Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor
Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner
J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner
Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner
Also: Kim Leinbach, City Manager
James R. Jarboe, City Manager
Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director
Tim Townsend, Chief Plant Operator (Atlantic Beach)
Harry McNally, Chief Plant Operator (Buccaneer)
Kelly Burton, Public Works Foreman
Ann Meuse, Finance Director
Jeri Benjamin, Accountant
Maureen King, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher who invited Bob
Kosoy to present the budget for Enterprise Funds.
Bob Kosoy reviewed the accomplishments, goals and objectives of the
Water department. Jim Jarboe indicated a better system of
communication had been developed between the Finance Department and
the crews in the field and this had resulted in a more efficient
Mr. Kosoy felt the city needed to seriously consider the capital
improvement needs for the next 10 - 20 years and Commissioner Weiss
asked that serious consideration be given to installing water or
sewer lines and then not requiring property owners to connect. He
felt it was not fiscally responsible for the city to install
utility lines which would not produce any revenue.
With reference to the list of capital improvements, Jim Jarboe
identified those projects which had already been funded and those
projects which had not been funded, and discussion ensued regarding
whether it may be necessary to negotiate a larger loan. Ann Meuse
felt a financial advisor would be required to advise on the amount
of funds which would be required over the long term.
Discussion ensued regarding the installation of new encoded meters
and it was pointed out some of the old meters which had been
replaced had not been working properly and the city had been losing
money. It was estimated it would cost approximately $218,000 to
complete the installation of the encoded meters and it was agreed
this should be considered a priority and funding provided in the
1994/95 budget. It was pointed out funds had been requested to
purchase land for future expansion of water plant #2 . It was felt
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Minutes of Budget Workshop
August 31, 1994
the purchase of this land could be delayed and funds used, instead,
for the purchase of encoded meters. Harry McNally indicated funds
had been budgeted to replace 2" water lines in Oak Harbor and this
work could also be delayed for a year.
Ann Meuse indicated she had contacted Barnett Bank regarding a
possible loan extension and it was consensus that she should ask
the City Attorney to draft a letter to Barnett Bank and check
further into the possibility of such an extension.
Bob Kosoy reported the Sanitation work force was down and he had
been using temporary employees. He indicated that the sanitation
budget was prepared based on the current level of service but until
bids were received it was impossible to determine budget
requirements. He indicated the city would probably lose some
recycling grant funds this year since the contract required the
purchase of a new vehicle for recycling. He indicated he planned
to purchase a pickup truck but could not guarantee that it would be
used exclusively for recycling. The Mayor indicated he would like
to expand the recycling program and suggested using funds to
purchase additional bins or other alternatives. The City Manager
agreed to research this matter further.
Mr. Kosoy reported the drainage master plan should be available
within the next few weeks and funds were available to start
construction. Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired whether stormwater
projects could be included in the Barnett loan and it was agreed
this would be possible. The Mayor felt drainage improvement should
be a priority. He suggested that Ann Meuse develop a list of
capital projects for possible funding through a future loan.
Capital Projects:
Ann Meuse indicated approximate costs and source of funding for
proposed capital projects, including improvements to Public Safety
Building, acquisition of park land, concession building in Russell
Park and activities building in Donner Park. Commissioner
Shaughnessy inquired whether 8-hour shifts in the Fire Department
would eliminate the need to expand the building and Fire Marshal
Rew indicated a change to 8-hour shifts would require the addition
of several firefighters.
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Minutes of Budget Workshop
August 31, 1994
Ann Meuse explained Internal Service Funds were used to account for
the financing of goods or services provided by one department to
other departments of the city.
City Manager:
The City Manager briefly reviewed the budget for his department.
Accounting and Finance:
Ms. Meuse indicated she had tried to streamline operations in the
Finance Department and was recommending several changes in an
effort to improve efficiency and customer service. These changes
included upgrading the AS400 computer system and adding a work
order system. She then reviewed the betterments proposed for the
Finance Department, which included the addition of one customer
service representative and a full time computer operator; changing
the type of utility bills to include return envelopes; and the
addition of an automated attendant telephone system.
Public Works Administration:
Bob Kosoy briefly reviewed the Public Works Administration budget.
He indicated lawn maintenance had been included. Capital
improvements included new telephones, office carpeting, and
improvements to the alarm system.
Fleet Maintenance:
Bob Kosoy indicated the only significant increase was $69, 000 to
replace the single wall underground fuel storage tank with a double
walled tank, which he indicated had been mandated by the state.
Convention Development Tax:
It was explained fund proceeds were proposed to be transferred to
the General Fund to pay for a new air conditioner for the Adele
Grage Community Center.
Local Option Gas Tax:
It was explained these revenues had been pledged to the Gulf Breeze
loan debt. Ann Meuse is to check into the bond agreement.
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Minutes of Budget Workshop
August 31, 1994
Community Development Block Grant:
The Mayor felt CDBG grant fund uses needed to be revisited. He
indicated he wanted to make sure the Donner Community Development
Corporation had an opportunity to provide input regarding
expenditure of the funds.
B. L. E.N.D Grant:
Chief Thompson indicated these funds were used for drug enforcement
activities and he also proposed to use some of these funds to
upgrade the computer system in the police department.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Maur en King
City Clerk