The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition
to the Mayor were Commissioners Edwards, Tucker, and Weldon.
Commissioner Cook was out of town and had been excused. Also present
were City Manager Leinbach, Finance Director Royal, and City Clerk King.
Department heads present included Tom Bowles, Chief Rew, Don Ford, Harry
McNally, Bob Kosoy and Rose Blanchard.
Before continuing with budget discussions, Finance Director Royal asked
Tom Bowles, Community Development director to report on his research
regarding the CADD computer system. Mr. Bowles provided a handout
covering the cost of the system and methods of funding, copy of which is
attached hereto and made a part hereof. He explained the capabilities
of the system and the possible applications within the various city
departments. After a complete discussion of the matter, the City
Manager was directed to check further into financing and report back
regarding how the cost of the system could be allocated to the various
departments which would benefit from its purchase.
Account 522 - Fire Department: Chief Rew explained some of the
training he hoped could be provided for his personnel. A lengthy
discussion ensued regarding the use of the trucks for other than
training or business related trips and because of the increased cost of
fuel it was generally agreed the use of the fire trucks would be
curtailed as much as possible for non-business-related activities.
After a complete discussion of the operating supplies, Commissioner
Weldon moved to increase the budget for operating supplies by $2,000.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was unanimously
approved. Discussion also ensued regarding the amount of time the
Atlantic Beach Fire Department spent assisting the Neptune Beach Fire
Department. After further discussions no other adjustments were made to
the Fire Department budget.
Account 524 - Building Department: Don Ford reported the cost of
building permits had been increased in accordance with the Southern
Building Standards. He said the addition of the requested building
inspector would allow more time for such administrative reviews.
Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Ford' s request for a 4-wheel drive
vehicle and Mayor Gulliford suggested the City Manager check into lease
Account 541 - Public Works: The items which had been reduced or
eliminated on recommendation of the City Manager were discussed and the
figures budgeted for gasoline and diesel fuel were each increased by
$500. Discussion ensued regarding the requested equipment and the City
Manager explained this equipment had been deleted because it was his
recommendation the city contract out such projects as cleaning of
drainage ditches and patching of pot holes. Bob Kosoy, Public Services
Director spoke in support of his request for a Secretary II. He said
the clerical staff in the department currently consisted of an inventory
Page Two
Minutes of Budget Workshop Meeting
August 29, 1990
clerk and a storekeeper. These individuals are also responsible for
dispatch, telephone, and secretarial duties as necessary. It was agreed
to reconsider this position when the MSN pay and job classification
study is submitted.
Account 572 — Parks & Recreation: Commissioner Weldon inquired into
the status of the clearing of the lots at Donner Park. Rose Blanchard,
Parks & Recreation Director, reported bids would be received for this
work on September 19, 1990. She said vandalism in the area continues to
be a problem.
Commissioner Tucker inquired regarding the Activities Coordinator Ms.
Blanchard had requested. Ms. Blanchard said she planned to retire in
about a year and this person would be trained to take over her
responsibilities at that time. The City Manager said his recommendation
would be to plan to fill this position approximately a month before Ms.
Blanchard retired. Commissioner Weldon moved $7,500 be budgeted to
provide for a Summer Activities Coordinator. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Tucker and was unanimously approved.
Mayor Gulliford said he was aware of problems regarding the relationship
with the Babe Ruth League. He said he felt the city should have a
written contract with any such group which uses city facilities and that
the city should be provided with a copy of liability insurance coverage
and have access to the financial records of such organization. After
further discussion, the City Manager and Parks and Recreation Director
were directed to develop conditions and have the City Attorney draft an
Account 581 — Interfund Transfer: No discussion
Account 590 — Equipment Maintenance: Harry McNally explained the need
for a van organizer which had been requested under Object Code 6400.
After discussion, Commissioner Weldon moved the Equipment Maintenance
budget be increased by $1,600 to provide for the purchase of the van
organizer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was
unanimously approved.
Miscellaneous Grants: Repair of the sand fences was discussed and Harry
McNally explained the state beach renourishment project was due to
commence in the spring. Don Ford explained according to information he
had received from the Corps of Engineers the project included sand
Debt Service: No discussion
Capital Projects: The various projects were discussed individually and
funding sources for each identified. Discussion ensued regarding the
request for an additional 10,000 gallon tank and the Mayor suggested
Page Three
Minutes of Budget Workshop Meeting
August 29, 1990
considering switching the gasoline and diesel tanks but Harry McNally
said the 2,000 gallon capacity of the current diesel tank would not be
adequate for gasoline. After further discussion Mr. McNally was asked
to review the gasoline usage to see if more frequent deliveries would be
Discussion also ensued regarding the rainy day reserves and the Mayor
asked if anyone could suggest a better method of determining an
appropriate amount for a rainy day fund. After further discussion the
City Manager was asked to call North Carolina and see how much rainy day
funds were required for clean-up operations after Hurricane Hugo.
Regarding the requested computer system for City Hall, Harry Royal
explained he had been in touch with the vendors and they had recommended
a different unit which reduced the combined price for the hardware and
software by $50,000. The Mayor inquired whether the system could be
phased in in stages and Mr. Royal indicated certain elements could be
added later. The Mayor suggested Mr. Royal include only those portions
which would be necessary in the first fiscal year and adjust the budget
Brief discussion then ensued regarding the Section H project and the
Mayor inquired whether any remaining balance could be used for removal
of the landfill areas in Section H. Harry McNally responded that the
engineers had indicated the present balance could be depleted by the
time the project is complete.
Before adjourning the meeting the Mayor pointed out the City Manager had
recommended a considerable increase in water rates to balance the
Atlantic Beach water fund. He asked the Commissioners between this
meeting and the following one to consider the possibility of increasing
the excess water rate rather than the minimum water rates. The City
Manager reminded the Commission the city is under a consent order and
extensive repairs would be required in the water department. He asked
the Commissioners to seriously consider the affects of a large increase
in water rates and at the same time keep in mind the responsibility of
bringing the water fund to self sufficiency.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor adjourned the meeting and
announced budget discussions would continue on Tuesday, September 4,
1990 at 7:30 PM.
Maureen King, City Clerk U
1 . Department : Planning & Zoning, Public Services
2 . Name of Project : Geographic Information System/Computer
Aided Design Workstation
3 . Project Description: The Geographic Information System (GIS )
is a means of linking information about a particular parcel
to all of its documentation ( legal description, address,
zoning, and other property related records ) . Computer Aided
Design (CAD) is used to perform civil engineering tasks
(geometry, cross-sections, map preparation, and site layout) .
4 . Costs of Project : The system being considered is a Sun
Microsystem workstation. The price for the system is :
a. Sun Microsystem ( 207 mb hard drive, 8 mb RAM, 1 . 44 mb
floppy drive, 16" color monitor, 16 mips ) $8,000 . 00
b. Calcomp 12" x 12" Digitizer $ 500 . 00
c. Calcomp 1025 Plotter $5, 000 . 00
d . AutoCAD Release 10 $2, 500 . 00
e. DCA Civil Works $4, 280 . 00
f . Surge Protector $ 125. 00
Sub-total $20, 405 . 00
g. Training $400 . 00/day @ 5 days $ 2, 000 . 00
(training is in-house with no
restriction on number of trainees )
Total $22, 405. 00
5. Annual Cost of Project :
a. Maintenance Agreement $ 1, 800 . 00
b. Plotter (pen replacement) $ 150 . 00
c. Materials (paper, mylar, ink etc. ) $ 250 . 00
Total $ 2, 200 . 00
Project Request
GIS/CAD System
page 2
6 . Personnel Services : No additional personnel will be
required .
7 . Comments : The City has a need to place its entire utility
system and mapping on a medium that is readily accessible and
can be easily revised to reflect new conditions . The current
practice is to contract with an outside source to
periodically update all maps (base map, zoning) . The present
base map is in need of major revision owing to real estate
changes occuring over the past several years . In addition,
larger scale plan extractions can be made as required.
Utility. (water and sewer ) mapping is incomplete. In the Fall
of 1989 the City contracted with the Gee & Jensen
engineering firm to prepare a computer generated map of the
Buccaneer sytems . The fee for this service was $16, 000 .
A revision of either system can only be achieved by
forwarding the information to Gee & Jensen. Gee & Jensen
advises that each revision of the map will cost approximately
$500 . 00 . The Atlantic Beach distribution and collection
systems are not in computer format .
The proposed work program for the workstation includes the
following projects (The dollar values provided are only
approximations to be used in evaluating the magnitude of
the work ) :
a. Mapping of the Atlantic Beach utility systems $20, 000-
$25, 000
b. Update mapping of the Buccaneer utility systems $3,000-
$5, 000
c. Prepare piping and facility layout plans for water and
wastewater treatment plants $6, 000-$8,000
d . Prepare city base map $10,000-$15, 000
The completion of this project will require that the map
be subjected to a scanning process prior to being
revised. In addition, staff time will be needed to
assess the accuracy of the existing map and research the
city' s official records as a way of identifying changes
in real property, street closures, easements and etc.
e. Update zoning district map $3, 000-$5, 000
f . In-house planning and engineering of utility, drainage,
and roadway improvements, including the eventual
development of a pavement management system. Consider
the workstation to be equivalent to one civil engineering
draftsman. $30, 000-$35, 000
Project Request
GIS/CAD System
page 3
g. Incorporate improvements and monitor developments of
stormwater management utility. $3, 000-$5, 000
h. Incorporate and monitor levels of service established
by the comprehensive plan and subsequent land use
ordinances . $3, 000-$5, 000
i . Incorporation of outside utilities (JEA, Southern Bell
Telephone, Cablevision) to provide utility crews
immediate information. $5, 000-$7, 500
Summary of Values : Low-range $83, 000 High-Range $110, 500
We estimate that the projects will require approximately 7, 800
manhours to complete . Completion time is based on the assumption
that one person will operate the workstation and additional
personnel will be needed to verify the accuracy of available
information and perform research where information may be
deficient or nonexistent .
This system will require considerable front end investment in
staff time. However, the benefits are that the city has direct
management and control of its facilities documentation and has
the in-house capability to make any necessary revisions. The
added attraction is the financial savings available to the city
if it elects to perform civil design with staff .
8 . Monthly Lease Arrangement with Monthly Maintenance Agreement :
Purchase amount : $22, 405
36 Mth 48 Mth 60 Mth
Payment $759 . 53 $609 . 42 $519 . 80
Maint. 150 . 00 150 . 00 150 . 00
Total $909 . 53 $759 . 42 $669 . 80
Two payments required at delivery and $1 . 00 at end of lease
buy-out .