04-02-90 v SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to order 1. Recommendation and related action of firm to conduct pay study for City of Atlantic Beach employees 2. Presentation with related action regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant Consolidation project (Gee and Jenson) 3. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALL E7) MF:ETUNG OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HECK) AT CITY HALL ON APRIL 2, 1990 AT 7:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition to the Mayor were Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Tucker and Weldon. Also present were City Manager Leinbach and Acting City Clerk Moore. City Clerk King was out of town at a conference. 1. Recommendation and related action of firm to conduct pay study for City of Atlantic Beach employees Commissioner Weldon reported the committee to study the pay and job classifications of city employees had met on Friday, March 30, 1990 and looked over seven proposals submitted by management consultant firms. After considering such things as the type of work they would perform and references they had submitted, the committee decided on two of the firms as being the best choices. He stated interviews had been conducted with the two firms and the committee recommended the firm of MSN of Atlanta, Georgia at the price of $12,025. Commissioner Weldon moved to accept the proposal submitted by MSN of Atlanta for $12,025. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cook. During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Edwards stated a study had been done two years ago and questioned why another study was being done. Commissioner Tucker stated there had been three studies done within the last five years. In response to Commissioner Edwards' question the City Manager stated that the department heads felt the last study did not fairly represent what was asked for. He said the need for an another pay study was discussed during the budget process and he was of the opinion the commission wanted him to proceed with a new pay study. The question was called and on a roll-call vote, the motion was defeated on a three to two vote with Mayor Gulliford, Commissioners Cook and Edwards voting Nay and Commissioners Tucker and Weldon voting Aye. 2. Presentation with related action regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant Cbnsolidation project (Gee and Jenson) Mr. Leinbach stated the city had been working on a proposal to address buildout of the wastewater treatment plants. He said Smith and Gillespie had done a conceptual study and it was the consensus of the Commission to consolidate the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach Plants. He further stated he had met several times with Bill Armentrout and Andy May of Gee and Jensen to negotiate a contract. He said due to the magnitude of the project, which would be the largest single project the city has ever undertaken, the Commission should have detailed information upon which to make an informed decision. Mr. Leinbach then suggested that Bill Armentrout and Andy May inform the Commission as to the status of the project as of this date. Mr. Armentrout stated that several meetings had been held with the City Manager and staff to determine the scope of the program and negotiate a proposal agreement. During the meetings with the staff it was Page Two Minutes of Special Commission Meeting April 2, 1990 determined there were additional issues that should be addressed as a part of the expansion and consolidation of the two systems. Mr. Armentrout stated it would be necessary to do an analysis of the Buccaneer and Oak Harbor sewer systems to determine whether or not those systems are subject to excessive infiltration and inflow. This would be helpful in deciding whether it would be better to repair those systems or whether it would be better to build a wastewater treatment plant with the required capacity. He said previous presentations had been based on the need to construct a 6.5 MGD wastewater treatment facility with the consolidation of the plants. However, he said in order to make the best use of the funds available it would be their intention to do more detailed studies to determine whether interim improvements at the Buccaneer plant could be undertaken to extend its life. He said it may be necessary to keep the Buccaneer and Oak Harbor systems separate until those debts were satisfied and consideration would also have to be given to the rate structure since the Buccaneer customers currently pay higher rates. The scope of services could be divided into eight categories, i.e. the capacity of the plant, whether it should be phased in, when the components should be built and cost; sewer system improvements; the necessary analyses, evaluations and rehabilitations; possibility for improvements at the Buccaneer treatment plant; consolidation of the Buccaneer collection system to divert flow from the Buccaneer plant to Atlantic Beach; program implementation issues such as assisting the financial advisor the city proposes to hire and negotiations with regional utility authority to gain additional capacity in these effluent disposal systems; design of treatment facility; special services in connection with starting the facility. He presented a flow chart which outlined the wastewater improvement program and discussed in some detail the various phases of the program. A copy of said flow chart is attached hereto and made a part hereof. At this point Mr. Armentrout called on Andy May to discuss the capital cost of the proposed program. Mr. May said they had tried to present a conservative program which could be used as a planning tool for the city. He said they had considered a consolidation of the two plants which would plan to phase out the Buccaneer plant and add capacity to the Atlantic Beach plant to handle the entire flow. He said some shortcomings of the Buccaneer plant would not make it amenable to future expansion. They would plan to divert some of the flow from Buccaneer to the Atlantic Beach plant to accommodate the growth in the Buccaneer district until the expanded Atlantic Beach facility is completed. He said their proposal would provide 6.5 MGD compared to the present combined capacity of 3.0 MGD. He briefly outlined their proposed construction phases. He said some interim improvements would be required to keep the Buccaneer plant Page Three Minutes of Special Commission Meeting April 2, 1990 operational until such time as it could be phased out. Mr. Armentrout then addressed the proposed contract and said they had tried at this time to provide maximum cost estimates to the city. He explained that the cost and scope of each step outlined would be negotiated with the City Manager and approved by the City commission prior to moving forward. The figures provided were estimates which he hoped could be revised downwards. In response to a question from Commissioner Weldon, Mr. Armentrout said 90 days had been estimated for the first phase. Concurrently, they would be making modifications at the Buccaneer plant and determining their affect so they could get a permit modification from the DER to treat additional wastewater through that facility. Once the required plant size had been determined, the first phase of the treatment plant expansion could be designed. He explained some initial engineering work would have to be completed before the scope of services could be accurately determined. The Mayor inquired which agency would determine the acceptable effluent quality and Mr. Armentrout advised it could depend on the result of the SWIM study but that various agencies would be involved. The Mayor said he had serious concerns about the availability of land for future expansion and since the SWIM study could require more advanced treatment methods, and with the possibility of greater density in residential areas, this represented a considerable gamble on the part of the city. Mr. Armentrout said they wanted the city to be aware of the magnitude of the project and would try to provide as many options as possible. The Mayor inquired about the study which Waitz & Frye had been authorized about a year ago to do for approximately $53,000 and was advised plans to upgrade the Buccaneer plant from 1 MGD to 2 MGD had boon received. Harry McNally said it was then felt consolidation of the two plants may be preferable and Smith & Gillespie was asked to do a comparison study. Their recommendation had been to consolidate the two plants. It was felt this demonstrated the urgent need for a city engineer. Calculations of existing and committed capacity showed that the two plants combined showed approximately .5 MGD of uncommitted capacity. It was suggested the city contact Jacksonville and ask for financial assistance to enable Atlantic Beach to service Jacksonville residents through the Buccaneer plant. The City Manager pointed out $750,000 had been budgeted for urgently needed improvements to the Buccaneer plant. Mayor Gulliford objected to the language in the section under "Ownership and Use of Documents" and Mr. Armentrout said the language in that section could be negotiated. Page Four Minutes of Special Commission Meeting April 2, 1990 Discussion ensued regarding Items 1 and 2 on Page 10 of the proposal and it was the consensus these two items should be deleted from the proposal because the system is relatively new. Harry McNally suggested the areas of Schooners Bay, the older area adjacent to the wastewater plant, and Oak Harbor be repaired as a separate fast track project. Mr. McNally said by using pumping figures for wet and dry periods he could get some idea of the extent of infiltration. The City Manager said the city needed to proceed with the project. He said the consensus seemed to be to consolidate the plants but until such time as that is economically feasible, improvements in the Buccaneer area were urgently needed. After further discussion it was the consensus the City Manager bring back Phase I with the infiltration and inflow removed. Tim Townsend and Harry McNally, along with the City Manager and Commissioner Edwards, were asked to get with the engineers regarding the changes and bring back another proposal to the Commission for action at the next meeting. It was also suggested the first paragraph on Page Ten should be amended to read "City Commission" instead of "City Manager" and the City Attorney was asked to review and make appropriate changes to the first paragraph on Page 15. Mr. Anmentrout pointed out, to be consistent with the change on Page Ten, Page Nine should also be amended to reflect the City Commission would negotiate fees. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Tucker referred to the Organizational Chart in the Comprehensive Plan and asked why only the Community Development Board was included. Mr. May explained the Community Development Board was included because they were the public voice for the city and when reviewing the plan, the Department of Community Affairs would probably be interested to see where that board came within the organization. After brief discussion, it was decided to include the Community Development Board but to place in below the City Commission. Commissioner Tucker also asked why the Cloisters did not appear in the future land use map as a PUD. Mr. May said he would check into the matter and report back to Commissioner Tucker. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Weldon pointed out Park Street had been extended too far on the map and Dorothy Kerber also pointed out an error on the map in the area of First Street. Mr. May said the information had been taken from an existing city map but agreed to check into the matter further. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Gulliford said he had a conflict on the evening of April 12 and Page Five Minutes of Special Commission Meeting April 2, 1990 asked that the proposed meeting with the Recreation Advisory Board be rescheduled. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Manager reported the neighborhood advisory group which had been working on the Block Grant, had expressed the need for additional access to the Francis Street area. In that connection he presented a proposal in the amount of $2,500.00 from Connelly and Wicker to provide additional access to the south boundary of the wastewater treatment plant. Commissioner Tucker moved the City Manager be authorized to enter into an agent with Connelly and Wicker for the purpose of designing a roadway frau Donner Road to Sandpiper Lane. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was approved by unanimous vote. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. / 1 . . A. g(A.Ji 77 iamb-ul - ord lir- Mayor/Presiding Off A'1ThST: C ,! A . Min tes trarscr' •-d b / Maureen King, City Clerk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FLOW CHART, Evaluate Buccaneer Treatment Plant 4I11124111100010. Determine Feasible OperaHonal charges =uccaneer/Oak Harbo I/1 Analysis Implement Charges YES 1314111* Capacity Conduct A SSES Sufficient NONO Design Structural Modifications Rehabilitate Sewer System 1 _ Forecast Waste Flow Construct Charges I � I YES Assess Future /4— Eff.Requirements Determine Plant Life Extension Select Wastewater Treatment Process YES 3 Years? Evaluate Phased hciude h Construction Phasing Analysis Decommission Plant Develop Preliminary L Cost Estlmotes Design Plant Expansion YES • Design Buccaneer tmprw.m.nt Construct Plant Design Phase I Expansion Plant Expansion • Construct Plant Train Operators Modifications • • Train Operators Start Up Process • • Start Up Process Warranty tnsp.cHon • • Warranty Inspection Warranty Repairs Jr Warranty Repairs ( STOP ) I Design Phase II Plant Expansion 1 Construct Plant Expansion 1 Train Operators Jr Start Up Process rr Warranty inspection 1 Warranty R.poh GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS•ARCHITECTS•PLANNERS, INC. ( STOP ) JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA