10-10-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 26, 1994 2. Appearances: a. Presentations by architectural firms being considered for selection to provide professional services in connection with a proposed activity building in Donner Park ( i ) 7:20 PM Akel, Logan & Shafer, P.A. ( ii ) 7:30 PM Boyer & Boyer Architects, Inc. (iii ) 7:40 PM George Bull, Jr. , Architect ( iv) 7: 50 PM Michael Dunlap, Architect (v) 8:00 PM William Ebert Architects, P.A. b. Selection of architect to provide professional services for the construction of an activity building in Donner Park 3. Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Unfinished Business: a. Appointment of 15 members of Teen Council b. Appointment to Tree Board to fill seat vacated by Carolyn Woods c. Appointments to fill two vacancies on the Code Enforcement Board 5 . Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Reports No. 18 (expanded version) and 19 b. Acknowledge receipt of Building report for September c. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for September Page Two Agenda October 10. 1994 6. Action of Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-38 recognizing the service of Henry Batts on the Recreation Advisory Board b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-39 recognizing the service of Donald Fagan on the Recreation Advisory Board c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-40 recognizing the service of Carolyn Woods on the Tree Conservation Board d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-41 recognizing the service of Joseph P. Garvin on the Pension Board of Trustees e. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-42 designating Atlantic Beach as the home port city of the Italian ship ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi when in the United States of America f. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-43 opposing casino gambling in the State of Florida 7. Action of Ordinances: a. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 90-94-162 to rezone property known as Part of Lots 2, and 3, Section 16, and Lots 1 and 5, Section 17, from Open Rural (OR) to Single Family Residential ( RS-1 ) property at Selva Linkside 9 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION V V ELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SE TOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 P. M. ON MONDAY, O 0 CDOBER 10, 1994 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and M S Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 • The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. Agenda item 3 was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 3. Recognition of Visitors: David Thompson, Chief of Police, introduced Police Officer Henry Bartle and complimented Officer Bartle relative to recent arrests of armed robbers. Gene Kelly, representing Green Peace, inquired if the City would accept background checks from Gainesville, Florida, in order for _Green Peace representatives to obtain an occupation license to olicit in the city. Mayor Fletcher felt this would satisfy the intent of the ordinance and asked Mr. Kelly to work with Maureen King, City Clerk, and David ThowiJson, Chief of Police, to resolve the matter. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 26, 1994 ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY X Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X WE I S S September 26, 1994 FLETCHER Commissioner Rosenbloom asked that the minutes be amended to indicate the names of citizens who spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase, and he provided the City Clerk with a list of citizens who spoke and their comments. Commissioner Weiss asked that the minutes be amended to indicate Commissioner Rosenbloom was not present to vote on the first three items of the agenda. ROSENBLOOM X X Amended motion: Approve minutes of the regularSHAUGHATERSNES°Y X meeting of SepteMber 26, 1994, as amended in WTERS X X paragraph above WEI SS X FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion to approve the minutes, as amended, carried unanimously. -3yor Fletcher referred to Ordinance No. 90-94-162 which was on the 3enda as Item 7A. He explained for those who were present in the Minutes, Page 2 October 10, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN dud.ience and were interested in said ordinance that there would be a public hearing on November 14, 1994 at which time citizens would be afforded an opportunity to speak. A question was asked pertaining to whether or not to present petitions to the commission and the Mayor indicated petitions could be presented to the City Clerk at the present time or any time up to and including the public hearing of November 14, 1994. 2. Appearances: a. Presentations by architectural fines being considered for selection to provide professional services in connection with a proposed activity building in Donner park Presentations to provide professional services in connection with a proposed activity building in Donner park were made by the following firms: Akel, Logan & Shafer, PA, Boyer & Boyer Architects, Inc. , Michael Dunlap, Architect, and William Ebert Architects, P. A. Following the presentations Mayor Fletcher explained the Commission would be voting their first, second, third, and fourth preference. Staff would proceed to negotiate with the firm that was ranked first with the Commission. If in the event negotiations were unsuccessful, staff would then proceed to negotiate with the firm ranked second, third, and fourth, until a successful negotiation was reached. Ballots used by the commission to rank the firms is attached hereto. 3. Recognition of Visitors (this was acted upon earlier in the agenda) Iter 6a was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 6a. Resolution No. 94-38 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF HENRY BTPS ON THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-38. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-38 WATERS X X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The notion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher presented Resolution 94-38 in plaque form to Henry Batts. Item 6b was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 6b. Resolution No. 94-39 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF DONALD FAGAN ON THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-39. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-39 WATERS X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHFR X Minutes, Page 3 October 10, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher presented Resolution 94-39 in plaque form to Donald Fagan. Item 6c was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 6b. Resolution No. 94-40 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF CARDLYN WOODS ON THE TREE CONSERVATION BOARD Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-40. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-40 SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher presented Resolution 94-40 in plaque form to Carolyn Woods. Item 6e was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 6e. Resolution No. 94-42 - A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING ATLANTIC BEACH AS THE HOME PORT CITY OF THE ITALIAN SHIP ITS GIUSEPPE GARIBMDI WHEN IN THE UNITED SPATES OF AMERICA Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-42. ROSENBLOOM X X Notion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-42 WAX X WATERS X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher explained since the ship was out at sea the Resolution in plaque form would be presented at a later time. Item 6d was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 6b. Resolution No. 94-41 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF BUTCH GARVIN ON THE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-41. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-41 SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLITS X X FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher announced the Resolution would be presented to Butch Garvin at the meeting of October 24, 1994. 