08-16-94 v MINUTES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 4:30 PM ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1994 Present: J. Dezmond Waters, III . , Mayor Pro Tem Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioner And: James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager John Campbell, Police Captain Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order and Jim Jarboe distributed graphs illustrating the effects of the proposed . 6 mill tax increase, and a breakdown of proposed general fund revenues and expenditures. A copy of the hand-out is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Following brief review of the graphs Mr. Jarboe asked Capt. Campbell to explain status of the pay plan of the general employees. Capt. Campbell explained about forty employees were not part of a collective bargaining group. These employees had been taken off the step plan and a 2% across the board pay increase had been approved by the City Commission in the current FY budget. Capt. Campbell indicated the City Manager proposed to process the pay increases prior to the end of the fiscal year. He indicated he was working on a step plan and recommended it be implemented during the next fiscal year in conjunction with the employees' anniversary dates. Mr. Jarboe then distributed a draft of proposed capital improvements which was discussed in detail. Mr. Jarboe explained this was just a draft but that it was a bare-bones list. A copy of the proposed capital improvements list is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Further discussion ensued and Mayor Pro Tem Waters indicated he felt it would be beneficial to hold workshop meetings prior to regularly scheduled commission meetings. He felt such meetings would be useful in better informing commissioners of the intent of legislation coming before them for action. He indicated he would bring the matter up again after the Mayor returns. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. Maur en King, Cit Clek Wades $WW II/ IDEAS RELEVANT TO MORE EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY COMMISSION: 1. WORKSHOPS BEFORE EACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING: A. To produce more carefully crafted legislation--ordinances, resolutions, and motions of substance; (Have you every tried to meaningfully amend an ordinance or resolution only to find yourself making it worse despite your good intentions? LEGISLATION MUST HAVE A COMMISSIONER SPONSOR IT! ! ) B. To control content of the agenda so that the Commission is not embarrassed by surprises or surprises itself in an unfortunate way; (Have you ever seen something moved on the recommendation of a committee or visitor's complaint? Have you seen members of the audience try an intimidate you as "Do you want to see a child killed? We should not be doing business on anything that we have not collectively approved beforehand for a public hearing! ) C. To allow the press and hopefully the citizens to be aware of the content of resolutions and perhaps the content and discussion which may lead to motions of substance; (I personally have come to despise resolutions of substance and even motions of substance because they IIP don't have to have antecedents-of-discussions about which the public can be made aware by the press or interested parties! ) D. To allow the Commissioners to understand where a colleague is coming from and what he hopes to accomplish with his ordinance or resolution. (Intention in legislation is almost as important as the words themselves. Sometimes I find myself in support of the intention and even know that for the time being it will be enforced in the way intended but I become suspicious of language over the long run and fear its easy miscontruance by later enforcers thereby necessitating the best language possible now for the future and sometimes the collective mind is best for that! ) E. These Monday planning sessions can also continue to function as our strategy sessions. City of Atlantic Beach - 1994/95 Proposed MIllages (42.3%)School Board (0.2%) Fla. Inland Marine F ?i#i ;:: ::i. iii?i }y rii ::,'ii� {i. :^xf''?::{>{::•;:•;:•• •ii$•:};:}j;:4i:•::<:;•;}i:i:: ;i':i"::'.