08-21-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1989, 7:15 PM AGENDA Call to order 1 . Continuation of budget discussion for FY 1989/90 2. Any other business Adjournment Amended 9/20/89 to correct typographical errors in Agenda Item #2 Paragraph 2 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON AUGUST 21, 1989 AT 7:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition to the Mayor, were Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Jensen and Tucker. Also present were City Manager Leinbach and City Clerk King. Before beginning budget discussions Mayor Gulliford requested Agenda Item No. 2 be taken out of sequence. 2. Any other business Commissioner Cook inquired into the status of a fence on First Street which is in violation of the city code. The City Manager responded he felt it was in the process of being revised to meet city standards. He said he would check into the matter and report back to Commissioner Cook. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Gulliford reported. he . had been contacted by Robert Vincent relative to the Selva n a s s gn at the intersection of Seminole Road and Eleventh Street. Pursuant to the opinion of the City Attorney, a permit had been issued for the installation of the sign. After complaints from neighbors and a subs ueut meting between Mr. Vincent, Louis MacDonell, the developer of Selva R"eTcc3,eMayor Gulliford, and City Manager Fellows, it was agreed Mr. MacDonell would be allowed to maintain the sign at that location until August 1 at which time it would have to be moved. The Mayor said Mr. MacDonell pointed out to him other similar signs which were in violation of city ordinances and which had been allowed to remain for several years. Mr. MacDonell has requested permission to place the sign on city right-of-way on Plaza at the entrance to Selva Lakes and the Mayor inquired as to the wishes of the Commission. Further discussion ensued relative to whether this would constitute a violation of city ordinances and whether it was within the jurisdiction of the Commission to authorize such placement of the sign. It was the general consensus such directional signs for new developments should be permissible, and a time limit of one year or until the project was sold out, whichever came first, was suggested. Commissioner Edwards moved to authorize Mr. MacDonell to place the sign on the south side of Plaza near the entrance to the Selva Lakes subdivision, for a period of one year or until the project sells out, whichever comes first. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker and was approved by a four to one vote with Commissioner Cook voting Nay. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Gulliford asked City Manager Leinbach to report on the research he and the City Attorney had done relative to the permit for the construction of two townhouses at Eighteenth and Beach Avenue which had been issued to Mark Kredell, the legality of which had been questioned at the last regular Commission meeting by Dezmond Waters. Page Two Minutes of Special Meeting August 21, 1989 Mr. Leinbach said the City Attorney had advised him the townhouses as proposed by Mr. Kredell, were allowed by our City Code and he was waiting for written confirmation to that effect. Mr. Leinbach said the distinction between townhouse and duplex was extremely vague as defined by the City Code. He felt the zoning code should be reviewed in its entirety and Commissioner Tucker suggested seeking the assistance of Mr. Laslie of the Municipal Code. It was the general consensus when a written report is received from the City Attorney, Mr. Kredell should be authorized to proceed with construction. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Leinbach reported he had been notified by the General Counsel for the City of Jacksonville of the maintenance fee which they felt was due. He said he was aware Atlantic Beach was opposed to paying this fee on the basis they felt it represented double taxation. Jacksonville intends to start legal proceedings against Atlantic Beach and the City Manager was instructed to check with the other beach cities to see if they were paying this fee and seek the advice of the City Attorney. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Manager asked for clarification of the wishes of the Commission regarding the consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach treatment plants. It was generally agreed the city did not intend to abandon the Buccaneer plant at this time and the City Manager was instructed to study the matter further and include his recommendations in the five year plan. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ray Magley, 250 Seminole Road, and two other tennis players, Tom Hack and Roger Steinem, 239 Seminole Road, presented a petition requesting the addition of two tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Mayor Gulliford said he was in favor of user fees and asked the if the tennis players would be willing to pay a reasonable fee for the use of the courts. The tennis players were opposed to this because they felt it would cost more than the revenue it would generate and it would have an adverse affect on the amount of participation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. Continuation of budget discussion for FY 1989/90 Each Commissioner had received a proposed budget and this was reviewed systematically by account: 510 - General Government: No adjustment 511 - Legislative: Line 40 Travel, Conferences and Training was reduced to $2,500. An additional amount of $14,200 was added to Commission Contingency Fund (See 516) Page Three Minutes of Special Meeting August 21, 1989 512 - Executive: It was pointed out Line 40 included $3,600 for car allowance and $600 was added to Equipment for car radio. 513 - Finance: No adjustment 514 - Legal: No adjustment 515 - Planning and Zoning: It was pointed out Line 31 included $31,000 for Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued relative to the terms of the contract for engineering services and the City Manager was asked to check the contract to see if it included a provision that the engineer would correct any deficiencies at no additional cost. No adjustment. 516 - Code Enforcement Board: Mayor Gulliford said he felt this budget would have to be increased if a part time person was hired to be responsible for Code Enforcement. In anticipation of a possible part time employee and future cases to come before the board an amount of $14,200 was added to the Commission Contingency Fund to be used at the direction of the Commission. 517 - City Clerk: Due to an error in salaries, Personal Services was reduced by $11 ,000. 521 - Police: At the request of Chief Thompson, the overtime figure was reduced by $10,000. In anticipation of three new officers an amount of $966 was added to Capital Outlay to cover new pistols and $500 was added for a new laptop computer; portable radios had been cut from four to two. A figure of $3,000 for office supplies was added representing a total budget reduction of $7,834. 522 - Fire: Line 40, Travel, Conferences & Training, was reduced to $9,500, and Line 49, Other Current Charges was reduced to $8,500. 524 - Building: No adjustment 541 - Public Works: An error was pointed out on Line 23 and that figure was increased to $19,928. 572 - Parks and Recreation: In discussion Mayor Gulliford pointed out other cities had which had initiated programs wherein someone lived in a trailer in each city park; this had been very successful in reducing crime and vandalism. Line 64, Equipment, was reduced to $12,350, to eliminate an overhead protector. Line 51, Office Supplies was increased to $500. Ms. Blanchard presented a schedule of prices charged by Jacksonville Beach for tennis courts and such facilities and said she had been informed by Jacksonville Beach personnel that these facilities were self- supporting. 533 - Buccaneer Water: Harry McNally said in anticipation of the five- year plan, the figure for Improvements Other Than Buildings, could be reduced to $476,400, with $200,000 to be placed in reserve for capital improvements. No other adjustments. In the Buccaneer Sewer Department Mr. McNally felt $750,000 would be needed for improvements, but this would depend on what action the Commission took with regard to consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach plants. No adjustments. A recap of action on the budget is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Page Four Minutes of Special Meeting August 21, 1989 After further discussion relative to consolidation, the City Manager was advised to report back to the Commission with his recommendations when he has had an opportunity to more fully acquaint himself with the systems. The City Manager said Fleet Landing would be installing an 8-inch force main and he felt it would be cost effective for the City to work with Fleet Landing toward having a 14-inch force main installed, with the City paying the difference in cost. The City Manager was asked to work out an estimate of the difference in cost of the two force mains. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Parks and Recreation Director Blanchard inquired into the wishes of the Commission on a request she had received from a scout who wished to build a covered park bench in the area of the tennis courts. After discussion of the matter, Commissioner Jensen moved to authorize the construction of the bench on condition the city maintained control over construction, the project was completed in a timely manner and it involved no liability or expense to the city. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was unanimously approved. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Cook said he had been contacted by a resident of the Chateau in regard to the French drains on the beach. The water had washed the sand away again and the drains would require further maintenance. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Gulliford instructed Mr. Kredell, who had arrived during the course of the meeting, to contact the City Manager in the morning relative to the stop-work order which had been placed on his construction site. He said the City Attorney had reviewed the matter and had indicated the stop-work order could be removed. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM. it iam I. Gulliford, Jr Mayor Attest: Maureen King, City BUDGET REQUEST EYJDGET WORKSHOP 08-21-8'3 FY 138'3-90 ADDITIONS ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT tL'tELCTION'3} N 0 T E '3 ZI-510-4900 General Government 14,230 Reserve added to Commission contingency accours for Code Enforcement 0I-511-4000 City Commission ;1,500)Cut its travel account. 01-512-6400 City Manager 600 Radio for City Ma'nager' s Car. 01-521-1400 Police Department s:1 0,00121?Cut in overtime. 01-521-5100 3,000 To correct office supplies- 01-521-5200 upplies.01- 21-fi00 tl,5 0)Reductio<n in budget for gasoline. 01-521-6400 s800)Two radios cut. 0l-52l-64Z>L't 500 Addition for laptop computer. 01-521-640Z '366 Three Clock pistols. 01-522-4000 Fire Department t2,500}Cut in training account. 01-522-400 +Tits'!?Cut in volunteer funds. 0l-541-2300 Public Works 13, 720 Health and Accident Insurance added. 01-572-5100 Parks and Recreation 400 Office Supplies added. Total General Fundi1, 366 43-533-:300 Buccaneer Water 4, 147 Health and Accident insurance added. 43-533-6300 Buccaneer Water !2'6, 100)Water Plant Improvement=_. 44-535-2300 Buccaneer 'Sewer 5, 183 Health and Accident Insurance added. Total Enterprise Funds 3:2.00,912; 1 PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1/, i.; )(-,,:t( ; ,-)/9/ i-P,,�,/7u...�,,.,V / ) ,7 S1/.- ,YY e e cWe z h , ' 3 * f7 � Geo- g& -,(-- _I:A4-' ' F9'7/ I-, Sao/ 82HERN s 7 02Lil - 33 S -ad .. I� ,�, 2 l -? .1j ,,e-e ee-e/j , ` / - y, _,6' cl.A-Cet It}11. / 1 -S oc oa . � 4 C --v ( q q ,�G he4,� 2g-t) 3,, ,..„.„ z a 5/z - /y0-'7 .4ix ,,. , r �i� i6s7- - 6� Aq6-7-CDSS e,n 1-�'6,4ts-a 7 rr 7c,,,,,i° y4'-/78C • 17A G191644.o 103'( - ct\ C - , t0)-- V - qjc-j2 °t ,tie s . ? ,-4. 1,,,,,,,,I 14/5,), 7 7,38'3/ gi,, /A. °/'-/�- j Vc A,v ) /), 2 cl t -9ev (27 4 0 44 f4/1, -. 2y-9-)' .('0 PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME • ADDRESS PHONE . '08 ALA.iot* &t-4 Z-46 -Mtz 3(0c) lath Sf A,' a ye ( „ r:r/ QNt\Q-‘A.- (OVH\lk ())/I*1 ' -//4,;1 ---_� 5 /c" e ocd,q,a LIZ fk.ep� �, 4.46- l4 t 89 ic—/ Yviti (my Cruk(ro�•f Vet 646 — (270 4F- /Liea: -2c-77-7q; %I /' 1 `]---, M (� X '." .. , 2 ,i- tv,05-- (‘\-N4 0 p w � lt\ h Lei N R% S., .N.-7 ,,z3. 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Ni-) 4.) a \ 4."•\........_ C........4.4V ` • C O U - • ,.._ ,,,,, ,,,c.4 .0. 7,1 c........ , NI, 7r a) CO4- _c a) O'tn C C a) Q S. i``' PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. ,Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME ADDRESS PHONE <� , - C/i`i7 _� /---lr 2- /l ii/Aick , y/ 7 -e 0<F< c_74, ,, _,_0( o..,..g 111 1 a 'A-Ls? j At 2.-L*Of'I/hfiri(' V ZeiG4 (r( 74,06' 1S4 6eac1 Rt/ H( ' cil -2V7-035// i, �i�1_c-i ' 1 x_67 / (.; 4 ,/e, , 4f/ -- %l _Y 25 S- J? 4 �5rA, (A-ti. 3 itc Ah ./ 5• rt. /1-' W/5 ?.--... 5'0 y kr-^a ,,C f AI e p/ 6a z-tiF?z V( --- t ),L,,--ii— s 0 i'vu-,4,-1: .V0 ,..1,..). 1 L 4, 2 4 42- e 2,1-fe �r ' -,j`. / /> /�a4 Y'sir 7-97 ,7"/ / .7`�C e)74 6714/f/Jt C X 1 t 4-kJ,/ /1:7 2 I/.1 CLIP-4,04,..1 DA-t% o?c 2 g-;.g 67J- 3 f6AA TiJrA, )‘174)4/ 2 r2 •srs--7-2- �� /7,0/Z / -/ r c1,' L - --- U / ' •H.171, VICO / 0I5 VP JO iU ( i�� fWa-)1") \`-t(9q(L `i i ,✓, � 2 -' /� 1//,1' /� ,: 0 , ,?//;3779 I 24Ail,et L /1 4 lL0 i t AJ 61A1 10 11)-hi 34-- -- c)(3) L • 7\c (4. 14, 0 (7/- Cq -1 YaittA44,. 7°6, 1414ia',,„.1.- , Y ri-- ( :7 PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4;00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME ADDRESS PHONE � .-- Qoy Z)1. 7fr; Jfr7,7.7 4e/&e-?ai/ (5 t 4 37c)73 zc lI5 ►S(2S R ) NFf'T J 15c4-1- EL 24-1---N77 felAtr f �et',//ie ?ad Pffe/2d. /ct /5(4. - 3244 . i ki *ft ,fity,p_ ?.)6 (c?" 1"' -5-ttcas.„/- K-K- 3 %--0,/ 3 Z 61,),„41%,,-t I • 4 2 1 N1vv u,,,Jr1� .71-4, 1222 PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME ADDRESS PHONE III I 1 iVia. MO li . * ( /4,70 . , 2±c4._,,---,_ 7 / ' l''' !�./ /5V i'.5,e2vi ),,./.4� ../---?,./ _?_5'k 79(57) C2/,- z.a,),- / /3J/ * u;o Z �¢ 1 22 'rO A,( <' Gtr5,eye G��4 3 /0 3 335, 7 /10,- 9e) LEt MA, 71) ?G z 1.7;1 i-y r 01-41/ o. --''/9 ,N C'`-`/ i[,.-'c..d/cpc. .) . 5 . V' ScA , r"-�C, 31 , ... eV ; ,r�l u.�c�,+_,..) �a�_ � y�i3 I I ' ' i Zc 1 I TI l q 6'111. . r2(4-, 7l 2 -,i,--/e`Q_ ),2:71:.,-/_A , )4 ',.2-7 fdA, /t44,41 Ctii 6v 5 . ..V7/- 735e - 16..,. k (1,3 j L zi,..rc,,t 1---P-1,-L. fu. J (/6 - 7 -1 7 V �,- //3 /LeUBA Lam/_ p V. e , „Z�� d > S-6 ,/1-47-------, . ,(2.e..(_, . .,.;--% .:?.. ,ip. .ti.e. <5;*°.'" 'a-S L it)''.171 _ 7/7 A, � p)(A_Q z-6.,,-4C)-6,? 4°,67\--Ztai tA0k 'sem - N_' )_qc --noE //pi r - .,( ) „ n Y )4 a 0--, ‘,//-16 69 Pr r % L.Cco,D2_, Sal - a339s10 J1R�n_ 2,\,,D @ `I-4 - 3 °& --�' �, kX37 �e , --)W7- 337 -Z PETITION TO THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL May 26, 1989 The undersigned do hereby request, due to increased demand/usage and by the development of several tennis teams - the Men's A team, Men's B team and a Mixed Doubles League entry, that two additional courts plus a gazebo-style shelter be added to the current four Atlantic Beach tennis courts at Jack Russell Park. Inspection of these courts during peak hours (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on weekends, and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekends) will verify total use, plus people waiting in line. NAME / ADDRESS PHONE f /lyak -E 2,4tT sPoT T�rvws 5.9a,- -?f`-6-6,.?D /tt -1)N11 o�211CSyL — 9J ez,,,/ l L`f l 0,„, avd a q(D 7z2 I X� ct 00 L pi Goc_Ai RD oZy t • X03 1 t 12. 115-3' ,frzblc,-6 /11o4,-e(j) . /11 02 i - 1 -- 4":4,',- /6/9 STH P; Aimed,. Z547-2.‘of4 l c ,o 45 � poi) 1Pc1 ay6-�,�Rv 4-111A 4? Q 05.,3-I- 04 Z.L.--94-a5 z Ii4yv PAp-,..„7_ 0 3 4/ G .'« Ayr c-A'f Bc-4 . aYq -70c0 44-, e 1.,0.,,,,LO, , l -e l e- 51 7a -3 k 37 -'A)k. (i,', Piudott),0, L / .Se, A( (74- --); .5- (3i7 .-�'�---7,- &,,,,,; �-�,'2--u. �--- 37-3 Hca 14-11,q A --e,(- 6, c,S^C� liAl (44 (ov ,.., 2 cf, 223-3to) 6-,_......L., b�,' ).2-35 44_ ;,_.- '�z Alf -11 iso 4- �,,.0 7 G• i 7 ' Z s.,, r)Ath. Or. A .6. 3n/3.3 z t/ 6 . 7-'4 15-4 T5 t,Wr4, 7y ��� s / ') z7 ?4' w, 14 iq , M cis 6 : ?3 5D .:)--'13r\ „- r\ Ono.a 1107 Ict"It _e - 1of.4-k I(-- 3,z1c, ' 1, h om io l6 to zo-tva. gegclr Q1(1-01' l 74 ;,r t,J;LeN ,,''‘ S0 V-) t 6 0 I N , P f-In tel. loa,P w„ ^o iPc 4, t(6-6c( B c/