4. Unfinished Business: a. Appointment of 15 members of Teen Council Mayor Fletcher presented a list of proposed members to the Teen 3ouncil. He explained more than 15 teenagers had expressed a desire to serve. He indicated he had spoken to many of the teenagers and he did not wish to exclude anyone from serving. He suggested saoueuTpao JPITwT S burse aaaM saT1Tunmoo Amu pauTPTdxa uflapw pH •paquea-aa SPM A4a9doad P BUITq AaaAO qam aaaM sapoo A;To TIP pue poT;sTTeS eaaM SuaTT TIP buTgPoTpuT Aouednoo0 go ageoTTPaaC P eaTnbea pTnoM aoueuTpao aaggo aus •paTJsTges aaaM suaTT TTS pup uoTgoadsuT passed buTpTTnq auk Tflun an000 qou pTnoo aureu Mau P uT Agaadoad P oq as;ep go uoTgoauuooaa ;pu3 aaTnbea pTnoM aoupuTpao au0 •epuabe uoTssTwwoo gxau au. uo paoPTd aq saoueuTpao oM4 3Pu3 pagsanbaa unaprA pauTPTdxa aoApwaU] •pausTTchu000e ATquaoaa pet' 3T )[.IOM a .XOJ paeog au'. papuauauoo au PUP 'pa2og quawooaoguH apo0 au. go upULZTelp 'uT3.aPW Pg pazTubooaa aauogeTa aoAPW X X 2iSHOZ2'I3 •ATsnouiTueun peTaxeo uoT; uu auk. pup peTTeo SPM uoT4sanb euj, X SSISM X X S2iHZVM pzeog 3ua aoaojug apo0 am. uo X KSSHNH9I1VHS IEaA anoJ E °Alms o3 buTTMoi „04ad. Poo"&H 3uTceoa :uoT4ow X WOO'IgNHS0a •ATsnowTueun peTaaPo uoTgotu au3 Pup peTTpo SPM uoTgsanb aus X X 2iHHOZH'I3 X S S I HM pzpog qua®aao3 epo0 o X S2iH1Vy uo uua3 .11210A anDg E OAXOS o3 uosTat.m.Tw cagy quTodicleabi =flow X X ASSSNHOIIYHS X WOO'IgNHSOH •swaaq aeaA anoJ TTnl °Alas oq pa3euTutou-aa aq pTnous Aam. gTag aoApw au. pup 'OAtOS oq anuTquoo og paaabe ggoq Aau3 PUP bUTTMOQ pup uosTauogTW •sassOW pogoe3uoo peu au pa3eoTpuT aoApw aus •aaTdxa oq anp aaaM SWIG; "ram. pup paPog quaweoao,TuH apo0 auk. uo paA.Ias ppq buTTMou 113d11 poobAPH pue uosTauo;?11I OOLLL Pa3aoTpuT aauogaT3 aoAp paiog quaarao1o}U apcD a uo SOToueOEA 0m4 ITTJ oq s3u It}uToddv •a •ATsnowTueun p0Taaeo uoTJoui ow, •agoA au. aaoJeq uoTSSn)STp ON X X 2iHHOZH'Iri X S S I HM spook uATOIPD Ag X S2i2JNM pa3EOEA was TITJ 04 papog oozy o3 10APag NOTH 3uToddl :uoT3c X X ASSHNHOI1\iHF X WOO'IENHSO'd -Spook uAToaxO Aq pa4eoeA ;pas auk TTT3 04 paeog aeras at, o; aaAeag NoT2i pa3euTUiou aauogaT3 aoAPj SPOOM UATOIED Aq PEr4-23PA 3Eas TITJ oq paeog Daly 03 3u uTo 'Q •ATsnouiTueun paTaaeo uOT3oui au. pUP Palleo SPM uoTqsanb aus •sbuTgaaui eangnl 3e quasaad aosTApe UP aq pTnoM aaam. 3Pu3 pup 'sAep 04 3xau auq uTI3.TM ITounoO uaas au3 u3-cm 3aaw o3 peuuPTd au pegPoTppuT aegogaT3 IOAPJ X X 21HHOZHZ3 (J Well Pue Ma-Tog PO 44s X SSI HM sIaquan Jo 3STT) uoTlnTosa2i 3o abEssed o3 goacqns TTounoJ U►L X S2i JJVM uo °Axes o3 s.1Ogivau Jo gsTT Jo quaat}urodde anaz X X ASSHMH9E11MS X WOO'IffNHSOd •SpTP SP aAaas pinoo ET aepun OtOM o4M squapngs °Sou. pagsabbns au pup abe go SaeaA £T qaA Sou SPM o1M quapngs P JO aumu auo pOATaoaa Ppu au Pa3eoTPUT OH •OAaaS oq Laa2 ODTAIOS uoeag oT3upT3V au4 uT squapngs MoITP osTe oq pue 'saagwem ST ueu'3 SSaI Sou go pasTadUroo aq oq TTouno3 uaas, au3 MOTTP PTnoM u3T1M uoT3nlosed Mau P buTaedaac N A S W 'SHNNO3 3O 3NVN A A 17661 'OT aac[o300 abed 'SagnuTW aq. o; aAPq ;1.15Tui Aaq. s;uanpuauiP AuP buTaq 04 saauoTssTunuoo paxsP aH •sbuTpPaa oMM OAPg pTnogs aouanbasuoo oTTgnd gTTM aan;Pu sTq. go suoT;nTosaa aan;ng sdPgaad ;Pm. ;Tag aago4oT3 aoAr 'Pale sogopaq aq uT ouTsPo P Jo uoT;PooT buTsoddo uoT4nTosaa P ssPd 04 a;PTadoaddp aq ;gbTui 4T paAoaddd ;I •a;P;s aq_ go squapTsaa Aq paA.oaddP sum buTTgUIPb am JT las 04 uoTqoaTa aqp. aa4JP TT;un TTPM 04 aaggaq aq 4145Tui 4.T pNsabbns SPM qI •buTTgmPb pazTTPbaI og pa;PTaa saouanbasuoo aAT4Pbau .Iaq.o pup 'A;Tsuap 'oTJJPaq. pesPaaouT go A;TTTq?ssod aq. go asnpoaq Pale am. uo ;opcuur aAT;pbau P aAPq pTnOM souTspo gPgn. SaauoTSSTMOO TPaanas Aq ;Taj SPM 4T 'uoTssnosTp aapun •buTTqumb axe goTgM go m oq 'pomoTTP APPaaTP SPM BUTDPt bop pup sago;s aoueTueAuoo Auui uT aTcIPTTPAP SPM Ala44.0T am uT a3PdToT4atd x U3HOZSrM o; A;Tungaoddo 0q4 uagM 'pOTPTnbaa aq PTnoM goT1M 'buTTqumb ouTSPo SSIHM og goacgo 04 