•iti'.::;<;;,::+::t}::'•:v'.•,'.•<4: r:;Kx`.»::'::iirj::.ii:.'•$;;;:::;:::;;>:;;;:::2}:;::;t;i;;;;;:5::;;i3;}:;;: •.'::::::::::::::iii; rrxr:.:.;•... :.:x .. ;rr:r.:rwF :<'i, i :5nys'r.;^,;.r.`•}:;•':;;;;;;;;;::;;:>5. r.:f.::r::..rr:.:,, . xJ{,,.::.";;iii:;`i•:•:ta:::•...:•;• :•: h..y:•::'.•:..•::::•::::::. rr:�:xr.:v.i`r/:rrrv::xrrrrx. '':'":��':"^.:•.i:.•:••:.vv er/wxrx: ....A xx::. ,,,,y,,, ::vr{,,4•i:•v;,,, , tre :w:::::.w:,x:x:xr.•rr{:r: '•••••• ;;;r; rr:;ii . 0:.:::::=•:.i:tiiitiiiiiiii:iiiiiii::,:gi.::gi:. :r ti:i iici•'•. (15.9%)/o Atlantic Beach h (39.7%)City of Jacksonville (2.0%)Water Management Propery taxes paid on a $100,000 Home with Homestead Exemption V 1994/95 Proposed 1994/95 Proposed 1993/94 Actual 1994/95 Proposed 1993/94 Actual Millage 'lla a Nffilitge, %Increase Taxes Taxes Beaches Hospital 0.0000 0.9500 -100.00% 0.00 71.25 Atlantic Beach 3 8,'3 School Board 10.3210 9.8420 4.87% 774.08 738.15 Fla.Inland Marine 0.0490 0.0510 -3.92% 3.683.83 ._..– Jacksonville Beach 4.3511 City of Jacksonville 9.67721 9.5251 1.60% 725.79 714.38 Water Management 0.4820 0.4700 2.55% 36.15 35.25 - Neptune Beach Atlantic Beach 3.8693 3.2776 18.05% 290.20 245.82 24.395, 24.1157 1.17% $1,829.89 1,808.68 General Fund Revenues 1994/1995 Annual Operating Budget (1.2%)Charges for Services (24.8%) Intergovernmental Revenues ................. ........................... (11.4%) Interfund Transfers (0 0 Miscellaneous Revenues 7/o )Mi 0 and Permits .vs:r ( 3.2/° Licenses ...:........... ��::�}:;:>::;..�vr..�:>•<>::afx,:xxc•>::«;>: .z:• .^��. :?:.:;;::;•.:., (1.4%)Fines and Forfeitures 0 ebt Proc eeds 3.1 D /o .rr, ( ) ..a M i IFr�::'{i is#;y:±2•�`:::::;i::z$;:::T:?::..:ii`:i::•'.:isY4i:L:j'ii••.:::i}:i::}i :•::i:::4:::i::::iii::Sti :. ':;.<f. .fv f•:'>iii:is i:•i:•i:r:4:4:;i':iiiiii:vi:<�fi;iiiiiiii?i:i:iii'riiiiii{ii:4X:i::•'•%•i:� rtiS.. r vv:r.: v {•.. ".... . f Y Y:{SY:'$s$?{Y5}.••ti may##f$fX3tts2. Lt:.: (54.3%)Taxes General Fund Expenditures 1994/1995 Annual Operating Budget (15.1%)Streets and Roads (4.4%)General Government (4.6%)Building,Planning and Zoning (13.8%) Departmental tal rr< , 1 /o P ^##sem ss3si rs>z#zzwzz#szzz#zrr#z<zszzs;z::;;:;z:•;;.;;'�-""^-^� ^^�:sr<zzzzzzssss rrrrrrr::r::r::•rrr:::r:.rrrrrr.•r::r:r::::::,:,,. ........... s#s�ssst si ##�:#' r.`• t»s sssrr: .•,�:•r•: ����`%< 3.5%)Parks and Recreation r zzs >r city i clerk 0 (34.770)/o ) PViiiiMENEVERENe (2.7%)olis 2.0% 0 City Administration istratio n ( #ss#�fsss s ` :r#r zrr rrzr ssas�#s .:::rrzzzzzsz . (18.5%)Fire (0.7%)Beautification . . . _ . ,i)R /7 r7- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995- 1999 _ GENERAL FUND CRY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST CITY CLERK: Personal Computer(486) 2,000 2,000 CITY CLERK SUBTOTAL 2000 Z000 POLICE: Patrol Vehicles 70,000 57,628 60,509 60,509 63,534 312,180 Animal Control Truck -_ 6,000 6,000 12,000 POLICE SUBTOTAL 76,000 57,628 60,509 66,509 63,534 324,180 FIRE: Fire Chief Vehicle 15,000 15,000 Personal Computer 5`' 1,750 1,750 Fire Truck 250,000 250,000 Miscellaneous Fire Equipment - 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 Firefighter Gear and MSA Tanks 2,000 2,000 Fire Marshal Vehicle , 12,000 12,000 Lifeguard Vehicle6,000 6,000 Radios 600 600 Renovations to Lifeguard Building f; 5,000 5,000 FIRE SUBTOTAL 57,350 275,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 407,350 STREETS and ROADS: €' Repave Sherry Drive i'° - 125,600 125,600 Repave Royal Palms Avenue E 123,600 123,600 Repave Sailfish Drive E 78,700 78,700 Repave Sandpiper Lane 59,300 59,300 Construct Road -Begonia/Levy Road 78,000 78,000 New Radios 2,300 2,300 Pickup Truck 15,000 15,000 Riding Mower 12,000 12,000 Foam Fill Tractor Tires 4,000 4,000 Tractor 11,000 11,000 (20 Winch for Duty Truck 900 900 lc STREETS and ROADS SUBTOTAL 45,200 249,200 78,700 59,300 78,000 510,400 PARK MAINTENANCE: Weedeaters and Plower 1,200 1,200 Riding Lawn Mower 15,000 _ _ 15,000 PARKS MAINTENANCE SUBTOTAL 16.200 16,200 PARKS and RECREATION: Upgrade Air Conditioning at Grage Center 20,000 20,000 Resurface Tennis Courts 12,000 10,000 22,000 Playground Equipment 40,000 40,000 80,000 Refurbish Howell Park Docks 100,000 100,000 Renovate 12th and 16th Streets Beach Access 35,000 35,000 PARKS and RECREATION SUBTOTAL 32,000 175,000 10,000 40,000 257,000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Keylock Doors at City Hall 1,000 1,000 A/C Unit for Second Floor at City Hall2500 2,500 Security System at City Hall 5,000 5,000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUBTOTAL 8,500 8,500 TOTAL GENERAL FUND _ _ 237,250 _756,828 174 209 190 809 -- __ 1,525,630 i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 'CAPITAL PROJECT FuND1 CITY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 199495 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST PUBLIC SAFETY: Remodel Public Safety Building 125,000 125,0(X) PUBLIC SAFETY SUBTOTAL 125,000 125,000 PARKS and RECREATION: Tresca Property-Convert to Public Park 250,000 250,000 Concession Stand Renovations-Russell Park 70,000 70,000 Concession Stand Renovations-Donner Park 95,000 95,000 PARKS and RECREATION SUBTOTAL 415,000 4I5,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 540,000 --_ 540,000! CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 1 WATER FUND I MY MANGER APPROVED i ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 199445 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST ATLANTIC BEACH: Encoded Register Meters(New) 25,000 25,000 Plans and Specifications for Water Treatment Plant#2 - 25,000 25,000 New Well Construction at Water Treatment Plant#2 75,000 75,000 Water Mains Installation 150,000 150,000 Land Purchase for Water Treatment Plant#2 Tower 150,000 150,000 CAD System 50,000 50,000 Pickup Truck 10,000 10,000 Electric Valve Wrench 5,000 5,000 Utility Truck with Crane 17,000 17000 Tractor(4 x 4) 60,000 60 00O ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL - 567,000 567,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: Enlarge and Rehab. Water Treatment Plant#3 50,000 550,000 600,000 Encoded Register Meters(New) 25,000 25,000 Encoded Register Meters(Oak Harbor)(New) 3I,600 31,600 Cap off 3rd Well at Water Treatment Plant#4 20,000 20,000 Portable Large Meter Tester 4,000 4,000 Fence around Water Treatment Plant#4 5,000 5,000 Pneumatic Valve Wrench 4,500 4,500 Pickup Truck for Meter Readers 10,00 10,000 Distribution System-Mayport Road 100,000 100,000 Replace 2'Water Mains(Oak Harbor) 100,000 100,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL 50,000 850,100 900100 TOTAL WATER FUND = 50000 I,417I00 I,467,IOOa F CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 SEWER FUND j CRY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 199495 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST ATLANTIC BEACH: 3.0 MGD Expansion 206,246 3,293,754 1,000,000 4,500,000 Collection Projects Design 20,000 20,000 Sewer Mains Maintenance 303,000 303,000 Collection Lines Upgrade-Cantebury Apartments T5,000 75,000 Roll-on Roll-off Sludge Truck 60,000 60,000 Lift Stations A-F Valve Replacement 2 ,500 27,500 Fairway Villas Lift Station Upgrade 45000 45,000 Park Street Lift Station I Upgrade 25,000 25,000 Stewart Street Lift Station Upgrade 25,000 25,000 Metal Storage Area Construction 36,000 36,000 Pickup Truck 10,000 10,000 Miscellaneous Sewer Plant Equipment 7,500 7,500 ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL 206,246 3,927,754 1,000,000 5,134,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: Steel Catwalks Replacement 190,000 190,000 Replace Clarifier Weirs 34,500 34,500 Upgrade Electrical Service 35,000 35,000 Master Wetwell Construction 100,000 100,000 Influent Flow Meter 8,500 8,500 Sewer Rehab(Oak Harbor) 700,000 700,000 Truck 10,000 10,000 Instrumentation(Controls) 9,500 9,500 Blower 6,500 6,500 Lab Equipment 4,000 4,000 Additional Screen-Surge Tank 40,000 40,000 Tri-pod Safety Harness 6,000 6,000 Odor Control ,000 8,000 0.75 MGD Expansion 50,000 65,000 1,000,000 1,115,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL 1,152,000 50,000 65,000 1,000,000 Z267,000 TOTAL SEWER FUND J 5.079,754 1,050,000 65,000 1,000,000 -_I 7,401,000 O• t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 • SANITATION FUND CRY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DMSON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 1994.95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST Roll-on Trash Containers(2) I 2500 Dumpsters 10,000 TOTAL S NIE4170NRUND .t,Z 12.500 6` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 StORMWATER UTILITY FUND _ ; CITY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DMSON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST Jasmine Street Retention Pond Repairs 60,000 60,000 Projects Related to 4th, 9th and Plaza Streets 60,000 60,000 Retention Pond Construction for Major Trunk Lines 70,000 70,000 Pipe Seminole and Cavalla Road Ditches 350,000 350,000 Major Trunk Lines Installation 825,000 825,000 Remove Exfiltration Structures on Beach and Repipe Streets 700,000 700,000 r TOTAL STOAAIWA)FR UTILITYFUID I20,000 70,000 350 000 825,000 700,000 2,0d5,000� CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 r POLICE TRUST FUND CITY MANAGER APPROVED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DTVI SON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 1994-95 1995-96 1996.97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST Information Management System 10,471 10,471 Detective Vehicle 11,000 11,000 POLICE TRUST FUND 2L471__ _-- -J 21,471 F CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1995-1999 INTERNAL SERVICE FUIIDS1 CRY MAAMGER APPROVED ' ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST COST ESTIMATED DMSON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 199899 REMAINING COST CITY MANAGER: Miscellaneous Machinery and Equipment 1,000 1,000 CITY MANAGER SUBTOTAL 1,000 1,000 ACCOUNTING and FINANCE: Upgrade AS 400 Computer 7,000 35,000 42,000 Terminals for AS 400(2) 600 600 Burster for Utility Bills 1,700 1,7(X) File Cabinets(3) 600 6(X) Copier 1,500 1,500 Personal Computers(2) 2,0(X) 2,000 4,000 Replace Printer 5,0(X) 5,000 Upgrade software 10,000 10,000 ACCOUNTING and FINANCE SUBTOTAL J1,400 35,000 17,000 Z000 65,400 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Carpet 800 800 New Telephones 4,(100 4,000 Alarm System 2,000 Copier 100 1,500 1,500 Computer Equipment 2,000 2,000 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SUBTOTAL IO,30O 10,300 FLEET MAINTENANCE: Construct Underground Fuel Storage Tank 69,000 69,000 FLEET MAINTENANCE SUBTOTAL 69(000 69,000 TOTAL W ERRA SERVICE FUNDS 91,700 I145,700 f g