08-22-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION August 22, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Kevin Hogencamp to report on behalf of the Beaches Gang Symposium Committee 3. Unfinished Business: a. Approve expenditure of funds to purchase on emergency basis, at government price, a mower for Parks & Recreation Department ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 16 b. Acknowledge report and recommendations of Traffic Committee c. Acknowledge receipt of monthly pension investment report from Sun Bank 5. Action of Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-27 fixing the duties and rate of compensation of City Attorney, Alan Jensen b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-28 fixing the duties and rate of compensation of City Clerk, Maureen King c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-29 fixing the duties and rate of compensation of City Manager, Kim Leinbach d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-25 designating a portion of the Adele Grage Community Center as the Atlantic Beach Community Theater and regulating the use thereof e. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-26 defining the city' s policy regarding connection to city sewer systems, where available 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 95-94-61 regulating door to door soliciting in Atlantic Beach Page Two Agenda August 22, 1994 7. New Business: a. Approval to pave a portion of Donner Road, and authorization to waive the bidding process and proceed with the project on an emergency basis 8 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to Park Street drainage project 9 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Report from City Attorney relative to negotiations to purchase Tresca property Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION V V ELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 P. M. ON MONDAY, 0 0 __UGUST 22, 1994 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and M S Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 1994 ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of SHAUGHNESSY X August 8, 1994 WATERS X X WEISS X X Commissioner Weiss referred to Item 6a and inquired concerning the FLE TCHE R X authorization to purchase an Exmark Explorer in the amount of $6,135.16. It was explained the minutes were correct but that the supplier had given an incorrect price and, in the meantime, staff had located a more economical mower. It was explained this would be 1 the agenda for action. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Kevin Hogencamp to report on behalf of the Beaches Gang Symposium Committee It was explained Kevin Hogencamp was unable to attend the meeting but had requested to be included on the agenda of September 12, 1994. 3. Unfinished Business: a. Approve expenditure of funds to purchase on emergency basis, at government price, a mower for Parks & Recreation Department Rose Blanchard, Parks and Recreation Director, explained to date $2,644.51 had been spent in repairs to a lawn mower purchased in 1990. Currently the Parks and Recreation Department was without a lawn mower and they were forced to share a lawn mower with Public Works Department, which proved to be a difficult situation. A discussion ensued regarding whether or not the matter should be treated as an emergency situation and thus alleviate the bidding •ocedure. It was explained it would take several weeks to go out to d. It was felt by staff that several quotes had been received and Page 2 V V August 22, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN price of $5,963.96 for an Exmark 'turf Kanger was a low quote. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Authorize purchase of Exmark Turf Ranger, on emergency SHAUGHNESSY X X basis, at a price of $5,963.96, and authorize the expenditure WATERS X of funds for mulching kit in the amount of $199.00, if WEISS X requested by the Department FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher felt that the purchase of a lawn mower should not be considered as an emergency. The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 16 b. Acknowledge report and recommendations of Traffic Committee c. Acknowledge receipt of monthly pension investment report from Sun Bank Commissioners Shaughnessy and Weiss requested that Item a be removed from the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Weiss requested that Item c be removed from the Consent Agenda. a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 16 commissioner Shaughnessy referred to Item I. (d) of the Water and sewer Committee Report #16 which referred to sludge hauling (Water and Sewer Committee Report #16 dated August 11, 1994 attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit a) . She asked Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, his opinion regarding the Bioremediation Program presented by Sep-Tech Environmental, Inc. which could save the City up to $100,000.00 per year by reducing sludge and meeting all EPA residual requirements. Mr. Kosoy indicated he would like to talk to other vendors about their process. Commissioner Weiss referred to Item I. (c) regarding permitting with the Department of Environmental Protection and he inquired regarding the status of the matter. Mr. Kosoy explained the city's engineers had assured the city deadlines would be met. c. Acknowledge receipt of monthly pension investment report from Sun Bank Commissioner Weiss referred to the monthly pension investment report from Sun Bank and noted funds in the portfolio had increased over $100,000 in one month. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, advised the matter would be discussed at an upcoming pension board meeting and he invited Commissioner Weiss to attend. It was felt perhaps a contribution had been made which would explain the large increase, and Mr. Leinbach indicated the would give Commissioner Weiss a • V V Page 3 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN report. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda WATERS X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X X Item 5d was taken out of sequence and acted upon. d. Resolution No. 94-25 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CREATING THE ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY THEATER; DESIGNATING A PORTION OF THE ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER AS THE COMMUNITY THEATER; CREATING A CONTRACTUAL PROCESS FOR REGULATING THE USE OF THE THEATER FACILITIES; DESIGNATING THE AUTHORITY, RESPONSIBILITY, AND LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY INVOLVED IN THE OPERATION AND USE OF THE THEATER; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-25. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-24 SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X Commissioner Weiss felt since part of the Community Center had been WEISS X X used as a theater, it should be dedicated as a theater and leased to FLETCHER X various groups, either profit or non-profit, with the idea that the facility would be self-supporting. He indicated realistically ktlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) would use the building in the future with the provision that it or any group who desired to use the theater would do so on a contractual basis. He felt the City Manager or city staff could oversee the use of the building, and that the city could budget for future renovations. He indicated the resolution and attached contract that appeared on the agenda were in draft form and basically the desire was to establish a contractual relationship between the city and whoever used the facility, with the idea of the building being self-sustaining. Commissioner Rosenbloom was opposed to changing the status of the operation of the Community Center. He felt the existing system was working well and that it should be left alone. He felt that Parks and Recreation should continue to run the theater, and that the Commission should not be involved. He felt if the commission wished to consider making a change, that it should be done after the new Parks and Recreation Direction was hired and after renovations to the building were completed. He felt renovations that were being accomplished on a volunteer basis for a theater were not for ABET, only, but for any group that desired to use it. Commissioner Waters concurred. William Gulliford, president of ABET, opposed passage of the resolution. He felt passage would not encourage volunteerism. He indicated ABET felt the building should be used for other functions. • V V Page 4 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN He reminded the commission there was an existing contract between the city and ABET and he suggested the commission designate someone to meet with ABET and discuss the existing contract and agreement. He distributed a financial statement of ABET from November 1, 1993 through August 18, 1994 (attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit b) Several citizens spoke against the commission being involved in the operations of organizations using city facilities. Commissioner Weiss felt since money was being made on city property, the city should have some control. He felt that ABET should contribute to paying bills for the building, since they would be making more money once renovations were completed and the seating increased to 80 seats. He commended Mr. Gulliford for distributing the financial statement on behalf of ABET. He indicated he felt the resolution should be approved. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would like to examine the resolution more closely. She felt a more business-like arrangement for the property would be desirable, and she indicated she would like to have a workshop on the matter. Mayor Fletcher felt ABET had been tremendously beneficial to the ommunity. He was opposed to the resolution, and he felt the contract between the city and ABET should be negotiated in the future. He felt ABET should be fostered, and helped to grow. He indicated since ABET was a non-profit organization, money made by ABET was put into bettering the facility and into producing more plays. The question was called and the vote resulted in 1-4 with Commissioners Weiss casting the only affirmative vote. The motion failed. Item 5e was taken out of sequence and acted upon. e. Resolution No. 94-26 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEFINING CITY POLICY FOR THE HOOKUP OF EXISTING ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (OSDS) TO AVAILABLE CITY SEWAGE SYSTEMS Commissioner Weiss requested that Resolution No. 94-26 be withdrawn from the agenda. He offered the following motion: Motion: Instruct the Atlantic Beach City Manager and staff ROSENBLOOM X to develop a list, and implement a schedule to bring properties SHAUGHNESSY X X used for human occupancy into compliance with Atlantic Beach WATERS X WEIS Code, Chapter 22, Article III, in particular Sections 22-74, FLET S X X 22-90, and 22-175. LETCHER X V V NAME OF Page 5 COMMRS. MS Y N Ai, ,rt 22, 1994 Commissioner Waters indicated he was opposed to the motion. He referred to copies of minutes that were included in the agenda packet indicating at Commission meetings held in the past city counsel Claude Mullis gave a legal opinion that residents using septic tanks where sewer lines were available to them, were not in violation of sate or city law unless there was a public health hazard. (copy of minutes attached hereto and made a part hereof, Exhibit c) . He reminded the Commission that the city had never required owners to tap into the sewer system while their septic tanks were still operating. Commissioner Rosenbloom asked Alan Jensen if previous statements made by the city's attorney were valid. Alan Jensen indicated State Statutes required certain notification to property owners. He added the City was not in violation of any state statute. He explained the city's ordinance was more restrictive than state statute, and he indicated under home rule powers the city could enlarge or restrict requirements. Thus far, he added, the city had not required property owners to tap into the sewer system while their septic tanks still operated. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt in the future it would be necessary for eople to tap into city sewer because of environmental hazards. He -elt the commission had to do what was beneficial for the city, and not what was beneficial for individuals. Commissioner Weiss referred to a map of the city which indicated properties that had not tapped into city sewer. He indicated approximately 270 residents were within 100 feet of city—owned sewer lines and could be required to hook up to city services, which would result in approximately $337,500 in impact fees for the city. He felt in order to make Atlantic Beach a safe place to live it would be necessary to have a city—wide sewer system. He indicated Section H had been neglected in the past, and he felt it would be a good idea for people to tap into city sewer now, as it would probably be more expensive in the future. Mayor Fletcher reminded everyone that state law did not allow the rehabilitation of septic tanks. He indicated problems with septic tanks were increasing. He asked Alan Potter to give a summary of the history of the water and sewer system of the city. Following the explanation and summary of the city's water and sewer system by Mr. Potter, many residents from the Section H and Ocean Grove neighborhoods indicated they would like to know whether or not they would have to tap into the city's sewer system. It was indicated by those who spoke that they would like to be able to 'elay tapping into city sewer while their septic tanks were still V V Page 6 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN working. Mayor Fletcher explained that in the past it was the policy of the city that residents did not have to tap into the sewer system until their septic tanks failed. Commissioner Waters pointed out that residents had agreed to pay the costs of installing water and sewer lines near their homes according to front footage of their property, and many people had paid, and continued to pay on an assessment program, large amounts of money. He felt it was unfair, since people already paid for the sewer lines, to force them to tap into the sewer if their septic tanks were still operating. He indicated the City of Jacksonville Beach did not require property owners to pay for sewer lines, but only impact fees and tap-in fees which amounted to $1,750.00. William Gulliford reminded the Commission that when Section H residents were assessed for front footage they were told they would not have to pay connection fees or hook-up to the sewer until their septic tank failed. At that time, Mr. Gulliford added, the city's legal counsel advised that this was legal. He urged the commission not to change the rules. He indicated the prior commission made a deal with Section H residents when they were told they would not have to tap into city sewer. A discussion ensued concerning advertisement of the matter under discussion, and some people felt there was lack of advertisement. It was explained while ordinances required advertisement and two readings, resolutions did not require the same, and that it was not the intent of the city to keep information from its citizens. Mayor Fletcher felt the agreement that was made by the prior commission should not be broken. He explained if the motion did not pass, the policy would remain the same and residents could delay tapping into city sewer until their septic tanks failed. Commissioner Weiss felt that it was important for people to tap into the sewer system before their septic tanks failed, rather than to wait until after their septic tanks failed. He felt a promise made by anyone that was not backed up by the law really was not a promise. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt the matter was not going to disappear, and that it would come up again because there was an issue of safety. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt it would not be possible to sustain the moral obligation of past commissions. • V V NAME OF Page 7 COMMRS. MSYN August 22, L994 The question was called and the vote resulted in 1-4 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, Waters, and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed. Item 7a was taken out of sequence and acted upon. a. Approval to pave a portion of Donner Road, and authorization to waive the bidding process and proceed with the project on an emergency basis Mayor Fletcher explained the portion of Donner Road under discussion had been open only five months. He reminded everyone of a decision that was made by the commission five months ago wherein it was decided to temporarily open the Donner Road extension for a trial period of six months, during which time a traffic study would be conducted. He indicated citizens of Selva Linkside community had not been officially queried as to their feelings about the access. He explained a