09-01-94 v MINUTES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD IN CITY HALL AT 6:00 PM ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1994. Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner Also: Kim Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Ann Meuse, Finance Director Jeri Benjamin, Accountant Walter Rew, Fire Marshal Maureen King, City Clerk Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order and indicated he wanted to make sure the Donner Community Development Corporation (CDC) was not excluded from discussions regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) . He invited Sharette Simpkins to comment on the CDBG projects. Ms. Simpkins indicated she had met with the City Manager and had recommended developing a time line for the various CDBG projects. She felt it was not necessary for the CDC to be involved in budgeting at this stage but indicated they would like to be involved in the planning for CDBG grant funds. Mayor Fletcher directed the City Manager and Planning Director to meet with Ms. Simpkins and the Donner CDC board to plan the CDBG projects. Ms. Simpkins indicated the Donner CDC had hoped they would qualify for CDBG funds but had not received any funds this year. Commissioner Weiss felt the City should support the Donner CDC in this matter. LEGISLATIVE Following a brief overview of the Legislative budget, Mayor Fletcher encouraged Commissioners to attend educational seminars or to have visiting speakers come to Atlantic Beach to speak on matters which may be beneficial to the City Commission. LEGAL The City Attorney pointed out the only increase in his budget was the inclusion of health insurance coverage for his dependents. Discussion ensued relative to legal fees for litigation in the law suit with Jacksonville and Ann Meuse explained this was provided for elsewhere in the budget. Jeri Benjamin provided a breakdown of the expenditures to date. r Page Two Minutes of Budget Workshop September 1, 1994. CITY CLERK Maureen King briefly reviewed her budget. She indicated the budgeted represented a reduction from the previous year which was due, in part to the fact that this was not an election year. She indicated she had included funds to upgrade one personal computer. She indicated the personnel in her department were unable to share software programs because computers were not networked. In order to get maximum benefit from the existing computer software she proposed to replace one computer terminal with a personal computer and then network the three personal computers. Ms. King also presented samples of service pins which she felt the city may wish to use to recognize years of service to the city, particularly for those employees who had been with the city in excess of twenty years. However, it was felt while this was a good idea, this might have to be postponed until another time. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Ann Meuse explained the Deputy City Manager and Receptionist were included in the Internal Services Fund. It was noted that insurance had increased considerably which, the City Manager felt, was due largely to increased workers compensation. The City Manager noted he had included funds to install security locks, a video security system and air conditioners for the upstairs areas in City Hall. GENERAL FUND, NON-DEPARTMENTAL/DEBT SERVICE Ann Meuse reviewed the city' s debt. It was felt all debt and revenues pledged needed to be reviewed. The City Manager was asked to make a list of capital needs and identify those revenues not currently pledged. FIRE Fire Marshal Rew reviewed the Fire Department budget. Discussion ensued regarding the lifeguard building and the City Manager indicated the building was deteriorating and needed to be repaired. The City Manager noted that a suggestion had been made to combine the Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach lifeguard efforts but Neptune Beach did not seem to be interested at this time. Discussion ensued regarding whether it would be better to purchase a new lifeguard truck or whether, because of the corrosive effects of the beach, an older vehicle would suffice. City staff will research and provide recommendations regarding the best plan for replacement. Page Three Minutes of Budget Workshop September 1, 1994. By way of betterments, Mr. Rew suggested the department hire a secretary to work for the Fire Chief, add three additional firefighters/EMT' s, improve radio communications, and add lifeguard chairs and storage shed. It was noted there appeared to be a problem with security at the Fire Department and the City Manager is to check into this and report back. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9 : 50 PM. f?qattlit_e-fAi_ Maureen King City Clerk