, to the Utility Committee, we prepared a computer model of major pipe systems in the City water system, utilizing base map information and several project plans which have improved the system over the last few years. This was done to verify earlier water pipe design of the proposed 12" water main on Beach Avenue. It was demonstrated that the 12" water line would be part of an overall concept for a loop system around the City to provide improved water pressure and fire flows to all portions of the City. However, other than flow tests and improvements in the Ahern Street area, the model has not been adjusted for field conditions, which could effect its accuracy. As discussed in the previous meeting, the computer model we prepared should be expanded to include all pipes in the City system, and field verified to fine-tune the model to better represent the actual water system, from plant pumps to faulty valves. Once established, the model can then be utilized to analyze the water system for any contingency, including growth of one area of the City and its effect on the entire system, or effects of new construction or replacement of old pipes. The model will then become a tool for developing a Master Plan for Water Distribution System Improvements. The Master Plan can be followed for many years, as is the case in the Buccaneer water system, which is following the 1988 Master Plan for improvements. The m ` ED JUN 1 'r ,i994 7?UBLIC WORKS Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach June 16, 1994 - Page 2 Beach Avenue can then be sized for both adequate service and fire protection to the local residents and for capacity to complete a loop system of major pipelines in the City. We suggest conducting this project in various phases or parts. The initial phase would involve Field Test and Mapping Verifications (Part A). From the results of Part A, the next parts would involve updating the current hydraulic computer model with field data (Part B), actual development of the Master Plan (Part C), and if so desired, a training session with the hydraulic model involving City personnel (Part D). In order to properly size the water main on Beach Avenue, the Master Water Plan as developed in Part C must be completed. The initial professional engineering services we propose are: Master Plan Part A - Field Tests and Mapping Verification: 1. Obtain all existing maps, construction plans, field notes and other additional information on the existing water distribution system. 2. Develop Test Sites for Fire Hydrant tests, and perform the tests using City crews and equipment. Measure pitot pressure and residual pressure at adjacent hydrants to aid in developing empirical data for the hydraulic computer model of the system. 3. Field verify selected distribution system components, as determined by City staff. 4. Record the test results, and prepare a small report summarizing the findings. Compensation for professional engineering services as described above is estimated as follows: RECEIVED 1. Compensation for Master Plan Part A: $ 8,163.00. JUN i '( "MN ?UBLIC WORKS A detailed breakdown of Part (A) is enclosed for your review. Total compensation of Part (A) shall not exceed the stated figure above, unless agreed to in writing. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach June 16, 1994 - Page 3 We thank the City of Atlantic Beach for the opportunity to present our proposal for engineering services on this important project. If you have any questions, please call at any time. Sincerely yours, 1 John E. Collins, Jr., P.E. Project Manager encs cc: Jim English Jim Jacques RECEIVED JUN 1 '1i94 PUBLIC WORKS ATLANTIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SE 06/16/94 Project No. 50-101 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET " EE &JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. PART A- FIELD TESTING AND MAPPING VERIFICATION Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule "A" LABOR COSTS WORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL TIME Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE Review of Existing Maps, Plans 1 8 0 1 $630.00 07/01/94 Selection of Test Sites 1 4 0 0 $345.00 07/01/94 Direct Field Testing with City Crews (24) 2 36 0 0 $2,510.00 07/15/94 Record Water Plant Flows and Pumps Used 0 4 0 2 $310.00 07/01/94 Record Test Results 1 4 0 2 $395.00 07/15/94 Additional Field Testing to Verify Model (8) 1 12 0 0 $865.00 07/22/94 Field Survey of Missing Data 2 16 0 2 $1,260.00 07/22/94 Prepare Engineering Report of Results 2 8 8 1 $1,115.00 07/22/94 Client Review and Presentations 2 4 0 0 $430.00 07/22/94 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 12 96 8 8 Project Manager (JEC) $1,020.00 nesigner (JGJ) $6,240.00$400.00 'after (MKJ) Secretary (SD) $200.00 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR COSTS $7,860.00 REIMBURSIBLE COSTS Quantity Unit Price Mileage 840 Miles 0.20 $168.00 Blue Printing 5 sht 0.70 $3.50 CADD Plotting 1 sht 12.00 $12.00 CADD Computer Charges 8 Hr 8.00 $64.00 Copying 50 copy 0.10 $5.00 Film and Processing 5 set 8.00 $40.00 Postage 1 Is. 10.00 $10.00 SUBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS $302.50 TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE - PART A I $8,162.50 RECEIVED JUN i c 'iyyz. PUBLIC WORKS 4 JUN 27 '94 05:23PM JAX CHAMBER BEACHES P.1 Statement by Harry Schnabel before Atlantic Beach City Commission June 27, 1994 Mr. Mayor and Commission Members . Today Ameriforce, a member of the Beaches Department of the Chamber of Commerce, asked if the Chamber was involved in this license fee issue . We are not . However, when an issue impacts a member, we should become informed and/or involved . We ask for you careful consideration of this proposal �,Ss•,.��,�tr�► v.�v�.`D increase certain business license fees . In the case of Ameriforce, is it in the best interest of both the public and private s e c t of ina i,� s 'r+tj rt. Li c, 7xe t= 'r The Beaches Department of the Chamber of Commerce would like to become involved in this matter. If possible, we ask to be a part of the decision-making process . Thank you. i ,,v)vi )//v/,',;;I/'/'"4"9 _ H • f - 5.7k/Th rpm, livwr nun virkyrn . _ky, raU rmQ_AviD14r) �v�.t. viev�. ry `7"4 slcrwo,Aji (114AA " G\ -01 -1-1 -Frns31 (4. rv-yKv m(119-(-- crivqvu 411'0;27 ikAcNiRct • r0e1FLVe"11 1A)(QA flrr4C7 (4"1/1 ccfqMvrn_j,'1751/1s-nel vye. • praorY\ (wvi -)M,D vviL1,42\41. 3 It 04- JyAlorYT” uvrri_ C)rtmi3-141d _X)7fq 114 -1/uui ppAT09 CrrY) 3057 ‘) SV1113P9UU � U k-101/0r VT() 1v 9a ��irVASIA0AI1CPITY11Li �-�1M TMA *A! 1(4- FVE Co-Thrmil,€) rrP (11792,fi _ �' 'mac � � a � � N ��?�� 1(9 kYrV-4- "g/\$496td-ins-vin FrYM (01/1 ilio IA 11 J-ykr3A e Vypp119-7 2",r -)-131(1 ur-44 -N • Tyr, ),/wvi -vv\ yr40-; /2-yu7g,A k-1-1 nmrd-irf)0 �n i �c7xrn�� ( . 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