Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor
Steven M. Rosenbloom, City Commissioner
Suzanne Shaughnessy, City Commissioner
J. Dezmond Waters, III, City Commissioner
Robert G. Weiss, City Commissioner
Also: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager
James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager
Ann Meuse, Finance Director
Jeri Benjamin, Accountant
Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director
David Thompson, Police Chief
Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director
Walter Rew, Fire Marshal
George Worley, City Planner
Maureen King, City Clerk
Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order and gave each City
Commissioner an opportunity to comment on the budget.
Commissioner Rosenbloom requested that some funds be set aside for
the use of the various boards, under the supervision of the City
Commissioner Waters thanked the City Manager for including in the
budget certain items he had requested.
Commissioner Shaughnessy commended the Finance Director on the new
budget format which, she felt, was easier to understand. She
commented on the utility billing system and indicated the
installation of the new water meters would enable the city to bill
for actual consumption each month, which would end a lot of the
confusion in connection with utility billing.
Commissioner Weiss agreed with Commissioner Shaughnessy regarding
the meters. He also felt the communications system needed to be
improved, especially in the fire department. Both Commissioners
Weiss and Shaughnessy indicated they wanted the . 6 mill increase to
be for one year only.
Mayor Fletcher indicated he would like to see the city provide
matching funds for beautification projects.
Ann Meuse reviewed the changes which had been made in the budget in
response to requests made at the previous meeting. Mayor Fletcher
reviewed each department budget and made further cuts.
Page Two
Minutes of Budget Workshop
September 7, 1994.
Further discussion ensued and it was noted that several departments
had requested radios and Mayor Fletcher requested that no radios be
purchased until the situation regarding radios throughout the city
had been reviewed.
Warren Anderson of the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association (ABAA)
indicated he wished to develop a good working relationship with the
city. He indicated the ABAA provided scholarships for children who
could not afford to pay the registration fees. He presented a
petition urging the city to move ahead with the proposed
renovations to the Russell Park concession building, and requesting
that the city install a fence around field "B" to improve the
quality and safety of the game. (A copy of the petition is
attached hereto and made a part hereof ) . Mr. Anderson offered to
provide volunteers to help with the installation of the fence, if
necessary. He also requested that the city consider installing
lights on the "B" field to enable this field to be used at night.
Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired into the possibility of some of
the teams using the fields at Donner Park. Mr. Anderson indicated
the girls softball teams practiced at Donner Park and felt
improvements such as upgrading the concession building and
installation of an outfield fence, would make Donner Park more
attractive to the teams. Mayor Fletcher instructed the ABAA
officials to work with the city' s Parks & Recreation Board
regarding these improvements. Following further discussion $2, 000
was added to provide fences in Donner Park and field "B" in Russell
Jim Wheatley, 2008 Selva Madera Court, inquired regarding the
proposed purchase of park land and indicated he would prefer to see
the payments spread over a five-year period. He indicated he was
opposed to a large tax increase for the sole purpose of purchasing
land. Other citizens in the audience agreed with Mr. Wheatley.
Another citizen was opposed to an 18% tax increase since there had
been an increase of 19% last year. Commissioner Rosenbloom agreed
and indicated he preferred that the cost of land acquisition be
spread over a period of years.
Commissioner Shaughnessy noted that funds had been provided for a
part-time gardener and following brief discussion, it was agreed to
increase the hours of the gardener' s position to thirty hours per
week. Commissioner Shaughnessy also requested that funds be
included to add and equip a motorcycle officer. However, the Mayor
preferred to wait and see what funds were available and indicated
he preferred to try the traffic calming methods suggested by the
traffic committee before adding additional personnel.
Page Three
Minutes of Budget Workshosp
September 7, 1994.
Mayor Fletcher requested that the resurfacing of the tennis courts
and upgrading of the air conditioning system at the Adele Grage
Community Center be deleted. Commissioner Shaughnessy suggested
that the city' s need for radios and communications equipment be
reviewed before any additional equipment is purchased.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 10:35 PM.
Maur en King, City lerk
S' V/ 1te10 /.9k(
As members of the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association we would
like to express our enthusiasm to the City of Atlantic Beach for
their efforts to complete renovation of the concessions area at the
field and to put in place an outfield fence around the second field
which will greatly increase the quality of play. We understand that
funds for both of these projects have previously been approved by
Atlantic Beach government officials .
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