10-24-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 24, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of October 5, and Regular meeting of October 10, 1994 2. Appearances: a. Representatives of Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Beaches Development Department, to discuss the issue of bed tax funds at the Beaches 3 . Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Unfinished Business: 5 . Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Reports No. 20 and 21 and authorize completion of modification to contract drawings ( $8, 086 . 50 ) - (Bob Kosoy) b. Acknowledge receipt of Pension Report ( Kim Leinbach) 6 . Action of Resolutions : a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-43 opposing casino gambling in the State of Florida ( Second Reading ) b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-44 recognizing the service of Rose Blanchard on the occasion of her retirement c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-45 recognizing the service of Joseph P. "Butch" Garvin on the occasion of his retirement d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-46 recognizing the service of Walter Rew on the occasion of his retirement e. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-48 to amend the number of members who can serve on the Teen Council f. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-47 to request the Duval Delegation to begin proceedings to annex property to extend the city' s western boundary to the Intracoastal Waterway 7. Action of Ordinances: None 8. New Business: a. Approval of Use-by-Exception for contractor office at 645 Mayport Road (George Worley) b. Authorize City Attorney to begin negotiations with Alice Richardson relative to the possible acquisition of the property, and securing appraisal (Commissioner Waters) c. Rejection of bid for street sweeper (Bob Kosoy) 9 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report concerning incident that occurred on Cavalla Road, Friday, October 14, 1994 (Chief Thompson) b. Drainage Report (Director of Utilities, Jim Jarboe, and Public Works Director, Bob Kosoy) 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 V V PM ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1994 O O T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E Steven M. Rosenbloom D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Shaughnessy, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of October 5, and Regular Called Meeting of October 10, 1994 ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X. X Motion: Approve minutes of Special Called Meeting WATERS X X of October 5, 1994 WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of Regular Meeting of SHAUGHNESSY X X October 10, 1994. WATERS X X WEISS X Commissioner Waters inquired regarding the whereabouts of FLETCHER X ballots which had been used at the meeting of October 10, and the City Clerk advised they were attached to the original minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved. Agenda Items 6B and 6C were taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time 6c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-45 recognizing the service of Joseph P. "Butch" Garvin on the occasion of his retirement Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-45. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. 94-45 WATERS X X WEISS X x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. Following passage of the resolution, Mayor Fletcher presented the resolution in plaque form to Mr. Garvin. Page Two Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 6b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-44 recognizing the service of Rose Blanchard on the occasion of her retirement Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-44. ROSENBLOOM X X 3HAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. 94-44 WATERS X aEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. Following passage of the resolution, Mayor Fletcher presented the resolution in plaque form to Ms. Blanchard. 2. Appearances: a. Representatives of Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Beaches Development Department, to discuss the issue of bed tax funds at the Beaches Harry Schnabel, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Beaches Department, addressed the City Commission and requested the city to encourage the Legislature to expand the use of bed tax funds. Barry Adeeb of the Sea Turtle Inn, and Connie Shea of the Comfort Inn on Mayport Road, concurred with Mr. Schnabel ' s comments and indicated they would like to see state law changed to allow more flexible use of the bed tax funds to include promotion of tourism. Jeri McCormick of the Jacksonville Tourist Development Bureau distributed Jacksonville Visitors Guides and explained what her office had been doing to promote tourism in this area. Nick Nicholson introduced Nancy Broner of the Northeast Florida Aquatic Sports Complex Study Group, who reported the City of Jacksonville Beach had donated land for the proposed world class swim center. She presented an artist ' s rendering of the proposed $14 million complex and explained how the various buildings would be used. Ms. Broner and Mr. Nicholson indicated they were most anxious that the facility be built in the beaches area and requested that the City of Atlantic Beach take a leadership position in the development of this complex and work with the other beach communities to investigate possible funding sources. Following further discussion, the City Manager was directed to draft a resolution for adoption by the City Commission at the next meeting, supporting the con- struction of the swim center in the beach beaches area. Page Three Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 3. Recognition of Visitors: Chief Thompson introduced Bobby Bacon who had worked for the city for eleven months as a reserve officer and who had recently been hired as a full-time officer. Commissioner Weiss complimented the Public Works staff who had worked under most difficult conditions to resolve a sewer break during recent heavy rains and flooding. 4. Unfinished Business: None 5. Consent Agenda a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Reports No. 20 and 21, and authorize completion of modifications to contract drawings ($8,086.50) b. Acknowledge receipt of monthly pension report Mayor Fletcher requested that Item a be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Mayor Fletcher referred to the final paragraph of Water & Sewer Report No. 18 and inquired regarding proposed changes in the amount of $9, 163.00, and Mr. Kosoy explained this was for changes which had been discussed by the Water & Sewer Committee. Bob Kosoy explained some of the eighteen original changes would not be possible and had been deleted, reducing the cost to $8,086. 50. However, the proposal still included seven major changes which were identified in Pitman, Hartenstein & Associates' Contract Authorization No. 10. The Mayor inquired whether it would be advisable to include all items included on the original list as bid alternates and indicated he would like to review the list of changes at the Water & Sewer Committee meeting on Thursday, October 27. Motion: Approve changes for the bid alternate in SHUGHNESX X PP 9 SHAUGHNESSY X an amount not to exceed $9, 163.00 WATERS X referred to in Water & Sewer Committee WEISS X Report No. 18 (Pitman Hartenstein FLETCHER X X Contract Authorization No. 10) Following brief discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the pension report. Page Four Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 6. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-43 opposing casino gambling in the State of Florida (Second Reading) Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-43 and invited citizens to speak to the matter. Dorothy Kerber distributed copies of an article which had appeared in the Florida Times Union regarding casino gambling in Mississippi as well as a summary of her thoughts on casino gambling. Chief Thompson felt casino gambling would have a negative impact. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. 94-43 SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X Some concern was expressed by commissioners as to whether WEISS X the city should express an opinion in this matter since FLETCHER X X the citizens would have an opportunity to speak for themselves; however, the Mayor felt since casino gambling would have an impact on city services, the city had an obligation to express an opinion. Following brief discussion, the question was called and the motion was approved on a 4 - 1 vote with Commissioner Weiss voting nay. Following adoption of the resolution, the City Clerk was instructed to send copies to the news media. b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-44 recognizing the service of Rose Blanchard on the occasion of her retirement This item was taken up and acted upon earlier in the evening. c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-45 recognizing the service of Joseph P. "Butch" Garvin on the occasion of his retirement This matter was taken up and acted upon earlier in the evening. d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-46 recognizing the service of Walter Rew on the occasion of his retirement. Since Mr. Rew was out of town and could not attend the meeting, the Mayor requested that action on this resolution be deferred pending Mr. Rew' s return. Page Five Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN e. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-48 to amend the number of members who can serve on the Teen Council Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-48. He indicated a large number of teenagers had indicated a desire to serve on the Teen Council and urged adoption of the Resolution. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. SHAUGHATERSNESSY X X 94-48 WATERS X WEISS X No. discussion before the vote. The motion carried =LETCHER X unanimously. f. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-47 to request the Duval Delegation to begin proceedings to annex property to extend the city's western boundary to the Intracoastal Waterway Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing Resolution No. 94-47. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. WATERS X 94-47 WEISS X X FLETCHER X Following brief discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: The City Attorney referred to a public hearing to be held at the next meeting on a rezoning request and reminded the City Commission that they would be acting in a quasi- judicial capacity in that matter and reminded them they should not discuss the matter with anyone in the meantime. 8. New Business: a. Approval of Use-by-Exception for contractor' s office at 645 Mayport Road George Worley explained a public hearing would be held on this request at the meeting on November 14 . b. Authorize City Attorney to begin negotiations with Alice Richardson relative to the possible acquisition of her property on Seminole Road Page Six Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to begin ROSENBLLOOM X negotiations with Ms. Richardson for the SHAUGHNESSY X acquisition of her property on Seminole WATERS X X Road; also authorize appraisal of the WEISS X X property FLETCHER X Commissioner Waters indicated this property would be suitable for public buildings and could be used as a park until such time as it was needed for other purposes. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated the YMCA might be interested in using this property at a nominal fee and Mayor Fletcher indicated he had already begun inquiries in that regard. In further discussion, the City Manager indicated the city may wish to try to purchase the property for the assessed value, thus eliminating the cost of an appraisal. The City Attorney indicated the city had purchased property in this manner in the past and inquired how much he was authorized to offer. He was advised inquiries should be preliminary at this stage, primarily to see how much the owner would accept. In the meantime, Commissioner Waters was instructed to investigate possible methods of funding. Commissioner Rosenbloom supported the proposed property acquisition, but expressed concern that the city was not being consistent in its approach to the acquisition of property. He felt funds should be identified first and a long range plan developed for the acquisition, use and maintenance of park lands. Commissioner Waters felt the property could be used for teen activities and indicated the matter of park acquisition had been discussed at length in planning sessions and the goals for parks were well planned and thought out. Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried on a 4 - 1 vote with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. c. Rejection of bid for street sweeping Bob Kosoy reported due to the agreement with the Department of Transportation special equipment would be required to sweep Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road. Most street sweeping vendors were not equipped to comply with guidelines established for sweeping state highways. He indicated the only bid received was $6, 680.00 over the budgeted amount and staff, therefore, recommended that this bid be rejected. In an effort to encourage additional bidders, Mr. Kosoy recommended bidding Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard separate from the remainder of the city' s street sweeping. Page Seven Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Motion: Reject only bid received for street SHX sweeping and rebid project as recommended WATERSAAUGHNESM ERSNESSY X by staff X WEISS X X FLETCHER X X The motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: a. Report concerning incident on Cavalla Road, Friday, October 14, 1994 Chief Thompson reported on an incident in which suspects who had been involved in a car-jacking in Jacksonville Beach, and gun fire on Cavalla Road, had been apprehended. He thanked the Jacksonville Sheriff ' s Office for their assistance and also thanked the neighboring businesses for their hospitality. Chief Thompson also reported on a dangerous domestic dispute which had taken place on Plaza. He complimented the police officers on their handling of both incidents. b. Drainage Report Public Works Director Bob Kosoy presented a list of drainage projects which had been separated into maintenance projects proposed to be undertaken by city crews and those projects proposed to be contracted out. (Copy of list is attached hereto and made a part hereof) . Mr. Kosoy indicated the master drainage plan being prepared by CH2M Hill would be completed in November. Commissioner Waters indicated he hoped projects would be coordinated so new pavements would not have to be dug up and Mr. Kosoy explained this was routinely taken into consideration in the planning of projects and was kept to a minimum except in emergency situations. 10. Reports and/or correspondence from City_ Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Commissioner Rosenbloom reported the Beaches Historical Society would like to build a structure to protect the train engine in the historical park in Jacksonville Beach, the estimated cost of which would be about $50, 000. Commissioner Rosenbloom requested the city consider making a contribution of $500 - $1, 000 through the City of Jacksonville Beach toward the construction of this building. The City Attorney indicated Convention Development Tax revenues could be used for this purpose and following brief discussion, it was agreed to draft a resolution in this regard for action by the City Commission at the next meeting. Page Eight Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Waters felt the City Commission needed to be brought up to date on the city' s Comprehensive Plan and the City Manager indicated he would ask George Worley to report on this matter at a future workshop meeting. Commissioner Waters also referred to a request filed by the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) to be allowed to serve champagne at receptions following opening night productions, the first of which would be on October 28. Commissioner Waters noted that the request had been removed from the agenda at the request of the City Commission since a copy of Ordinance No. 10-94-18 had not been available to them at an earlier workshop meeting. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Consider the request of ABET and grant SHAUGHNESSY permission to serve alcoholic beverages WATERS X on opening night October 28, 1994. WEISS FLETCHER X Commissioner Weiss noted the ordinance provided that consumption of alcoholic beverages upon city property would terminate at 9 :00 PM and questioned whether ABET would be able to comply with this requirement. Following further discussion of the matter, since the request was not on the agenda and ABET representatives had been advised the matter would not be acted upon, Mayor Fletcher ruled the discussion out of order. The motion and second were withdrawn. The Mayor indicated in the future, if commission action was required on any matter which was brought up by a commissioner under the comments section, that item would have to be placed on the agenda for action at the following meeting. Mayor Fletcher inquired when the City Commission could expect to start receiving the monthly financial statements and the City Manager advised financial statements may be available by the next meeting. Mayor Fletcher acknowledged receipt of a letter from Alan Potter notifying the city of his resignation from the Water and Sewer Committee. The Mayor expressed his personal appreciation for Mr. Potter' s many contributions to the city and requested that his letter be made a part of the official record of the city. ( Letter attached) . Mayor Fletcher announced a commission workshop would be held on Monday, November 7, 1994, at 4:30 PM and asked that an agenda for this meeting be prepared and posted. Page Nine Minutes V V October 24, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN The Mayor also announced he would meet with the Recreation Advisory Board and Mr. Herrick Smith of the University of Florida, Department of Landscape Architecture, at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, October 25, 1994, in City Hall Conference Room. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM. Lyman T. 1-tcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: 4(in King, C14-14I Mau City Clerk ('teaCju ro/ fR1/4/ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SH 1 OF 2 CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED DRAINAGE PROJECTS SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works17 7♦�� � DATE: October 17, 1994 BACKGROUND: The following is a sequential list of drainage projects separated into maintenance projects propsoed to be completed by City crews and those proposed to be completed by outside Contractors: APPROX A. MAINTENANCE PROJECT SCHED START COMPLETION COST 1. 3rd St drainage line 10/12/94 10/20/94 $600 collapse 2. 3rd & Sherry Drive 10/24/94 11/2/94 $1500 junction box 3. 18" Outfall Line 11/3/94 11/11/94 $800 Sherry Drive 4. Sturdivant Street 11/14/94 12/2/94 $2400 The above start and completion times may vary due to inclimate weather conditions and state of ground water table. Approximate costs are for materials only and do not include labor charges. APPROX B. CONTRACTOR PROJECTS SCHED START COMPLETION COST 1. Repair Jasmine Street to be bid 90 days $3500 Retention Pond 11/17/94 from start 2. Improve drainage (See Note) 90 days $20000 4th & 9th Streets from start 3. Plaza - East end March 1995 6 months $65000 drainage NOTE: 4th Street was grouped with 9th Street for cost evaluation only. The actual drainage improvement work on 4th Street will be attempted by City crews. It should be noted that the drainage improvements to 4th and 9th Streets are interim improvements pending the major drainage improvements ( i. e. trunk lines) to be constructed per the Stormwater Master Plan. Scheduled start time is the second week in December. SH 2 OF 2 Continued We also feel that bids should be taken on the Plaza project prior to doing 9th Street to determine if any funds remain that could be used in the event of cost overruns on the 9th Street project. RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: 41atja AGENDA ITEM NO. D �� aAt- a /o/2z ALAN W . POTTER , SR . 