Committee of citizens appointed by the Commission to study the matter had never met. He indicated he was not in favor of using CDBG funds for road construction. He felt CDBG money should be used for low income housing, and he felt paving the road should be paid for out of funds derived from expansion of the sewer system since the road would be used to travel on when the sewer plant was rider construction. George Worley, City Planner, explained the funds under discussion were termed CDBG "lapsed funds" and as such were available and eligible to be used on a project such as paving a portion of Donner Road. He explained the Commission had amended the CDBG agreement to provide $66,370 for paving of Donner Road. Mr. Worley indicated there was a serious timing constraint and the lapsed CDBG funds had to be targeted by September. He urged the Commission to take action and he indicated four contractors had been contacted. He explained any funds that were not expended would lapse to the City of Jacksonville. Mayor Fletcher asked if the funds could be used for other purposes. Mr. Worley replied that he felt if the funds were used for other purposes the matter would have to be approved by the Mayor's Budget Review Committee (MBRC) of the City of Jacksonville and thus there would not be enough time to secure the funds. Sharette Simpkins felt that since the city was asking for less than 20 percent of the total budget there would not be a problem getting it approved by the City of Jacksonville through an administrative decision. She felt funds could be used for housing or on a park. Mr. Worley felt there would be a problem with timing in getting the matter approved. He indicated it would be impossible for the city to obtain lots by September. V V Page 8 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMAS. M S _Y-"N William Gulliford referred to five houses that were owned by the city on a strip of land which was bought with sewer plant restricted funds. He suggested going back and examining what the city had invested, amending the funding of $66,370 with the City of Jacksonville, and buying property from the sewer and water account with the CDBG funds for future development by the Donner Community Development Corporation. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, explained the city was trying to utilize federal funds that were available. He felt the $66,000 under discussion exceeded 20% of the city 's CDBG program. He indicated if the city did not do something very quickly it would be too late. A discussion ensued relative to the decision that was made by the commission five months ago wherein it was decided to open the Donner Road extension on a temporary basis for a trial period of six months, during which time a traffic study would be conducted. Mayor Fletcher and Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the commission should abide by their decision to wait six months before taking any action on the matter. It was felt that action should be taken relative to the suggestion of William Gulliford. Kim Leinbach suggested if the real estate suggestion failed that rinds be used in conjunction with the Donner Community Development >rporation to make improvements to Jordan Park. When asked if he thought Mr. Gulliford's suggestion was feasible, Mr. Worley indicated it would depend upon action by the City of Jacksonville. The Commission directed staff to use their discretion and pursue use of CDBG funds, organize a meeting of the Committee to study Donner Road, and if the real estate transaction failed, to try to utilize funds to improve Jordan Park. 5. Resolution No. 94-27 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPOINTING ALAN C. JENSEN AS CITY ATTORNEY, FIXING HIS DUTIES AND RATE OF COMPENSATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-27. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-27 SHAUGHNESSY WATERS X Commissioner Waters requested that the City Attorney provide the WE ISS X commission with a quarterly report of all litigation and the cost of FLETCHER litigation. Commissioner Waters indicated he realized at times there would be information of a sensitive nature and he would expect the City Attorney to withhold information until the City Attorney felt comfortable releasing the information. During discussion, it V V Page 9 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN was decided that the release of information should be at the discretion of the City Attorney. Commissioner Waters also indicated he would like to have all substantial legal opinions in writing upon the request of any City Commissioner. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-27, as amended. SHAUGHNESSY X Amendment as follows: : (1) that the City Attorney shall WATERS X X furnish a quarterly report to the Commission of legal WEISS X X activities and the cost of such legal activities, at his FLETCHER X discretion, (2) that the City Attorney shall furnish legal opinions, in writing, upon request, to any Commissioner The question was called on the amended motion and the motion carried unanimously. b. Resolution No. 94-28 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPOINTING MAUREEN KING AS CITY CLERK, FIXING HER DUTIES AND RATE OF COMPENSATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-28 ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-28 SHAUGHNESSY x WATERS X It was noted the first paragraph in Resolution 94-28 should refer to WEISS Sec. 28 instead of Sec. 31. Commissioner Waters questioned the FLETCHER procedure that was followed in providing an annual salary review for the appointed officials, to which it was explained by Alan Jensen that the City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney were appointed by the Commission and the salary was set by the Commission via the budget process. Commissioner Shaughnessy asked if the Commission was required to increase the salary, to which Mr. Jensen indicated the Commission was not required to increase the salary. It was felt that Section 2 should be changed to indicate the base salary was "set" by the Commission, instead of "increased" by the Commission. ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-28, as SHAUGHNESSY X X amended. Amendment as follows: change Section 2 by removing WATERS X X "increase" base salary and inserting "set" base salary. . . WEISS X FLETCHER X It was explained this amended language in no way reflected on an individual, but that it gave latitude to the Commission. The question was called and the amended motion carried unanimously. c. Resolution No. 94-29 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH APPOINTING KIM D. LEINBACH AS CITY MANAGER, FIXING HIS DUTIES AND RATE OF COMPENSATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE • V V Page 10 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-29. ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-29 WATERS X WEISS It was felt that Section 2 should be changed to indicate the base FLETCHER salary was "set" by the Commission, instead of "increased" by the Commission. ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-29, SHAUGHNESSY X X as amended. Amendment as follows: change Section 2 by WATERS X X removing "increase" base salary and inserting "set" base WEISS X salary. . . FLETCHER X The question was called and the amended motion carried unanimously. With reference to Resolution No. 94-27, it was decided to reconsider the Resolution for the purpose of amending Section 2 by removing "increase" and inserting "set" with regard to base salary. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Reconsider Resolution No. 94-27 WATERS X X WEISS X Resolution No. 94-27 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLETCHER X APPOINTING ALAN C. JENSEN AS CITY ATTORNEY, FIXING HIS DUTIES AND TATE OF COMPENSATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It was decided to amend the language to change Section 2 by removing "increase" base salary and inserting "set" base salary. . . ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-27, as SHAUGHNESSY X X amended. Amendment as follows: change Section 2 by removing WATERS X "increase" base salary and inserting "set" base salary. . . WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. d. Resolution No. 94-25 - Designating a portion of the Adele Grage Community Center as the Atlantic Beach Community Theater and regulating the use thereof (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) e. Resolution No. 94-26 - defining the City's policy regarding connection to city sewer systems, where available (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 95-94-61 - First Reading Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. V V Page 11 NAME OF August 22, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN 95-94-61. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ADOPTING VARIOUS RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESEY X X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance 95-94-61 on first reading WATERS X and set public hearing for September 12, 1994 WE ISS X X FLETCHER X It was determined that the City Attorney had not had an opportunity to study the proposed ordinance, but that there was ample time between August 22, 1994 and September 12, 1994 for Mr. Jensen to review the language. The Commission at the meeting of September 12th will make comments on the language. Special thanks was extended to Lynn Poyner for her assistance in revising the language of the ordinance. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to Park Street drainage project Bob Kosoy reported the project was a success, that it would be completed soon, and that the drains were handling water properly. Kim Leinbach reported boat races would be held next weekend. 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Alan Jensen reported he had contacted Mr. Tresca August 22, 1994 and hoped to have information by next week concerning the purchase of land. Commissioner Weiss urged everyone to attend a meeting related to hurricane preparedness August 23, 1994 in Jacksonville. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would be attending the Florida League of Cities upcoming conference. Commissioner Waters urged the Commission to attend the N.E. Florida League of Cities dinner to be held at the Rod and Gun Club on September 15, 1994. He invited the City Manger, City Clerk, and City Attorney to attend. Commissioner Waters distributed a draft ordinance which would eliminate the 90 day requirement for connecting to city sewer. • V V NAME OF Page 12 COMMRS. MS Y N August 22, 1994 Commissioner Waters felt that city business could be conducted more efficiently if the commission had workshops on Mondays, prior to regular commission meetings. Commissioner Waters reported he would be out-of-town for upcoming budget meetings and he urged the Commission to set aside $2,000 for the Arts and Entertainment budget. Commissioner Waters indicated he would like one Christmas party, only, to be held in Russell Park. Mayor Fletcher announced it would be necessary to appoint a replacement for Carolyn Woods on the Tree Board, and two Park and Recreation Board seats would be open. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:32 p. m. AiNlie L •.