11-21-94 v NOTES FROM THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD ON NOVEMBER 21, 1994 Present were Mayor Fletcher and Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, Waters and Weiss. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Deputy City Manager Jarboe, and City Clerk King. The Mayor opened the meeting and indicated in future he preferred to take care of as much business as possible at the regularly scheduled commission meetings. By so doing, he felt the public was better informed regarding what was going on in the city. He presented a list of matters for discussion at this meeting as well as at future meetings. 1. The Mayor inquired into the status of the ordinance to amend regulations regarding consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property and was advised it would be on the agenda for first reading on Monday, November 28. 2. The Mayor also requested that the list of capital improvement projects be placed on the agenda on Monday, November 28, for further discussion. 3. Draft ordinances to establish regulations for rental property, were discussed. Building Official Don Ford explained the current procedure regarding inspections for the issuance of occupational licenses and indicated under the new ordinances, a similar procedure would be required for rental properties. He felt the ordinances would be labor intensive and requested that staff be given an opportunity to review the ordinances to see how their departments would be impacted. Following further discussion, it was agreed to schedule first reading of the ordinances on Monday, November 28, but to delay the public hearing until January 9, 1995, to allow staff time to review the ordinances. 4. Bob Kosoy reported the city had received good bids for solid waste collection and would probably save approximately $150, 000. by privatizing solid waste collection. In addition, the city could realize about $250,000 from the sale of the garbage trucks; the city will keep the hook truck. Discussion ensued regarding the future of the sanitation workers and Mr. Kosoy explained the low bidder had agreed to hire the employees at salaries and benefits equal to their current rates. The franchise ordinance will have first reading at the December meeting and final reading on January 9, 1995. 5. The Mayor reported Robert Frohwein' s term on the Community Development Board would expire on December 31 . The terms of Pension Board members Richard White and John Fletcher would expire December 31. 6. With reference to the storm water management, the City Manager explained the process which had taken place so far and it was agreed to have a storm water report at the December meeting. Page 2 - Notes from Commission workshop - November 21, 1994 7. Commissioner Waters explained the zoning review committee had nearly completed their task and it was hoped the revised ordinance would be ready to go the commission in February. He explained two areas of concern were PUD' s and a Historic District. These matters will be discussed more fully at a later time. 8. Commissioner Weiss explained soil borings had been completed on the Tresca property and he expected the closing to take place on Monday, November 28. 9 . With reference to the proposal to hire a financial advisor, discussion ensued regarding whether the projects should be identified first and the advisor then be charged with the responsibility of recommending a method of funding, or whether, based on the demographics of the city and its current indebtedness, the financial advisor should recommend a dollar figure of indebtedness which he felt the city could support and then undertake those project which could be funded. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he had given the City Manager the names of two individuals who were tops in their field and who could advise the city in this regard. Jim Jarboe discussed the installation of meters which had been funded in the current budget and this will be discussed further at the meeting on November 28. 10. Commissioner Waters explained the recently-established Arts and Entertainment Board was considering having a "First Night" celebration for New Year 1995/96. Information had been provided to the commissioners in their agenda packets and they were receptive to the idea. 11. The Recreation Advisory Board felt additional lighting was required in Donner and Jordan parks and Cindy Corey, chair of the Recreation Advisory Board agreed to work with the City Manager in this regard. 12. Commissioner Waters reported a shuttle bus could be rented for about $60.00 for the Christmas Tree lighting in Russell Park. The City Manager reported that Continental Cablevision had indicated their desire to assist the city in such matters and he agreed to contact them in this regard. 13. The Recreation Advisory Board indicated a desire to include wording in the contracts for use of city facilities, to make such contracts non-exclusive. Commissioner Weiss indicated he wanted the contracts, as far as possible, to be the same. He also indicated the City Manager should decide the amount of insurance coverage which would be necessary. The City Manager pointed out that the YMCA, Beaches Habitat and Little League provided a certificate of insurance naming the city as Page 2 - Notes from Commission Workshop - November 21, 1994 additional insured. ABET was covered under the city's insurance but paid the city $100 per month to use the building. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt there should be a uniform policy in this matter. 14. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he would be out of town and would not be able to attend the meeting on November 28. 15. Commissioners were advised to contact the Duval County Legislative Delegation in connection with the city' s proposal to extend its westerly boundary to the Intracoastal Waterway. 16. Commissioner Weiss suggested that a resolution of appreciation be presented to Clerk of the County Court, Henry Cook, for opening a branch office on Sailfish Drive in Atlantic Beach. 17. In discussion regarding the Richardson property, the City Manager was asked to have the property appraised. 18. Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that the salaries of the City Manager and City Clerk be reviewed. She felt in future this should be done in conjunction with the adoption of the contractual resolutions. Following brief discussion, the City Manager and City Clerk left the room and discussions continued with the tape recorder operating. Maureen King City Clerk