TPoTboT you SPM ;T sdPgaad ;Tag ssTaM aauoTssTunuoO X SHHZ`dM ASSSNH9f1VHS E'-1'6 uoT nTosag go abbssed oAoId v :uoTgow WOO'IHN3SOi '8{,-176 '0M uoT;nTosag 'buT4TtM uT 'Ting uT poquesaad aago4oT3 aoA2Y1 3iL�Q ammaaa NV ` IOIAOId flOIIHald dO HMJS 311L NI ONIMW«) ONISVD QL NOIJ,ISOddO NI HDVaa OTJ ML11y dO SIO ALL dO NOIJITIO61 V - EV-V6 '0N uoTinTosaa 'J 'Z '-$6 PW Til-1i6 'OI'-I'6 '6E-176 '8£-t'6 suoT4nT0s { :PpuebP alp uT aaTTaia uodn pe4ou exam suor4nTosag buTmoTTo3 au :suoT4nTosag uo uoTp -a 'ATsnotUTUPun paTaa2o uoT4o l au; puP PaTTPo SPM uoT;sanb aqW •palanouoo Aosox -aw goTgM 04 '17661 '9T aaqua;daS eq pTnogs 17661 '9T aunr go o; paaaa3aa SPM 4Pq. buT4aaiu aq. pa;POTpuT X 2IHHOSSrld PUP 'Z abed '8T# gaodag 04 paaaa3aa urooTquasog aauoTssTuwm X SSISM x x S2iiiLvm Ppuabv quasuco go abbssed atcuddd :uo-Row X X ASSSNHOf1VHS X WOO'I HNS S 021 Jaciper4das log ;aodal quawaaxogua apoO Jo idTaoa.I abpaTmouNov '3 aaqua4dag .io3 42odaa buTPTTnc go 4dTaoaz abpeTxp 'Q 61 Puu (uoTsaeA papuedxa) 8T 'oN s4lodaa aa447mm iamos / QPM go gdTaoaa abpaT P'K -u :Ppuabg ;uosuoj 'S •goaaaoo ATTPbaT aq PTnoM abPnbu2T agt aansuT o4 saouUuTpao aq. auTumxa pTnoM Aauao;;y A;TO eqq. pauTPTdxa SPM 41 •uodn pabuTa3uT aq qou pTnoM sTPnpTATpuT go s;.gbTa ;Pm. os uoT.nio mTM paaxdaad aq pTnogs saou2uTpao aq. uT pauTPwoo abPnbuuT aqg 4Ta4 SPM qT 'uoTssnosTp aapun •uraTgoad sTgq. ggTM dTaq pTnoM saouPuTpao aq. pedoq SPM ;T pup spaoTpuPT aoquasgP ggTM sul' oldT�ouaTaadxa pPu goPeR 0T�uPT�Fj pa P�dxa ag •ATTfl SS D n N A S NI 'SFUNINIOO 3O 3NIVN A A 17661 'OT a0a04o0 S abed 'sognuTy1 Minutes, Page 6 October 10, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 'esolution, in writing, to the next meeting, of October 24, 1994, at which time final action would be taken on Resolution 94-43. 7. Action of Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 90-94-162 - First Reading Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No.90-94-162. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3, SECTION 16, AND LOTS 1 AND 5, SECTION 17, ALSO KNOWN AS RE#172027-0100, FROM OR, OPEN RURAL TO RS-1 SINGLE FAMILY Y RESmF rAL; 9.0 REFLECT T THIS GLANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-94-162 on first S HAUGHNE S S Y X reading and set public hearing for November 14, 1994 WATERS X WEISS X X Commissioner Waters quoted language from Section 24-103. "OR open FLETCHER X X rural districts", of the City Code, and he felt the intent of the language was to rezone OR (open rural districts) to PUD (planned unit development) . Alan Jensen, City Attorney, explained the Code did not require rezoning to PUD, and the Commission was required to a.ct on the rezoning request before them. Mr. Jensen further xplained anyone who owned property had the right to apply to have property rezoned and that there was nothing that required them to rezone to PUD. He indicated the applicant was applying to rezone 3.03 acres from OR to Single Family Residential and PUD could not apply for only three acres. Under discussion, Commissioner Rosenbloom felt when the whole area was developed it was the intent to leave it as Open Rural. Mayor Fletcher felt that matter should not be discussed at the present time, but only during the public hearing of November 14, 1994. If Commissioners had questions, the Mayor explained, the City Manager or City Attorney could be contacted by commissioners. Roll Call on passage of ordinance No. 90-94-162 on its first reading resulted in 3-2 with Commissioners Shaughnessy and Waters voting nay. The motion carried. Mayor announced ranking of architectural firms to provide professional services in connection with a proposed activity building in Donner Park Mayor Fletcher announced results of Commission ranking and Michael Dunlap, Architect was ranked first to provide professional services in connection with a proposed activity building in Donner Park. City Manager, Kim Leinbach, was instructed to begin negotiations ith Mr. Dunlap. If in the event negotiations were unsuccessful ith Mr. Dunlap, negotiations