374 Second Street Atlantic Beach , FL 32233 CERTIFIED MAIL NO . P334 927 202 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 18 , 1994 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach , Florida 32233 ATTN : Mr. Lyman T . Fletcher , Mayor-Commissioner Mrs . Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner Mr. J . Dezmond Waters , III , Commissioner Mr. Robert G . Weiss , Jr . , Commissioner Mr. Steve Rosenbloom, Commissioner Re : Water and Sewer Utility Committee Dear Commissioners : Each of you is aware that I have served on the Water and Sewer Utility Committee since its origination in January 1991 . Additionally, I worked to provide information and well intentioned advice to the City Commissioners during the final three months of 1990 . The confidence expressed by those Commissioners , for a period of three years , in my experience , in my judgement , and in my positive purposes , is greatly appreciated . Additionally , the confidence expressed by a majority of the present Commissioners is also appreciated . The many issues that have arisen over the past ten months concerning the lack of progress , the over-budget design features , and the over-budget cost estimates are , in my opinion , contrary to the best interests of the citizens of Atlantic Beach . Further, the disputed issues have resulted in an erosion of respect directed toward me and have resulted in my corresponding loss of confidence in those persons closely associated with the proposed new wastewater treatment plant . In my opinion , a four million dollar public project that is eight months behind schedule and is estimated to be a million dollars over budget is not in the public interest . Full City Commission attention to this major problem is warranted . Additionally, recent efforts by those in leadership to obligate the citizens to a new $20 , 000 , 000 Water and Sewer Utility Bond Issue is an unwise and unwarranted adventure in fiscal wastefulness . For reasons stated herein , and others , I herewith submit my resignation from the Atlantic Beach Water and Sewer Utility Committee . I respectfully request that my resignation be effective upon receipt of this letter . Respectfully, Al W . Potter , Sr. Attach: SUMMARY OF UTILITY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTS DECEMBER 1990 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1994 . cc : Ms . Adelaide Tucker Mr. Glenn Edwards Mr. William Gulliford SUMMARY OF UTILITY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTS FROM DECEMBER 1990 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1994 1 . December 1990 -$5 , 000 . 000 Bond Issue defeated by City Commission . 2 . Four million dollars-plus , utilities systems "cash reserve account" -- unknown to City Commission -- discovered and disclosed to City Commission (December 1990) . Result : No need to borrow money at high fees with large cash reserves available . 3 . Three additional $5 , 000 , 000 Bond Issues received no additional Commission consideration (December 1990 ) . 4 . Water and Sewer Utility Committee established in January 1991 by Mayor Gulliford and the City Commission (January 1991 ) . 5 . Utility Committee created a schedule of needed repairs , replacements and additions to the Atlantic Beach , the Buccaneer, and the Oak Harbor utility systems (Feb . 1991 ) . 6 . Termination of 27-item, long-term, $2 , 500 , 000 fees , engineering contract (Feb . 1991 ) . 7 . Early accomplishments included : (a) Constructed Buccaneer STP "Surge Tank" . (b) Constructed Seminole Road Lift Station . (c ) Accomplished land purchase for Buccaneer STP . (d) Constructed Mayport Road Water Main Interconnection . (e ) Constructed new Atlantic Beach Water Plant #1 , and , improvements to Atlantic Beach Water Plant #2 . (f) Constructed replacement of old mains and water services in older areas of Atlantic Beach. 8 . Additional accomplishments included : (a) Evaluation of "water pumped" vs . "water sold" status of Atlantic Beach Water System. (b) Evaluation of "water pumped" vs excess "sewage treated" status of Atlantic Beach Wastewater System. (c) Evaluation of water and sewer service rates and establishment of across-the-board rate equalization and annual stepped rate increases to cover construction loan payments and inflationary factors . (d ) Prepared Bid Documents and solicited proposals from banks for $10 , 000 , 000 construction program "line of credit" loan . Barnett Bank ' s favorable terms -- superior to any municipal bond possibility -- is 5 . 35% interest , three years interest only, twelve years amortization . Closing costs only $51 , 000 (not $500 , 000 ) . (e ) In anticipation of new Atlantic Beach Sewage Treatment Plant , proposals were submitted by consulting engineers , evaluated by Public Works Staff, and four firms Public Works "short list" , was submitted to the City Commission and to the Utility Committee for interviews and final ranking (March 1993 ) . (f) Engineering firm selected by the City Commission from "short list" for design of Atlantic Beach Sewage Treatment Plant (April 1993 ) . (g) Engineering fee , based on hourly rates times an overhead and profit factor , negotiated with engineering firm. Fee provided for a "not to exceed" value for the several engineering tasks (May 1993 ) . (h) Engineering services contract signed by City and engineers (June 1993 ) . (i ) "Work Authorization No . 5" executed providing for several design efforts for Atlantic Beach Sewage Treatment Plant ; Provided for plans completion by Jan . 28, 1994 (September 30 , 1993 ) . ( j ) As of January 11 , 1994 , no design sketches , no soils data , and no construction cost data available for review (January 1994) . (k) Partially developed plans and design sketches reviewed to eliminate ( i) "tea-cup" grit separators , (ii) costly recirculating pumps building , (iii) excessive "ballast" concrete , (iv) excessive "freeboard" concrete on tanks , (v)excessive aluminum walk-way gratings , (vi) excessive sized (200 h .p . ) electric motors on air blowers ; now 6-125 h.p . motors , and , (viii)excessive soil excavation for large tanks (March, April , May, and June 1994) . 9 . Delays in completion of plans , reports , etc . , and obtaining DEP permit -- from January 28 , 1994 through September 28 , 1994 -- has , at 3 . 0% rate of inflation , reduced the purchasing power of the budgeted $4 . 0 million by $10 , 000 per month , or , by $80 , 000 . A Workshop Session of the City Commission was held Monday, October 17, 1994 at 4:30 p. m. Mayor Fletcher, Commissioners Shaughnessy, Waters and Weiss attended, and Commissioner Rosenbloom was absent. Kim Leinbach attended the meeting. Several department heads attended the meeting for a short time. Discussion concerned policies, procedures, and deadlines for placing items on the Commission agendas. A discussion was held concerning who should prepare the agenda. The Charter was examined as well as the Code of the City. Kim Leinbach referred to the Code of the City: Administration, Page 161 , Section 219, Rule #18, and read the following: "The city manager shall furnish each member of the city commission with a list of unfinished business of the preceding meetings, and a separate list of unfinished business generally, in the order of its introduction, and a separate list of new matters expected to be presented at the meeting, prior to every meeting. " Following discussion, it was agreed the city manager should have the authority to place items on the agenda. It was decided Commissioners could place items on the agenda up until 6 :30 p. m. on Monday preceding regular commission meetings. If a commissioner desired to place an item on the agenda after 6:30 p. m. on Monday preceding commission meetings, the item would be considered as an emergency. If an item was submitted after Monday it could be submitted up until Friday, but it had to be in writing with a special meeting scheduled. With reference to resolutions, if the commission desired, resolutions will have a second reading. It was decided the cutoff time for the workshop sessions would be 6:30 p. m. The Commission indicated their desire to have cutoff times for all meetings, but with the option to extend meetings if they elect to do so. The commission indicated a they would like to have a chart of some kind, perhaps on the wall, that would be available at the workshop sessions. The purpose of the chart would be to keep track, or indicate, the status of various agenda items. The commission would like to have copies of ordinances after they have been passed. The Commission would like to have the name of the person who placed an item on the agenda, following the agenda item. The Commissioners would like to have the minutes available for the workshop sessions, if possible. It was decided the following items would be placed on the workshop agenda for November 7, 1994: Discussion of $18, 000, 000 Capital Improvement (City Manager) Request to allow ABET to serve champagne at receptions following opening night productions of this year' s ABET season: October 28th, January 20th, March 10th, and April 28th, 1994. (William I. Gulliford) Authorize City Manager to execute annual contracts with Atlantic Beach Athletic Association, the Y.M.C.A. , Habitat for Humanity, and the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (City Manager) Discussion and related action relative to possible sale of city- owned property in North Atlantic Beach at the intersections of Seminole Road, Ocean Boulevard, and 16th Street (Commissioner Waters ) Ordinances prepared by Alan Jensen from suggestion by Ed Martin relative to landlord control, by requiring certificate of occupancy before new tenants can move into a property.