09-06-94 v MINUTES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM AT 4:00 PM ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994. Present: J. Dezmond Waters, III, Mayor Pro Tem Suzanne Shaughnessy, City Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, City Commissioner Also: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Ann Meuse, Finance Director Jeri Benjamin, Accountant David Thompson, Police Chief Maureen King, City Clerk Absent: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom, City Commissioner The meeting, which was being held to continue discussions relative to the city' s operating budget for FY 1994/95, was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Waters. Mayor Pro Tem Waters suggested the possibility of selling a pie- shaped piece of property owned by the city and using the funds to offset the cost of the proposed purchase of the Tresca property, and Commissioner Weiss felt that a swapping of properties could be negotiated with Mr. Tresca. Discussion ensued relative to the proposed beautification of the Selva Marina Drive median and Commissioner Weiss felt sprigging the median would be much cheaper than laying sod. It was felt, however, that water should be available before any funds are expended for landscaping, and Bob Kosoy felt water could be installed for approximately $10, 000. Jim Jarboe felt a maintenance contract would be needed to determine who would be responsible for maintenance, and for what period of time. Commissioner Weiss felt Selva Marina homeowners may be willing to make donations to this project. Discussion ensued and it was agreed to defer acquisition of land for expansion of the water plant on Mayport Road and replacement of the 2" water mains in Oak Harbor and use those funds, instead, to complete the installation of the touch pad meters during the next fiscal year. With reference to the capital improvement projects, Ann Meuse felt the city should seek the services of a financial advisor to advise regarding borrowing. It was agreed to include $2,000 to match donations for beautification projects. Page Two Minutes of Meeting of Committee of the Whole September 6, 1994. Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that, if possible, $45, 000 be included to hire and equip a motorcycle officer for traffic control. Chief Thompson indicated studies had indicated there was not a significant speeding problem in Atlantic Beach. The City Manager indicated he had granted the 2% increase approved by the City Commission for non-union employees and recommended granting the same increase to department heads. The commissioners concurred and indicated they would like to keep the pay plans of all groups of employees, both union and non-union, as consistent as possible. Discussion ensued regarding the computer upgrades requested by the City Clerk. Maureen King indicated additional occupational license revenues would be generated as a result of the recently adopted ordinance and it was agreed to use these funds for the upgrades requested. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM. Main Ring 14--71 City Clerk