would begin with the firm of Boyer & Boyer Architects, Inc. , who were ranked second. Minutes, Page 7 • October 10, 1994 • V V NAME OF 1_ City Manager RP rtc and/car Cr COMMRS. MSYN rtim Leinbach reported he had been working with Finance Director, Ann Meuse, and beginning FY94/95 staff would be providing the commission with monthly financial reports, beginning the first meeting in November. Mr. Leinbach reported he was working on a final report which would be submitted to the Commission shortly. He indicated it was his intent to incorporate data from the city's auditor into the report. Mr. Leinbach presented the final budget for FY94/95 to the Commission. He complimented Ann Meuse, Finance Director, Department Heads, and the City Commission for their hard work and many hours in compiling the budget. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated the Commission was elected to represent the people and he felt it had become disfunctional. He indicated in his opinion the commission lacked a spirit of compromise, and he looked forward to everyone working together on projects in the future. Commissioner Waters referred to workshop sessions that would be held the first and third Monday of each month and he hoped the workshops would help commissioners to more fully understand issues and projects. ;omunissioner Waters felt Alan Jensen should have direction from the Commission regarding the purchase the Tresca property. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Authorize purchase of Tresca property not-to-exceed SHAUGHNESE Y X X the appraised value of the property ($230,000) , with WATERS X X associated closing costs WE I S S X FLETCHER X Commissioner Weiss reported there would be a meeting with Mr. Tresca in approximately one week. The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. Commissioner Waters indicated Alice Richardson was waiting to hear from the city regarding the purchase of property she owned. He referred to property the city owned in North Atlantic Beach on Seminole Road and Ocean Boulevard and indicated perhaps the property could be sold and the Richardson property purchased. Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, inquired if taxpayers would have input regarding which parks would be bought by the City, to which the Mayor explained this would be on Commission agendas and public hearings would be conducted. Ms. Bonner inquired if there would be agendas prepared for workshop sessions which would be held nn Mondays prior to Commission meetings, to which the Mayor xplained no action would be taken at workshop sessions. He indicated planning and budget matters would be discussed and if a specific item was to be discussed, there would be an agenda. He Minutes, Page 8 October 10, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN .ndicated the workshops would be held twice per month at 4;Ju p. m. , and would be held October 17, November 7th, November 21st, and December 5, 1994. He added the workshops would be procedural, and their purpose would be to make the city more efficient. Commissioner Waters indicated the Duval Delegation would meet in November and he felt the city should be prepared to bring items before the delegation at this November meeting. Mayor Fletcher referred to expanding the limits of the City to include marshland along the intracoastal Waterway currently owned by Jacksonville. He asked Kim Leinbach to draft a resolution to annex marshland west of the city limits to the Intracoastal Waterway, north from Atlantic Boulevard and south of Church Street. The item will appear on the Commission agenda of October 24, 1994. There being no further business the mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p. ---1111101. m. Ade-41 Air0400r / Lyman T. F etcher Mayor Presiding Officer ATTES T: MAUR EN KING CITY CLERK CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • OCTOBER 10, 1994 RANKING OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR SELECTION TO PROVIDE . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED DONNER PARK ACTIVITY BUILDING. Rank in order of preference 1 through 4 with 1 /being the highest: AKEL, LOGAN & SHAFER, P.A. 2 BOYER & BOYER ARCHITECTS, INC. MICHAEL DUNLAP, ARCHITECT I 3 WILLIAM EBERT ARCHITECTS, P.A. \ v C,;(9(27-- u)&�s . khZ17)1.40 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • OCTOBER 10, 1994 RANKING OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR SELECTION TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED DONNER PARK ACTIVITY BUILDING. Rank in order of preference 1 through 4 with 1 being the highest: R K+ til ed g„�� I AKEL, LOGAN & SHAFER, P.A. 0--)iu `l 2 BOYER & BOYER ARCHITECTS, INC. - N Lu 14 , MICHAEL DUNLAP, ARCHITECT i� ) �I � I� f z6� \ —\.3.L— WILLIAM EBERT ARCHITECTS, P.A. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OCTOBER 10, 1994 - RANKING OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR SELECTION TO PROVIDE • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED DONNER PARK ACTIVITY BUILDING. Rank in order of preference 1 through 4 with 1 being the highest: Soy tK J/ AKEL, LOGAN & SHAFER, P.A. BOYER & BOYER ARCHITECTS, INC. J'7 2 MICHAEL DUNLAP, ARCHITECT WILLIAM EBERT ARCHITECTS, P.A. /3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OCTOBER 10, 1994 RANKING OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR SELECTION TO PROVIDE • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED DONNER PARK ACTIVITY BUILDING. Rank in order of preference 1 through 4 with 1 being the highest: ` �!:.�. 1�N nl K ►til C� AKEL, LOGAN & SHAFER, P.A. 3 I0,2BOYER & BOYER ARCHITECTS, INC. MICHAEL DUNLAP, ARCHITECT WILLIAM EBERT ARCHITECTS, P.A. iA/! ice c CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 410 OCTOBER 10, 1994 RANKING OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR SELECTION TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED DONNER PARK ACTIVITY BUILDING. Rank in order of preference 1 through 4 with 1 being the highest: SL°12-cs }N k AI 1 � AKEL, LOGAN & SHAFER, P.A. 1 •BOYER & BOYER ARCHITECTS, INC. MICHAEL DUNLAP, ARCHITECT WILLIAM EBERT ARCHITECTS, P.A. • ATLANTIC BEACH TEEN COUNCIL Suzanne Bew 381 3rd Street, AB Phone 247-4414 - Age Nadirah Baker 1088 Cornell Lane, AB 249-5563 - Age 14 Allison Carter 31 Saratoga Circle N. , AB 246-SURF - Age 15 Jana Hoffman 266 Magnolia St. , AB 241-1976 - Age 15 Kelley Parmenter 78 Dewees Ave. , AB 249-0864 - Age 14 Allison Miller 395 19th St. , AB 249-2246 - Age 14 Shakesha Lawrence 1810 George St. , AB 246-8460 - Age 15 Shanell Terrell 1954 Francis Ave. , AB 246-0953 - Age 15 Jay Lindsay 2045 Vela Norte Cir. , AB 241-1417 - Age 17 Kevin Graver 212 Nautical Blvd. , S. , AB 249-8218 - Age 14 Timmy Harp 168 Seminole Rd., AB 247-4880 - Age 13 Jon Tusing 466 Sailfish Dr., AB 241-4480 - Age 14 Willie Sampson 1960 Park St. , AB 247-5592 - Age 14 raye Atlantic Beach Teen Council • Mark Blair 295 Walter Dr. , AB 270-0289 - Age 15 Ryan Weeks 380 8th St. , AB 241-3571 - Age 18 Michael Wiley 274 Magnolia Ave. , AB 247-6793 - Age 15 Clay Tousey 1767 W. Park Terr. 249-0707 Hillary Howell 901 ocean Blvd. #33, AB Age 15 Sarsh Dias 1025 Seminole Rd, AB 241-5021 - Age 15 Patrick Fore 1570 Selva Marina Dr. , AB 249-1729 Matthew Green Oceanwalk Drive West, AB 241-0888 Ryan Hickey 350 Oceanwalk Dr So, AB 249-2881 Hunter Kelly Oceanwalk Drive So, AB Sean McManus 2120 Beach Ave, AB 249-3008 - Age 17 Sara McManus 2120 Beach Ave, AB 249-3008 - Age 15 Chris Crowder 1668 Sea Oats Dr, AB 249-8445 - Age 15 Page 3 Atlantic Beach Teen Council Zach Henderson 1979 Selva Marina Dr, AB 241-9420 - Age 15 Blake Henderson 1979 Selva Marina Dr 241-9420 - Age 13 Lyle Young 395 Saturiba Dr, AB 241-3650 - Age 15 Matthew Green 2311 oceanwalk Dr W 247-0888 - Age 14 NOT ATf.ANi IC BEACH RESTS Sarah Bussey 12215 Nipgon Ave. , So. , AB 249-4652 - Age 16 Jenny Andrew 2148 Mayport Rd. , AB 246-9196 - Age 16 Laura Hopfinger 791 Assisi Ln, AB 246-8913 - Age 14 Marcus Washington 2130 Mayport Rd. , AB 241-8901 - Age 13 James Church 2630 SR AlA #360, AB 249-4652 - Age 13