DECEMBER 19, 1994
1 . Discussion relative to proposed Capital Improvement Projects
2. Discussion relative to long range planning for parks
3. Discussion relative to a fence located on a city right-of-
way at the southwest quadrant of 18th Street and Ocean
4. Any other business
PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor
Steven M. Rosenbloom
Suzanne Shaughnessy
J. Dezmond Waters, III, and
Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners
AND: James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager
Ann Meuse, Finance Director
Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director
Tim Townsend, Chief Plant Operator, Atlantic Beach
Harry McNally, Chief Plant Operator, Buccaneer
Don Ford, Building Official/Code Enforcement Officer
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney
Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order.
1. Discussion relative to proposed Capital Improvement Projects
Jim Jarboe presented a list of equipment and water and sewer
capital improvement projects which needed to be undertaken during
fiscal year 1994/95. (A copy of Mr. Jarboe' s handout is attached
hereto and made a part hereof) .
Tim Townsend and Harry McNally explained the nature and scope of
the various projects. They explained the problems which they had
experienced and identified those environmental projects which could
result state fines if not undertaken.
In response to a question from Commission Weiss regarding projects
which needed to be undertaken as a result of state regulations, Mr.
McNally explained the Buccaneer area was experiencing considerable
development and pointed out that state regulations require that the
city be in the design stage for future expansion when plants
reached 85% of capacity. He noted that Buccaneer wastewater
treatment plant had reached the 85% level, hence the need for the
proposed expansion. He also pointed out the city had been cited
twice in connection with problems with the chlorine alarm system at
the Buccaneer water plant and it was important that this problem be
In discussion relative to the Atlantic Beach water plants, Tim
Townsend explained there was no back-up system which could take
over in the event one of the water wells was out of service;
however, he indicated this did not present any regulatory threat at
this time.
Discussion ensued regarding the catwalks at the Buccaneer
wastewater plant and Mr. McNally explained the metal was rusting
out and was becoming a safety hazard. He indicated a considerable
amount of money had already spent on repairs and patching and he
Page Two
Minutes - Commission Workshop
December 19, 1994
recommended replacing the catwalks with a non-corrosive material,
and indicated there were several such projects on the market.
Discussion ensued regarding the procedure used by the City
Commission to determine the projects to be undertaken and
Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the commission needed to rely more on
staff. He felt they had the expertise and practical experience to
determine which projects should receive the highest priorities.
Commissioner Weiss agreed and indicated that while he had found
staff to be honest in the past, he would continue to demand
honesty, and he would not be concerned with them recommending
projects based on their own self interest. He felt staff should
make the recommendations and the City Commission should set policy.
Commissioner Waters felt the City Commission was elected to be
responsible and it was his opinion that the ultimate responsibility
rested with the City Commission rather than with staff.
Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated that while she had a lot of
faith in staff, she agreed with Commissioner Waters that the City
Commission was ultimately responsible. Mayor Fletcher expressed
confidence in city staff but felt their recommendations should be
closely examined.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the proposed plans to hire a
financial advisor and the question arose as to whether the city
should identify the projects to be undertaken and then seek the
assistance of a financial advisor to identify the best method of
paying for those projects, or whether the financial advisor should
be engaged first to recommend the level of debt the city could
comfortably handle, and then tailor the projects to fit within that
scope. Following further discussion Ann Meuse was directed to
engage someone, for a fee, to advise relative to the amount of
money the city could likely borrow. An additional workshop was
scheduled for January 17, 1995 to discuss the capital improvement
projects further and it was agreed to invite this individual to
report to the City Commission at that time. It was agreed the fee
for this service would be within the scope of expenditure already
approved for the City Manager.
3. Discussion relative to a fence located on a city right-of-way
at the southwest quadrant of 18th Street and Ocean Boulevard
The Mayor referred to a letter from Dan and Karen Arlington
requesting permission to allow their fence to remain at its current
Don Ford reported that the fence was on city property and had been
constructed without a permit. He indicated he had spoken with Mr.
Arlington several times and had advised him that the fence was in
violation of city codes and he had requested that the fence be
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Minutes - Commission Workshop
December 19, 1994
In response to a question from Commissioner Shaughnessy, the City
Attorney advised the city code provided no means to grant either an
exception or variance in this instance. He also pointed out that
in recent years the city had had a parking committee working to
identify additional parking spaces along city right-of-way and he
felt this would lead to many problems in the future and strongly
advised against allowing the fence to remain.
Commissioner Waters felt the fence was an improvement to the
neighborhood and felt it should be allowed to remain. Commissioner
Weiss felt that in addition to being a violation of city codes, the
fence created a safety hazard and he was opposed to allowing it to
In other business, the matter of charitable donations was further
discussed and it was felt that the ordinance should be reviewed
with a view to providing a means to make inter-governmental
The Mayor indicated the report on the Fire Department impasse had
been received from the Special Master. Jim Jarboe indicated that
if both parties accepted the report, then the impasse would be
settled but if both parties did not accept the report the impasse
would remain. He indicated he had heard nothing from the Fire
Department in response to the report.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Maureen King
City Clerk
(t cJ Jc-s&,c,(,
A. Needed Equipment Expenditures for Fy 94/95
(Per the Commission's direction, some previous projects in Fy 94/95 have been
moved for future funding consideration)
. Pick-up Truck AB Water 12,500
. Electric Valve Wrench AB Water 5,000
. Utility Truck with Crane AB Water 21,500
. Tractor (4x4) AB Water 40,000
. Portable Large Meter Tester BUC Water 4,000
. Fence for WTP #4 BUC Water 5,000
. Pneumatic Valve Wrench BUC Water 4,500
. Pickup Truck for Meter Readers BUC/AB Water 10,000
. Roll-on Roll-off Sludge Tr. AB Sewer 60,000
. Lift Stations Valve Replace. AB Sewer 27,500
. Pick-up Truck AB Sewer 10,000
. Miscellaneous Sewer Plant Equip. AB Sewer 7,500
. Replace Clarifier Weirs BUC Sewer 34,500
. Upgrade Elec. Service BUC Sewer 35,000
. Influent Flow Meter BUC Sewer 8,500
. Truck BUC Sewer 10,000
. Controls BUC Sewer 9,500
. Blower BUC Sewer 6,500
. Lab Equip. BUC Sewer 4,000
. Screen for Surge Tank BUC Sewer 40,000
. Tri-pod Safety Harness BUC Sewer 6,000
. Oder Control BUC Sewer 8,000
1 . Importapt Projects which should begin in Fy 94/95
3.0 MGD Expansion AB Sewer 4,293,754
Sewer Plant (add on) AB 600.000
Master Wetwell BUC 200,000
(Wetwell add on included)
0.65 MGD Expand.BUC Sewer 1,115,000
Enlarge/Rehab. WTP#3 BUC Water 550,000
AB New Well Project
Plans & Spec WTP #2 -25,000
New Well at WTP #2 -75,000 100,000
Sewer Main Maint. AB Sewer 303,000
Steel Catwalks BUC Sewer 190,000
Cantebury Court Upgrade Sewer 75,000
Total $7,326,754
C. Needed Capital Improvement Projects in Priority Order
AB-BUC Water/ Meter Project
Encoded Water Meters AB 143,000
Water Main Install. AB 850,000
Encoded Water Meters BUC 125,000
Commerical & Replacement 208,000
Oak Harbour W&S Project
Water Mains Oak Harb. 500,000
Sewer Rehab. Oak 700,000
Encoded Water Meters OAK 31.600
Water Distribution Project
Water Distri.Sys.Mayport Rd. BUC 300,000
(Includes 100,000 from fy 94/95)
Water Trunk & Loop AB 1,250,000
Sewer Mains Project
Sewer Main Rehab.AB Sewer 2,604,500
(Includes Project Design)
Sewer Main Rehab. Buc. 600,000
AB/BUC Lift Stations Project
Buc. Lift Sta. 120,000
Park St. Lift Sta. AB 40,000
Stewart St. Lift Sta.AB 40,000
Fairway Villas Lift Station AB 45,000
Bch. Ave. W&S Project
Bch. Ave. Water 337,293
Beach Ave. Sewer 456.815
Force Mains to Sewer Plant AB 150,000
AB Water Tank Project
Land for Water Tower AB 150,000
Water Tank AB 375.000
City Property Meters AB 50,000
Corrosion Reduct.WTP1 AB 30.000
Cost $9,206,208
D. Available Funding
Barnett Loan $4,929,754
Fy 94/95 Revenue 571,000
E. Total Cost
379,500 Equipment Expenditures
7,326,754 Fy 94/95 Projects
9.206,208 Needed Projects
F. Other
. Sludge Management (Reserve Cont.) 1,500,000
. Buc. Generator (wwtp) (Operating) 110,000
. Standby Lift Sta. Gen. BUC(Operating) 40,000
* All estimates base on Staff, Consulting Engineers and Water and Sewer Committe
7: 15 PM, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1994
1 . Call to order
2. Authorize expenditure from Commission Contingency to hire a
facilitator to assist in the development of parks and
recreation plans (Mayor Fletcher)
3. Authorize presentation of historic programs by the Beaches
Historic Society, and approve compensation therefor
(Commissioner Rosenbloom)
4. Any other business
PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor
Steven M. Rosenbloom,
J. Dezmond Waters, III, and
Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners
AND: James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney
Maureen King, City Clerk
In the absence of the Mayor (who entered the meeting a few minutes
late) , the meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Waters.
Agenda Item #3 was taken out of sequence and acted upon first.
3. Authorize presentation of historic programs by the Beaches
Historic Society and approve compensation therefor
Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated the Beaches Area Historic Society
(BAHS) served the entire beaches area and was a benefit to the
community. While city ordinances would prohibit making a
charitable donation to this organization Commissioner Rosenbloom
suggested that the city contract with BAHS to present a historic
slide show for a fee of $500.00. The indicated funds would be
available from monies saved on the recent purchase of a motorcycle
for the Police Department. The Mayor suggested Commission
Contingency would also be an appropriate source of funds.
It was moved by Commissioner Rosenbloom, seconded by Commissioner
Waters and unanimously approved to authorize expenditure of $500.00
from Commission Contingency to compensate the Beaches Area Historic
Society for the presentation of a historic slide show.
In further discussion it was agreed to review city ordinances
relative to charitable donations to see whether this section of the
code should be amended.
2. Authorize expenditure from Commission Contingency to hire a
facilitator to assist in the development of parks and
recreation plans
Mayor Fletcher reported that at a recent meeting the Recreation
Advisory Board had decided to hold a planning charette. It was
their intention to hold this all-day planning session on a Saturday
and they had requested that the City Commission authorize
expenditure to cover the cost of a facilitator to assist the board
with their task.
It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Commissioner Waters and
unanimously approved, to authorize expenditure up to $1,000.00 to
cover the cost of a facilitator and provide lunch for the Saturday
work session.
Page Two
Minutes - Special Called Meeting
December 19, 1994
In further discussion, the Mayor invited City Commissioners to
attend the charette. Jim Jarboe reported that Carl Walker could
not be in attendance, but had requested that the charette be held
following the hiring of the new Recreation Director. The Mayor
indicated that the charette had been tentatively scheduled for
January 14, 1995, but hoped it would be possible to have the new
Recreation Director attend even if not yet officially on the job
with the city.
Commissioner Weiss requested that Laura D'Alisera from the City of
Jacksonville Parks & Recreation Department be invited to either
participate or to serve as the facilitator. Other suggestions for
facilitator were Jim Seroka of the University of North Florida and
City Manager Kim Leinbach; however, it was agreed to leave the
final selection of the facilitator to the Mayor. Commissioner
Rosenbloom suggested interested citizens should also be invited to
participate and the other commissioners concurred.
4. Any other business
There being no further business to come before the City Commission,
the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
7- :: ------
Lyman T. Fletcher
Ma reen King