�ev T. Fletcher Mayor Presiding Officer ATTES T: ti �\J Maur en King City Clerk ,�rplt : ti " •, CITY OF EXHIBIT a • ritieuttee Ee4e - eofttireel 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 11 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 FAX(904)247-5843 August 11, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE MEETING #16 The Water and Sewer Committee met on August 11, 1994 and the attendees were: Commissioner Bob Weiss, Kim Leinbach, Jim Jarboe, Bob Kosoy, Alan Potter, Tim Townsend, Harry McNally, Ernie Beadle, Rob Rawls from Sep-Tech, Jim Jacques from Gee & Jenson and Bill Pitman and Tom Hawk from Pitman-Hartenstein. Items of discussion were: I. Expansion of AB WWTP a) Plans - Comments from Alan Potter and staff will be forwarded by Bob Kosoy to Tom Hawk b) Specifications - 3 vendors have been named for all equipment except pumps where only 2 vendors can meet requirements. It was agreed that current format in specs pages C-3 to C-8 was acceptable. c) Permitting - Meeting was held 8/9/94 at DEP Baymeadows Offices. The DEP is working with the City to expedite permitting and Tom Hawk advised that the latest the submittal would be made was by 9/9/94. Staff advised that the responses to DEP must be submitted with alacrity. d) Sludge Hauling - Robert Rawls from Sep-Tech Environmental, Inc. presented a Bioremediation Program which could save the City up $100, 000. 00 per year by reduction sludge and meeting all EPA residual requirements. e) Estimate - The project has been estimated by the Engineer at $4. 2 million plus 10% or $4. 62 million. Several cost reduction ideas were discussed to reduce proposed construction costs to $4m or less. Continued f ) Donner Road - Tom Hawk submitted a concept plan which showed a straight path to Sandpiper Lane. Bob Kosoy will review the intersection design as soon as available. Approximately $60, 000. 00 in Community Development Block Grant monies are available for this project, but monies must be spent by 9/30/94. II. Expansion of Buccaneer WTP 43 Project plans and specifications are at 60/.. Two 150, 000 Ground Storage Reservoirs and an additional hydropneumatic tank are being designed with an alternate for a Crom tank, or equal. III. Development of Atlantic Beach Water Distribution System Analysis Jim Jacques discussed progress on hydrant testing and advised that entire system of Atlantic Beach would require an expenditure of $31, 798. 00 as outlined in his proposal. Committee has supported this effort but we must review all projects. IV. Development of Atlantic Beach Serer CADD flap Jim Jacques advised that a complete mapping of the Atlantic Beach sewer system could be accomplished for $8, 795. 00 as outlined in his proposal. Again, staff must review all projects. RSK/tb cc : All Attendees FILE - 94-WSCR EXHIBIT b • 40 le de si, ..„,, NI * Atlantic Leach Experimental Theatre Financial Qeaorts for the period November 1, 1993 through August 18, 1994 • • ABET Balance Sheet As of 8/18/94 8/18/94 Balance ASSETS Cash and Bank Accounts Agency Account - City of Atl. Bch. 7,756 .72 Theatre Account 5 ,407 . 60 Petty Cash Account - B.R. 300.00 Petty Cash Account - C.M.B. 96.43 Change Account 75.00 Total Cash and Bank Accounts 13 ,634.75 TOTAL ASSETS 13,634.75 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities 0 .00 Equity 13 ,634. 75 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 13,634.75 ABET Cash Flow Statement 11/1/93 through 8/18/94 page 1 11/1/93- CATEGORY DESCRIPTION 08/18/94 INFLOWS Contributions & Gifts: Backers dues & Contributions 1 ,062 . 39 Arts Grant - Sound System 3 ,000 .00 Total - Contributions & Gifts 4,062 . 39 Performances Receipts: Outside Performances 800.00 Theatre Receipts 14 ,994 . 62 Total - Performances Receipts 15,794 .62 Opening Cash Balance from C.M.B. 3 ,655.88 Student Fees - Tuition Payments 6 ,980. 49 TOTAL INFLOWS 30,493.38 OUTFLOWS Office & Administrative: Bank Charges 34 . 51 Printing 54 . 00 Production costs 5, 600. 00 Computer Expense 42 . 56 Furniture & Equipment 616. 26 Entertainment 25. 12 Memberships 75. 00 Office Supplies 46 . 36 Cash Differences -57 . 43 Photocopies 90 .53 Postage 157 . 18 Public Relations 24 . 50 P.O. Box Rental 35. 00 Miscellaneous Repairs 45. 43 Total Office & Administration 6 ,789 . 02 ABET Cash Flow Statement 11/1/93 through 8/18/94 page 2 OUTFLOWS (continued) Production Costs: Costumes - Rent/Buy/Made 100.88 Set Decorations 109.18 Gifts & Awards 427.07 Set Materials - Lumber & Bldg. Mat. 564.23 Photography - Film & Developing 289.76 Professional Services 6,032.50 Program Printing 468.65 Publicity & Publications 64.22 Refreshments 54.02 Royalty Payments 1,209.05 Script Copies 144.58 Shipping & Freight 13.79 Signs & Posters 197.74 Supplies, miscellaneous production 115.94 Travel, Celebrity & VIP 278.00 Total Production Costs 10,069.61 Outflows - Other - Sound System 3 ,000.00 TOTAL OUTFLOWS 19,858.63 OVERALL TOTAL $10,634.75 d . EXHIBIT c Discussion held at Special Called Meeting of January 17 , 1994 relative to water and sewer assessments . The Sewer Line at Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets was being discussed. Citizen of Seminole Road (name unclear) asked if she could have her own plumber install this work. Mayor Fletcher: Are you talking about the connection of it? Citizen: Yes . From the city line into my property. Jarboe: Individuals do that. It ' s the responsibility from where the tap is to your house for your plumber to do it at your cost; it ' s not going to be any additional cost. (It was further explained the cost indicated in the letter the citizen received from the city was the city' s cost to lay the line. Mayor Fletcher: The City is not requiring property owners to hook up; it' s your election to do so whenever you should elect to do so. Citizen: Either to water or sewer? Mayor Fletcher: That's correct.