01-20-88 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 20, 1988 7:15 PM Call to order 1. Review of proposals and interview of architects on the preparation of plans and specifications for a new City Hall as follows: 7:15 - 7:45 Clements/Rumple/Goodwin/D'avi 7:45 - 8:15 Gee & Jenson 2. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON JANUARY 20, 1988 AT 7 :15 P.M. Mayor Howell opened the meeting at 7 :15 p.m. for the purpose of review- ing proposals and interviewing the top two architects selected by the Professional Evaluation Committee for the preparation of plans and specifications for a new City Hall. Those present were Mayor William S. Howell, Commissioners Robert B. Cook,Sr. , Glenn A. Edwards, and Alan C. Jensen; City Manager Richard C. Fellows, City Attorney Claude L. Mullis; City Clerk Adelaide Tucker, and representatives from the firms of Clements/Rumple/Goodwin/d'Avi and Gee & Jensen. Mayor Howell announced the Commission would interview two of the top three architects that were recommended by Committee to sort out the various proposals. Number three on the list, Mr. Gerard Vermey withdrew his name and would not be present. The Mayor explained the next step would be to rank the firms 1 and 2, and the third step would be to award the bid. They would only interview that night. Step 2 and 3 would be held during regular meetings. Mr. Peter Rumple, President of Clements/Rumpel/Goodwin/d'Avi, and Mr. Tom McNett, Ex. Vice President, representing their firm, were first to offer their design considerations. They are a 30 yr.old architectural firm based in Jacksonville with 11 employees. Also have offices in Ocala. They are a design oriented Architectural Firm, and over the past years they have won 60 design awards. Mr.McNett offered to each Commis- sioner a sheet of 6 design considerations and a site plan and concept study attached. Each topic of the design considerations was discussed in detail. They stressed the city hall must reflect Atlantic Beach and its character, perhaps with a courtyard and/or porches to enhance the presence of the building. They also discussed the analysis of 1-story vs 2-story options, and if it would be necessary to have an elevator if all business offices were on the ground floor. Once a firm budget was established, they would prefer to go on a fixed fee. Normally plans, as builts, etc would be the property of the architect, but they had no problems if the city wished to keep them. Mr. McNett would go on site daily, if necessary, but normally he would go on site on a weekly basis. Responding to Mr. Mullis's question, Mr. McNett said the standard AIA form would not be required, but they prefer to use that. They quoted an approximate $70.00 - $80.00 per square foot for construction costs. They could also design a building for as little as $40.00 per sq.ft. if that's what the city wanted. The Mayor reminded them of possible problems since the area was landfilled. As to time frame, they could start immediately. Mayor Howell asked Mr. Rumple if he saw any advantage in looking at the present City Hall structure relative to increasing its size, considering the lack of parking, etc. Mr. Rumple said yes, he definitely thought it should be considered. Following their presentation, Mayor Howell thanked Messrs. Rumple and McNett for attending the meeting. PAGE TWO MINUTES-SPECIAL CALLED JANUARY 20, 1988 Mr. Jim English, Vice President of Gee & Jensen introduced members of their firm present at the meeting, and offered each Commissioner a bound brochure of their professional qualifications. Mr. English told the Commission they had just completely an investiga- tion of the soil conditions in the proposed area. It appeared the land contained between four and six feet of rubble of all kinds. His main concern was the drainage canal that ran across the property. He stated the building would have to be on pilings such as the Public Safety Bldg. Mr. English had checked with the various agencies who all told him they knew about the land. It looks like we would not have to have any neces- sary permits, so long as the overall aspects of the drainage were not changed. The control of the water, storage area, size of the culvert, etc.would certainly become an important part of the overall development. A slide presentation on their other projects, and a model of their pro- posed design for our city hall was offered. Mr. English felt it would be more practical to have a two-story building at approximately $80-$85.00 per square foot construction cost. The model contained a 12,000 sq.ft. two story building with an elevator. The top floor would contain 3,500 sq. ft. and 9,000 sq.ft. plus on the ground floor. The total cost was approximately $1,000,000.00. The building will connect with the Public Safety Building. Mr. English offered the report on the soil conditions of the area. There are 4 to 6 feet of rubble. They were looking at piling lengths of ap- proximately 15 feet. You could span with any type of boxed culvert. Following discussions, Mayor Howell thanked Mr. English and the other representatives of Gee & Jensen for attending the meeting. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Ii // Willia . Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk