12-07-94 v NOTES FROM THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD ON DECEMBER 7 , 1994 Present were Mayor Fletcher and Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, Waters , and Weiss. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Jim Jarboe, and Trudy Lopanik, Secretary. The Mayor opened the meeting and the first item discussed was the cost involved to go to monthly billing. Jim Jarboe distributed a "Cost and Time Table for Going to Monthly Billing" (attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit A) It was decided staff would install the new meters similar to the Park Street Drainage project, with some of the project put out to bid. It was explained it was the goal to install census meters and complete this year by April. It was explained it would be necessary to hire two additional meter readers but that after the new meters were installed only one additional person might be needed over time. It was explained whereas staff would be able to install meters at $10 , bids to install meters came in at $20 . It was explained while work would proceed faster if it was contracted out, the whole job would cost more. In addition, staff might find other ways to save money as work progressed. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve installation of meters for the purpose of going to monthly billing as set forth in the attached proposal, Exhibit A, setting a target date of April 15, 1994 for the work to be completed, with a target date of July for the new billing to begin. It was explained funds of $311 , 000 would be derived from reserve money for water meters. Discussion was held concerning Resolution 94-49 w/ Attachment A indicating projects, attached (Exhibit B) . Bob Kosoy was asked to indicate his top priorities which were as follows; Water Capital Outlay - Water Trunk & Loop, Water Main Install.AB, and Distrib. Sys. Mayport Rd.BUC; Sewer Capital Outlay, Sewer Plant (add on) AB, Wetwell (add on) , 0 . 75 MGD Expand. BUC, Sewer Main Rehab.AB. The Mayor felt Oak Harbor should be added to the list of projects at $1 . 52 million. The Mayor asked Jim Jarboe to summarize the Barnett loan and what fell under it. Ann Meuse explained $571 , 000 was available out of the operating revenues and could be spent. She was asked to provide a breakdown of funds that were available and their sources and she provided the attached information, Exhibit C. With reference to funds available, the first source was Workshop - December 7 , 1994 $3 , 293 , 754 - Barnett loan, the second source was to borrow money from Barnett, and the third source was excess revenues of $571 , 000 . The Commission then examined the Capital Improvement projects listed in the 1994-95 budget, attached herewith Exhibit D. The mayor felt it was necessary to examine and prioritize both the list of projects contained in resolution 94-49 , along with the projects listed in the 1994-95 budget (except water meters) . A discussion ensued regarding the prioritization of the projects. After discussion, staff indicated it would put another document together, which would be a master list, derived from several documents under discussion. It was decided to have a workshop session on December 12 , 1994 at 4 : 30 p. m. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated his desire to discuss parkland acquisition on the agenda. Mayor Fletcher indicated the matter would be placed on the last part of the agenda in case Commissioner Rosenbloom was not able to be at the beginning of the meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6; 10 p. m. • , EXHIBIT A 7L GoocM `j v` %L 7/9 COST AND TIME TABLE FOR GOING TO MONTHLY BILLING COST ANAY4.SIS FOR GOING TO MONTHLY BILLING COST FOR FY 94/95 METERS $307,000 (HOLD OFF ON BIG COMMERICAL TOUCH READS) INSTALLATION 52,200 LID & BOXES- - 30,000 2 NEW METER READER 26,333 (8 MONTH COST) 1 BILLING STAFF 12.500 (6 MONTHS) TOTAL REMAINING COST FOR FY 94/95 $428,033 IOW DO WE PAY TKE CAST? 1. ADDITIONAL REVENUE FOR FY 94/95 FROM NEW METERS $118,000 (10% increase) 2. BORROW FROM RESERVES 310,033 (To be repayed from financing of capital outlay program or from increased revenue from meters) TOTAL 428,033 OW WILL FU_AUL_ ' ' SO C I S BE PAID? INCREASE REVENUE PER YR. FROM METERS--- $200,000 PERSONNEL COST PER YEAR 65.000 $135,000 (The $135,000 is additional revenue over projected cost after the first year) ( J i 3 / /, a L TIME TABLE FOR MONTHLY BILLING 1MPLIMENTATION December January February March April May June July IS--------- -1----- IS--- I---- 15-- 1—__.._15---------1 15-----1------15-------1 15 1--- 15 __ royal X X lid X X X ers XX XXX lets X X XXXX X Begins XXXX - -X 'ed X Tins X deted X X-- X 1 X EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION 94-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA IDENTIFYING NEEDED WATER, SEWER AND STORM WATER PROJECTS FOR THE REPAIR, EXPANSION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE CITY'S EXISTING SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the recent storm water runoff on several occasions has adversely affected residential and city property in the City of Atlantic Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has commissioned and received a storm water study to identify needed storm water drainage improvements within the City, and WHEREAS, the need for repairs of the Atlantic Beach Water and Sewer System are increasing, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach's Water and Sewer Committee and Staff have over the past four years identified needed expansion, replacement and repair of the City's Water and Sewer System, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission identifies and recognizes the urgent need for implementation the list of water, sewer and storm water projects given in Attachment A of this resolution. SECTION 2. The City Commission desires that the funding of these proposed projects will be based on financing which will use only the existing approved revenue streams and not new tax or rate increases. If funding cannot be developed for ail of the projects identified in Attachment A, the projects will be funded by priority based on the available revenue. SECTION 3. The City Manager is directed to move forward in seeking a Financial advisor for the Commission's selection. The Financial Advisor will be responsible for recommending to the Commission the best way to finance the projects in Attachment A through the City's existing approved revenue streams. The Financial Advisor selected will, as part of his contract with the City, receive no fmancial benefit or profit from any proposed funding sources related to this contract. Adopted by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach this the ay of YNoveniber, 1994 ' Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ATTESTED ---- --------- - - ---- ------------ Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION 94-49 FIVE YEAR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY ESTIMATE* (All Revenue Comes from Utility Payments) (No new increase will be proposed to fund these projects) Additional Needed Over New $2,000,000 Approved In FY 94/95 BuOet PRIORITY A. WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: Water Trunk& Loop $1,250,000 1 . Water Main Install. AB 700,000 1 . Distrib. Sys. Mayport Rd. BUC 200,000 2 . Water Mains Oak Harb. 500,000 2 . Land for Water Tower AB 150,000 3 . Water Tank AB 375,000 3 . City Meters AB 50,000 4 . Meter Replacements -AB & BUC 208,000 4 . Beach Ave. Water 337,293 5 . Corrosion Reduct. WTP1 AB 30,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 380,029 Subtotal 4,180,322 B. SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: . Sewer Plant (add on)AB 600,000 1 . Wetwell (add on) 100,000 1 . 0.75 MGD Expand. BUC 1,115,000 1 . Sewer Main Rehab. AB 2,604,500 2 . Sewer Main Rehab. BUC 600,000 2 . Buc. Lift Station 120,000 3 . Park St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Stewart St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Beach Ave. Sewer 456,815 5 . Force Mains at Plant AB 150,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 577,632 Subtotal 6,353,947 MAJOR WATER & SEWER PROJECTS Total $10,534,269 Other: . Sludge Management (Reserve Cont.) $1,500,000 . Buc. Generator(WWTP) (Operating) $110,000 . Standby Lift Sta. Gen. BUC (Operating) $40,000 * Estimate based on Staff and Water and Sewer Committee review. • • Page 2 - Attachment A STORM WATER MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED CAPTIAL OUTLAY 1. AHERN TO 2ND ST./SALTAIR----- $ 284,227 (SM-A & SM-D) 2. THIRD TO 5TH ST. ----- 773,951 (SM-B) 3. 6TH TO 8TH ST. 547,007 (SM-C) 4. PLAZA TO 11TH ST.--------------------------------------------- ------ 1,071,423 (SM-E) 5. 11TH. ST. TO CLUB DR. ------------------- --- 193,980 (SM-F) 6. CLUB DR. TO SATURIBA--------------------------------------------- 250,000* (SM-G) (1,111,324) TOTAL $3,120,588 *Staff recommendation EXHIBIT C � •* y(. 1P385, 100 • /5(!(---1- + r- 5,0799754• + 1~ 002 6' 4649854 •* 6' 464' 854 • + 3, 293, 754• - 8i 36.000• - )0— 550►000 • - ' o) 50. 000 • - 005 2 , 535P 100 • * 225351100 -4- .f".1 ' 535' 100 • +.!`"! - 2' 000' ODU • - 002 535' 100 • * .0, 1'*t 535' 100• + ' pr<4446. 36,000 • + Ode 571 ' 100- * _% �� i /t,e27._,,, ,x,1•^'1 k(/01-1 6C-(7i// iL69& p>$ieAO] SEWER FUND EXHIBIT D p>y d d %%{gpa2��y/'�'�J�<`y Y 3/`��y/.1�#�"�9'p;�,;� 9 L RY C 6 ik�t�`�1/Y�,{i,�i+�y> n N'pq(28,, =Y�fe$r iNgr 'a3•y,�/„n.,l7gata(Yl hili, 4Z, giP$�z t ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL COST fi COST ESTIMATED DIVISON/IMPROVEMENT TO DATE g ; ,NI 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST ATLANTIC BEACH: it�$Eiji in�ir , it 3.0 MGD Expansion 206,246 1# $ .4 1,000,000 Collection Projects Design 1 i t:= x,,ai : 4,500,000 Sewer Mains Maintenance Oithr` e'�e m 3020,000 3,000 Collection Lines Upgrade-Cantebury Apartments ,7: rife e 75,000 Roll-on Roll-off Sludge Truck Y Lift Stations A-F Valve Replacement iii "e'e 27,500 Fairway Villas Lift Station Upgrade s4 .=, ,t .fI are Park Street Lift Station(Upgrade ` x'y "` e 45,000 Stewart Street Lift Station Upgrade g; 4,,' !m a 25,000 Metal Storage Area Construction 3 4,f . Iu 36,000 Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Sewer Plant Equipment -i41 1 }; ,,,®e 10,000 °' 3 7,500 ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL 206,246 #i# i'i ,'u' 1,000,000 - 5,134,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: 1 ii, it'= '#t_ ii 1 Steel Catwalks Replacement 1 ' 't i a Replace Clarifier Weirs #£,11;yl•• aje.< 134,500 Upgrade Electrical Service # i,®e Master Wetwell Construction � # o fp 35,000 T. Influent Flow Meter ``::' 6. 100,000 Al? 8,500 Sewer Rehab(Oak Harbor) .1it1`1 'e.eeo 700,000 Truck t ## :# a see, 10,000 Instrumentation(Controls) s t#g Blower r$_11bihi, '.eA.' 9,500 Lab Equipment ; 0.e e` 6,500 . Additional ScreenIOWSurge Tank : it, 'Fs.e a"a4,000 " 40,000 Tri-pod Safety Harness WIN 8rf®'fie Odor Control =#11,,.4`#� -4147 6,000 O 75 MGD Expansion j =1 , #° 50,000 65,000 1,000 000 8,000 �i- � 1,115,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL :ii:+ ., 4 'tr si 50,000 65,000 1,000,000 2267,000 • . ; 9 F��#.....< . 't.4 1l ss#=Nte 'rf• ,, 1,050,000 65,000 1,000,000 iJ?: Qe 16600, 1 .e . miss€ =,yapoAri ,rlturtrtgg mmc v.MEU NINU I ESTIMATED COST ESTIMATED TOTAL DMSON/IMPROVEMENTCOST ESTIMATED TO DATE i±p 9' ' ' 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 REMAINING COST • HIV; 33fi ATLANTIC BEACH: 3 gJ t 3h, Encoded Register Meters(New) •'.14 30' �t I i 1 Plans and Specifications for Water Treatment Plant#2 k,7 f1 ,irr'a atoi£ 143,000 New Well Construction at Water Treatment Plant#2 ; 1 25,000 Water Mains Installation # .1 015140 75,000 CAD System ,es i1 Y33¢.t.-e®c 150,000 Pickup Truck `l 'ao a; 50,000 Electric Valve Wrench •14'? iEr.dt a a, 10,000 Utility Truck with Crane3 tj a e e 5,000 Tractor(4 x 4) „ 010501ao 17,000 ATLANTIC BEACH SUBTOTAL 018151.'s.. frrz=. 60,000 in. a` 535,000 <,-, BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR: •- 13 '3 ' S k d ��gi3f Enlarge and Rehab. Water Treatment Plant#350,000 . 4• 3 3 E_€;` .., `•s 3 . • a e e 600,000 Encoded Register Meters(New) -�'a a3e` Encoded Register Meters(Oak Harbor)(New) , 11 tl 3 y °3¢a 125,000 c� Cap off 3rd Well at Water Treatment Plant#4 31,600 Portable Large Meter Tester i -t3.:• f 9.i/ 20,000 Fence around Water Treatment Plant#4 3'#'3•'s'ji= � 4 3 1 i� a a r 4,000 Pneumatic Valve Wrench iiia 3 }> � 5,000 i iitt`3 34�..or:i • Pickup Truck for Meter Readers -i iTfeira3e 4,500 Distribution System-Mayport Road 2 3.0 ���$Ya 10,000 11 100,000 BUCCANEER/OAK HARBOR SUBTOTAL 50,000 • }3 <,a'``W. l' 900,100 �'t S si {•Vii' r& i 3s F� u ,. i J' Y�3 -:St:i; 3 ,t t i; t tiff r a ,33 f r ` km 3l% 50,000 1...#7) . 3 tor, a> i . ,4..1,435; `00; �. j as r4 it t3 ,',7! Y �'IN04._: 0